Sports to help: how physical activity helps to solve business problems. At what age should a child go in for sports and what sport to choose for a child

The harmonious development of a preschooler involves not only training the mind, but also the whole body. Raising a healthy and active baby is the main task of every parent. That is why quite often adults are concerned about the question of where to send a child at 6 years old.

Educational circles for children from 6 years old

The physical education of the child is no less important than the intellectual one. By nature, six-year-olds are very energetic and nimble, and from time to time it is simply necessary to give vent to their overflowing activity. At this moment, the difficulty arises of what to do with a child at 6 years old, which sections and circles to give preference to.
When choosing activities for your child, rely on his temperament and character warehouse. This information will help you understand which natural data needs to be developed and which are carefully adjusted. Ask the child himself what he likes. Otherwise, there is a risk of soon hearing that he does not want to attend classes, because he does not like them.
Do not pursue the romantic goal of making a great athlete or artist out of a child. The main task is to diversify his leisure time, instill a love for sports and grow up healthy, active and comprehensively developed.
A common mistake inspired parents make is to overestimate their child's psychological and emotional resilience. The child's psyche is still very vulnerable, and serious stress will certainly affect the well-being and mood of the baby. In addition, before starting classes in sports sections, fully examine the child - some sports are contraindicated for certain health problems.
One of the most popular sports activities and circles for children from 6 years old are:

  • hockey, football, basketball, volleyball - they will learn how to organically interact in a team, develop speed of reaction, endurance, coordination;
  • skiing, snowboarding, figure skating - an excellent option for winter leisure, from the age of 6 it is possible to recruit future athletes into professional training groups;
  • swimming - suitable for almost everyone. It promotes hardening, strengthening of muscles and the nervous system, the formation of correct posture, develops endurance, trains the lungs;
  • sports or rhythmic gymnastics - promotes the growth of body flexibility and plasticity, an excellent option for active six-year-olds;
  • wrestling - karate, aikido, boxing will make your baby a hardy, courageous person with an excellent reaction. Wrestling brings up not only a strong body, but also the spirit. As practice shows, best time to start karate, for example, is the age of children over 6 years old;
  • Dancing - sports, ballroom, modern - for a child at the age of 6 it is quite possible to independently determine which dance club he wants to attend. Develop a sense of rhythm, flexibility, artistry. Dancing classes for children over 6 years of age may be of a professional nature and involve competitions, including foreign ones.

Children's sections for girls from 6 years old

Dancing is a great pastime for little ladies. If your girl has irrepressible energy and a desire to imitate, then you do not need to guess for a long time where to send your child at 6 years old. The choice of dance directions is simply huge: sports, ballroom, classical, folk, hip-hop, breakdance, pop - and this is far from full list. If it is difficult for the baby to decide, agree on trial lessons, usually this service is provided and financially available.
In addition to dancing, girls willingly go in for figure skating, gymnastics and even wrestling. Of course, at the age of 6, the scope of the child's interests is very wide, so you may have to change more than one circle before your child finds something to his liking.

Children's sections and circles for boys 6 years old

When deciding which children's section to send a boy from the age of 6, ask about his vision of the situation, and also assess the degree of his readiness for serious sports loads and strict discipline. You may have to mentally prepare the baby for future classes and watch competitions on TV a couple of times or even visit the stadium. The boys enjoy going to wrestling lessons, modern dance, swimming and, of course, sports such as football and hockey are historically male-dominated. It is important that the decision on which sport to send the boy to at 6 years old is made by the whole family and must take into account the sphere of interests of the child.

When a child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to send him to the sports section. They are faced with a difficult choice, in which they are often guided either by their own taste preferences or by the degree of remoteness of the section from home. What should you pay attention to when choosing a sport for your child?

Young children have an incredible amount of energy and it must be directed in a positive direction. This will make you calm, and the baby - cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sports. But here comes the question of choice. suitable type sports.

First you need to carefully look at your child. Sports should correspond to his inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

At what age is it better to send a child to sports?

When is it worth giving your son or daughter to sports? - It is best to start teaching children about sports with preschool age, but this is not always possible - not all sports sections accept small children.

If parents plan to subsequently make sports for a child a significant part of his life, you need to teach children to sports even from the “diaper”. How to do it? Equip a small sports corner at home with swedish wall, rope and other devices. Dealing with early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, master the available equipment, feel pleasure and joy from classes.

  • 2-3 years. Children at this age are full of energy, active and mobile. That is why at this time it is recommended to do gymnastics with children daily. Kids get tired quickly, so classes should not be long, just do a few simple exercises(clapping, swinging arms, tilting, jumping) for 5-10 minutes;
  • 4-5 years. This age is especially remarkable in that the baby's body type is already formed (as well as his character), and talents are just beginning to appear. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports mug for your child. This age is good for the development of coordination. Offer your child a choice of acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumping or figure skating. From the age of five, you can start classes at a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
  • 6-7 years old. An excellent time for the development of flexibility and plasticity. In a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can give your child to any kind of gymnastics, swimming, start classes martial arts or football;
  • 8-11 years old. This age period is best suited for the development of speed, agility and dexterity in a child. A great idea is to give it to rowing, fencing or cycling;
  • From 11 years old focus on endurance. Children after 11 years of age are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and hone them. Choose any sports with the ball, consider it as an option athletics, boxing, shooting;
  • After 12-13 years there comes an age when the optimal solution will be training aimed at developing strength and endurance.

So at what age can a child be given to a particular sport? There is no single answer here, as each person is individual. There are children who, at the age of three, know how to ride a skateboard or skiing. Others are completely unprepared for most sports even by the age of nine.

Eat general recommendations to which you should listen when choosing a sports section. For example, classes to develop flexibility should begin with early years, since at this time the body of the child is more pliable for stretch marks. Flexibility decreases with age. But as for endurance, in general, it develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

If you decide to send a three-year-old child to a sports club, then take into account that the bones and muscles of the child will finally form only by the age of five. Excessive loads before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to scoliosis. Children under 5 years old are actually quite light loads and active games.

Which sections accept children at different ages?

  • 5-6 years. Accepted for various types of gymnastics and figure skating;
  • 7 years. Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dancing, martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
  • 8 years. At this age, children are taken to badminton, football, basketball and golf. There is an opportunity to learn skiing;
  • 9 years. From now on there is a chance to become a skater, to master sailing, take up rugby and biathlon, start playing athletics;
  • 10 years. Upon reaching the age of 10, children are admitted to boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, and judo. You can send children to classes with weights, billiards and cycling;
  • From 11 years of age, children are taken to sections on various types shooting;
  • From 12 years old child will be accepted for bobsleigh.

Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section one year younger.

Choosing a sport, taking into account the physique of the child

Having decided to give your child to sports, you should pay attention to his body type. This is important because in different types sports take into account various features of the structure of the body. For basketball, high growth is preferred, while this feature is not appreciated in gymnastics. If the child is inclined to be overweight, parents should pay even more attention to the choice of direction in sports, because the results of training will depend on this, and hence the level of children's self-esteem. Having excess weight, the child is unlikely to become a good striker in football, but he will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

There are several types of body structure, according to the scheme of Stefko and Ostrovsky used in medical practice. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Asthenoid type- this type of physique is characterized by pronounced thinness, the legs are usually long and thin, and rib cage and narrow shoulders. Muscles are poorly developed. Often, people with an asthenoid body type have a stoop along with protruding shoulder blades. These children tend to feel awkward. Given these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be psychologically comfortable. It is important not only the direction in sports, but also the right team. It is easy for such children to do gymnastics, basketball, as well as any kind of sports that emphasize speed, strength and endurance - skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
  2. Thoracic type body composition is characterized by an equal width of the shoulder girdle and hips, the chest is often wide. The indicator of the development of muscle mass is average. These children are highly active, they are suitable for sports related to speed and developing endurance. Mobile children are suitable for various races, motor sports, skiing, they will make excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and figure skaters. You can give a child with this type of physique to ballet, capoeira, jumping, captivate them with kayaking.
  3. muscle type addition is typical for children with a massive skeleton and developed muscle mass. They are hardy and strong, which means you should choose a sport aimed at developing strength and speed. Such children can prove themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, go in for water polo and hockey, and also achieve good results V weightlifting and Workout.
  4. Digestive type- Digestive body type is characterized not tall, wide chest, the presence of a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys are not mobile, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill in them an interest in classes, choose weightlifting, shooting, hockey, gymnastics, consider martial arts or motorcycling, throwing and WorkOut as an option.

How to choose a sport, given the children's temperament?

Character also matters when choosing sports. It depends on him what success the child can achieve. For example, children with a high degree of activity are unlikely to excel in sports where training is an endless series of repetitive exercises that require the ability to concentrate. They need to choose activities where the child can throw out excess energy, it is best that it be a team sport.

  1. Sports for sanguines. Children with this type of temperament are leaders by nature, they are not inclined to succumb to fear, they like extreme sports, sports are suitable for them, where they can show all these qualities, show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in fencing, mountaineering, karate classes. Sanguine people will enjoy hang gliding, skiing, kayaking.
  2. Cholerics- people are emotional, but they are able to share a victory with someone, so it is better for children with this temperament to find themselves in team sport. Wrestling or boxing is a good option for them.
  3. Phlegmatic children tend to achieve good results in everything, including sports, because their natural qualities are perseverance and calmness. Invite a child with this temperament to go to chess, to figure skating, to do gymnastics, or to become an athlete.
  4. Melancholy- very vulnerable children, they can be hurt by the excessive severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports for them or give them to dances. Great option- equestrian sport, it is suitable for everyone, and it is also worth considering shooting or sailing.

In which section to send children, given their state of health?

If you have chosen a direction in sports for your children, taking into account all the factors - their preferences, body type, character, then now you should pay attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child's body. The doctor will tell you which sports are contraindicated in each case, and which ones will benefit. The pediatrician will determine what level of exercise is right for your children. Consider recommendations regarding the choice of a sport for various diseases.

  • Volleyball, basketball and football contraindicated in myopic children, as well as those who suffer from asthma or flat feet. But these sports will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • Gymnastics save the child from flat feet and help strengthen the back muscles, form a beautiful posture;
  • Swimming- suitable for all children without exception. Classes in the pool have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body, including the back, strengthen nervous system;
  • Hockey contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases, but he develops well respiratory system;
  • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, classes skiing and figure skating shown with a poorly developed vestibular apparatus;
  • With a weak nervous system, classes are suitable children's yoga, swimming and horse riding;
  • tennis worth doing for development fine motor skills and attention, but this sport is not suitable for myopic children and those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
  • Horse riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
  • You can strengthen your heart and respiratory system by doing speed skating, athletics or diving;
  • Figure skating contraindicated in severe myopia and diseases of the pleura.

If you want to introduce children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, there will be failures. However, never write off the failures of a child in sports to different circumstances, because they are the result of the efforts made. Having achieved success with their efforts, children will again strive for victories, faced with failure, they will begin to make more efforts.

Any sport is useful and important, because it produces a strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child is engaged in it with pleasure!

At what age should a child go in for sports and what sport to choose for a child?

How to help your child choose a sport

I want to hear opinions and advice about motivating a child to play sports.
I myself am an athlete in the past, and I want to involve children in sports. Question about my daughter, she is 6 years old. She has been doing karate for a year now.

Before enrolling in the section, I found videos for her on YouTube, showed how the children were doing, talked about martial arts, about what classes would give her. In general, she went with pleasure.
After a while, she began to refuse. The reason is hard. But in that group other children of the same age are involved, and for them the program is easier. And I don't know of any sport in which you can develop without overcoming tension, fatigue, loss of interest. I talked every time with my daughter, explained, talked about my studies and achievements. That it takes time to get results. She was also afraid that if she starts and quits, then this algorithm will be recorded in the subconscious: I start - it becomes difficult - I quit.

Daughter took a year. The coach praises her. They print out such interesting forms for assessments for children - where, according to the results of the lesson, marks-badges are set, special encouragement - stickers. It looks cute and colorful and motivates kids to some extent. My daughter usually has high grades, we are always interested at home, we rejoice together.

And now I left for three weeks, and my daughter attended two classes without me and quit.
Here we need to make a digression about our dad - he is very kind and good with us, and allows the children everything they want. Cartoons all day, a sandwich instead of lunch, going to bed when they decide, and, of course, why force a child to play sports if he does not want to. Instead of training, the daughter sits in front of the TV with cartoons, and the father in the next room behind the closed door sits in front of the computer. While I am discussing the strategy with him, he verbally agrees, and does not interfere while I deal with all issues with the children. But without me, he just allows whatever they want. I also do exercises with my children every morning, without me now they don’t do it either.

In addition, I will say that there is no alternative yet. For her age, we have karate and ballroom dancing. But the dances, firstly, are already crowded with girls and there are not enough boys, and secondly, I also danced before, and there was an unpleasant competitive and envious atmosphere, and karate is just a very close-knit and friendly group, they go together for rest, training camps, competitions, communicate outside of class; thirdly, the daughter herself does not want to dance, her grandmother persuades her to do this on a regular basis. And one more thing: I do not aim for a professional level in sports. My goal is to get used to regular classes to become an integral part of life.

And here I have some doubt. I have no doubt that when I return, I will talk sincerely with my daughter, with examples, with explanations, and I will be able to persuade me to continue studying (as a child, my mother simply forced me to do something, and I fundamentally resisted, and my father persuaded and convinced - and it worked, and I try to do the same as dad). But is it right? Am I being violent? But after all, she will soon go to school, and this will begin a long period of a sedentary lifestyle .. Who thinks?

Your child has grown up, become more active, independent, and you decided to assign him to one of the sports sections. However, a difficult question arose before you - in which one? After all, firstly, not all sections accept preschoolers. Secondly, if you are guided by your preferences, you would gladly give your child, for example, to hockey. But, unfortunately, your child is a girl! Or, for example, have you been dreaming of playing chess all your life, but your son is too mobile and cannot sit still for five minutes? How to choose the right section for a child? This is what we'll talk about today.

Features of choosing a sport for a child: how to take into account the physique, health and temperament when choosing a section?

Take a look at your child's physique. Determine its type. This is very important, because in different sports there are certain requirements. For example, in basketball, being tall is important. But in gymnastics, high growth can become a hindrance. Are you worried that your child is overweight? Children with overweight First of all, you need to get involved in sports. In the section, they will lose weight and increase their self-esteem. Consider how to determine what type of physique a child belongs to.

How to choose a sports section according to the body type of a child?

Asthenoid type

The child is thin, long legs and the shoulders and chest are narrow. The child stoops, shy of unfamiliar society. These children are successful in gymnastics, basketball, golf, cycling .

Thoracic type

Children of this physique are distinguished by mobility and activity. They are well developed shoulder girdle and chest, pretty wide hips. They are suitable for all sports that develop endurance. They love speed. For example, they make good football players, hockey players, skiers, figure skaters, kayakers .

muscle type

It is characterized by a massive skeleton and well-developed muscle mass. Such children can be safely recorded in the section weightlifting and water floor . They will achieve results by playing hockey.

Digestive type

Children with such a physique are not tall, they have a well-developed chest, there are deposits of fat mass. They are a bit clumsy and slow. For such children, sections are perfect athletic gymnastics, shooting, throwing.

We figured out the body type, now let's move on to temperament. After all, it depends on him whether your child will like the section, what sports success he will succeed in the future. A special Eysenck test will help determine.

How to take into account the temperament of the child when choosing a sports section?

  • If your child is sanguine, a leader by nature, a section may suit him fencing or karate.
  • emotional choleric most suitable team sports.
  • Phlegmatic willing to play chess, study gymnastics or figure skating.
  • melancholic will captivate sailing, rowing and shooting.

The health of your child must also be taken into account. Not all sports are suitable for children with existing health problems. For example, short-sighted children should not be given to volleyball, football, basketball, tennis sections. Hockey is not recommended for children with a history of chronic diseases. Figure skating is contraindicated for children with pulmonary diseases, diseases of the pleura.

Before determining your child to engage in a particular section, we strongly advise you to consult with his doctor.

What sport is suitable for a boy of 5-7 years old: types of sections, pros and cons

Review of sports sections for a boy 5-7 years old: pros, cons

Kind of sport pros Minuses
Figure skating

The optimal age (if you want to professionally engage in this sport) is from 4 to 6 years.

This sport is suitable for almost all children who do not have a history of such diseases as: asthma, lung disease, myopia.

Do not give to the section figure skating children with a weak nervous system, with disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

This sport develops coordination of movements, flexibility.

Strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

Increases immunity and improves blood circulation.

The child becomes hardy and efficient.

This sport is considered traumatic.

Figure skating is quite an expensive sport. As a rule, all equipment is purchased at the expense of parents.


The ideal age to start is between 4 and 5 years old.

Suitable for almost all children. Of course, not everyone will become champions, but everyone will strengthen the nervous system and back muscles.

It is not advisable to enroll in the section of children who have experienced convulsions.

Swimming lessons will strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, harden your child.

In this section, you can enroll children who require a course of rehabilitation after injuries and operations.

Swimming is an excellent prevention of all diseases of the spine.

Chlorinated pool water can cause allergies.

At first, it is possible that the child will be more likely to get colds.

Sometimes children develop chronic rhinitis.

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is possible after 6 years.

It is not recommended to ride horses for children with heart disease, thrombosis, diseases of the pelvic organs.

Hippodrome therapy is widely used for therapeutic purposes after injuries and is recommended for children with cerebral palsy and children with autism.

Equestrian sports develop the muscles of the back and legs.

Improves coordination. It has a powerful relaxing effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

There are practically no cons. Unless, not too cheap equipment.

Officially, boys who have reached the age of 5 are accepted into the section.

You can not play hockey for children with myopia, heart disease (with congenital and acquired defects), diseases of the spine. Hockey classes have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, increase immunity.

Children involved in hockey practically do not get colds, they are brave and sociable.

Hockey is a dangerous sport.

Hockey lessons take a lot of time. Equipment for children is expensive.

Oriental martial arts

The optimal age to start practicing martial arts is 6 years old.

This sport is contraindicated for children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the spine, having problems with vision and the musculoskeletal system. Martial arts allow you to get the necessary self-defense skills, forget about all your fears and phobias. The child becomes bold and courageous.

Thanks to the classes, there is an active physical development child, his immunity is strengthened.

There is a risk of injury. Important right choice trainer.
Acrobatics Acrobatics classes are contraindicated for children with scoliosis, with severe myopia. It is not recommended to enroll children suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, asthma in the acrobatics section. Acrobatics contributes to the harmonious development of the body.

Strengthens and normalizes metabolism.

Allows you to get rid of clumsiness, trains the vestibular apparatus. Develops all muscle groups.

Risk of injury. As a rule, these are bruises, sprains, dislocations.

In which sport to give a girl 5-7 years old?

Sports for girls 5-7 years old

Sports for girls Who is this sport for? pros Minuses

real classes rhythmic gymnastics start at 5-7 years old.

Rhythmic gymnastics is not physiotherapy, therefore, children with excess weight and scoliosis will not be enrolled in this section. Gymnastics perfectly disciplines children, gives general physical training.

Rhythmic gymnastics strengthens the cardiovascular and circulatory system, improves immunity, and stabilizes metabolism.

This sport teaches to listen and hear music, brings up taste. At the gymnasts beautiful figure, correct posture, plastic movements.

Risk of injury.

Officially, it is believed that girls can start playing this sport from the age of 10.

Not recommended: for children with problems with the spine, heart, respiratory organs. Harmonious development of muscles, correct breathing, flexibility and agility. Injury sport.
Swimming There are no restrictions. Swimming allows you to correct your posture, learn how to breathe correctly, increase immunity, and improve blood circulation. Chlorinated pool water can cause allergic reactions.

It is considered a one-sided sport. Therefore, it is recommended that girls begin to engage in this sport no earlier than 11 years old. Otherwise, one side of the body will be developed more than the other. Of course, there are plenty of exercises to avoid this, but is it worth the rush?

On tennis You can give girls at 4 and 6 years old. But it will be developing and improving classes.

Tennis is not recommended for children with spinal problems, peptic ulcer, flat feet, neurological diseases. Tennis makes the body flexible, strengthens the joints and the cardiovascular system.

Develops in children flexibility, speed, intuition. Tennis is a non-traumatic sport.

Financially expensive sport. Coaching is expensive.
Figure skating

From the age of 4-5, girls are willingly accepted into the section.

Girls with flat feet, neurological problems, poor eyesight, and pulmonary diseases should not be enrolled in the figure skating section. Classes can strengthen the immune system, increase endurance, improve blood circulation. Figure skating improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Expensive sport. Pretty traumatic.

You can start learning intellectual game at 4-5 years old.

There are practically no contraindications. However, a too mobile girl - an emotional choleric is unlikely to be carried away by a long sitting at the chessboard. Chess develops in children such skills as: independence, perseverance, the ability to analyze and make decisions. Great for developing analytical thinking. There are no cons.

When choosing one or another, try to take into account all the features of his character and temperament. But remember, sport is simply necessary for the development of a healthy and harmonious personality.

Ludmila Borzenkova

Target: propaganda healthy lifestyle life children senior preschool age, raising their physical fitness and development, taking stock of results within educational field "Physical development"


Develop interest in physical education And sports;

Contribute to the realization of the motor potential of preschoolers;

Develop expressive speech of preschoolers;

Cultivate self-confidence.

caregiver: Attention attention! I invite all girls and boys to go with us to the country Sportland, I propose to take with you the speed and courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity of the winner.

How do you think you can get into the country Sportland?

Answers children.

Let's get through the song "Thank you, sport» (music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by Y. Khamtsky).

caregiver: What is sport?

Speeches children.

1 child:

Sport - is life. It's ease of movement.

Sport earns respect from all.

Sport propels everyone up and forward.

Vivacity, health he all gives.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

Can co sports are easy to make friends.

2 child:

Sport is not only a hobby,

But also long, hard work.

Only those who do not know about laziness

Pro and athletes are called.

caregiver: Of course engage sports And exercise very important. And many poems have been written about it.

The kids really need sports.!

We with sports are strong friends!

Sports - Assistant, sports - health,

Sports - game, physical training!

Sport straightens our shoulders,

Strength, dexterity gives us.

He develops muscles for us,

Calls us to records

Sport is not only a hobby,

But also long, hard work.

Training, matches, defeats

To the limit, with the last of my strength.

Violent battles for victory.

Sport in high esteem. He defeated everyone

sports be fashionable again!

So sports you will understand a lot:

Sport- and health without pills,

Sport- and fun without worries.

With friends do sports,

Believe me, really all year round!

So sports are always on the way

Guys are not afraid of training

Let your heart beat in your chest.

We are brave, and strong, and dexterous

You must always be ahead.

Health, Strength, Agility

Here sports fiery testament

Let's show our friendship, courage

Cheerful starts helmet hello!

caregiver: Guess riddle:

For health, for order,

All people need. (charger)

To be brave, and strong, and dexterous, we do exercises in the morning

caregiver: That's what we're going to listen to poems about.

If you wake up in the morning

He smiled and pulled himself up.

I did the exercises - one, two, three,

So you will be healthy!

Do exercises in the morning

Stay healthy always.

Do different exercises

So that the sores do not cling contagious.

If you start the day with a charge,

It means that you temper yourself with health.

You always do exercises in the morning,

You will never get sick.

caregiver: And now I suggest you play a game

"Catch, throw, types sports name»

The leader throws the ball to the first player and calls the word. A team player catches the ball, and, calling the word, throws it back.


"Catch, throw, aquatic view sports name» ,

"Catch, throw, summer look sports name» ,

"Catch, throw, ski view sports name» .

"Catch, throw, winter view sports name»

caregiver: And poems about views sports Elena Inkova wrote to the poetess, which the guys from our group will tell us.

Figure skating

Words, perhaps, will not be found -

You have to see it for real

How art is created

On crystal starry ice.

At figure skating

Fantastic success!

Sports -"eye charm",

Happy holiday for everyone!


Over the snowy mountains

Ski jumps and hills

On a projectile "snowboard"

Bute athletes their record.

"Snowboard"- He's like a board

Which is pretty wide.

It has a leg brace on it.

But not along, but across.

And then there is biathlon.

It's a long marathon

Cross-country skiing with shooting.

In the midst of the run - straight into battle!

Rifle targets

Yes in all gear

We need to hit the targets!

5 plus 5 should be them,

Plus - to master the marathon ...

It's twenty kilometers away!

Willpower is needed

Yes, and an eye like an eagle ...

caregiver: Let's play an interesting game with you.

"Do you agree - or not?"

Children are given sheets with the image of 6 squares.

The facilitator makes a statement. If the children agree with him, then paint over the square with a green pencil, and if not, then with a red pencil.


Volleyball in the game athletes throw the puck at each other.

Weightlifters lift heavy ribbons.

Skaters dance on ice in skates.

Football players try to get into the gates of rivals with a shuttlecock.

Hockey is a game played in water.

in boxing athletes compete in mittens.

You did a good job.

caregiver: Sport and music have always been linked together and we invite you to play musical game "If you like it, then do it".

caregiver: It's time to say goodbye. Guys, you expressively read poems about sports showed good knowledge in sports sports. We thank the library staff for the joint literary salon that passed within their walls. We will not only read poems about sports but also to practice. And in conclusion, I ask you to take an oath.

Forever be true to the sport:

We swear!

Maintain health from youth:

We swear!

Don't cry and don't despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

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