For disinfection of pool water. How to properly care for a frame pool in your country house? What do you need to know? Other electrophysical methods

A swimming pool in a country house is the dream of many owners, if, of course, the space allows it. Some manage to install it even when the site does not allow it. They put it small, more for beauty than for swimming.

A pool in a summer cottage is undoubtedly a luxury. But in order for it to continue to please you, it needs care.

The pool really decorates the dacha area: the combination of bluish water with the lush green grass of the lawn and a bright sun lounger will delight any summer resident.

If there are trees nearby the pool, it may become clogged with leaves.

In order for the painted picture to always remain bright and fresh, the lawn at the dacha must be periodically trimmed and watered, and the pool must be cleaned and the water changed; it must look aesthetically pleasing and be safe. An outdoor pool (fixed or removable) is not so easy to keep in order; it cannot be cleaned with just a net.

Leaving the pool unattended for 2-3 days, the owner of the dacha runs the risk of seeing it strewn with leaves, flower petals, pollen and dandelion fluff, insects and other small animals. For high-quality cleaning, you will need a whole arsenal of equipment, devices and tools, such as a water filtration pump, which should work at least 6-7 hours a day, chemical reagents, and means of monitoring the condition of the water.

All debris floats to the surface of the pool. It can be removed using a net.

To properly organize the pool care process, you need to understand a few important points. All mechanical debris that is heavier than water itself sinks. Everything that is lighter than water collects in the topmost layer. And this is 99% of all garbage. Water blooms also occur in well-heated upper layers.

Thus, you need to constantly remove the entire top layer of water up to 5 mm thick and add fresh water, then the water will be clear all season. Similar processes occur in natural reservoirs, where springs from below add fresh water to the lake, and the upper layer with garbage quietly flows into the stream.

In dachas where the pool is located on the lawn, this simple cleaning method that nature uses can also be used. You need to set up a slow supply of water from the bottom of the pool: fresh water will push the top dirty layer out. At the same time, the second task will be performed - watering the lawn. Cleaning using this principle is used in professional overflow pools.

The contaminated layer in the pool can also be removed using a bucket.

It is more difficult to apply this method if the pool is permanent or the structure does not allow water to be drained onto the lawn. There is another simple way: the experiment with a bucket lowered into the pool almost to the edge confirms the assumption that the top layer of water can be collected even in this old-fashioned way. Pollution willingly rushes to the bucket - the laws of physics work.

The owner of the pool can build his own system for collecting the dirty layer along the waterline and adjust its pumping from the catchment so that it works constantly. The fresh water added in the morning will warm up by lunchtime, and you can swim. Or you will have to use special industrial-style cleaning filters.

Disinfection of pool water

There are several ways to disinfect pool water. The most dangerous is cleaning with chlorine.

Collecting mechanical debris and constantly replenishing the pool with fresh water does not relieve its owner from using pool disinfectants. You will still have to use cleaning chemicals, because in water heated by the sun, pathogenic microorganisms have freedom to reproduce, they must be fought, but not to the detriment of themselves. The safest products for humans include those based on active oxygen.

Chlorine should be used extremely carefully to clean a home pool; it is better if it is slowly dissolving tablets in a floating package. Bromine is less aggressive, moreover, it is odorless and does not irritate the skin. If possible, instead of chemical cleaning, electrophysical cleaning is used, which is more expensive but safer. This is cleaning using ultraviolet light, ozone, silver and copper plates.

Also used for this purpose natural materials shungite and silicon, which are placed in the pool. Many people use a 37% solution of hydrogen peroxide in their pool at the dacha and are delighted with the result: the water remains clear and odorless for at least a month after its treatment. And if plaque appears on the walls of the pool, algaecidal liquids such as Desalgin are additionally used.

At least once a week, it is necessary to measure the balance of the acid-base environment with a tester.

  1. Once a week, measure the balance of the acid-base environment of the pool with a tester. The optimum pH value of water is 7-7.4. High pH water can cause skin rashes, low pH will be acidic and unsuitable for bathing. Used for disinfection and cleaning products with unadjusted pH will be ineffective. To reduce it, you need to use a product with the designation "pH -", and to increase it "pH +".
  2. Control the water hardness with test strips, it should be in the range of 180-250 g/m3 CaCo3, use mineral minus water softeners.
  3. If you use chlorine tablets, control the allowable concentration of free chlorine - 0.3-0.5 mg / l, if it is more than normal, you will have to use the "Chlorine minus" tool.
  4. Before swimming, you need to take a shower and enter the pool with clean feet.
  5. Do not let your pets into the pool.
  6. The pool is a great place for children to play, but do not let them enter the pool without rinsing their feet in the basin.
  7. Disinfecting and cleaning the pool should become as much a habit as brushing your teeth.
  8. The smaller the pool, the faster it gets dirty.
  9. To fully clean a pool, you need a complex of several methods that need to be used regularly.
  10. Keeping a pool clean is easier than doing a full cleaning.

The inflatable pool must be washed, dried and packed before winter.

After the end of the swimming season in the country inflatable pool it is necessary to wash well, dry, lower and pack for the winter. IN stationary pools the water is not drained, it is preserved with a product that prevents the formation and growth of algae. Frame frost-resistant pool models also do not need to be dismantled and the water cannot be drained. Before conservation, it is necessary to catch leaves and other debris from the water with nets or a water vacuum cleaner and level the chlorine and pH levels to normal.

If the pool had a heat pump or solar heater, or a sand filtration pump was connected, all equipment and all removable pipes must be removed, washed, dried and stored in a warm place. The pool itself, if it is without a roof, must be tightly closed with a special plat. After careful preparation for winter, spring re-opening and preparation of the pool for summer season will pass without complications.

Final part

There are robotic vacuum cleaners on the market today. They remove dirt from the floor and from the walls.

So, we can conclude that having your own pool is prestigious, pleasant and troublesome. The issue of keeping it clean and tidy is constantly on the agenda; joy quickly transforms into concern. Even if equipped with a water filtration system that retains suspended pollutants, the pool remains half cleaned, because dirt deposits on the bottom and walls are not removed in this way. You also have to clean it with a bottom vacuum cleaner.

A protective dome is a great help in protecting the pool from external debris. It can be low, high, sliding, semi-closed. There are special imported protective coatings for swimming pools that spring like a trampoline and withstand a decent load from a dense snow cap in winter, and in summer bacteria do not even multiply in a pool with such a coating.

The simplest dome over the pool is constructed from cellular polycarbonate based on country greenhouses. In addition to the fact that the dome protects the water very well, it also warms up much faster under it. You can swim in almost any weather, especially if you make a solar-powered heater. So the pool is a troublesome task, but worth it: all problems can be solved, and you can enjoy the luxury of swimming in a clean pool.

How to purify pool water using folk remedies cheaply

In the hot summer, splashing around in your own pool is a great pleasure for both children and adults. But already, a few days after use, the water may change color, and debris will appear at the bottom of the pool. Therefore, you need to think in advance how to purify the water in the pool with folk remedies.

Reasons why pool cleaning is necessary

Maintaining cleanliness in the pool is, first of all, taking care of the health of loved ones. Based on this, one of the important components of care is timely cleaning. The use of chemicals, especially in large quantities, is not an environmentally friendly way that is harmful to people and nature. In addition, they damage equipment and parts. Therefore, the most gentle option is to use folk methods.

Let's take a closer look at when it is necessary to take measures to clean the pool.

  • a slippery coating appeared on the bottom and walls of the reservoir;
  • the water has acquired a different color (turned white, turned green);
  • the liquid in the pool has become cloudy;
  • garbage appeared.

The use of hydrogen peroxide

The entry of soil particles, sand, dust, insects, as well as sweat and fat secretions into the reservoir contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. Moreover, in strong winds, leaves and small branches can get into the pool. Of course, some of this debris is caught with a net, but you can prevent the development of bacteria using hydrogen peroxide.

Due to its redox properties, hydrogen peroxide is successfully used in everyday life and in industrial enterprises. In medicine, hydrogen peroxide solution is used to treat wounds and whiten tooth enamel.

Due to its disinfectant properties, the substance is successfully used for cleaning and disinfection. But if compared with the effect of ordinary chlorine, its effect will be somewhat limited due to the recombination of oxygen. As a result, cleaning public swimming pools with hydrogen peroxide is prohibited. At the same time, washing private pools using peroxide has its advantages: the absence of foreign odors, irritants and decomposition products.

How to purify pool water with hydrogen peroxide: technology

The dose of peroxide is calculated depending on the volume of the pool tank. For example, 700 ml of hydrogen peroxide is used for 1 cubic meter of water. It turns out for a pool holding 10 cubic meters. water, 7 liters needed. disinfectant. In case of severe turbidity or greening of the water, the dose is doubled, under such conditions by 1 cubic meter. m. you will need 1.5 liters. hydrogen peroxide.

When working with hydrogen peroxide, to avoid getting burned, you must wear gloves. Before swimming, the water must sit for at least 24 hours. During this period, the bactericidal substance will evaporate, and the water will become clean and safe.

  1. Pour the calculated amount of hydrogen peroxide into the container.
  2. If the peroxide concentration exceeds 1000 ml per 1 cubic meter. m., you can swim after 3-4 days.
  3. If brown deposits form on the walls of the pool, you can use a skimmer.
  4. During cleaning, the reservoir is not covered, as the awning will prevent oxygen from escaping.

Also used as folk methods for purifying water in swimming pools use salt and soda. When used in moderation, these substances are completely safe for health and do not irritate the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes.

Another way to disinfect water is using brilliant green, so for 10 cubic meters. m. three pharmaceutical bottles are enough.

From our article you learned how to purify pool water using folk remedies. Now the water in your pool will always be clear and safe!

Country pool cleaning kit

Regardless of the type of pool, the bowl and water will have to be cleaned at the beginning and end of the season. The procedure may become more frequent with intensive use of the hot tub. In summer, daily cleaning of the outdoor pool is required. Closed hot tubs become less dirty, but the water needs to be changed over time. There are many cleaning methods. The choice of the appropriate procedure depends on the design, material and volume of the bowl.

Large waste collection kits

In private yards and summer cottages Usually, swimming pools are installed with a maximum diameter or length of 4.5 m. Along with the bowl, the owner will need a pool cleaning kit to collect leaves and other large debris in the water. The simplest kit consists of a net and a small skimmer - a vacuum cleaner that sucks up debris using a pump. All attachments are equipped with a telescopic rod, allowing you to reach any area in the pool.

Robot vacuum cleaners

Large volumes of cleaning can be handled by a pool robot, which is capable of independently cleaning every square centimeter of the bottom. The device is a vacuum cleaner. The difference from the manual model is that there is no need for control. The robot is simply immersed in water, plugged into an outlet, and waits for the job to finish. The vacuum cleaner will do everything itself in a matter of minutes. At the end of the work, the owner will only have to remove the filter bag, clean it of dirt and put it back in place.

The robot vacuum cleaner will keep the pool clean throughout the season. An additional advantage is the increase in the service life of water filter elements. The cartridges will have to be changed less often, since most of the dirt from the pool will be collected by the robot.

The video shows a clean pool without the use of chemicals:


Pool cleaning chemicals come in the form of liquid, powder, and tablets. Most often, disinfection of the font is carried out comprehensively. The products are added to the water after mechanical cleaning. An integrated approach destroys all harmful microflora in the water.

Organic and inorganic sediments in the pool are destroyed by coagulants. The chemical belongs to the active group. Coagulants destroy the nutrient medium in water that promotes the growth of bacteria.

The water in the pool will remain clean longer after treatment with chlorine and active oxygen.

Among the popular chemistry for water purification are the following:

  • Factory-made preparations containing active oxygen are considered the most harmless means for water purification. Despite the high level of safety, manufacturers recommend following the dosage.
  • Preparations containing chlorine are usually available in tablet form. A plastic or special powder coating prevents rapid dissolution in water. Chlorine-based products are effective for cleaning hot tubs, but are dangerous for humans.
  • Cleaning preparations containing bromine pose less of a threat to human health. After using them, there is no pungent odor in the pool. In case of contact with the mucous membrane or body, no chemical burns occur.
  • Blue crystals of copper sulfate are often used as folk remedy for cleaning the pool. The drug reacts with harmful impurities in water and destroys them.
  • For bactericidal water purification, silicon or shungite is placed at the bottom of the font. During the treatment, harmful microorganisms and some minor contaminants are destroyed.

A method of water disinfection that uses ozone or UV rays, as well as silver and copper plates, is considered harmless. However, when cleaning a pool at a dacha, such methods are rarely resorted to because of their high cost.

Basic cleaning methods

To know how to clean a pool, you need to determine the degree of contamination, and then choose the appropriate method. It is important to take into account one rule: cleaning must restore the aesthetic appearance of the font and at the same time be safe for humans. The original pool cleaning system, consisting of a filter, only catches dirt. It will not cope with bacteria and large debris floating in the water.

Chemical method

Circulating water through a filter does not remove cloudiness. Simple cleaning of a pool at the dacha is usually done with cheap chemicals. Chlorine is most often used. The aggressive substance destroys nitrogenous compounds and most pathogenic microorganisms, but some bacteria in the water survive.

Bromine is less safe for cleaning hot tubs. The drug acts no weaker than chlorine, but not every summer resident can afford it. As the safest disinfection option country pool is the use of active oxygen.

To quickly clean the bottom and walls of the font from mucus, add a double portion of one of the preparations. During chemical cleaning, water is not drained. You can find out without analysis that it is time to clean the pool by the change in the color of the water. The liquid becomes opaque, acquiring a green or milky tint.

The result of cloudy water in the font is the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Pollution is considered biological and poses a danger to humans no less than exposure to chlorine. Microorganisms infect the skin of a bathing person, and when they enter the digestive organs they cause diseases. Green water can even burn the mucous membrane.

Water becomes green as a result of the proliferation of small algae. Algaecides help destroy the enemy. After treatment, the water will become clear, but you still cannot swim in it. Even in crystal clear liquid, pathogenic microorganisms remain alive. Fungi are especially dangerous. After adding algaecides, the water is re-purified with disinfectants.

The water in the font becomes cloudy for several reasons. The most common case is associated with simple clogging with dust, pollen from flowering plants, as well as other small debris that a standard filter cannot catch. Coagulants are used to clean the pool. The preparations transform small particles into large flakes that settle to the bottom of the font. When the cloudy water becomes clear, the sediment is collected with a vacuum cleaner.

Microorganisms can cause cloudy water. The solution to the problem is conventional disinfection with chemicals.

If the measures taken did not produce positive results, the reason lies in the composition of the water. A full analysis will have to be carried out in the laboratory. Cloudy water can be due to the chemical composition, acid balance, or mineral impurities.

Sometimes the water in the pool can take on a rusty tint. The reason is the high content of iron impurities in the natural source. When pumping from a well, water is forced through a filter. If the results are poor, coagulants are added to the pool to clean it. The sediment that falls in flakes is collected with a vacuum cleaner.

Mechanical method

When considering how to clean a pool mechanically, you should first focus on hand tools. Standard cleaning equipment you will need:

  • Brush. Use hand tools to collect fluff floating on the water, accumulations of fat or dirt.
  • Net. The tool resembles a device for catching fish or butterflies. A net is used to collect floating leaves, grass and other large debris.
  • Skimmer. A small vacuum cleaner with a brush collects small debris floating on the water and settled on the walls of the font. By design, skimmers are of mounted and floating types.

Mechanical cleaning of the pool is performed at least once every three days. In case of intense water contamination, the procedure is carried out daily. Mechanical cleaning of the hot tub is indispensable, even if used with a swimming pool modern systems cleaning.

It will not be possible to remove dirt impurities dissolved in water with a hand tool. Filters cope with this task. To operate them you need a pump. The most common are two types of water filters:

Reusable water purification cartridges can be washed, while disposable ones can be disposed of immediately. The most effective is considered to be a model where the filter layer is a diatomaceous earth filler made from crushed shell rock. The disadvantage is the high cost, and you will have to change the cartridge at least 4 times per season.

The video shows a homemade sand filter for water:

Electrophysical method

Purification of pool water using electrophysical methods does not require the use of drugs. You will need expensive equipment. A big advantage of the purification method is the preservation of the natural composition of the water.

The process of ozonizing a pool is the most expensive. Installation of expensive equipment and additional communications will be required. Ozone introduced into water is an oxidizing agent that kills bacteria.

UV irradiation is considered the most in a simple way, suitable for a country pool. Water disinfection is carried out using quartz lamps. The method is only effective for transparent liquids. Turbid and green water is not penetrated by UV rays. First they do clarification, and then disinfection with lamps.

Copper or silver plates are installed to ionize water. The connection is made to the ionizer. The electrolytic unit produces active ions that can disinfect water for more than two weeks.


You need to think about cleaning methods before installing the pool. When the water in the font begins to bloom, you need to act quickly, and a suitable preparation with a tool should be at hand.

All methods of purifying water in a pool at the dacha

Any artificial reservoir needs periodic cleaning, especially when it comes to swimming pools. Unwanted living creatures in a garden pond and debris in the form of fluff and pollen are to some extent regulated by the population itself - plants, fish, if any, microscopic crustaceans. But a swimming pool, and even an outdoor one, has to be cleaned independently and much more often.

Cleansing methods can be somewhat roughly divided into 3 groups. Methods must be combined to obtain good result. For example, mechanical methods based on the use of filters are recommended to be used constantly, and chemical methods are recommended in cases where there is severe contamination or the pool needs to be disinfected.

Mechanical methods

These include all manual devices and devices that are used to remove mechanical debris of any size and unwanted impurities. Cleaning using hand tools is carried out once every 2–3 days, it does not take much time:

  • brush– used to remove stains and accumulations of small debris on the surface of the water, including fluff, plant stems and other things;
  • garden net– it is even more suitable for collecting leaves; in addition, it allows you to collect foam;
  • special cleaning device (skimmer)- The principle of operation resembles a vacuum cleaner. It is equipped with a brush that collects small mechanical debris and removes it from the surface of the water. A mounted skimmer is often used for swimming pools, and a floating pond skimmer is often used for artificial reservoirs. Pool owners often prefer skimmers for intex swimming pools. Follow the link for more details about them.

In the photo, do-it-yourself methods for cleaning pool water:

Large mechanical debris is removed regardless of how else the pond is cleaned. And filters are used to remove mechanical suspensions. The use of the latter involves installing a pump. The device must be operated for at least 6 hours to obtain a good result.

For water purification, including children's pools Several types of filters are offered:

  • Release disposable cartridges for swimming pools. After use they are simply disposed of.
  • Diatomaceous– the filter layer is diatomaceous earth – crushed plankton shells. Provides the most effective cleaning, removing particles up to 3 microns in size. However, it has a low resource and cannot be restored: it has to be replaced up to 4 times per year, which is quite expensive.

A manual pool bottom vacuum cleaner is also sometimes used.

The video shows a do-it-yourself pool water purification system:

Chemical methods

Chemicals involve purifying water from biologically and chemically active contaminants - bacteria, algae, fat, etc. In addition, only chemicals control and maintain the normal acid-base balance - pH at 7–7.4.

A pond, especially a small one, is very well heated by the sun. The latter benefits not only bathers, but also creates an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate them and prevent their development, it is necessary to use drugs that contain a strong oxidizing agent.

Purifying pool water with copper sulfate is also popular. The link describes a method for cleaning a pool with hydrogen peroxide.

This problem is solved using the process of coagulation - combining small suspended particles into large ones. Preparations of this kind are called coagulants or flocculants. When added to water, the active particles that make up the drug envelop the smallest organic and inorganic particles and hold them. When a critical mass is formed, the compound forms a flocculent sediment and collects at the bottom. After the process is completed, all that remains is to remove this sediment.

The most famous today is Aquadoctor. The drug is added directly to the water, preferably before filtration. During treatment, the pool and filter system must be inactive. The sediment is then collected and the water is filtered mechanically.

Electrophysical methods

These methods belong to the instrumental category: to clean the pool, it is not drugs that are needed, but equipment. Their cost, of course, is higher, but they guarantee the preservation of the original composition of the water.

A sand filter must be used in parallel with the ionizer. The operation of the device becomes significantly more difficult if the water is not cleared of small mechanical suspensions and debris.

The best ways

Such a wide variety of methods is associated not only with the effectiveness or cost of the procedures, but also with the operating conditions of the pool. The material of the reservoir, the nature of the pool - outdoor or indoors, the number of users - all this affects the frequency of cleaning and the choice of products.

For outdoor pool

Such a body of water is the most vulnerable. Good heating by the sun provides an environment for bacteria, open space literally attracts mechanical debris, the accumulation of organic matter - the same plant debris, promotes the rapid proliferation of algae.

On the other hand, the pool is located in the open air, so such a danger as the accumulation of reaction products after chlorination, for example, does not exist here. Therefore, all methods are used to clean open reservoirs.

Cleaning without chlorine

Chlorination is a simple and effective procedure. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to chlorine dissolved in water. In this case, any other chemical methods are used, always in combination with mechanical ones:

If the pool is located indoors, the best method is ultraviolet disinfection or ionization.

For frame pools

The procedure for caring for it differs little from standard actions:

  • mandatory mechanical filtration of water - as a rule, the filter is included in the product package;
  • removing debris from the surface using nets or skimmers;
  • removal of bottom sediment, which is outdoor pool will definitely appear. A bottom vacuum cleaner and means for removing plaque are used;
  • Disinfection by any suitable chemical method is mandatory.

Inflatable pools

The most popular models for summer cottages, as they are lightweight, easy to use and affordable. Caring for them comes down mainly to disinfection.

  • Before filling with water, the inflated pool is treated with protective agents to prevent the appearance of mucus.
  • After filling, disinfectants are added to the water.
  • Drugs are added to water at least 1-2 times a week.
  • Once a week, it is advisable to drain the water and clean the pool bowl.

Read a separate article about an inflatable pool for children.

Complex means

Obviously, there is no such product or device that could ensure complete cleaning of the pool. In any case, a combination of mechanical and chemical or electrophysical methods is required.

The most universal products still include chlorine-based products. Modern automatic pool care systems include a chlorination procedure. The systems perform several functions:

  • monitors water purity using sensors;
  • chlorinates water based on their readings;
  • doses the drug depending on the specified conditions;
  • filters water according to sensor readings and according to a schedule;
  • cleans the bottom using a special bottom device.

Even in this case, mechanical debris from the surface must be removed manually.

Recently, preparations with active oxygen have also become widely used. In terms of versatility, they are not inferior to chlorine, and at the same time do not affect the composition of water.


These include all chemicals and electrochemical devices. They ensure the destruction of pathogenic bacteria - from 80 to 100%.

The exception is coagulants. They are classified as chemically active substances, but they purify water from particles - organic or inorganic. Coagulants have an indirect effect on the proliferation of bacteria, as they destroy their nutrient medium.

  • Methods that provide long-term action include chlorination, treatment with active oxygen, and ionization.
  • Short-acting methods include ultraviolet disinfection.

Any pool must be cleaned in at least two ways: mechanically - filter and manual cleaning, and chemically - chlorination, disinfection with active oxygen, ionization, etc. The mode of application is determined by the degree of transparency of the water and the level of acidity. You may also be wondering why your pool water turns green.

How to completely disinfect the water in your pool

To ensure that the water is always clean, the water in the pool is disinfected using several methods. That's what we'll talk about today.

Ways to clean your home pool from algae and bacteria

To ensure that your pool is always in a condition suitable for swimming, you need to carry out a whole complex of water purification. We will divide our article into chemical cleansing, physical cleansing and electrophysical cleansing. The first two are considered mandatory, but you can do without the electrophysical method. But it is also worth consecrating.

Remember that constant maintenance is much easier than cleaning contaminated water and the walls of the bowl from heavy dirt.

Disinfection of pool water, first of all, means purifying it from microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. Chemicals will help us with this.

Treatment of water with chemicals

Using chemicals, the water in the pool is disinfected. Various preparations are capable of destroying algae, microbes, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that cause pool pollution throughout the entire water column.

There are also tools that simplify the operation of water filters. We'll talk about them below too.

pH level adjustment means

The ph indicator is the level of acidity or alkalinity of water. This indicator determines how effectively various chemicals will remove contaminants.

Moreover, if the ph level is higher than normal, then you will experience discomfort when swimming - severe drying of the skin, irritation of the eyes. In this case, the water is considered to have high alkalinity. If the pH value is below normal, it means that the acidity of the environment is increased. This will negatively affect the design of the pool.

The pH value for a swimming pool is from 7.2 to 7.6.

Checking the pH value is not difficult. For this purpose, there are various electrical devices and chemical indicators. Just purchase one of them from a specialty store and conduct a water analysis according to the instructions.

Chemicals are used to adjust pH. Most often they have a prefix in the name “ph Plus” or “ph Minus”. Before adding the drug to the pool, read the instructions and make calculations, taking into account the volume of the pool. Next, dissolve the capsule in a bucket of water and then pour it into the pool.

If the pH level is normal, then you can begin further disinfection of water at home.

Disinfection of water from algae

An outdoor pool can contain cyanobacteria. These are the most common algae, and if they are not destroyed, the water will become cloudy and green. Algae will not cause any harm to your body, but swimming in overgrown water is not the most pleasant pleasure.

The most popular and affordable chemical treatment for algae is chlorine. In order for chlorine to destroy algae, a slightly increased concentration is needed, but you will not feel it at all when swimming.

Algicides come to help chlorine in the fight against algae.

Treatment of water from microorganisms

In addition to cyanobacteria, germs, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms can also live in your pool. They can already be harmful to your health, so you should pay special attention to them.

Chlorine, bromine or active oxygen will help you fight microorganisms.

Chlorine is considered the most popular and affordable means for disinfecting water in a home pool. You can’t do without it if the pool is very dirty. It is a shock dose of chlorine that will help you find a way out of this situation.

Active oxygen is a more gentle and gentle agent. It is used for regular cleaning. It is a little more expensive than the first option, but has significant advantages:

  • There is no unpleasant odor like chlorine;
  • Does not cause dry skin;
  • Does not irritate the eyes;
  • Does not change the pH of the water;
  • Does not cause foam.

The list of chemicals does not end there. There is also bromine, which also has its own specifics and advantages. It is stronger than active oxygen and can fight microorganisms just like chlorine. Chlorine is still inferior to bromine, and here's why:

  • Bromine is odorless;
  • Does not irritate eyes and mucous membranes;
  • Does not change the pH value;
  • Universal.

Home pool coagulation

Coagulation is the process of collecting small particles of debris and dirt into larger ones. Then they are taken by the pump and eliminated by the filter.

For this, special chemicals are bought - coagulants. These tablets are placed, for example, in a skimmer, and then they fall into a common bowl. Next, we collect large dirt with an underwater vacuum cleaner or filter, bring the ph level to normal and clean the water from algae and bacteria, if necessary.

Physical ways to clean the pool

Finished with the chemical treatment of the pool. Now it’s time to cover the topic of water disinfection by physical means.


Yes, everything is banal and simple. To disinfect your home pool, you will first need a net. It will help collect leaves and other debris from the surface that may be blown into your pool by the wind.

This process does not need to be explained in detail.


A skimmer is a simple device for cleaning water from debris. As a rule, it cleans the upper layers, because this is where most microorganisms, insects and dust are located.

The operating principle is similar to conventional filters. The skimmer takes water from the pool and then filters it. The water then passes through the heating element and returns to the pool clean and warm.

In addition, the skimmer is used to distribute many chemicals that help disinfect pool water.


Filters help in cleaning the entire water column in the pool. They retain large particles of dirt, and even those that are not visible to human eye. It all depends on the type of filter you choose for your pool.

When choosing a filter, keep in mind that it must have time to pass the entire volume of water through itself 2-3 times a day.

Sand filters

It is not difficult to guess that cleaning in a sand filter takes place using sand. Water passes through special quartz sand and leaves the smallest particles of dirt in it. Multi-level cleaning is also used, for example, after sand, water passes through gravel.

The filter design is simple, so it is possible to assemble it yourself.

The disadvantages of a sand filter are the large weight and dimensions of the installation, so this filter is used to disinfect medium and large volumes of water.

Cartridge filter

Such installations are used to service pools of small and medium volumes. The cleaning element is a replaceable cartridge, which must be changed when completely clogged.

This filter is characterized by its low price and small dimensions, which makes it ideal for disinfecting a private pool.

Diatomite filters

The most expensive and effective option filter. These devices use multi-stage water purification that passes through diatomaceous earth. It allows you to purify water down to the smallest particles.

Moreover, by installing a diatomite filter, you can significantly save on the use of chemicals. But it’s still not possible to completely abandon them. As a result, you get the purest water, which is pleasant for your skin and the body as a whole.

Underwater vacuum cleaner

An underwater vacuum cleaner allows you to collect various debris from the very bottom. If you regularly clean it using this device, you will not have any problems disinfecting pool water at home.

Visual removal of debris from the bottom:

In addition, there are underwater robotic vacuum cleaners. They allow you to fully automate the bottom cleaning process. It is also advisable to use them at great depths, where a hand-held vacuum cleaner cannot cope.

Electrophysical method

Electricity can also help you disinfect water. You can do without it, but it will keep your pool clean more time and reduce the amount of work performed.

Ultraviolet lamps

Ultraviolet has found its application here too. UV lamps are installed around the perimeter of the pool, which are connected to the network and disinfect the water in the pool.

This is a fairly economical option that will make caring for your pool much easier. In addition, ultraviolet radiation actually kills a lot of bacteria and viruses that are unable to develop immunity to this type of radiation.

The following video, although in English, is still clear thanks to the visual animation. See how three different ultraviolet lamps work to remove bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Other electrophysical methods

There are also two more methods: disinfection of pool water with ozone and silver ions. Their main disadvantage is the high price. They are also difficult to install and operate, so we will not dwell on them in more detail.

We hope you found this article extremely helpful. We have tried here to tell you in as much detail and simply as possible about all the methods of disinfecting water in any pool. If the article turned out to be really interesting, rate it 5 stars.

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Summer is a time for relaxing in nature by the river, a time when you can swim and swim in the sea to your heart's content. Residents of megacities cannot fully enjoy the summer due to the distance from rivers and lakes. But how you want to plunge into the depths of water after a hot day! Swimming pools located in sports complexes help with this. They also help to remember summer during winter frosts and strengthen the body. The article describes the requirements for water quality in swimming pools, the methods used for water disinfection and their advantages and disadvantages.

Swimming pools located in sports and recreation complexes or sanatoriums are visited by a large number of people. Not every person dares to go to the pool because of such an influx of people and the possibility of picking up some kind of infection. Read about the rules for visiting the pool in the article at the link.

Pool water is a carrier of various infections, but if the administration adheres to all water quality requirements and carries out proper cleaning, this reduces the risk of disease.

Pool water quality - SanPiN requirements

There are regulatory requirements for the quality of water in the pool, approved by SanPiN They are the same as the requirements for drinking water quality. These standards indicate that one liter of water should contain no more than 0.3 mg of iron, hardness - 7 mEq, pH level - 6-9.

Any pool should have information about laboratory analysis. Such information indicates the amount of iron in water, oxidability, hardness, pH level and other indicators. Laboratory analysis water will always show elevated levels of iron, calcium and magnesium. But if the water is purified, then all indicators will be normal. For these purposes, one of the existing methods of water purification is used.

The table approved by SanPiN indicates the hygienic requirements for water quality for swimming pools.

Table. Indicators and standards for water quality in a swimming pool bath (during operation)



physical and chemical indicators

Turbidity, mg/l

No more than 2

Color, degrees

No more than 20

Smell, points

No more than 3

Chlorides (when water is disinfected with sodium hypochlorite obtained by electrolysis of table salt) mg/l

No more than 700

Residual free chlorine (during chlorination), mg/l

Not less than 0.3 – not more than 0.5

Residual bromine (during bromination) mg/l

Residual ozone (during ozonation) mg/l

Entering the pool bath

Chloroform (for chlorination) mg/l

Not more than 0.1

Formaldehyde (with ozonation), mg/l

Not more than 0.05

microbiological indicators


Common coliform bacteria in 100 ml

No more than 1

Thermotolerant coliform bacteria in 100 ml


Coliphages in 100 ml


Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) in 100 ml



Causative agents of intestinal infections


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in 100 ml


Giardia cysts (Giardia intestinalis) in 50 l


Eggs and larvae of helminths in 50 l


Permissible chlorine content in a swimming pool - video.

Swimming pool water temperature requirements

Another important element is the temperature of the pool water. The optimal temperature in swimming pools is considered to be 25-28 degrees. For hydromassage pools and spa areas, the water temperature should be 30-34 degrees.

The table below shows the requirements for pool water temperature, approved by SanPiNoi

Methods for disinfecting pool water

Water disinfection is the process of purifying it from various impurities, biologically active pollutants and other substances harmful to humans, in accordance with sanitary standards. For this process, mechanical water purification and disinfection are used.

Mechanical cleaning - This is the first stage of pool cleaning. At this stage, the water is purified from debris, dust, dead microorganisms, sand and other solid particles. For cleaning use carbon, membrane or sand filters. Mechanical filtration allows you to maintain the purity and transparency of water for a long time.

Water disinfection allows you to purify water from microorganisms that are not visible to humans, but they can harm his health. Several methods are used for disinfection, which are divided into reagent, non-reagent and combined. Reagent water purification is achieved by chlorination, bromination, and ozonation. Non-reagent water purification is achieved using ultrasound, electrical impulses and ultraviolet radiation. With the combined method, reagent and non-reagent methods of water purification are used simultaneously.

For swimming pools for sports and recreational purposes, ozonation, chlorination, bromination, as well as ultraviolet radiation with a dose of at least 16 mJ/cm2 can be used as the main methods of water disinfection, regardless of the type of installation; To increase the reliability of disinfection, it is advisable to combine chemical methods with UV radiation.

The most popular disinfection methods are chlorination and bromination of water.

Water chlorination - benefits and harms

Many people smell an unpleasant chlorine smell when they enter a swimming pool. This is evidence that the water in the pool is cleaned using chlorine-containing substances. This is the oldest, most popular, reliable and affordable method of cleaning a pool. The use of chlorine in water purification is due to its properties to kill microbes and their secretions. When chlorinating water, the pH value (pH) should be no more than 7.8.

Purifying water using chlorine has its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons.

Benefits of chlorination

The advantages of this cleaning method include:

  • Efficiency. Chlorine ideally destroys microorganisms contained in water. In addition, it cleans the walls of the pool from germs and microorganisms dangerous to humans. This is the only method that cleans not only the water, but also the walls of the pool.
  • Availability. Chlorination is the cheapest and easy way water purification.
  • Prolongation, i.e. chlorine remains active for a long time after cleaning.

Harm of water chlorination

The disadvantages of water chlorination include:

  • Spore-forming bacteria are not affected by chlorine.
  • When water is constantly treated with chlorine, microorganisms become accustomed to it and are not affected by it. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically increase the dose of chlorine during water purification.
  • The release of chlorination by-products (halogen-containing compounds) during chlorination, which are hazardous to health.
  • Part of the chlorine that has not been processed by microorganisms forms compounds with the help of ammonium, which, when in contact with human body cause skin irritation. They are called chloramines and they contribute to the unpleasant chlorine odor in the pool. It is necessary to actively fight them.

Despite the fact that chlorination is one of the simplest and cheapest methods of water purification, it is considered the most dangerous to human health if it is not carried out correctly.

The smell of chlorine, as well as its overdose during water purification, negatively affects humans. Firstly, the respiratory organs and mucous membranes of the nose and throat suffer. Secondly, human skin becomes very dry if there is a lot of chlorine in the water. A person comes out of the water with feelings of tightness and flaking. Do not forget that chlorine is one of the substances that easily causes allergic reactions - redness of the skin, scabies, runny nose, etc.

To protect the eyes of pool visitors from chlorine, it is recommended to use.

Bromination of water - benefits and harms

The name of this method comes from the name of the chemical used in water purification - bromine. Bromine has properties similar to chlorine. Therefore, they began to actively use it in purifying water from harmful microorganisms. Bromination of water has its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons.

Benefits of water bromination

The advantages of using bromine in water purification include:

  • effective impact on different types dangerous microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, etc.);
  • cleans not only the water, but also the walls of the pool;
  • at high pH values ​​it does not lose its properties, unlike chlorine, which at pH 8 loses its disinfecting properties;
  • when using bromine, water hardness does not increase;
  • unlike chlorine, bromine does not emit harmful substances or odors;
  • does not have a negative effect on human skin and mucous membranes;
  • After water purification, bromine remains in the active position for a long time.

Harm from bromination of pool water

The disadvantages of bromination of water when disinfecting swimming pools include:

  • this method is not cheap;
  • The efficiency of bromination is slightly lower than that of chlorination.

Due to its high cost, bromination is not actively used in water purification. Most often it is used to clean small pools in SPA centers.

It is worth noting that bromination of water in swimming pools does not have a negative effect on the human body, unlike chlorination. We can say that this method of water purification is safe for people.

All other methods of water disinfection are less effective and more expensive than chlorination and bromination. In addition, when using alternative methods, the composition of the water changes, the walls of the pool are not disinfected and additional methods of disinfecting the pool are required, mainly chlorination.

pool it a good place for relaxation in winter or summer, when there is no river nearby. But before visiting the pool, we recommend asking the administrator about the water quality certificate and when the water was last purified and in what way.

Prepared by "Person"

Any owner own pool dreams of always seeing him as beautiful clear water. But maintaining a swimming tank in this condition is a rather labor-intensive process. After all, water should not only be clean, but also safe, first of all, for health. To achieve ideal conditions for acceptance water procedures must be applied various ways and disinfection methods.

It is very difficult for an untrained person to understand all the possible cleaning products, products and devices, so before you start disinfecting the pool yourself, you should carefully read the recommendations of specialists.

  • Water should be purified not only from contaminants or bacteria and microorganisms, but also from various chemical elements that have a negative impact on human health. Since the tank is mainly filled from the water supply, a large accumulation of organic impurities can be observed. If you use spring sources, the content of inorganic trace elements increases, especially iron and fluorine.

The first and main rule is to monitor the frequent change of pool filling and, as important additional measures, use filters and special products, which should be discussed in more detail.

Basic methods of water disinfection

There are three main methods for disinfecting water in a swimming pool:

  • reagent;
  • reagent-free;
  • combined.

All of the listed techniques have an equal right to exist, and the choice of a specific method will depend on personal desire and available capabilities.

Chemicals for water disinfection

  • This cleaning method is considered traditional, and therefore, in some way, outdated. The main reason for searching for new methods is that when using reagent technologies in the future it is necessary to eliminate the product that arises during the reaction of the reagent with organic substances.

  • Since such elements are unsafe for human health (a high probability of skin itching, rashes, allergic reactions, negative effects on the respiratory system, irritation of mucous membranes, and so on, up to more serious chronic diseases). In addition, hazardous compounds affect not only people bathing, but also those nearby, since the elements can be gaseous and suspended in the air.
  • The most common pool water disinfectants are chlorination and bromination. In addition to all of the above, their main disadvantages include low efficiency in the fight against algae and other vegetation. Also, the reagents are extremely sensitive to the pH level and water hardness, which will have to be constantly adjusted.

Water disinfection with chlorine

  • Disinfecting aquatic environment using chlorine-containing products in a pool can achieve almost complete destruction of most microorganisms. The most effective and fast-acting drugs are made based on hypochlorous acid. Since it is an oxidizing agent, when it comes into contact with an alkaline solution, it may not exhibit the necessary properties. That is why the lower the pH of the water, the better the disinfection process and, accordingly, vice versa.

  • When using such products, it is important to constantly monitor the acid-base balance (it should be at the level of 6.5-7.4%). To do this, experts recommend using several methods (everyone chooses the most optimal one for themselves):
    • measuring hydrogen content using litmus paper (express tests), its color should be at the yellow or light green level, there are also test strips for measuring other important indicators, the cost of a package (100 pcs) is within 300 rubles;
    • electronic portable testers designed specifically for swimming pools, they have the ability to simultaneously measure the acid-base balance, the level of chlorine, bromine and calcium in water, the cost of such a device is in the range of 1-5 thousand rubles;
    • Testers for measuring pH and chlorine levels look like a small container with two compartments into which water from the pool is poured and the included tablets are placed there (each in its own compartment). After a few minutes, the solution will change color, and by comparing the result with the school, you can understand what the result of the test is; instead of tablets, a version is made using special drops. The cost of such a device is within 1 thousand rubles.

  • It is imperative to check the pH value. Firstly, this will help increase the effectiveness of various disinfectants, secondly, it will reduce the harmful effects of water on the body and, thirdly, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant odors in the pool, lime deposits, corrosion processes and water turbidity. It should also be taken into account that the chlorine content in water should be at around 0.3-0.5 mg/l; this maximum permissible concentration is established by sanitary standards.
  • Don’t forget to check the content of nitrogen compounds in a timely manner. They enter the water with particles of vital activity. human body(saliva, sweat, etc.) and during contact with chlorine-containing preparations, an unpleasant odor is released.
  • Often, various stabilizers are added to chlorine cleaning products to protect the disinfectant from the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays. But this substance does not evaporate on its own, so to neutralize it, you should regularly add clean water to the tank.

So, what are there advantages in chlorine treatment:

  • reliable elimination of most unnecessary chemical compounds;
  • long-lasting effect after use;
  • antimicrobial activity.

Unfortunately, shortcomings There are many more advantages to the water chlorination method:

  • not all microorganisms are completely destroyed, for example, some viruses, helminth eggs, and many spores can remain unharmed after treatment;
  • When interacting with organic matter (sweat, cosmetics, etc.), new compounds appear that negatively affect the state of water, as well as the human body. With a large amount of organic matter (in pools with high traffic volume), chlorine loses its effectiveness;
  • such treatment has virtually no effect on the growth of algae and other plant organisms appearing on the walls of the tank;

  • to restore the water balance, it is necessary to use various reagents;
  • treatment with bleach has a negative impact on human health, manifested in the form of an allergic reaction, skin rashes and itching, irritation of mucous membranes, difficulty breathing, in addition, secondary chlorine compounds are toxic.

Among the most popular chlorine-containing products are preparations based on hypochlorites, gaseous forms of chlorine and chlorine isocyanurates.


  • The effect of bromine on water is similar to the effect that chlorine has; such preparations also exhibit disinfecting properties and have long-term effectiveness. The smell of products with this reagent is slightly less than that of chlorine, but still not completely absent. It has a significant advantage, which is that bromine-based preparations do not irritate mucous membranes and are able to work at almost any pH level.

  • In pool water, the maximum permissible concentration of this element should be in the region of 0.8-1.5 mg/l. In terms of advantages and disadvantages, bromine-containing preparations are similar to chromium-containing products, but they are slightly more expensive and their consumption is higher. Concomitant use is not allowed this method with ozonation, since this can result in the formation of bromates, which are unsafe for humans.
  • It is not recommended for use in open water bodies, since bromine decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and does not have stabilizers; in addition, the preparations are quite difficult to store.
  • As a rule, bromination involves the combined use of bromine and chlorine, since bromine does not have the ability to independently oxidize existing contaminants. The finished preparations already contain the required concentration of all necessary elements. Disinfectants can be in the form of tablets or granules, which are added to water and gradually dissolved in it. The substances released during the process eliminate most bacteria, various contaminants, as well as algae.


This is the process of water disinfection using ozone. This is the fastest and safest way. In addition, ozone can destroy bacteria that previous methods cannot eliminate. Also, under the influence of gas, almost all organic matter that enters the water from the human body decomposes.

  • This purification involves several main methods of obtaining gas:
  • using a reactor through which oxygen is passed and under the influence of UV radiation - a simple but unproductive method;
  • through an electrical discharge, that is, oxygen molecules disintegrate under the influence of current and ozone is formed (the most popular technology);
  • using chemical reactions.

Despite the fact that some experts recognize ozonation as the best method of disinfection, we should not forget that it is a toxic gas, which has a maximum permissible concentration of no more than 0.1 μg/l, and this is not enough for high-quality purification of pool water.

Ozonation has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • does not cause allergic reactions or other adverse health effects;
  • effectively copes with the task of water disinfection;
  • quick result (15-20 times higher than chlorination);
  • improves the quality of water and does not add odor or taste to it, and does not change its color;
  • at the end of the action it turns back into oxygen.

Of course, there are also flaws:

  • the effect does not last long;
  • does not eliminate algae;
  • Inhalation of ozone may cause injury respiratory tract;
  • high cost of equipment (ozone generator, reactor, destructor and control devices).

Cleaning with “active oxygen”

This method involves using drugs based on hydrogen peroxide as reagents (peroxides are substances where oxygen atoms are connected to each other). Sanitary standards allow the content of hydrogen peroxide in pool water to be no more than 0.1 mg/l. The main advantage of this cleaning method is that with a correctly calculated dosage, allergic reactions and irritation do not occur, and the drug is odorless.

But among shortcomings you can note:

  • like ozonation, this method has a short time of effectiveness and, within acceptable limits, is unable to completely purify water;
  • does not eliminate algae problems;
  • preparations based on hydrogen peroxide are considered highly dangerous (toxic) substances, so if they are overdosed, negative reactions from the body are possible - irritation of the mucous membranes and dry skin;
  • To maintain a normal level of acid-base balance, the use of additional funds is required.
  • All reagents based on hydrogen peroxide have two forms of release - liquid (35% solution) and solid (powders, granules or tablets).

Ionization (cleaning with silver ions)

  • Silver, like the chemical elements listed above, is used to disinfect water in swimming pools due to its excellent bactericidal properties. Purification occurs in the process of running water through a special device that contains an electrically conductive alloy of copper and silver. During operation of such a filter, a small voltage is constantly applied to the electrodes, and as a result, copper and silver ions are formed.

  • A small part of the ions enters the water and contributes to the destruction of various microorganisms, but the main part of the ions remains inside the filter, saturating the quartz sand contained in it. When water passes through such a barrier, it is disinfected. It is thanks to the combination of copper and silver ions that the efficiency of the cleaning process is achieved, since individually these elements are unable to effectively resist bacteria and inhibit the growth of algae.
  • According to sanitary standards, the maximum permissible amount of charged copper particles in the pool is 1.0 mg/l, and silver ions are only 0.05 mg/l. The disinfecting effect can be achieved due to the special properties of particles of these chemical elements. They are able to inhibit microbial cells, preventing them from fully developing, thereby preventing their growth and division, resulting in the complete destruction of bacteria.

This method of disinfection has a number of important benefits:

  • long-lasting cleaning efficiency;
  • allergic reactions do not occur and there is no irritating effect on the human body;
  • the method is quite easy to maintain;
  • no additional drugs are required.

Among shortcomings you can note:

  • the permissible norm for the content of charged particles of copper and silver cannot guarantee high-quality disinfection of water, therefore it is not recommended to use it as the main method of disinfection;
  • with a high concentration of ions in the pool, it is possible to affect the color of swimmers’ clothes and hair, light shades change especially strongly;
  • The speed of the disinfection process is lower than ozonation;
  • Frequent measurement of copper and silver content in water is required;
  • the method does not guarantee complete removal of contaminants;
  • with a high chlorine content, efficiency sharply decreases; the pH level should also be monitored (the norm is 7-7.4).

The disadvantage of all reagent methods is that such disinfection requires water prepared in a special way, since existing impurities sharply reduce the effectiveness of the drugs. Such undesirable elements include, first of all, manganese and iron.

  • In addition, the more funds are added to the pool, the more water quality indicators deteriorate (acid-base balance, mineralization, hardness, etc.), and this, in turn, leads to negative consequences for the equipment.
  • Although the reagents themselves may be inexpensive, the cost of additional funds dramatically increase the cost of such processing. Also, not all of the listed methods can be used as basic ones, since they require mandatory combination with other methods (we are talking about disinfection using active oxygen).
  • Although chlorination is considered the most common method of disinfecting pool water, today this technology has more negative consequences than positive ones. This concerns the side effects that chlorine has on human health.

That is why in the last decade they have increasingly abandoned reagent methods and switched to less dangerous alternative technologies.

Reagent-free method of water purification

  • The most common method of disinfection without the use of reagents is ultraviolet water disinfection. That is, using electromagnetic waves in the range between X-ray and visible radiation.
  • The main disinfection devices that generate such rays are UV lamps. The process itself lies in the fact that under the influence of radiation, microorganisms are unable to fully develop and, as a result, their death occurs.

Benefits This method has several, the most significant are:

  • instant action;
  • high efficiency;
  • ultraviolet rays do not affect the composition and quality of water;
  • the method is not allergenic, and when used there is no possibility of an irritating reaction from the skin or mucous membranes, and it does not affect the respiratory system;
  • simple and safe way to maintain and use;
  • Greater savings in money due to the fact that there is no need to purchase consumables;
  • effectively removes chlorination by-products.

Disadvantages Although this technology has few, it does have them, and it should also be said about them:

  • the effect does not last long and the method requires regular use;
  • the use of UV radiation alone is ineffective; additional means are required for high-quality disinfection;
  • does not help in the fight against algae and does not destroy organic impurities.

Of course, thanks to the large number of advantages, this technology is gaining more and more supporters every year, because the speed with which ultraviolet light copes with bacteria is almost maximum, and all the necessary properties of water are preserved. To use the method, it is enough to purchase a special lamp and have a source of electricity. The cost of such equipment varies on average from 4 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.

But still, without additional reagents, high-quality disinfection will not work. That is why the most optimal solution for disinfecting pool water is combined methods - the use of both a reagent and a reagent-free method. Since this is exactly the method that can:

  • disinfect water efficiently and reliably;
  • remove algae and fight biofouling;
  • perform filtering;
  • be safe for human health;
  • do not negatively impact the environment;
  • spend resources wisely;
  • and be as simple and convenient as possible.

An artificial swimming pond filled with tap water poses no less a danger to the human body than drinking raw liquid flowing from a tap. Such water contains many organic impurities and a huge number of chemical elements. The lack of means for disinfecting swimming pools will lead to rapid flowering, proliferation of microorganisms and banal mechanical pollution of water.

One of the most important indicators for all substances that come into contact with human skin, hair, etc. is pH - acid-base balance. It reflects the ratio of acids and alkalis in a substance. Normally, the pH should be 7.2-7.4. But in different areas, even artesian water used to fill swimming pools differs significantly in acid-base balance from the standard value.

A pH in the range of 7.2-7.4 enhances the effect of chlorine-free disinfection of pool water.

The acid-base balance is adjusted using special preparations - correctors. To reduce alkalinity in a reservoir, “pH-minus” granules are used, to increase - “pH-plus”. Regular maintenance of the reservoir and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards will stabilize the acid-base balance for a long period.

How to disinfect pool water without chemicals

If previously the liquid in swimming ponds was purified primarily with bleach, today this method is practically not used. This chemical element is too aggressive. It causes unique damage to the skin, hair, respiratory system, vision, etc. Dangerous chlorine has been replaced by innovative, absolutely safe methods of disinfection and water purification. The most popular of them are:

  • ozonation;
  • UV disinfection of swimming pools;
  • installation of automatic systems.

Ozonation of water

Ozone is a fairly strong oxidizing gas. This allows this substance to participate in the decomposition reactions of organic dirt, which precipitates into an insoluble sediment. Passing through the sand filter, the sediment settles on it, and the water in the bowl becomes clean.

As a result of ozonation, a powerful disinfection of the reservoir occurs. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms are removed from it. The gas, which has not reacted with pollution, gradually evaporates from the surface of the reservoir, and the water becomes clean and safe.

Ultraviolet cleaning

The use of ultraviolet lamps makes it possible to completely remove harmful microorganisms not only from the reservoir, but also from the room (if the pool is indoors). To be convinced of the effectiveness of this method, it is enough to remember the UV treatment of operating rooms, manipulation rooms and wards in medical institutions. Approximately the same effect is achieved when disinfecting liquids in artificial swimming pools.

Often, both methods – UV and ozonation – are used for complex water purification.

To ensure that your swimming pond always remains clean and safe, the specialists of the Correct Pools company will install effective system cleaning and disinfection at a good price. We will offer the best chemicals and units, install them quickly, with high quality and inexpensively, and undertake warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the hydraulic facility. Contact us and your pool will be cleaner than ever!

Performance of ozonation system for swimming pool

Currently, throughout the world there is a refusal to use chlorine-containing reagents in the water treatment of swimming pools. This is due to the negative impact on humans of by-products of the reaction of chlorine with impurities in water, especially toxic organochlorine compounds. The same situation occurs with the use of bromine.

The most environmentally friendly and safe for humans method of water treatment for a swimming pool is ozonation.

In Europe alone, more than 30,000 swimming pools are already treated exclusively with ozone. Almost every regulatory document regulating the use of various technologies for disinfecting swimming pools gives preference to methods alternative to chlorination (mainly ozone and ultraviolet treatment).

There are two fundamental parameters when using ozonation in swimming pools that must be taken into account when calculating equipment performance:

  • the dose of ozone in water should ensure disinfection of water and removal of organic matter;
  • the concentration of dissolved ozone in water is safe for swimmers, but is incompatible with the life of bacteria and viruses.

The dose of ozone treatment varies in various regulatory documents ranging from 0.4 to 1 mg ozone/l and depends on the treatment time and water temperature.

The concentration of residual ozone at the entrance to the pool bowl is regulated in the ranges of 0.05 - 0.15 mg/l. By almost all standards, ozonation is used as the main method of disinfection, provided that the filtration system in the pool provides 4-fold water exchange per day.

There are several types of circuit solutions for the use of ozonation in pool water treatment.

Treatment of pool water with a low dose of ozone

In such systems, ozonizers with low productivity and low ozone concentration are used. The water treatment scheme looks like this:

In these systems, ozonizers based on mercury UV lamps or weak discharge ozonizers are most often used to produce ozone.

All water passing through the filtration circuit is treated with ozone. The performance of the system is selected based on the performance of the filtration pumps and the permissible ozone concentration at the outlet into the pool bowl.

In SanPin this norm is prescribed and corresponds to 0.1 mg/l. That is, for every 10 m3/h of pump group productivity, the installation should have a productivity of no more than 1 g/hour.

But this concentration (0.1 mg/l) is not enough to ensure complete water purification in the short lifetime of ozone (half-life 15-30 minutes), therefore, with this circuit solution, ozonation is used as an addition to reagent water treatment.

Treatment of water with a high concentration of ozone followed by destruction using a carbon filter

This method is widely used all over the world, but has one drawback - ozone does not enter the pool bowl at all, and therefore the aftereffect is ensured by additional treatment with reagents. Water treatment scheme:

In this system, only part of the water is taken for ozonation - 1/4 of the power of the filter circuit, provided that water exchange in the pool occurs within 6 hours.

In the contact chamber, water is saturated with ozone to a concentration of 1 mg/l.

The contact chamber itself must ensure that the treated water stays in it for at least 5 minutes, so these chambers are often large in size. Such a high concentration of ozone makes it possible to rapidly disinfect water from all types of bacteria and viruses. Before returning to the main line, the treated water goes to a carbon filter for complete destruction of ozone.

To calculate the productivity of ozone equipment with such a water treatment scheme, it is necessary to proceed from the volume of the pool.

Each volume of water per day must receive a treatment dose of at least 1 g/m3. That is, the calculation can be presented in the formula: pool volume/24.

Hence the rule follows that for every 25 m3 of pool volume, the ozone installation must provide an ozone productivity of at least 1 g/hour with a flow of treated water of 1 m3/hour.

Ozone treatment followed by UV activation of ozone

In these systems, part of the water taken from the filtration circuit is treated with an increased dose of ozone (0.4-1 mg/l) followed by UV activation of oxidation processes.

This activation is carried out by UV radiation from mercury lamps at a wavelength of 254 nm, which makes it possible to convert excess ozone into short-lived and highly active OH* radicals.

Ozone + UV activation preparation scheme:

The use of UV activation makes it possible to abandon the use of large contact chambers, leaving only a system for dissolving ozone in water (static mixer in the diagram).

By selecting the necessary parameters of UV radiation, it is possible to ensure that after shock ozone treatment the residual concentration of ozone in the main line is maintained (no more than 0.1 mg/l).

This amount of ozone ensures the safety of bathers, but is incompatible with the life of bacteria and viruses.

Water in a public swimming pool - requirements for its quality

Moreover, in this scheme it is possible to temporarily turn off the UV installation for the purpose of shock treatment of the walls of the pool bowl during the absence of bathers.

The performance of the installation is calculated in the same way as in the previous scheme, and depends on the volume of the pool. For every 25 m3 of pool volume, the productivity of the ozone system should be within 1 g/hour, but no more.

Such systems are currently quite widely used both in Russia and abroad.

The use of OH* radicals in water treatment ensures the occurrence of natural oxidation processes that exist in nature. Many international standards have already introduced the concept of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) - intense oxidation processes. This is the safest and most effective water treatment technology.

Currently, the most effective devices for implementing AOP technologies are based on the use of radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet region at a wavelength of 172 nm from excimer xenon lamps. Such systems allow you to obtain ultrapure water.


  1. European standard.

    Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water – Ozone. pr 15074:2004(E)

  2. Florida state pool code 01/02/08
  3. DIN 19627:1993. Ozone-plants for water treatment.
  4. DIN 19643-3:1997. Treatment of water of swimming-pools and baths –Part 3: Combination of process: Flocculation, ozonization, absorbing filtration, chlorination.
  5. DIN 19643-3:1999.

    Treatment of water of swimming-pools and baths –Part 4: Combination of process: Flocculation, ozonization, absorbing filtration, chlorination.

  6. Department of health NSW (Australia). Public swimming pool and spa pool guidelines.
  7. European code of practice for the design, construction, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities. May 2007.
  8. SanPin

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Chlorinating pool water

Chlorination is an affordable and effective method of disinfecting pool water. But the safety of the method directly depends on the correctly performed procedure and dosage of funds. Let's look at how to chlorinate pool water step by step.

Preparatory work: where to start

If you have visited a public swimming pool, you have probably often noticed the unpleasant smell of chlorine.

This happens for two reasons:

  • excessive contamination;
  • increased acidity of water.

The struggle with the first problem is clear: regular cleaning of the pool walls and installation of a filtration system.

Disinfection and cleaning of swimming pools - products and special devices, different methods

But what about the acidity level?

Chlorine, when it gets into water, reacts and hypochlorous acid is formed. If the Ph level is elevated, the acid concentration increases and combined chlorine is formed - chloramine.

It is this that causes burns to the mucous membrane and is the cause of the pungent odor.

Therefore, when starting to chlorinate the pool water, check the Ph level. Use drip or electronic type indicators (you can find them in specialized stores). The recommended Ph value is 7.2-7.6. Adjust the acidity by means of increasing or decreasing the value.

How to carry out chlorination

Having prepared the water, proceed to chlorination.

Remember that the content of free chlorine, according to sanitary standards, should be in the range of 0.3-0.5 mg/l. This concentration will destroy microorganisms in water and will not harm the health of humans and animals. There will also be no unpleasant odor.

It is difficult to manually obtain the desired value. An accurate dosage of chlorine-containing substances is necessary.

The requirement can be met by using chlorinators.

Modern chlorination systems designed for domestic needs have the following capabilities:

  • harmlessness to the environment and humans;
  • dosage accuracy;
  • possibility of automatic control;
  • programming (disinfection will occur on the day and time you set);
  • durability.

The disadvantage of disinfecting pool water using chlorination is the need to constantly monitor the chloramine content and Ph level.

Test using indicators every 2-3 days.

For household needs, use the following reagents:

  • sodium dichloroisocyanurate
  • calcium hypochlorites;
  • trichloroisocyanuric acid.

The simplest microorganisms develop immunity to chlorine concentrations. If the dosage remains constant all the time, the bacteria will adapt and begin to multiply despite control measures.

To prevent this, carry out “shock” disinfection - adding reagents with an increase in dosage by 1.5-2 times.

Several technologies are now used to purify and disinfect water. Both individually and in various combinations with each other. Each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in this article.

Water chlorination

Water chlorination is based on adding chlorine-containing substances to water; it is the oldest, most common and most reliable reagent method of water disinfection.

The method is based on the ability of free chlorine and its compounds to inhibit microbial enzyme systems that catalyze redox processes. In Russia, in 99% of cases, the water in any pool is chlorinated to some extent, even in a pool with sea ​​water, since chlorination is the most reliable and affordable way to comply with accepted sanitary standards.

Advantages of the chlorination method:

  • reliability and a wide range of effects on microorganisms.

    Chlorine is capable of destroying and destroying the vast majority of known pathogenic microorganisms;

  • chlorination treats not only the water, but also the surfaces of the pool itself, in contrast to ozonation, electrolysis and ultraviolet treatment, when only water passing directly through the disinfection device is treated, and the surfaces of the pool remain a risk factor;
  • prolonged action.

    Chlorine remains active in water for a long time (free chlorine*);

  • inexpensive and accessible way.

Disadvantages of the chlorination method:

  • chlorination does not destroy spore-forming microorganisms (unlike, for example, ozonation);
  • When maintaining a constant level of chlorine in water, over time, pathogenic microbes become “accustomed” to these chlorine concentrations.

    To solve this problem, periodic treatment with increased doses of chlorine (chlorine shock) is used;

  • Toxic chlorination products (chloroform, chloramines*) are constantly formed in water, with which a constant “struggle” must be waged.

*Reference: Free chlorine is part of the total chlorine contained in water that has not been processed by algae, bacteria and other organic matter. Free chlorine has great disinfecting power. Chloramine, or combined chlorine, is the part of chlorine bound by ammonium compounds that come from sweat, urine, and sunscreen.

It is chloramines, and not excessive chlorine content, that cause the smell of chlorine in the pool. Chloramines also irritate the eyes and skin. The content of combined chlorine should not exceed one third of the total chlorine.

Water disinfection with active oxygen

The operating principle of the cleaning method using active oxygen: an oxygen-containing reagent is injected into the water, which decomposes in the water, releasing oxygen, which reacts with biological contaminants.

At one time, this sparing method was very popular in Europe and Russia.

Advantages of disinfection with an oxygen-containing reagent:

  • Quite effectively destroys harmful microflora living in the pool bath;
  • does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin due to the absence of chloramines;
  • no harmful by-products are formed.

Disadvantages of disinfection with an oxygen-containing reagent:

  • expensive compared to chlorination;
  • oxygen-containing reagent decomposes very quickly in the aquatic environment.

    As a result, higher doses have to be used;

  • lower activity compared to chlorination, which again leads to an increase in the dosage of the reagent;
  • an overdose of an oxygen-containing reagent (hydrogen peroxide) has more unpleasant health consequences than an overdose of chlorine; still requires periodic chlorination.

Ozonation of water

Ozone is a gas that is the most active form of oxygen.

Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents that destroys bacteria, spores and viruses. At its core, water purification with ozone is equivalent to a multiply accelerated procedure for natural water purification.

Advantages of the ozonation method:

  • a wide range of effects on microorganisms (ozone destroys virtually all bacteria, viruses and organic substances), and the activity of ozone is many times higher than that of oxygen and chlorine.

    For example, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed by it 15-20 times, and spore forms of bacteria - 300-600 times faster than by chlorine. The polio virus is killed by an ozone concentration of 0.45 mg/l in 2 minutes, while from chlorine at twice the concentration in only 3 hours;

  • chloramines are not formed, which irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • ozone, unlike chlorine, does not leave any odor;
  • ozone treatment makes the water shiny and gives the water a blue tint (chlorination gives it a greenish tint);
  • an overdose of ozone is not a problem, since after the treatment is completed, the ozone is converted back into oxygen;
  • Ozone treatment does not add any additional foreign substances or chemical compounds to the water.

Disadvantages of the ozonation method:

  • ozone does not have a prolonged effect, since it is an unstable gas and quickly decomposes into ordinary oxygen without accumulating in the aquatic environment;
  • ozonation of water is much more expensive than traditional chlorination;
  • pool surfaces remain a risk factor, since only water passing through the device is disinfected;
  • ozone is toxic when inhaled; at high concentrations of ozone, damage to the respiratory tract, lungs and mucous membranes is observed, and the chronic effects of micro-concentrations of ozone on the human body have not been sufficiently studied;
  • In addition, pure ozone is explosive.

    For these reasons, working with ozone requires careful safety precautions.

In public swimming pools, an ozone generator can only be used in conjunction with a chlorine station. Water treatment by ozonation together with the chlorination method – great option for large pools.

Thanks to ozone treatment, the water in the pool will be clear, clean and effectively disinfected. All that remains is to maintain a small concentration of chlorine to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the pool and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the formation of chloramines will be minimized, and, consequently, the smell of bleach and irritation of the skin and eyes will be less.

Ultraviolet water treatment

Currently, UV irradiation of water is one of the most promising reagent-free methods of water disinfection.

UV disinfection of water occurs using the ability of UV radiation to penetrate the walls of a cell, reaching its information center - the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. UV disinfection of water involves the absorption of radiation rays by nucleic acids, while the DNA and RNA of pathogenic microorganisms lose their ability to divide, i.e.

the cell's ability to reproduce is lost. Ultraviolet water disinfection is considered one of the cleanest methods of water purification.

Advantages of the ultraviolet water disinfection method:

  • UV irradiation is highly effective against pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses, and decomposes organic substances;
  • microorganisms do not develop resistance to UV radiation;
  • UV radiation decomposes chloramines;
  • UV irradiation, even in high doses, does not change the chemical composition of water (unlike oxidative methods) and does not lead to the formation of harmful by-product chemical compounds;
  • the method is safe for health;
  • The UV disinfection method is quite economical.

Disadvantages of the ultraviolet water disinfection method:

  • you need to monitor the level of iron and, if necessary, purify the water from iron;
  • some organisms are highly resistant to UV radiation;
  • if there is a coarse impurity in the water, then it can play the role of a kind of shield for pathogenic microbes that will not receive the required dose of radiation.

    Under these conditions, for high-quality water disinfection, it is necessary to use additional (to remove impurities) stages of water purification prior to ultraviolet disinfection;

  • pool surfaces remain a risk factor, since only water passing through the device emitting UV rays is disinfected;
  • UV disinfection acts simultaneously during direct irradiation, i.e.

    does not have a prolonged effect.

UV water disinfection is used today both as an independent method of water purification and in combination with other disinfection methods. In large public swimming pools, ultraviolet water disinfection is used together with chlorine disinfection. This combination of methods can significantly reduce the content of free chlorine in water, necessary for high-quality disinfection, as well as reduce the concentration of chloramines.

In small private pools, it is possible to completely avoid chlorine disinfection.

Disinfection based on ionization of pool water

Ionization is the process of splitting off the smallest particles of a substance. Purifying pool water using ionization is one of the most advanced methods today.

Pool water purification

The principle of operation of the ionization disinfection method: under the influence of a weak current in a block of electrodes embedded in the pool filtration system, copper or silver ions are released. With the flow of water, these ions enter the pool bowl. Silver ions destroy bacteria and viruses, and copper ions prevent algae growth. All foreign impurities are also removed from the water.

Advantages of water disinfection using ionization method:

  • prolonged action - silver and copper ions remain in an active state for quite a long time, purifying the water in the pool, which reduces the need for additional disinfection of water using chemicals, in particular chlorine;
  • the quality of water after ionization meets drinking water quality standards;
  • when using an ionizer together with an ozonizer, from the use of chlorine substances in small pools you can refuse completely;
  • no odor;
  • silver and copper ions do not irritate the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes, respiratory tract;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • Copper ions also act as a coagulant (they glue together the smallest mechanical particles due to electrostatic forces, forming larger ones that are captured by filters).

Disadvantages of water disinfection using ionization:

  • the effect of metal ions on the human body has not been fully studied;
  • in large pools additional disinfection with chlorine is still necessary;
  • systems do not combine well with other disinfection systems.

The method of co-ionization and chlorination of pool water has become quite widely used in public and private pools.

Ionization together with ozonation is used less frequently due to the rather high cost of the equipment.

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Methods for cleaning and disinfecting a pool

The water quality in public swimming pools is maintained through a comprehensive range of measures. These include heating to a comfortable temperature, constant liquid recirculation, mechanical removal of impurities, filtration and disinfection. Water treatment successfully copes with organic and inorganic compounds that penetrate into swimming pools from the water supply and the environment, and are also introduced daily by visitors. For example, one person - even after taking a shower - leaves up to 50,000 different microorganisms in the bowl.

The leading role in complex cleaning is played by pool disinfection using reagent, reagent-free and complex methods. In the latter case, both methods of disinfection are used simultaneously. Or two reagents, one of which is capable of maintaining its activity in water for a long time. Despite the emergence of new methods, 99% of public swimming pools in Moscow use water chlorination. The combination of chlorine with other cleaning agents and stations provides maximum disinfection effect.

Mechanical water purification in the pool

Mechanical purification allows you to free water from sand, dust, debris, skin particles, hair and various other organic and inorganic matter.

To rid the pool of heavy contaminants that settle on the bottom and walls of the bowl, underwater vacuum cleaners are used. In large deep pools, powerful automatic devices are used , in small ones - semi-automatic and sometimes even manual.

To remove light particles (the density of which is less than water) filter units, which usually occupy a separate room, are used. The entire volume of the pool should be passed through them at least three to five times a day.

Filters come in several varieties. Most Popular - sand And membrane, the highest quality diatomaceous earth.

Sand filters

This is the oldest and still the most reliable and inexpensive mechanical cleaning system. Sand filters are a tightly closed chamber with filler. Mostly it is quartz sand with grains ranging in size from 0.3 mm to 2.5 mm, in some cases with the addition of particles of gravel or activated carbon.

Sand traps any contaminants, and therefore sand filters need regular washing.

Membrane filters

These types of filters are most often equipped with one or more filter membranes made of porous polypropylene, placed in a special cartridge. Each membrane has its own operating range, and therefore its own pore size (for swimming pools, usually from 0.006 mm to 0.015 mm).

During filtration, membranes accumulate large quantities of foreign elements on their surface, and therefore the cartridges also require periodic washing or (if they are one-time) replacement.

Diatomite filters

Diatomite is a light, light gray or yellowish rock consisting mainly of siliceous diatoms and clay minerals. The ordered microporous structure (with pores from 0.003 mm to 0.0005 mm) provides it with excellent adsorption ability.

Diatomite gives the highest degree of water purity (such filters are used to purify even wine, beer and juices). It is chemically inert, although according to some data, homeopathic doses of silicon dioxide still flow from it into the water. But this effect is only to our benefit - silicon water has a general strengthening effect. The insecticidal properties of diatomite are also noted (with absolute non-toxicity for humans).

This type of filter is widely used in swimming pools abroad, for example, in the USA. In our country, due to its high cost, diatomaceous earth is used much less frequently as a filler.

Biological purification of pool water

With such cleaning, biological agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, etc.), as well as waste products of vacationers, are destroyed. There are also several disinfection options.


The most common (and until recently the only) and, importantly, the cheapest method of disinfecting water in swimming pools.

Not only all microorganisms are afraid of bleach, but also all living things in general, and its smell completely covers up the pleasure of swimming. For skin and eyes chlorinated water is very harmful– dries, causes irritation. It’s good that I’m not allergic – this option for water purification is not suitable for them at all.

Some private pools today have already completely abandoned chlorine stations. But in large public swimming pools there is still no worthy alternative to this method of disinfection. Although many of them have already reduced chlorine cleaning to a minimum, supplementing it with more modern methods of sanitization.


For this option of biological water treatment, another halogen is used - bromine. Bromination, like chlorination, eliminates all bacteria, fungi and viruses in the pool, and removes organic impurities. At the same time, bromine does not give such an unpleasant odor as chlorine, is more gentle on the skin and does not cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Very good efficiency This type of disinfection works with a small volume of water. Bromination works less well in larger pools. And since bromine preparations are expensive, such water treatment is rare.


For cleaning, as is clear from the name, ozone gas is used, which is one and a half times more effective than chlorine in its effect on microorganisms. Being a strong oxidizing agent, ozone destroys all bacteria and viruses (even the very persistent hepatitis B virus), fungi and their spores.

The main advantage of using ozone is its pleasant, fresh smell (remember the smell of the air after a thunderstorm!). In addition, ozonation does not introduce any foreign chemical compounds into the water.

However, this method also has significant disadvantages: firstly, water that has undergone such treatment does not retain its qualities for long, and secondly, in high concentrations, ozone is dangerous for respiratory system. And if we also take into account the considerable cost of ozonation, it becomes clear why ozone generators are not used in swimming pools without chlorine stations.


With this method of disinfection, water is saturated with non-ferrous metal ions using ionization guns. Most often these are silver and copper ions, which react with water, making it crystal clear and transparent for a long time.

The ions of these metals do not cause allergic reactions and do not irritate the eyes and skin. There is also no smell during ionization.

However, ionization, while perfectly destroying some types of microorganisms, has no effect on others. For example, it is powerless against fungi. In addition, the effect of metal cations on the human body has not been studied enough, and therefore it is too early to draw conclusions about the complete safety of this disinfection method.

Ionization in its pure form is rarely used. Mostly either together with chlorination, or (much less often) together with ozonation.

Ultraviolet irradiation

This sanitization is most often used in pools intended for or their expectant mothers. Under ultraviolet irradiation, water passes in a continuous flow through a quartz tube, which is illuminated with UV rays. Ultraviolet light damages the DNA, RNA and cell membranes of bacteria without changing the chemical composition of the water.

The method is safe, economical and is considered one of the “cleanest” methods of disinfection. However, for full effectiveness it requires ideal preliminary purification of water from coarse impurities and subsequent purification of iron ions.

In addition, UV irradiation does not have a prolonged effect, and therefore, as a stand-alone method (without additional chlorination), this method can only be used in very small pools.

Active oxygen treatment

Quite new soft way disinfection. Special mixtures (granules, powder) containing peroxide compounds are added to the pool. As they disintegrate, they release atomic oxygen, and, thanks to its good oxidizing ability, disinfect water.

The advantages of the method include maintaining the acidity level of water and the absence harmful products decay.

But there are also disadvantages to treating water with active oxygen: increasing the dosage of reagents (and most of them contain hydrogen peroxide) is very dangerous, and low doses do not cope with disinfection due to the very rapid decomposition of the drugs. Moreover, the method is expensive.

Active oxygen treatment is most effective in home pools with a water temperature of no higher than 28 °C. In large public swimming pools it must be supplemented with chlorination.


We have looked at all the main methods of purifying water in swimming pools. And what do we have in the bottom line (pardon the pun)?

All mechanical methods give fairly satisfactory results. Indeed, the water in all pools looks equally clean. Of course, it would be nice to find a pool with a diatomaceous earth filter, but sand and membrane mechanical cleaning systems usually do not fail either.

Biological treatment is worse, and this is evidenced by the smell of chlorine coming from swimming pools. It may be light, sometimes barely noticeable, but it is there. Because today, not a single “gentle” method of biological water purification in large deep-sea pools works without chlorination.