Is it possible to pump up muscles with push-ups. How to build muscle with push-ups

And again I am glad to meet you on the pages of my blog. It's summer outside, the weather is fine, and I'm sure that most of you have gone to summer cottages and resorts. In general - away from the hot asphalt and the bustle of the city. And I fully agree with you in such impulses. However, in this way, gyms and the whole Sports Equipment. But I'm sure you want to train! I want to pump my chest, arms, shoulders ... But you know, there is a way out!

I propose to talk about how to pump up with push-ups from the floor so that in the future your workouts will not be interrupted due to distances, lack of necessary supplies, unwillingness to go to the gym, etc.

Not only are push-ups extremely convenient in that they can be performed literally anywhere you can find a flat, smooth surface, they are also, believe me, very beneficial for the body. With the help of push-ups, you maintain athletic shape, increase endurance, strengthen joints, respiratory system and much more, not to mention the increase muscle mass and giving relief to your torso.

But since we, along with health, are primarily interested in muscles, their volume and shape, let's stop there. So, I propose to visually consider which muscles are pumped up during such a workout.

In the illustration, numbers 1, 2 and 3 indicate various bundles. Pushing up, you are working through all segments of the delta. Number 4 is the triceps, which, together with number 5, the chest muscles, takes on the main load during the training. But our conversation would be incomplete without mentioning biceps shoulder and serratus anterior muscles (ribs).

There are many nuances and options for doing push-ups, focusing either on the top of the chest, then on the bottom, or even on the biceps. The back and hips also work, as you have to make an effort to stay straight and not sag. By the way, this is one of the important conditions for the correct execution of exercises, as well as smoothness and proper breathing.

How to do push-ups

Surely, many are wondering: is it possible to pump the chest with just push-ups in the same way as in gym. I will answer: push-ups from the floor, in fact, are similar to the bench press from the chest. I will show a number of exercises aimed specifically at the pectoral muscle group. Therefore, if for some reason the gym is not available to you, then, until we move on to training, join our conversation.

Here you will learn how to pump up at home, performing, in fact, one single exercise.

1. First, the back should be straight.

2. Secondly, the push-up speed should be as slow as possible, the movements should be smooth. When someone convulses this technique by doing incredibly hard and fast 100 or more push-ups, look away. Believe me, he will not do even 20% of the amount declared by him correctly.

3. Thirdly, depending on which muscle group you focus on, a certain type of push-ups follows. Visually, the differences are insignificant, but functionally, rest assured, the difference is palpable. It is tangible, because in the process of doing the training you will feel exactly those muscles that are under the main load. And that means that we are pumping them.

An important point is the schedule of your training. Since push-ups are a strength exercise, then, naturally, the body must be allowed to rest. Therefore, three classes per week will be enough.

I hope that we have dealt with the technique, so let's look at different kinds push-ups aimed at one or another muscle group of the upper part of your body. In fact, there are many of them, and we will not dwell on all of them. I suggest limiting your chest, triceps, and biceps workouts. Do you agree? Well then, let's get started.

Let's start with . Do you know how various sections of it are pumped with the help of a barbell? That's right, on incline bench. With push-ups, the same story: if you work on top muscles, then we do push-ups, throwing our legs on a chair or any other that turns up. If your goal is the bottom, then you need to do push-ups on the contrary, from the chair.

To properly stretch your chest muscles, try push-ups, for example, on dumbbells. If they are not at hand, you can even use books. The main thing is that when performing the exercise, you feel how to stretch the muscles. Such training is, in fact, basic for the chest muscle group.

Despite the fact that they actively participate in absolutely all types of this training, it is still necessary to perform exercises focused specifically on it. Push-ups are the most effective here. narrow grip. Put your palms on top of each other and try to do this. Well, how? Did you get up? Work!

To, we will also need dumbbells. Of course, you can do without them, however, to complicate the process, I would recommend doing this training with them. So, hands shoulder-width apart, as in a regular push-up, with the only difference being that the back of your wrists is directed in the same direction as your gaze.

As you can see, push-ups are essentially a versatile workout for your torso. If you are already a strong enough and experienced athlete, then you can safely add load using additional weight. There are many options, but it seems to me that it will be most convenient for you to use pancakes from the bar - just put them on your back and go. But first, hurry back home, as we have many more interesting activities ahead of us.

Training program

To achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, try to apply a certain system to your workouts. I offer you my version, lasting 20 weeks. However, the program of physical activity is an individual matter, and you can approach its compilation yourself. The main thing is that you do not get hung up on any one exercise, but periodically alternate them. Otherwise, the increase in mass will not shine for you.

So, the push-up program for 20 weeks (clickable):

Perform any exercises correctly, otherwise you risk not only not getting the expected effect, but also injuring yourself. Between sets, take a break of 90 - 120 seconds, no more. If you approach training thoroughly, without being lazy, the result will pleasantly amaze even you.

Go in for sports, take care of your health, have patience and perseverance, and this world will bend under you. See you.

To all the guys in childhood, the fathers said a phrase like: “Push up more and you will become stronger, there will be no end to the girls.” Are our parents right about the effectiveness of this exercise? Today we will figure out how to pump up your arms with push-ups.

And yet, is it possible to pump up your arms only with such exercises? It will not be a secret to anyone that push-ups are an excellent “simulator” for our hands. Moreover, this exercise is similar to the well-known “bench press”, which is performed with a barbell. But no one can be a super healthy guy with just this exercise. You can still pump up, but not all the muscles of the arm. With this exercise, such a flexor muscle as biceps will not be pumped.

It takes a lot of weight to be a “big” muscled guy. When doing only push-ups, no matter what mass you are, this weight would still not be enough. But do not rush to immediately give up push-ups. After all, they, like everything else, have their advantages:

  • With daily approaches, you can support the triceps, trapezius, deltoid and pectoral muscles in good shape.
  • Such exercise stress helps to disperse blood from the heart.
  • With an increase in the number of approaches, you can increase the endurance of the involved muscle groups.

To answer the question of how to pump beautiful hands push-ups from the floor, it is important to do push-ups correctly.

It is important to know the features of the correct implementation of push-up exercises from the floor:

1. When performing, keep your back in a straight position.

2. Each muscle group has its own types of push-ups (we'll talk about them a little later).

3. The slowest execution speed is important.

The training schedule is of particular importance. After all, if you train for one week, and then take a break for a couple of weeks, then you can not expect any effect from the exercises. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain stability in the classroom. So we got to the technology:

1. The first thing that matters is the position of the hands.

2. Feet together or a short distance apart.

3. After that, in the lying position, you need to go down, while taking a breath.

For greater efficiency in the down position, follow some conditions:

  • Tighten your abs as if you were about to take a hit.
  • Squeeze your buttocks.

Types of push-ups

On this moment there are a large number different push-ups. Let's deal with each in detail:

  • Wide. In this form, the arms are placed wider than shoulder level. So the pectoral muscles are better stretched.
  • Narrow. Hands shoulder-width apart and slightly narrower. So the triceps are pumped better.
  • Diamond. Hands close to each other. It stretches even better triceps than with narrow ones.
  • With cotton. Cotton is made when repulsed. Be careful with this type of work. It is important to put your hands in the starting position in time so that there are no embarrassments.
  • On one leg. One leg is placed on the other and the load increases. Brushes in any position you like.
  • From the wall. A very hard exercise. Beginners do not always cope, so it is better to learn the previous types. For those who are comfortable with the rest, you need to put your feet up on the wall to perform. You can use for this help from outside, for example, a coach or friends.

There is a so-called contraindication. Those who have naughty pressure, it is better to refrain. Again, it's not that important.

When performing each type, it is important to know the breathing technique. All exercises are as follows. With a load, that is, repulsion, it is necessary to exhale. Never inhale.

For those who liked the idea of ​​​​how to pump up their arms exclusively with push-ups, they can get themselves a thing that can come in handy in training. Often buy a palm rest. The emphasis will be especially useful for those who have suffered injuries in the wrist area. In addition, you will need it to change the grip and focus on certain muscle groups.

And how much to do?

As they say, individually. Same story here. In view of this, we must proceed from our goals. For example, to begin with, with all the correctness, you can do up to ten repetitions. Further more, but keeping the correctness. Do not chase quantity, quality and stability are more important.

Go in for sports, observing the technique and rules for performing certain exercises. The main thing in this business is intensity, intensity and again intensity.

Find out which muscle groups participate in doing push-ups from the floor, what types of push-ups are and how to create an individual training program.

The content of the article:

Today the conversation will be about whether it is possible to pump up only push-ups at home and how to do it correctly. This is one of the most common strength exercises and you don't need any special equipment to perform it. sport equipment or projectiles. There are several types of push-ups with some differences. You will learn about all this today.

Is it possible to qualitatively pump muscles with the help of push-ups alone?

You can often hear that this exercise does not allow you to work out the muscles with high quality, as it does not allow the load to progress. In addition, a large number of shortcomings are given that push-ups allegedly have. Most often, such statements come from people who have not been able to achieve positive results with this movement. And some of them probably didn't even try.

It should be noted that many cannot achieve their goals, even when training with a barbell and dumbbells. Go to any fitness center and make sure that there are relatively few real jocks. But there are plenty of people who are trying with all their might to build muscle, but nothing comes of it. But there is also a category of athletes who work only on the horizontal bar and at the same time have excellent physical form. Undoubtedly. Their physique can not be compared with bodybuilding stars, but do you need it?

If you want to get an answer to the question of whether it is possible to pump up only push-ups at home, then first of all you need to use the right approach to organizing training process. Pay attention to how most people perform the exercise - they do not follow the technique, do not control their movements and focus on quantity. In bodybuilding, any movement can be effective only if all technical aspects are observed. Even an athlete who is in good physical shape can correctly perform 20 or 30 push-ups.

What muscles are involved in push-ups?

Let's decide which muscles can be pumped when doing push-ups:
  • Large pectoral muscle.
  • Delta.
  • Triceps.
  • Elbow muscle.
All these muscles are designed to perform specific tasks. The greatest load in the classic exercise falls on the chest. Deltas begin to work at the moment of upward movement from the bottom point of the trajectory. Triceps is designed to bend the arms and to shift the emphasis of the load on it, it is necessary to use a narrow setting of the hands.

Regular push-ups can bring the following results:

  • Muscles are strengthened.
  • Speed ​​qualities develop.
  • Increases agility and endurance.
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles and shoulder girdle.

How to properly perform different types of push-ups?

Classic exercise

To perform this movement, you need to place your hands at the level shoulder joints. As a result, you will be able to maximize the use of the muscles of the chest. Unfortunately, many people forget about the technical features of the exercise, focusing solely on the number of repetitions. If a person decides, say, to perform 20 push-ups, then he will do them, completely ignoring the technique.

However, this approach to business can hardly be called competent, because the effectiveness of any strength exercise primarily depends on the quality of targeting muscles, and not the number of repetitions. It is important to remember that the muscle you are working on must be under load throughout the exercise. This suggests that you should avoid pauses at the end points of the path.

Let's look at the exercise technique in more detail. Rest on the ground with your hands and toes. The arms should be at the level of the shoulder joints and they should be fully extended. To keep your body in a straight line, tighten your buttocks and do not relax them until the end of the set. This is very important point and it should be remembered that when doing push-ups, the body should be extended in one line. We also recommend that you tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your position.

Lower yourself down until your chest almost touches the ground. Taking a break in lowest point trajectory, quickly return to the starting position. If you notice that your hips are starting to sag, then this is the first sign of fatigue. In such a situation, it is worth completing the exercise. In addition, remember that your gaze should not be directed vertically down, but slightly in front of you. While moving down elbow joints must be bred at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.

Push-ups from the bench and from the knees

If you are unable to perform three or four repetitions technically correctly, we recommend using an easier version of the exercise - push-ups from the bench or from the knees. The higher the surface of the hand support, the easier it will be for you to perform the exercise. The technique of these exercises is similar to the classic push-ups. If you want to complicate the exercise, then you should place your hands on a bench or other hill, and rest your hands on the ground.

Push-ups on one arm

You can start performing this type of push-ups only after reaching a certain sportswear. Take a position similar to the classic exercise. In this case, the working hand must be placed under the body, and the other one should be placed behind the back. To make it easier to maintain balance, place your feet shoulder-width apart or even wider.

You may not be able to go as low as possible right away. Do not be upset, it is quite enough to do push-ups of 20 centimeters for the first time. Watch your body, not allowing it to fall to the side. Also, while moving down, the elbow joint should bend back. Try to gradually go lower and lower in order to work with full amplitude as a result.

Push-ups, narrow stance

There are two types of exercise here. The first of them is aimed at working out the triceps. When performing the exercise, the elbow joints should be tightly pressed to the body. At the top of the trajectory, the arms should be fully extended. However, the exercise is not without its drawbacks:

  • Relatively small range of motion.
  • There may be discomfort in the wrist area.
The second type of push-ups with a narrow setting of the hands allows you to use not only the triceps, but also the middle section of the chest. When performing the movement, the elbow joints must be parted to the sides.

How to create an effective training program from push-ups alone?

It is quite obvious that maximum results will be obtained by combining several types of push-ups. However, beginners should first master classic exercise and gradually make it harder. When you reach a good level of fitness, you can start using the following training program:
  1. Classic exercise- 3 to 4 sets with the maximum number of repetitions.
  2. Elevated push-ups- from 3 to 4 sets, the number of repetitions is maximum.
  3. Narrow push-ups in the middle of the chest- the number of sets is 3-4 with the maximum number of repetitions in each.
  4. Narrow push-ups for triceps- from 3 to 4 sets, the maximum number of repetitions in each.
We recommend doing this training one to three times a week. However, do not forget about other muscle groups. It is probably worth talking in more detail about the progression of the load when doing push-ups. You should be aware. That without using this principle, you will quickly stop in your development.

We will assume that you cannot yet perform the classic exercise. In this case, start pushing up from the bench. You shouldn't think. That it will be too easy. Subject to all the technical nuances of an unprepared person, even such push-ups can be given with great difficulty.

As soon as you feel the strength, start doing the classic exercise. Having achieved positive results in it, you can move on to the so-called overweights. Rest on the ground with your hands located wider than the level of the shoulder joints. But instead of push-ups, shift your body weight from one hand to the other. Experienced athletes recommend Special attention pay attention to the position of the back, which should be straightened.

With this movement, you can strengthen not only the muscles of the chest, but also the triceps, shoulder girdle and even biceps. Push-ups are rightfully considered one of the most safe exercise, and one of their advantages is the ability to train on their own. The ability to perform them anywhere makes movement even more preferable.

If you do not yet need to shift the focus to a specific muscle group, but the task is to strengthen everything, then use average setting hands In this case, the load is evenly distributed among all the muscles involved in the work. Also remember that the narrower the arms are, the stronger the load is accentuated on the triceps. In addition, wings will also be included in the work. If you want to know if you can pump up only push-ups at home, then the answer is yes. However, it is extremely important to observe the technique when performing the exercise.

We have already mentioned the technique of the exercise more than once today. This is not accidental, because only in this case any strength exercise will be efficient. Experienced athletes are primarily advised to pay attention to this aspect. It is equally important to conduct a good warm-up before starting the main part of each lesson. This will avoid injury.

Although push-ups are as safe as possible, because this is a physiological movement, with unheated muscles and joints, the risks of injury are quite high. Also, you should focus on your condition during classes. If you are sick, it is better to postpone the training until the moment of complete recovery. Do not rush with the progression of the load.

Of course, without this, you will not grow, but a sharp increase in the load will negatively affect your overall progress. In addition, beginners should avoid heavy loads at the start of classes. Your body is not yet ready for serious work and it needs time to adapt. In terms of the effectiveness of the training, nutrition and rest are of great importance. Muscles grow only in the pauses between workouts. If you don't give your muscles enough time to recover, you won't be able to progress. According to professional athletes more than 50 percent of your success depends on the quality of nutrition.

Learn more about whether push-ups can be pumped up:

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If you are wondering how to pump up muscles with push-ups, without much difficulty, then you need to come here. Is it real at all? But in fact, push-ups really allow you to pump up muscles. Such an exercise will replace the exercise with a barbell, and you will get almost the same result. Your muscle growth will happen just as quickly and efficiently - you need to know the most effective barbell work.

How to build muscle with push-ups
  • - very complex. But you should not lose hope to work correctly. The site administration is worried about its readers, and tries to do everything for you.

Push-ups - without which every workout should not do. on the pectoral muscles are useful for both athletes and ordinary people.

If you don’t have a barbell or a bench, time to visit gyms, then push-ups are what you need. But even if you work out in the gym, with a barbell or a bench, you should not forget about push-ups either.

With the help of push-ups, you will not only pump up the muscles of the chest, but you will also be able to use many other muscles. We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to look at push-ups not as a simple exercise for beginners, but as a real way to pump up your muscles. In addition, in the article we will tell you how to pump up muscles by push-ups in just a few months.

All men dream of a wide and inflated chest, because it makes a man even more courageous and stronger. In addition, girls really like it when a guy has a beautiful pumped up body, especially his chest.

We pump chest muscles at home

Today, many guys are faced with such a question - how to pump up the pectoral muscles with push-ups without visiting the halls? But many athletes often say that pumping up their breasts at home without using extra weight almost impossible. But everything is far from it.

Is it possible to build pectoral muscles without leaving home?

Pumping up chest muscles at home is quite realistic, and even very simple. You only need desire, willpower, patience, and in a couple of months you will get an excellent result. If you set yourself an exact goal, then you will already be one step ahead of it. In general, if you decide to build muscle and make your body athletic, then this article was made by the site just for you.

Pump up muscles without leaving home - video

Push-ups? First, let's talk a little about the push-ups themselves. If you want to pump up your chest muscles at home, then there is nothing wrong with that, you will get the same result as those who do it in gyms. You will not need much time, and the result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. But to get the effect you only need regular workouts- about three times a week. At the right complex exercise you will get the best results.

Push-up methods in the gym

For the first time, you need to do classic simple push-ups, but soon they will need to be replaced with something more difficult. If you do push-ups on broad arms, then in this way you will be able to quickly pump up your chest.

Push-up methods

If you are interested in the question - how to pump up biceps with push-ups? Then the answer will be simple - do push-ups in a narrow position of the hands. complicate regular push ups you can do the same when doing claps. In this way, there will be a large load on the chest muscles.

Is it possible to build shoulders with push-ups and how? Of course you can, because push-ups involve many muscles, including the shoulders. If you do push-ups on narrow arms, then your shoulders will swing more efficiently. In general, it is quite difficult to build shoulders with push-ups, and if you want to build your shoulders for several months, then the barbell press will help you here.

Such a bench is considered basic exercise with which you can increase the muscles of the shoulders. To do this, you need to take the bar a little wider than your shoulders. The legs should be slightly bent and the feet should be shoulder-width apart. When lifting the bar, try to keep your palms facing up.

Shake your shoulders with push-ups

When pressing, the back should be flat, and the shoulders should be straightened. When inhaling, you should gently lift the bar up, without making sudden movements. You need to exhale at the most difficult moment. As soon as you raise the bar to the end point, you will need to straighten your arms, but not much. As for the shoulders, they should be used as much as possible here. After a short stop at the top, you can inhale the air and lower the barbell back down just as slowly. When bench pressing in a standing position, your back and abs should always be tense, this will help you avoid injury. The head should only look straight ahead and do not twist, because you can lose your balance.

  • Bench press from behind the head in a standing position:

The main purpose of this is precisely the shoulders. In addition, the bench press from behind the head will engage the triceps and chest muscles. Such an exercise is not very difficult, but it brings a great effect. You need to take the barbell and put it behind your head. In this case, you must stand straight. We bend our arms at the joints by about 90% during exercise. We do barbell raises and perform the necessary repetitions.

For this, the correct weight is important, otherwise your workouts will give a negative result. With the right weight selection, you can effectively pump up your muscles and not get injured. The height at which the bar is placed is important. It should fit the height of the person. In general, if you choose the right weight and height, then doing the exercises will become not only convenient, but also effective.

In order to pump up your arms, you need to use a slightly different type of exercise. When doing push-ups, your hands should look away from you (fingers look at your feet). In this way, you will be able to transfer the entire load to your hands. If push-ups with this position of the hands are not very convenient for you, then you can turn your hands slightly away from your body, but the effect will not be so great. For push-ups, racks or dumbbells will also help you.

Pumping biceps with push-ups

Many people were often interested in the question - how to pump up your hands with push-ups? Is it even possible? You can pump up your hands with push-ups, but it will not be so easy. To effectively pump up the biceps, you still have to visit Sport halls exercising with dumbbells and iron. But you can also practice at home by doing regular push-ups from the floor. With the help of this exercise, you will also swing your arms, but if you act on special program you can get great results in just a few months.

The question of whether it is possible to pump up with push-ups from the floor is of interest to many. It is these exercises that rightfully deserve heightened interest, because the effect that push-ups give affects many parts of the body. It is with their help that you can cope with such tasks as pumping up wings, chest or arms.

What muscle groups are involved

What gives this exercise? In the process of doing push-ups from the floor, several muscle groups work at once, among which the following stand out in particular:
big chest,

Each of these groups has certain functions and, in accordance with them, performs certain tasks. The first of these groups is the main one in the process of performing this particular type of physical exercise. In this case, various types of push-ups are noted. So, the wider the arms are apart from each other, the faster you can pump up your shoulders.

The deltoid muscles lift the body after it is at its lowest point. At this stage deltoid muscles help breastfeeding. The main function of the triceps is to extend the arms. Elbow muscles promote forearm extension. Thus, performing push-ups, you can cope with the solution of such a problem as pumping up wings, shoulders, arms.

Exercise features

Like any other physical exercise, push-ups from the floor are important in the process of strengthening the human body. The results of the correct implementation of this complex are the following:

muscle development,
speed development,
development of dexterity
endurance development,
strengthening the shoulder girdle and the press.

It is necessary to do push-ups from the floor of different levels in accordance with physical condition. So, if you have not previously done such exercises and do not know, for example, how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, you must first do a little warm-up that will warm up your muscles, as a result of which they will not be subject to various injuries and sprains. Even if your goal is to pump up your arms with push-ups, it is important to make sure that your back muscles do not stretch, as this can lead to a restriction of it. motor function.

Step by step inflation

So, if you decide to pump up your muscles with push-ups from the floor, then you need to properly distribute the load on different parts of the body. You should start the complex with a wide grip exercise, especially if the workouts are done from scratch. First you need to practice and learn how to do it at easier levels. So, one of the first levels are push-ups from the bench.

When performing them, it is necessary to monitor not only the position of the back, but also the rest of the body - a straight line should be formed from the tips of the legs to the head. At first glance, this seems to be enough simple exercise, but in reality, if you do everything according to the rules, pumping up muscles is sometimes difficult, so do not immediately try to do a large number of push-ups from the bench and spend all your strength. Enough 5-10 times, and after that you can already increase the number of exercises.

After push-ups from the bench turned out to be a passed stage for you, you should complicate the set of exercises. On next step you can perform the so-called overweights. For this, alternate loading is carried out on different hands. To train muscles of this kind, it is necessary to take an emphasis lying down, arms spread wider than shoulders, and do not do push-ups, but a kind of swaying with the transfer of the body to one hand, then to the other. Experts advise when performing this exercise to carefully monitor the position of the back. This will give a positive result at the end of charging.

But special attention should be paid to the position of the hands. In this case, it is not fixed, since when transferring the body, for example, to right hand fingertips point to the right. If the weight is transferred to the left hand, then the right takes its usual position, and now the left hand begins to move to the side.

Having worked out this exercise, it will be possible to switch to ordinary push-ups. It takes into account what muscles you plan to develop. For example, if chest development is planned, then it will be necessary to perform exercises with a wide grip, but if you want to achieve such a goal as pumping up your arms, for example, triceps, then you need push-ups with a narrow grip with your arms spread out to a maximum of shoulder width. How to build shoulders with push-ups? Push-ups from the floor will help strengthen not only the shoulders, but also the muscles of the chest, back or arms. This is due to the fact that push-ups are not traumatic in the process of doing them on their own without a coach. You can also do push-ups from the floor at home in absolutely any conditions. The execution will be successful if you know how to build muscle properly.

If you have not decided on which part of the body to start doing push-ups to increase muscle mass, then you can perform these exercises with an average grip, as they allow you to distribute the load on all groups, including wings, triceps, and chest . In this case, the chest muscles are pumped up in full, and if you put your hands a little narrower, for example, less than the distance between the shoulders, then a greater load will go exactly to the triceps. Along with this, you will be able to pump up the wings.

You can pump up with push-ups from the floor, but it is important when performing this particular type of exercise to monitor the position of the hands and elbows. In this case, it is necessary to put the brushes so that the fingers look forward. It is not recommended to change this position in any way. In the process of performing push-ups, you need to ensure that the elbows are as close to the body as possible, otherwise, with any deviation from correct technique execution, you can achieve pumping up other muscle groups.