Drying the body for girls at home. Drying the body for girls: menu for a month by day, useful tips and diet

Drying the body is a method of losing weight, the purpose of which is to reduce weight by getting rid of fat stores, while maintaining muscle tissues. This method is distinguished by a strict low-carbohydrate diet. Drying the body for girls menu for a week involves combining nutrition with intensive exercise. Initially, it was used by bodybuilders in order to reduce body fat and obtain muscle relief. Gradually, this complex began to be used for body shaping not only by athletes. Let's look at the features and menu for the week.

Basic principles and rules for drying the body at home

The ideal figure is the dream of every girl, and in order to get the cherished forms, all means are good. Drying implies a quick, real achievement of the desired result. The essence of the method is to exclude carbohydrate-containing foods from the diet. Rejection of simple sugars contributes to the consumption of existing fat reserves, which supply the body with the necessary energy. Therefore, drying the body for girls on the menu for a week includes protein foods. When following this type of diet, the following rules must be considered:

  • The duration of the diet is 6 weeks.
  • The food is divided into small portions.
  • The rate of fluid intake per day is increased to 2.5 liters.
  • To control the amount of food consumed, it is necessary to keep a daily calorie count.
  • During drying, aerobic sports (fitness, step aerobics) are required, alternating with strength training in gym.
  • At the beginning of drying the body for girls, the weekly menu should contain a small amount.
  • You can not immediately exclude all carbohydrates from the diet. The transition to protein foods should be gradual in order to eliminate stress for the body.
  • By the end of the diet, carbohydrate intake is reduced to a minimum.
  • A prerequisite for drying are hearty breakfasts.
  • The main amount of food should be consumed in the morning.
  • Drying menu items must be stewed, boiled or steamed.
  • Flour and sweet foods are excluded from the diet.
  • During the drying period, multivitamin preparations should be consumed.
  • The amount of fat should be limited, the ideal option would be to replace them with vegetable oils.

Diet for girls and women

When drying the body for girls, the weekly menu must necessarily include protein and carbohydrate products, with the condition that they do not contain simple sugars and high fat content. The menu does not include cheese, fatty meat (pork, duck, beef), smoked sausages, stew, canned meat, lard. The drying diet should consist of protein foods. The list of prohibited foods includes foods rich in fats:

  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream;
  • olives;
  • butter.

Effective weight loss requires maximum restriction of the consumption of sweets, baked goods, and fruits. It is not advised to use salt, spices and sauces during drying. Due to the significant physical activity that is included in the drying program, the main amount of food should be consumed before lunch. All calories received at this time are completely absorbed, not deposited in fats.

List of allowed products

The menu for drying the body for girls provides for a low-carbohydrate diet. To rid the body of fat, but at the same time not to “burn” muscles, protein foods rich in protein will help. It is a "building material" and promotes growth muscle fibers. Protein menu for each day when drying includes the following products:

  • lean fish;
  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • legumes;
  • egg white;
  • poultry meat (turkey, chicken), rabbit, veal;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) with a low fat content.

Drying the body for girls menu for a week suggests. However, the complete exclusion of such products can provoke the development of serious abnormalities in the work of some body systems. Carbohydrates are the main substance that supports the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It is recommended to include vegetables, pasta, cereals, unsweetened cookies in the diet.

These products are absorbed gradually and do not provoke significant insulin surges. It is recommended to use them either a couple of hours before sports, or before lunch. During the drying period, the diet should not be scarce, otherwise fasting will lead to poor health, lack of strength to attend training and exercise.

Sample diet menu for the first week

All effective diets has a varied diet. Drying is no exception. Designed for 1.5 months, it involves the phased exclusion of carbohydrates. The process of losing weight should be entered smoothly. The first week is preparatory and the most gentle. At this time, carbohydrate intake cannot exceed two grams per kilogram of body weight.

When drying the body for girls, the menu for a week consists of products that contain fats - 20%, proteins - 50%, carbohydrates - 30%. If you want sweets very much, you are allowed to eat one apple or banana. At this time, it is recommended to include a large amount of food rich in fiber, which will help to cope with the growing feeling of hunger. sample menu per week by day:

  • Morning: 2 baked egg whites, oatmeal, a glass of unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: steamed skinless turkey breast, vegetable salad (cucumbers with herbs).
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g of buckwheat porridge boiled in water.
  • Dinner: stewed white fish with cabbage.
  • Morning: 2 omelet egg whites, pasta, a glass of fat-free kefir.
  • Lunch: a piece of steamed beef; vegetable salad of pepper, parsley with olive oil.
  • Snack: boiled fish, half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese with kefir.
  • Morning: boiled egg, buckwheat porridge, milk.
  • Lunch: fish soup with a piece of low-fat fish without potatoes, salad (any fresh vegetables).
  • Snack: cottage cheese 1% fat.
  • Dinner: coleslaw.
  • Morning: oatmeal, 250 ml skim milk.
  • Lunch: stewed squids seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream; salad with red cabbage and bell pepper.
  • Snack: soup without potatoes with buckwheat in vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Morning: rice porridge on the water (2 tablespoons), tea, half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup with herbs, a piece of boiled chicken breast.
  • Snack: vegetable salad (cucumbers with cabbage).
  • Dinner: white fish, stewed or boiled.
  • Morning: scrambled eggs from one egg, tea.
  • Lunch: peas stewed with rabbit meat, greens.
  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge.
  • Morning: oatmeal with dried apricots or raisins, tea.
  • Lunch: boiled veal with fresh bell pepper.
  • Lunch: salad with vegetables.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

What can you eat when drying the body in the following weeks

Proper weight loss when drying the body for girls on the menu for a week, starting from the next 7 days, involves reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed to 1 gram per kg of body weight. At this stage, a complete rejection of fruits is recommended. If the feeling of hunger overcomes, then in the first part of the day it is allowed to eat 1/2 apple. In the evening, it is allowed to eat only fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, boiled fish or steamed white meat.

The third week of drying is the most difficult. It provides for a maximum reduction in carbohydrates to 0.5 g per kg of weight. Only foods containing a large amount of protein (legumes, meat) are left on the menu, with the complete exclusion of fruits. The amount of porridge consumed is reduced. The 4 week menu resembles nutrition at the 3rd stage of drying with a reduction in the consumption of cereals to 6 tbsp. spoons a day. In the first three days of the 5th week of drying, dairy products and cereals are excluded, meat and vegetables remain. Then there is a smooth return to the diet of the first week, which lasts for 6 weeks.

One of the most popular and effective ways getting rid of extra pounds is drying the body, which involves a special diet and physical activity with an emphasis on some exercises. What is body drying for girls? How the menu for a month by day will help to achieve desired result? You can read about this in detail in the article.


The very definition has come to us, ordinary people, from professional sports: while preparing for various tournaments, bodybuilders dry their figure so that the accumulated muscles are clearly visible. With the help of special nutrition, they achieve significant results due to the exclusion of carbohydrates, reduction of calories consumed. Thus, they dry the body and completely get rid of the fat layer, by activating the metabolism, while maintaining muscle mass.

For high-quality home drying you will need:

Clear system of training.
Inventory (dumbbells, etc.).
Well thought out menu.

Home drying rules

1. Spend more than buy. You need to burn more calories through physical activity than you get from the food you eat throughout the day.

2. Fractional nutrition. To speed up your metabolism, eat as often as possible in small portions. Break each meal into several parts. One meal should fit in the palm of your hand.

3. Water. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, not counting tea and coffee.

4. Minimum fat. You will have to reduce the consumption of fatty foods during the drying period. An absolute exclusion can lead to unpleasant consequences.

5. Strict control of carbohydrates. Although carbohydrates are good for human body, they will have to be cut and in the future strictly control the flow.

6. More protein. It will help with such a diet to maintain muscle tone.

7. Mode first of all. It is very important to strictly follow each rule and not deviate from the weight loss plan. Each product must be weighed with a kitchen scale.

Sample menu:

08:00 - 250 ml of purified water
08:30 - 60 g of oatmeal and half a grapefruit
10:00 - 40 g boiled buckwheat, 80 fresh vegetables, 1 protein, 1 tsp. linseed oil
12:00 - 100 g curd mass, 50 g vegetables, 1 tsp. olive oil
14:00 - 15:00 - physical training
16:30 - 40 g boiled rice cereal, 50 g boiled brisket, 60 g vegetables, a glass of grapefruit juice (no sugar)
18:00 - 80 g baked chicken fillet with 50 g vegetables
20:00 - 150 g curd mass

What is included in the circuit training

Tilts with dumbbells - 20 times.
Deep squat with dumbbells - 15 times.
Push-ups from the bench - 10 times.
Hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs - 10 times.
Jump rope - 1 minute.

Rest for 1 minute, then start all over again. This circle must be repeated up to 6 times. That is, it turns out like this: circular - break - circular - break and so on.

Lilia, 18 years old, Anapa.

Hello everyone! 1 year ago I was a complete girl with a bunch of complexes. The ex-boyfriend during the breakup said a bunch of unpleasant words about my forms. This, of course, hit me hard. The first few weeks I was in a state of depression, I ate a lot and cried. But at one point I got tired of all this, and I decided to prove to myself first of all that I can be slim and attractive.

A gym membership is very expensive, so it turned out to be my salvation home sport. After watching a lot of videos describing the exercises, I moved on to action. Abs, squats, lunges, pushups are my best friends. I did them every other day so that the body could rest. For six months of these physical activity Lost about 10 kg without a diet. I realized that I can do more and started exercising every day. As a result, in 1 year she brought herself into full order. The only thing that does not suit me is that the accumulated muscles were hidden under a small layer of fat.

After reading the article, I realized that I need to try to dry. For me, this is the first such experience, because mistakes were made. But the photos of the girls drying the body with the help of the menu for a month by day were very motivating. It was difficult, given that I never limited myself to sweets and fats. But still managed to achieve a small result. I'm glad I found useful information Here!

Sofia, 21 years old, Sevastopol.

Hello! I have had a tendency to be overweight since childhood. And if the little one did not worry about this at all, then already in adolescence they began real problems. Peers and high school students, at best, did not pay attention to me, at worst, they made unflattering jokes, which was very offending. Worst of all, I am very lazy and, accordingly, did not like everything connected with an active lifestyle. help you lose weight quickly.

But the situation forced me to radically change my tastes and desires. I was almost 20 years old, and life remained the same. I still had to strictly take up my figure. I started running in the morning twice a week, doing press, squats and push-ups daily. The last exercise was the most difficult, but I tried. As a result, for 8 months of the regimen (sweet and salty had to be reduced), she lost almost 20 kg! But I did not like my figure, it seemed that something was missing.

One friend once mentioned drying. To be honest, until recently I had no idea what it was. This article explains everything in detail. She gave me a push in the right direction. I am writing my positive feedback about drying the body for girls of the menu for a month by day, because I am in the process and already notice the results of my efforts on my body. Drying is really hard, but worth it. I'm glad I found this article. Thank you!

You regularly work out to a sweat, work with heavy weights and do everything in order to achieve the desired result. But, the real surprise is that this is not at all enough to remove all excess fat in body. We will help you and give you an effective body drying menu for girls for a month by day!

Drying the body for a month or even a longer period will be achievable only if proper diet. Even if you don’t leave the gym for days, training hour after hour, it’s very easy to cross out all this painstaking work with a pack of chips or a snack, a glass of beer in a friendly company or an ordinary hamburger. In order to consistently lose fat, you need to devote even more time to nutrition than training. It is the diet that should become the basis for successful drying and the desired progress.

Nutritionist Jim Juge says nutrition will determine how well you can accomplish your goal. Drying the body for girls for a month is 65% food and 35% everything else. Jim has helped thousands of people achieve the results they want, whether they just want to lose weight or become a podium star in prestigious tournaments.

When you only have 30 days, no one can help you complete the task better than Jim. In this article we will talk about the detailed meal plan he developed. Moreover, we will consider not only detailed menu on drying for girls, but also all the features you choose products, the number of meals and any other little things that are extremely important. Therefore, you should go to the grocery store today and stock up on everything you need and start your day with proper nutrition tomorrow. One month is a very short time and you won't have time to be lazy or fool around.

Body drying diet for a month: principles and rules

Strictness and discipline. You will need to repeat these terms like a mantra and they will become your life credo for the next month. It is simply impossible to bypass the diet, therefore it is better to take it seriously right away. Jim Yuge's Daily Body Drying Menu is based on fresh, wholesome foods with minimal processing. If you want to get results fast, remember these three principles:

  1. Eat at least 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight every day. If you consume too little protein on a low-calorie diet, you will lose a lot. muscle mass. Just enough protein will allow you to lose fat while maintaining muscle. You also need to choose the right foods, the main sources should be: chicken, egg whites, lean red meat and protein shakes(without fat and carbohydrates). With a body weight of 100-125 pounds, you should eat approximately 110-130 grams of protein per day. With more weight, it is better not to go beyond the main meals and to get the norm, just add an extra protein shake per day;
  2. Limit your carbohydrate intake to low or moderate. Proper drying of the body for a month by day involves taking from 80 (low) to 140 (moderate) grams of carbohydrates per day. Jim Yuge recommends alternating between low-carb and moderate-carb days to keep your energy up. high level and stimulate fat burning. Eat only carbohydrates with a lot of fiber: oatmeal, rice, potatoes, whole grain bread;
  3. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day to stay hydrated and stay healthy. Plain water is best, although a monthly body-drying diet may occasionally include other low-calorie drinks such as tea.

How to eat for a month of drying the body and stay motivated?

Habits and weaknesses are the two main stumbling blocks when dieting. Let's start with habits. To get used to the diet, it will take at least one, and maybe even all two weeks. When the number of fast food establishments on every block just rolls over, it is very difficult to resist the temptation. The most difficult thing is to develop the habit of preparing food yourself and taking it with you. The first week is especially difficult, because you have to change your diet for a month of drying the body, which can be a real challenge. For example, if you were previously used to going out to a cafe or eating a sandwich for lunch, now you will have to take food with you and resist the habits. You will also have to give up all sweets, snacks, cream in coffee, toppings and everything that you previously seasoned food with.

To resist temptation, Yuge recommends a few proven tricks. First, make a fasting day once a week, for example, on Sunday. This will prepare the body for a new busy week and give free rein to your desires. It's no secret that drying the body for girls on a daily diet requires great discipline and endurance. If you're feeling very exhausted throughout the week, just imagine that Sunday will be the day when you can afford everything you planned: pizza, lasagna, chips, and even beer! It is important to remember that we are talking about only one meal, and not a whole day of feasting, otherwise drying the body by day will not make any sense. You should allow only one meal of any food per week!

The second important way to avoid temptations is a photo. Just take a few photos at the beginning of your journey. This will allow you to imagine where you started and how you will look a month after all the changes, as well as see the difference. Take a photo from the front, side and back. Hang them on the refrigerator and every time you look at the photo, imagine how you will be at the end of the cycle.

Almost always, when a body-drying diet menu for women is formed, the most difficult victim is the lack of sweets and sugar-containing foods. Protein shakes and bars will help to avoid this. Jim also recommends mixing a serving of protein with ice in a blender, the cocktail will be as similar as possible to a milk shake. Once every 5 days, you can also afford protein with fresh berries. Bars should not be abused, therefore it is better to limit their intake to 1-2 times a week. Moreover, modern bars taste the same as ordinary chocolates, but at the same time contain almost no carbohydrates and fats.

You need to be especially careful when visiting restaurants, as there you can nullify all your efforts in one day. Try to stick to your meal plan anytime, anywhere. In a restaurant, ask for the meat to be fried without fat. Vegetables are best ordered steamed and without butter or other fats. Ask to remove all cheese from vegetable salads, exclude high-calorie dressings. In fact, no matter how tough the detailed menu for drying the body for girls is, there are a sufficient number of restaurants where you can not violate the meal plan. The main thing is that the chefs take into account your preferences and wishes.

Drying menu for girls for a month by day and the expected final result

If you strictly follow the established diet, you can lose up to 2.5 kg per week! However, a stable and average result should be a loss of 1-1.5 kg per week. This is an absolutely normal amount at which the body will not compensate for everything back after the end of the diet and you will get a stable result. To record results, weigh yourself naked once a week, preferably at the same time.

If after 7 days you have not seen any result, then you need to work on the mistakes. The first step should be to increase your cardio sessions. TO morning cardio on an empty stomach (45 minutes) add cardio in the late evening for 30 minutes.

If the body drying menu for girls does not give results even under such conditions, then the second step should be a drastic reduction in carbohydrates. On low calorie days, lower the amount to 45-60 grams, and on moderate days to 85 grams. Also after these two low-carb days, add a "carbohydrate" day with 130g / day.

Your body-drying menu for women for a week can be the engine of your progress or a real anchor that will slow down the results. Therefore, strictly follow the plan, imagine how you want to look in a month, and if all conditions are met, you are guaranteed to achieve your desired goal.

Three main products on the body drying menu by day

  1. Egg whites. They have no fat or cholesterol, just pure protein. They also only take 2 minutes to prepare.
  2. Oatmeal. It is a low-sugar, high-fiber product that will provide you with the energy you need for your daily work. It is better to choose regular oatmeal that needs to be cooked, although if you do not have time, then instant oatmeal will sometimes work;
  3. Green vegetables. They are nutritious and contain a huge amount of useful substances that are very important during drying (vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals, etc.). Moreover, they are voluminous and allow you to provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, filling the stomach.

Use food for drying the body and the menu for women and after the end of the cycle

Your month has passed and you have achieved an excellent result, which, of course, I would like to keep. You need to understand that drying the body of the menu for a month by day gives you a clear nutrition plan for 30 days, but this does not mean at all that after this period you cannot expand and adapt your diet. This will keep your figure in good shape throughout the entire time. For example, for breakfast, you can always make a protein omelette and eat it with whole grain bread, or eat healthy food and the right foods for dinner. Try not to forget to use protein shakes and bars, especially replacing them with sweets and desserts. Try not to eat unhealthy fats and stick to the basic principles of the diet at all times to make your diet as healthy and healthy as possible.

Detailed daily body drying menu for girls

Now consider the menu for drying the body for women for every day for a month. You can alternate meals for every day for a month and transfer meals from one day to another.

Day One (1810 calories, BJU: 255.37.98 grams)

  • Half a cup of oatmeal on the water;
  • Half a cup of strawberries;
  • Omelette of 6 whites and 1 yolk.
  • 240 grams of chicken breast;
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • Sandwich with tuna (180 grams) and two slices of whole grain bread. One 1 tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise and 2 sheets of Roman lettuce.
  • A serving of protein (about 40 grams).
  • Chicken salad (240 grams), 0.5 cups of broccoli, 2 tbsp. l. Italian dressing, half a medium tomato, 2 leaves of Roman lettuce.

Second day (1960 cal, BJU: 254, 39, 132 g)

  • One medium bagel (or bagel) with 1 tbsp. peanut butter;
  • Omelette of 6 whites and 1 yolk.
  • 1 cup long grain brown rice
  • 1 cup green vegetables;
  • 180 grams of chicken breast.
  • 1 cup green vegetables;
  • Lean steak (180 grams).
  • 240 grams of halibut (or red perch);
  • 1 cup broccoli.

Third day (1860 cal, BJU: 226, 35, 149 g)

  • Half a cup of oatmeal on the water;
  • Omelette of 6 proteins and 1 yolk;
  • 1 piece of fruit.
  • 240 grams of chicken breast;
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • Lean steak (180 grams);
  • 1 cup green vegetables;
  • 1 large baked potato with skin (3x4).
  • Fat free, low carb protein bar.
  • Omelet with 8 proteins and 1 yolk, half a cup of broccoli, 2 mushrooms and fresh salsa.

Fourth day (1990 cal, BJU: 226, 29, 200 g)

  • 1 cup whole grain cereal;
  • 1 cup milk (1% fat);
  • 1 piece of fruit;
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter.
  • 180 grams of chicken breast;
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • 1 large baked potato (size 3x4);
  • Lean steak (180 grams);
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • Protein shake (30-40 grams).
  • 1 canned tuna (without oil) - 380 grams, season with 1 tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise;
  • 6-8 shoots of asparagus.

Fifth day (1850 cal, BJU: 258, 32, 122 g)

  • Half a cup of oatmeal on the water;
  • Omelette of 7 proteins and 1 yolk;
  • Half a cup of strawberries.
  • 240 grams of chicken breast;
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • 1 large baked potato (size 3x4);
  • 240 grams of chopped turkey;
  • 1 cup green vegetables.
  • Protein shake (30-40 grams) and 1 cup of berries.
  • Lean steak (210 grams);
  • 6-8 shoots of asparagus.

If you follow the rules =, then in a month you can achieve noticeable result. Remember that hard drying of the body for girls with severe restrictions is harmful to your health. We recommend using proper nutrition with reasonable limits for optimal results.

Discussion: 20 comments

    I liked the body drying menu for girls for a month by day all the more. I myself somehow can’t make up the right nutrition to lose weight quickly and I’m too lazy to count kbzhu. So I would love to try!

    but somehow I didn’t like this drying menu for girls. There are all sorts of desserts, but here it’s somehow neither sweet nor tasty. cloyingly.

    Dry sweets are harmful. If only sakhzam is added, and it is not particularly useful. I add honey to bread and it tastes good to me, and not very high in calories. Fruit in cottage cheese is also cool. Somehow I don’t believe in calorie-free syrups ...

    Here, the menu for drying the body for girls is very correctly compiled. And now I'm making it myself. I bought the Fast Fat Burning manual and realized that I used to waste time searching for the truth about fat burning on the Internet. You can find so much slag, but I don’t know how to filter (The manual contains everything that a person who wants to burn excess fat needs to know. It is written in an accessible language, so that a person who encounters this for the first time will understand. With examples of nutrition. Very useful me this thing!

    like fast fat burning. I'm pretty good at burning fat myself. 2 years of experience in the gym, gaining weight and drying. but from the training manual I still learned a few new things and secrets for me. Now I can get results even faster.

    thank you for the nutrition for drying the body and the menu for women. just a question. is it suitable for any age? I'm 16, can I eat like this?

    norms of the menu for drying the body by day. I tried it for a week and I love it. I hardly feel hungry, I eat up, and the weight goes away.

    I would never have bought Fast Fat Burning if not for my trainer. She is a frequent visitor to your site and store and said that you can be trusted. I am skeptical about online shopping. But I bought it on her advice. The price is just cheap, but still. sent a manual by mail. I opened it and at first I was upset that there were few pages. I thought there would be a whole book. but then I read it and realized that it has everything I wanted to know. so thank you to my coach and you for such great material. The weight went down, I eat according to your advice.

    Ksyusha, I'm the same as you) I was very worried when I ordered the Fast Fat Burning manual. Although the money is small, I still didn’t want to let it go down the drain (But it turned out to be a necessary and valuable thing. I motivated my friend to lose weight with me, especially since I already have a fat burning guide)) weeks it took 4 kg, especially in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks, the volumes decreased. I am very satisfied with the purchase.

    Is it possible to change this body drying menu by day? well, that is, for example, there is a menu from Monday to Friday, etc.?

    This menu for drying the body for women for every day and even for a month is even suitable. They wrote that it was scarce, not tasty, but it's not so! I've been eating like this for two months now and I love it! Once a week, they allow themselves to eat a chocolate bar or other yummy, but not in large quantities. I'm fine with this diet.

    Fast Fat Burning - cool! Why didn't I think of this before? I will print it out to my clients in the simulator, otherwise so many questions are always the same, it already hurts to answer the language Yes, and it will come in handy for me, it’s convenient to quickly open and update knowledge!

    Damn (This is a very tough drying of the body for girls (I won’t be able to eat like that. Mom makes pancakes, dumplings, pies every day. Well, how can I lose weight with such food ??

    It's very simple - give up mom's goodies or reduce their consumption to a minimum! For example, eat them on Sunday, but strictly follow a diet on other days. In general, I advise you to read the Fast Fat Burning manual. Very easy to write and quickly learn how to eat right, even in the conditions of mom's sweets))

    I am also for fast fat burning! I don't know what I would do if I didn't decide to buy. probably, I would have sat on killer diets from the Internet !!

    Is your Fast Fat Burning not a diet??

    Anya, no! This is something like a manual, well, that is, you will be taught how to burn fat correctly, what and why you need to eat, how and when. That is, they will give you knowledge, and you will be able to make your own food.

    Crap. Cool! I was just looking for a good menu for drying.

    Well, why doubt something and be afraid to buy Fast Fat Burning ??? Have you seen the price? Well, this is a purely symbolic fee) Before buying, I turned to the link for advice. Spread the man from the training manual and all doubts disappeared. So there is nothing to be afraid of. Get very the right thing, believe me!


The positive effect of this vitamin on the human body. What fruits, vegetables and berries contain this useful element.

In the process of drying, two main tasks must be solved - the elimination of body fat and the preservation of the muscular corset. At the same time, the result can be achieved by organizing the right training process and rational nutrition.

But what diet regime is suitable for girls? What products do you prefer? Below we consider the menu for drying the body for women for every day, as well as the features of this process.

essence of drying

When a woman sets the task to clean excess weight, she changes her diet - she stops eating foods with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. But the drying process involves not only dietary restrictions, but also physical exercise.

It is worth adhering to the following rules:

  • Refuse to switch to multi-repetition exercises. Otherwise, the muscles will no longer receive their usual load and will begin to “crumble”. Perfect optionleave strength training.
  • Be sure to add aerobic exercise. They help burn excess body fat. The best option is to start three cardio workouts a week for 30 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 50-60.
  • It is forbidden to sharply remove carbohydrates (even if a rigid diet for drying the body is chosen). The transition should be smooth, week after week.

Subtleties of nutrition

Drying the body in bodybuilding is a gradual rejection of carbohydrates, which are sources of energy and the main enemies for the figure. The reason is that after entering the body, such elements are processed into glycogen. If there are too many of them, then the entire subsequent volume is spent on the accumulation of fat.

But there is a nuance here. If you completely abandon carbohydrate foods, then there is a deficiency of glucose. As a result, the body accumulates toxins, which subsequently poison it. How to act in such cases?

Basic Rules:

  • Fluid must be supplied in sufficient quantities. This is important, because this is the only way foreign decay products and ketone toxins are washed out of the body. In addition, fluid, along with protein, is involved in the formation of muscle mass. It is water that is the main solvent for incoming amino acids, as well as a participant in chemical processes.
  • Calorie counting should be an important part of your diet. Please note that the calorie deficit from the daily allowance should be 20% , no more. At the same time, most of the diet should be formed from natural protein. The easiest way to get it is from fish, chicken, eggs and cottage cheese. For a woman, the protein norm on the drying menu is 1.8-2.2 grams per kilo of weight.
  • Carbohydrates are allowed on the menu, but in small quantities. However, they must be complex. Baking, sweets and flour products are prohibited. The advantage should be given to cereals and vegetables.
  • Fat intake is also important, but, as with carbohydrates, they should be consumed in small amounts. They must be unsaturated (linseed oil, fish oil).

Basic products for drying

The average duration of a diet for burning fat and creating relief is 1-3 months. The duration of the course is adjusted according to the fat present on the body. Many set the goal of eliminating excess deposits in one week. But practice shows that this option is impossible. The transition from normal mode to dry food should be smooth.

It is desirable to take food fractionally, that is, 5-7 times a day. In this case, the diet should be formed only from useful products nutrition. As for the time around the workout, here the distribution of nutrients looks like this:

  • All carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning. It is allowed to take a small portion 1.5-2 hours before class.
  • Immediately after leaving the gym, you need to take a quality protein (better isolate). After another 30-40 minutes, the body should receive protein from food.

If the task is to dry the body, the menu for the week should be drawn up taking into account the following points:

  • Forbidden foods - sugar, bread, cakes, juices, soda, fatty meats (lamb, pork, etc.).
  • Foods that are allowed to be taken in moderation are corn, peas, beets, pumpkin, cereals, rice.
  • Useful - fresh herbs (parsley, lettuce, celery), low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, chicken or turkey fillet, low-fat fish.

Carbohydrates and proteins: how much do you need?

Above, we have already touched on the importance of proteins and carbohydrates in the process of losing weight. But let's delve even deeper into the topic. Let's start with carbohydrates. Excessive consumption of these elements reduces the efficiency of fat burning, and their deficiency worsens mood, leads to a decrease in energy. Lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to go to Gym, an urgent need for something sweet - all these are signs of their shortage.

What should be the diet for drying the body for girls from the position of admission carbohydrate products? There are no difficulties here. The daily intake is 40-60 grams. Average One pound of weight should have a gram of carbohydrates. Further, it is possible to adjust this amount in one direction and the other.

As for protein, here the level is normal - 1.8-2.2 grams per kilogram. In some cases, nutrition during drying of the body allows an increase to the level of 2.5 grams per 1 kg. The main protein should come from food - eggs, fish, meat and others.

If we consider the diet in more detail, given the transition from a regular diet to a low-carb diet, then you should do the following:

  • In the first week - carbohydrates in the amount of 2 grams per kilo. The basis of the diet is vegetables, eggs, chicken, rice, cereals, fat-free cottage cheese.
  • The second week - a decrease in the volume of carbohydrates to 1-1.5 grams, the volume of protein increases accordingly.
  • The third week and beyond is the most rigorous period (it lasts until the desired result is achieved). At this time, the level of carbohydrates will be up to 1 gram per kilo of weight (per final stages there may be an exit to the level of 0-0.5 grams within 1-2 weeks). The level of protein consumed remains the same.
  • This is followed by a gradual exit - carbohydrates gradually return to the original mark.

Menu Options

To properly build a diet, there should be approximately a menu in front of your eyes. Knowing the features of the selection of products, it will be easy to choose the right ones, taking into account preferences and the required number of calories.

So, the menu for a week when drying the body for girls:

  • 1 day. In the morning - oatmeal, two egg whites and tea. At lunchtime - cucumber salad and chicken breast. Snack - fat-free cottage cheese. Dinner - steamed fish with cabbage.
  • 2 day. In the morning - scrambled eggs and buckwheat on the water. At lunchtime - boiled beef and pepper and cabbage salad. Snack - fish with asparagus, dinner - fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 3 day. In the morning - 2-3 slices of whole grain bread and scrambled eggs. At lunchtime - cucumber and tomato salad and chicken fillet. Snack - cottage cheese with dried apricots, dinner - stewed cabbage and fish.
  • Day 4. In the morning - oatmeal, low-fat kefir. At lunchtime - squid, pepper salad. Snack - kefir, a couple of apples, dinner - cottage cheese.
  • Day 5. In the morning - scrambled eggs, muesli without sugar in skim milk. At lunchtime - boiled breast, greens. After another 1-2 hours - cottage cheese, and for dinner - steamed fish and green peas.
  • Day 6. In the morning - eggs with tomatoes, buckwheat. At lunchtime - beans, boiled meat. During the afternoon - cottage cheese, dinner - chicken breast and greens.
  • Day 7. In the morning - oatmeal, boiled eggs, tea. At lunchtime - fish with vegetables. After 1-2 hours - vegetable salad, and for dinner - fat-free cottage cheese.
  • An additional protein shake is allowed between breakfast and lunch each day.

The principles of nutrition for drying the body are discussed above, a menu for every day is presented. But this is only approximate version- You can adjust the diet at your discretion, taking into account the needs of the body and the characteristics of the diet.

As a rule, the goal of playing sports is not only the elimination of body fat, but also a beautiful “relief” of the muscles. You can achieve positive results by building muscle mass in the “right” places. However, the process of losing weight is “delayed”, since both of these processes do not take place at the same time.

The first set of training for a losing weight bodybuilder, as a rule, consists of strength exercises, during which fat is burned slowly, and muscles get used to the load. When they are "ready", it's time to move on to next step- drying fat and the process of improving the relief of the body. Most often, a bodybuilder "sits down" on a rigid carbohydrate-free diet consisting of proteins. However, for girls and women, this way of eating has its own subtleties, which we will talk about.

What is body drying?

The drying process itself is fat burning with a simultaneous set of relief muscle mass. The main thing at the same time - be sure to do physical exercises. However, bodybuilding has its own nuances, namely:

Do not switch to "relief" exercises too abruptly. This is fraught with possible problems with the cardiovascular system in the future. Take a break between strength and relief workouts to make the transition as smooth as possible. The same goes for the special diet;

As for rest, for three to five days, reduce the amount and intensity of your regular strength exercises by 10, 25, 20 percent. A gradual transition to relief training is necessary;

Do not increase aerobic exercise. It is clear that the more you do aerobics, the more fat you lose, but in this case, the muscles also go! Do aerobics according to the previous program;

Don't limit yourself drastically in carbohydrates. Make a "pre-stomping" diet, which will be based on a gradual decrease in carbohydrates that enter the body with food.

The main rules of the diet for drying the body

In bodybuilding, drying the body means almost complete rejection of the carbohydrate menu, i.e. food that is "fast energy". Why? The fact is that, getting into the body with food, carbohydrates are quickly processed into glycogen, and if there are too many carbohydrates, the liver does not have time to “process” it, and as a result - body fat. But there is a "pitfall" here.

If carbohydrates are completely abandoned, the body will lack glucose, and this process will serve to form the so-called ketone bodies - non-digestible fats, which are toxins and, entering the bloodstream, poison the body.

What to do?

Of course, do not go on a long-term protein-free diet! That is, it can last no more than 5 weeks, and each week has its own subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Diet theses

1. drink plenty of water. The body needs to “flush out” ketone toxins and fat breakdown products. In addition, water is necessary for the construction of muscles, because it is, in fact, the main solvent for amino acids, and is a chemical “participant” and transporter.

2.count calories. In particular, it is recommended to consume no more than 12 kcal per 1 kg of a woman's weight per day, and the lion's share of the diet should consist of "natural" proteins - cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, etc. For example, a woman weighing 65 kg can “eat” no more than 780 kcal per day, or about 160 grams of protein.

3. in the diet menu for drying the body for girls, carbohydrates are present, but in small quantities and in no case in the form of simple carbohydrates, that is, sweets, flour, rich, sweet, etc. It should be vegetables, fruits, grain bread, cereals. WITH protein bars be careful please. If you so want - then no more than 15% of the diet per day.

4. fats in very small quantities are allowed, but not on the day of training. And it is better if it is part of natural food - in cottage cheese, milk, for example.

5.meat (beef) is allowed on the days between workouts. It is better to leave it for the duration of the training for muscle growth. And now the body needs light proteins.

Contraindications to such weight loss

The no-carb weekly diet should not be used:


knowledge workers



For those with gastrointestinal problems

What should be the diet?

In the first week, carbohydrate starvation should not be too hard. The main "blow" is done on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week. We offer you options. So.

The first week of the diet: the menu by day in detail

Gradually reduce the amount of carbs you eat. For example, a woman weighing 60 kg can eat no more than 120 grams of carbohydrates per day, while reducing the rate every day by 10%. Be sure to write down all your calculations! The best option carbohydrates - whole grains, such as buckwheat, for example. It is also recommended to eat eggs, chicken fillet, white fish, cottage cheese. Try not to salt your food or use seasonings. If it’s completely “unbearable”, have a snack green apple(better varieties Semirenko), or 100g grapefruit. You can use this menu:

1 day. Breakfast: three boiled eggs (remove the yolk of two eggs), green tea without sugar, banana

Dinner:100g boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and herb salad (seasoned with lemon juice), orange juice

Dinner:100g boiled white fish, 1 orange

Day 2 Breakfast:200gr oatmeal, green tea without sugar, banana

Dinner:200g baked chicken fillet, coleslaw, grapefruit juice

Dinner: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, 200ml herbal tea

Day 3 Breakfast:3 egg white omelet, 200ml low fat yogurt

Dinner:200g stewed white fish, cabbage and cucumber salad seasoned with olive oil, orange

Dinner:fruit salad (banana+grapefruit), 100g cottage cheese, herbal tea

Day 4 Breakfast:multi-grain muesli, green tea without sugar, 2 boiled eggs

Dinner:250g boiled chicken fillet, vegetable soup

Dinner:buckwheat on water + 200ml yogurt

Day 5 Breakfast:scrambled eggs from 1 tomato and 3 eggs, green tea without sugar

Dinner:baked white fish - 250g, buckwheat on the water

Dinner:150g cottage cheese, orange, herbal tea

Day 6 Breakfast:a glass of skimmed milk, 1 banana, oatmeal

Dinner:250g boiled squid, 100g boiled durum wheat pasta, cucumber salad

Dinner:150g boiled white fish, orange juice

Day 7 Breakfast:200g muesli to taste, green tea without sugar, 1 hard-boiled egg

Dinner:cauliflower soup without potatoes, 250g boiled chicken fillet, cabbage salad

Dinner:150g cottage cheese, fruit salad (orange+banana)

Second week of the diet: continue

After the body has adapted to the initial stage of the body drying diet for women, it is necessary to strengthen it. Now you should almost eliminate fruits from the diet. The formula for calculating the intake of carbohydrates will now be in the form “per 1 kg of body weight - 1 g of carbohydrates”, that is, a woman weighing 60 kg can include no more than 60 g of carbohydrates per day in her menu. In addition, this amount should be reduced all the time.

Proteins in the body should come 4/5 of the diet, fat - 1/5. In the evening menu, you should leave cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled chicken breast, and no seasonings, carbohydrates and fats, the latter should be included in the morning and daily ration nutrition.

It is interesting that the process of the diet is already much easier than in the first week, the body gradually gets used to it and no longer protests so much).

Third week: what not to forget?

Carbohydrates are practically absent from the menu, the maximum that you can afford is 0.5g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Now watch the body's response - two weeks of carbohydrate starvation can negatively affect the condition, for example, you may feel dizzy or acetone may appear in the blood (you will smell it if it appears). We recommend starting to take vitamins.

How to help yourself? At the first sign of such an indisposition, drink a glass of fruit juice. Milk, cottage cheese, chicken breast, eggs, bran are sure to remain on the menu. Avoid grains/cereals. You can drink no more than 1.5 liters of water per day.

Fourth week: continue

The menu for the next seven days may be similar to the diet of the third week. Monitor your overall health. If you feel uncomfortable, use the menu of the second week.

Fifth week: "getting out of the state"

Gradually we force the body to come to its senses. We repeat the menu of the first week. We “return” a large amount of non-carbonated water, we continue to train according to an individual scheme in the gym.

Is it possible to use other diets when drying? Which?

Of course, there is an alternative, but this will not be a diet for the lazy. For example, 16/8 is a diet in which it is recommended not to eat anything for 16 hours and eat properly for 8 hours. It is important that the 16-hour fast begins as soon as the person wakes up. For example, Masha went to bed at 22.00, got up at 8.00, and at 14.00 she can already eat in peace. Tea and coffee without sugar are allowed within reasonable limits. Of course, at the same time, fatty, spicy, smoked fried, etc. should be abandoned. There are vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals.