Push-up program. Push-ups for chest muscles - types, techniques, secrets Push-ups with raised legs what muscles

Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises for developing the muscles of the back and chest. They do not require any equipment to perform. Regular push-ups will help keep the body in good shape and make the body more toned.

In this article, we will consider the most effective push-ups on pectoral muscles and technique for their implementation.

The muscles of the thoracic region are among the largest muscle groups human body. Their structure is like a fan, because muscle fibers located in different directions.

Conventionally, the pectoral muscles are divided into two functional parts. The first includes the muscles connected to the shoulder girdle. They are responsible for the movement of the hands in different planes.

This includes the following muscle bundles:

  • small chest;
  • large chest;
  • subclavian;
  • anterior dentate.
Another functional part consists of the muscles of the chest itself, which is responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm:
  • external intercostal muscles;
  • internal intercostal muscles.

Did you know?Pectoral muscles have a genetic predisposition to rapid growth. Due to the fact that muscle fibers are located in different directions, conduct strength training breasts need at different angles.

The most effective push-ups for the pectoral muscles

For those who want to see their relief breasts, push-ups are indispensable. In addition, the correct movement mechanics additionally pumps the arms and core.

There are several types of push-ups. Different positioning of the arms and legs allows you to increase the load on different muscle groups. Let's consider these types in more detail.

Classic push-ups from the floor

The standard floor press develops strength and endurance:

  1. Get into a plank position with your palms and toes on the floor.
  2. Inhale and lower your body down by bending your elbows. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Important!Backbends make the exercise ineffective, so keep your back straight.

This type of push-up is focused specifically on the chest. . The wide setting of the hands maximally affects the upper bundles of the pectoralis major muscles:

  1. Take a plank position. You don't need to move your hands too hard. Focus on 5-7 cm wider than the shoulders.
  2. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower your straight body. Exhale and rise to the starting position.

Try to keep your abs tight. This will additionally pump the muscles of the core.

This exercise is for those who are interested in how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home. The stops increase the range of motion, increasing the load on the muscles of the chest.
You can purchase special equipment at a sports store or use improvised materials, such as books. The technique for performing these push-ups is the same as in the classic floor press. You can choose narrow or wide grip. Focus on the target muscle group.

This modification of push-ups is aimed at developing the explosive strength of the body. Muscles with this exercise do not particularly build up, but strength and speed increase.

This version of the exercise is considered complicated. To begin with, it is worth mastering the classical technique and different hand positions.
Consider how to do push-ups with cotton:

  1. Take a lying position, as in the standard version of this exercise.
  2. Lower your body while inhaling.
  3. As you exhale, push your torso up with all your might. Try to make a clap in flight and put your palms in front of you.
  4. Return to starting position.
The exercise may seem too difficult, but over time you will adapt and appreciate its benefits.

Diamond push-ups (narrow stance)

This is a type of floor press with narrow setting hands
The target muscle group for this exercise is the triceps:

  1. Starting position - plank. Hands should be placed under the chest. The index fingers and thumbs of both hands should touch.
  2. As you inhale, lower the body down, as you exhale, push the body into the bar.

Important!Elbows should move close to the body.

The modified incline makes these push-ups suitable for lower chest muscles.
As an elevation, you can use a bench or fitball:

  1. Place your hands on the edge of the hill, slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your body straight, without bending.
  2. Inhale, bend your elbows and lower your body. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

In this embodiment, you transfer the entire load to upper part chest muscles. The technique is similar to the previous variation of push-ups. Only now we put the toes on the edge of the support.

How to make a program

Muscle growth is not affected by the number of repetitions, but by the ideal technique and the involvement of target muscle bundles in the work. Only proper push-ups will give the desired effect.

Based on your skill level. Start with 4 sets of the classic floor press. The first time is enough and 8 repetitions, but then count on 10-15 repetitions. After you have mastered the technique, change the angle of impact - add the modified push-ups to the training, which are described above.

Push-ups allow you to give a good load on the body, even without extra weight. There are several basic rules for effective training:

  1. The training complex should be intense. If classic push-ups are easy for you, add new variations of the exercise to the training.
  2. For a good effect, you should be prepared for monotonous work. Only regular workouts increase endurance and improve strength performance. Train at least 3-4 times a week.
  3. For notable progress It is worth paying attention to the antagonist muscles. Don't forget to train your abs, calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

Video: How to do push-ups

Monthly training program

Breast pumping is not an easy task. The right approach and focus on results is important. We bring to your attention a training program aimed at developing the strength indicators of the pectoral muscles. This system is suitable even for beginners.

For men

Consider a set of classes for men, designed for a month. The minimum number of workouts is 3 times a week.


Important!Don't forget to warm up and cool down.

For women

For the fair sex, the following monthly push-up course has been developed.


Push-ups are a great basic exercise that has a positive effect on the whole body, while they are suitable for both men and women. At regular classes soon you will see the first results.

Long trips can bring certain difficulties to any bodybuilder. Serious athletes feel guilty every time they miss a scheduled workout.

Even while on vacation, it's hard to get rid of the idea that muscles certainly grow during rest, but only after a certain training stimulation of growth. Today, many hotels have exercise bikes and a set of chrome-plated equipment, but if you want to work out seriously, then you will have to look for the nearest gym. But, if you do not have time for this, push-ups in the reverse slope - The best way for fast but very effective workout upper body.

Of course, push-ups will not replace bench presses, but this good old exercise will provide you with a great pump and tire your muscles like you would work out in the gym. This exercise is rare in training program modern athletes, but it will help you get a good pump during a trip, or maybe before going to the beach or hotel pool.

Activated muscles

Performing push-ups with elevated legs is more effective than regular push-ups from the floor. During the exercise, the pectoral muscles, triceps, anterior serratus muscles, upper trapezium, deltoids, and some muscles of the articular bag of the shoulder girdle are significantly activated. The fan-shaped pectoral muscle has two heads. The clavicle begins on the frontal surface of the clavicle, and the sternocostal on the lateral part of the sternum and six upper ribs. Both heads come together and are attached to humerus next to the shoulder joint. Both adduct the humerus (pull the arm toward the midline of the body) and rotate it inward. During push-ups, the pectoral muscle flexes shoulder joint(moves the humerus up and forward).

When push-ups, the triceps are significantly activated, especially its long (or inner) head. Of all three heads, it receives the greatest load, because it straightens both the arm at the shoulder joint (pulling the shoulder section of the arm back during controlled lowering) and the forearm at the elbow joint during the upward movement. The long head of the triceps begins on the scapula just below the shoulder joint to merge with the medial and lateral heads. The common triceps tendon crosses the elbow joint and attaches to the ulna of the forearm. The lateral head of the triceps originates high on the humerus but does not cross the shoulder joint. medial head begins in the middle of the humerus and is covered by two other heads, which allow you to see only its part near the elbow. The medial and lateral heads help the long head of the triceps to straighten the elbow during push-ups. The serratus anterior is quite large and is located on the outer part chest. Its fibers are like dense cables coming out from under latissimus dorsi back towards the pectoral muscles, they are attached to the first eight ribs. The place of opposite attachment of the serratus anterior is the inner edge of the scapula. The serratus anterior pulls the scapula forward, pressing it against the chest and making it an anchor so that other muscles can use the scapula as a fixed bone (although it is not itself one).

When doing push-ups from the floor with legs elevated, the upper region of the trapezius muscles also works. The trapezius muscle originates at the base of the skull and on the cervical vertebrae. Its fibers descend down and to the sides to attach to the outer edges of the clavicle bones and along the shoulder blades. The upper section of the trapezoid raises shoulder girdle up (shrugs).

The anterior fibers of the noah muscle during push-ups pull the humerus forward. They originate on the outer part of the clavicle and are attached to the head and frontal surface of the humerus. Push-ups from the floor with legs elevated activate the deep-seated muscle of the articular bag of the shoulder girdle - the subclavian muscle - with a wide emphasis (when the humerus is far from the torso). The subclavian muscle is a thick triangular muscle located on the anterior surface of the scapula (closer to the ribs). It crosses the shoulder joint in front and is attached to the humerus, serving as its powerful rotator. It also helps to keep the head of the humerus in the cavity of the shoulder joint.

Push-ups from the floor with legs elevated

  • Take an emphasis lying on the floor, placing your feet on a high bench. (A bed in a hotel room is fine.) Hands shoulder-width apart. Starting position: elbows bent, chest touches the floor.
  • Quickly (in about a second) push up, straightening your arms.
  • Slowly lower yourself down for 3 seconds. When your chest touches the floor, push up again. Do about 30 reps, rest 30 seconds, and move on to the next set.
  • In this set, place your hands narrower so that the distance between your thumbs is very small. Do as many reps as possible to get the triceps burning.
  • Rest 30-45 seconds, shaking your hands slightly. Now place your arms wide, with the position of the elbows, as in the bench press, - the shoulder sections of the arms are on the same line.
  • If after all this you still have strength, you can perform the fourth approach with an emphasis on the width of the shoulders. However, if you work hard enough in the first three sets, you should get pretty tired.

A wide stop will provide more significant activation and stretching of the clavicular heads of the pectoralis major muscles. If you place your hands close together (especially before touching your thumbs), then you will activate more internal fibers in the sternum region, as well as triceps. The exercise becomes more difficult with a narrow support (as with bench presses). narrow grip) because the triceps take up most of the load, and the effort at the elbows is approaching 75% of your body weight. With an emphasis on the width of the shoulders, the triceps have to overcome a load of 45%.

In addition, the elevated position of the legs activates the lower region of the pectoral muscles and the upper fibers of the trapezium to a greater extent than with regular push-ups from the floor. Conversely, the biceps and lower trapezium do not get enough activation in this exercise. In addition to everything, you increase the flexibility of the brushes. Improving their stretch reduces the stress on the tendons, thereby reducing the chance of injury.

Of course, you won't be able to impress your gym buddies with incredible weights in this exercise, but you will be surprised at the pump you get in such a short period of time. When you're on vacation, leg-elevated push-ups are a great way to prevent your hard-earned muscles from atrophying when you're not exercising normally. However, do not think that this is light exercise, because the burning in the chest, shoulders, and triceps will be incredible, given the short rest periods between sets.

Push-ups for pectoral muscles - this is the easiest way and hands at home. In order for this exercise to good results, it is necessary, firstly, to perform it correctly, and, secondly, to combine various variations. This approach will help to comprehensively work out the large pectoral muscles, as well as give an additional load on deltoid muscles, biceps and body stabilizer muscles.

Push-ups for chest muscles - perfect exercise for girls.

Push-ups, as an exercise, can be compared with a bench press in reverse. You create a load for yourself by lifting your own weight. Unlike the bench press, here your hands remain motionless, and the body moves relative to them.

Incorrect push-ups threaten to overstrain the muscles of the shoulder girdle and various joint injuries.

A bit of anatomy

Many are interested in which muscles swing during push-ups. With the right technique, push-ups allow you to work out almost the entire upper body. The main load when doing push-ups falls on the pectoralis major muscle (on its various parts depending on the position of the arms and body), the shoulder muscles are additionally connected - deltas (muscles covering the shoulder joint), biceps and triceps. The rectus abdominis, lower back muscles, and small muscles of the body are responsible for stabilizing the body during push-ups.

So, what muscles work with different types of push-ups?

1. Classic push-ups for chest muscles

With classic push-ups from the floor, all of the above muscle groups work.

I will describe correct technique performing classic push-ups, so that we have something to build on by default, talking about various variations. Push-ups for chest muscles basic exercise, which is most recommended for girls, since it does not imply additional burden You are working with your own body weight.

Classic push-ups are a basic exercise for the chest muscles.

Initial position. First of all, you need to take the emphasis lying down. Put your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, hands slightly turned outward. The muscles of the body must be tense, the body is stretched into a string. You should not have any arch in your lower back or sag between your shoulders. Absolutely flat back. We do not press our elbows to the body and do not turn them outward - they are in a natural comfortable position, slightly turned away from the body. The head is slightly raised, looking forward and down.

Performance. Slowly (1-2 seconds) bend your elbows and lower your straight body to the floor. During the exercise, the position of the body should not change - your body is as collected and extended as in the starting position. The chest descends almost to the very floor, but does not lie on the floor, all the time remaining on weight.
Elbow extension is performed a little faster (1 second), but without sudden movements. Elbow joints it is worth saving and not unbending them to the absolute limit, let there be a small angle.

What muscles work during push-ups? The main emphasis when performing classic push-ups falls on the middle part of the large pectoral muscles.

2. Push-ups - feet elevated

If you throw your legs on an elevation (bench or chair), the main emphasis is on the upper part of the pectoral muscles. These muscles are very slow to respond to stress, so if you want to get a harmonious body, regularly include them in your workout. The higher your legs are, the greater the load on the shoulder girdle. This version of push-ups is more difficult than the classic, so move on to it when you get a little comfortable. Do not give yourself an unbearable load, otherwise you may get injured, which will discourage you from any push-ups at all for a long time.

Push-ups with raised legs.

What muscles work in push-ups with legs elevated? The upper part of the pectoral muscles works.

3. Push-ups - hands up

If you place your hands on a raised platform, the exercise will affect the lower pectoral muscles. Hands can be placed on a bench or. The exercise is simple, suitable for beginners.

Push-ups with a raised body.

Works Bottom part chest muscles.

4. Push-ups with a wide setting of hands

When performing the exercise, place your hands 20-30 cm wider than your shoulders. Thus, you minimize the load on the triceps and maximize the use of the chest.

This variation of push-ups is designed to work out the middle part and the outer edge of the chest.

5. Narrow stance push-ups

The opposite of the previous variation of push-ups - press your hands to the body and point your elbows back. This difficult exercise, you need to have initial training. The narrower you put the brushes, the more difficult it is to complete the exercise.

Push-ups with narrow arms - works triceps.

What muscles are being loaded? When performing push-ups with a narrow setting of hands, the emphasis falls on the triceps.

The technique for performing the exercise is almost the same as in the classic push-ups. The starting position is the same. The difference is that at the exit from the exercise (rising up), you make an explosive effort and throw the body up. You have to bounce yourself high enough to make the clap. The body remains tense, there should not be any deflections. Land on slightly bent arms with a springy motion. In no case do not fall on straight arms!

Clap push-ups are a difficult exercise.

What muscle is pumped during push-ups with cotton? This complicated exercise affects all the muscles of the torso and allows you to make them stronger in the shortest possible time. But, of course, this type of push-ups can only be performed by professionals.

7. Brushes turned inward ("diamond")

This variation of push-ups allows you to work out the triceps. Place your hands in the same way as in the case of classic push-ups, only turn your hands inward towards each other so that the thumbs and forefingers of the right palm touch the fingers of the left palm. The "window" formed by the fingers will look like a diamond or rhombus. Elbows in this case are directed away from you.

Push-ups with hands turned inward.

Understanding which muscles work during push-ups, in the future you will be able to compose own program based on variations of this classic exercise.

How to avoid mistakes?

Often, novice athletes mistakenly believe that classic push-ups for the pectoral muscles are a universal exercise for strengthening the entire body. Based on this, they do push-ups every day, without even changing the position of their arms and legs.

Having studied anatomy, you understand which muscles work during push-ups, and you realize that you can’t build a workout solely on one type of this exercise. Combine different types of push-ups - this will allow you to work out your chest muscles as harmoniously as possible.

How to do push-ups for the pectoral muscles correctly?

  1. The important thing is the warm-up. Never skip this part of the workout! Even if you only have time for one set, be sure to warm up. This will reduce the risk of injury and make the exercise easier. 5 minutes of body twists, jumps in place and arm swings will be enough.
  2. Take your time. Pushing up very quickly, you perform the movement not due to the work of the muscles, but by inertia. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Ignore those who boast that they easily do 200-300 push-ups. Most often, such quick push-ups are absolutely useless. The same rule applies to the number of repetitions. Increase their number gradually as muscle strength grows. It is optimal to start with 1 set of 12 repetitions.
  3. Tighten your muscles. Muscle work should occur both in the positive (extension of the arms) and in the negative phase (movement towards the floor). To do this, lower yourself slowly and smoothly.
  4. Try not to get distracted. Try to imagine the work of the muscles and feel their tension as much as possible.
  5. Listen to yourself. Work in a comfortable range for you. Beginners should not go too low.
  6. Start simple. First you need to learn how to perform basic classic push-ups. In the future, you will be able to independently master its complicated options, simply by changing the position of the legs and arms.
  7. Feel what muscles you work. For the first time, take a few minutes to feel your chest muscles. Stand up straight and press the front side of your right palm to your chest. Now tighten your arm and slowly move it away from your chest. Imagine that you are pushing something away from you. Do this movement until you feel the chest muscles come into play. To facilitate this task, you can place your left hand on your chest.
  8. Don't strain your neck. To do this, look forward and do not lower your head down.

Push-ups are a great upper body workout.

Now you can start push-ups. In order to do the exercise correctly, you need not only to control the work of the chest, but also to maintain correct position of the whole body. Your body should be elongated in one line and resemble a tense string. Only under this condition will the exercise make the arms and abs work. Make sure that the whole body forms a single line. As you exhale, slowly (2 counts) lower yourself down. As you inhale, rise up (for 1 count.) The elbows should be directed back and move strictly up and down.

Knowing what muscles work during push-ups, you can modify this exercise depending on your goals.

Remember that you don't have to do 100 push-ups in a row, doing the last repetitions somehow. It’s much better to do 5 sets of 20 reps with a one-minute break between them.

Knowing how to properly perform push-ups for the chest muscles, you can develop your upper body and diversify your training program.

In 25 years of training, I have watched push-ups being used in high school gyms, the military, and dojos. Most often as a punishment. Because pushing up from the floor is not as easy as it seems. While people are spending gyms a lot of time on trendy exercise equipment, push-ups can be much more effective way become stronger and faster. And they are more versatile than people think. Different kinds push-ups will help strengthen the muscles of the press, back, legs, what can I say, almost all the muscles of your body. Here are 10 types of push-ups, divided into 4 categories, that you don't do when you should. Add them to your workouts and you'll see (and feel) powerful results.

Correct push-up technique

Before you start variations of the classic push-ups, you need to be sure that you are doing the original exercise correctly. To get into the correct position, you must keep your back straight, your abs tight, your butt not sticking out, and your shoulders turned so that your elbow is facing forward. This position ensures that the core muscles are working and the shoulders are in the most natural position. If your wrists are bothering you, doing push-ups with your fists will keep your wrists in a neutral position.

Identifying common push-up problems

There are some classic mistakes that indicate weaknesses in your body. If the lower back sags, it means that you have weak core muscles. If the shoulder blades stick out when you are in the top position, then you need to work on the anterior serratus muscle (located along the chest under the arms from the armpit and down). Try doing delayed push-ups (similar to the Planck exercise, only the arms should do the static part with straight arms, not elbows). Other good exercise it is for the serratus muscle - running in an emphasis (the position is the same as with push-ups, only instead of push-ups you alternately press the knee of each leg to your chest).

The next two types of push-ups increase the load on the muscles of the core and upper body by reducing the number of support points. When you press your knee to your elbow or chest, your abs, shoulders, and hip flexors work significantly more to keep you from falling.

Pushup #1: Knee-to-elbow pushup

The exercise starts from the lying position. Keep your back straight and lower yourself in control of your torso. IN lowest point push-ups press the knee to outside elbow. Then return the leg to its original position and, straightening the elbows, to its original position. Alternate legs for each rep.

Pushup #2: Knee-to-Chest Pushup

The exercise starts from the lying position. Keep your back straight and lower yourself in control of your torso. Push up with your hands to return to the starting position and at the top of the exercise, press your knee to your chest. Make sure your foot does not touch the ground. Return your leg to the starting position, then lower yourself down again and repeat with the opposite leg up. Continue alternating legs for the entire set.

Changing the position of the hands increases the load on the opposite arm, which means the triceps, pecs and serratus muscles need to apply more effort to continue moving. The next three push-ups also require a lot of effort from the core muscles.

The following types of push-ups also increase the load on the abs and core muscles by reducing the number of points of support on the floor.

Push-up #3: Push-up with change of hands and on one leg

The exercise begins from a lying position with one arm extended forward further than the other. Raise the leg on the opposite side, the knee should be straightened, the core muscles should be tense.

Keep your back straight and lower yourself in control of your torso. When you reach the floor, tighten your pecs, shoulders, and straighten your elbows to return to the starting position. Do 5-10 reps on one side, then switch your lead arm and lifted leg and repeat.

Pushup #4: Arm Raised Pushup

Start this exercise in the same way as a regular push-up. When you reach the floor, quickly straighten your elbows, jerking yourself up. At the top of the movement, raise your straightened arm above your head. Lower your arm back to the floor and then lower your body down for the next rep. Alternate arms each rep for the entire set.

Pushup #5: Warrior Pushup

Also known as T-push-ups. Start from the bottom push-up position: elbows bent, torso straight. Straighten your elbows to get into a push-up position. At the top of the movement, pivot on your shoulder and raise your arm as high as you can towards the ceiling. Then reverse the movement and, with body control, return to the starting position. Raise the left, then right hand I alternate them every repetition.

When you change the position of the leg during push-ups, the center of mass shifts. The weight is distributed between the arms and legs in different ways, which requires the participation of all the muscles in your body. The next three types of push-ups will be especially hard on the shoulders, arms, and core muscles.

Pushup #6: Side Kick Pushup

Start this exercise like a regular push-up. Keep your back straight and lower yourself in control of your torso.

At the bottom of the push-up, kick to the side without bending your knee. Then return your leg to the starting position and straighten your elbows until you return to the top push-up position. Then lower yourself, repeat the movement to the other side, raising the opposite leg.

Pushup #7: Inward Kick Pushup

Start the exercise in the bottom push-up position and straighten your elbows to reach the top position. At the top of the movement, turn your shoulders and kick one leg under you as high as you can while touching your foot with your opposite hand. Then return the leg and arm to the starting position, lower to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Pushup #8: Hip twist pushup

Start from the top push-up position: elbows straight, torso straight. Kick your left foot under-across your body as shown in the photo. Lower your chest towards the floor without letting your thigh touch the ground. Straighten your elbows, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Push-ups that change the angle of the load movement
The last two push-ups use creativity to change the pressing movement from a strictly horizontal to something more complex. These exercises place increased stress on many muscles in the body, especially the deltoids, triceps, and rotator cuffs.

Pushup #9: Wall Pushup

Start the exercise from a regular prone position, but with one important difference: use your hands to press your feet against the wall. The toes should be pointing down and placed at a height of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Lower your chest to the floor, bending your elbows. Try to keep your elbows pressed to your sides, do not let them fall outward. Then push off with your hands, straightening your elbows, return to the starting position.

Pushup #10: Pushup - Rooney Press

Start in a high lying position, but do not put your feet straight behind, but spread them out to the sides.

Lower your head and chest forward behind your arms as far as possible.

Bring your forehead as close to the ground as possible while pushing your body back and your hips up.

Finish with hips lifted, head down and elbows straight. Then return to the starting position and repeat the whole cycle again.
To begin with, in each of the above exercises, you can do 5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. First of all, you need to master the regular push-up variations, and then start incorporating these modified versions into your workout.

Push-ups are perhaps the most common bodyweight exercise, because it does not require any extra equipment, except for a more or less flat horizontal surface. However, this simplicity and monotony of execution leads many to dismiss push-ups, if not completely exclude them from their training plan. Do not do it this way. With the right approach, this exercise can be turned into a universal tool for working on your body.

For example, we found about three dozen types of push-ups that you should definitely try before saying that they do not work.

Even if things are not going well with the usual push-up, we recommend that you start self-improvement with push-ups on bent knees or with your hands resting on an elevated surface, as in the video. When you can calmly do several approaches of 20-30 times, you can move on to standard push-ups.

Standard push-up

Familiar from school days or more earlier exercise many manage to do it wrong. Before moving on to more complex variations, master the standard push-up technique - lie face down on the floor, feet together, arms shoulder-width apart, gently rise up, concentrating on the muscles of the chest and shoulders, then just as smoothly down until the chest touches the floor, and more 20 times. Muscles aching? Great, you are on the right track!

Wide push up

This type of push-up focuses on the pectoral muscles, isolating the load on the shoulders. Just spread your arms wider than your shoulders and do not forget to visualize the work of the muscles.

Diamond Push Up

This type of push-up got its name due to the shape that the palms with the fingers of both hands form in the process of execution. We agree that it looks more like a rhombus, but it somehow does not sound. However, it is in this way that you can score the triceps as much as possible, especially if you change the height of the position of the hands from solar plexus and higher.

Push-ups with raised legs

Keeping your feet elevated during this exercise puts more stress on your shoulders. The main thing is to try not to bend too much, otherwise it looks stupid, and it spoils the technique.

Hindu push ups

Hindu wrestlers have taken the best of yoga and probably the Kama Sutra for centuries to make their push-ups max. effective exercise for a wide range of muscles. Chest, shoulders, back, hips, and triceps work to their fullest as you dive forward, down, and up as you exhale from a V-shaped stance with legs and arms wide apart, and then return to the starting position. Even the soldier Jane in the film of the same name performed Hindu push-ups, so why are you worse?!

Bomb push-ups

All the difference from the Hindu push-ups in this form is the way to return to the starting position. Here it completely repeats the movement forward, but, as it were, in the opposite direction. In general, watch the video and repeat.

Hindu diamond

Bombing Hindu Diamond

You have already understood what's what, so it will not be difficult for you to understand this variety. For triceps, it definitely will not pass without a trace.

Hindu push-ups through the elbows

Everything is simple! When moving forward and down from the initial stance, the elbows touch the floor and come off at the moment the head is raised up. Tried to execute? Not so easy, right?

Hindu wall push-ups

Here comes the first really hard push-up! All the same V-shaped starting position and the same technique, only the feet rest against the wall. Experiment with arm width and see where your delts respond best.

Bombing Hindu wall push-ups

Questions? No? That is great.

Tiger Pushups

The starting position is the same as in the Hindu version, only push-ups look more traditional. Make sure that the fifth point is still at the top.

Push-ups on one arm

It is this exercise that distinguishes men from boys and the best way Works out the smallest muscles due to the additional stabilization work that they have to do. Once in standard push-up positions, take one hand behind your back or put it on your hip, and then try to squeeze the maximum number of repetitions to failure. Change your hand.

rocky push up

Rocky Balboa is a worthy role model, so hurry up to master his signature one-arm push-up with jump change.

Handstand push-ups

If you want to know what your delts are capable of, you will have to master the handstand. To begin with, execution with a support is suitable, but over time it will need to be abandoned. Stabilization muscles, you know, don't work when they have nothing to stabilize them.

Push-ups on the hands against the wall

Plyometric push-ups

Plyometric exercises are the best way to wake up your muscles. This is why many athletes incorporate explosive exercises into their training plan. So plyometric push-ups will add variety and force chest and shoulder muscles, accustomed to measured loads, change the dynamics of movement. You probably already know what the next step will be.

Push-ups with cotton

You've done a great job. You can pat yourself. During push-ups, of course.

Triple Clap Pushups

An exercise with cotton will allow not only to load the muscles in a new way, but also to develop hand speed. An indicator of the latter may well be the successful completion of three claps in one phase of push-ups: the first when the hands are just off the floor, the second clap is made behind the back at the top point, and one more before the hands land.

Push-up planch

If it seems to you that without serious gymnastic training it is impossible to perform push-ups in a horizontal plane without relying on your legs, then we will disappoint you. Or we'll be happy. It is possible, and how! The main thing is to move the hands closer to the hips so that such a support can maintain the balance of the legs with the body.

Pseudo planch push-up

Push-ups with rotation

Standard push-up with a turn of the torso at the top point and a separation from the floor with one hand.

Spiderman Push Up

Another variety of standard push-ups, otherwise loading the muscles of the shoulder girdle and exciting abs. It is performed with alternating legs bent at the knee, which, indeed, is a bit like the movement of Spider-Man along sheer walls.

superman push up

Another superhero has immortalized his name in push-ups, thanks to a similar position of the hands during the execution, that is, in front of him. The exercise is extremely difficult and requires maximum muscle tension from the feet to the palms. It’s good if you can do 1-2 repetitions at first.

grasshopper push up

Twisting the body during this exercise provides tension to the abdominal muscles and creates an additional stabilization load.

Aztec push up

This exercise is for real push-up fans who have tried all known types. Start the exercise with a standard push-up, but at the top, lift your body completely off the floor and touch your toes with your hands before you land. Alive? Target? Eagle!

Finger push-ups

This exercise strengthens the fingers and forearms, which will allow you to be more tenacious in Everyday life. You will still warmly remember those times when you calmly did push-ups on your palms and thought that even this was hard.

superman push up on fingers

Cool. Just awesome. Even a little spit on efficiency. With this skill, you are guaranteed everyone's attention and envious glances.

Bruce Lee push ups

No one else has challenged human capabilities so many times in a row as Bruce Lee. These push-ups on one hand on two fingers are another confirmation of this. We do not expect anyone to repeat this feat, but everyone should know what is worth striving for.

Charles Atlas push-ups

The founder of bodybuilding Charles Atlas paid a lot of attention to exercises with his own weight and he liked this type of push-ups more than others. The fact is that resting your palms and legs on a hill, you create additional space under you, which allows you to perform the exercise with a greater amplitude and additionally stretch the working muscles. This, by the way, has a positive effect on their growth.

Push-ups on one leg

This type of push-up allows you to additionally load the buttocks and stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle without compromising the number of repetitions, which perfectly works out the relief.

Isometric push ups

An additional delay at the bottom or middle point of a standard push-up allows you to increase muscle endurance. Freeze in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat again.

Push-ups on fists

Especially push-ups on the fists are fond of representatives of martial arts, which so increase the immunity of the joints to blows. If that doesn't bother you, then go ahead.

Stepped push-ups

The different position of the hands in this exercise allows you to isolate the pectoral muscles on one side and additionally load on the other. Remember to alternate hands in different approaches.

Push-ups from side to side

You can load your hands in almost the same way as with push-ups on one hand, due to a sliding movement from side to side. An excellent opportunity to strengthen the shoulder girdle without over-stretching yourself and smoothly prepare the body for a more difficult exercise.