Hand anatomy. Rules for their training

Pumped up embossed arms will decorate any physique. Let's learn the anatomy of the biceps and triceps, and also see which exercises are the most effective for building muscle in the arms.

Most likely, when you first crossed the threshold of the gym, you immediately started training your arms. Both girls and guys want to have slim and beautiful hands because it is the most visible part of our body. Can't come to Gym and not see at least one person who would perform a curl for the biceps.

Perhaps you have already trained your arm muscles and did not get the desired result. It's time to learn how to competently and effectively pump up biceps and triceps. I will tell you about the structure of muscles, various types grips, as well as certain exercises that will make a noticeable difference in your results.

To pump up the muscles of the hands more effectively, you need to understand how they work. Here are the muscles you should be aware of.

Muscles of the front of the arm

To pump up impressive biceps, you must focus on the following 3 muscles: the biceps of the shoulder (biceps), the shoulder muscle (brachialis) and the brachioradialis muscle. It is very important to understand how they differ from each other.

Biceps brachii

It has two heads: short and long. The short head originates at the front of the scapula and is attached to the radius (a bone in the forearm that ends near the thumb). The long head also originates at the scapula and is attached to the radius, but passes through a longer path.

shoulder muscle

Starts in the middle humerus and is attached to the ulna (a bone in the forearm that ends next to the little finger). She does not participate in rotational movements hands (pronation and supination) due to the fact that it is not attached to the radius. Main function humerus is to bend the arm at the elbow.

brachioradialis muscle

The muscle of the forearm, which has a large length. It originates at the humerus and is attached to the edge of the radius.

Muscles of the back of the hand

Most people focus on training their biceps because they look spectacular in the mirror. However triceps shoulder (triceps) takes up almost 75% of the upper arm, so she also needs to pay a lot of attention. It consists of 3 heads. To pump up the famous horseshoe, you must work on all heads.

Lateral head of the triceps

It originates at the outer surface of the humerus and is attached to the olecranon of the ulna.

Medial head of triceps

It originates at the back of the humerus and is attached to the ulna.

long head

Slightly different from other tricep heads. It starts at the shoulder blade and attaches to the ulna. Due to the fact that it is attached to the shoulder blade, you can isolate it by moving your arms and shoulders. But I will talk about this later.

Bone Anatomy

Bones and joints play a critical role in arm movement. A clear understanding of their work will help you choose correct exercises and pump the target muscles.

Front of the hand

There are 2 main joints that affect biceps training. Their position determines which muscles will be involved in the exercise.

shoulder joint

It plays an important role in arm training, as the long head of the biceps passes through it.

elbow joint

It also plays an important role, because which muscle will be included in the work depends on the turn of the arm. In addition, you will not be able to build biceps without bending your elbows.

back of hand

In triceps training, the same bones and joints play an important role, but for different reasons.

shoulder joint

The main thing here is the long head of the triceps. To isolate it, you need to raise your arms above your head.

elbow joint

Elbow extension is present in almost every triceps exercise. The crossover arm extension, bent over arm extension, and basic exercises such as the bench press require elbow extension.

Functions of the muscles of the hands

We looked at the muscles, joints and bones that are involved in arm training. Let's go ahead and see how they work together to make movements. Once you understand the difference between shoulder and elbow positions, you can train your arms much more effectively.

Front of the hands

Supinated grip (reverse)

The bicep plays an important role in flexion and external rotation of the arm. Therefore, to work it out more effectively, use a supinated grip.

Parallel grip

When using a parallel grip (as in the Hammers exercise), the shoulder muscles are maximally involved.

Pronated grip (top)

If you use a pronated grip, then you reduce the load on the biceps and move it to the brachioradialis muscles. That is why, for their isolation, it is recommended to perform lifting of dumbbells with an overhand grip.

back of hands

Extension of the arms at the elbows

When you extend your arms, you evenly include all 3 heads of the triceps in the work.

Extending the arms at the elbows above the head

When you press the weight above your head, you actively engage the long head of the triceps.

Key exercises for arm training

Let's get down to practice. Next exercises help you build strong and beautiful arms. After watching the video, you may get the impression that these exercises are easy, but be aware of the intensity of your workouts. You have to give the muscles a load so that they grow.

Exercises for the front of the arms

Include these exercises in your training program biceps.

Exercise 1 Barbell Curl with EZ Bar

I like the curved bar better because it makes the exercise easier. Many people have a disproportion in the elbows and shoulders, and such a bar allows you to evenly distribute the load on your hands. The EZ bar also reduces stress on the shoulder and elbow joints.

To get the most out of the barbell curl, keep your abs and glutes tight. This will help you lift more weight and protect your lower back. In the lower phase of the exercise, fully extend your arms, and in the upper phase, fully bend. Use a supinated grip to work your biceps better.

Exercise 2 Scott Bench EZ Bar Raise

In this exercise, use a pronated grip to work the brachioradialis muscles. Keep your elbows firmly pressed against the platform of the machine. Take a short pause in the upper phase of the exercise, and fully extend your arms in the lower phase. The range of motion must be complete.

A curved bar gives more isolation, so you won't be able to lift the same amount of weight that you could lift with a straight bar. Do this exercise at the end of your workout.

Among other things, this exercise is great for developing the muscles of the forearm. In this way, you simultaneously develop the muscles of the upper and lower parts hands

Exercise 3 Lifting dumbbells with a hammer grip in a sitting position

This exercise will help to work out the shoulder muscles. Use a parallel grip (palms facing each other). If you want to make the exercise more difficult, then slightly rotate the dumbbells (supination) in the upper phase to engage the biceps. Keep your abdominal muscles tense. This will help to observe the technique and relieve the load from the lower back.

Exercises for the back of the hands

Perform these exercises to pump all 3 heads of the triceps with maximum intensity.

Exercise 1 Close Grip Bench Press

In my opinion this best exercise for triceps. Many of you know that the bench press is a chest exercise. This is true, but in it you unbend your arms, which means you make the triceps work.

Grab the bar at shoulder width. If used too narrow grip, then in the lower phase of the exercise, too much load will be placed on the wrists. At correct position wrists, knuckles should be facing up. Lower the bar to your chest, pressing your elbows tightly to your body.

Many people think that all arm exercises are isolation (single-joint). But this basic exercise can give the muscles a big load. Here, the chest muscles are included in the work, which allows you to lift heavy weight, which means to make the muscles stronger and bigger.

Exercise 2 Extension of the arms from behind the head with a dumbbell

Raising your arms above your head isolates the long heads of the triceps. This is a simple exercise, but remember that the abdominal muscles should be in tension, and the range of motion should be full. The elbows must remain motionless.

The best result with a scientific approach to arm training

Arm workout is more than just a set of isolation exercises at the end of a workout. If you want to pump up your arm muscles, then do basic exercises more often.

Do not forget that you are working on the muscles of the hands in almost every workout. The biceps and triceps are involved in exercises such as pull-ups and bench presses. Exercises for the back, chest and shoulders also indirectly contribute to the development of the muscles of the arms. And if you add to them the above isolating exercises for the muscles of the hands, then you will only improve your results.

Build muscle according to the scientific training program

Check out our full six week workout program. Before you go to the gym and start exercising, watch the training videos. Remember that you must combine the work of the muscles with the work of the mind in order to build a beautiful body.

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands (biceps & triceps): a complete educational program with all the subtleties and secrets ...

By arms, people most often mean BICEPS. However, in addition to the biceps, there are also TRICEPS and FOREARMS. See explanatory photo below:

Well, let's deal with each component in order. Let's start with the biceps.

The bicep is made up of two heads:

  1. Long(a long tendon, but a small muscle) is located on the outer part of the arm.
  2. short(a short tendon, but a large muscle) is located on the inside of the arm.

Both heads have their origin on the shoulder blade, only in different places ... in other words, both heads are connected into one tendon, which is located next to the elbow joint. Subsequently, both heads form a common abdomen, which passes into a powerful tendon (the tendon itself is attached slightly inward (to the side of the forearm)), which is attached to the radius, and despite their name, both heads are the same length, because the long head has in fact, a longer tendon with which it is attached below to the bone.

The biceps flexes the forearm and rotates it outward (this is supination), which means that in addition to the fact that the biceps can simply bend the arm at the elbow joint, it can also supinate it (i.e. turn the palm towards the thumb).

Through the short head, the biceps takes part in the adduction of the arm, and the long head - in the abduction of the arm.

In addition to the biceps, the anterior muscle group of the shoulder also makes up - shoulder muscle brachialis, which is located below the biceps, as if pushing it out. The main function is flexion of the forearm.


According to statistics, there are no problems with the development of a short head (the one that is on the inside of the arm), it responds well to the load, and grows well from any bending of the arm. But, with the development of a long head, the one that is on the outside of the arm, most people have problems!


  • To fight outer head (long), you need to take your elbows as far as possible behind your back, the only way to turn on outer part biceps.
  • To fight inner head (short), on the contrary, you need to bring your elbows as far forward as possible.

GRIPS when working on BICEPS

  • The wider your grip, the more the inner head will work.
  • The narrower your grip, the more the outer head will work.


This is the shoulder muscle, plays a very important role. It is located under the muscle (i.e. under the biceps) and is involved in most of the work when training the biceps (about 50-70% takes over). It is this muscle that allows you to work with heavy weights in standing barbell curls, and not the biceps themselves.

The best exercises for training biceps:

  • Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip


The triceps has three heads:

  1. Lateral head (aka external)
  2. Medial head (it is also medium or small ulnar, located next to the elbow)
  3. Long head (it is also internal, attached to the back of the shoulder blade)

  • The external head begins at the top of the humerus next to shoulder joint and is outside shoulder section of the arm.
  • The medial head is located on the humerus and is partially covered by two other heads.
  • The long head begins on the scapula and is located on the inside of the shoulder section of the arm.

All three heads are in the same bundle, in the elbow area, and that is why all three heads work simultaneously in all exercises that involve the triceps. However, each head is not trained evenly! Those. each of the heads receives its own degree of load (it depends on the mechanics of performing a particular exercise).

Each of the 3 heads (connected because they work in conjunction) but they can be either short or long. This thing depends on your genetics. And this, by the way, can be easily checked, and find out which one you have:

  • If your triceps is short, then it looks longer and more massive.
  • Well, if it is long, then the triceps looks short with a peak.

By body type, most often the mesomorph and endomorph have long and massive triceps muscles. But in ectomorphs, on the contrary, most often short triceps with a peak. Of course, in mesomorphs and endomorphs - triceps mass will grow faster, but in ectomorphs - triceps muscles will look more athletic in terms of AESTHETICS.

Triceps have two main functions: straightening the elbow joint and bringing the arms to the body.

The best exercises for training triceps:

In training practice, a powerful wrist grip is urgently required, which securely holds the crossbar, barbell, kettlebell handles, or power ones in the hands.

How to pump up the hands at home, what muscles actually determine their strength and endurance, what exercises are best to develop this muscle? Let's take a closer look at the answers to these questions.

Forearm muscle building as a necessary condition for a strong grip

All the muscles that provide the strength of the wrist and the force of gripping the fingers are attached to the forearms in bunches of tendons.

As a result, to develop a strong hand grip, it is necessary to increase the volume and strength of the muscles of the forearms.

Thus, "pumping the hand" is, in fact, the training and development of numerous flexors and extensors in the entire muscle area from the elbow to the wrist.

The name of these muscle groups defines the essence of "pumping" exercises: the hand is consistently bent and unbent in different directions, holding the weight.

Pace, load intensity, options

The muscles of the forearms should be trained after development exercises and. At the same time, the most effective load that develops the target muscles is created when moderate pace performing training movements.

Pauses with a second fixation and exhalations are made at the moment of maximum tension of the muscles of the forearms.

Quantity repetitions motion cycle for beginnerssix to eight, number approaches - two or three. Experienced Athletes choose more significant weights and do 12-15 repetitions in each of three or four sets.

More often used as load light weight dumbbells and barbells, which are raised and lowered by bending and unbending the arms at the wrists in the "sitting" and "standing" variants and the position of the projectile in front of you and behind your back.

At home, a hammer is useful as a burden, if you bend and unbend the brush left and right, holding the handle of the tool in it and placing your forearm on the surface of the table.

Execution technique, erroneous actions

Consider one of the classic options for pumping the inner part of the forearm, in which the following target muscles develop:

  • ulnar flexor of the wrist, passing from the edge of the edge of the palm to the elbow joint;
  • flexor carpi radialis, occulta thumb hands and elbow;
  • long palmar muscle, attached to the center of the palm, on the one hand, and elbow joint- with another.

Taking dumbbells of light weight in your hands, kneel down in front of the bench. Place your forearms on the bench so that your palms are facing up and your wrists are behind the edge of the bench. You need to move away from the bench a little so that your arms are almost straightened. The body and forearms during all training movements must remain motionless. The dumbbells are held with a loose enough grip so as not to limit the range of rotation of the wrists.

Fully straighten your wrists and gradually lower the dumbbells, then gently raise them, tensing the muscles of the forearm. Repeat the “lift-lower” bunch up to 10-15 times in two to four sets.

erroneous actions in this exercise are:

  • Flexion of the arms at the elbows. This reduces the degree of contraction of the target muscles.
  • Separation of elbows and forearms from the bench. As a result, the main load is shifted to the biceps.
  • Insufficient free grip leads to a limitation of the amplitude of rotation of the hand.

How to pump up hands at home - video

From the presented video material you will learn how to pump up the muscles of the forearm. A suitable projectile weight is recommended. Showing different variants hand movements, Other projectiles and devices for loading target muscles are mentioned.

The powerful hand grip required for all intense weight training is provided by developed muscles forearms. Their build-up is stimulated by targeted exercises consisting in flexion and extension of additionally loaded wrists.

What exercises, shells and devices do you use to develop grip strength? What wrist weights do you recommend for beginners? Share personal experience with us in the comments!

Before you start training your hands, it would be good to know them anatomy.
To learn how to swing your arms correctly, you need to find out which muscles you need to train, what function these same muscles have.
You will learn all these points by reading this article.
So, let's begin.

Why train your arms

Want to say that you don't need big hands? You answered the question yourself. By developed hands, you can immediately determine whether this person is engaged in the hall or not. Your hands are always in plain sight and it will be very bad if there are thin ropes instead of hands.
The muscles of the hands include a number muscle groups:

  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • forearms

People immediately pay more attention to the biceps, this should not be done, since anatomically triceps occupies 2/3 of the entire arm.

What is biceps. Anatomy of the biceps

Biceps ( biceps shoulder) - consists of two heads:

  • long head
  • short head

Both heads of the biceps originate in the scapula, only the long head originates from the supraarticular tubercle of the scapula and the short head originates from the coracoid process of the scapula. Then long and short heads form the abdomen, and then end with a powerful tendon, which is attached to the radius.

Biceps Function

To competently approach the training of the biceps, you need to know its functional features.
Biceps Functions:

  • The biceps flexes the forearm
  • Biceps supinate the forearm (hand turn palm up)

In addition to the biceps, there is also such a muscle as the brachialis, you should not forget about it either, brachialis is under the biceps. The function of the brachialis is to flex your forearm

Biceps Exercises

So we smoothly moved from the anatomy of the biceps to the exercises. There are a number of exercises aimed at developing the biceps, but Not all exercises are right for you., you need to look and select working exercises for yourself. If you feel good biceps in some exercise, then yes, you should add it to your training program. If muscle feeling bypasses your biceps, then this exercise is not for you. This selection of exercises applies to all muscle groups, if it does not work desired muscle then don't do this exercise at all.
Exercises for huge biceps:

  1. Barbell curl for biceps
  2. Lifting the barbell on the Scott bench
  3. Hammers with dumbbell
  4. Supinated bicep curl
  5. Concentrated Biceps Curl

What is triceps. Triceps Anatomy

So we moved on to our favorite triceps. The triceps is on the back of the arm (on the other side of the biceps). Triceps and biceps are antagonistic muscles, so they are often trained together.
The triceps has three heads:

  • Lateral (external)
  • Medial
  • Long

The lateral head originates at the top of the humerus (near the shoulder joint). It is located on the outer part of the arm, so it is also called the outer.
The medial head of the triceps is located directly on the humerus and is slightly covered by the medial and lateral heads.
The long head of the triceps originates on the scapula. It is located on inside hands.
All these heads of the triceps form a tendon and are attached in the area of ​​​​the elbow joint..