Thematic planning for physical culture 8 types. Stages of studying the topic

Zamorovsky Sergey Gennadievich

MKOU "Sorochinsky secondary school" Kalachinsky district of the Omsk region

Physical education teacher

physical education lessons in grade 8

according to the special (correctional) program of the school of the 8th type

physical education teachers


Zamorovsky S.G.

(2012 – 2013 academic year)

Explanatory note

2 hours per week - 68 hours per year

The thematic plan was drawn up in accordance with the Federal basic curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8th type (version 1), approved by the Russian Federation on April 10, 2002 No. 29/2065 p. and based on the Program edited by Voronkova V.V .: Moscow "Enlightenment", 2011 In total, according to the program - 70 hours, according to the calendar - thematic plan - 68 hours, since 2 hours fell on holidays. The plan has been corrected. Due to the lack of a swimming pool at the school, swimming lessons (12 hours) are included in the Gymnastics and Acrobatics section, so in this section it turned out not 8 hours, but 20 hours.

Physical education is an integral part of educational work at the 8th type school (for children with intellectual disabilities); being in close connection with mental, moral, aesthetic education and labor training, it occupies one of the leading places in preparing students with intellectual disabilities for independent living and productive work.

Physical education contributes to the formation of positive personal qualities, is one of the means of successful social integration of children in society. A characteristic feature of children with intellectual disabilities is the presence of various disorders of physical and mental development. A decrease in the tone of the cerebral cortex leads to an increase in postural tonic effects.

Many students have different disorders of the cardiovascular system; many have noticed a lag in growth, weight, a disproportionate physique, etc.; often there are erased motor disorders that may go unnoticed in domestic conditions - they appear only with an increase in physical activity.

Motor insufficiency especially increases when precisely dosed muscular efforts are performed, with cross-coordination of movements, spatio-temporal organization of a motor act. The underdevelopment of the intellect, in particular speech, is added to the characteristics of physical underdevelopment and this leads to insufficient understanding of speech instructions and tasks, and requires additional attention from the physical education teacher. IN correctional school 8 species there are children with well-developed motor skills - this necessitates a differentiated individual approach.

Calendar- thematic planning By physical culture

Lesson topic

Types and forms of control

Requirements for the level of preparedness of students

Athletics-15 hours

Safety briefing at an athletics lesson


Uniform running 500 m. ORU for the development of endurance


Run 30 m (2-3 reps)


Be able to demonstrate physical condition (speed endurance).

High start, starting accelerations 10-15 m. (3-4 times)


Be able to demonstrate physical condition (speed endurance).

Running 60 m. with fixing the result.


Be able to demonstrate physical condition (speed endurance).

Uniform running 800 m. shuttle run 3x10 m.

Dosage. Coordination.

Be able to demonstrate physical condition (speed endurance).

Small ball throwing training

at a distance of 5-6 takeoff steps


Know how to throw the ball for a distance

Throwing a small ball at a target from 10-12 m.

Motion Correction

Know how to throw the ball for a distance

Standing long jump.


Know how to jump long

Run-up long jump technique with 7-9 run steps

Motion Correction

Long jump running way (legs bent)

Motion Correction

Know how to run long jump

Running 500m (d), 800 m (m)

Dosage individually

Running 1000 m without time.


Know how to run as fast as possible

starting accelerations. Low start. (15-20 m.) 3-4 series

Motion Correction

Know how to run as fast as possible

Uniform run of 1500 m without time.

Dosage individually

Know how to run as fast as possible

Basketball-12 hours

Safety briefing in the lesson of sports games.


Technique of movement, stops, turns, racks in basketball.

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot and on the move.

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in motion.

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Dribbling with change of direction

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Throwing the ball with two hands

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Throwing the ball with one hand from the shoulder from a place and on the move

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Relay race with elements of basketball

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

free throw

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Dribble-stop - throw the ball into the basket

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Catching - dribbling - stopping - throwing the ball into the basket

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Educational basketball game.

Motion Correction

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules; perform techniques

Gymnastics - 13 hours

Safety briefing in gymnastics lessons.

Frontal survey

Know the requirements of the instructions. oral questioning

Opening by steps according to the calculation "six, three, in place"

Motion Correction

Exercises on gymnastic bench

Motion Correction

Know how to perform acrobatic exercises

Exercises with gymnastic sticks

Motion Correction

Know how to perform acrobatic exercises

Roll forward from a step


Know how to perform acrobatic exercises

Two somersaults forward.


Know how to perform acrobatic exercises

Somersault back.


Know how to perform acrobatic exercises


Rack on the shoulder blades with a roll back from the stop crouching.


Know how to do a shoulder stand

"Bridge" from the supine position


Know how to perform acrobatic exercises

Vault over a goat


Attack at point-blank range, kneeling, emphasis crouching, straightening up,

dismount (a goat up to 90 cm wide).


Be able to perform vault, drill exercises

Rope climbing in three steps.


Know how to do rope climbing

Ski training-18 hours

Instructions for safety in the classroom ski training.

Frontal survey

Know the requirements of the instructions. oral questioning

Alternate Two-Step Technique

Motion Correction

Cross-country skiing 1 km

Dosage individually

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Moving on the ski track with a sliding step

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Descents from gentle slopes

Movement correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Descending slopes in low and main stance

Movement correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Climbing the slope "ladder".

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Climbing the "ladder" on a gentle slope

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Herringbone climb.

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Plow braking.

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Stepping turns on the move

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Technique of the simultaneous two-step move.

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Walking short 100m segments at speed

Dosage individually

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Passing a distance of 1 km. fixing the result.

Dosage individually

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

ski games

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Movement in medium rough terrain 2 km (m), 1 km (d)

Dosage individually

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Relay skiing

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Skiing in slow pace up to 1.5 km

Motion Correction

Be able to: move on skis, go down the slopes, ride down the hill.

Volleyball -20 hours

Volleyball rules. TV instruction.

Motion Correction

The main ways to move a volleyball player: side steps left, right, forward and backward.

Motion Correction

Be able to: play volleyball according to simplified rules; perform the correct technical actions

Player's stance, movement in the stance.

Motion Correction

Be able to: play volleyball according to simplified rules; perform the correct technical actions

Quick jerks from a place, abrupt stops.

Motion Correction

Be able to: play volleyball according to simplified rules; perform the correct technical actions

Top pass of the ball with two hands

Motion Correction

Be able to: play volleyball according to simplified rules; perform the correct technical actions

Top pass of the ball with two hands over you

Motion Correction

Be able to: play volleyball according to simplified rules; perform pr...

Municipal state educational organization

Mikhailovskaya basic school


at a meeting of the pedagogical council _

Protocol No. ____

from "______" August 20 ...,


Head teacher:

Smirnova I.N /_________ /

Order No. ____

from "___" __________ 20___

Calendar-thematic planning for physical culture

Level of study (class):correctional grade 7 ( VIII view)

for the 2017-18 academic year

Compiled by Smirnova Tatyana Vasilievna

teacher physical education

highest qualification category

With. Mikhailovskoye, 2017


». 9 o'clock .

Running from a high start. Run 30 m

Walking, running with stops to complete the taskJumping. Jumping on an obstacle.

Running from a high start. Running 30 m. Long jump with a running start

Running on short distances 60 m jumping rope

Low start. starting acceleration. Finishing. Throwing the ball for a distance

Section "Mobile and sports games" football 2 hours

Fundamentals of the game of futsal. Dribbling inside lifting

Hitting a flying ball. educational game

Sport games(Basketball 15 hours)

TV in sports games. How to behave in gaming activities.

Basic rules of the game of basketball.Basketball stance, movement

Passing and catching the ball on the spot in pairs. Throwing and kicking the ball

Passing and catching the ball in pairs on the move.

free throw

Passing and catching the ball in pairs on the move Walking stop

Passing the ball on the spot and on the move. Dribbling on the spot and on the move

Keeping the ball in place. Free throw with two hands from the chest

Keeping the ball in motion. Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest

Dribbling with change of direction, speed and height of the rebound of the ball in motion

Throwing the ball into the basket with one hand from the shoulder from the spot. Jump stop

Combination of techniques: catching, passing, dribbling, throwing

Two-way game with simplified rules

Throwing the ball with both hands from the chest. Educational game according to simplified rules

Combination of techniques: catching, passing, throwing

Accounting for throwing the ball into the basket with one hand from the shoulder from the spot

Accounting for dribbling in motion

Gymnastics and acrobatics

TV in gymnastics.Safety rules when performing physical exercises.

Building exercises. A set of corrective gymnastics exercises

Building exercises. General developmental and corrective exercises without objects

development coordination abilities, orientation in space, speed of reactions, differentiation of power, spatial and temporal parameters of movements.

Hanging on bent arms.

Balance exercise: walking with side steps on a bench, squatting

Building exercises. Tilts to the leg, put on the rail at knee height,


Balance exercise: squat, arched dismount

Hanging pull-up testing

Exercises on gymnastic wall: . Bending and raising legs in the hang alternately and simultaneously.

Exercises in balance on the gymnastic bench.

Exercises in balance on the balance beam: jumping on one leg, divergence during meetings

dance exercises;


Exercises in balance on the balance beam: turns on toes in a semi-squat, arched dismount

Vault: jump at close range, crouching, dismounting, bending over (H 100-110cm)

Development of coordination abilities, orientation in space,


Development of coordination abilities, speed of reactions,

Swallow balance exercises, arched dismount

development of coordination abilities, speed of reactions,

simple and mixed hangs and stops;

Drill exercises Rack on the shoulder blades

Rdevelopment of spatial and temporal parameters of movements.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall: Various strokes.

Development of coordination abilities, differentiation of power, spatial and temporal parameters of movements.

Climbing and climbing;

Exercises on the gymnastic wall: Bending and raising legs in the hang alternately and simultaneously. Various strokes.

Ski training (18 hours)

TB in ski training. Self-control and its basic techniques

Combat exercises with skis in hand

Stepping and sliding step on skis without ski poles

Improvement of the two-step move. Movement up to 2 km

Alternate two-step move. Overcoming hillocks when descending a mountain

Alternate two-step move. Repeated movement at a fast pace on segments of 40-60 m (5-6 repetitions per lesson). Game "Sharp on target".

Alternate two-step move. Repeated movement at a fast pace on sections of 4150-200 m (2-3 times). The game "Empty place.

Improvement of the two-step move. Game Aimed at the Target.

Passing a distance of 2 km

Simultaneous one-step move. Improving braking "plow. The game" Empty space "

Passing a distance of 2.5 km

Simultaneous one-step move. Perfection Ascent "half herringbone", "half ladder". The game "Pick up the flag", Passing a distance of 3 km

Alternate two-step.Passing a distance of 3 km

Alternate two-step and simultaneous stepless move.

Passing a distance of 2-3 km

Improvement of the two-step move. Repeated movement at a fast pace on segments of 40-60 m (5-6 repetitions per lesson), Ski relay races on circles of 300-400 m.

Improvement of the two-step move. Movement, up to 3 km (boys

Ascents on the slope "half herringbone", "herringbone", descent in the main stance on skis

Improving braking "plough". Rise "half herringbone", "half forest.

Ski games: "Slalom".

Ski training control lesson

Passing a distance of 3 km. by ski

Sports games (volleyball) and outdoor games (18 hours)

TV in sports games.The impact of volleyball lessons on the student's willingness to work. Volleyball rules. Player Stances.

Player Stances. Movement in the rack.Passing the ball from above with two hands on the spot

Player Stances. Movement in the rack. Receiving the ball at the net

Hitting the ball from above with both hands in place and after moving forward

Passing the ball from above with two hands in pairson the spot

Passing the ball from above with two hands in pairs after moving forward

Hitting the ball from below with both hands over the net in place

Hitting the ball from below with both hands over the net in motion

Jumping up from a place, from a step. Receiving the ball at the net

Top direct feed.Mobile game "Pioneerball"

Receiving and passing the ball from below in pairs. Pioneer ball game

Passing the ball from above in pairs.educational game

Top direct feed. Direct strikerfrom place

Straight forward kick over the net with stepeducational game

A combination of the main elements (reception, transmission, impact); educational game

A combination of the basic elements of movement technique and ball possession.

Accounting for the top straight feed

Tactical actions with the ball according to the simplified rules of the game

Jumping up from a place, with 3 steps. Ball blocking. educational game

Sports games (Football 8 hours)

TV in sports games.Hitting a rolling ball with different parts of the lift. Dribbling the ball in a straight line.

Dribbling the ball with a change in speed direction. Goal kicks on the move

Educational mini-football game

Ball handling techniques. The actions of the players in defense.. Educational mini-football game

Hitting a rolling ball with different parts of the lift.Goalkeeper game. Educational mini-football game

The concept of game tactics. Dribbling the ball with a change in speed direction.Educational mini-football game

Reception and handling of the ball. Shots on goal.Stopping a rolling ball.

The actions of the players in defense.Ball handling techniques.Educational mini-football game

The actions of the players in the attack. Educational football game.

Shots on goal. strength training

Fraudulent actions. corrective games. strength training

Speed ​​running games. Fraudulent actions. Educational football game

Athletics (11 hours)

TB in physical education lessonsRunning from a high start. Run 30 m.

Self-control and its basic techniques.Walking, running with stops to complete the task.Jumping on an obstacle.

Running from a high start. Run 30 m. Long jump with a run-up method "bending legs" Games with running for speed.

Jumping. Jumping on an obstacle. Throwing a ball at a target

Running for short distances at 60 m. Jumping rope. jumping games

Throwing a ball at a target from a prone position. Relay races

Cross running 500-1000m. Multi-jumps from place to result

Low start. Finishing. Throwing the ball for a distance


High jumps with a running start using the "step over" method


Multi-jumps from a running start to the result


Accounting for throwing the ball at a distance


Explanatory note

Calendar - thematic planning for physical culture is based on:

Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. "On education in Russian Federation»;

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child";

Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 29/2065-p “On approval of the curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type” (version I);

Letters of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 15/736-2, dated 01.01.2001 No. 15/730-2, No. 000/7148-97;

- "Explanation of the normalization of the teaching load of students, in special (correctional) educational institutions I – VIII types”;

Walking (on toes, on heels, in a squat, back forward, side step, cross step, "snake");

Running (slow, at an average pace, for speed, relay, cross-country, running exercises, running with obstacles);

Jumping (through a rope, in length from a place, in length from a run, triple jump);

Throwing (at a vertical target, at a distance);

4) games: (pioneer ball, volleyball, basketball, outdoor games - with running for speed, with high and long jumps, with throwing the ball at a distance and at a target).

Ski training lessons are not included in the program material, since the institution does not have a material and technical base.

The volume of each section of the program is designed to ensure that in the allotted number of hours, students can master the basis of motor skills and abilities.

For the purpose of control in grades 1-9, twice a year (in September and May) the registration of motor abilities and preparedness of students in running 30 meters, long jumps and from a place, throwing for a distance, jumping rope, lifting the torso from a position lying on your back.

When evaluating progress, individual capabilities, level physical development and motor abilities of children. In a correctional school, the main requirement for assessing skills and abilities is the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of the studied exercises and their high-quality implementation:

How did the student master the basics of motor skills;

how he showed himself when performing, whether he tried to achieve the desired result;

How he understands and explains the exercise being learned;

How does one use the assistance offered and does it improve the quality of implementation;

How does the teacher understand the explanation, sports terminology;

How does it relate to lessons;

What is it appearance; whether he maintains discipline.

The effectiveness of the assimilation of program material is assessed by the dynamics of development physical qualities, which are corrected and improved in the learning process, the degree of assimilation of skills and abilities and their transfer to free independent activity.

Calendar-thematic planning Grade 3




Stages of studying the topic

topic lessons,

types of jobs


on this topic


Introductory lesson. Safety engineering. Run 30 meters.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Familiarize students with safety rules in physical education classes.

Leading exercises for sprinting. Running 30 meters against the clock.

Athletics as a sport.

The concept of "Sprint".

Throwing the ball for a distance.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Leading exercises for throwing the ball. Continue learning the technique of throwing the ball. Throwing the ball for the result.

The concept of distance.

Jumping exercises.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Jumping on two legs, on one leg, on two and on one leg moving forward, jumping from hoop to hoop, jumping through a hoop, jumping over objects.

The concept of "Jump".

Standing long jump.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Leading exercises to the long jump from a place. Continuation of learning the long jump technique from a place. Long jump from place to result.

The concept of long jump from a place.

Throwing the ball for accuracy.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Throwing at a vertical target, throwing at each other.

The concept of "Accuracy".

Shuttle run.

Learning new material.

Learning the technique of performing the shuttle run. Performing lead-up exercises. Shuttle run 3*5 m.

The concept of "shuttle run".

Relay tasks.

Learning new material.

Performing various tasks of the relay type.

The concept of "relay".

IIquarter - 16 hours (8 weeks)

Safety engineering. Crawling on the gymnastic bench.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with both hands, with one hand alternately. Crawling on all fours.

Gymnastics as a sport.

Walking on the gymnastic bench.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Walking on two legs, "side" step with the right and left side, "gallop", "with squatting". A set of exercises in balance. Walking with objects. Walking with stepping over an object.

Names of ways to walk on the bench.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Swinging legs against the wall, tilting to the sides with support on the wall, hanging.

The concept of "vis".

Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Climbing up and down the gymnastic wall, climbing with the transition to another span. A set of coordination exercises. Climbing on an inclined gymnastic bench.

The concept of climbing.

Acrobatic exercises. Somersault forward. Bridge.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Learning new material.

Continuation of the study of the technique of somersault forward. Leading exercises to somersault forward. The study of the technique of performing the "Bridge". Leading exercises to the bridge.

The concept of "Tumble", "Bridge".

Acrobatic exercises. Blade stand.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Continuation of the study of the technique of standing on the shoulder blades. Leading exercises to the stand on the shoulder blades.

The concept of "Stand on the shoulder blades."

Jumping rope.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Jumping rope in place on two legs and one leg. Jumping rope with moving forward. Jumping rope in pairs.

The concept of jumping rope.

Requirements for the quality of mastering the program material

MBOU "Mari-Turek secondary school"

"Reviewed" "Agreed" "Approved"

at a meeting of the Moscow Region, Deputy Director of ATC Director of MOU

Protocol No. _________ Bratukhina L.M. « Mari-Turek middle

2015 __________ 2015 "comprehensive school"

Gainutdinova M.N.


Adapted educational program in physical education

5th grade students Violetta Efimova

Studying under a special (correctional) program of the 8th type

MBOU "Mari-Turek middle

comprehensive school"

Vasiliev G.N.

Number of hours per year: 102

per week: 3

Explanatory note

The purpose of physical education at school is to promote the comprehensive development of the individual through the formation of physical culture of the student's personality. The components of physical culture are: good health, good physical development, optimal level motor abilities, knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture, motives and mastered ways (skills) to carry out sports activities.

The achievement of the goal of physical education is ensured by the solution of the following main tasks aimed at:

Strengthening health, promoting harmonious physical development;

Teaching vital motor skills and abilities;

Development of motor (conditional and coordination) abilities.

Acquiring the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports.

Education of the need and ability to work independently exercise, consciously apply them for the purpose of rest, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health;

Promoting the education of moral and volitional qualities, the development of mental processes and personality traits.

The system of physical education, combining lesson, out-of-class and out-of-school forms of physical exercise and sports, should create the maximum favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only the physical but also the spiritual abilities of the child, his self-determination. In this regard, the principles of further development of the system of physical education at school should be based on the ideas of personal and activity approaches, optimization and intensification of the educational process.

Solving the problems of physical education, the teacher needs to focus his activities on such important components as the education of value orientations for the physical and spiritual improvement of the individual, the formation of students' needs and motives for systematic physical exercises, the education of moral and volitional qualities, the formation of humanistic relations, the acquisition of experience communication. Schoolchildren need to be taught how to creatively apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to maintain high level physical and mental performance, health status, self-study.

Tasks of physical education

Solving the problems of physical education of students is aimed at:

Promoting harmonious physical development, strengthening skills correct posture, the development of the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions, the education of value orientations on healthy lifestyle life and personal hygiene habits;

Teaching the basics of basic types of motor actions;

Further development of coordination (orientation in space, restructuring of motor actions, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of the main parameters of movement) and coordination (speed-strength, speed, endurance, strength and flexibility) abilities ;

Formation of the foundations of knowledge about personal hygiene, the impact of physical exercises on the basic systems of the body, the development of strong-willed and moral qualities;

Development of an idea of ​​the physical culture of the individual and methods of self-control.

Deepening the understanding of the main sports, competitions, equipment and equipment, compliance with safety regulations during classes, first aid for injuries.

Raising the habit of independent physical exercises, selected sports in your free time;

Development of organizational skills for conducting classes as a squad leader, team captain, judge;

Formation of an adequate assessment of one's own physical capabilities;

Education of initiative, independence, mutual assistance, discipline, sense of responsibility;

Promoting the development of mental processes and teaching the basics of mental self-regulation.


Fundamentals of the history of the development of physical culture in Russia;

Development features chosen kind sports;

Pedagogical, physiological and mental foundations training in motor actions and education of physical qualities, modern forms of building classes and systems of physical exercises with different functional orientations;

Biodynamic features and content of physical exercises of a general developmental and corrective orientation, the basics of their use in solving problems of physical development and health promotion;

Physiological basis activity of the respiratory system, blood circulation and energy supply during muscular loads, the possibility of their development and improvement by means of physical culture in different age periods;

Age features development of leading mental processes and physical qualities, the possibility of forming individual traits and personality traits through regular classes physical culture;

Psychofunctional features of one's own body;

Individual ways to control the development of the adaptive properties of the body, health promotion and physical fitness;

Ways of organizing independent physical exercises with different functional orientation, rules of use sports equipment and equipment, the principles of creating the simplest sports facilities and sites;

Rules of personal hygiene, injury prevention and first aid during physical exercises.

Be able to

Technically correct to carry out motor actions chosen type of sports specialization, to use them in conditions competitive activity and organizing their own leisure;

Conduct self-study on the development of basic physical ability, correction of posture and physique;

First quarter 27 lessons.

Lesson topic

the date of the







The perfection of throwing the ball, running 1000 meters for evaluation, playing football, basketball.



Perfection of running for endurance, throwing the ball, playing football, basketball.


Perfection of running for endurance, throwing the ball, playing football, basketball.










Somersaults in the group, the development of flexibility.


Rolls, stand on the shoulder blades. Development of flexibility.


Stand on the bridge, the development of flexibility.


A set of exercises of 5 elements, the development of flexibility.


Emphasis on one leg; somersault forward, stand on the shoulder blade; bridge. Strength development.


Emphasis on one leg; somersault forward, stand on the shoulder blade; bridge; roll forward; Strength development.


Emphasis on one leg; somersault forward, stand on the shoulder blade; bridge; roll forward; arched jump. Strength development.


Emphasis on one leg; somersault forward, stand on the shoulder blade; bridge; roll forward; arched jump. Strength development;


Offset of a set of exercises

Calendar-thematic planning

Second quarter 21 lessons

Lesson topic

the date of the

Safety briefing at lessons in gymnastics and sports games, human physical culture.


Rebuilding in motion from a column one at a time to a column of 2 and 4, teaching a set of exercises: somersault back and forth, stand on the shoulder blade, bridge, arched jump.


Rebuilding by crushing and mixing, the perfection of a set of exercises on mats.

Learning to jump over a goat in width.


Walking with a drill step in one, two and three columns, learning to exercise on the uneven bars: walking on your hands, swinging at an emphasis; jump forward with support on the pole.


Rebuilding, walking with a drill step, exercises on a low crossbar: lifting point-blank from a jump; peremakh (left) right forward, backward, transition to the hang lying on bent arms.


Complex offset acrobatic exercises, the perfection of the vault, exercises on the crossbar and on the uneven bars.


The vault test, the perfection of exercises on the crossbar and on the uneven bars.


The offset of exercises on the crossbar, the perfection of exercises on the uneven bars.


Offset of exercises on uneven bars, basketball game.


Safety briefing. Ski selection.


Teaching a simultaneous two-step move, the game “Stopping with a jerk. Passing the distance



Perfection of the simultaneous two-step move, the game “Jerk stop. Passing the distance


Training at the same time in a two-step move, a relay race with the transfer of sticks.



Perfection at the same time two-step run, relay race with the transfer of sticks.


Perfection at the same time two-step run, relay race with the transfer of sticks. Passing the distance


Learning to brake and turn with an emphasis, the game "Salki". Passing the distance



Perfection in braking and turning with an emphasis, the game "Salki". Passing the distance


Perfection in braking and turning with an emphasis, the game "Salki". Passing the distance

Calendar-thematic planning

Third quarter 30 lessons

Lesson topic

the date of the


Safety briefing. Ski selection. Passing the distance


Perfection of the simultaneous two-step move, the game “Jerk stop. Passing a distance of 1.5 km.


Perfection at the same time two-step run, relay race with the transfer of sticks. Passing a distance of 2 km.


Perfection in braking and turning with an emphasis, the game "Salki". Passing a distance of 2.5 km.


Passing a distance of 3 km.


Passing a distance of 3.5 km.



Volleyball player's stance, side step movement to the left and right, training in the top transfer of the ball, playing pioneer ball.


side step movement left and right, top perfection.


passing the ball, perfection of the lower passing of the ball, playing pioneer ball


passing the ball, perfection of the lower passing of the ball, playing pioneer ball



Step swoop jump up, pass the ball with two from above, the perfection of the bottom pass of the ball, the game of pioneer ball.


Step swoop jump up, pass the ball with two from above, the perfection of the bottom pass of the ball, the game of pioneer ball.



Jumping movements, teaching the bottom straight serve, perfection of the ball passing. Volleyball training


Jumping movements, teaching the bottom straight serve, perfection of the ball passing. Volleyball training


Jumping movements, teaching the bottom straight serve, perfection of the ball passing. Volleyball training.


Jumping movements, perfection of the bottom straight serve, perfection of the ball passing. Volleyball training.


Jumping movements, offsetting the bottom straight serve, the perfection of the ball passes. Volleyball training.


Jumping movements, teaching the bottom straight serve, perfection of the ball passing. Volleyball training



Perfection of passing the ball, serving the ball, learning to play volleyball.


Perfection of passing the ball, serving the ball, learning to play volleyball.


Movement in the court, learning to pass the ball with two from the chest, educational game.


Movement in the court, perfection of passing the ball with two from the chest, learning to dribble, training game.


Passing the ball for assessment, ball dribbling perfection, learning to throw the ball from the chest, training game.


Dribbling for evaluation, perfection of the throw with two from the chest, educational game


Throw two from the chest for evaluation, educational game.


Dribbling with a change of direction, learning to throw after a double step, training game.

Calendar-thematic planning

fourth quarter 24 lessons

Lesson topic

the date of the

Safety briefing in the classroom athletics and sports games, basic concepts of physical culture, history of physical culture


Movement in the court, learning to pass the ball with two from the chest, a training game.


Movement in the court, perfection of passing the ball with two from the chest, learning to dribble, training game.


Passing the ball for assessment, ball dribbling perfection, learning to throw the ball from the chest, training game.


Dribbling for evaluation, perfection of the throw with two from the chest, educational game


Throw two from the chest for evaluation, educational game.


Dribbling with a change of direction, learning to throw after a double step, training game.


Dribbling with a change of direction, perfection of the throw after a double step, training game.


Dribbling with a change of direction to o, throw credit after a double step, educational game.


Learning to throw into the ring with one hand from the shoulder, the perfection of dribbling, training game, training game.



The perfection of throwing into the ring with one hand from the shoulder, the perfection of dribbling, a training game, a training game.


The perfection of throwing into the ring with one hand from the shoulder, the perfection of dribbling, a training game, a training game.



Low start acceleration from 30 to 70 meters, in length, the development of endurance. Playing football, basketball.


Learning to throw a ball, developing endurance, developing speed, playing football, basketball.


the perfection of throwing the ball, the study of a low start, the development of endurance, playing basketball, football.


perfection in throwing the ball, learning to start high, developing speed and endurance, playing basketball, football.


Throwing the ball for evaluation, development of speed and endurance, playing basketball, football.


Running 60 meters for evaluation, developing endurance, playing football.


perfection of the long jump with legs bent, running 1000 meters for evaluation, playing football, basketball.


The perfection of endurance running, the perfection of the long jump with legs bent, playing football, basketball.


Perfection of running for endurance, throwing the ball, playing football, basketball.


The perfection of endurance running, standings of the long jump with legs bent, playing football, basketball.


Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1–11. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

Lyakh V.I. My friend is physical education. Textbook for students in grades 1-11 Moscow "Enlightenment" 2006.

Lyakh V.I. My friend is physical education. Textbook for students in grades 5-11 Moscow "Enlightenment" 2006

Didactic materials on the main sections and topics subject"Physical Culture

Kofman L.B. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. - M., Physical culture and sport, 1998.