Build a public swimming pool in a small town. Financial plan for the creation of a children's pool - income and expenses

Opening a pool is a laborious process that requires large financial investments and the efforts of the founder. Naturally, the game is worth the candle, but not everyone will be able to cope with a large amount of work.

  • Relevance
  • Types of pools and services
  • Room selection
  • What equipment to choose for the pool?
  • Staff
  • What documents are needed to open a pool?
  • How much money do you need to open a pool?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Conclusion
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a case
  • Which taxation system to choose for work
  • Do you need permits to open the pool
  • Technology for selling leisure services in the pool


Swimming is good for general health promotion, it helps fight against overweight and correct posture problems. That is why the pools are visited by young and old: babies, their parents, pensioners.

This circumstance makes it possible for novice entrepreneurs to think about creating their own pool. People will be able to spend time with health benefits, and a businessman at this time will receive a stable income.

The number of visitors will depend on what services will be provided. Successful entrepreneurs have developed their business to impressive levels. Every day their complexes are visited by 300-350 people. And on weekends, the number can increase to 500.

Types of pools and services

Before you open the pool, you need to find out what types are:

  • sports;
  • complex;
  • private;
  • included in fitness centers, baths and hotels.

The former relate to those types that are built and provided by the federal authorities at the expense of the budget. The complexes most often belong to educational institutions or enterprises. Therefore, for businessmen, the option of creating a private pool remains. In the article will be discussed about this type.

To attract more potential customers, you can offer the following services on the territory of the pool:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • solarium;
  • sauna;
  • sports simulators;
  • massage;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming lessons with an instructor;
  • cafe.

At first, there is not always enough finance to open additional establishments inside the water center itself, so it’s worth waiting until the business starts to make a net profit.

How to open a baby pool? It is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Modern parents try to teach their children to swim from infancy. Water has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. Having visited several classes in the pool, the child will already be able to float on the water on an inflatable ring. If the kid used to be afraid even to bathe in the bath, then after visiting this institution he will be able to freely be in a new environment.

  • Where to start your business?
  • Which room to choose?
  • What equipment will be needed?
  • Required personnel
  • What documents are needed to open a pool?
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn?
  • How to attract customers to the baby pool?

The demand for baby pools is really high. But not many companies provide this service. You can take a good position in the market if you are engaged in the development of this kind of business.

Where to start your business?

Even for small children, you can create special activities by dividing them into groups. Recreational activities can take place under the supervision of trainers.

In addition to one direction - swimming for babies, you can offer visitors other:

  • water games;
  • swimming lessons with a coach;
  • classes for pregnant women;
  • health groups;
  • water aerobics;
  • sports activities in the water.

Subsequently, you can expand the complex and open a manicure and solarium, sauna inside it. But in the article we will only talk about the pool for small children.

Which room to choose?

Since you are planning to open a baby pool, you will not need a lot of space for this. As a room, you can choose a small extension on the territory children's institution(, developing club,). So you can not spend money on advertising, but look for customers among visitors to nearby places where parents take their children.

It will depend on the financial situation whether you will build a pool room or rent it. Most often, experienced entrepreneurs do not find a suitable place for this business, so they build a new building. It takes at least six months to a year, depending on the number of workers hired at the construction site. The most difficult thing in this process is the formation of a bowl for the pool and all the accessories.

Now in many countries (and our country is no exception) the popularity of healthy lifestyle life. The number of people who become adherents is growing faster active rest, which also has a positive effect on the state of the body. There are enough options for what to do: playing football, exercising in the fitness center, martial arts and much more. Everyone chooses for himself exactly the occupation that suits him. But, one way or another, there are sports that absolutely everyone can do and they are suitable for almost all people. These types include gymnastics in the morning, light jogging, swimming. To engage in the first two sports, no special devices are required, because doing morning exercises you can right in your room, and run in the morning in a nearby park. But if you have chosen swimming for yourself, then you cannot do without a reservoir.

In the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

During the summer, most people have no problem finding a place to swim. Someone lives near a small river or lake, someone has access to a pond, and someone can see the sea coast from the window. The type of reservoir is not important, the main thing is that in the summer you can use almost any view available to you for swimming. But in the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

Naturally, many swimming enthusiasts are frequent guests of the pools in the summer, however, artificial reservoirs experience the largest flow of visitors in the cold months of the year. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs have the question of how to open a pool.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply. For customers, this is bad, because they do not have the opportunity to choose among the existing pools exactly the one that will fully satisfy their needs - from its location to the prices for services. But for entrepreneurs, this situation is, on the contrary, positive - as there is a wide scope for starting a business in this area.

The client audience of this business is very diverse, as swimmers can be found among people different ages, different professions, different social statuses. Professional athletes- another category of regular customers. Also, according to experts, almost half of the total number of clients are corporate clients.

How to build a pool

Building a pool is not an easy task, and it requires quite a lot of capital investment. If you plan to open a whole complex with several pools, then its construction will cost 2-3 million dollars. But such a large complex will be in demand in very large cities, such as Moscow. And in smaller cities, it is unprofitable to start the construction of such an object - it will not pay off. In regional cities, it is more expedient to build a medium or small pool. Speaking about the specific investment amounts, the construction of a small pool will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. Keep in mind that the average payback of such a pool is three years, so you will not be able to quickly earn big money in such a business.

The first step in creating a pool is finding or building a suitable space. Select the area of ​​the pool depending on the desired scale of the business. The most advantageous and common pool size is approximately 20 meters with 3 swimming lanes.
The next thing to do is to purchase a bowl of the future pool. A medium-sized bowl of 20x8 meters will cost about 50 thousand dollars. Together with the bowl, this amount already includes heating and water purification systems. Separately, you need to purchase lighting, dividing paths, facing tiles (it will cost 15-17 thousand dollars).

Also, in addition to investments in the construction of the pool itself, additional cash costs will require obtaining a building permit and a license from the SES. It is also necessary to conclude agreements with the relevant services for the conduct of water, sewerage and power networks.

And, of course, for the operation of the pool requires qualified personnel. Again, the number of workers needed depends on the size of the pool, but if you open small pool, then you will need one manager, one accountant, two administrators, two medical workers, two cleaners, several instructors and swimming coaches. Such a set of employees is quite suitable for the first time the pool is open. Further, you will be able to hire staff, in connection with the emerging needs for certain specialists.

Everyone loves to swim in the sea, but not every family will allow themselves such pleasure all year round. Of course, living near the sea has many pleasant advantages, but not everywhere there is a sea or other body of water. Yes, and you have to be a walrus to swim in the sea, river or lake in winter. Such extreme bathing will also affect health. But for lovers water procedures There is a way out of such a bad situation - a pool. Not only is it available at least every day of the year (if you build it not on the street, but inside), it will also help you maintain a healthy and athletic lifestyle! Thanks to the demand made for creating a kids swimming pool business plan, many entrepreneurs have their eyes set on the future of swimming pools - why not get into them.

There are not so many pools under the state wing, and they are ancient. In addition, their another disadvantage is the path to them. You need to get together, sculpt your will into a fist and go to the pool at the other end of the city. There is not always the strength and desire for this. Such a voyage will not have the highest percentage of quality, since you need to go back home. And after swimming, it is best to lie down and lie down - this is necessary for the spine. In addition, not everyone wants to be in a public pool because of their own complexes - it seems that everyone is considering you. And if you don’t know how to swim and are just starting to learn, then it becomes terribly ashamed. Yes, and a rather big subscription fee must be paid every month.

That is precisely why many people prefer to invest money in their pool once and never remember any difficulties again. But not everyone can afford it. What about those who live in apartments, for example? But if there is a small pool in the city or district - brand new and modern, and even with a small payment, then why not use this useful luxury.

For these reasons, any pool pays off. Of course, this can happen in a year, or maybe in 2-3, which is more likely. Swimming pools bring good profits to their owners. It will be enough 3 - 5 tracks 25 - 30 meters long. Both amateurs and athletes will be able to appreciate such a track. And the place will show high attendance, which will increase profits in the future.


It is very important before the construction of the pool to collect all the documents for implementation ready business pool plan. First of all, this is a building permit from the local committee of architecture and construction. Often, paperwork takes even more time than construction work. But it is better to arrange everything first and be sure that there is permission.

Also, one should not forget to write in the example of a business plan for opening a pool such articles as concluding contracts with suppliers of water resources, heat and electricity. The plan will need to calculate and fix how much each meter will show per month.

It is quite possible to count on benefits and subsidies from government agencies. If the pool will have a direction in the development of physical education. Such advantages are very useful.


1000 square meters is the minimum required for an infant or adult pool. It's not worth regretting it. The room should have not only the king of everything himself - a pool, but also showers, a dressing room, and you can’t forget about a separate locker room for the floor.

The pool must meet the following criteria:

  • there must be pipes with a supply of cold and hot water; pipes must comply with standards;
  • the entire room must be treated so that the floor, ceiling and walls are water-repellent - so you do not have to do repairs too often, since moisture will not be absorbed into the walls, and they will not collapse quickly;
  • the room should be cozy and comfortable for visitors;
  • before arranging the installation of the pool itself, all additional (including decorative and finishing) work must be completed;
  • a sewer pipe is very necessary - you cannot forget about it.


Focusing on examples of a pool business plan, the cleanliness and comfort of the pool depends on the correctly selected and installed equipment. This is not just a pit with water, but a whole complex installation. The equipment should be on the issues of water circulation, its filtration and purification. These are the minimum requirements. Also, we must not forget about disinfection in the pool and in the room itself.

Such equipment for the pool will not affect the quality of the water, but will improve the quality of service and indoor comfort:

  • shower boxes;
  • equipment for determining water parameters;
  • bollards for jumping into the water;
  • separators on the water to separate the tracks;
  • air drying equipment;
  • ladders and handrails for the safety of customers, as the floor can be slippery from water;
  • lockers, shelves, benches and deck chairs for clients.


The premises should not be empty without supervisors. Staff is a very important item in a sample business plan with calculations. First, we need people who will monitor the quality of the water and clean the pool. Secondly, there must be a doctor or at least a nurse for any unforeseen dangerous case, since people often pass near the water unpleasant situations. We also need different trainers: for beginners, for specialists, in aerobics and water gymnastics. We also need cloakroom attendants, cleaners, an accountant.

Additional services

The pool is not only for swimming. Here you can train in water yoga and aerobics. It will be necessary to negotiate with specialist trainers. You can also arrange a solarium, massage room, sauna. You can also arrange a cafe on the premises. Such additional services will require additional costs. We need people who will work there, a location, tools and equipment, additional financial resources. You will also need to do paperwork again, as some of these species require official permission. But it's worth it, because not only people will be pleased to be in such a recreation complex, they will invite their friends, and the entrepreneur's profit will grow steadily. The extra investment will quickly pay off.


By implementing the business plan of the pool, the revenue from it per month can be more than 200-300 thousand rubles. A subscription for a month costs an average of 6-10 thousand rubles.

Owners of country houses strive to improve their backyard so that summer holidays pass with maximum comfort. Another 10 years ago private pool was a luxury, and today more and more Russians can afford such a remarkable building. The construction of swimming pools can bring a good income if you offer customers the best budget solutions with a long service life.

Demand analysis

You need to start any business after a thorough market analysis. The right approach to the study of the situation will help determine the direction of activity and the target audience.

Having your own pool is not too cheap, so you can’t count on a constant influx of customers in a small town. In order to get a wide range of customers, it is necessary to choose the right field of activity:

  • try to cover the maximum number of settlements in one region;
  • choose a large metropolitan area as a place of business.

The main clients are people of medium and high incomes. Owners of hotels, guest houses, recreation centers order pools. It is also necessary to take into account the seasonality of this type of activity. The construction of turnkey pools cannot take place during the winter season.

Work plan

Strategic business planning will allow you to build a clear scheme of work that will lead to the successful development of the enterprise. Peculiar step-by-step instruction help determine highlights on early stages and in subsequent actions. In general terms, the action plan includes the following points:

  • analysis of the market, competitive environment and search for suppliers;
  • selection of the technological component of turnkey pools, selection of specialists;
  • official registration, conclusion of labor agreements, joining the SRO;
  • creation of a web page, advertising campaign, customer search;
  • construction of the first structure (free of charge or at cost);
  • search for real orders.

Among other things, it is necessary to decide which type of pools is supposed to be introduced to the market. This will allow you to purchase the necessary equipment and select an affordable price segment.

Direction of activity

Buyers can be offered several types of pools, which differ in cost, complexity of installation and installation of engineering structures. The most popular are:

  • reinforced concrete;
  • polypropylene;
  • acrylic structures.

The concrete pool construction project involves a long and laborious process, which includes digging a foundation pit, reinforcing, and finishing. The concrete hardens for about a month, after which the water warms up for a long time due to the nature of the material. However, this type of structure has a lot of advantages:

  • long service life;
  • lack of influence of the height of groundwater;
  • a large selection of options for cladding;
  • high level of resistance to damage.

Polypropylene and acrylic structures are lighter and cheaper, have good resistance to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environments.

Equipment and specialists

Important components of the business for the arrangement of water facilities are the purchase of the necessary equipment and the hiring of workers. The difference in how pools are installed affects the initial cost estimate for starting a business.

For the installation of polypropylene and acrylic structures in the country or in a private house, you will need:

  • grinder, drill, jigsaw;
  • tools for digging a pit;
  • compact concrete mixer;
  • containers for solution, waste, etc.

Additional tools may be needed. This will be clarified in the process of work, if necessary, they can be purchased.

Construction concrete pools provides for the purchase of the following equipment:

  • earthwork tools;
  • concrete mixer;
  • equipment for the installation of engineering communications;
  • facing tools.

The staff must have high level qualifications. After all, pool projects involve a large list of technically complex work. Only careful implementation of all stages will achieve the desired result.

Business Features

Due to the design features different types structures, the cost of building a pool differs significantly. Polypropylene can cost 100,000 rubles, as for concrete pools, especially public ones, the price for arranging an 8 * 3 m pool can reach up to 2.5 million rubles.

The following factors affect the price increase:

  • pool type (indoor, outdoor, indoor, etc.);
  • method of water circulation (overflow or skimmer pool);
  • structure size;
  • installation method (concrete, acrylic, etc.);
  • installation of additional options (hydromassage, air geyser, underwater lighting, etc.).

The construction of a pool in the house is accompanied by a connection to internal communications, which can also complicate the work.

Profitability of the enterprise

The threshold for entering the business, which involves the construction of pools in the country or in private homes, is quite high. For the purchase of equipment, it is initially necessary to spend from 500,000 rubles. The volume of the trade margin in this kind of activity is set at 10% -15%. Example: when selling and installing a pool worth 2,000,000 rubles, the net profit will be 200,000-300,000 rubles. Accordingly, the business reaches the break-even point after 3-6 months of operation.