Mounted skimmer with filter and pump. Pumps, filters and skimmer - choose equipment for the pool

The skimmer is an element of water treatment and water intake in the pool. Recently, skimmers have gained great popularity. This is due to the fact that their construction is much cheaper than traditional ones.

Skimmer device

Consider how a skimmer is arranged for a device for filtering and purifying water, which is a hollow container. The skimmer has a slot in the upper side part through which water flows into it, and in the lower part there is a drain through which water flows out. It happens that a coarse filter is installed inside the skimmer, it is sometimes called a mesh bucket. But basically, the pool skimmer just transfers the flow of water to the filter system. However, the device is not always part of the filtration system. Recently, the so-called mounted skimmer, which is a completely autonomous device. The hinged skimmer is fixed on the side with inside and does not need to be integrated into a stationary filter system. Basically, such equipment for the pool is provided with a return tube, which makes it possible for it to work without failures and autonomously.

Skimmer installation

To prevent the water from overflowing over the edges when displaced by bathers, the pool skimmer is located 15 cm below the upper edge of the side. In the pool itself, it is installed so that the water mirror is in the middle of its window. It is known that the volume of water displaced by a person is equal to the volume of his body. The more people swim at the same time in the pool, the higher the water will rise.

What is a skimmer for?

Scientists have proven that no matter how neat a person is, he will still bring about 300,000 bacteria into the water, even if he washed before. Sweating occurs, hair may fall out, skin microparticles are exfoliated. Therefore, if at least one bather has visited the pool, the water is considered polluted. The pool is polluted not only by people, but also by dust, and if the reservoir is on the street, leaves, insects and other debris can get into it. Basically, all the dirt accumulates on the surface of the water, and the pool skimmer just collects the top layer. With the help of a skimmer, the pump sucks in water from the surface, then it is filtered, heated and returned already cleaned.

Skimmers differ in three main parameters:

1. Size. There are large, medium and small.
2. Material. They are made of stainless steel, plastic and bronze - the three main substances that can be used for the pool.
3. Design. Combined and single skimmers with mechanical gravy.
4. Finishing the bowl. Under concrete or film.
5. Mounting type. Embedded and mounted.

Some models have gaskets and additional flange positions included, which makes it possible to use such skimmers in pools finished with mosaics and liner. The main elements of the skimmer included in the kit are the front gaskets, cover, skimvac, basket and float.

You can keep the water in the pool clean not only with the help of chemistry, but also thanks to a variety of technical devices: a pump, a filter, a skimmer. We want to help you navigate our wide range of pool equipment and how to find the right one for your needs.

Skimmer device, compact and efficient

Truly, the skimmer is a key node in the water treatment chain. For inflatables and frame pools this is the only option for water withdrawal, because it is not possible to organize an overflow system. However, users often forget that the skimmer not only serves as an overflow regulator, it must perform a number of other functions.

Thanks to the movable flap, the skimmer can pick up large floating debris. Usually this baffle is made of lightweight plastic and works like a valve when the water is slightly disturbed. Some models have baffles with voids or a float mechanism, these work more efficiently.

Debris caught in the skimmer is collected on a fine plastic or nylon mesh and held onto it by the suction water flow. It depends on the convenience of removing the contaminated mesh whether large debris will enter the filtration and circulation system. The diameter of the suction hole determines whether you can easily connect a vacuum cleaner and other equipment.

For collapsible pools, skimmers are made in a removable version, they are simply mounted on the side of the pool and adjusted according to the water level. In large pools, several skimmers are used, approximately one for every 20-25 m 2 of the water surface. In stationary systems, there is also the difficulty of installing all the skimmers at the same level and finely adjusting them. Sometimes, in order to fight for the aesthetics of the pool, thin and compact skimmers are used, usually made of stainless steel.

Circulation plant - which pumps to use

Small pools are equipped with one single pump, which comes complete with a bowl and a filter unit. But there is also an impressive number of individual projects, where the circulation system has to be designed from scratch. To begin with, remember that the performance of the pumping unit should contribute to the complete renewal of the water in the pool in 4-5 hours.

The number of pumps is also determined by the width of the mirror. With a distance between the sides of more than 6 meters, there will be at least two skimmers, they are installed in opposite corners of the pool with a small indent and connected to different pumps. The essence of this idea is to create a balanced countercurrent for a more uniform distribution cleaning chemistry and lifting dust from the bottom.

For private pools, self-priming pumps with a power of 0.15 to 3 kW are installed. The characteristic comes from the fact that in the filled state the pump is able to raise water up to 3 m above the pool surface, which means that the pumping station does not require in-depth installation.

On the other hand, the lower the pumping station is located, the less electricity the equipment will consume, remember this. And also about the fact that two pumps in a parallel bundle are better and cheaper than one powerful one. At least if one fails, the pool will not bloom the next day.

Of course, the pump must be reliable. Avoid products that use steel cases. Due to the abundance of active chemicals in water, only the following can be used in casings and impellers:

  • plastic, which is afraid of mechanical damage;
  • cast iron, which is very heavy;
  • non-ferrous alloys like bronze or duralumin, pumps from them are more expensive than the rest.

Ease of maintenance: choosing a valve for the filter

There is not much wisdom in choosing a valve for a filter, but this is where you should start. First of all, we are interested in the method of connecting to the filter tank: side or through the neck. The latter is more reliable due to getting rid of two extra fittings, but this does not always allow the height of the caisson.

Valves are characterized by capacity and working pressure, they must correspond to the type of pump used. Six-position valves are preferred because of two additional modes that are not available in some types of equipment for complete pools.

The internal structure and the principle of operation of different models are not much different, often only by the price one can judge the quality of the product.

Mechanical filters

In 90% of cases, pool water is cleaned with a sand filter. There are many reasons for this: simplicity of the device, availability of filter material, low price. Its device is very simple: in the upper part of the barrel with burnt quartz sand there is a pipe for supplying water for cleaning. When passing through a layer of sand, impurities settle on grains, and the purified liquid is squeezed out through a system of tubes with mesh filters - chamomile. By supplying water in the opposite direction, you can loosen the sand and wash out most of the settled dirt from it, draining it into the sewer.

Not deprived sand filters and shortcomings. At a minimum, it is required to constantly replenish the sand content, some of which is inevitably lost during washing. The flow rate directly depends both on the quality of the valve (the presence of a gearbox in it that regulates the pressure), and on the quality of the filter itself, its form factor and overall reliability. In addition, the sand must be periodically changed completely at least once every 2 years. Ordinary sand is not suitable, you need to buy special filter sand in bags.

A typical mistake when choosing a filter is also the discrepancy between its throughput and the circulating flow. In this case, the filtration quality deteriorates, and the filter loses sand even faster.

For small pools diatomite filters are well suited, in which water is filtered not only from mechanical impurities, but also sorption absorption of heavy metals and toxic substances. The disadvantage of these filters is their low resistance to mechanical pollution, they must either be washed frequently and manually, or pre-filtered through sand.

Service during operation

If the pool is outdoors, the bowl should be cleaned every two days. Settling dust, leaves, insects and sunlight are very detrimental to water quality. It is advisable to remove accumulated debris from the skimmer daily and backwash the filters.

The pre-filters of the pumps need to be revised as often as possible, because this is the first mechanical filtration barrier, in which large objects can be trapped in the event of a faulty skimmer. By the way, this is where you need to start searching for lost jewelry.

In general, we can say that if a specific equipment package recommends itself well for several days, no problems are expected in further operation. And vice versa - various failures at first most often serve as a signal that some elements of the station are incompatible with others.

Not so long ago, the presence of a pool on your own plot was a kind of indicator of a luxurious life, because not everyone could afford to install it. For the vast majority of the inhabitants of our country, this miracle in individual use existed only on the TV screen, and such a concept as pool filters was familiar only from discussions of the degree of cleanliness of a public building. We suggest you dwell on these devices in more detail.

Today, pools are no longer a luxury. New technologies have made it possible for almost everyone to become the owner of at least small swimming pool. Inflatable, frame, stationary, collapsible structures - anyone can choose an option based on their own preferences and financial capabilities. Buying a pool, you have to think about cleaning it. In this article, we will talk about various equipment that allows you to forget about this problem and enjoy immersion in clean, refreshing water at any time. own swimming pool.

Pool maintenance equipment

For pools of all sizes and their surrounding structures, there is a huge amount of equipment for water treatment.

Important: the quality of cleaning, water temperature and long-term uninterrupted operation of your pool depend on the correct selection of equipment.

All pool equipment is designed to:

  1. Ensure the safety of the structure.
  2. Ensure a pleasant stay in them.

The standard kit will include:

  • filtration system;
  • water heating;
  • plums;
  • skimmers;
  • pumps and more.

The pool filtration system is responsible for the purity of the water, prevents the formation of plaque on the bottom and walls

This will not only save a lot of money, but also avoid numerous mistakes.

Water filters

There are a lot of filtering systems for the pool now. To choose the right filter for the pool, you need to know how different types differ from each other. Devices are divided into:

  • sand;
  • diatom earth;
  • cartridge.

The sand filter for the pool is the cheapest, but less effective than the rest. Sand for pool filters is placed in large tanks through which dirty water is driven. All filtered dirt settles on the edges of the device.

Such a system makes it possible to clean the pool from particles larger than 20 microns. In most cases, it is effective enough to keep the pool clean, but sand filters for pools are quite problematic to maintain. At least once a week it is necessary to clean the sand tanks with a reverse flow, which leads to a very large consumption of water. Therefore, such a system is not recommended for use with limited use of water resources. Despite this, the sand filter for the pool is the most popular equipment.

Diatomaceous earth filters use special cartridges coated with a powder of fossil plankton particles. Compared to sand filters, these devices purify pool water much better, they are able to retain particles over 3-5 microns. Maintenance of such filters also requires a back cleaning procedure, but in addition it is necessary to remove the filter grids and replace the diatomaceous earth. There is a significant drawback: many cities have decided to define this mixture as potentially dangerous to human health, so when you change, you will have to think about its disposal.

Tip: if you need a filter for inflatable pool, then the best option would be a sand filter with quartz sand.

Finally, cartridge filters - they contain several, usually 3 or 4, cylindrical-shaped polyester cartridges. This material allows you to capture the smallest particles and keep them all the time while the filter remains clean. Such filters are cheaper than diatomaceous ones, but a little more expensive than sand filters. In addition, the cartridge system is very easy to clean, just remove the cartridges and rinse them with a strong jet, pre-soaked in a cleaning solution. In case of severe wear, the cartridge can be found in any store offering pool equipment.

Pumps for artificial reservoirs

Swimming pool pumps are as essential equipment as filter systems. Unlike filters, which are replaceable devices, a pool pump is selected for a long service life, ideally for the entire period of use of the pool. That is why the choice of the pump should be approached with all responsibility. All pumping systems can be divided into three groups:

  • self-priming;
  • filtering;
  • normal suction.

Each type has its own distinctive abilities. So a self-priming pump is usually installed above ground level, as it can lift water to a height of up to three meters. The filter pump for the pool carries out preliminary purification of water from large mud particles. If you buy a filter pump for a pool, be sure to make sure that the performance of the filtering component does not exceed the performance of the pump itself, otherwise this will lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of cleaning, and subsequently to failure of the entire system. Normal suction pumps are used in various decorative devices, waterfalls, attractions.

Even when buying a pump for an inflatable pool, you should familiarize yourself with its performance. After all, the larger the volume of the structure, the more water will pass through the system for each session of work. In addition, you need to take into account the conditions of the location of the pool. If it will be placed indoors, then the pump performance should not be very large, since in this case the pool will remain clean longer.

Skimmer: remove surface debris

Another equally important element for water filtration is a pool skimmer. It is designed to clean the surface of the water from debris, hair, sebum and other contaminants. If this simple device is neglected, then so-called stagnant zones will form in the pool, in which water deteriorates faster and chemicals added during operation are concentrated.

The simplest skimmer looks like a tank with a filter, into which water enters through a special hole in the side wall and, passing through the cleaning and heating procedure, returns to the pool again. Despite the simplicity of design, a do-it-yourself pool skimmer is very difficult to make. It is better to buy ready-made equipment in specialized stores, but you can install it yourself.

Some models provide for a mesh bucket (coarse filter), but in most cases, water is transferred directly to the filtration system. All skimmers are divided into two groups:

  • hinged;
  • built-in.

Mounted skimmer for outdoor pools installed on the windward side

The hinged skimmer for the pool is by far the most widespread. It does not require integration into the filtration system, but is simply hung on the inner side of the pool. Such models can be used to clean inflatables and frame pools, in which it is not possible to install built-in skimmers, and they are also indispensable if these devices were not installed during the construction of the structure. In order for the mounted skimmer to work offline and smoothly, it is necessary to equip it with a return pipe.

When installing hinged structures on your own, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. If the pool is outdoors, then the mounted skimmer should be installed on the windward side so that leaves, dirt and dust independently enter the treatment system due to the current created by the wind. In indoor pools, devices are placed evenly around the entire perimeter.
  2. One latest generation skinner is capable of cleaning 25 square meters of water surface. Based on this value, it is calculated required amount devices for each particular pool.

Very often, bottom skimmers made of polypropylene alloys are installed in the deepest places of the pool.

The built-in skimmer is mounted at the stage of construction of an artificial reservoir

Built-in devices are mounted directly into the walls of the pool, so you need to take care of their purchase and installation at the beginning of construction. Such models are characterized by high efficiency and greater productivity, therefore they are preferred in very large pools.

Therefore, the optimal choice for owners of small private artificial reservoirs remains a well-functioning mounted skimmer:

Properly selected and installed pool equipment will allow you to forget about the money spent and enjoy the gentle touches of clear, sparkling blue water, surprisingly relaxing after a hard day or energetically invigorating in the morning.

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