Pools with their own hands. How to build a pool in the country with your own hands - a complete step-by-step instruction

It is not at all difficult to build a small pool at your dacha from improvised materials in order to enjoy swimming in refreshing water all summer long. You can easily make such a design with your own hands.

What materials can mini-pools be made of?

Many owners of suburban areas and cottages with the onset of the summer heat begin to dream of their own artificial pond in the garden. You can purchase and entrust its installation to specialists or equip a full-fledged font with a pavilion and a heating system for year-round operation. But the cost of such structures is far from affordable for everyone.

fiberglass swimming pool

Because of this banal reason (lack of financial resources), many refuse to build pools. And more resourceful home craftsmen find an elegant solution to a similar problem. They show imagination and build summer mini-baths for summer cottages with their own hands, spending a minimum of money and time on this operation. You can make a small pool in the garden from:

  • tires;
  • old bath;
  • plastic bottles;
  • concrete ring;
  • metal container;
  • wooden bars and boards;
  • gabions.

These materials make excellent mini-pools for summer cottages. Let's figure out how you can make open-air fonts with your own hands from the indicated improvised means.

Tire pool - a popular option among summer residents

You will be able to make a tire structure without the slightest difficulty if you can find a tire that is suitable in size. It is best to use rubber from a combine or tractor. Such tires are ideal in size for the construction of mini-pools for summer cottages, as they have a diameter that is sufficient for a comfortable bathing of an adult. The algorithm for building a font from a large tire is as follows - cut one side of the tire (be sure to leave a side) using a hacksaw and a well-honed knife. This operation is quite laborious and requires a certain accuracy.

Tire pool

Some craftsmen are trying to facilitate the process of cutting tires and use a grinder. It is better not to resort to this method. The grinder breaks the tire, the latter begins to disintegrate into small pieces and stick to the hands, as well as to the working tool. You will get extra headache. You select a flat piece of land in the garden where the homemade font will be installed. You clean the selected one (in size it should be slightly larger than the tire section), fill it with construction sand, making the so-called pillow. Fill the sand layer in a circle with cement. The thickness of the cement pour is taken about 15 cm. Install the prepared tire on the cement mortar. Align the cement fill, if necessary, add another 2-3 buckets of mortar.

The mini pool can be made more attractive. Masters advise to overlay its cement sides with brick or natural stone, lay them out with colorful mosaics, or simply paint them. Such work is done by hand and does not require any special knowledge. You can use the pool from the tire no earlier than 7-8 days after filling it. This is how long it takes for the cement to completely harden.

A font in the garden from an old bath - much easier

Caring owners never throw away old things. Many nowadays install new acrylic bathtubs in city apartments, and transport steel or cast-iron structures that have served their purpose to the country, hoping that they will still come in handy. And indeed it is. They are useful for building a mini-pool with your own hands. How to make a font from an old bathtub? Elementary. First, choose a place to install the pool. Specialists advise to select a site located in the shade of trees. Then the metal bath will not heat up.

Small pool from an old bath

After that, at the selected site, dig a small pit. Its dimensions should be such that the bath can easily fit into the pit by 3/4 of its height. Equip the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of sand. Then carefully lower the bath into the prepared hole. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the metal structure are horizontal. Pour sand into the gaps between the bathroom and the walls of the pit, carefully compact it, add building material, and compact it again. Dig a small trench along the perimeter of the installed pool, fill it with stones, equipping original sides.

The area around the font can be made more beautiful using decorative concrete painted in various colors.

A pool for a summer residence according to the described method is best made from a cast-iron bath. But it is allowed to use a steel font. But in this case, it will have to be restored, restoring the damaged enamel coating. This procedure is done by hand using liquid rubber, which is used to treat the internal sections of the bath with enamel defects. If you want to ennoble a homemade pool, treat it from the inside with tile glue, and then lay pebbles of different sizes on the adhesive composition (there are plenty of them on any river bank). The effect will be amazing.

Pools from gabions and a concrete ring - we do for centuries

If you want to build a more durable and reliable pool with your own hands, pay attention to the following two options, the implementation of which is carried out from improvised materials such as gabions and a concrete ring. It's easy to work with them. Gabions are metal (steel) frames into which ordinary stones are placed. The shape of such structures may be different. You need to purchase a strong film, a base mesh and knead the concrete.

Gabion pools

And then do the following:
  1. On the site under the pool, pour the concrete base. Its geometric parameters are taken to be slightly larger in size of the future font.
  2. Lay a steel mesh on the concrete, place stones on it (in separate layers).
  3. Attach the film to inner sides e pool. It is necessary to protect the structure from moisture.
  4. Fix (as securely as possible) a film on the upper edge of the gabion.

That's all. Your mini pool is ready. It will delight you with high strength, durability and quite worthy appearance. You can also quickly and easily make a font in the country from a finished concrete ring. Choose the diameter of such a product yourself. Rings with a cross section of 1–2.5 m are on sale. Get the one that is right for you. To build a bowl from a ring for summer swimming, you will need building sand, concrete mortar and geotextiles. The work is carried out as follows: dig a pit, focusing on the size of the ring used, make a pillow of sand, lay geotextile material on it, and concrete the bottom.

After that, lower the concrete product onto the prepared base. Fill all the gaps with sand, ram it. It is advisable to additionally arrange the pool made in some unusual style. It is allowed not to concrete the bottom of the future pool from the ring with your own hands. Instead of this rather laborious operation, you can lay a finished concrete cover under the ring. Such products are used for arranging revision wells. The main thing is not to forget to close the hole that is on such covers.

Wood is a suitable building material

Many do not believe that it is quite possible to build a font in the garden from wooden bars 5x5 cm, 2.5 cm thick boards and 2x2 cm slats. But such structures are distinguished by increased reliability, real durability and high strength.

Wooden font in the garden

Of course, if all the work is done correctly. A wooden pool is being built according to the following scheme:
  1. Apply wood drying oil to the bars, boards and slats, and then cover them with a layer of enamel.
  2. From wooden elements make shields. Their dimensions should be thought out in advance by creating a drawing of the future mini-pool.
  3. You assemble the shields into a single structure (make a frame from bars and sheathe it with shield blanks). At this stage, it is important to achieve a very tight fit of the individual elements of the future wooden pool to each other.
  4. Dig a hole. Its depth depends on the height of the shield structure, which should be immersed in the pit by 2/3.
  5. At the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of gravel.
  6. Install a structure of shields in the pit (pre-cut holes in it necessary for the installation of pipes through which water will be supplied and drained).
  7. Install pipes.
  8. Insert metal plates 20x20 cm and 20 cm wood wedges into the gaps between the pit and the shields (they should be connected to each other). Hammer the wedges connected to the plates, fill the pit with gravel.
  9. At the bottom with the shield structure installed, pour a layer of about 10 cm of cement. As soon as it seizes, lay a waterproof material on it - a PVC film.

The dome is ready. Ennoble it and use it to your health.

Artificial reservoirs from bottles and a metal container

Plastic containers for a variety of drinks can also be used to build a pool in the garden. You need to think over the shape of the future artificial reservoir and prepare a site for it (remove the top layer of soil, pour a pillow of sand, and put a layer of gravel on top). After that, the base of the pool is poured with concrete mixture, and you can start laying the structure. At the same time, plastic bottles are embedded in the bottom and wall surfaces of a makeshift font.

Pool from an old tank

During masonry, both horizontal and vertical joints should be filled with concrete. Then the building will be truly hermetic. It is even easier to make a pool from a suitable container - garbage, construction, shipping or used for shipping. True, in this case, you need to be able to use the welding unit. The work is done like this:

  1. Inspect the container for its integrity. Weld all the gaps found.
  2. Carefully treat the metal container with a composition with anti-corrosion properties.
  3. Bury the container prepared in the above way into the soil to the depth you need.
  4. Lay out the sides of the pool with tiles or paint them.

Your home-made pond, with the right approach to its construction, will become the highlight and pride of your summer cottage!

When the summer time comes and it gets hot, everyone wants to plunge into the cool water. It is not always possible to get to the reservoir, and dreams of resorts with clear water for the time being, they remain only dreams, so it is better to have your own bathing place near the house.

Your own pool in the country, even after working in the garden, gives a twist to the usual rest and brings it to new level. In addition, regular swimming is a great contribution to health. This article will tell you how to make a pool with your own hands in the yard of a private house.

Once you take the time to get the information you need, you can get down to business. Quality rest with water procedures will appeal to all family members without exception.

Types and types of pools

When choosing which pool to make, you need to think about how much space is available for this structure and in what season it will perform its functions. Frame pools are installed on the ground, and not inside it. They are mainly made from PVC. Outside, the structure can be made of durable plastic or metal. In shape, such pools are round; square or rectangular options are less common.

It is impossible to make plastic pools yourself, they are bought ready-made. Made from polypropylene or fiberglass. A permanent pool in the country with your own hands implies installation forever without the possibility of moving to another place. It can be frame and built into the soil. For its normal functioning, auxiliary systems will be required: water supply, its purification and subsequent draining. This is done using special equipment.

Selecting a location for installation

The first and very important decision on which the success of the entire project depends is right choice places for the future pool. There must be a source of water supply nearby to fill the pool. It can be a well, a well or a water supply. Putting the pool under the trees is not the best solution, the water will not warm up well, and debris will appear on its surface. A power source and a place where water will periodically drain, for example, a garden or a ravine, are desirable nearby. But the best options there will be a drainage system and sewerage.

It is necessary to put a pool in a private house, not forgetting about some space around it so that you can walk freely. The area on which it will be located should be flat or with a slight slope. For installation, clay and sandy soil is considered the best. Its advantages:

  • Clay is a plus for waterproofing.
  • Such soil is stable, and it is unlikely that the bottom of the reservoir will crack.
  • Protects from ground moisture. Without contact with underground water, the pool lasts much longer.

There are some secondary parameters for choosing the installation site, which are also desirable to take into account: You should choose the sunny side so that the water warms up without human intervention. But this issue can be removed if the pool model provides for artificial heating. The pool in the garden is best located in places protected from the wind. Suitable plot in the sun near the fence.

A reservoir with sufficient depth, with the possibility of access for small children, is better to enclose a small fence for their safety.

Pit preparation

Digging a pit by hand is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and effort, but it allows you to do excavation cheaper than automated. A pit is made in the ground according to the size of the project, but 20 cm must be added to each value. The depth is calculated depending on the purpose. If you plan to jump into the water from the side, it should be 2.5 meters, and if you go down the stairs - from one and a half to two meters. The walls of the pit are sloped so that they do not crumble. The bottom should also have a slight slope towards the water outlet.

A drainage system is required to drain groundwater after snow or rain. It is a pit (two can be made) with a discharge pipe. It is covered with sand, gravel and rammed. You can make concrete yourself, while calculating the number of components of the mixture. At the same time, it is desirable to automate the process using a concrete mixer, which facilitates and accelerates mixing. There is also the option of buying ready-mixed concrete, especially if big technique nothing hinders on the way to the construction site.

For concreting the bottom, experienced builders advise first laying reinforcement on a sand cushion, using props. After that, concrete is poured, which should cover all the reinforcement.

Swimming pool instructions

Made of polypropylene and fiberglass

Polypropylene is a material for building a swimming pool, it is a white solid that became known thanks to the achievements of chemists in the middle of the 20th century. Being environmentally friendly, it does not interact with substances in contact with water and is absolutely not dangerous for humans. It is impossible to slip on it, such is the surface structure of this material. Installing a pool with it is cheaper than with other materials. During construction, sheets with a greater thickness are taken for the walls, and for the bottom with a smaller one, but it is preferable that they be no thinner than 8 mm so that polypropylene does not change shape during welding.

A heat gun is needed to weld the material. Polypropylene is heated with hot air of a given temperature and a soft rod is placed in the seam, it melts and connects the sheets. Internal joints are cooked in this way, and nozzles are used for external ones. After that, vertical stiffeners are made, with a distance of 50–70 cm. They are also made of polypropylene and welded with a rod.

Now you need to fill the space between the welded pool bowl and the ground with a concrete mixture. To prevent deformation, water is poured into the pool for half a meter. The same environmentally friendly and non-hazardous material is fiberglass, consisting of polyester resin and reinforcing materials. The pool is not assembled from it, not welded, but bought in a store ready-made. It does not deform and tolerates the impact of the external environment well. Usually made in blue or blue. It is important that this version of the pool is mobile and provides for the possibility of transfer to another place.

First you need to choose the type of pool on the site, its size and depth. Next, you need to make a good drainage system for the outflow of snow and rainwater. In the center of the pit, they dig a hole up to 2 meters deep, which is filled with gravel. Sand is poured on top. After that, the most important stage of work begins, namely the installation of the pool tank using lifting devices. The space between the bowl and the pit is covered with soil.

When purchasing a tank, it is important to look at its characteristics, namely at what temperatures it can be used.

For example, when the soil freezes, if the bowl is not designed for this, it can be pushed out of the pit.

From monolithic concrete

Concrete pools are famous for their long service life, which is 3 times longer than the previous two representatives. For the manufacture of heavy concrete used. In this case, a drainage system is also needed. Before digging a pool pit, markings are applied to the ground, 60–80 cm larger than the planned dimensions. When the pit is ready, pipes are laid under the drain, if such a water intake is chosen.

At the bottom you need to lay the roofing material in 2 layers for waterproofing. Then comes a sand cushion, followed by gravel. According to the manufacturing technology, this time you will need formwork along the height of the walls and reinforcement, the bars can be welded or connected with knitting wire at each intersection.

To build walls, you need moisture-resistant plywood or boards, but plywood will be more convenient. Reinforcement is installed in the formwork, which is fastened with a horizontal reinforcing layer. The reinforcing cage is placed from two rows of rods along the walls and the lower ends of these rods are connected to the mesh at the bottom.

Reinforcement is needed for rigidity and resistance to the mass of water. You can make walls from foam blocks, but this is somewhat more expensive. When the concrete is completely dry, you can start waterproofing. To do this, use sheets of roofing material. Bitumen and liquid rubber are also suitable.

To improve the quality of waterproofing, the walls are first leveled manually or with a grinder.

For internal waterproofing, the bowl is first checked for cracks. The surface is plastered with special waterproof compositions for pools. Next, you need to choose the type of waterproofing. When pasting walls, materials based on bitumen (stekloizol, rubitex) are used. Mastics are used for coating.

The process of building a stationary pool of monolithic concrete ends with finishing work. Also, a do-it-yourself pool can be made from blocks. The bottom is concreted, as in the previous case, and the walls are erected from blocks in one row.

Made of wood with PVC film

A country pool made of wood with your own hands can be made quickly and inexpensively. From an ordinary bar 100 to 50 make a frame. It is better if the design is rectangular in shape, it is more convenient. Racks are placed in the corners into the drilled holes, empty spaces are covered with gravel. After installing the vertical racks, horizontal boards are nailed. If they are unedged, then they should be cleaned of bark and treated for insects. A bag of PVC film is inserted inside.

Ennoble the area around the pool

An artificial reservoir always attracts attention. To make the small pool seem deeper, the inner surface is painted in a light color, and the area next to it is made darker. To create a decor, garden figurines and flower vases are placed nearby. We must not forget about the recreation area. Here you can arrange a playground, sun loungers, garden furniture, a gazebo.

Filtration and purification of water

Previously, the problem of cleaning the outdoor pool from microorganisms and debris was solved by replacing the water. Nowadays, it has become expensive to change water, and purification with filters is used. They differ in the filter material and are chemical, mechanical, electrophysical, combined.

The larger the pool, the more expensive it will be in price and maintenance. If the pool is small, you can purchase a filter pump, a quartz sand filter station, or use homemade water purification devices.

Building a pool with your own hands is a painstaking task, but not too difficult, just study the step-by-step instructions. This is within the power of a summer resident, even if he does not have experience in building a pool. The courtyard of a private house will look respectable, and the rest will become more comfortable.

The July heat evokes thoughts of water, swimming, cool rivers and lakes. It is hard to imagine a person who, in such weather, would refuse to have his own pool for relaxation and cooling. Especially if he owns a personal plot or works in the country.

However, not every yard has a place for a large swimming pool, just as not every owner has the means to build it from scratch. Therefore, in this article, we have collected 6 of the best modern ideas for a small, but also inexpensive pool that will turn this heat into your best vacation partner.

Framed, inflatable and handmade - then you will get acquainted with the simplest and most economical pool options to date, and you will also see them in 40 photos in the design of a summer house or a small courtyard!

1. The best choice of 2016 is a frame pool (10 photos)

Modern frame pools are available in a wide range of sizes and prices. A simple children's version measuring 2.5 by 1.5 m and a volume of 1200 liters costs about $ 60 (1500 UAH or 4000 rubles).

A more capacious model with a volume of 6500 liters and a diameter of about 4 meters will cost twice as much. But you must admit: this is an inexpensive price to pay for such pleasure, especially when you consider the following advantages of frame pools:

  • Quick and easy installation (the pool folds, not inflates);
  • Reliable, stainless steel frame;
  • Dense walls made of heavy-duty PVC and polyester;
  • Additional wall support with dense tapes;
  • The presence of a drain valve that can be connected to a garden hose to gently empty the pool of water;
  • No need for maintenance (only keeping the surface clean and sometimes checking the water filter);
  • Warranty (term depends on the manufacturer).

Many frame pool models come with a cover that will protect the pool from leaves and other debris during the days or hours when you will not be using it.

Since the pool can safely stand all summer, it is sometimes additionally equipped with a body or even a podium so that the whole structure fits beautifully into the design of your dacha or plot. Here's how some craftsmen make out frame pool(photo below):

2. Children's and family inflatable pools - photo on the site

Children's and "adult" inflatable pools are considered the main competitors of the frame ones. They are easy to transport and relatively quick to set up, though it does take some fiddling with the pump. The walls are also made of dense PVC and polyester + most manufacturers complete inflatable pools with a protective cover from debris.

Perhaps the main advantage is the cost of such pools - they are 1.5 times cheaper than frame pools. At the same time, they also have one serious drawback - the lack of water drainage. In addition, if the inflatable pool is large, it will be necessary to buy an electric pump in addition to it.

Attached beautiful photos inflatable pools on household plots.

3. Concrete pool to order or do it yourself

Of course, not everyone can afford this option, and the cost will be decent, but there are craftsmen who managed to build a concrete pool with their own hands. Therefore, we decided to include it in our list of inexpensive ideas.

The most problematic moment in this case is digging a hole. You can only deal with this on your own if you plan to build a small and shallow pool. Renting a crane today is extremely expensive, and it is only advisable when creating a luxurious pool for swimming, and not just for relaxing in the heat.

Unlike frame and inflatable pools, the concrete version is stationary, but at the same time it is one of the highest quality and most durable. To make such a pool with your own hands, they usually use a mixture of concrete and sand, which is sprayed onto a metal frame. The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Dig a hole for the pool. At the same time, its depth and width should be 23-31 cm more than the estimated dimensions of your pool. This distance will be filled in by the shape.
  2. Install plumbing. This is usually a drain pipe that will be located at the bottom of the pool, as well as all the necessary structure (pipes, filters and pumps) to ensure the safe flow of water through the pool. It is acceptable to use PVC pipes with a strong binding material.
  3. Cover the walls and bottom of the pool with a steel frame that will maintain its shape and strength over a long period of operation.
  4. Spray the concrete/sand mixture onto the steel mesh using a powerful sprayer. The most popular pool mix today is Gunite (dry sprayed) or shotcrete(mixed with water). When applying, it is recommended to keep the spray nozzle at a distance of about 1 m from the steel mesh, direct the jet perpendicular to the surface and move in a circular motion.

Then it remains to wait until the concrete hardens, after which you can start decorating the walls of the pool with tiles or paint (optional).

Photos of finished projects on how to build a pool with your own hands:

Also read:

4. Swimming pond or natural pool

Another option for an inexpensive stationary pool that you can build yourself. Instead of concrete, gravel and clay will serve as walls, and natural aquatic plants (reeds, sedges, lilies, etc.) can act as decorations.

The principle of building such a pool pond is similar to building a pool of concrete, but can be done without a steel frame - just try to make the walls have a good slope, and not be perpendicular to the bottom. When the walls are perpendicular, then for stability they are covered with a layer of clay or betonite.

It is believed that a natural pool can do without expensive filters and pumps if it is planted with natural plants. However, in order for them to really purify the water, they need to be planted with about 50% of the entire surface.

In a natural pool, the water must be constantly circulated and aerated, otherwise it will stagnate and become filled with foul-smelling bacteria. To direct the flow of water through the pool, flexible PVC pipes who are not afraid of the cold. They are buried in the soil about 45 cm deep. For underwater aeration, you can use an air compressor and high-strength pipes that are connected to a diffuser. Note that aeration devices consume little energy and should only work 4-8 ​​hours a day (depending on the size of the pool).

Also read:

5. Metal containers as an inexpensive pool for giving

Cargo containers and other large containers can easily serve you as a pool for a summer residence or a children's pool on the site. The only problem with their use is that some metal containers are not rust proof. To solve the problem, they are painted or covered with another waterproof finishing material. If you would not like to do this, then use galvanized tanks as a pool, which are not threatened by corrosion.

6. Simple ideas on how to make a pool with your own hands (photo on the site)

Rain tarp is another material that is widely used to create simple do-it-yourself pools. You only need to make a reliable case from improvised materials and cover it with a tarpaulin. We invite you to take a look at the latest photos in this article and evaluate how a pool made of wooden pallets, haystacks or other materials looks like in a country house or garden plot.

Also read:

Inexpensive pool for the yard or cottage: 6 ideas + 40 photos updated: March 12, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko

To paraphrase the classic, we can say that the installation of a pool in a house, in a garden plot or in a country house is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

The construction of private pools on an individual site has become a standard phenomenon, like building or.

The difference is only in the design and scale: a small pool in the bathhouse, a decorative pool in the yard as part of a landscape design composition, or a building of large sizes and volumes - closed and outdoor pools for swimming, which are located on the street, with all related devices and accessories.

Briefly about the main thing - how to get a pool

You can get what you want in two ways:

  • First, buy a finished pool.

But before buying, consider the following:

It costs expensive;

It is impossible to buy a concrete pool ready-made. This means that you will have to pay for the project, for materials and for work. Also return VAT to the state;

  • Secondly - make the pool yourself.

This only at first glance seems to be a difficult task. In fact, you already have everything you need: desire, opportunity and our instructions. So, the construction of the pool should not cause difficulties.

And physical fatigue will quickly pass when you splash in the pool, which is made by yourself.

Which pool is better to choose for a summer residence - types and types

Requires special knowledge for arrangement

It is cheap, easy to carry and store, but not very practical and has an extremely short service life.

Sold as a finished bowl.

The acquisition of such a design (especially of a significant size) entails difficulties with delivery and installation, which cannot be done without special equipment (trailer, crane, excavator).

Plus, it provides for digging a pit, which is also quite problematic.

Lightweight and durable. The constructive principle is similar to the previous version. Causes difficulties during transportation and installation.

The optimal and justified option from all of the above.

Such a pool is ideal for a summer residence or a country house, where you will use it seasonally.

It can be made from concrete blocks, but it is better to fill in a monolithic one. Despite the fact that this is the most complex and costly design, its reliability and durability are beyond doubt.

Disadvantages of a concrete pool and how to eliminate them

  • problems with the water supply system. As a rule, they appear as a result of errors during their laying and installation of pipeline systems. With proper implementation of work, there are no difficulties;

  • possible water leakage. This significant problem is eliminated with the help of several layers of good waterproofing, the use of high-quality concrete and compliance with all the rules for their installation;

  • detachment ceramic tiles or mosaics. Eliminated using high-quality special-purpose glue;

  • spread of the fungus.

The appearance of the fungus is easy to level by regular cleaning and surface treatment of the bowl with special disinfection solutions.

Regular care and the implementation of the above actions is the prevention of the formation of fungus.

Pool Building Permit

In fact, an outdoor pool on the territory of a yard or site can be built without the consent of Rostekhnadzor.

According to article 51 (paragraph 17) of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, objects of auxiliary use do not require a documented building permit. But there are some nuances here, it all depends on the parameters of the structure, if it is a small decorative or Children's swimming pool, then no questions asked, but if the capital structure for swimming, i.e. sufficient depth, length and width, it is better to arrange documents.

If the pool is not registered in the BTI, accordingly, it will not be in the certificate of ownership, and it will not be included in the technical passport. In the future, it will be possible to legalize, only it will cost more than registering immediately.

Building a concrete pool with your own hands - instructions

Installation work - construction of a concrete bowl for a pool

Site preparation

To do this, standard procedures are performed: clear the area of ​​shrubs and trees, as well as cut branches that may hang over the pool. Material from the site

Earthworks - digging a pit for a pool

Of course, digging a pit can be done without the use of special equipment. But only in cases where you have a small and shallow pool, you have a lot of time, effort and helpers.

As a rule, the cost of renting an excavator and the services of diggers will be approximately the same, the difference in time.

The device of a ditch for the pool

  • increase the dimensions of the pit. They should be larger than the size of the future bowl. This is done in order to place technical equipment there and equip a pillow for concrete. And also for the construction of formwork.

  • having an angle. When digging walls, make sure that there is an angle of their deviation relative to the vertical. This method will prevent the shedding of soil into an already dug pit.

  • presence of drainage systems. To ensure that the water that splashes out of the pool does not turn into puddles and does not destroy the landscape design, it is necessary to provide a place for its runoff.

  • first of all, it is necessary to lay all hydraulic communications.

  • provide for the possibility of draining water.

For draining, the bottom of the pool is sloped at 5-7% (2-3 cm of slope per 1 meter of bottom), which should be directed towards the drain hole.

Pillow arrangement


A gravel-sand cushion is needed to provide better concrete pouring. Usually it is a mixture of sand and gravel, which is well compacted. Cushion height 300-350 mm.

Bottom waterproofing

The more variants of possible leakage we take into account and prevent, the longer the service life will be. concrete pool.

Come in handy.
For an oval pool, reinforcement no thicker than 10 mm is used. This is due to the fact that rebar of this diameter is sold in coils. And, therefore, you can independently adjust its length. The step of arranging the reinforcing ruts is 200x250 mm.

For a rectangular pool, arbitrary laying of reinforcement with piping in steps of 200x200 cm is allowed.

Under the reinforcement, you need to put something, for example, a brick, so that it remains in the middle of the concrete base during the process of pouring the concrete solution.

After the installation of the armoframe, we fill the bottom of the pool with a concrete solution. When pouring, try to avoid the presence of voids filled with air - this will reduce the quality of the surface.

We are waiting for the concrete to dry and it will be possible to safely move on it.

The principle of reinforcement is identical to the previous one.

The number of tiers is determined by the height of the bowl.

Installation of formwork for the pool

As a material for the formwork device, a wooden board (painted or profiled) or, more conveniently, plywood (preferably moisture resistant or laminated) is used. The use of plywood allows you to create curved shapes with a minimum of effort, which is important when building a pool of complex or oval shape.

In order to avoid deformation of the formwork under the pressure of the weight of the concrete solution, it is recommended to install stiffeners and spacers at a distance of 500 mm. For spacers, a bar with a section of 50x50 is suitable.

Installing plywood formwork is more expensive, but the surface quality of the concrete bowl is almost perfect.

the crate for steps is mounted separately.

Pouring the walls of the pool bowl with concrete

We are waiting for the concrete to harden. At the same time, it is better to cover it with something to avoid destruction from exposure to temperature or moisture. And also periodically moisten with water.

If you do not plan to use a metal ladder, and you want to make the procedure for immersion in water smooth, you need to provide for the presence of concrete steps.

The formwork under the steps is mounted when the entire concrete bowl for the pool is already ready.

For the manufacture of formwork, it is better to use plywood, because. it allows you to create bent shapes and does not require additional stripping.

Construction of a concrete pool - video on pouring a concrete bowl

Finishing and cladding of the pool bowl

The stage involves a set of activities:

Sanding pool walls

Grouting is done manually or using a special grinder.

Waterproofing is applied with special liquid solutions, between the layers of which a reinforcing fabric (mesh) is laid.

When doing this type of work Special attention should be given:

  • seams between the bottom and walls of the structure;
  • seams that appeared when pouring concrete;
  • place of input of communications;
  • chips, gouges and cracks.


Before this, it is important to check the quality of the waterproofing. To do this, fill the pool with water. Measure the water level. Then wait 10-12 days. And check the water level again. Changes to this parameter are a warning sign. This means that the waterproofing is of poor quality and there is a leak somewhere.

The difference between these two indicators can say a lot. For example, a slight discrepancy would indicate that the water could simply evaporate under the influence of heat.

For finishing, the following materials are usually used:

facing tiles;


PVC film (the cheapest option).

The choice of material for finishing is influenced by factors such as:

Ease of care;
- availability;
- ease of installation;
- price;
- the possibility of replacement;
- appearance.

An artificial reservoir can serve not only as an ideal place to relax, but also as a real decoration of the site. For its construction, it is absolutely not necessary to invite specialists - you can make a small concrete bowl for the pool and reliable waterproofing for it yourself.

Choosing a place for the pool

Before starting construction, you should carefully consider the filling systems (it is more convenient to place the reservoir closer to the water supply), cleaning and water drainage. When choosing a place for a pool, you should be guided by the following rules:

You should not place it next to trees: their roots will tend to water and can damage the waterproofing; in addition, fallen leaves will fall into it, and the heating of water in a shaded area will be slow;

So that when frozen wet soil is heaving, it does not damage the pool bowl, the pit should be placed in the area with the deepest groundwater; it is better if it is a clay area: clay does not pass water well, and in case of partial damage to the waterproofing, the water from the pool will not leave so quickly;

In order to get as little dust, dirt and fallen leaves as possible into it, a place should be chosen for it so that the prevailing wind direction goes along it; moreover, pipes for overflow and water purification should be located in the direction opposite to the direction of the wind - in this case, the accumulated dirt will immediately merge.

It is not recommended to locate a reservoir next to large trees.

Advice. Maintenance of structures of complex shape, with many bends and angles, is much more difficult. In the absence of a quality filtration system, it is better to choose a rectangular or oval pool.

Optimal depth artificial reservoir - 105-170 cm. If there are children in the house, you should take care of their safety. To avoid accidents, a 50 cm deep bathing area should be fenced off with a net.

Pit preparation. Waterproofing

The main stages of the construction of the pool are:
laying a pillow of sand and crushed stone or gravel (in areas with sandy or rocky soil, you can do without it);
installation of expanded polystyrene on the bottom of the pool to compensate for ground pressure;
double waterproofing of the bowl (on the outside and inside concrete structure);
laying of cleaning and removal systems;
installation of formwork and reinforcement;
pouring concrete;
application of a waterproofing film (concrete milk);
building decoration.

1. The marking of the pit is carried out using pegs and a nylon string stretched between them. When calculating its width, the size of the formwork is taken into account. The depth of the pit should also be greater than planned: the heights of sand and foam pads, concrete pouring and finishing should be taken into account in the calculations.

Marking the place for the pool

2. To protect against soil shedding, the walls of the pit are made with a slight slope. After leveling the bottom and walls, all loose soil is removed from the pit. The earth in it should be spilled with water and carefully compacted.

3. Its bottom is covered with a layer of sand 10-12 cm, and then crushed stone or gravel and compacted again.

Drainage cushion device

Advice. In order to accumulate as little dirt as possible in the pool, it should be located just above the surface of the earth. Otherwise, rainwater, along with dirt, will constantly enter the tank.

4. If the design provides bottom water outlet, pipes for it should be laid before backfilling with rubble. At the same time, the pit is made with a slight slope towards the drains. Such pipes are packed in protective sleeves that protect them from freezing, laid at a slight slope of 5 ° and brought to a pre-prepared pit. At the other end of the pipe is installed valve. For small swimming pool one pipe is enough. In the construction of a larger area, one drain will not be enough: it is better to provide for 2-3 of them.

6. The simplest waterproofing are roofing material on bituminous mastic or PVC film (the polyethylene film will collapse very quickly). The film, like the roofing material, is rolled out with an overlap of 15 centimeters. The waterproofing agent is laid over a layer of rubble at least in two layers. It should protrude beyond the sides of the pool by 15-20 cm.

Waterproofing and formwork installation

Hanging formwork for walls. Pouring concrete

Not only heaving of the soil, but also the weight of about a dozen tons of water will exert pressure on the walls of the pool. Therefore, the concrete frame should be constructed from high-quality cement. stamps from M300-350 proven manufacturers with mandatory gasket double layer reinforcement with cells of 20 cm. To increase the service life, it is advisable to add an additive to it - plasticizer. The thickness of concrete walls is 15-20 mm. When pouring, concrete should be laid gradually, layer by layer, and each one carefully compacted manually or with a vibrator.

Important! If the filling is carried out in layers and the subsequent seams are laid only after the previous one has hardened, a cold seam, which will be problem area, "weakness" in concrete. When the soil moves at the junction, damage can occur. That's why it is desirable to fill the walls and bottom of the pool at the same time.

cold seam

1. For simultaneous pouring of the bottom and walls of the pool formwork for walls can be "hung": lay the boards across the pit, on which the formwork will be attached. It bursts with boards every 50 cm, and the places of its joints are fixed.

Formwork for the pool

2. First, the floor is poured a couple of centimeters above the bottom edge of the formwork. So that when pouring the walls it does not lead, it should grab a little (the setting time is not more than 4 hours). If, when the reinforcement bar is immersed, it pushes through the concrete by only 3-4 cm, you can start pouring the walls. In this case, the mixture should fill the formwork evenly from all 4 sides.

3. If a concrete pump is used during pouring, it is set to minimum power. In order not to damage the floor that has not yet fully strengthened, its hose is parallel to the ground. When pouring, 5-10-minute pauses are periodically made to vibrate and set the concrete.

4. If it is not possible to fill the walls and the floor at the same time, the structure should be strengthened: fill the place of formation of a cold joint with any elastic sealant: mastic, polymer, rubber cord, non-shrink cement or liquid glass. Before laying such compensation materials, the concrete surface must be thoroughly cleaned of contamination.

5. After removing the formwork, the concrete walls and floor are covered with waterproofing film: cement mortar (concrete milk).

Applying a waterproofing film

Penetrating waterproofing

Before finishing the walls of the pool, the concrete walls are waterproofed. For this, as well as before pouring concrete, you can use PVC or roofing material. A fairly effective, but more expensive method is the use of penetrating compounds such as Ceresit or Penotron, which are applied to slightly dry concrete. Processing is carried out in 2 layers.

PVC film waterproofing

Coating with penetrating waterproofing

Water purification systems (pool filter)

Without filtration systems, the water in the pool will very quickly begin to emit an unpleasant odor, and its surface will become covered with a slippery coating. There are several ways to clean the reservoir:
periodic pumping and use of heated water for watering beds, fruit bushes and trees; however, with the complete removal of water from the pool, the new one will heat up for a long time;

with filtration systems; the simplest devices are installations filled with coarse sand; next to the pool, a small pit is arranged for a pump equipped with such a filter; two pipes are run into the pool: one for water sampling, the second for draining purified water; in this case, the cost of electricity will be minimal, you will only have to spend money on the purchase of a pumping station;

Swimming pool water treatment device

By using chemical reagents(used as an additional cleaning system); water bloom can be eliminated not only by chlorination or the addition of bromine, but with the help of an inexpensive and environmentally friendly rehydrol.

Rehydrol for water purification in the pool

Advice. Without water, a concrete bowl can crack in frost, so it is not recommended to drain water from it for the winter. It is enough to remove only part of the water, and to compensate for the pressure of ice on the walls of the pool, throw several plastic 5-liter bottles into the water, to which a load is suspended. To prevent too much debris from accumulating in the pool during the winter, it can be covered with any covering material.

Pool Finish

You can finish the bottom and walls of the pool with mesh-based mosaic tiles, propylene coating or acrylic paint for pools with the addition of color. Mosaic tiles should only be glued to an adhesive that can withstand significant temperature changes. When using mesh, the mosaic will hold well on any bends.

Advice. It is undesirable to use porous rubber-based paints for finishing the pool: it will be very difficult to wash them. Moreover, algae are very quickly attached to such surfaces.

Acrylic painting and tiling