Lame horse. "She has the mind of a baby"

"Lame Horse": A Story of Betrayal May 21st, 2017

Irina Pekarskaya is one of the most severe victims in the Lame Horse club. 22-year-old Irina then came to the club with her husband and father of her two children, 49-year-old Sergei Kolpakov ... Sergei later said that he allegedly went outside to smoke a few seconds before the fire. His Irina was found only in the morning - in the Medical Unit No. 9 she was listed as unidentified. She, like many other victims, was sent to Moscow. For 45 days she was connected to a ventilator.

After the tragedy, the wives of two affected girls, Irina Bannikova and Irina Pekarskaya, rang all the bells: they appeared on television, gave interviews, swore eternal love for their half-dead wives, published their current accounts. Compassionate people did not skimp, transferred impressive amounts to the accounts of the victims.

But the men's enthusiasm quickly faded. As a result, one victim, Irina Bannikova, was taken care of at home by her mother. And Irina Pekarskaya has been lying alone in the neurological department of the Perm regional hospital for the last six years.

Pekarskaya's mother, herself an invalid, barely moves around the apartment, but she is raising Irina's two children. “Arthur is now finishing the first grade, and Sasha is already the third,” says the woman. “Their father, Sergey Kolpakov, does not pay child support, but I took custody of the boys, we get about 20 thousand rubles. The guys are good, they study for fours, go to pool. They know that my mother is very ill, but they still wait for her to return. "

Irina Pekarskaya still has this photo of her husband on her social network page. At the bottom, the girl left the inscription: "My Seryozha." But Seryozha Kolpakov eventually stopped caring about his wife. He did not visit, did not buy even the most necessary for a bed patient. The nurses had to shave Ira's head - there was no shampoo. “Irina’s husband appears extremely rarely, we have already forgotten what he looks like,” the doctors say bluntly. “He appeared only when journalists called him.”

The mother of the second girl, Tamara, says that the fate of Pekarskaya is worse than that of her daughter. “The fate of my Ira, in comparison with the life of Pekarskaya, does not seem so sad. Everything is known in comparison. Yes, my husband also left my daughter. But she is in the family, close people are next to her - me, my second daughter, her son. And Pekarskaya was left all alone. She was treated in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Germany. By that time, her husband had permanent sponsors. But where did the money go? When we raised this topic in Perm, they began to call me from all regions of Russia. It turned out that only in Moscow, people donated 500 thousand euros for the treatment of Pekarskaya. The Perm provincial Cossacks constantly helped Sergey - they transferred 30 thousand rubles a month to the nurse. However, Kolpakov did not pay the nurses. People were horrified when the truth was revealed. A certain businessman Igor from Moscow - for four years every month he transferred decent amounts for the treatment of a girl.He almost cried: "I trusted the man so much."

Kolpakov stopped paying for the services of nurses, and the department's nurses are simply not able to provide round-the-clock care for Pekarskaya. One of Pekarskaya's nurses once complained that Sergei Kolpakov did not pay her salary. Later, another supported her. “We counted that over all these years Pekarskaya had 23 nurses,” says Tamara. “I and my daughter are in the hospital where Irina is located twice a year. I know many nurses. And I constantly heard from them: “Kolpakov is not pays, we won’t go anymore.”

But now nothing depends even on the competent care of Pekarskaya. Time is gone. “Her legs are twisted, her hands seem to be turned inside out. And her jaw seems to have gone away. All these years she needed careful care. him at least once Pekarskaya? If Ira immediately began to study on it, then today she would be in order - her arms and legs would move. When Sergei was asked the question: "How could you miss your wife?" they slandered, but Irina is all right. But I saw Pekarskaya with my own eyes. The last time she even had bedsores on her head. The nurses in the hospital did not take care of her for objective reasons. Who will pay them extra? They did not put her in a wheelchair , they didn’t turn it over, they didn’t put them on the simulator, there was no talk of a relaxing massage. Nobody needs it. "

“Pekarskaya has been in a Perm hospital for several years. It occupies a huge ward - it was Kolpakov’s desire. There are not enough places in the neurology department. Irina does not receive hospital treatment. She just lies there. raised the question that Irina should be transferred to a specialized boarding school for the disabled or a rehabilitation center. So Kolpakov sent a letter to the president that they want to kick the victim out of the hospital. The answer came from the Presidential Administration - leave Pekarskaya. This is how Kolpakov takes care of his wife. Cream and wet wipes himself the medical staff buys her for personal money. Outsiders think about her more than he does. When Sergei was offered to transfer Irina to a rehabilitation center, he categorically refused, is it because then the entire pension of Pekarskaya will go to the center? And so Kolpakov receives this money. For children Pekarskaya, who live with a sick mother-in-law, Sergey also did not allocate money.But there was a separate settlement account for Pekarskaya's children, where decent sums also dripped. Pekarskaya's mother was struck by a stroke, but she thinks everything, moves around. I asked her to take my daughter home so that Ira could feel maternal warmth, communication, offered to hire a nurse, but the woman refused: “No, I can’t.”

A couple of years ago, Kolpakov developed another hectic activity - he decided to open a rehabilitation center in a burned-out building. He made a loud statement: “First of all, the victims in the Lame Horse will be treated there. And there are already those who want to. The only thing left is to raise money for the repair of the building and equipment.” And again money fell into Kolpakov's piggy bank. But the center is not open to this day.

“The families of the dead and injured in the Lame Horse are still communicating with each other. Of course, everyone knows how Kolpakov’s life turned out, too,” says Tamara Oborina. From previous marriages he has two adult children. With Pekarskaya they gave birth to two more. Recently, Sergei bought a new car, a luxury jeep. When asked where the money for such a car came from, he replied: “taxed.” Why couldn’t he “tax” Irina "?

But a recent article about Irina shocked Permians. In three days, Irina collected so many medicines, shampoos and diapers that would be enough for more than one year. And from the Government of the Russian Federation, an order was sent to Perm to urgently deal with the situation. The guardianship authorities are considering an application for the deprivation of guardianship of her common-law husband, 56-year-old Sergei Kolpakov. There are facts that he did not fulfill his obligations as a guardian, while receiving all the intended Baker's payments.

Kolpakov himself is now doing everything to remain a guardian. He keeps his passport, insurance policy, medical records and other documents of his wife. Moreover, he secretly took from Irina's relatives documents for her apartment, inherited from her father, and tried to sell it. Only through the court the mother of the woman achieved a ban on the deal.

Now Irina has been transferred to a hospital in Berezniki. The girl responds well to others. “She has the consciousness of a baby,” the doctors explain. “Irina does not understand what you are saying to her. She laughs when she hears that you are laughing. She rejoices when she sees a familiar face. She just needs communication, but it is very important that next to her there was always one person to whom she would get used and would feel calm. Of course, it is desirable that the nurse be with Irina around the clock. "

Six months have passed since the terrible tragedy in Perm club"Lame Horse", which claimed the lives of 156 people. This week, the investigation was completed, eight people were brought to criminal responsibility in the case.

New details of the tragedy have also become known. The main reason for the mass death of people poisoned by combustion products was the expanded polystyrene used in the decoration of the club's premises, which emits toxic smoke during combustion. It was from this toxic smoke that a few months later the head of the Moscow fire service, Colonel Chernyshov, also died.

Finishing with cheap plastic and foam insulation is generally a sign of an entire era in the life of our country. Everyone wanted it to be beautiful and cheap. Technologies for the use of materials were violated everywhere - in kindergartens, and in schools, and in hospitals, and no one thought about the consequences - about black smoke from melted plastic.

After six months in St. Petersburg hospitals, Irina Bannikova returns to Perm in the hands of doctors. Ira does not move and does not speak at all, only occasionally trying to say something. And, most likely, she does not understand at all what has been happening in her life for the last six months.

Evgeny Bannikov, husband of Irina Bannikova: “When he brought his son to St. Petersburg, he missed his mother very much, he immediately rushed at her, hugs, kisses, says: “Mom, mom”, but she has no reaction. She looks at him, but can't react."

Irina Bannikova worked as a bartender at the Lame Horse club. After the fire, she was transported to St. Petersburg. In the hospital, it became clear that the patient would not have to be treated for burns, she simply did not have them. The girl fell into a coma from severe poisoning. 30 percent of the cerebral cortex is affected. Relatives were immediately told that if she survived, it would be a miracle. Ira survived.

Evgeny Bannikov, husband of Irina Bannikova: "The doctors warned that it would take years, or maybe she would never get on her feet. I will believe until the end of my life that he will recover, that someday she will speak."

The fire in the Lame Horse blazed for only three minutes. The club itself was practically unaffected. There were napkins, cutlery and untouched food on the tables, as if just served. Wooden furniture did not burn down, only sooted. The fire itself went out even before the arrival of firefighters, and it did not immediately become clear how in three minutes there were so many dead.

Vyacheslav Polygalov, head of the guard of the 110th fire station in Perm: "It's like during an explosion, as if an explosion happened, everyone just lies on top of each other and can't get up. I just didn't expect this, I thought that the explosion happened, in fact. I can’t believe my eyes that a fire can kill so many people, they just lie in piles. ”

In a matter of seconds, black suffocating smoke spread throughout the club. Two or three breaths, and death came. More than a hundred people did not burn out in the fire, but died from poisoning. On frames from documentary film"Scorched", which is still being mounted, is a restored chronology of the fire and the memories of people who are still experiencing this tragedy.

Victor Beze: “There, their lungs burned out. And there, the defeat of the central nervous system goes, there are still consequences. And memory lapses, and inappropriate behavior."

Natalya Beze: “One man came out of the fire on his own, he was taken to our hospital, he lay there for six days. He ate, he talked to his wife, he seemed to be in a normal condition. But they brought him to Moscow, he lost consciousness. pneumonia, damage to the central nervous system, blood sepsis. Such was the diagnosis. And on January 5 he died. "

Vadim Kalashnikov: "Let's go out, huh?! Something about this smell makes me sick. I remember it. When I arrived at the hospital, I could feel it directly. But then it was so strong that it was impossible to inhale, and I ate my eyes, and it was impossible to breathe through my mouth and nose."

It was impossible to breathe from the poisonous smoke that the burning polystyrene foam emitted. The usual insulation, foam, which today is often used in the interior decoration of buildings. In Lame Horse, he was in the filing of the ceiling.

The material burned, melted, dripped from above onto people, and even continued to burn on the skin. And the plastic soot from it covered the lungs. For many, only a few days later it became clear that getting out of the fire alive does not mean staying alive.

Andrey Kostrulev: "They called someone, picked up the phone, they were alive, they seemed to be happy. And then you look at the lists of the dead, and he is dead, that is, people were still living dead."

Vadim Maltsev, Doctor of Chemistry, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The main excretion is highly toxic styrene. That is why those who did not immediately die in the fire in the Lame Horse died later. Because styrene enters the bloodstream through the lungs and disrupts oxygen, carbon dioxide exchange of blood globules. A person dies simply from suffocation, his lungs no longer work, nothing. "

Doctor of Chemistry Vadim Maltsev compares the combustion of polystyrene foam with napalm. He says that in Vietnam and Korea, polystyrene was widely used for non-peaceful purposes. This common plastic is one of the components of napalm. The combustion temperature of its alloy is 1150 degrees Celsius.

Vadim Maltsev, Doctor of Chemistry, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: "The temperature is so high that people die very quickly. 1150 degrees, and all equipment is distorted."

In the Soviet Union, they also knew well how polystyrene foam burns. The Leningrad Metal Plant, the weaving factory in Bukhara and the KamAZ engine plant burned out completely. Therefore, in the 80s, the use of expanded polystyrene in enterprises was banned. Over time, this ban was forgotten, and it became fashionable and beautiful to use suspended foam ceilings in apartments.

Boris Batalin, doctor of technical sciences, professor at the Perm State Technical University: "There was a fire in Sverdlovsk. People who lived in the apartment where the fire was, escaped. And in neighboring apartments, where this smoke just penetrated, people died. They did not burn down "They just breathed in. They didn't even know it was on fire."

For the second month, residents of house number 5 on Veshnyakovskaya Street in Moscow live in fear. Their house began to be insulated with polystyrene foam. Six months ago, no one would have paid attention to this, but after the fire in the Lame Horse, this material is feared like fire.

Elena Sirotenko, a resident of the house number 5 on the street. Veshnyakovskaya: "A year ago there was a fire. And everyone saw that the fire went out, went along the wall. If this happens, how many people will die, no one knows. Everyone is afraid."

Elena Sirotenko wrote letters asking them not to insulate their house to almost all authorities. Nearly 800 people signed up. We received an answer - although the material burns, it does not pose a danger, since it will be protected by non-combustible material.

Viktor Kharitonov, a leading researcher at the FGU VNII EMERCOM of Russia: "If you use expanded polystyrene in the walls, then you must apply plaster with a thickness of 25-30 millimeters along the grid. And this will provide you with 15 minutes, during which the expanded polystyrene will not smoke, will not light up . In 15 minutes it was possible to evacuate from the premises. "

The experiment showed the following - extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene melted and burned out in five seconds with the release of a large amount of combustion products in the form of extremely dangerous gases.

Expanded polystyrene is widely used today in construction as a heater. Lightweight, retains heat well, and most importantly, it is inexpensive, so the demand for it is huge, manufacturers say. You just need to use it correctly, according to technology.

Gerd Lenga, Managing Director of a Styrofoam plant: "It's very convenient to say something about a material, but it's wrong. A material can never be responsible for anything. Only a person."

Everyone is afraid of this mysterious person, on whom the thickness of the refractory layer depends. Now there are building materials that do not burn at all, the so-called fireboard, but these drywall boards are more expensive. Therefore, cheap polystyrene foam is used, which can kill even after a fire.

Boris Batalin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at the Perm State Technical University: “Right now, 156 people have died after the Lame Horse. Not all. There will still be deaths. all come back."

After the Perm tragedy, the country's government called on doctors to provide assistance to all victims until full recovery. But in the St. Petersburg hospital they considered that Irina Bannikova did not need treatment. And they insistently asked the relatives to pick up the patient.

Evgeny Bannikov, husband of Irina Bannikova: “There was an answer that we accept patients who can at least answer questions ... But my wife does not speak, does not move. We were directly told - the bed needs to be vacated!”

Irina will now be treated in the regional Perm hospital. The Bannikovs have no money for specialized clinics. And although there are no doctors in Perm who would deal with such patients, for the two-year-old son of Irina Bannikova this is the only chance that someday his mother will hug him again.

The victims of the tragedy still cannot share the compensation

The fifth of December is the black date of Perm.

The lame horse carried 156 people to the grave. Trampled thousands of destinies. She left over 20 orphans.

And if someone still believes that time heals, they are mistaken ... The pain does not subside. And the secrets around this tragedy are not getting smaller.

How big money overshadowed the minds of the victims, why the survivors of the fire envy the dead, how the families of the accused live today, and how the own investigation of the Lame Horse employees ended - in the material of the special correspondent of MK.

“Willing to kill each other for money”

In the first days after the tragedy, Permians who lost their loved ones became one close-knit family. These endless conversations at the morgue, tears, memories ... I remember well how two unfamiliar women hugged on the threshold of the city hospital and sobbed for a long time on each other's shoulder. It seemed that from that moment on they would always be together.

But time has passed...

And grief divided people. It happened at the moment when it was time to share the money.

Soon after the fire, the state allocated 500,000 rubles to the relatives of the victims.

And then, on a voluntary basis, several Perm residents organized a charitable foundation, where for several months money was received from ordinary people. During this time, the treasury was replenished by 21 million rubles. And now the time has come to share the collected funds.

- The other day, all the victims - those who lost loved ones, and those who ended up in hospitals, were gathered in the Perm DK. The organizers of the fund announced their decision - to divide 3-4 million into families in which children have lost their parents. The remaining money was thought to be divided equally among the rest, - said the witness of that meeting. - What started here! People began to shout that this was unfair, because one of the visitors to the “HL” got off with a light scratch, and someone became disabled. Some lost their breadwinner and lost everything, while others never had material problems - why do they need money? You know, my only daughter died there, but I was ashamed of the people who accused the organizers of the fund of fraud, claimed that they embezzled some of the money, they were insulted, humiliated ... People went crazy! There were no more tears, their place was taken by screams and scandals. But after all, they have already done so much for us - they provide us with free treatment, allocate vouchers to rest homes, pay off loans. And there are not enough people! They believe that everyone is now obliged to them ... The fund was thought to be closed in June. But due to the current situation, they will close earlier. The guys from the fund believe that working in such conditions is unbearable. It seems to me that they have already regretted that they started helping people. No wonder they say: do not do good - you will not get evil!

Not only for charitable money is the war waged. Compensation from the state was also shared with the battle.

... After the death of the 21-year-old administrator of Lame Horse Sergei Zhizhin, his pregnant wife Yulia was left without a livelihood. She did not receive a penny for the loss of a breadwinner. Because the parents of the young man were recognized as victims.

“On the fortieth of Sergei, Yulia gave birth to a girl,” the girl’s friends said. - Now she lives in her homeland in Vereshchagin, 110 km from Perm. The husband's parents did not recognize their granddaughter. And the daughter-in-law was not informed about the compensation issued by him in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Yulia herself was not up to this. The birth was difficult, nervous breakdowns affected ... The girl Alice was born with a serious pathology - her leg “does not work”. Recently, we forced Yulia to apply to the prosecutor's office, where she was nevertheless recognized as the second victim. Then she contacted her mother-in-law. She, apparently, did not want to share the money and offered the girl to buy a room in a hostel in Perm. Julia refused. And the woman was forced to give her only half of the compensation.

While all the victims are now being given vouchers to sanatoriums, Yulia was refused. The girl was offered to visit the Perm hospital every day with a sick child.

“But I don't have that option. How will I drive with a baby every day for 110 km? - the girl throws up her hands. - I have nowhere to live in Perm. My husband's family doesn't need me. I no longer have any strength or health left. We'll get through somehow...

Yulia refused to participate in the distribution of charitable money. So she said: “It’s uncomfortable somehow. I have already been paid a lot…”

… The second story is about ex-husband deceased Lily Kalashnikova.

Lily divorced her husband two years ago. She left behind a son, Romka. The father was not involved in the upbringing of the child. But he showed up immediately after Lily's death, - say the friends of the deceased. - Initially, the girl's mother was recognized as the victim. But soon the husband came to the prosecutor's office with lawyers and with a statement that the child remained in his care. Then he issued a survivor's allowance. He received his 250 thousand rubles (half of the money was left to Lily's mother). He did not give a penny for his wife's funeral. Now his son Romka lives with his grandmother, they do not see any money from his father. According to rumors, the young man has already drunk part of the funds received.

... The common-law husband of the deceased Irina Limonova also forgot about his civil position when it came to cash payments.

- Irina's parents lived in St. Petersburg. After her death, they moved to Perm to raise their grandson Kirill here, Limonova's colleagues told us. - The husband took part of the compensation for himself, but he does not bring up the child and is in no hurry to arrange custody. And it doesn't allow others either. Probably waiting - all of a sudden some more money will drip.

The 8-year-old daughter of Alexander Overin, who died in the hospital, was almost completely deprived of compensation. The victims were the parents of the young man.

And the state did not allocate a penny for the funeral of the orphan Masha Bayrasheva. Because the girl did not have a guardian. Who is considered injured?

Masha lived in a remote village. She graduated from a technical school and stayed in Perm, where she rented a room, - say the colleagues of the deceased. - When we learned about her death, we turned to the organization where they issued compensation. They asked for at least how much for the coffin. We were refused. Then all her colleagues chipped in and buried the girl at their own expense ...

“It is better to be among the dead than to live like this”

Those who escaped from the fire in the “HL” were called the lucky ones. But today, not everyone is happy that they came out of the fire alive. And discharge from the hospital for some sounds more like a sentence than a sigh of relief.

“Some of the girls who left the clinic had brain damage. Now they are doomed to spend their whole lives in a wheelchair, Permians told us. - For example, two girls were recently discharged ... The mother of one says so: “My daughter is like a plant. Empty eyes staring into different sides, mouth open. And you don’t know which is better… We hoped for a miracle… But we were told that brain activity is not recovering.”

... Katya Zelenina spent 2.5 months in a coma. All this time she was in one of the capital's clinics.

Doctors immediately said: the chances are low ... Katya's husband Alexey quit his job in Perm. He moved to Moscow to be with his wife. The young guy spent the night on a chair in the emergency room.

Time has stopped for Alexei. But there were no changes. Then the man invited a priest to Katya. The next day, the girl regained consciousness.
Now the Zelenins have returned to Perm. 500 thousand rubles, which the government allocated to the victims, Aleksey spends on the treatment of his wife.

- Previously, Katya was sociable, laughter, but how she sang! Now she has problems with diction, she cannot serve herself, she does not even want to show herself to her own child. Alyosha says that he does not recognize her at all, although he himself has also given up badly, the acquaintances of the Zelenins share. - At first, he left notes on his page on the social network, turned to Katya: “Today they told me that your eyelash trembled, you moved your finger.” And now Lesha has withdrawn into himself, stopped communicating with friends and, like a zombie, keeps repeating: “I will do everything myself, no help is needed.” When the relatives decided to open an account in the name of Katya, he began to shout: “No money is needed, what will people say?! You won't wash away the shame! The money will run out, I myself will think how to earn!” Of course, he needs the help of a psychologist. His mother has been roaring since December 5, every day, and how much more will it take ...

“I can’t imagine how we will cope with all the problems,” Svetlana’s mother, Nina Rudakova, sobs. - Six months before the tragedy, I took out a mortgage and bought an apartment in Perm. We lived on Thursday. I have Small child, elder Sveta and her baby. While all the victims were repaid their loans, we were refused. They explained that the mortgage is on me, and I am not the victim. Now my Sveta is on disability, I can’t go to work either - I have two small children in my arms. And Sveta needs constant care. If they take away our apartment, we will stay on the street!

... Today, four people remain in hospitals who survived a fire in a nightclub. Doctors assess their condition as extremely serious.

The burned-out club was named after the executive director

After a terrible fire in Perm, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev declared to the whole country: "Punish those responsible to the fullest extent of the law." But are all the perpetrators really behind bars?

Today there are five people in the Perm pre-trial detention center. Anatoly Zak, the owner of the burned-out establishment, Vladimir Mukhutdinov, chief state fire inspector of the Perm Territory, Sergey Derebenev, the pyrotechnician, Oleg Fetkulov, art director of the club, and Svetlana Efremova, executive director.

The relatives of all these people still do not get in touch with the press. Lawyers also behave cautiously: “We are afraid of damaging our clients with an extra word.”
The other day I met people who were directly related to the “HL” at different times. Most of them worked at the club until the last day. These are ordinary cooks, dishwashers, cleaners, waiters. Today, for the first time, they agreed to talk about their immediate boss, Svetlana Efremova. And they are ready to put forward their own version of the tragedy.

— Svetlana Petrovna started her restaurant business in the early 90s. In 1991, she became the director of the Evropeisky LLC, a catering enterprise under the leadership of the then mayor of the city, Yuri Trutnev. Efremova herself was engaged in personnel and trained employees from scratch. As a rule, these were graduates of the technical school of public catering. As a result, she gathered a competent team, with whom she did not part for many years.

The then “European” was not inferior to the modern “HL”. And Svetlana Efremova was called the queen of the restaurant business.

“Svetlana Petrovna was considered a competent manager, she approached the work process with full responsibility, took care of every little thing,” the interlocutors continue. - She had skilled chefs and the best pastry chefs in the city. She personally made sure that the output of dishes in the restaurant corresponded to the norm, and this meant a lot. Chefs from other countries came to Evropeisky to train and improve their skills. For example, at one time an Italian and a Frenchman worked for us. Also, Efremova managed to establish relations with the stars of the national stage - Lolita and Kristina Orbakaite performed with us. Svetlana Petrovna treated the staff with respect, she did not raise her voice at anyone. She has always been in great shape, with a wonderful mood, the smile did not leave her face. It seemed to everyone - this is how a production leader should look like.

In 2001, "European" was closed. Then Efremova opened her own confectionery "Pyshka".

- Once the late Alexander Titlyanov, Anatoly Zak and Berlyavsky came to her. These people decided to open night club. They understood that only Efremova, with her work experience, was able to promote new restaurant. Svetlana refused. But they called her every day, constantly visited the “Pyshka”. In the end, the woman was persuaded. Do you know how the name of the club came about? Once Svetlana Petrovna broke her leg, and one of them said: “You work like a horse, and now you have become a lame horse.” This is how the burnt club was named in honor of Efremova ...

Svetlana Efremova brought her entire former team to the “HL”.

- Efremova had the whole kitchen! But she never did fire safety. Although it is worth noting that the safety equipment in the “Horse” was on top! There were smoke detectors every meter. "HL" was rightfully considered the best entertainment institution in the city. Efremova gave all her strength to the restaurant - she personally checked the work of the cooks, tasted the dishes. Left home after 3 am. Unlike the founders of the restaurant, she never allowed herself to have fun with visitors. Because of such a workload, Svetlana Petrovna had to sacrifice personal life She didn't get married and didn't have children.

After 2 years, one of the founders of HL sold his share of shares to a certain Konstantin Mrykhin. (After the fire he disappeared, on this moment is wanted. — Auth.)

- Soon, Efremova and Mrykhin had an affair. She wanted to have a child for him. It didn’t work out ... In 2003, Konstantin began to insist on changing the team. To begin with, he brought his chief accountant and production manager. As a result, almost the entire dedicated team of Svetlana Petrovna left the “HL”. And in 2004, she sold Mrikhin a certain percentage of the institution's shares. That's what he's been trying to get from her for years. After that, Konstantin left Efremov and married a young girl. It took time for Svetlana Petrovna to come to her senses. And then she began to call the former employees with a request to return back to the “Horse”. We didn't let her down, we came back. So everything that happened in the club, we know firsthand. Efremova was just a pawn in this company. All decisions were made by three people - Zak, Titlyanov and Mrykhin. As for fireworks, Svetlana Efremova was categorically against this event. But Zach insisted. Of course, he could not foresee the tragedy ... And now we are sure that pyrotechnics are not to blame ...

The people who told this story are afraid to give their names. But now they want one thing - to protect the chief executive.

- Svetlana Petrovna left an elderly mother in the city. She suffered three heart attacks and three strokes. The pensioner cannot leave the house, she can barely move around the apartment, she needs constant care. She couldn't even go on a date with her daughter. After that tragedy, they tried to set fire to Efremova's apartment. Therefore, now round-the-clock security is on duty near her house. Svetlana Petrovna offered to sell the Pyshka confectionery and give the proceeds 15 million rubles to the victims. But for some reason they did not hear her! Efremova sits in a cell for 22 people. Virtually no one communicates, refuses to eat. And she also asks for forgiveness from everyone to whom this tragedy brought so much pain and tears.

Lawyer Svetlana Efremova Vadim Matsenko says: “The official commission said that people died precisely because of the gas that the foam emitted. But what does Efremova have to do with it? When she came to the club, the premises had already been built. And the commission, which accepted the institution for operation, gave the go-ahead. But none of the members of that commission was called to account. Svetlana Petrovna was responsible only for the kitchen. The fact that her name is under the line “responsible for fire safety” is an empty formality. All holes were plugged with her name. At the moment, the investigation has not yet been completed. They are waiting for all the injured to leave the hospital. I think court hearings will begin in a couple of months…”

After the tragedy, Lame Horse employees conducted their own investigation.

“We claim that HL had fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and a fire alarm. Recently, we were able to communicate with law enforcement officers. They said that the “Horse” had many competitors and envious people. One of the competitors really wanted the “HL” to be closed for repairs exactly on New Year in order to win over customers. After all, in our club all the places for December 31 were sold out in early November. While other clubs were empty. And this competitor decided to scare the people on the birthday of “HL”. It seems like he persuaded one worker about the wiring ... After all, there really was an explosion at first, our cook was thrown right up to the locker room. Of course, whoever started all this did not think about such consequences ... We cannot name the competitor yet. The police asked not to disclose the data.

It is not easy today for art director Oleg Fetkulov either. Recall that his wife Zhenya died in the hospital. The two children of the Fetkulovs live with their grandmothers.

“Oleg Fetkulov's relatives are in constant fear for their lives,” family friends said. - When there was a meeting about money, the mother of the deceased Zhenya was afraid to go there. So she said: “Probably, we were not recorded as victims. Yes, we can’t calmly go out into the street, we go everywhere with security, an alarm system was installed in the apartment. And at the meeting, all the relatives of the dead will gather, we will simply be torn apart there.”

As we know, Fetkulov occasionally manages to get in touch with his relatives.

- Oleg had one date with his mother. She handed him the food. And then we found out that all dry products - cereals, soups - were poured into one bag, and cigarettes were broken into 4 parts. Oleg himself told his relatives that he did not understand how he survived that night. He was in the midst of hell, a burning ceiling fell on him, and it was as if they covered him with a glass cap. He only slightly burned his clothes and set his hair on fire, although he was one of the last to get out of the club - he helped carry people out.
A month ago, Fetkulov left a note on his page on the social network: “It’s a pity that I didn’t die there ... I would gladly replace my life with Her ...”

In the park in front of the Lame Horse, everything is unchanged - mountains of flowers, photographs, candles, toys.

And on the churchyard, where the victims of a terrible fire are buried, the folk trail does not overgrow. “There has not yet been a single day that the cemetery was empty. Every day someone comes, says the caretaker. “Three months ago I spotted a strange guy. Every morning he comes here and puts a flower on almost every grave ... And then he leaves. I once tried to talk to him, and one of the relatives of the dead asked him something. But he is always silent.”

Who this person is is a mystery. Another mystery of the most terrible tragedy of the past year. Which, alas, does not become less with time.

December 5, 2009 Everyone has their own memories of that night. In the first minutes and even hours, no one really understood what had happened: a terrorist attack, an explosion of an unknown substance, a fire ...

Recently, the victims received letters from bailiffs with a proposal to pick up Svetlana Efremova's Lexus as unsold property - instead of money, the victim, who lost her daughter in a fire, told KP. - The foreign car was estimated at 599 thousand rubles. If someone takes it, the difference between its price and Efremova's debt must be returned. As far as I know, this option did not suit anyone.

And there were no other payments or offers?

From Fetkulov we have not received a single ruble in all the years, the same thing - from Mrykhin. While the Derbenevs were in the colony, some ridiculous amounts still came from them. For this year - it was only 46 rubles. Now they are free, we do not know if they work or not. And we don't know where to find this information. We, the victims, believe this: if the state has forgiven them and released them, then let them pay for them. And we did not forgive those responsible for the death of our children.



33-year-old Ksyusha Mokrushina remained disabled after the tragedy at the club. Her whole life is recovery simulators and operations.

Ksyusha is very smart. And Ksyusha herself, and her mother, who did not doubt for a minute that she would put her daughter on her feet.

That evening they had a bachelorette party, Tanya's girlfriend called Xenia as a witness. The girls - there were seven of them - rode in a limousine, and then a luxury car drove them to the entrance to the Lame Horse.

Ksyusha does not remember how the fire started, whether she tried to escape. The girl received severe internal burns, damaged her joints (apparently, she was knocked down during the stampede). She spent more than a month in a coma, opened her eyes at Christmas. She was not immediately told that three girls from her company had died.

Ksyusha re-learned to speak, walk, hold a spoon in her hands. Mom was always there.

I really want to erase this "Horse" from my memory forever, but so far it has not been possible, - says Ksenia. - I can't work, I have a disability group. They have already done three operations, all in Nizhny Novgorod. Two - on the hip, they put in an imported prosthesis, but the second operation went through with complications, I'm limping.

Recently, the girl underwent a third operation - her left arm could not be extended. Now there is a rehabilitation. In order for a hand to work, it needs to be constantly developed. It would be nice to have a special apparatus for training, but there is not enough money.

I train for several hours every day,” the girl says. - Treadmill, bike, then step for walking, swedish wall, weights. And for the soul - drawing and puzzles. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the doctors who treated me through your newspaper.

Ksyusha, what are you dreaming about?

Honestly? To finally recover, get rid of the lameness and finally put on your favorite heels again. And also - buy a car and drive.



But so far, her mother cannot achieve simple classes with a speech therapist.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" wrote many times about Irina Bannikova. In Lame Horse, we recall, she worked as a bartender. There were almost no burns, the girl inhaled carbon monoxide, her brain was badly damaged.

Ira doesn't walk, doesn't talk, can't eat by herself. All these long six years, her mother has been caring for her and dreams of only one thing: "I would have time to put my daughter on her feet and raise her grandson."

Mom and son Irina Bannikova do not lose hope for her recovery. Photo: Julia Loza

Kiryukha is the main mother's joy. When a mischievous boy, returning from school (he is a first-grader), famously climbs into a wheelchair and hugs his mother, Ira's look warms up, she begins to smile.

Mommy, I love you so much, get well soon, - every day the boy expects his mother to get better and help him cope with the unloved copybooks - letters are given to the boy, oh, how not easy.

Irina's mother Tamara Gennadievna does not like to complain about life, but it is clear without further ado: she gets it. And for the daughter - it's a shame:

I see that Irinka understands everything, reacts to what is happening. And I believe in her! Of course, serious rehabilitation is needed, but all procedures have to be beaten out with a fight. When a speech therapist worked with us, there was great progress, and now they tell me: there is no money. Exercise therapy, massage, injections - you have to go and ask for everything.

The woman dreams of sending her daughter to a good rehabilitation center where there are water procedures.

I heard about unique classes with dolphins, for sure, they would help Irinka, but who else would have suggested how to send her there.

The woman is not even interested in how much it costs: do not pull. Two pensions are barely enough for the bare necessities.

All summer Irina and her mother live in the country, in spring and autumn they undergo treatment at the regional hospital. In the next ward - another seriously injured Irina Pekarskaya. She has the same diagnosis. The girl has been lying here for four years, the doctors do not give any forecasts. Her two children are with mother Irina in Berezniki. The woman is crying, but she cannot take her daughter with her either.


Dear readers, if you want to help Irina Bannikova, the account is opened in the name of her mother, Tamara Gennadievna Oborina.

Account details: add. office no. 6984/0182

Payee's bank: West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia

BIC 045773603

Cor. account 30101810900000000603

Account No. 40817810949493533771/53


After the death of Evgenia Oborina, her daughter stopped laughing. At 11 years old.

Marik, my younger brother, and I loved to watch my mother getting ready for performances, rehearsing, trying on a concert costume. While my mother was getting ready, I recited paragraphs from the reader to her. It’s terrible how she didn’t like this business, but she tried - she didn’t upset her mother, 17-year-old Tanya recalls.

That evening, December 4, 2009, the talented and infinitely charming Zhenya Oborina was going to perform at Lame Horse.

I still hurried her, look, do not be late, and my mother only smiled and kissed my brother and me, - says the girl. - And at night some woman called us and said that my mother's hands were burned ...

Zhenya was taken to the "nine". They didn’t let anyone in for a long time, and when they let her in, Zhenya greeted her parents with a radiant smile:

Why did they let this woman in here? She will start crying now, - the daughter joked, trying to calm her mother.

Then, in the ward, Tatyana Georgievna heard her daughter's voice for the last time. Evgenia Oborina was sent to a military hospital in St. Petersburg.

We were told: pray, ask God to save my daughter. I read prayers every night, although I don’t go to church. And with me, Tanyusha did not sleep at night, she asked for mommy, - the woman recalls those black nights and days.

Tanyusha is graduating from high school this year, there are only fives in her diary. I decided that I would go to the construction or architectural.

If my mother were alive, she would be happy for me. I would do anything to make her proud of me, - says the girl.

No one listens to music in this house now. And even Zhenya's songs do not sound here. Too painful.

All flights at the Bolshoe Savino airport in Perm are met by psychologists - relatives of the victims are flying to the city. At night, none of the city's nightclubs break the mourning with lights and music. All places of entertainment are closed until December 8th. They were replaced by the lights and music of the ambulances. On Sunday night, a day after the tragedy, the victims were taken to the airport to be sent for treatment to other cities.

The Lame Horse club is cordoned off, policemen stand every five meters. There are piles of flowers in front of the stairs leading to it, dozens of candles are burning. People come up, put carnations and make the sign of the cross. Every second cries. The men smoke nervously. There is not enough space for flowers, and they are being placed on the sides and benches in the nearby park. Photographs and icons are also placed there.

The names of two dead girls are laid out in the snow with carnations: Lilya, Yana. By Sunday evening, there are more and more people. Like human tears. Crying and just passers-by, in which no one died. The old woman sprinkles the steps with holy water. “I just sympathize,” she says, and hugs the girl Anna. Anna's friend Tatyana (she asked not to give her last name) died: “There was a bright little man. She has the nickname “Zayko” in contact, and now everyone writes to her page. Tanya lost a loved one two years ago. And now here she is ... I was also eager for this club. Thank God I didn't go."

There are no traces of the tragedy on the club building itself. The soot didn't affect the white Lame Horse sign or the white facade of the nine-story building that adjoins the club. Around the house is also a one-story wooden extension, where there are several shops. The fact that the shops did not burn down is considered a miracle by firefighters.

The fire was seen and heard only by the residents of the first and second entrances. And the residents of the third entrance slept peacefully that night, not even feeling the smoke. "It was very scary. They were afraid that fire would reach us, ”a girl from the sixth floor of the first entrance told NI.

The Perm Regional Clinical Hospital is a two-minute walk from the burnt-out club. She took on the first wave of victims. But there is no burn unit in the hospital. Doctors say that if not for the four burn consultants who immediately flew in from Moscow, there could have been more victims. “We got 40 people. Two died in the emergency room. Then two more - within an hour and two - a day later. There were not enough tables in the operating room. But the staff did a great job - the doctors came at night, and all the patients were anesthetized and bandaged, ”says NI, the head physician of the hospital, Valery Blinov. There are currently four people in the hospital, two of them in critical condition. The rest were sent for treatment to other cities.

In the hall of the Perm Philharmonic on Sunday, the victims' belongings were handed out to relatives. Relatives came with whole families - a hundred people lined up. All assigned numbers, writing them down on a piece of paper. Nobody cried. They spoke about the incident in a whisper: “At autopsy, the organs were black”, “It took her one minute to suffocate.”

A fair-haired elderly woman told me about her grief in a completely indifferent voice: “My daughter, Berezovskaya Svetlana, 28 years old, died. The girl is very smart, two higher educations, she worked as a cellular engineer. I learned about her death on TV. Before that, I visited all the hospitals. There were seven girls, they had a bachelorette party. Two died, the rest are in intensive care. One of them was supposed to have a wedding. We took a ride in a limousine, booked a table and went to the Lame Horse. They decided to rent a prestigious restaurant for joy. Here we rested. They crushed my daughter. She swallowed smoke, and she was trampled. All mutilated was - the crowd ran through it.

Svetlana Zinatova came for the things of her husband Farid. He himself lies in the intensive care unit of the 36th Moscow city hospital "in a stable serious condition." “My friends called me, and I came to the place of the fire,” Svetlana told NI. I took my husband and I to the hospital in an ambulance. There was nothing organized there - undressed people were freezing with burns in the emergency room. They didn't even get blankets! Only one girl was carried out, who ran out into the street half-dressed. Relatives themselves went shopping, bought water.”

Alexander Nesterov's wife Olga was injured - a 30-year-old woman with burns of 70% of her body lies in the intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute: “When the fire started, they stayed at the bar and sat down with their friends on the floor. I was told this by her friend Clara. Then both lost consciousness. When they came to their senses, almost everyone left, and she and Clara were among the last to get out when the rescuers had already arrived. I got a call from the security guard of the office, which is next to the "Horse". He saw Olga walking - burned, swaying, without outerwear. His wife dictated a phone number to him and he called me. When I arrived, she was already taken by ambulance to the regional burn center in Zakamsk. She was conscious only for the first hour. She still had burnt upper Airways, and doctors say that forecasts for her condition can only be made in a month. A seven-year-old child is waiting for her at home.