Are there any benefits to riding a scooter? Stunt scooters from A to Z: features of choice, operation and structure Is a scooter a necessary thing.

Are you going to buy a scooter, but doubt that you are familiar with all the selection criteria? This article will cover everything you need to know to choose the perfect scooter for adults.

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For many, a scooter is primarily a childhood memory. However, now more and more adults are getting on a scooter to cover considerable distances in cities and even.

Adult scooters are significantly different from children's scooters - children's are light, maneuverable, durable and forgive mistakes. Adults are designed to be not only controlled, but possibly used for tricks - from simple to quite complex.

Adult scooters are urban and sports.

City scooters designed to move around the city, which means they should be comfortable on any road. Such scooters have larger wheels - up to 200 mm, which allows them to overcome paving stones, curbs, cracks in the asphalt, and so on. Attention: not suitable for tricks!

Many city scooters - unlike sports scooters - fold, which is convenient for transportation. However, they are inferior to sports clumsy scooters in strength. Some city scooters are equipped with a shock absorber that softens the shock when riding on uneven roads and paving stones.

Sports scooters characterized by strength and lightness. The diameter of their wheels is no more than 125 mm. They are just made for skate parks, they are bought by those who want to learn tricks. All are monolithic, they cannot be folded, and therefore they are not so convenient for transportation, but they are safe and durable.

The structure of the scooter

Have you decided what type of scooter you need? Before choosing a specific model, get acquainted with the structure of the scooter. It consists of three parts - frame, wheels and platform.

Frame. The best frame material is aluminum. Scooters with such frames are the lightest and most durable.

Scooter wheels made from several types of materials:

Polyurethane is the most common, it is very durable and fast.
Rubber - less common, as it is inferior to polyurethane - rubber wheels are less fast and maneuverable.
Pneumatic wheels provide smoother movement than rubber and polyurethane, but are significantly inferior to them in terms of speed. But with such wheels, you will hardly feel any vibration while riding.

Another important characteristic is the size of the wheels. They are divided into:

  • small (46-62 mm);
  • medium (70-84 mm);
  • large (90-110 mm);
  • very large (120-230 mm).

The larger the wheel diameter, the higher the speed, but less maneuverability.

For urban scooters, professionals advise choosing wheels from 120 to 200 mm.

Deca (foot platform). When choosing the length of the platform, it is important to remember that the smaller its area, the more maneuverable the scooter, which means that the more effort will have to be applied when riding. Decks, as a rule, come in two types - from wood materials and metal. A scooter with a wooden deck reduces the sensitivity of the road. With an aluminum deck, the scooter will last longer, and the platform will be strong, reliable and light. If you hit the stones, however, you will hear an unpleasant noise.

Ready to buy a scooter? When you arrive at the store, check the following:

  • The folding mechanism (if available) is easily operated with one button.
  • Bearings can be replaced.
  • The weight of urban scooters is about 4-5 kg. Sports weight can reach 8-9 kg.
  • The wheels have fenders to protect against dirt in rain and slush.
  • Built-in brake system from the manufacturer. Most often these are spring brakes. Some models of scooters are also equipped with a hand brake.

Now you know the basic criteria required when buying an adult scooter, and you can safely choose your ideal one.

Where to buy a scooter?

An adult scooter for every taste and level can be found at Decathlon. Scooters are produced by the Oxelo brand.

The most popular of city ​​scooters for adults is considered . It weighs 4.7 kg and is designed for heights from 145 to 195 cm, the height of the steering wheel can be adjusted.

The scooter is easy to fold and has 200 mm wheels, which is ideal for riding in the city. Brake - on rear wheel. The easiest and most affordable scooter.

For those who value comfort and want the scooter to serve as long as possible, a more advanced model has been developed -. This scooter has the same features as the Town 5 XL, plus a hand brake and a second brake on the rear wheel.

Thanks to two suspensions - front and rear - you will hardly feel the shock when driving on rough roads. Such a scooter weighs a little more - 5.6 kg - but it is still easy to transport.

Practical people who value their time prefer the . It is equipped with technology that allows you to fold and unfold the scooter in a second, and the scooter can be rolled even when folded.

Both wheels have mud guards. The steering wheel height is adjustable up to 195 cm. This model has large polyurethane wheels that provide high maneuverability in the city.

Another owner of Easyfold technology is a scooter. It is similar in parameters to the previous one, but it has a second brake on the handlebars, as well as a front suspension that absorbs vibrations on the road. This model can withstand weight up to 100 kg.

Good luck choosing!

[email protected]

Learn how to ride a scooter correctly to get not only the pleasure of riding, but also benefits for the body.

Does riding a scooter benefit the body?

Of course, there is a benefit, and quite impressive. This is especially true for children and representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Let's start with the fact that riding a scooter helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. IN modern life any physical activity only welcome. Many people different ages a large amount of time is spent in offices at work, and at home they sit at the TV and computer.

When you ride a scooter, fresh air, then the lungs work in full force. As a result, the blood is well saturated with oxygen, which is then delivered to all tissues of the body. Riding a scooter can be very beneficial for heavy smokers who need to detoxify their lungs. Do not forget that such walks perfectly strengthen the immune system.

A scooter is an excellent means of preventing varicose veins lower extremities, since the main load falls on the legs. All this contributes to the improvement of blood flow and eliminates congestion in the blood vessels. If a person suffers from vegetovascular dystonia, then scooter rides help strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Scientists are confident that this vehicle is useful for men in terms of preventing diseases such as adenoma and prostatitis. This is due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Great news for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will be the ability of the scooter to improve the processes of lipolysis. If you regularly ride a scooter, you can actively burn body fat. Even daily trips of half an hour can help you lose a few kilos and strengthen your muscles.

Specialists in the field of ophthalmology also talk about the benefits of walking on this vehicle. Driving a scooter, a person peers at objects located at a decent distance. This is an excellent training for the eye muscles and thus prevents the decrease in visual acuity. Scooter rides are no less useful in relation to the nervous system. Every walk delivers a mass positive emotions. Also on nervous system Physical activity also has a positive effect.

Let's compare scootering with other popular cardio activities:

  1. Bike- during cycling, only the legs are most actively involved in the work, which leads to disproportion in the development of muscles.
  2. Run- great view physical activity, but has the ability to overload the joints and the spinal column.

Rules for riding a scooter

To get the most out of this vehicle, we recommend that you follow a few simple rules:
  • Do not go for a walk immediately after eating.
  • The active phase must necessarily alternate with rest.
  • Before starting a walk, it is worth stretching your joints so as not to get injured.
  • Classes should be regular.

Scooter benefits

When the child grows up. Many parents cannot decide. What to buy for your child - a bicycle right away or start with a scooter. We have already talked about whether there are benefits from riding a scooter. Let's look at the advantages of this vehicle:
  1. Will help in physical development child - the scooter improves the performance of the articular-ligamentous joint and has a positive effect on the health of the spinal column. If during cycling only the legs are actively working, then the scooter will also use the abdominal muscles. Since you have to constantly change the jogging leg, the load is distributed evenly. Due to the lack of a saddle, there are no such negative aspects as numbness, microtraumas and poor blood flow.
  2. Smaller size and lack of pedals - even if the child falls off the scooter, he is guaranteed not to receive serious injuries.
  3. If there is a serious obstacle on the way, you can quickly jump off the scooter. Yes, and rolling it next to you is much easier compared to a bicycle.
  4. It doesn't take much space to store the vehicle.
  5. You can ride a scooter on the sidewalk without creating an emergency. A bicycle can develop high speed, which is unsafe for all road users.
  6. Walking can be done even in cold weather - warm clothes is not a serious obstacle to walking, because in the absence of pedals there is nothing to catch on.
  7. The sense of balance improves - scientists have proven that regular scooter rides contribute to the development of spatial thinking and improve coordination. After the scooter, the child will quickly learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle.
  8. Today you can buy scooters for adults and make fun walks with the whole family.
  9. You can have fun with a scooter, arranging various competitions.

What muscles work when riding a scooter?

Regular walks on a scooter allow you to develop the following muscles:
  1. Qualitatively pump up the quadriceps and calves, which will improve the shape of the thigh and lower leg.
  2. The muscles of the buttocks are actively involved in the work.
  3. Improve stretching of the hamstring, which will become more flexible and mobile.
  4. Observing the skating technique, you can well strengthen the muscles of the press and back.
Since you have to squat for repulsion, almost all the muscles of the lower extremities are involved in the work. To distribute the load evenly. It is necessary to alternate the push leg. We recommend doing this every 5-15 minutes. Scientists say that the load on the jogging leg while riding a scooter corresponds to running, but at the same time, the joints are spared from the negative impact. To support correct position body, you have to actively use the muscles of the abdomen and back.

As we said above, regular walks on this vehicle contribute to fast weight loss. If you are moving at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, then for every kilo of body weight, about 0.765 kJ of energy is burned. For comparison, at a similar speed of a bicycle ride, the energy consumption will be only 0.46 kJ. This suggests that in order to lose weight with the same efficiency, you need to move on a bicycle almost twice as fast. The energy consumption during a scooter ride is similar to swimming.

How to choose the right scooter?

Not all people know that a large number of models can be found on sale today. All of them can be divided into two large groups- t-shirts and scooters. If everything is clear enough with the second group, then a few words should be said about footbikes. This vehicle is used in professional sports for high-speed driving. They are large in size and equipped with large inflatable wheels in the manner of bicycles.

Types of scooters

All scooters can be classified according to several parameters. Depending on the method of riding, stunt and city scooters are distinguished. There is also a gradation depending on the destination. However, let's look at this issue in more detail.
  1. Stunt scooters - already from the name it is clear that they are designed for fast driving and performing complex tricks. Home design feature stunt scooters is a clumsy design and small wheels.
  2. City scooters- used for movement in the city, most often has durable wheels and a folding design. Such scooters are perfect for children and adults for joint walks.
Three-wheeled scooters are designed for children aged one to three years. For the smallest, you can purchase a vehicle with a plastic frame. Since these scooters are designed for children, they have bright colors, various stickers, bells, lights, and even musical accompaniment. For an emergency stop, three-wheeled scooters are most often equipped with a hand brake.

When choosing a vehicle in this category, pay attention to the wheels. If they are large, then maneuverability increases significantly and it becomes possible to overcome difficult sections of the road. The only drawback of three-wheeled scooters is the need for additional storage space.

Two-wheel scooters are designed for children from four years old, and are also suitable for adults. Today, most of these models are foldable and light in weight. The steering wheel height can be adjusted. And the large wheels provide high maneuverability. Scooters made of metal are of the highest quality. Most often, the brake system is located on the rear wheel and you need to pay special attention to this issue.

Scooters with inflatable wheels differ in the mouths of the structures discussed above with high cross-country ability. They can be used by you for walking not only in the city, but also on light rough terrain. Also, weather conditions do not seriously affect the possibility of a trip. High-speed models of scooters are equipped with large wheels. They also differ in having brake system not only behind, but also in front.

When choosing a scooter, you should take into account the width of the deck (leg area) so that the trips are as comfortable as possible. If this element of the scooter is too wide, then the overall speed of movement will noticeably decrease. You should also take into account the length of the deck, because this parameter also affects the speed qualities of the vehicle.

And the last important parameter of the deck is the height. The larger it is, the more difficult it will be to push off, and you will quickly get tired. At the end of the conversation about the deck, we also note the ways of attaching it:
  1. Whole- a deck with a frame are a monolithic design.
  2. Flexible- the deck is fixed between the metal bases of the frame.
  3. on the frame- the deck is located on top of the metal frame.
Of course, in many respects the safety of movement depends on the wheels. Pay attention to the quality of their workmanship. The diameter of the wheels of city scooters is in the range from 15 to 200 millimeters. Be sure to check the design of the bearings used. The most reliable and convenient are those devices that have an index of 7 or 9.

For more on the rules and benefits of riding a scooter, see the video below:

At first glance, it seems that scooters are all the same person, but this is not so. Exist different types and models of this transport, depending on their purpose and requirements. On a scooter, you can ride around the city, ride in the city park or on the highway. City scooters are durable and comfortable - they are equipped with big wheels up to 25 cm in diameter, it is convenient to ride on uneven asphalt surfaces, overcoming gaps between tiles and curbs. Many models are equipped with shock absorbers and flexible decks for a more comfortable ride. Stunt scooters are designed for riding in skate parks - they are very light, with small wheels, handlebars and a deck, these models are designed exclusively for stunts, it is not recommended to move around the city on them.

Off-road scooters are also called dirt models - they have large inflatable wheels and a fairly solid construction, they are mainly ridden in dirt parks with jumps and descents, on gravel roads and outside the city.

Footbikes are very popular now - bicycle scooters, very similar to bicycles, with a steering wheel and brakes, but without pedals and chains. They can develop good speed and less likely to push off. There are walking footbikes and sports ones for walking on rough terrain, riding steep hills and crosses on the track. SUVs and footbikes usually don't stack, because the fewer different connections, the stronger the structure. Electric scooters with a motor are also very popular - they can move effortlessly over long distances.

What should be the wheels of the scooter

From right choice scooter depends on the comfort of movement and the pleasure of walking.

Sergey Simonov

Bicycle seller

“The choice of a scooter starts with the wheels – the larger they are, the more stable the transport. But at the same time, the scooter loses in maneuverability, so large wheels are good for those who already ride well and feel confident. In addition, the wheels should be wide enough - this ensures the comfort of the walk. It also matters what material the wheels are made of. Modern manufacturers offer two options - polyurethane of varying degrees of hardness and inflatable rubber wheels, while plastic is found only on cheap children's models. Too hard polyurethane is not very comfortable on the road, unless it is perfectly smooth, so for ordinary city streets or country roads with pebbles and holes, a scooter with soft polyurethane wheels or models with inflatable wheels that will pass both on the lawn and on the sandy terrain. However, soft wheels do not last long, but harder ones will please you with a long service life, so choose for yourself what is more important to you.

It is also important to remember that inflatable wheels are often punctured on the roads, and they are used, like rubber ones, mainly on SUVs. When choosing wheels, pay attention to the bearings, the model of which is indicated by the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, while the higher the number, the better quality bearings. But keep in mind, they need to be lubricated and replaced periodically as they wear out quickly.

How to choose the height of the scooter

If the scooter is not suitable for the height of a person, riding it will be very uncomfortable - you will have to lean too far forward or backward to maintain balance, and you will not be able to maneuver on the road.

Sports coach Oleg Kashtansky, organizer of competitions and championships in Russia in scooter riding, warns those who buy a scooter not for height: “In this case, you will forget not only about comfort, but also about good health, because your back and legs will hurt , and problems with the spine will lead to headaches, so you will have to be treated and change the model.”

The height of the scooter is selected as follows. Stand up straight, bend your arm at a right angle and measure the distance from the elbow to the floor - this will be the recommended height of the steering wheel, while deviations in both directions by about 10 cm are acceptable, because on walking models the design of the steering wheel is easily adjustable. If you are looking for a stunt model with a fixed steering wheel, it is better if the steering wheel is slightly lower, and not vice versa. The fact is that a lower steering wheel is easier to manage than a high one, and there is less harm to the spine.

Brakes and deck

It is important for a scooter to have a brake - at the same time, foot brakes are considered more reliable, although manual ones are easier to use. Among the disadvantages of hand brakes is a slow response to pressing. But with the help of foot brakes, you can instantly stop without losing balance even at high speed. However, ideal option is the presence of two brakes at once - first you reduce the speed with the hand brake, and after a while you press the rear foot brake, and the scooter finally stops. The width of the deck should be medium, and its length should not be very large, since the shortened foot platform increases the maneuverability of the scooter. A low deck helps to increase the speed, with a high deck it is not so easy to do this.

Oleg Kashtansky


“A taller deck will make you squat harder, so you'll be more fatigued from riding. With a low deck, you can feel more relaxed when pushing off with your foot. But in urban conditions, you will have to be more careful, especially when overcoming bumps and curbs.

On the surface of the deck, there may be relief elements that increase the stability of the foot, for those who still feel insecure on the road. By the way, the deck can be a one-piece structure with a frame, or it can be attached on top of the frame or be flexible. In the second case, the deck can be replaced with other models, and in the third case, the deck springs well, so you won’t feel too much vibration during movement, but you will have to make more effort when pushing off.

What else to look for when choosing a scooter? It is good if one or two shock absorbers are installed on city scooters, because these spring mechanisms soften the shaking, making the ride softer and more comfortable. Modern manufacturers mainly put springs on the front wheel so that there is no shaking of the steering wheel during the trip. However, models with shock absorbers have their drawbacks - their weight and cost increase and durability decreases. If the shock absorber fails, it will be impossible to replace it - you will have to buy a new scooter.

Soft caps on the handles (grips) should not be made of foam rubber, but of rubber that is more durable and comfortable to care for, but they are easy to replace, and you can pick up grips of any color and design. On some models, bumpers are additionally provided so that the hands do not slip.

The structures of adult scooters mainly use steel, aluminum frames and magnesium alloys. Steel is stronger and heavier, so it is suitable for scooters, aluminum is lighter and cheaper, and magnesium alloys are light, strong and very expensive, so not everyone can afford them.

If you need to choose a sports scooter, keep in mind that the diameter of the wheels is for best performance tricks should be 100-125 cm. sports models usually non-separable, made of steel or aluminum, the steering wheel is fixed and non-adjustable, bearings are of high quality.

The scooter has long ceased to be children's entertainment - people of all ages meet behind its "wheel". What you need to pay attention to when buying this transport, we tell together with the American brand of scooters Razor.

Appeared in 2000 - a group of people developed and patented scooter Razor A Model. This model is considered the first modern scooter. In the first year, the company manufactured and sold more than 5,000,000 models worldwide - this, of course, "blew up" the market.

17 years have passed, and every year it only increases momentum and is not going to stop. During this period, the company has sold more than 70,000,000 scooters. Do I need to say that such indicators are synonymous with success, popularity and love of buyers? The brand became so recognizable in the USA that it was even included in board game Monopoly Empire.

In 2010, the most popular brand in the world (in general, the company also produces roller skates, scooters) came to the Russian market - and the local buyer definitely has something to love Razor scooters for. Later you will understand why, but for now we will tell you what you need to know when buying a scooter.

Do you use public transport

Where do you travel most often? Surely this is an office, a fitness room, a shopping center, a favorite cafe and some kind of cinema. To get to your destination, you most likely have to take the subway, bus or tram. Agree, pushing around with a scooter is not very convenient, besides, you will collect all the sidelong glances of your fellow travelers. But waiting for your stop with a folded scooter is a completely different matter. Yes, and it is desirable that this scooter does not weigh like a stuffed hiking backpack.

If you think that these two parameters cannot be combined in any way, you simply have not heard of . What is good about this model? There are hardly enough fingers of one hand to list them all:

  • wheel diameter - 200 mm. As a rule, wheels from 125 to 200 mm are built into a city scooter. But this is the case when the more the better. This diameter provides O a longer roll (10-15 meters from one push; this effect is also achieved thanks to branded bearings), it will make it easier to drive through bumps and coating defects, making the trip “softer” and more comfortable;
  • Reliable and durable construction is made of aircraft-grade aluminum, which makes this scooter the lightest in its class - it weighs only 3.86 kilograms. Not heavier than a backpack with a laptop and an umbrella;
  • capable of accelerating up to 30-40 km / h. Well, who will say now that a scooter is tedious and slow?
  • easy and quick to fold. Even after a few months of active use, no backlash will appear;
  • there is a special "leg" for parking;
  • soft foam grips are installed on the steering wheel (special handles that are put on the steering wheel where they hold it), which allows the palms to “breathe”;
  • suitable for adults and children from 8 years old;
  • And he just looks cool and stylish.

What surface are you going to ride on?

If you are not going to be limited to asphalt and tiles and plan to travel outside the city where sand, clay and mud meet, then buying the first scooter that comes across is a bad tactic (in general, this tactic is not suitable for buying anything). In this case, you need a real “off-road vehicle” among scooters, which means that you first need to pay attention to the wheels - their size and material. Let's go through each parameter.

Wheels. As you already know, the larger their diameter, the better, and tires should be wide and powerful. Otherwise, you will be shaken at every hole, skating will turn into headache and waste of nerves, you can forget about pleasure. Material: instead of polyurethane, you should choose rubber - for better cross-country ability.

The new 2017 has these parameters -. This is an optimized Razor A5 Lux model specifically for Russian roads. Here are the main advantages of this scooter:

  • the diameter of the wheels remained 200 mm, but the wheels themselves became inflatable - this improves cross-country ability and increases the comfort of movement;
  • wide pneumatic tires on road rubber and excellent grip - believe me, few roads will stop this scooter.

But you will have to pay for the convenience of weight - this model has become heavier by one kilogram. Although for the class of "off-road" this scooter is still considered light.

The advantages of the Razor A5 Lux were inherited by the Razor A5 Air, the creators only changed the material of the grips - from foam to silicone so that the hand does not slip off the steering wheel, added plastic tips to the handles - this reduces vibration and backlash on the steering wheel to a minimum. And the reliability of the scooter folding mechanism has become even higher.

Urban adult scooters. Is it convenient to move around on them, and which scooter should an adult buy? In short, not everything is so joyful and not always convenient.

Urban adult scooters. Is it convenient to move around on them, and which scooter should an adult buy?

That summer, I had a fixed idea - buying an electric scooter. You can read more about this in the article Xiaomi Mijia Electric Scooter. Review. Is it worth buying? In short, I rode an electric scooter, got disappointed in it and sold it quite profitably.

This spring, a new idea came to my mind - to buy a lightweight adult folding scooter (regular, not electric). I assumed that this purchase would save me money on travel to and from work, and I would spend more time outdoors. Conceived - done.

In short, not everything is so joyful and not always convenient.

Lightweight, fast, foldable scooter

I bought a scooter with large polyurethane wheels with a diameter of 230 mm and a lightweight aluminum frame. It has a foldable design and can be easily transformed so as not to take up much space.

The price of a light adult folding scooter was about 5 thousand rubles. (significantly less than the price for an electric scooter, which I purchased for 20 thousand rubles).

If you think riding a scooter is easy, then I have some bad news for you. As it turned out, moving on a scooter is a very energy-intensive process, comparable to intense walking. That's why first negative effect is fatigue. If you are already tired at work in the morning, then there is a high probability that your productivity will decrease significantly.

The second negative consequence- you will sweat a lot. Your work colleagues will not be very happy about the fact that there will be a person nearby who, depending on the constitution of the body, will smell unpleasant to one degree or another. Of course, you can take spare clothes with you, but this is inconvenient for me personally. You can also try to cover up bad odors by wiping yourself with wet wipes, but the smell of the wipes can also be an irritant to your co-workers. We don't even mention perfume. He is strictly prohibited!

The third negative point. The convenience of getting to work on a scooter greatly depends on your city. For example, the city may be located on the hills, but it is very difficult to move on a scooter in the mountains. Also, in your city there may simply be no suitable road for a scooter.

What surface is best for a city scooter?

Best of all, the scooter rides on smooth, dense, fine-grained asphalt. But finding such asphalt is not so easy.

The second suitable type of coating is large granite slabs. The frequency of seams is not very annoying, and the scooter maintains a decent speed of movement.

Small tiles are the least suitable for riding a scooter with polyurethane wheels. You will be shaken like on a washboard. The pleasure from such skiing will be zero.

And, of course, dirt roads are generally not suitable for riding a scooter with thin polyurethane wheels. There are scooters with inflatable wheels for driving on dirt roads, but their speed on asphalt or tiles is significantly lower than their counterparts with solid wheels.

On a scooter in the center of St. Petersburg

My experience of traveling on a scooter around St. Petersburg in the city center showed that on the same route, the time to get to work was 35-40 minutes, and back only 20 minutes. This is caused by the fact that you go forward up a small hill, you get very tired and sweat, and you go back down the hill, quickly and with a breeze. Therefore, you sit at work wet, and you come home dry, which is somewhat wrong.

If your path lies through Nevsky Prospekt and other tourist places, then it is generally better to forget about the scooter. More problems.

Therefore, before you buy an adult scooter, do one simple thing. Follow the planned driving route to ensure that 95% of the path is level and smooth. Also, if possible, rent a scooter for a couple of days. This will allow you to assess your strengths and understand the sensations of such a trip. You might just not like it.

On a scooter is faster than on foot and even on a bus

From positive news - only one. In my case, with a distance to work of 5 km, when on foot the travel time there and back is 2 hours, and by bus 1.5 hours, by scooter the same journey is only 1 hour.

In general, I made the following conclusion for myself regarding this issue: which scooter should an adult buy? For me, none. And I again put the scooter on Avito.

I realized that there is nothing better than a good walk! Especially in summer. And in winter by bus.