Green apple exercise

Schedule of translation courses:

Regular simultaneous translation course

Simultaneous translation course with in English into Russian and from Russian into English. The purpose of the course is to teach the skill of simultaneous listening and speaking. Practical course: preparation for simultaneous translation of real performances, simultaneous translation in booths with analysis of the results to improve skills.

Regular Consecutive Translation Course

Consecutive translation course from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The purpose of the course is to teach students to confidently translate segments of speech from one to several sentences by memory and using translation cursive. Highlighting the main idea of ​​each statement in order to avoid memory overload with redundant information.

Courses according to the methodology of Andrey Falaleev (simultaneous translation)

Competent translation into English is an extremely rare skill for simultaneous interpreters who do not speak English as a native. At the same time, pure “retur” (the ability to translate into English for other booths) gives a huge competitive advantage. Andrei Falaleev knows how to develop this skill and bring it to automatism for each listener.

We offer 1st and 2nd level courses. At each course, translation training is carried out only in one direction: from Russian into English or from English into Russian. When choosing a course, each student must decide which direction he wants to work on.

Specialized courses


Proper English pronunciation and intonation is an opportunity to become attractive to employers. Only a professional mentor with an effective technique can make good phonetics a skill. In this course, you can get rid of speech shortcomings and gain good English pronunciation.

MEDICAL terminology

Translation related to medical topics requires high qualifications and extensive knowledge. We offer a course where you can learn the basic terminology used in the medical field. There are very few translators working on this topic, so work at medical conferences and seminars is the highest paid.

General description of interpreting courses

All courses are result-oriented: after completing a two-week course, the graduate must master the basic skills of interpreting in order to be able to perform it when working with speeches of an average level of complexity at an average speed. With experience, our graduates begin to work with more complex performances at a higher speed.

The advantage of these courses is that they are taught by the most experienced teachers - and these teachers are practicing simultaneous interpreters. These are Irina Vladimirovna Zubanova, Varvara Lvovna Burova, Elena Vladimirovna Yushina (financial), Pavel Ruslanovich Palazhchenko and others. The point is not in famous names, but in the fact that these teachers have the ability to find an individual approach to each student - in order not only to convey useful knowledge to him, but also to teach him the necessary skills. No knowledge in consecutive or simultaneous translation will help if there is no skill at the level of automatism.

In simultaneous translation classes, each student (in a group - no more than six people) works in a separate booth. The theoretical part of the lesson is minimal: basically, time is devoted to learning practical skills, solving specific problems that arise during interpretation, and analyzing mistakes.

The company "Synchron-plus" conducts about twenty courses per year with about 100 students enrolled. Since 2006, we have trained over a thousand interpreters. If a graduate is capable of working at a professional level that we consider to be well above average, we may recommend him or her as an interpreter for our partner company or another translation agency. And, of course, many of our alumni work with us at conferences and other events. They work successfully.

In addition to interpreting courses, we conduct courses related to other specialties: finance, oil production, medicine. These courses are not related to foreign languages. They are not intended for translators, but for professionals working in these fields. Such courses are commissioned by companies and are developed taking into account the specific wishes of all participants in order to achieve specific goals. The conduct of such courses should be discussed separately.

“Series “HIGH SCHOOL OF TRANSLATION” A. Falaleev, A. Malofeeva Exercises for simultaneous interpreter. GREEN APPLE Self-instruction manual for interpretation from English into Russian St. Petersburg ... "

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A. Falaleev, A. Malofeeva


for the synchronizer.


Interpretation Tutorial

from English into Russian

Saint Petersburg

Vista, Unix

LBC 81.2Eng.

A. Falaleev, A. Malofeeva

F19 Exercises for synchronized swimmer. Green apple. self-instruction manual orally

th translation from English into Russian. - St. Petersburg: Perspective,

Unix, 2014. - 187 p. (The Graduate School of Translation Series) ISBN 978-5-91413-038-8 Here is the first tutorial for beginner interpreters.

It is a collection of 8 basic exercises for developing the skills of consecutive and simultaneous translation.

LBC 81.2Eng.

© Falaleev A., Malofeeva A., 2014 © Perspektiva, Unix, 2014 ISBN 978-5-91413-038-8 © PankevichA. V., cover design, 2014 Contents One-two-three: start!

Who is this book for?

Part. 1. Preface.

How to do the exercises in the first part

Some more tips

Now about the working position of the body

Exercise "Green Apple"

Preface to the exercise "Flip"

Exercise "Coup"

Preface to the exercise "Boy and Girl"

Exercise "Boy and Girl"

Preface to the One-Two-Three Exercise

Exercise "One-two-three"

Part 2. Preface.

How to do the exercises in the second part

Exercise "Lightning rods"

Exercise "What does it mean?"

Exercise "Acting Person"

Exercise "Arrows"


One-two-three: start!

Address to the reader

For me, this book is like an open window into which spring air is pouring. Air of tomorrow. After all, we, people, even being professionals, are able to dry up and “teach” any living process, to pin a motley butterfly to gray paper, showing uncommon human tediousness... So what? Thus, we make the mastery of the profession terribly inefficient.

But in this book, wizards have come to us. Gracefully, elegantly, completely imperceptibly, they introduce us to their professional world - the world of interpretation. They introduce us to its laws and quirks, generously give us absolutely reliable linguistic material, tested on our own experience. Andrey and Alena, taking us by the hands, take us farther and farther into the Looking-Glass of Interpretation, where snowy peaks rise completely, one higher than the other - but, oddly enough, we do not feel led; on the contrary, we are gaining more and more independence, and, probably, having become stronger, we will never return to the former world.

From the first steps, we comprehend the laws and rules of the game, and among them, first of all: you must work on your development yourself, and work a lot. Everything depends on you. Secondly: you translate not for yourself, but for people, for listeners, and you must be guided by them. Thirdly, we are translating situations, not words, and words do not exist alone, they are arranged in groups and create a single text.

Andrey Falaleev and Alena Malofeeva have chosen the smartest methodological strategy - figurative, which is always much more effective than any analytical strategy. Comparison of translation with martial arts sets the initial mood for the struggle - for oneself, for one's place in the profession. Strikingly simple, with the help of the image of a “thunder drain”, material is introduced, showing what is the main thing in the transmitted phrase, and what is secondary, and what are the reasons for choosing the option.

The principle of antonymic translation is given compactly and intelligibly (section: "What does it mean?") - perhaps you will not find such a successful method in any textbook! I will keep silent about the rest of the images: the effect of surprise here is methodically also fundamentally important: you were stunned by a vivid metaphor, and you remembered it forever.

The authors are not theorists - so they say. Yes, they are not armchair theorists; they came to their coherent methodological theory based on various generalizations from practice. And this is the most reliable and most honest way of linguistic generalizations. I am sure that this theory is the future.

“People-and-and!!! Come here! It is nice here!"

Irina Alekseeva St. Petersburg Higher School of Translation 2013

Who this book is for This book is for someone who can't drop everything and go away for a year or two to study at a decent interpreting school. For someone who has completed - mediocre - a translation department or courses, and feels that he is not ready to enter the market because he was not given the necessary skills. It is for someone who has been looking for tutorials and interpreting exercises to practice on their own, but has not found either, and is forced to learn - or hone - their skills on speeches found on the Internet.

This book is for you.

Yes, we were also once told that oral translation should be accurate, fast, idiomatic. It was explained that the interpreter must take into account the subtleties of the situation and strive to translate flawlessly. No, there were no textbooks and no exercises we needed for practice. Leaf through this book and you will see what we call exercises. Instead of exercises, they gave theory. Endless conversations about theory smoothly turned into conversations... about practice.

We are tired of wasting time. Whether we are our master practitioners, we eagerly studied, adopted or adopted their technique, saw the translation with completely different eyes - as an arsenal of techniques - and so we became interpreters.

For us today, interpretation has almost nothing in common with written translation, but it has a lot in common with the Chinese martial arts - Wushu - of the Chan (Zen) school. There are the same criteria: endurance, inner peace, instant reaction, accuracy, speed, the same desire for perfection.

And skills there also come in training, without theorizing.

Therefore, before you is not a book on translation studies, but a self-teacher. Are you tired of scholasticism and just want to learn how to translate? Then let's do just that.

PART 1 Preface.

How to Practice the Exercises in Part One The first part of this tutorial consists of four exercises. It is best to do them in tandem with someone who will read the examples in English to you, so that you translate them aloud into Russian. In this case, an English phrase is read aloud (say, “green apple”), then you are given a few seconds to say “green apple”

in Russian, then the partner reads the Russian phrase from the book: “green apple”. If your translation, as in this example, matches the one in the book, your partner moves on to the next line. If it does not match, then first repeat the translation from the book aloud.

Each exercise is designed for at least 90 minutes.

This was done both so that university teachers could use the exercises, and so that students would be more familiar with them, at least in terms of duration. Agree in advance how many minutes you will work. If 90 minutes at once is difficult, then break the exercise into three parts, 30 minutes each. At conferences, we work in the booth for 20 or 30 minutes, and in sequential mode, usually for 30 minutes. That is, this is the minimum endurance that you need to gain. Over time, in order to provide yourself with a “margin of safety”, start exercising at least 45 minutes in a row.

Once you have determined that you will be working for, say, 20 minutes, start doing the exercise and do not stop until that time is up. You do not need to write anything during the translation.

If you can make a sound recording on which you can hear A few more tips and your voice and the voice reading it, further listening to this recording will help you a lot. Do not be discouraged if at first you need to listen to the recording four times in order to memorize each pair (phrase in English plus phrase in Russian). Gradually, having trained in such exercises, you will notice that you have learned to memorize the third time, then the second, then the first. And remember forever.

If you have no one to work with, just read the English phrase aloud, translate it aloud as well, covering the Russian part of the page with a sheet of paper. And only then look at the equivalents that we offer.


Even short sessions will show you very quickly that positive changes are beginning to occur in you. Concentration increases, reaction improves, memory starts to work better, it becomes easier to formulate thoughts.

It is better to exclude alcohol, coffee and strong tea on the days of classes, you will soon see for yourself. Just like at conferences, before work it is desirable to be a vegetarian for several hours: all the energy should be in the head, and not go to the digestion of animal proteins, otherwise drowsiness and distraction attack, reservations appear, thoughts become AI / them, internal speed decreases. Before class - as well as before working in the cabin - exclude from your diet all fizzy drinks (so that they do not hit your nose) and everything that m i stork lead to profuse salivation. Some translators, in order not to have to constantly swallow, exclude dairy products or, for example, chocolate from the diet while working. But this is very individual.

When you start translating, try to make your voice sound confident and weighty. Even if you doubt the correctness of your translation, the intonation, all the same, should not be interrogative. Make sure that by the end of our muPogo statement, the intonation goes down. Also dunk so that in no case does your voice sound like yours from 10 Part 1 Preface. How to do the exercises in the first part of wearing to what you are translating. Realize this from the very beginning, otherwise later, when we get to work with whole phrases, your views may begin to color the translation.

This is unacceptable in our work.


It is best to sit at the table, as in a booth or at a conference table, and look straight ahead. Remember that in the booth we work with the microphone on, so never sit lounging, sideways to the table, tucking your leg under you, leaning back in your chair. If you sit in the cockpit like that, then the users of your channel in some subconscious way will immediately feel it and consider it condescending, arrogant and disrespectful to themselves. If you become bored - the hall will immediately catch it too. Therefore, pay attention to everything that will add up to your professionalism.

For the same reason, learn from the very beginning, as the actors say, "to keep a face." The face - not only at the negotiating table, but also in the cockpit - should not express anything but polite interest in the words of the speaker. Your facial expressions turned on - and immediately your voice began to broadcast your attitude to what was said in the hall.

Any movements, rolling a pencil on the table, scratching, rustling paper immediately go through the microphone into the headphones of the listeners. So learn to sit during the translation, almost without moving. This also adds weight to the translation.

Preface to the exercise "Green Apple"

Most of our two languages ​​have two word combinations. If you are currently in a room, look around it slowly and say out loud what you see. White to the ceiling? wooden door? Vinyl wallpapers? A table lamp?

It doesn't matter what you see - Carrara marble and gilded bronze, noble poverty or creative chaos. Anyway, it's two words.

Therefore, we will start with two words.

If you studied English by topic (“My family”, “How I spent my holidays”), then when you hear or read “green apple”, you will not only say “green apple”, but you will immediately involuntarily tune in to the topic. “fruits” (“ripe banana”, “juicy pineapple”, “white raspberry”). Try not to tune into topics because the next couple will be from a completely different and unpredictable area. Your task is to instantly react to a new pair, transfer it and wait for another pair.

If you are working on your own, just underline in the book what you stumbled on and translate further. If this dictation is read to you, translate further without stopping.

At the end of the session, listen to the recording and try to identify patterns in your mistakes. Perhaps this is the level of the language, too official for you yet. Or you are hindered time after time by the so-called "dead couples" or "latinisms". Let's see what it is.

"Dead Couple" is the English word plus the only Russian word that seems to you to be its equivalent.

all cases of life. For example: “mine” = “mine” or “king” = “king”. The theme and context change, the word appears as part of an established phrase, but we still try to substitute the same equivalent, instead of translating the meaning. ^King Solomon" is "King Solomon", "uranium m ines" is "uranium mines", but "King Solomon's m ines" is "King Solomon's mines".

“Latinisms” is a slang name for foreign words - most often of Latin origin - that came to the Russian language through European languages. Be extremely careful with “Latinisms and”: “arg um e n t” is not always an “argument”, “season” is “season”, and “cottage” is not at all Russian “cottage”.

It is better to proceed from the fact that, crossing the invisible border of the Russian language, a foreign word immediately loses some of its meanings and acquires others. Separate exercises on "dead pairs" and "Latinisms" will be given in the second book. For now, just start paying attention to them.

If you did not understand some pair in English - “coastal navigation”, - or translated it incorrectly (this is not “coastal navigation”, but “coastal navigation”), then determine for yourself whether this is an accident, or complete ignorance of the topic. If you don’t know, take this topic for study, otherwise sooner or later, at the most inopportune moment, “lighter shipping” or “pilot boat” will jump out at you. If you stumble on "smoke

stack" ("factory pipe"), see what other pipes are:

“chimney chimney”, “locomotive chimney”, “steamboat chimney”. Each pair in this exercise is the end of a string that you can pull to draw out the whole theme.

Never reproach yourself: from ignorance to knowledge is only a few seconds. No matter how wild or shameful your own mistakes may seem, at this stage they are completely normal and understandable. Hard in teaching - easy in battle. Or, as they say in American martial arts schools: “You better sw eat here than bleed in the street.”

Our job is to surprise you. Your task is to understand how we (so far) succeed.

Part 1. Exercise "Green Apple"


–  –  –

wedding present visual m em ory visual memory violent cough violent m easures troubled family troubled family turbulent period musical ear musical ear musical ear unacceptable term s careful observer moist climate comprehensive review comprehensive review dram atic success wide variety wide variety scanty vegetation driving force driving force impending danger finished product finished product tile roof penal code penal code rough landing lasting impression great expenses high expenses unconfirmed reports reasonable reports sufficiency tragic outcome tragic outcome air reconnaissance aerial reconnaissance non-ferrous m etallurgy non-ferrous metallurgy travel notes travel notes Part 1. Green Apple Exercise

–  –  –

prim ary colors peaceful coexistence local color local color com bat readiness embattled complacent smile complacent smile coastal islands coastal islands occasional visitors occasional visitors obtuse angle obtuse angle object lesson object lesson oatm eal cookie oatmeal cookies North Star North star nervous chill nervous trembling muscle tissue muscle tissue dam p w eather chilly weather cross reference cross reference dead weight deciduous forest deciduous forest delicate subject diam ond mines diamond mines peacock feather peacock feather brown eyes brown eyes persuasive argum ent persuasive argum ent persuasive dress uniform front form air piracy air piracy guiding star guiding star petulant child capricious child parting visit farewell visit Olympian calm Olympic calm Part /. Exercise "Green Apple"

–  –  –

limited liability tangible results public trial public trial open court m aternity leave compulsory m easures enforcement action limited authority deferred paym ent deferred payment common cause common cause market value market value bulky package appraised value package deal package deal nuclear parity nuclear parity patent office interim report

In the previous exercise, you translated combinations of two words in direct sequence. In this exercise, the word combinations also consist of two words, but they must be translated in the reverse order: “truck driver” = “truck driver”, “Treasure Island” = “Treasure Island”.

As in the first exercise, you have several tasks ahead of you, in addition to translation:

1. Identify "dead couples" stuck in the mind.

2. Notice where "Latinisms" prevented you.

3. Make sure that you do not mechanically substitute words, but understand what is being said.

4. Pull the end of the thread and draw out those topics in which you have gaps in knowledge.

1. Let's start with the "dead couples":

“Paint coat” = “layer of paint”. If you yourself spoke English on this topic, would you say “coat” or “layer”? "Layer"

for you - always and everywhere “layer”?

“Plow blade” = “ploughshare”. Or is “blade” always “blade” for you? Then look at what “blade” is, for example, in a bulldozer. You will quickly see that by choosing to memorize only one Russian equivalent of an English word, you remain defenseless for any other meaning. "Gaza Strip" is "Gaza", not "strip" or "stripe". By the way, “tank turret” = “tank tower” even if you are used to the fact that “tower” is “tower”.

2. Now about "Latinisms":

You will quickly see how much they interfere with work: “police officer” = “police officer”, not “police officer”; “torture instrum ent” = “instrument of torture”, not “instrument of torture”, and so on.

3. Understanding the meaning of the phrase:

“Easter Island” = “Easter Island”, “Marshall Plan” = “Marshall Plan”, “Ivy League” = “Ivy League”. Can you talk on each of these topics for two or three minutes? Do you understand what is being said? The memory of an interpreter is a huge number of associations: if you just memorized the equivalents without understanding their meaning, then in critical situation you may or may not remember them. And the translation will fail. If you understand the topic, then, in extreme cases, you will reveal the meaning of the phrase, just in other words. There will be no failure.

No, we don't need to know the topic well enough to lecture on it. We must understand it enough to translate these lectures.

4. Identification of gaps:

“Mushroom cap” = “mushroom cap”. And how will the “mushroom leg”, you know? “Sea bottom” = “bottom of the sea”. And what about "the bottom of the ocean"? And, at the same time, how will the “river bank” be? What about lakeside?

“Lobster claws” = “lobster claws”. What is a "lobster tail"?

Do you have time to figure out that in Russian it is “lobster neck”? Or did the “dead couple” interfere with the word “tail”? No, we will not consider options like “lobster tail” or the sometimes monstrous language of modern restaurant menus here. But don't forget to look at the difference between a lobster and a lobster. And at the same time, how to say in English “cancer”, “cancer neck” (no, not “cancer neck”, exactly), and what is “langoustine”. If you suddenly want to do seafood at all, then we, of course, will not dissuade you.


–  –  –

Kamchatka Peninsula Kamchatka Peninsula building plan building plan blood loss blood loss shirt collar shirt collar class schedule Orange River class schedule Orange River Kelvin scale Kelvin scale control buttons control buttons chemistry teacher chemistry teacher camel caravan camel caravan river delta river delta dollar diplomacy diplomacy dollar palace gates palace gates population growth population growth vote count counting votes Hudson River Hudson River gas poisoning gassing Monroe doctrine Monroe doctrine bond market bond market grain trade grain trade labor market labor market flag state flag state supply channel supply channel bunker capacity bunker capacity boycott policy politics boycott landscape ecology landscape ecology alcohol abuse coin collection coin collection Part I. Flip Exercise

–  –  –

crime investigation convict labor convict labor majority leader majority leader state legislature population density population density inferiority complex inferiority complex Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day spy satellite spy satellite belly dance Independence Day Independence Day wind circulation wind circulation compression limit limit compression viscosity index w heel hub wheel hub road grade crack formation crack formation pipe flange pipe flange weight distribution weight distribution cylinder diam eter cylinder diameter fan blade fan blade surface area surface area equipm ent reliability equipment reliability image processing image processing interaction process reciprocity principle flood intensity flood intensity road surface road surface beach erosion beach erosion Part 1. Flip Exercise

–  –  –

literature teacher literature teacher new spaper editor newspaper editor clothing store state governor governor wedding anniversary wedding anniversary finance m inister finance minister cherry blossoms cherry blossoms ship capacity ship capacity castle gates castle gates poverty level Maginot line Maginot line taxi stand parking lot taxi tsetse fly tsetse fly knife blade knife blade refrigerator shelf refrigerator shelf egg production egg production earthquake mechanics earthquake mechanics particle separator particle separator grain size grain size equality sign equality sign density spectrum density spectrum neutron reflector neutron reflector Pershing missile Pershing missile

Orion Nebula proton mobility proton mobility sound perception Foucault pendulum Foucault pendulum particle orbit particle orbit Part). Exercise "Coup"

–  –  –

heart arrhythm ia equipm ent design equipment design credit extension credit extension rear view rear view candle light coal deposit coal deposit building frame building frame flight resum ption resuming flying electrode resistance electrode resistance oxidation reaction oxidation reaction w ater purification water purification freezing point freezing point lithium nitrate lithium nitrate distance m easurem ent distance measurement image compression flight tim etable flight schedule air temp perature air temperature gallium arsenide gallium arsenide dust suppression dust suppression valve spring valve spring light source light source arrival signal arrival signal glass sheet sheet of glass isotope separation acceleration sensor acceleration sensor frequency selection frequency selection hurricane season hurricane season detection probability probability of detection Part I. Flip Exercise

–  –  –

tunnel construction tunnel construction ion concentration zinc chloride ion concentration zinc chloride reactor kinetics reactor kinetics pressure jum p pressure surge copper hydroxide copper hydroxide building height building height flame burn lever handle

In the first exercise, you translated phrases from two | mob in direct sequence. In the second - also two words each, but the sequence was reversed. And because of this, at least at first, it became somewhat more difficult to translate.

Now let's take two words, put a connecting union between them and get a simple phrase already from the sins. And it will become even more difficult to translate. No, not because of the union.

let's explain now.

The fact is that now you have before you words that are often sent in pairs and, and where one has arisen, most likely, the second will also arise. If the speech turned to the Indus River, it is quite possible that the Ganges will soon be mentioned as well. At the very least, you should be prepared for this. They started talking about "roofing" - they will reach the "roofers", a "wetsuit" appeared - wait for those that will appear and "scuba gear", a "ship" appeared - And "stocks" will appear.

We were not taught languages ​​by translators, so very often we are confronted with the fact that we do not have ready-made couples. There are, at best, halves. We know how to say "Mr. Chairman", but how to say "Madam Chair" ("Madam Chair (person)"), it turns out, we do not know. “Vikings” are not afraid of us, but “Varangians” (“Varangians”) are very. And the “railings” are not terrible, but the “balusters” are terrible, and the “saddle” is not terrible, but everything else is terrible, from “stirrups” and “spurs” to “girths” - we sometimes don’t even think that many words exist not one at a time .

Another problem, and hence the “dead bunk” talk, is that we memorize some equivalent, often without realizing that we are actually memorizing one of the two halves. For example, the “door handle” is only one of the two most common types of door handles, the “lever handle”.

There is a second half: “door knob”. It's a round pen.

If you know the word “lynx” (“lynx”), we hope you know that there is another half: “bobcat”. “Arrow” and “bow” are not terrible as two halves, but “arrow” and “crossbow” are terrible if for you the “arrow” is always “arrow” (for a crossbow - “crossbow” - it is “bolt”). And there are two bullets: there is a “bullet”, but there is also a “ball”, for example, in the phrase “musket ball”.

Your task now is to start aligning these halves so that none of them can take you by surprise. Look, for example, at the word “lion”: won’t it turn out that you remembered the “lioness”, but forgot about the heraldry (“unicorn”)?

And also pay attention to something that will help you a lot when you start translating into English too: in Russian “regiment” and “colonel”, “preacher” and “sermon” are one root word, but in English they are not. (“regim ent and colonel”, “preacher and serm on”). Start noticing these couples.


–  –  –

There are a lot of phrases of three words, which are also translated into Russian in three words and in the same direct sequence, in our languages.

This exercise is another opportunity for you to test your knowledge, translation skills, manner of speaking, intonation, and the accuracy of the selection of equivalents. As in all other exercises, pay special attention to "Latinisms", "dead pairs" and those "strings" that it is time to pull.


“Strategic missile forces” - “strategic missile forces”.

Do you understand the difference between "strategic" and "tactical"? What about the differences between “missile”, “rocket” and “launch vehicle”? And why in the case of “missile” “fuel” is “propellant” and not “fuel”? And how to say in English “launcher mine” so that the word “mine” in this sense does not sound in your translation into English, but “m ine” (“dead couple”)?


"Strategic Defense Initiative" - ​​"Strategic Defense Initiative".

Can you talk for 2-3 minutes on this topic? Do you understand what is being said?


"Archduke Francis Ferdinand" - "Archduke Francis Ferdinand".

It is clear, on what topic can you now begin to speak? If you stumble over the word “Archduke”, you are definitely Part 7. One-Two-Three Exercise

stumble over the concept of “Elector”. How would you say “Prince of Orange” in Russian? No, this is not ancient history, this is today's International Olympic Committee. And why would “Prince Igor” be “Prince Igor” in English, and “Grand Dukes” would be “Grand Dukes”?

How useful this exercise will be for you will largely depend on you.


–  –  –


How to Practice the Exercises in Part Two There are four more exercises in this part of the book. Exercise "What does it mean?" designed to work at speed (with a pause for translation of a few seconds), that is, it is desirable that someone read the English part to you.

Let them read the remaining three exercises to you slowly, or translate them yourself from a sheet at your natural pace. Watch your voice, don't let the words run over each other, speak without unnecessary sounds, keep your face and try to sound calm, confident and weighty.

Let's dwell on the translation from the sheet in more detail.

If there are no ready-made exercises, then the best thing for a beginner interpreter is to translate simple texts in English from sight. When we just read some text to ourselves, there is a feeling that it is simple, and everything is clear. And when we begin to translate the same text aloud, now, so that it becomes also clear to someone else (clients, for example), it turns out that “hypnosis” has turned on in full force. This is how we call the influence of the structures and vocabulary of the original language on the translation. Under "hypnosis" phrases in translation become clumsy and clumsy, the fluency of speech, logic, rhythm are disturbed, meaningless substitution of words begins. And this is despite the fact that we set the speed of translation ourselves. Imagine what will happen when the speaker starts imposing speed. The theme of getting rid of "hypnosis" is one of the most important in all the exercises.

124 Part 2 Preface. How to do the exercises in the second part From the sheet you need to translate aloud in order to immediately notice what exactly bothers you in English at this stage. And then you will begin to discover amazing patterns: if an English sentence begins with “Although”, “Given”, “Despite”, “Unless”, etc., then you cannot start a Russian phrase with a translation of these words. So you can quickly get confused in Russian grammar. Of the sentences in which there are more than 10 words, it is best to translate several separate phrases (exercises for these techniques are included in the second book).

But in order for you to begin to notice all this, you just need to translate aloud from the sheet. We will reach speed, we will show - through exercises - what techniques are there and how to use them. And now, without rushing anywhere, start calmly mastering sight translation, this most valuable skill for us. And if you get the feeling that you went for a walk through a minefield, it means that professional caution has already begun to awaken in you ... Yes, this is the first sign of success. Don't forget to praise yourself.

Preface to the exercise "Lightning rods"

We start a conversation on a new topic: about facts, non-facts and lightning rods. In synchronous mode, we sometimes have to translate speakers who read their text at such a breakneck pace that, with all our desire, we cannot translate absolutely everything. Then, using techniques such as ranking and compression (these exercises will be given in future books), we discard - that is, do not translate - everything that seems to us redundant, redundant, or unimportant.

The speaker's speed increases - we throw out all the third power. The speaker spoke even faster - now we are throwing out everything secondary, we are switching to such short phrases, after which only nominal sentences remain in the language. Remember, as in Blok: “Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ...”?

But there is an exception - the words that we always translate, because both for the speaker and for us, they are among the most important. They are used in order to ward off misfortune - not to fall into court, for example - to express a very controversial (scandalous, offensive) thought and not pay for it with anything. Talk about something that may later turn out to be factually wrong, but avoid trouble.

Imagine an expert who is asked to determine whether a piece of art is genuine or a fake. Or a lawyer (politician, journalist, television announcer) who expresses someone's opinion and wants to emphasize that he has absolutely nothing to do with it. "Lightning rod"

placed? Bribes are smooth.

Now imagine a person who, in front of dozens of unwitting bystanders, in broad daylight, in the city center for Part 2 Preface to the exercise “Lightning Rods”

fired a gun at another person. Someone filmed this scene, there are photographs, there are video recordings, the gun was confiscated, it was established that the name of the shooter was John Smith ... But there has not yet been a trial, which means that he has not yet been found guilty. So, there is no fact, but there is a non-fact. If this logic is clear to you, then let's see how they say about John Smith before the verdict:

John Smith, who, according to 27 eyewitness accounts, is believed to have killed...

Th e supposed shooter..., the presum ed offender,...a m an, who is the likely perp etrato r of a horrible crim e...,...w ho is viewed by m any as...

Now read the first paragraph of this preface again.

Now, have you noticed "appears to us"? Is it clear why we put a "lightning rod"? Yes, we said everything we wanted to say, but the speaker was not criticized. For the court, there is a huge difference between fact and non-fact. Remove the "lightning rod" in the first paragraph, and you get "is." Put a "thunder lead" - and you get the right to your own opinion. For us as interpreters, lightning rods are not only one of the most important components of American culture, but also something that we will never miss in translation.

In this exercise, you are not required to find the "lightning rods" - they are already in bold type - but to translate each sentence aloud without skipping them.

If you will translate examples from a sheet, then close our translation options. If phrases in English will be read to you, then ask that our translations not be read to you until you translate the entire phrase or the entire exercise yourself - as you decide. Work in a sequential manner, take your time, make notes in a notebook if necessary. When you have finished translating, read the options that we offer.

And then look on the Internet and find some speech or article in English. Absolutely any. Without delving into its content, tune in only to catch all the “lightning rods” in it. Notice “according to”, “some experts believe”, “John says, th a t...”? Yes, they are too.

A very grateful job. Now your task is to learn to recognize "lightning rods". And in the future, when you work as an interpreter, we strongly recommend that you use them.


1. A Saudi writer could face execution after a lleg ed ly insulting Islam’s founder. - A Saudi Arabian writer faces the death penalty for allegedly insulting the founder of Islam.

2. This was not Egypt’s first case of tension between Christians and w h a t so m e call radical Muslims. - In Egypt, this is not the first case of hostility (exacerbation of relations) between Christians and those who are sometimes (some) called radical Muslims.

3. Estonia is perhaps a modern model for emerging states. - Estonia can probably be considered a modern (advanced) model for emerging states.

4. Brazil’s m iddle class may now include h alf th a t n a tio n’s population. - The Brazilian middle class today makes up perhaps almost half of the country's population. / It is not excluded that today half of the population of Brazil is the middle class.

5. Som e sou rces claim that North Korean experts have participated in the developm ent of chemical warheads for Syrian ballistic missiles. - According to some information (given from some sources), North Korean specialists took part in the creation of chemical warheads for Syrian ballistic missiles.

6. Vincent van Gogh may be the m ost fam ous painter of all time. - Vincent van Gogh is perhaps the most famous painter in the world.

7. Many so-called “educational” toys actually serve to diminish children’s creativity, m an y ex p er ts say. - Many rai. the so-called educational toys actually flash the child's ability to be creative, - so, (at least), many experts believe.

8. Islam, according to m ost M uslim preachers, stands for dignity, rights, and respect for life. - Islam, according to the majority of Muslim preachers, is a doctrine of dignity, justice and respect for all living things. / Islam, according to the majority of Muslim preachers, embodies dignity, justice and respect for all living things.

9. The list of security-related w o rries s e e m s to grow each year. - The list of new security concerns seems to grow every year. / New security threats seem to multiply year by year. / New security problems seem to emerge every year.

The Unites States and Israel ap pear to be engaged in a cover 10.

war with Iran. - The US and Israel seem to be waging a covert war against Iran.

Companies are lik ely to rem ain cautious about adding to their 11.

payrolls. - Most likely (probably / apparently), companies will continue to expand their staff with caution / ... beware of hiring new employees.

12. Two Muslims were arrested for a lle g e d ly trying to blow up a building in Texas. - Two Muslims arrested for allegedly attempting to blow up a building in Texas (preparing to blow up a building in Texas).

13. “Iran is a th reat to Israel and a real danger to hum anity as a whole,” - w arns th e Israeli President. "Iran is a threat to Israel and a real danger to the entire world," warns the Israeli president.

14. S o m e e x p e r ts b e lie v e th a t m illionaires should pay higher taxes. - According to some experts, millionaires should pay higher taxes.

15. Russia is b eliev ed to b e selling billions of dollars’ w orth of arm s to Iran. - It is assumed that Russia is selling weapons to Iran for billions of dollars.

Part 2. Exercise "Lightning rods"

16. Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are now said to be contem plating a joint nuclear program. - Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, according to some reports, are considering the possibility of organizing a joint nuclear program.

17. The Egyptian president se ems to have no intention of stepping down. - The President of Egypt, it seems, is not going to resign. / It seems that the President of Egypt is not going to resign.

18. The environm ental impact of Chinese coal consumption may strain China’s relations with its neighbors. “The environmental damage caused by coal burning in China could damage its relations with neighboring countries.

19. Today's droughts and hurricanes m igh t portend w hat is to come. - Today's droughts and hurricanes are, quite possibly, harbingers of future disasters.

20. The melting rate of tropical glaciers appears to be increasing. - There is reason to believe that the rate of melting of tropical glaciers is increasing. /C The rate of melting of tropical glaciers seems to be increasing.

21. The Middle East and global arming are problem s that the West is esse n tia lly failing to address. - The West, in fact, has not seriously dealt with the problems of the Middle East and global warming.

22. Pakistan is a fragile state w ith w h a t m ay be the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal. - Pakistan is a fragile state, and its nuclear arsenal is growing, perhaps faster than that of any other country in the world.

23. Arguably, the countries th a t stand to benefit the most from the Arctic resource boom, are not in the Arctic at all. - It seems that the countries that will benefit the most from mining in the Arctic are generally located in other regions.

24. Venezuela’s president canceled his visit to Mexico due to w h at h e claim s is a looming invasion from Colombia. - The President of Venezuela canceled his visit to Mexico due to the fact that Venezuela, as he claims, is threatened by an invasion from Colombia.

25. Until recently, Iraq se e m e d to be on th e fast track tow ard democracy. - Until recently, it seemed that Iraq was heading towards democratization at full speed. / Until recently, it seemed that democracy was about to come to Iraq.

26. Our planet, arguably, is already overpopulated. - Many believe (Quite possibly; Who knows, maybe... It is possible that...) that our planet is already overpopulated.

27. 56 South Americans were killed in Mexico last year presumably by drug traffickers. - 56 South Americans died in Mexico last year, allegedly at the hands of drug traffickers.

28. By 2025 there will probably be 30 or more megacities w orld wide. - By 2025, it is quite possible that there will be 30 or even more mega-cities in the world.

29. Pyongyang ap pears to be censoring World Cup broadcasts. - One gets the impression that Pyongyang censors re-broadcasts from the World Cup.

30. The International Com m ittee of the Red Cross began as an historical accident o f sorts. - The International Committee of the Red Cross arose, in many respects, by accident. / The International Committee of the Red Cross arose, in a sense, as a result of a random combination of circumstances.

31. Jam aican police arrested Christopher Coke, a p urported drugtrafficker and gang leader. - Jamaican police have arrested Christopher Coke, who is suspected of drug dealing and being a gang leader.

32. Syria is not b eliev ed to possess biological weapons. - Syria is supposed (apparently) to have no biological weapons of its own./Syria is believed to have no biological weapons.

33. North Korea’s m ilitary personnel w ere said to have been obser ved at a Syrian defense facility. - According to some reports, the North Korean military was seen at the Syrian defense (military) facility.

34. Pakistan’s intelligence service w a s rum ored to have provided training to the terrorists in Kashmir. - Intelligence Part 2. Exercise "Lightning Rods" 131 Pakistani services, according to unverified information (according to rumors), trained Kashmiri terrorists.

35. Russian natural gas could become a major source of energy for Chinese markets. - Russian natural gas could well become (may become) one of the main energy resources for Chinese consumers.

36. Turkmenistan is estimated to have as much natural gas as the Unites States. - Turkmenistan, according to some estimates, has the same (no less) natural gas reserves as the United States.

37. Most Russian Arctic experts say that climate change appears undeniable. - Most Russian experts on the Arctic say that climate change seems/seems to be an indisputable fact.

38. Many d o u b t climate change despite w h a t so m e c o n sid e r irrefutable evidence of global warming. - Many question climate change despite the seemingly overwhelming evidence of global warming.

39. The nuclear th re a t is p erh ap s greater now th an during the Cold War. - The nuclear threat today is perhaps even greater than during the Cold War.

40. Of the m ore th an 700 agreem ents reached w ithin the CIS framework, none se e m s to work. - More than 700 agreements have been signed within the CIS, but none of them seems to be in effect.

41. The situation in Iraq se e m s to only be getting worse. - The state of affairs in Iraq, apparently (it seems); only gets worse.

42. Perhaps the hardest hit by France's unem ploym ent problem are the country's ethnic m inorities. - Probably, the problem of unemployment in France hits representatives of national minorities the most.

43. Heraclitus was ap p a ren tly the first person to use depth to describe thought. - Heraclitus seems to have been the first to say that thought can be profound.

44. Chinese leaders are said to suspect that the United States would like to see a revolution in China. - The Chinese leadership is rumored to suspect that the US administration would like a revolution to take place in China.

Prior to 2001, no U.S.-based al-Qaeda fighters ap pear to have 45.

existed. - Until 2001, apparently, there were no al-Qaeda fighters in the United States at all.

46. ​​Israel is b eliev ed to have constructed a small nuclear arsenal in the 1970s. - Israel is believed to have acquired a small nuclear arsenal back in the 70s.

47. Mao Zedong ap pears to have genuinely believed that China could survive a nuclear war. - Mao Zedong seemed to sincerely believe that China could survive a nuclear war.

48. Iran’s nuclear facilities are su p p o sed to be under the control of the country’s security service. - It is believed that the nuclear facilities AND the wound are under the jurisdiction of the country's internal security service.

49. Pyongyang is n o w th o u g h t to have six to eight nuclear missiles. - It is believed that Pyongyang now has six-eight nuclear missiles.

India's rapid growth th will likely continue. - Rapid 50.

India's development is likely to continue.

51. The king of Saudi Arabia is reck on ed to be 86. - It is believed that the king of Saudi Arabia is 86 years old.

The president is reported to be grievously ill. - Reportedly 52.

that the President is seriously ill.

The Democratic Party of Japan se e m s to have lost its head of 53.

steam. - The Democratic Party of Japan seems to have lost its fighting spirit. / It seems that the Democratic Party of Japan has somewhat lost its fighting spirit. / The Democratic Party of Japan seems to have lost its breath.

54. Languages ​​ap p aren tly pass through different stages of evolution. It is believed that languages ​​go through several stages in their development.

Spain's parliam ent passed m easures that it h o p e s will bring 55.

down the unem ploym ent rate. - The Spanish Parliament has approved measures that, as parliamentarians hope, will reduce the unemployment rate.

Part 2. Exercise "Lightning rods"

56. These documents were allegedly stolen from a U.S. military base in South Korea. - These documents were allegedly stolen from a US military base in South Korea.

57. U nem ploym ent is b eliev ed to affect 30 percent of French Muslims. - According to some estimates, unemployment has covered 30% of the Muslim population of France. / There is reason to believe that 30% of the Muslim population of France is unemployed.

58. Guinea is a good example of a possible new trend. - Guinea is a great example of what is possibly a new trend.

59. The active ingredient in m ost sunscreens is p o ten tially carcinogenic. - The active ingredient in most sunscreens is suspected to be carcinogenic/possibly carcinogenic.

60. The U.S. adm inistration is re p o rte d to be reevaluating its policy regarding Tunisia. - The US administration is reportedly rethinking its policy towards Tunisia.

61. Som e Palestinians a p p e a r to believe that the US will help them gain sovereignty. - Some Palestinians seem to believe that the US will help Palestine become an independent state.

62. The residents of Kashmir are trying to preserve the local culture that th e y feel is being threatened. - The people of Kashmir are trying to preserve their culture, which they believe (in their opinion) is under threat.

63. China is ru m o re d to be building a new launch vehicle. - According to unverified data, a new launch vehicle is being created in China.

64. Brazil criticizes Washington's alleged pro-Israel bias. - Brazil criticizes Washington for its supposedly pro-Israel sentiments.

65. Republicans in Congress claim that their proposal will create thousands of new jobs. - Republicans in Congress say their proposal will create thousands of new jobs.

66. FDR was perhaps the greatest US president ever. - (Franklin Delano) Roosevelt was perhaps the greatest of all US presidents.

67. “Some Like It Hot” is may be the greatest comedy ever made. - “Only Girls in Jazz” is probably the most outstanding comedy of world cinema.

68. I am to ld the Danes so m e tim e s see their royal personages bicycling around their capital. - I was told that the Danes sometimes see members of the royal family riding bicycles around their capital.

69. Key Taliban figures w anted by the U.S. are b e lie v e d to be hiding in Pakistan. -Taliban leaders wanted by the United States are believed to be hiding in Pakistan.

70. The U.S. spent more than a trillion dollars, by several estimates, to erect a home eland security apparatus. - According to some estimates, the US has spent more than a trillion dollars on the creation of a state machine for internal security.

71. Venezuela's governm ent is b elieved to be subsidizing consump tion of gasoline. - There is reason to believe that the Venezuelan government artificially maintains low gasoline prices through government subsidies.

72. Pakistan has dealt w h at cou ld be a devastating blow to the Taliban. - Pakistan dealt a blow to the Taliban (at the top of the Taliban) that could very well be fatal.

73. In Somalia a young wom an said to have com m itted adultery was stoned to death. - In Somalia, a young woman was stoned to death for allegedly cheating on her husband.

74. Was not arrested last year in an investigation into alleged tax fraud. - Last year, he was arrested in the course of an investigation into an alleged violation of tax laws.

75. They are accused of planning to charter a plane to bring the dictator back from exile, presu m a b ly to rein state him as president. - Charged against them for trying to charter a plane to bring them back from exile Part 2: Exercise "Lightning Rods"

dictator, apparently in order to make him president again.

76. Toyota adm its that there have been problems w ith the brakes in its latest car, which it n o w claim s to have fixed. - "Toyota"

admits that her newest car suffered from defective brakes, but now the company says the flaws have been fixed.

77. 80% of the world's fake goods are th ou gh t to be produced in China. - 80% of all counterfeit goods in the world (counterfeit products) are believed to be produced in China.

78. Residents of post-comm unist societies, so m e say, spend more time w atching news than Americans. - Residents of the former socialist countries, according to some statements, spend more time watching the news on television than Americans.

79. A system erected for Cold War purposes will not also necessarily help with present and future problems. - The system created for the purposes of the Cold War is probably not suitable for solving current and future problems.

80. Crime appears to be a close companion of drug abuse. - One gets the impression that crime goes hand in hand with drug addiction.

81. Political prisoners are being tortured in Libya, accord in g to a new Amnesty International report. - In Libya, political prisoners are being tortured. This is according to a new report from Amnesty International.

82. Iran sentenced a US citizen to death for allegedly spying for the CIA. - In Iran, a US citizen was sentenced to death for allegedly working for the CIA.

83. Nuclear power may not be in favor these days, but I think this is temporary. - Nuclear energy is not popular today, but, in my opinion, this phenomenon is temporary. / Nuclear power may not be popular today, but apparently it won't be for long.

84. Nations whose people are free and prospering do not gen erally have uprisings. - Countries where life is free and prosperous, as a rule, do not know revolutions (explosions of indignation).

85. New rules make it all b ut impossible to open a bank account w ith o u t producing identification. - Under the new rules, it is practically impossible to open a bank account without an identity card.

86. South Asia is about the least integrated part of the world. - South Asia is perhaps the most fragmented region in the world.

87. The French president is unpopular partly because of his p erceiv ed closeness to the rich. - The President of France is unpopular partly because some people think he has become too close to the rich.

88. Some of China's new nuclear plants are of the most m odern and purportedly safest designs. - Several new nuclear power plants in China are built using the most modern and supposedly the safest technical solutions.

89. South Korea's politicians are w id ely se e n as in the pockets of the big corporations. - South Korean politicians, as many believe, are bought in the bud by large corporations (they dance to the tune; they are proteges of large corporations)

90. The Nigerian arm y killed at least 35 people in w h at it said w as a crackdown on an Islamist group. - At least 35 people were killed when Nigerian troops reportedly dispersed an Islamist group.

91. Washington's econom y is supported by federal governm ent employment which is virtually recession-proof. - The economic well-being of Washington is connected with the employment of the population in the public sector, and its crisis practically does not affect it.

92. In his new book he traces w h a t h e says is a long slow decline in US military leadership. - In his new book, the author traces, in his own words, the history of a protracted (gradual) decline in the US military command.

93. Italy's new tax on property is all b ut incom prehensible. - But the Italian property tax is almost impossible to understand.

94. Syria’s Islam ists have recently th re a te n e d an a rtist w ho’s paintings th e y d e e m e d insulting to Islam. - Islamists in Syria have recently started threatening an artist whose paintings, in their opinion, insult Islam.

Part 2. Exercise "Lightning rods"

95. Kim Jong II, North Korea’s dictator since 1994, died on December 17lh 2011 of a presu m ed heart attack. - Kim Jong Il, North Korean dictator since 1994, died on December 17, 2011, allegedly from a heart attack.

96. Gasoline subsidies are th o u g h t to cost Nigeria seven billion dollars a year. - Government subsidies for gasoline are estimated to cost Nigeria $7 billion annually.

The attacks w e re presu m ed to have been carried out by Sunni 97.

# extremists. - The attacks are believed to have been carried out by Sunni extremists.

Deep underground is a Uranium -enrichm ent plant that m any 98.

say is invulnerable to aerial attack. - Deep underground there is a uranium enrichment plant, which, according to many, is reliably protected from air strikes (air raids).

A Czech new spaper has published p urp orted w iretaps that 99.

provide an insight into Czech politics. - A Czech newspaper published allegedly intercepted telephone conversations that shed light on Czech politics.

The violence in N orthern Ireland virtually ended w ith the 1998 100.

peace accord. - The bloodshed in Northern Ireland practically stopped with the signing of a peace treaty in 1998.

Puerto Rico is effectively a colony. - Puerto Rico, basically 101.

affairs, (nothing more than) a colony.

China is peeling up more weapons than it appears to need. - Key 102.

the tai continues to arm himself, although he, on the right, does not need so many weapons.

The Am erican Am bassador in Kabul has rep orted ly urged the 103.

President not to send any m ore advisors now. - The US Ambassador in Kabul, according to some reports, convincingly asked the President not to send new advisers there yet.

The negotiations have been so m e th in g o f a fiasco. - Pere 104.

speeches, one might say, failed.

Redressing this im balance co u ld, w ith tim e, help economic 105.

grow th. - The elimination of this imbalance (disproportions, inconsistencies, inconsistencies) may eventually have a positive impact on economic growth.

106. This bacterium was discovered, I believ e, in 1950. - This bacterium was discovered, in my opinion, in 1950.

107. Some mining companies in Brazil do not m to care about their workers see. - Some mining companies in Brazil seem to be completely indifferent to the plight of their workers.

108. The disputes about Zionism ap paren tly caused Einstein not to be invited to lecture at Harvard. - A heated controversy about Zionism seems to have led to the fact that Einstein was not invited to lecture at Harvard.

109. For years, the Congolese warlords allegedly pressed children into m ilitary service. - For many years, Congolese rebel warlords (Congolese warlords) were believed to have forced children to fight.

110. The bomb destroyed the home of a man b elieved to b e linked to organized crime. - The explosion destroyed the house of a man who was suspected of having links with organized crime.

111.1 th in k President Obama has been an inspiration to black people everywhere. - In my opinion, President Obama became a role model for all blacks (made all blacks believe in themselves more). / In my opinion, the example of President Obama inspired all blacks.

112. By 2040 a third of Western Europe’s population may be over age 65. - By 2040, a third of Western Europe’s population is likely to be over age 65.

113. The police in Nairobi arrested scores of Somalis for allegedly being in Kenya illegally. - Police in Nairobi arrested several dozen Somalis on suspicion of illegal stay in Kenya.

114. His reputed fortune is more than six times the total assets of his country's Central Bank. - According to some estimates, his fortune is more than six times the amount of assets of the central bank of his country.

115. The European Union is still, in a way, a work in progress. - The European Union, in a sense, has not yet formed completely.

Preface to the exercise "What does it mean?"

We often encounter the fact that the meaning of an English phrase is clear to us, but it is impossible to translate it with the same words and in the same order as in the original. This happens because we look at the same phenomenon through the prism of two different languages.

In front of the security checkpoint for those flying from Cancun to the United States a couple of years ago there was a huge poster: “Please keep your shoes on”. A resort town, one of the favorite foreign vacation spots for many immigrants from Russia, and someone, out of good intentions, attached a sheet of paper under the poster with a translation into Russian: “Please leave your shoes on your feet” ...

Lest our translation sound as ridiculous, we must see the same thought (Please keep your shoes on) from the opposite side: If you can (are allowed to) keep your shoes on, you, therefore, do not have to take your shoes off. Now we can translate not the words of the original, but a semantic extract, that is, English words obtained as a result of a simple logical operation. All it took for us to do this was to mentally ask the question “What does it mean?”, And we received “Please do not take off your shoes.” The situation will change (we came to visit), and the same thought will sound in Russian a little differently: “You don’t need to take off your shoes.” This is not about words - in Russian they will be determined by the situation - but about the technique necessary for translating such phrases.

A few more examples:

Is not too inexperienced for this job. What does it mean? We need someone more experienced for this job. (This job requires som eone more experienced.) Now let's translate: For this job (for this job, for this position) a more experienced person is needed.

Part 2 Preface to the exercise "What does it mean?"

I hope that my suggestions will be duly noted. What does it mean? 1 hope th at my suggestions will not be ignored, bypassed, shrugged off.

Now let's translate: I hope my suggestions will not be ignored. (I hope my suggestions will not be dismissed).

Don't we have any other options? What does it mean? Is this the one and only option that we have? Translation: “Is this the only option?”

This is actually quite simple. What does it mean? This is not exactly difficult.

There is nothing too difficult about that. Let's translate: There is nothing complicated here (in this).

We emphasize once again that in both sequential and synchronous modes, we are very much translating the situation, not the words.

We have context. And this is what determines what words we will translate each of these phrases.

Here, in the exercise, this context is not present or it is only guessed, so pay attention not to the words in our translations into Russian, but to the technique that we use every time.

It is best if this dictation will be read to you. Your task is, at first slowly, then faster and faster, to translate each of the phrases into Russian, now not forgetting about the “thunder bends”.

Example: “This case is not an isolated one”. The only thing we know for sure is that there are more than one such case.

Whether they are few or many, we don't know. And therefore, just in case, we put a "lightning rod": There are quite a lot of such cases. Such cases are not so few.


1. This knife will stay sharp for life. This knife will never dull.

2. Teachers do not deserve disrespect. - Teachers should be treated with respect.

3. You heard that right. - (No,) you heard right.

4. Any questions? - All clear?

5. Please stay seated. - Please don't get up.

6. How this all will end rem ains uncertain. “No one knows for sure how this will all end.

7. The case is not an isolated one. - There are many such cases.

8. Fighting hunger is a team effort. - The problem of hunger cannot be solved overnight.

9. It rem ains an open question. - There is no answer to this question yet.

10. Daylight was fading. - It was evening.

* 11. There were no survivors. - Everyone died.

12. Be honest with yourself. - Don't be fooled.

13. How to contain an epidemic ic. - How to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

14. We could certainly use their help. "Their help won't hurt us at all."

15. An extra m eeting would not hurt. - An additional meeting will only benefit everyone.

16. I'll give him that. You can't take that away from him.

17. We barely caught the train. We almost missed the train.

18. That observe common decencies. - Don't overstep the bounds of propriety.

19. I hope he didn't misbehave. - I hope he behaved well.

20. The situation is still fluid. - The situation has not yet stabilized.

21. No digressions, please. - Please, speak to the point.

22. We left no rem edy untried. We have tried every means.

23. Is not hurting for money. - He has enough money.

24. Not always cheerful. - He never gets discouraged.

25. Not will be the first to adm it it. And he doesn't deny it.

26. Please let me finish. - Do not interrupt, please.

27. Zero unemploym ent. - Full employment.

28. Don't veer off. - Go (all the time) straight ahead.

29. Don't take this lightly. - Take it seriously.

30. He still has som e m oney left? Has he spent all the money yet?

31. Keep your questions to yourself. - Don't ask any questions.

32. Keep your feet dry! - Don't get your feet wet!

33. We'll leave this for another day. “Today we will not do this and we will not swear.

34. Let us not talk in generalities. - Let's be specific.

35. It was all over in no time. - It didn't last very long.

36. Could not avoid answering my question. He had to answer my question.

37. Not was not long in coming. - He soon appeared / came.

38. That is not w hat I am afraid of. - I'm afraid of another (I'm afraid of another).

39. But not all obstacles are gone. But some obstacles still remain.

40. Didn't stay the course. - He didn't quit.

41. But this approach only goes so far. However, this approach does not solve all problems.

42. The obstacles are not insurm ountable. - These obstacles are quite surmountable.

43. Nothing in life is free. “In life, you have to pay for everything.

44. About the examples around. - This is far from the only example.

45. It was the first time this question came up. - This question never came up before.

46. ​​Not always kept th a t talism an w ith him. - He never parted with this talisman.

47. It would be a stretch to believe that China is in recession. - No decline in production in China is not observed.

48. Things do not appear to be changing anytime soon. “Looks like things will stay the same for a long time to come.

49. A university degree has never been m ore essential for securing good employment. - It is almost impossible to find a good job without a higher education.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?"

50. Not decided to cooperate with the investigation. - He decided not to hide anything from the investigation.

51. Even after th at they continued to employ him. - He was not fired from work after that.

52. They publish only non-fiction. - They do not publish fiction.

53. The troops are not stopping till nightfall. - The troops will be on the march before dark.

54. How to keep Portugal afloat. - How not to let Portugal sink to the bottom.

55. Does not have a very high name-recognition. There are few people who haven't heard of him.

56. This investigation is far from over. This investigation will continue for a long time.

57. But the story took a new twist. “But that wasn't the end of the matter.

58. Some observers are not convinced. - Some observers continue to doubt.

59. Not matched them stride for stride. He didn't leave a single step behind them.

60. Do a good turn daily. Not a day without a good deed.

61. 1 have every confidence in you. - I don't doubt you at all.

62. Wake up! - Stop sleeping!

63. Keep up the race! - Don't slow down!

64. Not kept his hat on. He didn't take off his hat.

65. Keep going! - Do not stop!

66. That be unique. - Do not have an analogue.

67. We will spare no effort. - We will do our best.

68. It requires little skill. - It does not require high qualifications.

69. While there is still time. - Until it's not too late.

70. You left your headlights on. - You forgot to turn off the headlights.

71. Keep a low profile. - Don't draw attention to yourself.

72. That keep the fire burning. - Don't let the fire go out.

73. Keep him busy. - Don't let him mess around.

74. The music kept him awake. The music prevented him from falling asleep.

75. Please, don't get up! - Sit, sit!

76. He always goes to bed late. - He never goes to bed early.

77. The case is still open. - The investigation is not over yet.

78. Don't sleeps in late on Sundays. - He gets up late on Sundays.

79. Stand aside! - Don't stand on the road!

80. Sit still! - Don't fidget!

81. The rule stands. - Nobody canceled this rule.

82. Act your age! - Don't act like a kid!

83. That keep abreast of the times. - Do not fall behind life.

84. Don't leave the front door unlocked. - Don't forget to lock the front door.

85. Keep the dogs apart. - Don't let the dogs near each other.

86. Not is far beneath her in intelligence. She is much smarter than him.

87. Just don't get me involved. - You'll figure it out on your own.

88. Exit only. - No entry.

89. Stay cool! - Don't get excited!

90. Please confine your rem arks to the subject at hand. - Please, do not deviate from the topic under discussion.

91. Do not pretend you are so ething you are not. - Be yourself.

92. You can't have it both ways. - I have to choose one of the two.

93. Don't leave anything to chance. - Try to foresee everything.

94. If me emory serves. - If memory serves me right.

95. The court has no further questions. - The court is clear.

96. This too shall pass. - Nothing is eternal.

97. This is the only right you have. - You have no other rights!

98. Keep the lights on. - Don't turn off the light.

99. It was not a long trip. - The trip was short.

100. I can handle it myself. - I don't need any help. I

101. It is time to stop just thinking about it. - It's time to act.

102. The fire spared nothing. Everything perished in the fire.

103. Don't need any help. - He can handle it himself.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?"

104. You don't need to tell me that. - I know it myself.

105. Did not have an easy time there. He had a hard time there.

106. Doesn't have other things to w orry about. - He's not up to it now.

107. Keep the engine running. - Don't turn off the engine.

108. Nothing stays the same. - Everything changes.

109. Not for sale outside the CIS countries. - For sale only in the CIS.

110. Not alm ost fell. He struggled to stay on his feet.

111. Stand still! - Don't move!

112. Did you have to answ er rudely? Couldn't you have answered politely?

113. Speak for yourself. - Do not speak for others.

114. Cork floats in water. - Cork does not sink in water.

115. W hen I w ear glasses my eyes rest. - My eyes don't get tired with glasses.

116. Say no more. - All clear.

117. Try to settle out of court. - Try not to bring cases to court.

118. Let him live! - Don't kill him!

119. I w ould ra th e r stay indoors. - I don't want to go outside.

120. I have heard this before. - This is not news to me.

121. That's close enough! - Don't get any closer!

122. Don't get me involved in your problems. - Solve your own problems.

123. There will be no more w arnings. - This is the last warning.

124. Could not concentrate on anything. - He was extremely scattered.

125. I will not make this decision for you. - This decision must be made by you.

126. Is there any point in prolonging this discussion? Maybe it's better to stop this conversation?

127. She did not choose to share her opinion with us. She chose to keep her opinion to herself.

128. She always requires repeated explanations. She never understands the first time.

129. He is always late. - He never comes on time.

130. Let him stay! - Don't kick him out!

131. He is always drunk. He's never sober at all.

132. You can keep your shoes on. - It is not necessary to take off your shoes.

133. To keep up with fashion. - Don't fall behind fashion.

134. There are other options. - It's not the only option.

135. “Not to be taken internally.” - "Only for external use."

136. Talk sense! - Don't talk nonsense!

137. He thinks only about himself. - He never thinks about others.

138. The snow did not stay. - The snow melted quickly.

139. You can't blam e anybody else. - You can only blame yourself.

140. Are you sure you didn't leave anything out? Are you sure you told everything?

141. They laughed at his threats. They didn't take his threats seriously.

142. Let's get out of the sun. - Let's move into the shade.

143. Don't be long. - Just come back as soon as possible.

144. The car I have is nothing fancy. - My car is the most common.

145. You have to stay in bed. - You can't get out of bed.

146. Didn't stay up all night. - He didn't sleep all night.

147. Pine-tree needles stay on all winter. - Pine needles do not fall off in winter.

148. Make sure you stay clean. - Look, don't get dirty.

149. If you w ant to stay alive... - If you don't want to die,...

150. Stay Awake. - Don't fall asleep.

151. He is not in the country right now. - He is abroad now.

152. This is not your money. This money is someone else's.

153. Mind your own business. - Don't mind your own business!

154. Not m eans w hat he says. - He does not throw words into the wind.

155. That keep with itin the law. - Do not go beyond the law.

156. Not kept a straight face. He didn't even smile.

157. Does not need much. He is content with little.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?"

158. This approach also has its share of faults. This approach is also not free from shortcomings.

159. That does not give us much. - It doesn't give us much.

160. They can never agree on anything. They are always arguing about everything.

161. Is m ankind alone in the Universe? Are there intelligent beings in the Universe?

162. Calm down! - Don't start!

163. There is a good reason for that. - And this is no coincidence.

164. It didn't take us by surprise. - We were ready for it.

165. You have the right to rem ain silent. - You have the right not to answer questions.

166. The US kept the prices down. - The United States did not allow price increases.

167. Right of first refusal. - Right of first choice.

168. Must you be so cryptic? - Could you explain yourself more clearly?

169. Shoot on my comm and. - Don't shoot without my command.

170. Make sure you put some oney aside. Just be careful not to spend all the money.

171. That keep competition out of the market. - Do not allow competitors to enter the market.

172. This is no secret. - It's known to everyone.

173. There is no hot water coming out of the faucet. - Only cold water comes out of the body mixture.

174. It's a tricky job. - This work requires skill.

175. That keep with itin the speed limit. - Don't exceed the speed limit.

176. She is not feeling very strong yet. She is still weak.

177. Pay attention. - Don't be distracted.

178. Keep your cool. - Don't be nervous!

179. I will always rem ember... - I will never forget...

180. These photographs were declassified only 10 years ago. - Even 10 years ago these photos were classified.

181. You can be sure. - You can be sure.

182. Be firm. - Don't give in.

183. Don't stand by the window. - Move away from the window.

184. Be quiet. - Don't make noise.

185. Let's stick with the subject. - Let's not deviate from the topic.

186. There is something else. - That's not all.

187. I have not seen him before. - I see him for the first time.

188. You have to be strong. - You can't be weak.

189. That is not how I see it. - I see it differently.

190. That is not what he told us. He told us something completely different.

191. There is no other reason. - This is the only reason.

192. He stays in his room. - He doesn't leave his room.

193. There is nothing else I can tell you. - I told you everything.

194. We had a different agreement. - That's not how we agreed.

195. There is a limit to what we can do. - Our possibilities are not unlimited.

196. I rem ain unconvinced. - You didn't convince me.

197. Not is never wrong. - He's always right.

198. Everything will be fine with her. - Nothing will happen to her.

199. There is som ebody else there w ith him. - He's not alone.

200. It is not unlikely. - Quite possible.

201. That was my last conversation with him. “I haven't spoken to him since.

203. Nobody moves! - Everyone, stay where you are!

204. Leave the door ajar. - Don't close the door all the way.

205. Don't lie. - Tell the truth.

206. Be still. - Don't move.

207. Don't talk so loud! - Speak quietly!

208. He still owes me money. He still hasn't paid me back.

209. Don't let go of the railings! - Hold on to the railings!

210. That was her last letter to me. I haven't received any more letters from her since.

211. This exercise is pretty easy. - There is nothing difficult in this exercise.

212. I would put it differently. - I would say otherwise.

213. Keep the children away from the water. - Keep children away from the water.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?"

214. You stay out of it. You don't have to interfere with this.

215. She has never left his side. - She is always with him.

216. This is the only way to get there. - There is no other way to go there.

217. The scream never got past her throat. The scream stuck in her throat.

218. Not kept us there for I do not know how long. He didn't let us go for a very long time.

219. This method is not uncom m on. - It's a fairly common method.

220. I will let you go now. - I won't detain you any longer.

221. There is no doubt in my mind...

222. Stay in touch. - Don't get lost.

223. He does everything in moderation. He never goes to extremes.

224. It is after five now. - It's already six o'clock.

225. A virus th at has ru n amok. - A virus that can not be dealt with in any way.

226. Leave without pay. - Leave at your own expense.

227. Please stay. - Please, do not go.

228. Their relationship will not bear further strain. - Their relationship is strained to the limit.

229. Not never lies. - He always tells the truth.

230. These are not the only issues that we will be discussing. - We will discuss other issues.

231. This will be discussed outside of this meeting. - It will not be discussed at this meeting.

232. Keep the change. - Keep the change.

233. I don't w ant to be m isunderstood. - I want to be understood correctly.

234. I am not hungry. - I'm full.

235. She keeps her own council. She doesn't consult with anyone.

236. Keep it to yourself. - Don't tell anyone about this.

237. This is the only thing that m atters. - All the rest does not matter.

238. He never misses anything. He always notices everything.

239. Can never do anything right. He always does everything wrong.

240. Keep your eyes closed. - Don't open your eyes!

241. However this is not com m on. - However, this happens (meets) infrequently.

242. Not the ideal friend. You won't find a better friend than him.

243. 1 am a stranger here. - I don't know anyone here.

244. She has nothing else left. It's the only thing she has left.

245. His suitcase is still missing. - His suitcase has not yet been found.

246. I am concerned about something else. - That's not what worries me.

247. Ice cream does not keep in the sun. Ice cream melts quickly in the sun.

248. Keep to the schedule. - Don't run out of time.

249. That keep the river with itin its banks. - Don't let the river overflow its banks.

250. Keep them at a distance. - Don't let them get close.

251. Never heard of him. - I'm hearing about it for the first time.

252. Don't turn off the music. - Let the music play.

253. He has no other goals. - That's his only goal.

254. I find his hum or a bit adolescent. - It seems to me that his jokes are not quite suitable for an adult.

255. Not is anything but insane. - No, he's mentally ok.

256. The circumstances will weigh heavily against him. - Circumstances will be far from in his favor.

257. His support is essential to us. We can't do without his support.

258. And the list of such examples goes on and on. - This is not the only example.

259. There is no job we cannot handle. - We can do any job.

260. This trend isn't going away anytime soon. - This trend will continue for a long time.

261. The situation in Uganda is discouraging. - The state of affairs in Uganda does not give reasons for optimism.

262. Somalia is a failed state. Anarchy reigns in Somalia.

263. Millions of Pakistanis trapped in abject poverty. - Millions of Pakistanis cannot escape poverty.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?"

264. North Korea is in a class of its own. - There is simply no other country like North Korea.

265. W hen it com es to th e ir ch ildren, A m ericans open their wallets. - Americans do not save on children.

266. Capitalism is about more than just money and markets. - Capitalism cannot be reduced only to money and markets (sales).

267. Haiti's recovery has barely begun. - Haiti is still a long way from full recovery.

268. The effectiveness of th e new m easu res rem ain s to be seen. - It is still too early to talk about the effectiveness of the new measures.

269. This is still a work in progress. - This work is not finished yet.

270. The world knows no shortage of poor countries. - There are plenty of poor countries in the world.

271. Much remains unknown about Syria's nuclear program. - Little is known about the Syrian nuclear program.

272. Starvation is a thing of the past in China. “Today no one dies of hunger in China anymore.

273. Chile and Peru are at odds over their m aritime border. - Chile and Peru can't agree on where their maritime border should go.

274. This reat cannot be taken lightly. “This threat must be taken seriously.

275. This approach is likely to take a long time to bear fruit. - Most likely, such an approach will not bring quick results.

276. It is time to get tough with Iran. - Stop flirting (nannying) with Iran.

277. Time is no longer on our side. Now time is working against us.

278. Not reached his goal and kept going. - He did not stop there.

279. Not obsessed w ith food. He can't think of anything but food.

280. His m otto is: “Nothing in excess.” - His motto is "Everything is good in moderation."

281. In the US, state policies on education are a patchwork. - There is no unified national policy in the field of education in the USA.

282. This question still divides biologists. - Biologists still do not have a clear answer to this question.

283. Over the greater part of Asia, labor is unlimited in supply. - In most of Asia, there is no shortage of labor.

284. Her optimism is not misplaced. She has reason to be optimistic.

285. Divorce is now the only option. There are no other options but divorce.

286. T here is no sh o rtag e of bio g rap h ies of Franklin D elano Roosevelt. - A great many biographies of F. D. Roosevelt have been written.

287. This myth stubbornly refuses to vanish. - This myth stubbornly clings to life.

288. Venezuela declared itself free of illiteracy last year. - Last year, Venezuela announced that it had achieved universal literacy.

289. The Palestinian question is distant from the minds of most Israelis. - The Palestinian issue is really relevant only for a few Israelis.

290. Try not to get agitated about w hat I say. - Try to listen to me calmly.

291. Keep w hat you see here to yourselves. Don't tell anyone what you saw here.

292. The patient looks no better. - The patient still looks bad.

293. Their destiny is not in their hands. “They are not their own masters.

294. We really don't have time to waste. We value every minute.

295. I will be brief. - I will not spread for a long time.

296. Dragons exist only in dream s. - There are no dragons.

297. They won't ever let me forget it. I will be reminded of this for the rest of my life.

Part 2. Exercise "What does it mean?" 131

298. Not too old for this job. - You need someone younger for this job.

299. Do you have to work so slowly? - Can't you work faster?

300. No friendship lasts forever. - Every friendship comes to an end.

301. The car industry's problems are not behind it. - The automotive industry still faces unresolved problems.

302. Many of the fish used for sushi are not environm entally su stainable. - Many types of fish used for making sushi are under threat of extinction.

303. Africa will not rem ain the world's last unsaturated cell phone market for long. - Demand for cellular phones in Africa will soon be fully satisfied.

304. Constantine's Bible was lost to time. - The Bible of Constantine has not come down to us.

305. Life in Mexico is a lot more relaxing than in the States. - Compared to Mexico, the rhythm of life in the States is much more intense.

306 U.S. Officials must make peace with incrementalism. - The US authorities must understand that it will not be possible to solve all the problems at once.

307. I am so glad that you could come! - I was so afraid that you would not be able to come!

308. 1 do not rem em ber anything else. - That's the only thing I remember.

309. The credit card is not exactly headed for history's trash bin. - Credit cards will last for many more years.

310. No authoritarian regime can sustain itself indefinitely. - Any authoritarian regime will collapse sooner or later.

311. Old habits die hard. - Old habits are surprisingly good and learn.

312. Our efforts are still failing. - Our efforts have not yet yielded the desired results.

313. On the coldest days I spend time outside only by necessity. - On the coldest days, I try not to leave the house at all.

314. T here has never been a Stephen King book th at I haven't liked. I love all of Stephen King's books so far.

315. The situation is not yet beyond repair. - The situation can still be corrected.

316. The deep sense of pessimism may now begin to lift. - There seems to be grounds for cautious optimism.

317. Your secret is safe with me. I won't give your secret to anyone.

318. The issue is not going away. - The problem remains.

319. China's economic growth th will not last forever. - China's economic growth will stop sooner or later.

320. This is unlikely to end well. - Most likely, it will end badly.

321. Avoiding a conflict will suit all concerned. - None of the parties wants to bring the matter to a conflict.

322. Water conservation is not controversial anym ore. - Now everyone understands that it is necessary to save water.

323. In China the party is the state. - In China, it is impossible to separate the party from the state.

324. Theories around. There is no shortage of theories.

325. Unrest in Syria shows no sign of abating. - Unrest in Syria continues.

326. Keeping a country together. - How not to let the country fall apart.

327. This is a startling developm ent. - Nobody expected this.

328. Put the flowers in water and they will keep. - Flowers will wither without water.

Preface to the exercise "Actor"

We hope that by doing these exercises, you have already noticed how easy it is to succumb to the “hypnotic” influence of the English language in translation. In some cases, these are "dead couples", in others "Latinisms", in others - the structure of an English phrase. Now let's talk about another variation of this phenomenon.

Look at these examples:

The recipe takes two pounds of meat.

The restaurant seats 200 people The book speaks of the first “water wars” in Africa.

If we ourselves determine how fast we translate - when we translate, for example, in writing - none of these sentences will cause us confusion. Well, let's smile, except perhaps: the literal translation will look too phantasmagoric. Or let's not smile, especially if we have been living in America for a long time and have already seen enough of how, penetrating into all pores, the English language begins to crack many immigrants from Russia into their native Russian. And in this sense, I break into my native language, first of all, just such constructions.

The rest of the nightmares, from "who broke the world record" and "how many pieces of luggage do you have" to "he ran out of money" just rush into the already prepared hole. This is the same "hypnosis", the worst enemy of an interpreter and, especially, a simultaneous interpreter.

In simultaneous translation, the speaker sets the speed. If we do not have the automatic skill of translating such phrases, then there is a great danger that we will blurt out in Russian: “the book talks about the events in Lebanon” or “April saw the first clashes between the demonstrators and the police.” The higher the speed of the speaker, the higher the likelihood of such blunders, especially for a novice interpreter.

As in the lightning rod exercise, you can decide for yourself how to translate these phrases, sequentially or from a sheet.


1. Geography’s m ost obvious gift to Egypt is its location. - Egypt was very lucky with its geographical position.

2. A riot in a Brazilian prison leaves 18 inmates dead. - A riot in one of the Brazilian prisons killed 18 prisoners.

3. No busy a irp or rt can check everybody w alking into the building. - It is not possible to check every person entering (into the building) at any major airport.

4. Shipping transports about 90% of the world's trade. - About 90 percent of international cargo transportation is carried out by sea.

5. A 2010 study found out that lots of Italian graduates cannot wait to emigrate. - According to a study in 2010, many graduates of Italian universities only dream of emigrating.

6. Policies that punish airlines because of flight delays are misguid ed. - The rules under which airlines are fined for a flight delay are unfair.

7. A heavy monsoon displaced 200,000 people in Sri Lanka. - As a result of the prolonged monsoon, 200,000 inhabitants of Sri Lanka became homeless.

8. A Russian report into the air crash last year blam ed the plane's pilot. - According to a Russian report, the pilot was to blame for last year's plane crash.

9. In September an attack on a Shia village killed 95 people. - In September, during an attack on a Shiite settlement, 95 people were killed.

10. Every year the world produces millions of tons of garbage. Millions of tons of garbage are accumulated every year in the world.

11. After Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, UN sanctions kept out everything from scientific journals to pencils. - After Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, because of the GO sanctions! I stopped importing absolutely everything into it - from scientific journals to a pencil for her.

12. The w ar on drugs sent the prison population soaring in the 1980s and 90s. - As a result of the fight against drugs, the prison population skyrocketed in the 1980s and 90s.

13. His PhD exam ined US foreign policy d u rin g the Clinton Adm inistration. - His doctoral dissertation is on US foreign policy under President Clinton. / The topic of his doctoral dissertation is US foreign policy under President Clinton.

14. C onventional w isdom views European w elfare system s as overgenerous. - It is commonly believed that European social security systems provide too many benefits. (There is a popular belief that...)

15. The report examines Iraq's progress. - The report analyzes Iraq's progress.

16. Rioting in Pakistan killed 27 people. - During the riots in Pakistan, 27 people were killed.

17. In India-controlled Kashmir daily m arches chant the slogan, “India, go back.” - In the Indian-controlled Kashmir world, daily protest marchers chant "India, get out of Kashmir!"

18. More than 14,500 forest fires in Russia have burnt some 2.3 mil lion acres. - About 2.3 million acres of forests have been burned in more than 14,500 fires in Russia.

19. Last year America witnessed 1.25 million violent crimes. “One million two hundred and fifty thousand violent crimes were committed in America last year.

20. The first six m onths of 2011 saw nearly 38,000 wild fires. - In the first half of 2011, about 38,000 forest fires were recorded.

21. Three new books about w ater agree that the world is facing serious w ater crises. - The authors of three new books on water believe that the planet is about to face a serious crisis due to lack of fresh water.

22. A recent UN study found that about half of India's population has access to a mobile phone. - The results of a recent UN study showed that approximately half of the population of India uses mobile phones.

23. The last decade has seen a proliferation of regional trading arrangem ents. - Over the past ten years, the number of interregional trade agreements has increased.

24. Project Chariot looked at using 5 hydrogen bombs to create a new deep artificial harbor in Alaska. - As part of the Chariot project, the possibility of using 5 hydrogen bombs was considered to create a new deep-water artificial harbor in Alaska.

25. The movie claims to be based on a true story. - The film is said to be based on true events./And the filmmakers claim that it is based on true events.

26. Brazilian slums have seen years of shootouts betw een drug traffickers and the police. - In the Brazilian slums, year after year (not the first year) there are shootouts between drug sellers and the police.

27. The current period is witnessing the disappearance of the narrations of the past decades. - In our day and the ideas of past decades are gradually becoming obsolete.

28. The Asian hum an trafficking deposits thousands of young girls in urban houses of prostitution. - Through the channels of Asian human trafficking, thousands of girls find themselves in urban brothels.

29. The novel imagines that Hitler won World War Two. - The plot of the story is based on the fact that Hitler wins the Second World War. / And the author of the story imagines what would happen if Hitler won the Second World War.

30. A recent UN report on Syria documents crimes against hum ani ty. - A recent UN report on Syria recorded crimes against humanity.

31. The spirit that animates the Sixth and Eighth am endm ents is hum an dignity. - The Sixth and Eighth Amendments to the US Constitution are imbued with the spirit of respect for human dignity.

Part 2. Exercise "Actor" 159

32. Research results tie regular m arijuana use to serious mental health problems s. - According to the results of the study, the regular use of marijuana leads to serious mental disorders.

33. The cold w inter gripping m uch of Europe has frozen rivers and w reaked havoc on shipping. - Frosts that have shackled much of Europe have led to the freezing of rivers and serious disruptions in river cargo transportation. / Winter cold has gripped many countries in Europe, the rivers have frozen over, and this has hit (ship) cargo transportation hard.

34. The Brazilian econom y is growing strongly and creating jobs. - Brazil's economy is growing strongly and new jobs are being created (... leading to job creation).

35. Bond m arkets are worried about the capacity of Spain and Portugal to repay their debts. - In the bond market, they are worried (bondholders are worried) whether Spain and Portugal will be able to pay off their debts.

36. In recent years, countless conferences have discussed various ways to achieve reform. - For several years, countless conferences have been discussing all sorts of ways to bring about change.

37. The year 1864 saw the approval of the first Geneva Convention. - In 1864, the first Geneva Convention was adopted.

38. Our special report looks at the increasingly visible consequences of the rising dem and for w ater. - Our issue paper looks at the increasingly tangible impacts of rising demand for water.

39. The past year has witnessed new shopping malls in downtown Damascus. - Last year, new shopping centers appeared in the center of Damascus.

40. Egypt o p erates two nuclear research reactors. - Egypt operates two nuclear research reactors.

41. The recession has closed over 30% of the movie theaters in the US. - Due to the crisis, more than 30% of cinemas in the US have closed.

42. The book offers a detailed account of the Falkland Islands war. - The book details the events of the Falklands War.

43. NATO conference focused on how to shift Afghanistan’s security to local forces. - The NATO conference was devoted to how to move on to ensuring security in Afghanistan on its own.

44. S tandard m odels assum e th at individuals use all available information to make decisions. - The usual model is based on the assumption that we collect information first and then make decisions.

45. Mercedes-Benz saw American sales sink by 43%. - Sales of Mercedes-Benz in America decreased by 43%.

46. ​​The final project asks students to identify a problem in world politics and to offer a solution. - In the final task, students are required to name any problem from world politics and offer their own solution for it.

47. The city is planning to start burying the overhead electrical wires. - It is planned to start underground laying of hanging electrical wires in the city.

48. N igeria's regim e has im imprisoned th o u sa n d s o f p o lytical opponents. - In Nigeria, thousands of political opponents of the current regime have ended up in prisons.

49. The journal carries articles, book reviews and letters to the Editor. - The journal publishes articles, book reviews and letters to the editor.

50. Decoded German messages told US submarines the positions of enemy ships. - From the deciphered German messages, American submariners learned about the location of enemy ships.

51. Intelligence information cannot win wars by itself. - You can't win a war on intelligence alone.

52. The agreem ent proposed to institute a code of conduct for governments’ treatm ent of foreign investors. - In accordance with the agreement, it is proposed to establish a set of rules on the work of the government with foreign investors.

53. Advanced fishing techniques have caught too many fish. - The use of modern fishing methods has led to excessively high catches.

Part 2. Exercise "Actor"

54. Israel's offensive killed an estimated 1,400 Palestinians.

During the Israeli offensive, it is estimated that 1,400 Palestinians were killed (killed).

55. Antigovernment protests in Bangkok killed nearly 100 people.

Nearly 100 people have died in anti-government demonstrations in Bangkok.

56. The recent panic over the rise of Islamic extremism in Europe has overlooked one key fact. - The recent panic that has arisen in connection with the activation of Islamists in Europe means that one fundamentally important circumstance is not taken into account.

57. Argentina’s rapid growth has pulled six million people above the poverty line. - Argentina is experiencing rapid economic growth that has lifted six million people out of poverty.

58. 2004 saw the siege of a school in Beslan, North Osetia. - In 2004, a school was besieged in the North Ossetian city of Beslan (in Beslan, a city in North Ossetia).

59. A w hisper campaign in South Africa threatened harm to any foreign m igrant who rem ained in the country. - A rumor has been started in North Africa (rumors have spread) that any foreigner who does not leave the country will not be well.

60. New ideas spark new companies and jobs. - New ideas emerge, followed by new companies and jobs.

61. Governm ent censorship of m edia keeps several billion people uninformed about im portant events. - Due to state media censorship, several billion people are deprived of access to information on pressing (important) issues.

62. America’s mining industry injured 34 coal miners last year. - In the American coal industry last year, 34 miners (miners) received injuries (mutilations).

63. Over the next two decades the world will see a burst of urban expansion. - In the next two decades, the planet will be given a rapid growth of cities.

64. The twenty-first century m ight China replace the United States as the world's leading state. - It is possible that in the twenty-first century, China will replace the United States and become a world leader.

65. A 2010 survey ranked the United States ahead of other countries in opp o rtu n ities for e n tre pre re n e u rsh ip. - According to a survey conducted in 2010, it is easier to do business in the USA than in other countries. /According to a survey in 2010, the USA has all the conditions for entrepreneurship, and in this they are ahead of others countries.

66. A report doubted Iran’s claim that a Uranium enrichm ent plant near Qom is a civilian site. - The report questions Iran's claim that a uranium enrichment plant near the city of Qom is a civilian facility.

67. The open letter urged the UN to rebuild Haiti as soon as possible - The open letter calls on the UN to return Haiti to normal life as soon as possible.

68. The report observes that Apple's suppliers are good at protecting its intellectual property. - The report notes that Apple's component suppliers (contractors) protect Apple's intellectual property well.

69. A European project will set up a network of C 0 2 m onitoring stations. - A project will be carried out in Europe to create a network of stations for monitoring the level of C 0 2

70. T here is a new bill working its w ay th ro u g h th e Texas legislature. - Texas legislators are working on a new bill.

In April, an unprecedented number of tornadoes was recorded:

875 in various parts of the US.

72. The earthquake collapsed thousands of buildings. - Thousands of buildings were destroyed as a result of the earthquake.

73. This conference room hosts several conferences a m onth. - There are several conferences every month in this hall.

74. The United Nations report worries that carbon emissions will triple by m idcentury. - A UN report expresses concern that carbon dioxide emissions will triple by the middle of this century.

75. The explosions in Iraq wounded 16. - 16 people were injured in the explosions in Iraq.

Part 2. Exercise "Actor"

76. The latest oil spill has rew ritten the oil-disaster playbook. - The recent oil spill has led to a review of measures for prompt response to such emergencies.

77. The last decade has seen fewer w ar deaths than any decade in the past 100 years. - Over the past ten years of war, fewer lives have been claimed than in any other ten years of the last century.

78. The book explores m any of the greatest challenges facing India. - The book deals in detail with the most complex challenges facing India.

79. The Holocaust m urdered millions of Jews. - Millions of Jews were exterminated during the years of the Jewish Holocaust.

80. Economic grow th creates jobs. - As a result of economic growth, new jobs are created.

81. A study, released last month, found 56 percent of women were praying about health issues. - A survey released last month found that 56% of women pray for health.

82. A poll found that 36 percent of Americans believe that Muslims are too extreme in their religious beliefs. - Poll results showed that 36% of Americans believe that Muslims hold too extreme religious views.

83. The census this year will ask households to say how many people live there. - During the census this year, it will be necessary to answer the question of how many people live in a house or apartment.

84. The initiative targets several key problems. - This undertaking is designed to solve a number of their most important problems.

85. A construction accident injured his back. There was an accident at the construction site and he got a back injury.

86. His rule has seen price controls on foodstuffs and gasoline rationing. - While he was in power, fixed food prices and restrictions on the sale of gasoline (and the sale of gasoline on cards) were introduced.

87. Satellite imaging has identified six slave-labor camps in North Korea. - Satellite imagery reveals six forced labor camps in North Korea.

88. Tough drug laws have stuffed America's prisons to bursting. - Drug laws are so strict that prisons in the US are packed to capacity (to the limit).

89. The new law treats long-cultivated and recently cleared land in the same way. - The new law does not differentiate between land that has been cultivated for a long time and land that has been developed recently.

90. Summits love to have broad agendas. - For high-level meetings, they like to make an agenda more impressive (longer).

91. A griculture still employs roughly h alf of all w orking Paki stanis. - Agriculture still employs about half of all working Pakistanis.

92. The book is skeptical of the Chinese economic model. - The book expresses distrust of the Chinese economic model.

93. His doctoral thesis inquired into the political behavior of blacks in Chicago. - In his doctoral dissertation, he analyzed the political behavior of the black population of Chicago.

94. Troubled economic times put global currency on a rollercoaster ride. - Due to economic troubles, the world currency is thrown around like on a roller coaster.

95. Intense grief cast her into a downward spiral of drug abuse. - Out of grief, she threw herself into drugs, and she was stuck.

96. The book explores the mistreatm ent of women in the Middle East. - The book tells about the powerless situation of women in the Middle East.

97. The textbook recounts how P alestinians fled w hen Israel was established in 1948. - The textbook recounts how Palestinians fled w hen Israel was established in 1948. - The textbook recounts how Palestinians fled w hen Israel was established in 1948.

98. The superm arket's missing children boards - found in every store - have recovered 324 children. - In the supermarket, in every store of the trading network, there are notices about missing children. With their help, 324 children have already been found.

Part 2. Exercise "Actor" 165

99. During the night the stove burned its wood and went cold. - 3a night the firewood in the stove burned out, and the stove got cold. / During the night, the firewood burned out, and the stove cooled down.

100. Tougher drunk-driving rules have m ade roads safer. - Punishment for drunk motorists (drivers) has become stricter, and it has become safer on the roads (and it has become safer to drive).

101. A new study finds th at Americans w ant more defense cuts than do the politicians who represent them. -According to the results of the latest study, Americans are set to cut the defense budget more than the politicians who represent them.

102. Many books on the generation gap m is interpret its meaning. - In many books about the gap between generations, the essence of this problem is treated incorrectly.

103. The report looks at the impact global warming could have on weather. - The report looks at how global warming could affect the weather.

104. The concert drew hundreds of people. - Hundreds of spectators came to the concert.

105. The drought is raising corn prices in the US. - Because of the drought, corn prices in the US went up.

106. The event honored a group of 19 teenage boys who were murdered by the Colombian military. - The solemn event was dedicated to a group of 19 teenagers who died at the hands of the Colombian military.

107. The economy added only 96,000 jobs last m onth. - Only 96,000 new jobs were created in the country last month.

108. A South Korean court case recently decided th at Apple and Samsung both infringed on each other’s patents. - Recently, a South Korean court heard the case of Apple and Samsung and ruled that each company infringed the patent rights of the other.

109. The 2001 terrorist attacks ushered in new security challenge es. - After the terrorist attacks of 2001, we had to take a fresh look at security issues.

110. One study calculated that the huge increase in rice prices was due to trade restrictions. - One study found that the huge rise in rice prices was due to restrictions on the rice trade.

111. In the 19th century rapid urbanization crammed workers into slums. - In the 19th century, due to the rapid growth of cities, workers began to crowd into the slums.

112. A long-term effort to catalog all the bits of the hum an genome has released its results. - The lengthy work of compiling a registry of all fragments of the human genome has been completed, and its results have been made public.

113. The special report will argue that Cuba's Communism is doo med. - The theme report will defend the view that socialism in Cuba is doomed. / The theme report argues for the view that the days of Cuban socialism are numbered.

114. Billboards covering the Bahraini capital, Manama, shout, “Our Bahrain, our unity”. - On the billboards, which are full of the capital of Bahrain Manama, everywhere the slogan: "Our Bahrain, our unity."

115. Armenia added only 120,000 jobs in March. - A total of 120,000 jobs were added in Armenia in March.

116. The website invites Filipinos to report on officials living beyond th eir m eans. - The website encourages Filipinos to report officials who are living beyond their means.

Preface to the exercise "Arrows"

In many English phrases, "arrows" are invisibly present.

Look at these examples:

2. The gap betw een the rich and the poor has actually been narrowing.

3. Big protests erupted in Cairo and other cities.

In the first example, the “arrow” goes from top to bottom (“dipped”), then another “arrow” goes from bottom to top (“floated”). Both "arrows" are in the vertical plane. In the second example, two “arrows” are in the horizontal plane and directed at each other (“narrow ing”). In the third example, the “arrows” go from the same point at different angles upward (“erupted”).

Are you able to see them?

We need to learn to notice them so as not to fall under their "hypnosis". Then, translating at speed, we will not stop and try to find a translation option with exactly the same “arrows”. There is no need for this.

In each of the examples in this exercise, first determine where the “arrow” is pointing. Only after that start translating (from a sheet or sequentially). When translating, be sure to either change the direction of the “arrow” or translate without “arrows” at all. First, just give one translation for each example in English, and so go through the entire exercise, preferably not too slowly (look at the number of examples: it is designed for 90 minutes). 11 After that, you can return to the beginning of the exercise, go through it again pa i, now very slowly, and give as many translations as possible for each phrase.


Let us try to raise the quality of our discussion, ("arrow" up) let's try to make our dialogue (conversation) more substantive, ("no arrows")

Another example:

Freedom som etim es degenerates into lawlessness, ("arrow"

down) Freedom sometimes leads to lawlessness (entails ...; the distance from freedom to lawlessness ... etc.). ("arrow" in the horizontal plane) Sometimes begins with freedom, but ends with lawlessness. ("shooter" no)

Another example:

Somalia radiates chaos and lawlessness, ("arrows" from one point in different directions) Somalia is mired in chaos and lawlessness, (plunges ..., drowns in ... etc.) ("arrow" down) Somalia has become the personification chaos and lawlessness, ("shooter"

no) Kings reign in Somalia... (... we see... etc.) ("no shooters") Somalia today is chaos and lawlessness, ("no shooters") Is it becoming clearer?


1. The employers’ organization is on a collision course w ith the unions. - The employers' organization is on the verge of breaking with the trade unions.

2. Cheer up! - Don't hang your nose! / Don't sour.

3. The high level of foreclosures casts a cloud of uncertainty over the housing market. - Banks take away houses from malicious people Part 2. Arrows exercise 169 non-payers. The clouds are gathering. What are the prospects for the housing market?

4. New pressures on free speech. - A new attack on freedom of speech. / Since freedom of speech is under threat again.

5. Around the world, religion is on the rise. - All over the world, religion is gaining more and more weight. / ... the influence is felt more strongly .... / The number of believers is increasing. / the influence of religion is growing stronger / the number of believers is increasing / religion is advancing.

6. W hat's behind the C hina-Japan clash? - What is the background of the Sino-Japanese incident? / What did China and I not agree on? / What is the essence of the conflict between China and Japan?

7. An orgy of riots broke out across Greece. - A wave of protests rolled across Greece.

8. India's stock-market has been sliding all year. - The state of affairs on the Indian stock exchange has been deteriorating since the beginning of the year.

9. The charges against him were dropped last year. - The charge against him was dropped last year.

10. The divide between East and West is deep. - There is a huge gap between East and West. / The differences between East and West are huge.

11. Will the US, the nation th a t saved the world in the tw entieth century, sink into history in th e tw enty-first? - Can the United States, which saved the entire planet in the 20th century, recede into the past / fade into the background in the (century) 21st?

12. In today's China, the power of the state has receded. - In today's China, the power of the state has been somewhat reduced.

13. Emerging Africa: deepening democracy, falling poverty. - Africa today: democracy is growing, poverty is receding.

14. Peace talks between the insurgents and the government collapses ed. - Peace negotiations between the rebels and the government ended in a complete fiasco.

15. The schools are falling short on graduation rates. - The percentage of students who do not finish school is growing. / Schools do not meet the standards for the number of graduates.

16. Political divisions am ong NATO m em ber states are sp re a d ing. - It is becoming increasingly difficult for NATO member countries to reach a mutual understanding on political issues. / NATO member countries share more and more political differences. / The cracks in political contradictions between NATO member countries are deepening.

17. Deepening tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. - Tensions are rising between Saudi Arabia and Iran./Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran are becoming more tense.

« Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children Lesson summary

Here is the first tutorial for beginner interpreters. It is a collection of 8 basic exercises for developing the skills of consecutive and simultaneous translation.
The authors are not theorists, so there is no theory in the tutorial. There are short descriptions of the techniques and hundreds of examples so that you can master these techniques.

Preface to the exercise "Flip".
In the previous exercise, you translated combinations of two words in direct sequence. In this exercise, phrases also consist of two words, but they must be translated in the reverse order: “truck driver” = “truck driver”, “Treasure Island” = “Treasure Island”.

As in the first exercise, you have several tasks in front of you, in addition to translation:
1. Identify "dead couples" stuck in the mind.
2. Notice where "Latinisms" prevented you.
3. Make sure that you do not mechanically substitute words, but understand what is being said.
4. Pull the end of the thread and draw out those topics in which you have gaps in knowledge.

1. Let's start with the "dead couples":
“Paint coat” = “layer of paint”. If you yourself spoke English on this topic, would you say “coat” or “layer”? "Layer" for you - always and everywhere "layer"?
“Plow blade” = “ploughshare”. Or is “blade” always “blade” for you? Then look at what “blade” is, for example, on a bulldozer. You will quickly see that by choosing to memorize only one Russian equivalent of an English word, you remain defenseless for any other meaning. "Gaza Strip" is "Gaza", not "strip" or "stripe". By the way, “tank turret” = “gank tower” even if you are used to the fact that “tower” is “tower”.

One-two-three: start!
Who is this book for?
Part. 1. Preface. How to do the exercises in the first part
Some more tips
Now about the working position of the body
Preface to the exercise "Green Apple"
Exercise "Green Apple"
Preface to the exercise "Flip"
Exercise "Coup"
Preface to the exercise "Boy and Girl"
Exercise "Boy and Girl"
Preface to the One-Two-Three Exercise
Exercise "One-two-three"
Part 2. Preface. How to do the exercises in the second part
Preface to the exercise "Lightning rods"
Exercise "Lightning rods"
Preface to the exercise "What does it mean?"
Exercise "What does it mean?"
Preface to the exercise "Actor"
Exercise "Actor"
Preface to the exercise "Arrows"
Exercise "Arrows"

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
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