What a tasty word they call boxing gloves. Boxing gloves

Sports, even extreme ones, should be as safe as possible. Equipment is a must for any sport. In contact martial arts, you can not do without gloves that protect your hands. Boxing gloves differ from each other in many ways. To choose the right one for yourself, you need to understand all the subtleties.

All boxing equipment is divided into several large groups by appointment:
  • Professional equipment is not suitable for beginners or amateurs, as it is traumatic. This equipment is selected depending on the weight of the athlete in terms of weight, which can be from 6 to 12 ounces. These gloves are made in such a way that they will not tear even with a hard blow.
  • Amateur ones are distinguished by the fact that the thumb in them is extended along the hand. It is impossible to hit hard in such equipment, otherwise the finger can be knocked out or broken. Much attention in this type of equipment is paid to the mass of the gloves themselves - the weight of the top layer should be equal to half the weight of the glove. To avoid fatigue, sports enthusiasts and beginners should train in oversized equipment.

  • Fighting - boxing gloves used in competitions. IN big sport laces are always used as fasteners. Combat equipment is different and the angle of the bend thumb. In this category, it closely matches the anatomy of the human fist, which allows you to make strong blows without the risk of injury.

  • Training ones differ from the previous ones in that they are fixed on the arm with an elastic band or Velcro. They are used during training not only by boxers, but also by fans of other types of martial arts. These boxing gloves are suitable for those who have just embarked on this path. Due to the fastening, such equipment is easily removed and put on. It is recommended to use training gloves weighing more than 12 ounces so as not to injure yourself and the opponent. Most gyms in the world use 16 ounce equipment. Such gloves should not be used on projectiles, as they quickly wear out and harden, which can later lead to injury to the enemy. There are special equipment for working on shells.

  • Shells are used specifically for working on simulators. They are thinner, lighter and follow the anatomy of the fist. There are 4 outfit sizes. When choosing equipment, you need to try on - gloves should tightly cover the fist and not slip.

Main settings

Each athlete has an individual hand structure. Everyone has their own fighting style. Boxing gloves are selected in accordance with these criteria, in addition, the equipment itself has several important characteristics, according to which the choice is made.

Large gloves have a soft hit of a large area. However, they are great for protection. Small ones, on the contrary, are used for attack. By choosing gloves according to your individual characteristics and important parameters for yourself, you can be sure of the effectiveness of the fight.


Boxing gloves are made from natural or artificial leather. The first ones are the best. They are distinguished by a long service life, practicality and convenience. But equipment made of this material is not suitable for work on simulators, as the material wears out quickly from contact with hard surfaces and loses its qualities.

For training on simulators, as well as for amateur activities, equipment made of artificial materials is more suitable. It can be synthetic, composite or Japanese leather. Gloves are produced, the top of which is made of leatherette, and the inside is made of natural materials. Such equipment is pleasant to the touch and allows the skin of the hands to breathe. But in terms of quality, they are still inferior to equipment made from natural materials.


A few decades ago, horsehair played the role of filler. Now, of course, other materials are used, and technology has stepped far forward.

Currently, the filler can serve:
  • Foam rubber.
  • Foam.
  • Cotton wool.

Foam rubber and foam are designed to preserve the volume and shape of the equipment when working with different weights. Some gloves have an air cushion to soften the impact. These gloves are called anti-knockout. Cotton wool as a filler is not the best the best option. Over time, it falls off, the impact loses its rigidity and the likelihood of injury increases.

Some gloves have a polyurethane foam insert. This is a professional filler, which, thanks to its elasticity, softens the blow and protects the brushes.


Boxing gloves come in different weights, measured in ounces. Translated into a more familiar system of measurements, 1 ounce is 28.35 grams. Equipment weight can vary from 6 to 18 in two ounce increments.

The weight of the equipment is determined by the weight of the athlete. The dependence is directly proportional, i.e. the more the boxer weighs, the heavier the accessories should be. Properly selected glove weight reduces the risk of injury to both yourself and the opponent.


Available in small, medium and large boxing gloves. Moreover, equipment is distinguished by age and gender. Children are also involved in boxing, and therefore, conditionally, things are like this - men use large, ladies average, and children use small sizes.


Gloves consist of two parts - shock and cuff. The latter plays an important role, as it strengthens the wrists, preventing them from dislocating. The cuff is a leather band that wraps around the arm.

The impact part consists of an upper and an inner layer, between which there is a filler. You need to choose such equipment in which the thumb will be located, as when clenching a fist. This part of the glove serves not only for strikes, but also for protecting the opponent's hands.


When buying equipment, pay attention to how the glove is attached to the hand. In big sports, lacing is used exclusively. Amateur gloves can also be fastened with Velcro. This type of fastening is convenient, since you can quickly remove / put on equipment, but it is also unreliable, because during the battle the Velcro can come unfastened. In addition, Velcro will not provide such a good fit on the arm as lacing. The latter is inconvenient in that it is not possible to remove or put on equipment without outside help.

Boxing bandages

To protect fingers, knuckles and hands from injury, boxers need to bandage their hands. Also, this part prevents moisture from entering the equipment, leaving it dry and thereby increasing its service life.

The length of the bandages varies from 2.5 to 4.5 meters. They are made from natural cotton, should not pinch your hands too much and absorb sweat well. The length is chosen according to the age and size of the athlete's hands.

How to choose boxing gloves

You should buy them based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the hands and the fighting style. It is not enough to consider all of the above. The glove should also fit perfectly.

There is no one size fits all boxing glove. But there is equipment that is ideally suited individually for a particular boxer. To choose such a pair, you need to experiment, try out several pairs of imperfect ones, in order to finally find what you need.


Before buying, be sure to try on gloves on bandages. If this is not done, there is a chance that the equipment will be small, and the hand simply will not fit there. Be sure to try on several pairs to choose the best one.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the presence of thumb protection. It is a strip of fabric between the thumb and the rest of the fingers and reduces the likelihood of injury.

For training on simulators, you should purchase boxing gloves with a thick and dense filler that will protect your hands from injury. But for combat, thin equipment is more suitable, which allows you to better control the blow, and your hands in them will be less tired.

When choosing the size, you need to take into account that the equipment should fit tightly on the arm, but not compress the brush. If there is free space inside, then, due to a violation of the fixation, there is a risk of injury.

Get at least three pairs of gloves for all occasions - for combat, training and work with projectiles. This will extend the life of each pair, plus you will feel more comfortable, because each type of equipment is created for specific purposes.

Because they originally appeared in a completely different form and gradually evolved to the modern one.

The history of gloves, as an element of equipment for martial arts, has more than 3 thousand years. They are first mentioned in Ancient Greece, where soft leather ribbons were used for fisticuffs. IN Ancient Rome, in gladiator fights, on the contrary, they sought to strengthen the blow, for which they put copper or iron lining on their hands. In more or less modern form, boxing gloves appeared in the 17th century, and with the advent of such a sport as boxing in England, liners began to be placed in training gloves.

Modern boxing gloves became mandatory after the introduction of the Rules of the Marquess of Queensbury in 1867. For this occasion, the Englishman Jack Broughton developed the modern form of the boxing glove.. .

Boxing as a sport was not widespread in the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans considered it too bloody a sport that was only suitable for gladiator fights in the Colosseum. this is understandable, because the history of boxing or fisticuffs has a very deep and extensive past. If we say that the history of fisticuffs spans several tens of thousands of years, then we will not be mistaken. Archaeological scientists provide indisputable evidence of the existence of various devices attached to the hands for a variety of purposes. Some of these devices contributed to the protection and blocking of blows, while others, on the contrary, increased the strength and rigidity of the blow. Fist fights without weapons were the basis in the training of ancient warriors.

Fist fighting, as one of the sports, was very well studied by scientists from the ancient Greeks, from about the 12th century BC. e. In Ancient Greece boxing gloves were presented in the form of strips of soft leather that braided the fingers, hands and forearms of a warrior. These primitive boxing gloves were called meilihai. Starting from the VI century BC. e. they were replaced by other gloves (sfireai), they consisted of two parts: a leather ring and the actual gloves. Starting from 688 BC. e. fisticuffs were included as a type in Olympic Games. Competitions were held on a square platform covered with sand. You could win the duel either by knocking out the opponent, or by your actions forcing him to surrender.

The next stage in the improvement of boxing gloves occurred in ancient Rome at the end of the 4th to the 2nd centuries BC. e. As it was written above, fisticuffs in ancient Rome were the lot of gladiators. Gloves of gladiators were equipped with spikes, metal rings, knots. Such gloves were called cesta. Fights in this type of gloves often ended severe injuries or the death of a gladiator. It is clear why in Rome, in the 1st century BC. e. boxing was outlawed for the next ten centuries.

In Rus', there was also a special culture of fisticuffs, it is even mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years (1068). Fights in Rus' were not a source of enrichment for either the participants or the spectators. There were unwritten rules for conducting these battles: do not beat a lying person, do not beat your head and legs, it was also forbidden to arm yourself with anything.

The Christian Church actively fought against this barbarism. And after boxing came to Russia from Europe, the Bolsheviks fought it.

In England, meanwhile, developed classic boxing. Gloves appeared in the 15th century and were used only for training. In tournaments, the British preferred to box with bare hands. English boxing gloves were lined with leather and filled with horsehair. And only in 1867, the Marquis of Queensberry proposed the introduction of new rules for boxing matches, in which there was a clause on the use of gloves to reduce injuries.

Since that time, gloves have been divided into combat and training. Nowadays, gloves are not only combat and training, but also amateur, professional, coaching, projectile, laced and Velcro. Filler in modern gloves of two types: foam and glove-layered
(c) Hiro Onoda

Gloves are one of the main elements of boxing protection. To choose it correctly, you need to know what boxing gloves are called, depending on the tasks performed. The article tells how to make a choice.

Types of boxing gloves

Training gloves, which are used for practicing and practicing strokes, are most convenient due to a simple Velcro fastener. They are easy to put on and take off, which is often required in training. Some models come with weights of various weights that can be attached and removed as desired and necessary (during sparring, punching, working on shells). Weighting agents can be used only in agreement with the coach.
Used in amateur fights amateur combat gloves. They differ from training ones by the presence of white circles on the striking surface - they simplify scoring. Available in two colors: blue and red. Fastened with Velcro or laces.
Shell gloves are designed to work on paws, pears, bags and other shells and differ from training gloves in the absence of a filler, so they are much lighter. Protect the athlete's hands from damage during strong impacts. They are not used for sparring, as they can lead to injury to a partner.
Professional gloves- the most expensive and are used during competitions. The shape of the fist, when clenched, repeats its natural position, which makes it possible to make the blow more effective and avoid injury to the hand. For fixation, only classic lacing is used, so this type of gloves is not suitable for training.
The first three categories can be made from both leather and leatherette, professional gloves - only from genuine leather. Going to the store for equipment, the boxer must know the name of the boxing gloves he needs and their desired characteristics.

Gloves are the main and practically the only defense of a boxer. In order not to make a mistake in choosing this protection, you need to know their name. Depending on the assigned task, they are divided (called):

  • Training - are used in the formulation and development of strike techniques. They are more comfortable, as they are fixed with Velcro, and not with classic lacing. They are easy to put on and take off, which is very important in training process. Sometimes they come with weights. But they can only be used with the consent of the coach.
  • - they are used by amateurs. The main difference from training ones is that white circles, which are applied to the surface, carry out a strike. This is done to make it easier to count points. They are available in blue and red colors. Velcro or lacing is used for fixing.

  • - designed to work with paws, pears and other shells. They have no filler, which greatly facilitates their weight. At strong blow can protect your hand. But they are forbidden to use in sparring, as this can lead to injury.

  • - This is the most expensive type of all and they are used only in competitions. They repeat the shape of the fist and this makes the blow better and helps prevent injury to the hand. They are fixed only with lacing and therefore are not used in training.

What are boxing gloves made of?

Boxing gloves are made either from genuine leather or from a substitute. Of course, better products made from natural materials. They have a longer service life, they are more practical and convenient.

But they are not suitable for working with simulators, because upon contact with a hard surface of the projectile they quickly become unusable.

During training, it is better to use equipment made of artificial leather. Suitable for those who top part from a substitute, and the inner surface is natural. Although their quality, despite some advantages, is lower than analogues from natural material.

A few decades ago, gloves were filled with horsehair. Currently, completely different fillers are used. This:

  • Foam rubber.
  • Foam.
  • Cotton wool.

Filler made of foam or foam rubber retains its shape and volume well. Some models have a special air cushion that softens the blow. Cotton wool is a bad filler. It tends to fall off over time. As a result, the likelihood of injury.

Types of boxing gloves

This sports attribute is categorized into species and types. And there are a huge number of similar categories, but it makes no sense to go deep. It will be enough to define the main criteria in order to make right choice equipment.

Depending on who wears, there are three main types:

  • - intended for children. They are small and light in weight, but have enhanced finger protection. Teenage models under 18 often fall into the same category;

  • - intended for female hand and accordingly differ in their shape, size and weight;

  • - This is a classic men's equipment in this sport.

However, one should not think that because of these gradations, good ammunition can only be in one of the categories. Choose for comfort. Do not think that women's equipment will be exclusively “pink” and “rhinestones” will be glued on it, and children's options will not abound with Pokemon.

Why do you need gloves in boxing?

In boxing, protection is a must. Its purpose is to reduce the risk of injury. It protects your hands from injury and does not cripple the enemy. After all, the main task of boxing is to win on points, but certainly not to cripple each other.