Boxer Peter Khamukov with a girl. European Champion Petr Khamukov: People in masks have come

(1991-07-15 ) (27 years) Place of Birth: Weight category :

medium (75 kg), light heavy (81 kg)

Rack: Height: World Series Boxing Number of fights: Number of wins: Knockouts: Number of defeats:

Pyotr Mukhamedovich Khamukov(born July 15, 1991 in Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory) - Russian boxer (Adyg by origin) of medium and light heavyweight weight class, participant of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Plays for the Russian national team. Master of Sport international class, winner of many international tournaments. Represents St. Petersburg and the Russian national team at competitions. Police sergeant.

Amateur career

  • 2010
  • 2012
    • bronze medalist of the championship of Russia
    • winner of the international tournament Great Silk Road in Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 2013
    • winner of the international Giraldo-Cordova Cardin Tournament Sala-Kid Chocolate in Havana, Cuba
    • international tournament winner Gee Bee Tournament in Helsinki, Finland
  • 2014
    • winner of the international tournament in memory of Taimanov and Utemissov in Atyrau, Kazakhstan
    • winner of the international tournament of the Governor's Cup, St. Petersburg
    • silver medalist of the championship of Russia
  • 2015
    • thanks to successful performances in the WSB, he won a license in the weight up to 75 kg to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    • winner of the European Championship in Samokov, Bulgaria.
  • 2016
    • moved to the weight category up to 81 kg
    • in the new weight won the traditional international tournament Canaria Gran Boxeo Open
    • at the Olympic qualification tournament in Baku won a license in the weight up to 81 kg to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    • On August 7, 2016, at the 2016 Olympic Games, he finished his performance at the 1/16 final stage, losing to Ramon Albert Ramirez (Venezuela).

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  • (English)
Team Russia - World Cup 2015
Team Russia - European Championship 2015

An excerpt characterizing Khamukov, Pyotr Mukhamedovich

He looked at her again, and this look convinced her that she had not been mistaken. - Yes, now, this very minute her fate was being decided.
“Come, Natasha, I will call you,” said the countess in a whisper.
Natasha looked with frightened, pleading eyes at Prince Andrei and at her mother, and went out.
“I have come, Countess, to ask for the hand of your daughter,” said Prince Andrei. The countess's face flushed, but she said nothing.
“Your suggestion…” the Countess began sedately. He remained silent, looking into her eyes. - Your offer ... (she was embarrassed) we are pleased, and ... I accept your offer, I'm glad. And my husband ... I hope ... but it will depend on her ...
- I will tell her when I have your consent ... do you give it to me? - said Prince Andrew.
“Yes,” said the Countess, and held out her hand to him, and with a mixture of aloofness and tenderness pressed her lips to his forehead as he leaned over her hand. She wanted to love him like a son; but she felt that he was a stranger and a terrible person for her. “I'm sure my husband will agree,” said the countess, “but your father ...
- My father, to whom I informed my plans, made it an indispensable condition for consent that the wedding should not be before a year. And this is what I wanted to tell you, - said Prince Andrei.
- It is true that Natasha is still young, but so long.
“It could not be otherwise,” Prince Andrei said with a sigh.
“I will send it to you,” said the countess, and left the room.
“Lord, have mercy on us,” she repeated, looking for her daughter. Sonya said that Natasha was in the bedroom. Natasha sat on her bed, pale, with dry eyes, looked at the icons and, quickly making the sign of the cross, whispered something. Seeing her mother, she jumped up and rushed to her.
- What? Mom?… What?
- Go, go to him. He asks for your hand, - the countess said coldly, as it seemed to Natasha ... - Go ... go, - the mother said with sadness and reproach after the fleeing daughter, and sighed heavily.
Natasha did not remember how she entered the living room. When she entered the door and saw him, she stopped. “Is this stranger really become my everything now?” she asked herself and instantly answered: “Yes, everything: he alone is now dearer to me than everything in the world.” Prince Andrei went up to her, lowering his eyes.
“I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. Can I hope?
He looked at her, and the earnest passion of her countenance struck him. Her face said: “Why ask? Why doubt that which is impossible not to know? Why talk when you can’t express what you feel in words.
She approached him and stopped. He took her hand and kissed it.
– Do you love me?
“Yes, yes,” Natasha said as if with annoyance, sighed loudly, another time, more and more often, and sobbed.
– About what? What's wrong with you?
“Oh, I’m so happy,” she answered, smiled through her tears, leaned closer to him, thought for a second, as if asking herself if it was possible, and kissed him.
Prince Andrei held her hands, looked into her eyes, and did not find in his soul the former love for her. Something suddenly turned in his soul: there was no former poetic and mysterious charm of desire, but there was pity for her feminine and childish weakness, there was fear of her devotion and gullibility, a heavy and at the same time joyful consciousness of the duty that bound him forever with her. The real feeling, although it was not as light and poetic as the former, was more serious and stronger.

For the first time in twenty-four years, the St. Petersburg boxing school will be represented at the Olympics! The glorious traditions of Gennady Shatkov and Valery Popenchenko in Rio de Janeiro will be continued by Petr Khamukov. Following the results of the tournament in Baku, the 24-year-old boxer, performing in the weight category up to 81 kg, got the coveted ticket to the main start of the four years.

Peter's success is hard to overestimate. This is his second breakthrough to Brazil, since the executive committee of the Russian Boxing Federation actually took away his license in the second middleweight division. How did the young man find the strength not to slam the door? Who has not abandoned a guy in difficult times? With what thoughts does the light heavyweight go to Rio?

Silently hugged the coach

- Peter, when did you realize for sure that after all the trials and tribulations you would go to Rio?
- At the tournament in Baku, my third fight was against a rather strong Indian Sumit Sagvan, the victory over which gave a license for the Olympic Games. But, believe me, before entering the ring I did not experience additional pressure. I tuned in like a normal fight! The motivation was to cleanly beat Sumit, not to get a license.

But when the final gong sounded, the judges made the final decision and the referee raised my hand up, that's when he realized that this was not an ordinary fight for me at all. I got my license for the Olympics again! True, there was no longer any strength to rejoice or jump. I just went up to my coach Ruslan Dotdayev and hugged him tightly. Like a man! This is the only strong emotion that he could afford.

You held the tournament in the capital of Azerbaijan in an excellent style, even despite the heavier weight category.
- The first duel with the Nigerian Umar Sadiga was very difficult. But it normal. Almost all boxers at any level experience discomfort at the start. You need to "roll" into the competition, try the atmosphere. The long break between my last sparring and the start of the tournament also had an effect. For almost eleven days I did not have a "live" work, and this is a big pause. Well, the opponent got very uncomfortable. Tall, powerful in size, athletic, punching.

But Denis Lazar passed easily. The Slovenian turned out to be comfortable in every sense: both in height and in manner. Artlessly climbed forward, trying to decide the outcome of the battle with one blow. But I easily "read" it, all three rounds went under my dictation.

I approached the duel with the Hindu in great shape. This was important, because Sagvan is not a beginner in boxing, he participated in the Olympic Games in London, boxed with Yegor Mekhontsev at the World Championships. Mobile, technical, it was necessary to lure him to go on himself, to force him to attack. And then "roll" on it with short and quick strikes. What we did with the coach. Three fights - three victories in Baku!

Bad Helpers

The last time we met was in those days when the executive committee of the Russian Boxing Federation decided that Chebotarev would go to Rio instead of Khamukov. You were depressed, although you were courageous. When did the cherished chance to get to the Olympics appear again?
- In March. When I was denied a license, I did not rush to conclusions. I just wanted to be alone, to recover a little. Time is the best healer, and just then a call came to the national team for Lake Krugloye. I was invited to help the guys prepare for the international tournament.

- Excuse me for interrupting, but you didn’t have a desire to send everyone to hell and slam the door?
- You are right, I did not have any special desire to go to the team. But anger is a bad helper in life. Aggression is only harmful. Just like in the ring. I got angry at the opponent and already think only about how to hit him, instead of competently tactically leading the duel. This will not be boxing, but a fight. And besides, I am a member of the national team, I receive a salary there, I am obliged to come on the first call. Moreover, I did not think about quitting boxing. And at the base there are excellent conditions, training, recovery, good sparring.

- And what happened on the Round?
- By the will of fate, they put me in pairs with light heavyweights. I started working and thought that there is nothing particularly difficult to box at 81 kg. I return home, Maxim Zhukov, the president of the Boxing Federation of St. Petersburg, meets me and says: “We were thinking, why shouldn’t Khamukov officially compete for a light heavyweight license?” Imagine how our thoughts converged!

At the same time, my coach was by no means a supporter of this idea. Ruslan Khyzyrovich gave many arguments against: a short period of preparation, my short stature, a different weight. In the end, of course, he agreed, but he called me an adventurer.

In general, I want to say a huge thank you to my excellent team. And Maxim Vladimirovich Zhukov, and the head of the "Olympic Platform" Denis Borisovich Rekhin. These people have always been with me in difficult times. Helped at the training camp, at sparring, at tournaments. If not for them, there would be no talk of any license in Rio.

Stop a step away from your dreams?

I have heard from important sports officials that after the victory over Chebotarev in the Russian Championship, you had to continue to perform. Become a national champion. And then no one would have dared to take away Khamukov's license.
- Even if I became the best in Russia, and then entered the prize-winners of the World Championship, nothing would change. The Board decided so! I do not agree with those who said that Chebotarev is more experienced and titled. This is not an indicator! You need to look objectively at what is happening in the ring. Over the past years, I have won many important tournaments, including in Cuba in the prestigious Giraldo-Cordova Cardin, in the Cup of the Governor of St. Petersburg, I won all the fights in the WSB series, became the champion of Europe!

Take, for example, how I boxed in Baku now. It's easy, with a good mood, and, believe me, I have no less experience than Chebotarev.

- Now that everything is over and you have a license, what do you expect from Rio?
- It will be the same World Championship, only the strongest will gather at the Olympics, those who managed to win licenses. The selection was the most severe. But this is better. The higher the class, the less dirty brawlers. Here in Baku there were all sorts of battles, especially at the first stage. A lot of injuries, cuts, dirty tricks, unnecessary collisions with heads.

- Surely they will try and psychologically unsettle you.
- That's for sure! When we boxed the WSB series in Mexico, people dressed as Mayan Indians came out to the presentation ceremony. They tried to scare us with scary masks. This is psychology. In war, all means are good. Someone freaked out, and I just laughed. It's stupid to lose confidence because you were scared by a mask.

My motto is never give up! Keep moving towards your goal. Not this way, but the other way. There is a way out of any situation. Don't get excited. Sit down, think, maybe you yourself did something wrong. And then move on again! And you will achieve your cherished goal.

Many were sure that in March I would hang my gloves on a nail. No! My main motivation was the dream - to go to the Olympics. Dreamed of her with early childhood. As a boy, I leafed through magazines with legendary champions, I thought that it was out of reach. Been going to this for sixteen years. And suddenly, when he was one step away from his dream, quit everything?

Interviewed by Konstantin Osipov


3 medals - two gold and one bronze - were won by St. Petersburg (Leningrad) boxers in the entire history of the Olympic Games. In Melbourne-1956, Gennady Shatkov (75 kg) became the Olympic champion, in the ring of Tokyo-1964 gold medal Valery Popenchenko (75 kg) won, and Vadim Emelyanov (over 81 kg) took bronze. At the same time, in Russian history, boxers are one of the most stable earners of Olympic metal for the national team. So, in London 2012, the Russian boxing team won 6 awards: 1 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze.

Pyotr Mukhamedovich Khamukov(born July 15, 1991 in Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory) - Russian boxer (Adyghe by origin) in the middle and light heavyweight categories, participant in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Plays for the Russian national team. Master of sports of international class, winner of many international tournaments. Represents St. Petersburg and the Russian national team at competitions. Police sergeant.

Amateur career

  • 2010
  • 2012
    • bronze medalist championship of Russia
    • winner of the international tournament Great Silk Road in Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 2013
    • winner of the international Giraldo-Cordova Cardin Tournament Sala-Kid Chocolate in Havana, Cuba
    • international tournament winner Gee Bee Tournament in Helsinki, Finland
  • 2014
    • winner of the international tournament in memory of Taimanov and Utemissov in Atyrau, Kazakhstan
    • winner of the international tournament of the Governor's Cup, St. Petersburg
    • silver medalist of the championship of Russia
  • 2015
    • thanks to successful performances in the WSB, he won a license in the weight up to 75 kg to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    • winner of the European Championship in Samokov, Bulgaria.
  • 2016
    • moved to the weight category up to 81 kg
    • in the new weight won the traditional international tournament Canaria Gran Boxeo Open
    • at the Olympic qualification tournament in Baku won a license in the weight up to 81 kg to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    • August 7, 2016 at Olympic Games 2016 ended his performance at the 1/16 final stage, losing to Ramon Albert Ramirez (Venezuela).
    • Champion of Russia in boxing in weight up to 75 kg

Pyotr Khamukov is the only boxer of the Russian national team who has Olympic licenses in two weight categories: 75 and 81 kg. His previous victories led the athlete to the main one: today Khamukov is one of the members of the national boxing team, which will defend the honor of Russia in Brazil.

Pyotr Khamukov was born in the city of Labinsk, in the Krasnodar Territory. There were no athletes in his family, but his father wanted to raise a real man. Therefore, he took Petya to the karate section. But the coach then could not approach them. But the Khamukovs talked with the mentor of the boxing section. He invited Petya to watch the lesson. The 8-year-old boy liked the homely, almost family atmosphere at the training so much that he decided to opt for boxing.

The first coach of Peter Khamukov was Khachatur Zhamgaryan. When Peter Khamukov turned 15, he went to enter the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg. Petya liked this amazing city, which he immediately fell in love with. He also liked to study, but boxing remained the main thing. At first, the guy ran to training. He changed a couple of sections until he found one where he liked it.

The following year, 16-year-old Pyotr Khamukov came home for the holidays. As always, he first came to his favorite coach Khachatur Karapetovich. He invited the former student to speak at the Russian championship. Together with the guys, he prepared the guy for the tournament. Khamukov played for the Krasnodar Territory and won. The competition was attended the best coaches from all cities of the country. Among them was a mentor from St. Petersburg, Nikolai Malkov. Zhamgaryan asked Malkov to take his former student to him, and he agreed.

The skill of Peter Khamukov grew rapidly. His teachers from Nakhimovsky turned a blind eye to the departure of the cadet and the constant bruising on his face.

Soon Malkov realized that his student had grown to serious competition. So Peter got to the European Championship. But it was here that he first encountered unfair refereeing, after which he wanted to leave the sport. For a month, the athlete was depressed and even stopped training. But then Malkov called and said that Khamukov had grown to a serious fight. Just recruited a team of adult players. And the Krasnodar boxer returned to training again.


Soon Malkov was replaced by Ruslan Dotdaev, under whose leadership the athlete continued to hone his skills.

In 2012 sports biography Petra Khamukova went to new round. At competitions in Syktyvkar, he boxed in the 75 kg category. His opponents were leaders, behind whom there were many victories. It was here that Khamukov suddenly realized that he could well take a hit and fight on equal terms with real boxing masters.

Pyotr Khamukov was able to prove his professionalism in 2015. He performed well in that season of the World Series of Boxing (WSB) and was able to win a license to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in the 75 kg weight category. But here for the second time in my sports career Khamukov met with injustice. As it turned out, he won the same license. To determine which of them will go to the games in Brazil, Peter and Artyom were put against each other in the ring. Khamukov won with a crushing score of 3:0. But the Council of the Amateur Boxing Federation made an ambiguous decision in favor of the loser Chebotarev.

For the second time in his life, Khamukov thought about quitting the sport. But then he was offered a way out: to compete for the right to participate in the Olympics in a different weight category - up to 81 kg. At that time, there were no applicants for this category. And Khamukov managed to achieve victory. So he twice proved his right to travel to Rio de Janeiro.

Personal life

A boxing career is hard work. Pyotr Khamukov says that for the sake of her, many things that his peers allow themselves to sacrifice have to be sacrificed. The athlete sees his parents no more than once every six months. He does not have time for festivities with friends and various entertainment events. Personal life Petra Khamukova is also relegated far into the background. After all, for her, which is in great short supply.

But still, the boxer has hobbies that bring a bright variety to his life. First of all, it's fishing. Pyotr Khamukov admits that the silence and tranquility that accompany this activity bring him a lot of pleasure. And more recently, he tried skiing - mountain, cross-country and snowboarding. I learned quite quickly and decided that I would certainly practice such a holiday in the future.


Petr Khamukov, one of the strongest boxers in St. Petersburg recent years, made his debut in the professional ring, having won an unconditional victory over the American boxer Jose Rivera. The six-round fight took place in Los Angeles as part of the AllStarBoxing boxing show.

First Rival Petra Khamukova V professional boxing became a US and Puerto Rico-representing athlete Jose Rivera(4-2-0). Throughout all six rounds, Peter convincingly dominated his counterpart, giving the judges the basis for a unanimous decision.

Note that at least two boxers from the top 10 Russian boxers went to California to support the debutant. Olympic boxing - Olympic champion Evgeny Tishchenko and prize-winner of the Russian Championship 2017, winner of GeeBee International from St. Petersburg Alexey Mazur.

Petr Khamukov: biography

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Age: 26 years

Place of Birth: Labinsk, Russia

Height: 172

Activity: Russian middle and light heavyweight boxer

Family status: not married

Pyotr Khamukov is the only boxer of the Russian national team who has Olympic licenses in two weight categories: 75 and 81 kg. His previous victories led the athlete to the main one: today Khamukov is one of the members of the national boxing team, which will defend the honor of Russia in Brazil.

Pyotr Khamukov was born in the city of Labinsk, in the Krasnodar Territory. There were no athletes in his family, but his father wanted to raise a real man. Therefore, he took Petya to the karate section. But the coach then could not approach them. But the Khamukovs talked with the mentor of the boxing section. He invited Petya to watch the lesson. The 8-year-old boy liked the homely, almost family atmosphere at the training so much that he decided to opt for boxing.

The first coach of Peter Khamukov was Khachatur Zhamgaryan. When Peter Khamukov turned 15, he went to enter the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg. Petya liked this amazing city, which he immediately fell in love with. He also liked to study, but boxing remained the main thing. At first, the guy ran to training. He changed a couple of sections until he found one where he liked it.

The following year, 16-year-old Pyotr Khamukov came home for the holidays. As always, he first came to his favorite coach Khachatur Karapetovich. He invited the former student to speak at the Russian championship. Together with the guys, he prepared the guy for the tournament. Khamukov played for the Krasnodar Territory and won. The competition was attended by the best coaches from all cities of the country. Among them was a mentor from St. Petersburg, Nikolai Malkov. Zhamgaryan asked Malkov to take his former student to him, and he agreed.

The skill of Peter Khamukov grew rapidly. His teachers from Nakhimovsky turned a blind eye to the departure of the cadet and the constant bruising on his face.

Soon Malkov realized that his student had grown to serious competition. So Peter got to the European Championship. But it was here that he first encountered unfair refereeing, after which he wanted to leave the sport. For a month, the athlete was depressed and even stopped training. But then Malkov called and said that Khamukov had grown to a serious fight. Just recruited a team of adult players. And the Krasnodar boxer returned to training again.

Soon Malkov was replaced by Ruslan Dotdaev, under whose leadership the athlete continued to hone his skills.

In 2012, the sports biography of Peter Khamukov entered a new round. At competitions in Syktyvkar, he boxed in the 75 kg category. His opponents were leaders, behind whom there were many victories. It was here that Khamukov suddenly realized that he could well take a hit and fight on equal terms with real boxing masters.

Pyotr Khamukov was able to prove his professionalism in 2015. He performed well in that season of the World Series of Boxing (WSB) and was able to win a license to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in the 75 kg weight category. But here, for the second time in his sports career, Khamukov met with injustice. As it turned out, the same license won Artyom Chebotarev . To determine which of them will go to the games in Brazil, Peter and Artyom were put against each other in the ring. Khamukov won with a crushing score of 3:0. But the board of the Amateur Boxing Federation made an ambiguous decision in favor of the loser Chebotarev.

For the second time in his life, Khamukov thought about quitting the sport. But then he was offered a way out: to compete for the right to participate in the Olympics in a different weight category - up to 81 kg. At that time, there were no applicants for this category. And Khamukov managed to achieve victory. So he twice proved his right to travel to Rio de Janeiro.

Personal life

A boxing career is hard work. Pyotr Khamukov says that for the sake of her, many things that his peers allow themselves to sacrifice have to be sacrificed. The athlete sees his parents no more than once every six months. He does not have time for festivities with friends and various entertainment events. The personal life of Peter Khamukov is also pushed far into the background.

But still, the boxer has hobbies that bring a bright variety to his life. First of all, it's fishing. Pyotr Khamukov admits that the silence and tranquility that accompany this activity bring him a lot of pleasure. And more recently, he tried skiing - mountain, cross-country and snowboarding. I learned quite quickly and decided that I would certainly practice such a holiday in the future.