Team World Figure Skating. Sports or shows? What you need to know about the World Team Figure Skating Championships

With the beginning of the event, the content of the article may change.

Competition type: tournament under the auspices of the ISU
Date of: April 20 - April 23, 2017
Location: Tokyo
Prize fund: $1000000
Previous: World Team Championship 2015
Subsequent: World Team Championship 2019

World Team Championship figure skating 2017 (English) 2017 ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating listen)) is the fifth international team competition in figure skating organized by the International Skating Union. The championship will be held from April 23, 2017, presumably in the capital of Japan, Tokyo.

The teams of six countries will compete for cash prizes, the rating of skaters of which, in the 2016-2017 season, compiled on the basis of the competitions of the season under the auspices of the ISU, will be the highest (the results of the stages of the "adult" and junior series of the Grand Prix (including the final), the championship World Championships, World Junior Championships, European Championships and Four Continents Championships).

Prize fund

The prize fund of the tournament will be 1,000,000 , which will be distributed among the teams for occupied places presumably as follows:

  • 1st place - 200,000
  • 2nd place - 170,000
  • 3rd place - 160,000
  • 4th place - 150,000
  • 5th place - 140,000
  • 6th place - 130,000


  • Each single skater will receive 15% of the team winnings;
  • Each pair - 20% of the team winnings.

The remaining $50,000 will be awarded to the top two singles ($10,000 each) and doubles ($15,000 each)

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An excerpt characterizing the World Team Championship in Figure Skating 2017

“Merci,” said Pierre. The captain looked intently at Pierre, just as he looked when he learned how the shelter was called in German, and his face suddenly lit up.
- Ah! dans ce cas je bois a notre amitie! [Ah, in that case, I drink to your friendship!] – he shouted cheerfully, pouring two glasses of wine. Pierre took the poured glass and drank it. Rambal drank his, shook hands with Pierre again, and leaned his elbows on the table in a thoughtfully melancholic pose.
“Oui, mon cher ami, voila les caprices de la fortune,” he began. - Qui m "aurait dit que je serai soldat et capitaine de dragons au service de Bonaparte, comme nous l" appellions jadis. Et cependant me voila a Moscou avec lui. Il faut vous dire, mon cher,” he continued in the melancholy, measured voice of a man who is about to tell long history, - que notre nom est l "un des plus anciens de la France. [Yes, my friend, here is the wheel of fortune. Who would tell me that I would be a soldier and captain of dragoons in the service of Bonaparte, as we used to call him "However, here I am in Moscow with him. I must tell you, my dear ... that our name is one of the most ancient in France.]
And with the easy and naive frankness of a Frenchman, the captain told Pierre the story of his ancestors, his childhood, adolescence and manhood, all his related property, family relations. “Ma pauvre mere [“My poor mother.”] played, of course, an important role in this story.
- Mais tout ca ce n "est que la mise en scene de la vie, le fond c" est l "amour? L" amour! N "est ce pas, monsieur; Pierre?" he said, brightening up. "Encore un verre. [But all this is only an introduction to life, its essence is love. Love! Isn't that right, Monsieur Pierre? Another glass. ]
Pierre drank again and poured himself a third.
- Oh! Les femmes, les femmes! [ABOUT! women, women!] - and the captain, looking at Pierre with greasy eyes, began to talk about love and his love affairs. There were a lot of them, which was easy to believe, looking at the smug, Beautiful face officer and the enthusiastic animation with which he spoke of women. Despite the fact that everything love stories Rambal had that character of dirty tricks in which the French see the exceptional charm and poetry of love, the captain told his stories with such sincere conviction that he alone experienced and knew all the delights of love, and so temptingly described women that Pierre listened to him with curiosity.

According to the results of the first day of the World Team Championship, the Russian team was in second place. Many points were missed by Maxim Kovtun, who took only 11th place in short program, Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov became third in the short dance, although in the absence of Gabriela Papadakis and Guillaume Sizeron they could have swung at more. But on the other hand, Evgenia Medvedeva and Elena Radionova became the best among girls, and Mikhail Kolyada overtook Yuzuru Hanya and Patrick Chan and brought valuable 9 points to the national team.

In total, Russian figure skaters. The same amount went to the Japanese, who took the intermediate first place in additional indicators. One point was lost by the American team, behind which a rather serious gap of nine points to China was formed.


Pair competitions provided an excellent opportunity to break away from the Japanese. Not only because this species is, in fact, the Achilles' heel of the owners. Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov were the only extra-class duet to come to Tokyo. China was represented by Peng Cheng and Jin Yang, who did not qualify for the World Cup, while the Canadians represented Kirsten Moore-Towers and Michael Morinaro. Serious competitors were perhaps the French Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre, who became bronze medalists of the European Championship this year.

But the rental of Tarasova and Morozova did not work out. After a brilliant triple twist of the fourth level, for which no judge dared to put below three points, the partner fell on a triple sheepskin coat and on a triple lutz ejection. In addition to all the other troubles, the couple received a fine for a delay in time. Although the components were appreciated and the Russians were the best in this indicator, their score for the technique was very low. In total, Tarasova and Morozov scored only 66.37 points and were in fourth place.

It was James and Sipre who brought the greatest benefit to their team. Cleanly performing the more valuable triple salchow and throwing a triple flip, the French set a personal best of 75.72 points. The second and third places were taken by the Chinese and Canadian couples, respectively. The Russian team came out on top, but the lead over Japan and the United States was only two points.


In the free dance, Bobrova and Solovyov had hope for local success. At the World Championships, the Russian duet won a small bronze in this event, overtaking both Canadians Caitlin Weaver and Andrew Poje, and Americans Madison Chock and Evan Bates, their main rivals in Tokyo. But it didn't work out again. One level of difficulty was removed from the Russians in the diagonal step sequence and the combined rotation. In ice dancing, such losses are felt especially acutely. Bobrova and Solovyov scored only 104.55 points, which was their worst result for the season.

Weaver and Poje won the free dance. The judges rated them very highly - 113.83 points, which brought them to the fifth place in the history of the best results in the second type of program. Chock and Bates received 109.96 points and finished second in the competition. If total results were taken into account at this tournament, then the Canadians would have won, but such regulations do not provide. According to the results of the dances, the two North American teams got the same 23 points, and Russia got 20 points, which allowed them to maintain a minimal lead before the re-entry of the single men.


Maxim Kovtun, because of the penultimate place in the short program, fell to act second in the free program. Usually, this order is considered optimal for going on the ice, but he didn’t help the Russian skater at all. At the very beginning of the rental, Kovtun fell after a quadruple salchow. There was no way to catch up - the triple salchow did not submit, most of the elements received very modest bonuses, and the final rotation remained only on paper. The 21-year-old athlete scored only 148.29 points, although he skated at the level of 170-172 more than once throughout the season. However, Kovtun was still able to bring more points to the team than after the short program.

Kolyada took a step back, although he broke a personal record. He still succeeds in the obstinate quadruple lutz only in training, and during the competition this element brings only losses. The 22-year-old athlete performed the rest of the program flawlessly and received the best marks in his career for free skate - 184.04 points. But Kolyada shows only one quadruple jump, while the main rivals have gone far ahead. He took fifth place, so the Russian team got the same 11 points as after the short run.

The Japanese also fully pleased the audience in the last Friday competition. Hanyu decided to catch up on the first day and conquered the milestone of 200 points, and his partner Shoma Uno lost to the Olympic champion Sochi by only two points. They took the first two places and lifted their national team to first place with 81 points. The US team is three points behind, and the Russians seven. The Russian team still has a chance to win the World Team Championship, because on Saturday the most promising events will take place - free skates for couples and girls, where we have the right to hope for the maximum.

A whole scattering of star skaters will gather in the capital of Japan, Tokyo, because the world team figure skating championship 2017. This World Cup, the final season in this sport, will be held from 20 to 23 April. It is worth noting that the tradition of holding team figure skaters' World Championships about two decades ago originated in Japan. Next, we will talk about the calendar of the 2017 World Cup, as well as the composition of the participants in the Russian team.

Figure skating world team championship 2017: schedule

Taking into account the fact that the competitions are held in Japan, most of the rentals will take place in the first half of the day, Moscow time. So, on April 20, the program of the world team championship figure skaters 2017 will open a short dance with dancing couples. Its beginning is at 9.15 Moscow time. A little later, at 10.35 the women will skate the short program, and at 12.40 the short rental in men.

The competition will continue on April 21st. On this day, sports couples will be the first to go on the ice - their short program will begin at 10.00. Then at 11.25 the baton from sports couples will be taken by dance couples, which at 11.25 will begin a free program. The men will complete this day with a free skate (its start is at 13.00).

Finally, on April 22, free programs will be shown by sports couples (beginning at 9.15) and women (10.15). Well, April 23 at 8 am Moscow time will begin demonstration performances, which will complete the figure skating festival in Tokyo.

We add that the Match TV and Eurosport TV channels will broadcast the 2017 World Cup in full.

The composition of the Russian national figure skating team for the team World Cup 2017

In conclusion - about the composition of the participants in the Russian boric at this team world championship. There is good news for Russian figure skating fans: Evgenia Medvedeva is participating in the World Championships. We note right away that the captain of the Russian national team will be Ekaterina Bobrova, who, together with Dmitry Solovyov, represents our country in ice dancing.

In the male single skating Maxim Kovtun and Mikhail Kolyada will perform, and women's category- Evgenia Medvedeva and Elena Radionova. Finally, Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov are declared in the competition of sports couples.

The world season is coming to an end, and the best skaters of the planet have only to compete for medals at the last tournament of the year - the World Team Championship, which will be held in the capital of Japan from April 16 to 19. With the appearance of the team tournament at the World Team Trophy in the Olympic program, specialists and fans pay special attention. After all, only at this competition you can check which of the skaters is a team fighter, and who can take a back seat under pressure.

Because of the completely different format of the competition. There are no such white spots in the regulations as in Sochi, when the short program cost twice as much as the free program, and you can already become Olympic champions for the last type of program. But at the World Team Trophy, the organizers usually do everything to level the backlog of the Japanese hosts in doubles, which they do not have as a class. But first things first.

"Master's" regulations

Team gold is contested by the six strongest teams in the world. Each team is represented the best athletes(This required condition for team World Cup). If

some of the federations decide not to strain and send the second or third team to Tokyo, the team may lose a ticket to the next championship. The team consists of four single skaters (two in women's and men's competitions), one sports and one dance pair. For a victory in each event, 12 points are given, for second place - 11, and so on until the last 12th place, for which the participant will bring his team one point. Since a dozen participants are recruited in singles, and half as many in doubles, the last-placed couple gets not one, but as many as seven points, which allows the Japanese team to seriously count on success, despite the fact that two out of four have they are absolutely a failure. This year, another touch was added to the rules - points will be counted not by the sum of two programs, as before, but separately for the short and free programs.

What is better - a stable composition ...

The most even composition has two teams - Russian and American. In none of the types of the program, the teams do not sag, there are killers and those who can cover the rear. Our squad looks clearly more powerful in the women's tournament, and the US team - in the dance. The strong half of the teams are approximately equal in class, most likely they will be able to win back no more than a point from the Stars and Stripes.

The task of obtaining maximum points will fall on the shoulders Elizabeth Tuktamysheva and Elena Radionova. Young girls did not get off the podium all season, but to perform, feeling responsible for themselves and for those guys behind their backs, is not at all like in a personal tournament. , and the new world champion only once played for the national team at the World Team Trophy two years ago. In the men's tournament, all that is required of Kovtun and Voronov is to try not to lose to the Americans and to give way to Japan with the least losses. The performance of the dancers is not expected to be so exciting. To lose to China or Japan, Elena Ilinykh and Ruslan Zhiganshin it is required not to get up from the ice throughout the program. But they are unlikely to be able to beat one of the winners of the 2015 World Cup.

...or percussion types?

The most favorable format for the Japanese allows the hosts to compete for medals. Initially laying down the last places in doubles, Japanese single skaters repeatedly pull their partners to the podium, and in 2012 the Japanese team even managed to win overall standings. They have chances for the championship even now, but the efforts of one Yuzuru Hanyu not enough for this. The recently concluded World Cup has become terrible for Japan - the fact that the maximum quota will be lost in the men's tournament, no one could dream of even in nightmares. If Takahito Mura remember that he is actually one of the best skaters in the world, the Japanese will be in the game until the very end. Shanghai history will be repeated - and the team can fly out of the top three.

Steps behind the scene

The remaining three teams are given supporting roles. They might even win one of a kind like a Chinese Sui/Han couple or French dancers Papadakis/Cizeron, but an extremely uneven composition will negate the effect of their success. The Canadian team could join the race for awards if it didn’t sag so much in singles. If the Canadians had Patrick Chan in the ranks, Maple Leaf Country would have looked much stronger. But so far, the Sochi silver medalist has only vaguely indicated his desire to return in the new season. And the newly-minted world champion in pair skating Eric Redford a couple of days before the start came down with food poisoning. And everyone else needs to be more careful about Japanese hospitality - it ends abruptly when it comes to medals.

58 - Inside news page

The Russian figure skating team won silver at the World Team Championship in Japan, despite two new world records by Evgenia Medvedeva.

5:32 24.04.2017

The Russian figure skating team won silver at the World Team Championship in Tokyo, Japan, despite two new world records and the most points earned by the team two-time champion world in women's single skating Evgeny Medvedev.

The Russians scored 105 points in total, the first place was taken by the Japanese team (109), the third - by the Americans (97). The victory in each of the two programs of each type was evaluated by 12 points and then in descending order. The sum of points for the results of both programs was not even officially calculated. Medvedeva won the maximum possible 24 points for her team.

Era Medvedeva

The world champion first set a new world record in the short program, gaining 80.85 points (the previous one - 79.21 - belonged to her and was set in the Grand Prix Final in Marseille). The Russian woman completed all the elements with a plus, and for the cascade "triple flip - triple sheepskin coat" she received from the judges a solid maximum "+3" according to the GOE (Grade of execution) system. For the components, the skater did not receive a single recorded score below 9 points on a 10-point system. "The era of Medvedeva is now absolute," the figure skater's coach-choreographer Ilya Averbukh reacted to what was happening.

Elena Radionova, who has been in the current season for a long time, did not perform in the short starting combination "Lutz - sheepskin coat", which let her down at the Russian Championship in Chelyabinsk, but made a separate lutz, and in the second half of the program - a high-quality "rittberger - sheepskin coat", a more expensive combination than "lutz - sheepskin coat". The result - 72.21 points, the second position and 11 points for the national team. Japan's Mai Mihara took third place, lagging behind Radionova by 11 hundredths of a point.

Free skate for women was the culmination of the tournament. By that time, the Russians were in third place with 85 points in the asset, three points behind the Japanese and one behind the Americans. Averbukh's words were again confirmed on the ice. Medvedeva received 160.46 points from the judges (154.40 - the previous record, which was set by the same skater at the World Championships in Helsinki). If you add up the total points, then the Russian woman would have recorded another historical achievement, but only each of the programs is officially counted at the World Team Championship.

All 12 elements of the winner's program were rated exclusively at "+2" and "+3", not a single judge dared to give even "+1" to Medvedeva. “In the pre-Olympic years, it increases the gap not only technically, but also psychologically. These are very important things,” Tatyana Tarasova, Honored Coach of Russia, shared her impressions of Medvedeva’s skates.

Mai Mihara was 14.5 points behind to finish second, with Wakaba Higuchi third. Both figure skaters thus brought gold to the Japanese team. Radionova coped with the starting cascade "lutz - sheepskin coat", but made mistakes during the execution of the triple lutz and double axel. The result is fifth place.

A little before that, a Russian sports couple, bronze medalists last championship world champion Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, became the second in the free program, gaining 142.38 points. The first place was taken by the French Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre, the third - the Chinese Peng Cheng / Jin Yang.

A day earlier, the Russians were fourth in the short program, allowing marriage on a parallel triple sheepskin coat and a triple rittberger throw (66.37 points, 9 points). “It just didn’t work. It’s clear that the end of the season. But these are more technical errors than just fatigue,” Tarasova explained. James/Cipre won the short program, Peng Cheng/Jin Yang took second place, and Canada's Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro took third place.

“Of course, we had the peak of form at the World Championships,” Tarasova’s partner Morozov shared. “After Zhenya’s injury (received in Helsinki), upon arrival in Moscow, we did not immediately start training, we did not skate with a full set of elements in the free program, but in the free program Tokyo skated well and scored high."

The national record didn't really help.

Helping the "weaker sex" from the male singles looked ridiculous even against the background of the national record in the short by Mikhail Kolyada. Not a single Russian figure skater in history has scored 95.37 points before in the short. The Petersburger achieved such an assessment due to a cascade of quad and triple toe loops, a triple Axel and a triple Lutz in the second half of the program, already in fact yesterday. But in the company of world stars current champion Russia became the fourth.

Having beaten, however, the world champion and Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu, who skated extremely dirty in the opening of the tournament (7th place). Even two rotations did not come out of the conceived quadruple loop... Maxim Kovtun became 11th (64.62 points, 2 points), making a "butterfly" on the quadruple axel and constipating the quadruple sheepskin coat. And the Russian team rolled back to the second team place. The Japanese Soma Uno won the short and maximum 12 points, the American Nathan Chen - the second, the Chinese Jin Boyan - the third.