Circle floor for weight loss. Sports health disc: a set of exercises for shaping the waist

A health disc, a gymnastic waist disc, a “Fitness” or “Grace” slimming disc are, in fact, one and the same mini-trainer, on which almost everyone can practice without special training and financial costs. In addition to losing weight and a wasp waist, training with a rotating health disk will give you a good mood and relieve accumulated stress. You can also exercise on the disk at home, it is convenient for those who do not have time for sports clubs.

History and characteristics of the health disc

The mini-trainer consists of two plastic or metal plates connected inside by bearings. A special inertial mechanism allows you to rotate the disk even with little effort (which is necessary if the goal is to improve the body). The size, depending on the model, can be from 25 to 40 cm. This simulator is ideal for any age and build. Almost every family could boast of the metal disc "Grace", which was at the peak of its popularity in the USSR in the 80s. Now it is almost not advertised, but this has not lost its effectiveness. Modern discs are made of especially durable plastic in different colors. Often you can find specimens covered with pimples that provide a light foot massage. Some stores will also offer models equipped with microcomputers that play music and count the calories you burn while exercising on this simulator.

Photo gallery: types of health discs

Modern health discs are made in various colors and sizes Hand holders on the disc help to balance the body The metal health disc "Grace" has been known since the times of the USSR
Model with an electronic calorie counter allows you to control the process of losing weight Double health disk allows you to add additional elements to the exercise complex

The effect of exercise

Classes with a health disc are an affordable way to bring the state of the body into good shape. Work on such a simulator is not difficult and overwhelming, on the contrary, this system awakens in a person the desire to play sports and enjoy it. A simple mechanism allows you to make twisting movements, which has a positive effect on the figure, as well as on the condition internal organs. The main load when working with the health disc is focused on the muscles of the waist and abdomen - it tightens the rectus and oblique muscles of the press, as well as the buttocks and hips. But besides this, the disk increases the mobility of the spine, trains the vestibular apparatus, improves blood circulation and due to internal massage leads to improved intestinal motility. Special attention should also be paid to the fact that regular classes on this simulator they promote increased metabolism and effective health-improving weight loss. It is believed that in half an hour of training on such a disk up to 250 kilocalories are burned. According to other sources, about 100 kcal or 1 kcal for 8 movements are burned in 10 minutes.

General terms of use

The main rule of training on any simulator is regularity. The Health Disc is no exception. Only with constant training can you count on the result and the general admiration of others. For weight loss, you need to devote 25-30 minutes to classes every day or at least 5 times a week. At the same time, even 10 minutes of morning exercises will provide you with a good mood and vigor for the whole day. For greater effectiveness of training, it is desirable to adhere to the following rules:

  • install disk on flat surface, eliminating the possibility of slipping;
  • make sure that there is a safety stop nearby (wall, chair, etc.);
  • perform exercises on an empty stomach (it is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water before class);
  • ventilate the room in advance;
  • exercise barefoot or in socks;
  • avoid clothing that restricts movement;
  • gradually increase the time and intensity of exercise;
  • exercise regularly without long breaks.

Basic exercises

In exercises No. 1 - No. 9, the starting position: legs on the disk, bent as if you were about to sit on a bench.

A selection of exercises on the health disc

  1. Set up two chairs with their backs facing you. Hold onto the backs of chairs with your hands. Turning to the right and left, make sure that the abdominal muscles are tense. Repeat - 5 times in each direction.
  2. Lean your hands on the wall. Rotate your legs from side to side. Repeat - 7 turns.
  3. Hands are spread apart. Repeat - 9 turns left and right.
  4. Turn your hips to the left, move your arms to the right. Hands should be down. Repeat - 7 times in each direction.
  5. Hands up, Bottom part torso to the left, arms lowered. Hands up, lower body to the right, arms down. Repeat - 7 times.
  6. Hands are closed behind the head. Turn your legs right and left. Repeat - 6 times.
  7. The hands are on the ankle joints. Repeat - 3 times in each direction.
  8. The legs are closed at the knees. Turn both legs to the left, and take your hands to the right. Repeat - 10 turns in each direction.
  9. The arms are crossed on the chest, the right palm on the left shoulder, and the left on the right. Keep your back as straight as possible. Repeat - slow turn 10 times to the left and right.
  10. Place the disk on a chair and sit on it. Put your hands on your knees. Rolling from heel to toe, move your feet to the left - to the right. Repeat - 5 turns in each direction.
  11. Starting position as in the previous exercise, the hands are fixed with a “lock” behind the back. Pushing off with both feet from the floor, turn to the right, return to the starting position and turn to the left. Repeat - 4 turns.
  12. Place the disk on the floor, sit on it, legs bent at the knees, hands on the waist. Move your feet first to the left, then to the right. Repeat - 4 times.
  13. Sitting on the simulator, put your hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Right leg straighten and stretch your toe as much as possible, repeat the same with your left leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  14. Get up. Put your foot on the disk. Grasp your waist with your hands. Make turns left and right. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 10 times.
  15. Stand with one foot on the disc, put your hands behind your head. Turn the body to the left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  16. Take the disk. Squeeze it firmly and rotate your hands in different sides in opposite directions. Run 3 minutes.
  17. Get on all fours so that your knees are on the disc. Rest your hands on the floor. Lift your legs off the floor and rotate your hips in a conventional circle. Perform 2-3 minutes.
  18. Take dumbbells of 2 kg. Stand on the disc, make sure that your back is straight. With your hips, make smooth turns to the left - to the right, stretching your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Run 2-3 minutes.
  19. Standing on the disk in front of the table at a distance of a step, turn to the sides so that your fingers touch the tabletop.

Contraindications for classes

Any simulator provides contraindications. Classes on such a mini-simulator are contraindicated in the II and III trimester of pregnancy, in old age, during an exacerbation of a chronic disease, as well as in cases of the presence of such diseases:

Scoliosis is not always a contraindication to exercise on the health disc

After consulting the attending physician, exercises on the disc are possible in the presence of the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Video: health disc exercises for weight loss and health

It is customary to choose sports equipment according to the criteria of low price, availability and small dimensions. The best option if you can quickly master the principle of operation of the apparatus and basic exercises. All of these characteristics apply to such a simulator as a health disc.

What is the Health Disk simulator?

Health disk for weight loss - a device for performing physical exercises. It consists of a pair of round plates, the diameter of which is 25-40 cm, and differs depending on the model. Between themselves, the plates are connected by a bearing, thanks to which they can rotate relative to each other. The metal version was known back in the days of the Soviet Union, and is traditionally called Grazia. Its disadvantage was a loud clanging sound.

The rotation disk today is a modern model made of high-quality plastic. They are distinguished by bright colors, many are equipped with overlays with pimples for a massage effect, a calorie counter and even a device for playing music. Recently, devices with attached expanders for working out hands have been especially popular.

What is the health disc for?

The spinning disc is universal, as it is designed for classes not only in the hall and at home, but also on the street or in the office - wherever it is convenient for you. Systematic implementation sports exercises will have the following effect on the body:

  • pumping the rectus and oblique muscles of the press;
  • strengthening the muscles of the spine;
  • optimization of the circulatory system;
  • facelift muscle fibers on the arms, legs and thighs;
  • positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, coordination;
  • Fast Calorie Burning: Just 30 minutes on the machine will allow you to lose 250 calories.

Interesting! The device is compact, so you can easily take it with you on long trips. Storage does not require a lot of space.

Disk exercises are an excellent addition to the system of measures to reduce body weight and.

Benefits of exercising with a weight loss disc

The waist trainer is a convenient and budgetary way to always stay in shape. Its benefits are obvious:

  • it is possible to perform both classic turns for the waist, and the load of many other muscles of the body;
  • ideal for weight loss of the abdomen for those people who lead an inactive way of life;
  • systematic exercises will prevent spasms, vascular diseases, digestive problems and the formation of cellulite;
  • proper nutrition and exercises on the health disk - the key to quick and proper weight loss;
  • exercises can be performed by both children and adults;
  • Only 10 minutes of training will be enough to get a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood for a long time.

Rules for training on the simulator

Before starting a workout, drink 250-300 ml of water. This will noticeably speed up the metabolic processes and help you burn calories faster.

Important! To lose weight, exercise twice a day for 30 minutes, and to maintain good shape, it is enough to spend 10 minutes.

For comfort and effectiveness of training, remember:

  • You need to install the device on a surface that will not slip.
  • It is necessary that the necessary muscle groups work in the process of training, but the joints should not hurt at the same time.

  • If you are a beginner, then the main thing is not to overdo it. You should start training moderately, gradually increasing the load. We recommend starting the exercises with 10-15 minute sessions.

  • Sportswear should not be restrictive, but not too loose. Don't wear loose pants that are too long. And it is better to wear thin socks on your feet or even go barefoot.
  • Before starting the training, you should ventilate the room.

A set of exercises on the health simulator

For those who are interested in how to properly exercise on the health disc, we offer health complex exercises.

Important! In exercises 1-7, the starting position is to stand on the simulator, and bend your legs as if you are going to sit on a chair and turn them to the left.

  1. Place a couple of chairs in front of you, turn both backs to you. Grasp the backs with your palms. Turn to the right, while straining the abdominal muscles, and perform diametrical rotations in opposite directions 5 times in each direction.
  2. Put your hands on the wall. Turn your legs to the sides 7 times each.
  3. Spread your arms to your sides. Standing on the apparatus, make 9 rotations to the left and to the right.
  4. Lower your limbs. Start the rotation, while if the hips go to the left, then the arms go to the right. Do 7 reps.
  5. When turning the hips to the left, raise your arms up. Perform 7 times.
  6. Close your arms above your head, and turn the lower body 6 times to the sides.
  7. Put the brushes on ankle joints, then turn three times in each direction.
  8. Place the apparatus on the seat of a chair and sit on it. Put your hands on your knees. Move your feet to the right and left, rolling from heel to toe 5 times.
  9. Remaining in the same position, lock your hands behind your back in the form of a “lock”. Push off with both feet from the floor surface, turn to the right, return to the original position, and then make the same movement to the left. There should be 4 turns in total.
  10. Set the simulator on the floor, sit on it, bending your knees, and wrap your arms around your waist. Move your legs 4 times in each side.
  11. Sitting on the apparatus, place your hands on your belt, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten one leg and stretch the toe as much as possible, repeat with the other leg. 8 times for each.
  12. Stand with one of your legs on the simulator, hold your waist with your hands. Perform turns to the sides 10 times, after changing the supporting leg, repeat the exercise again.
  13. Take the projectile in your hands, squeezing it tightly, rotate your hands in opposite directions. Do 3 minutes.
  14. Stand in a knee-elbow position so that your knees are on the simulator, and rest your hands on the floor. Lift your feet off the floor and rotate your hips in a circle. The duration of execution is 2-3 minutes.
  15. Exercises for weight loss should be completed with stretching. To start, breathe deeply. Perform any stretching exercises: tilts, lunges, rotations of the limbs. After that, walk around the room for 5-7 minutes.

Important! You can independently adjust the amplitude of the work, and the load remains safe, since its level depends on body weight.

Possible harm and contraindications

The gadget itself does not bring any harm to health, you just need to use it correctly: if the device is designed for a weight of 90 kg, then people with larger mass it is not recommended to do it. Classes are contraindicated in such situations:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • hernia of any kind;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chronic diseases.

Device cost

The price of a modern compact device depends on the model. So the cost of a metal device will be only 450-750 rubles, but you can buy a plastic device with a magnet massager and the ability to listen to music for 1000-1200 rubles.

The health disk is a simple projectile that allows you to work out the entire body, especially the abdomen, and burn excess fat. Training on this simulator is suitable even for beginners and will not take much time. Now these discs have received a second life. They are equipped with calorie counters and revolutions, the ability to play music. There are also options for disks with expanders, which greatly expand their functionality.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

Benefits of disc practice

The health disc is a floor sports simulator, consisting of two circles with a diameter of about 25 cm. They are fastened together by a bearing, due to which they are rotating.

The second name of this projectile is Grace. He received it for helping to make the silhouette more flexible and fit.

The benefits of exercising on a rotating circle are as follows:

  • during training, calories and excess fat are burned;
  • coordination improves, and the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • increased wear resistance of the joints;
  • the cardiovascular system receives a moderate load;
  • the muscles of the abdomen and back are strengthened, which helps to improve posture and tighten the contours of the body;
  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs is normalized;
  • increases flexibility.

Thus, the gymnastic disk will be useful for losing weight and getting a slim figure. For half an hour of training with this projectile, about 250-300 kcal is consumed. In addition, such training can significantly improve health.

One of the main advantages of such a simulator is that it takes up little space. Therefore, you can do it even in the smallest apartments.

Also, the advantage of the circle is that it is suitable for people with different levels physical training. Beginners and seniors can do the exercises as a basic workout. Experienced athletes can use the spinning circle to warm up.

It is believed that as a result of training with a disk, you can remove the sides. But this is real only if the classes are regular and intense. In this case, a large number of calories will be burned, and body fat will go all over the body, including from the sides.


Despite all the benefits of disk training, sometimes they can be harmful. The list of contraindications includes:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • joint problems (arthritis, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • sciatica and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pregnancy in the second and third trimesters;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

In the presence of these problems, it is worth practicing on the disk only with the permission of a qualified doctor.

Types of health discs

Eat different kinds gymnastic discs - from the simplest to the more complex.

Metal ones are considered the most reliable. They are able to withstand big weight and serve the owner long years. Such simulators have remained with many since the days of the USSR.

You can find on sale and shells made of plastic. They are lighter but less durable and will not be able to support overweight people.

Many discs now have a massage surface that additionally kneads the feet and improves blood circulation.

Some models are equipped with special magnets. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing the effectiveness of classes.

Health Magnetic Disk

The most advanced simulators have a built-in computer. Installed sensors count the number of revolutions made, calories burned, etc. In addition, some of these shells are able to play music during the workout.

Electronic health disc

To work out the whole body with the disc, you should pay attention to the shells equipped with hand expanders.

Disc with expanders

Class rules

Classes on the disk will be beneficial only if you follow certain rules:

  • it is necessary to put the simulator on a stable, non-slip surface or put a rubber mat under it;
  • during the lesson, you may feel dizzy, so it is advisable to train next to the support;
  • you can’t spin on the disk to nausea, if this happens, you should slow down;
  • to reduce the unpleasant consequences of rotation, it is worth looking at one point and not turning your head around;
  • It is recommended to maintain the same moderate pace throughout the workout.

The main mistake of those involved in the disk is that they neglect the warm-up. Within 5 minutes before training, you need to do slopes, squats, jumps and other simple moves from gymnastics.

After exercising on a rotating circle, it is advisable to stretch. This is necessary to relieve tension from the muscles and transition to a recovery period.

We must not forget that training on the disk will not help you lose weight if you eat wrong. It is not necessary to follow a strict diet. It is better to make a balanced diet that will include healthy foods.


On the health disc, you can perform exercises for almost the entire body.

It is best to work out the abdomen, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs.

For the stomach

With the help of a spinning circle, you can pump up the press and make the stomach elastic. To do this, you can perform several exercises.

The simplest and most understandable - twisting the body. It is aimed at the development of oblique muscles. Technique:

  1. 1. Get on the disk. Keep your back straight.
  2. 2. Start twisting the body to the right and left so that it turns at the waist.
  3. 3. Hands should be held as comfortably as possible. To do this, you can bend them at the elbows and raise them.

Many girls think that this exercise helps to narrow the waist. But its implementation leads to the growth of the oblique abdominal muscles, as a result of which the waist can only expand. Therefore, you should not be zealous.

You can also perform the following exercise on the health disc:

  1. 1. Starting position - sit on a circle with your buttocks, rest your hands back on the floor, lift your legs above the floor and bend at the knees slightly.
  2. 2. Turn the disk first in one direction, then in the other.
  3. 3. Hands and top part bodies must remain motionless.

In this exercise, not only obliques are loaded, but also the rectus abdominis, which allows you to keep your legs above the floor.

For legs

To tone your legs and hips with the Health Disc, you can do the following exercises.


  1. 1. Sit down, standing with your feet on the disk.
  2. 2. Tilt your back forward. You can rest your fingertips on the floor for support.
  3. 3. In this position, you need to turn the body in different directions.

When the exercise is mastered, you can tear your hands off the floor and swing them in the opposite direction from your legs. This will help speed up the pace and increase the efficiency of the movement.

Another effective exercise to strengthen the legs and buttocks is as follows:

  1. 1. Get on all fours so that your knees are on the disc and your feet do not touch the floor.
  2. 2. Turn the housing first to the right, then to the left.

When performing the exercise, you need to strain your buttocks. If during the process there is discomfort in knee joints, you can put something soft on the disc.

For hands

While exercising at home on the health disk, one should not forget about strengthening the hands. After all, often in women they lose their elasticity and become flabby.

In this case, it is worth doing this exercise:

  1. 1. Take an emphasis lying down so that the palms are on the circle.
  2. 2. Rotate it in different directions.
  3. 3. The lower part of the body must be fixed.

The load during this exercise will also receive the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle.

All presented exercises must be performed within a certain time. For beginners, 30 seconds will be enough. In the future, you can do them until you are very tired for 1-3 minutes.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Health Disc - efficient, small home exercise machine for figure modeling and reduction excess weight, well known since the last century. These are two disks fastened together, the upper one rotates relative to the lower one on the bearing. Recently, the principle of the simulator has not changed, but a whole set of exercises has been developed and new functions have been added.

In the article, we will analyze in detail what a health disc is, what is the use of it, what results can be achieved in the process of training. We will show you how to practice on a plate and offer effective exercises for weight loss on health disc.

What it is?

This simulator consists of two fastened discs, the design allows you to perform rotational movements, which stimulate weight loss, improve vitality, effective body shaping. The Health Disk can be safely called a compact and versatile simulator, classes on which are available at home, in the park, on business trips, in the office. There are no age and weight restrictions for training on Grace. This is an indispensable equipment for people who, by virtue of their profession, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

beneficial effect on physical state And appearance, weight loss, toned muscles- here is the effect that the health disk gives, and also:

  • develops the vestibular apparatus and improves coordination of movement;
  • tightens the hips, buttocks, shapes thin waist, stimulates weight loss, develops the rectus and oblique muscles of the press;
  • increases the mobility and flexibility of the body, has a beneficial effect on the spine;
  • due to massage of internal organs improves intestinal motility;
  • promotes good blood circulation and improves body tone.

An example of a classical model

The Health Disc is a mini-fitness room in your home, just a few simple exercises in a complex give a tangible result: weight loss, a slim body, tightened muscles and a charge of vivacity.

Existing species

The weight loss simulator grace is made of metal and plastic, the standard diameter is 260-300 mm. The simplest health disc, it is a simulator with a corrugated surface, it provides acupressure stop, which has a charitable healing effect. Additional stimulation of important acupuncture points significantly improves the tone and functioning of the body as a whole, ensures the accumulation of vitality.

In addition to massage elements, the health disc can be equipped with magnetic elements. Adding functions to the fitness and weight loss machine will increase the effectiveness of your workouts. The system of rare-earth magnets, which is built into the upper circle, in addition to massage, also affects the biologically active areas of the feet. Magnetotherapy has healing properties and provides a relaxing effect.

To make training more effective, it is advisable to purchase a model equipped with hand expanders. This type of floor simulator is different from the classic models. It is a single or double disc, on the sides of which special expanders are attached for strength exercises. Classes on it develop shoulder girdle, tighten the muscles of the arms, chest, back, and as a result - weight loss.

Types of simulator with expanders

Slimming simulators work on a bearing system and models are designed for different weight. For those who appreciate reliability, it is recommended to purchase a metal model, it can withstand loads of more than 100 kg.

The sporting goods industry does not stand still, and today you can find weight loss machines on the market, equipped with a computer that monitors the state of health during training. This is the most versatile and safe simulator, it allows you to control your physical condition, removes restrictions on sports for people who have some health problems.

A trainer can be found at any sporting goods store. The cost depends on which model you go to buy, the cost is made up of the configuration and brand of the manufacturer, the simplest model will cost $40-50. Popular models: e271, mediv 2, york, fitness, torneo.

Exercises for weight loss and body modeling

In order for the exercises on the health disk to give the maximum result in losing weight and body shaping, experts recommend daily, half-hour workouts. Here it is necessary to take into account the amplitude of rotation, it is important to combine weight loss exercises with power loads, which helps to strengthen muscles. You need proper nutrition to get the maximum effect.

Before exercising, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water, this will help improve blood circulation. The device for health and weight loss should be placed on a non-slip surface, preferably next to pieces of furniture, so that you can lean on it if necessary.

To avoid dizziness, do not make sudden rotational movements.

The load is determined independently, depending on the goal: just warm up, lose weight, tighten the shape, correct muscle mass.

Exercise complexes

Some programs on the health disk are aimed at restoring the figure after childbirth, others are aimed at losing weight, tightening the hips and buttocks, reducing the size of the waist, there are strengthening fitness complexes, working out the muscles of the torso, abs, etc. It is important here not to try to embrace the immensity, but to determine priorities for yourself and select the required exercises. Results in weight loss and body modeling will be noticeable a month after everyday training for at least 15 minutes.

The photo shows an example of various exercises.

Basic exercises

Standing on the disk, put your hands on the back of the chair. Bend your legs and turn to the right, torso to the left and to the other side, optimally 5 repetitions. The starting position is the same, but with your hands, at shoulder level, rest your palms against the wall, repeat the turns. The next exercise is to stretch your arms in front of you, spin left and right, and take your hands to the opposite side. Promote weight loss and the acquisition of a thin waist.

We put the disk on a chair, sit down, hands on our knees. We cross the feet 5 steps to the left and then to the right. Next, hands behind the head, twisting movements of the torso, 6 reps. We sit down with the right side to the back of the chair, push off strongly with our feet, turn 180 about, and in the other direction.

Working out the abdominal muscles

We return the disk for health and weight loss to the floor, one foot on the simulator, the other on the floor, hands on the belt. We make rotational movements on the disk with the foot, 10 times, change the leg and repeat the approach. We sit on the simulator, bend our knees, hands on the floor. Push off to make a 360 turn. 3 repetitions in each direction.

We get up on the disk for health and weight loss, legs together, lean forward, do not bend our knees. We take out the floor with our fingertips, and sort it out 3 times to the left, 3 to the right. We straighten up and repeat the exercise. We take an emphasis lying down, put our hands on a circle. To the left 3 times, to the right, we touch with our feet. We change the starting position, now the legs are on the grace disc and we sort it out with our hands.

We sit on the disk, rest our hands on the back, bend our legs to the stomach, move our hands and rotate from side to side. We straighten the legs, keep on weight and repeat the exercise. All abdominal muscles are worked out, the result is weight loss and a thin waist.

See how to perform basic exercises on the video, it shows the technical features and intensity of training for weight loss.

We work out the whole body and abs

We put the disc on the floor, put our feet on the massage pads, bend at the knees a little, raise our hands to the shoulders and move the hips to the left / right.

Strengthening the muscles of the hips, abs and back

We clamp the disc between our hands, press with force from both sides, rotate our hands in opposite directions.

Exercise to create a relief torso and strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms

For the next compress, you will need two discs, we stand on them, feet shoulder-width apart. We begin to rotate the feet in and out.

Worked out inner part thighs and lower body

Starting position as in the previous exercise, bend your arms at the elbows, squat a little. Rotating the discs, move the hips from side to side.

An example of a complex for abdominal muscles

Then the same thing, but we rotate the hips so that the legs intersect cross to cross, the amplitude is maximum, as long as the stretch allows. Exercise models the figure and promotes intensive weight loss.

To strengthen the calf muscles, in the same position, lean forward as much as possible and move the feet in and out.

We lie down on the floor, hands on the disks and perform rotations with the palms. Inside - bend the elbows, outside - unbend.

Exercise for the muscles of the arms, chest, neck, press

This is not the whole range of exercises that this simulator allows you to perform, the disk can be called a universal device for weight loss and body shaping.

The effectiveness of the disc for weight loss

A weight loss disk is effective only if it is used constantly, and proper nutrition is also necessary in the complex. Good success in body shaping and weight loss for those who practice for half an hour every day. Particularly satisfied are women who exercise regularly, their feedback indicates that problem area in 2 weeks it goes by 40-50 mm. According to statistics, about 400 kilocalories are burned on a plate in 20 minutes of intense exercise.

The health disc is a fairly popular small-sized simulator that allows you to work out the waist area. The reviews of doctors and consumers about this attribute are mostly positive, but before you buy it for yourself, you should get to know it better thanks to this article.

What is

A health disc is one that consists of two flat discs about 30 cm in diameter, connected by a bearing. The essence of the device is that while working on it, the lower disk remains fixed, and the upper one rotates. The simplicity of the projectile allows you to perform many different exercises on it, aimed at both losing weight and tightening and drying muscles.

The disk is very convenient, as it does not take up much space. Some companies use this simulator in offices where employees have to spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.

Customer Reviews

Alina Dieva: I would not have bought the disc myself, as I deeply doubted its effectiveness, but, fortunately, I got it as a gift. I started to study for 5-10 minutes after a long work at the computer. A week later, I began to notice that my back did not get tired so quickly, and my muscles hurt like after a full workout. After that, I found several exercises on the Internet that diversified my physical education sessions. Now my workout lasts almost an hour and a half, 30 minutes of which I invariably devote to the health disk. In two months of such fun activities during breaks, I got rid of four kilograms. Maybe for some this is not the result, but it inspired me.

Among the advantages I can highlight the following:

  • durability - the disk has fallen a million times, objects have been pierced through it and objects have been dropped on it, and it is as good as new;
  • muscle tightening occurs in parallel with weight loss, so there are no stretch marks or sagging skin;
  • increases stamina - now I do not have shortness of breath when I go up to the 5th floor;
  • "makes" the waist;
  • inexpensive.

Of the shortcomings I can name only a slow manifestation of results.


  • Light exercises that are nevertheless very effective;
  • Affordable price even for models with a built-in foot massager;
  • Sustainable result;
  • An abundance of interesting exercises that can be performed on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone square meter.


  • Not for the lazy and impatient. The result will have to wait.

Reviews of doctors

Doctors are loyal to the health disc, but still warn of a high risk of injury due to the specifics of the movements. The fact is that constant rotation increases the mobility of the spine (this is good), but at the same time, one careless movement can lead to dislocation.

There are also a number of contraindications, in which it is worth approaching classes with caution or abandoning the disk altogether.


The greatest danger of twisting exercises is for people suffering from:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • advanced forms of gout;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation.

In the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis, training with a disc is possible, but before proceeding, you should definitely consult a doctor. Periods of exacerbation of any disease (even acute respiratory infections) is considered a categorical and undeniable contraindication.


The trainer can be used by both adults and children. Most of the exercises do not require special skills and equipment.

Before you start exercising, you need to determine your goal. This can be working out the hips or the press, back and waist, tightening the muscles and increasing the overall tone and blood circulation in the body.

Having chosen a complex, perform each movement measuredly and slowly to avoid injury. It is better to increase the load and speed gradually, developing the skill and developing muscle memory.

The following basic exercises will help warm up and get used to the projectile:

  • stand on the disk and gently rotate it, then to the right, then to the left;
  • making sure that the position is stable, bend your legs and arms, increasing the range of motion;
  • after doing this warm-up for about five minutes, proceed to next exercise: find a support, the height of which will be convenient in order to rest your hands in a half-bent position;
  • bending over and holding the support, we rotate the body;
  • to warm up the upper body, you need to take a position characteristic of push-ups from the knees, while the hands should be on the disk;
  • Forming a straight line with your body (from the knees to the crown), rotate the disk with your hands.

It is very important to keep the muscles in tension all the time during the exercise. Such grouping will not only secure training, but will also positively affect their results.

What is it needed for

  • to improve blood circulation;
  • for the prevention of stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • to improve muscle tone and mood;
  • for the development of coordination and vestibular apparatus;
  • to work out the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • to tighten the gluteal muscles;
  • to get rid of accumulated salts, improve the flexibility of the spine;
  • to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to practice

First of all, regularity is important in sports. It is better to allocate 20-30 minutes a day for exercise than to do chaotically, but for 60 minutes. An equally important condition for success when working with is to maintain the maximum range of motion.

It is better to start exercising on an empty stomach or after two hours after eating. The beginning of classes should always be designed to warm up the muscles.

What results to expect

The simulator helps to lose weight by 1-2 kg per week, subject to regular use and compliance correct technique execution.

The tightening of the hips and abdomen begins to appear from the third week of classes, so in no case should you stop working with the disk due to a long wait.

It should be remembered that the achievement of goals will be farther away if you deal exclusively with the disk, without involving other shells and exercises.

But improvements in the work of the intestines can be noticed already after 3-4 sessions, after 7 days, users note a significant increase in plasticity and flexibility.

Benefit and harm

It should be noted that positive properties the projectile has much more than negative ones. It all depends on the correct approach and compliance with all rules and precautions.

The disc may harm people who are at risk, such as the elderly (over 60). The negative impact of the disc is manifested during sudden movements, which are strictly prohibited. To harm gastrointestinal tract you can start the exercises without waiting for the required time period.