How to make a wave in modern dances. Wave with step

When following the same diet, a man loses weight twice as fast as a woman.

“I will lose weight” continues the publication of the “Belly dance for beginners” course from the Tonus TV channel. Classes are led by a trainer St. Petersburg, two-time champion Europe in belly dance, Valeria Putitskaya. At her Valery Lab school, Valeria Putitskaya teaches both face-to-face and distance learning of belly dance.

Arsen Izrailov plays the darbuk.

Today we present to your attention the fifth lesson, which will help you master another new wave movement.

Don't forget to warm up before every workout. This will help warm up your muscles and prepare your body for the next session.

Warm up

  • Movement of the hips to the right and left.
  • Movement of the hips back and forth.
  • Circular movements of the hips, first to the right, then to the left.
  • Movement of the chest up and down.
  • Movement of the chest to the right and left.
  • Circular movements of the chest to the right - up - to the left - down, then in the opposite direction.
  • Head movements left and right.
  • Tilts of the head in the direction to the right - back - left - forward two times in each direction.
  • Rotation of the head to the right - back - left - forward, and in the opposite direction.
  • Stretching. We make inclinations first to the toe of the left foot, then to the toe of the right foot.
  • Movement of the right wrist up and down.
  • Movement of the right elbow up and down.
  • Circular movements of the right shoulder back.
  • Movement of the left wrist up and down.
  • Movement of the left elbow up and down.
  • Circular movements of the left shoulder back.
  • Movement alternately with both hands.

We turn to the study of a new movement of our dance - waves, upper and lower.

Upper wave

IP: put the left foot forward, right leg- back. There is an imaginary wall ahead and behind us. We make movements, as if touching an imaginary wall in front of us, first with the top of the abdomen, then with the lower abdomen and hips.

Repeat the same movement with the right leg forward and the left leg back. We make sure that the chest, shoulders and head do not work together with the stomach and hips.

We try to keep the chest still.

bottom wave

IP: We tighten the hips and buttocks, we retract the stomach.

We release the stomach up and forward and lower the stomach down in front, as if touching an imaginary wall in front of us, first from the bottom, and then from the top. Pull your hips back parallel to the floor and return to the starting position.

Now we make the waves one by one: first we make the upper wave twice, then the lower wave twice. And we will repeat it again, now making the upper and lower waves once each.


Now let's analyze the bundle that is necessary for our dance.

IP: we transfer the weight to the right leg, we take the left leg to the side on the toe. We turn the body to the right, raise chest and the chin up, we follow the posture, we spread our arms to the sides.

  • We do once at first the upper wave, then the lower one. We repeat again.
  • Squatting smoothly, we transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, the right one - on the toe. Then, crouching, transfer the weight of the body back to the right leg, the left one - on the toe.
  • We perform the same movement, adding two waves with our hands, starting with the right hand.
  • We perform two waves with our hands at the same time with a smooth squat and a transition from one supporting leg to another, ending on the supporting left leg. We turn the body to the left and from this position we make the upper wave, then the lower wave.

So, the scheme of our movement in a bundle: the upper wave, the lower wave, two waves with the arms at the same time with a smooth transition from one leg to the other, and again the upper wave, the lower wave and a smooth transition from one leg to the other with a simultaneous wave with the arms.

Hi all. Let's study one of the important elements in belly dancing - this is a wave. This element is difficult to perform and requires thorough study and repetition. The training video lesson "How to learn how to make a wave with your stomach" together with Natalya Solmaz will help you learn how to perform it correctly and move smoothly in belly dancing.

Let's learn one of the most beautiful, at the same time one of the most difficult elements of dance movement, especially for beginners. This element is called a wave of the hips or is called the "lower camel". It is very complex and many people master this movement for a very long time. In the training video lesson "how to learn how to make a wave with your stomach" Natalia Solmaz will try to explain all the elements of the movement and so that you quickly learn how to perform it.

You can also teach your children these dances by sending them to the Maximum dance school. Here in the classrooms, teachers will help your children learn not only belly dancing, but also many other types. Perhaps it is your child who will become a famous dancer if he attends dances for children in a closed joint-stock company in Moscow. Large spacious halls will help children feel more free, and perhaps they will come up with the new kind dance.

Preparatory exercise

Before you start performing a wave, you will need to initially learn how to do simple moves on straight legs. To do this, we relax the tummy and point the navel down, while our tailbone looks up. We draw in the stomach, tighten the buttocks, let go of our tailbone, and the navel looks upwards, while the knees bend slightly.

We repeat once again we relaxed the tummy, let go of the navel, our knees are straight, and the tailbone looks down. Next, we retract the tummy, let the tailbone go down, bend our knees and the navel looks up. We repeat these movements several times. You should understand one of the main things in this preparatory exercise that our navel is connected with the coccyx. To understand this, it may be worthwhile to mentally draw a line between the navel and the coccyx.

Belly wave

Let's move on to the wave itself. To understand how to make a wave correctly, you should best understand it as a figure eight, as a sign of infinity. Many dance teachers do not say that this is an eight, and it is not considered one, but it is well remembered for beginners. If they explain to you like a figure eight, then you will quickly remember all the movements of the wave.

The very first thing we do is release the navel on straight legs. It is possible to shift some of your body weight off the front of the foot, as with jogging walking. We begin to draw the first part of the figure eight with our movement, the relaxed part of the navel stretches towards our stomach and our knees are slightly bent. Now we continue to draw the second part of the figure eight starting from the coccyx and it begins to stretch upwards. This is how we mentally draw our figure eight in the sign of infinity.

Let's take it apart slowly again. We begin to draw mentally the eight again. It begins with the relaxation of the abdomen, the navel looks down, the coccyx up, the weight of the body is transferred to the front of the foot, we do not bend our knees. Next, we mentally continue the figure eight, draw the stomach into ourselves, while bending the knees, and we get the coccyx below. The final part of the figure eight, we rise up with the coccyx, while the tummy relaxes and goes down. Actually it turns out here is such a wave in the stomach.

Wave with step

Now we continue to study the wave and start doing it along with the step. Also a very interesting movement and it is very often used. We put the right foot forward and take a step with the right foot, and then also take a step back with the left foot. To these steps we need to connect the wave.

Now let's try to execute this exercise. Try to perform it synchronously, taking a step with the right foot, we move our body. Repeat on the left leg as well. To do this, we also put it forward and start moving to the left side.

Let's perform one more movement, which, in principle, is more like an exercise. It is done diagonally. In principle, everything remains the same here, we just move first to the right and then to the left. That's all and try to dance to these movements and step to the rhythm of the music.

We hope you understand how to do this wave exercise. This is very good move and it looks very beautiful in the dance. And also it is very good exercise both for the abdomen and for strengthening the back. We wish you good luck.

Stand in front of a mirror. Stand facing the mirror, feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, arms at your sides. Relax your abdominal and pelvic muscles. You should feel free and comfortable.

  • Since you are working on the movements of the stomach, you need to see it in the mirror. Wear a top that exposes your belly, or just a bra and comfortable pants, a skirt, or low-rise shorts.

Pay attention to the abdominals. Your abdomen is divided into two muscle groups: upper and lower muscles belly. Place one hand on your upper abdomen, just below your ribs, and the other on lower part just below the navel. To properly perform abdominal waves, you will need to learn how to work each muscle group separately.

  • Remember, your hips and spine must remain still. For abdominal waves, you will need to use only the abdominal muscles. Try to resist the temptation to move your hips from side to side; you need to stand completely still and focus on the abdominal muscles.

    • If you can't keep your hips and spine still, try doing the exercises while sitting on the floor or on the edge of a chair, or lying on your back. In any case, it is important that your torso is straight when you do the exercises.
  • Retract upper muscles belly. The lower abdomen should remain relaxed while top part the abdomen is drawn in. Stay in this position for a while to get used to the feeling. This movement is very important for performing belly waves.

    • Practice pulling in and out the muscles in your upper abdomen. Pull your upper abdomen in first, then push it out. Keep doing this exercise until you can easily control the work of the muscles.
    • By holding your hand on your stomach, just above your navel, you will be able to feel your upper abdomen pull in. When you start to succeed, do this exercise without using your hands.
  • Pull in your lower abdominal muscles. Pull in your lower abdomen as if you want to touch your spine, while keeping your upper abdomen relaxed. This move is more difficult, so it will take you more time to master it. Imagine that you are trying to press the navel to the spine.

    • Practice pulling in and pushing out your lower abdomen. Keep doing this exercise until you can do it with ease.
    • First do this exercise with your hand on your stomach so that you can feel the movement of your stomach. After a while, train without a hand.
  • Do these exercises alternately. First draw in the upper abdominal muscles, then the lower ones. Make sure that when you pull in one part of your belly, the other one sticks out. When you do this exercise, your stomach will look "wavy". Once you get the hang of it, you'll be ready to do belly waves.

    • If you find it difficult to keep other parts of your body still, you may be helped additional exercises such as sit-ups. This will help you increase control of your abdominal muscles.