Games with throwing a small ball. Outdoor games in the athletics section (in classes with throwers)

In the lessons in III-IV grades great place continue to occupy outdoor games. The games offered for studying the technique of throwing the ball contain all the main types of throwing - for distance and accuracy at a fixed horizontal and vertical target. The use of small and large (light) balls strengthens the joints and muscles of the hands, develops the eye, and improves coordination of movements. Strengthening the technique of movements in games should be carried out only after its detailed learning. Technically correct execution throws should be the main condition of the game.

The most common throwing games for grade 3 students are “Who is the most accurate”, “Ball school”, “Hit the target”, “Gain time with long-range throws”, “Fifteen with a ball”, “Moving target”, “Hunters and ducks”, “Force to retreat”, “Long-range throws”, “Protection of the fortress”, “From the shield in the field”; for students of the IV grade - "Dimble and well-aimed", "Lapta", "Circle shelling", etc.

A special place in classes with students of grades III-IV in the study of throwing is occupied by various relay races. Relay race participants fight with rivals on their own (in turn) or in groups with mutual support and mutual assistance of comrades, but without coming into direct contact with members of other teams. The personal responsibility of each relay participant in the struggle for the victory of the team is a valuable educational factor.

The need to act with full dedication of forces helps to solve the problems of development not only physical qualities, but also the accuracy of movements, the ability to control one's efforts when throwing various projectiles in compliance with rational technique. All this makes relay races related to sports competitions.

The ability to widely vary the content of relay races and the conditions for conducting them, taking into account the age, preparedness of students and the conditions of the hall (site), allows them to be widely used in lessons, sectional classes and in extended day groups, on holidays and rest days. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that children are very sensitive to the manifestation of any inaccuracies when summing up the results of relay races. Therefore, holding relay races requires the teacher of physical culture to organize them especially clearly.

The relay should be repeated at least 2-3 times for the final identification of the winner. An analysis of the results should be done after each repetition of the relay, indicating the reasons for success and failure. This increases the educational and upbringing significance of relay races.

Number of players in a team - 6-12 people

Outdoor games in the study of throwing

There are a lot of options for relay races for students of III-IV classes. Their content is determined by the teacher, in accordance with educational material lesson. Here are examples of possible relay races for students in grades III-IV.

"Snipers" (III class).

Teams are built in lines at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the throw line, each participant has 2 small balls in his hands. Targets are located at a distance of 5-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the players alternately go to the throwing line and perform two throws at the target. The team that shows the best result, that is, the one that hits the target more times, wins. As targets, you can use maces, skittles, stuffed balls mounted on a gymnastic beam or other elevation; a target shield in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60-80-100 cm, which is fixed on the wall; target shield with several circles and digital designations (3-2-1).

"Exact calculation" (IV class).

Teams are built behind the throwing line, each participant has a ball. Hoops lie in front of the teams at a distance of 6-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the team members take turns throwing their ball, trying to get it into the hoop. The team that hits the target more times wins.

Options: 1) throws are performed in a certain zone: the 1st zone is located at a distance of 12 m from the throw line, the 2nd - 16 m, the 3rd - 20 m; each zone has digital designations - 1-2-3; the winning team is determined by the sum of points scored by all its members; 2) throws are performed at a target shield with several circles with different numerical designations (3-2-1), the distance to the target is 8-10 m, the height is 2.5-3 m; The places of the teams are determined by the sum of the points scored.

Diana Chebotareva
Outdoor games with throwing and catching

Target: exercise children throw at a distance with the right and left hand, act on a signal.

move games: Children stand on one side of the hall (sites) behind a drawn line or a laid rope. Each of the players receives a bag. At the signal of the teacher, all the children throw the bags into the distance. Everyone carefully watches where his bag falls. At the next signal, the children run after the bags, pick them up and stand in the place where the bag lay. They lift the pouch over their heads with both hands. The teacher marks the children who threw the bag the farthest. Children return to their original places.

The game is best played with half the group. You need to throw bags on the instructions of the educator with both right and left hands.

"Catch the ball".

Target: exercise children to catch the ball thrown by the teacher and throw it back.

move games: On the contrary, a child at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him becomes an adult. He throws the ball to the child, who returns it. At this time, the Adult says words: "Catch, throw, don't let fall!" Each word is accompanied by a throw of the ball. Words must be pronounced slowly so that the baby has time to catch the ball and throw it slowly. As you master the skills fishing and throwing distance between child and adult can be increased. If two children are playing, an adult makes sure that they throw the ball well and fishing did not press him to the chest.

"Get in the circle".

Target: exercise children in throwing at a horizontal target with both hands from below.

move games: Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from a large hoop or circle lying in the center (from a rope or drawn on the floor, diameter 1-1.5 m). Children have sandbags in their hands. At the signal of the teacher "Give it up!" all children throw bags in a circle. Then the caregiver speaks: "Pick up the bags". Children pick up bags and stand in place.

Directions. The bag must be thrown with both hands.

"Throw it up".

Target: exercise children to throw the ball up.

move games: The child throws the ball as high as possible, trying to throw it directly over his head, and catches it. If the child cannot catch the ball, then picks it up from the floor and again throws it as high as possible.

Directions. The child can toss the ball with one or two hands.

"Aim Better".

Description: Children stand in a circle, each child has a small ball or bag. There is a large basket in the center of the circle. (distance to the basket no more than 1.5-2 m) at the signal of the teacher, the children throw objects; then they approach the basket, pick it up, return it to its place and play again.

Directions: 8-10 people at the same time. One hand from the shoulder, the other from below.

"Get in the gate".

Description: With the help of a teacher, children are distributed in pairs and stand at a distance of 4-6 steps from one another. Between each pair in the middle there are gates - from cubes, skittles or twigs. Each pair receives one ball and rolls it to each other through the goal.

Rules: roll the ball without hitting the goal; push away vigorously with one or both hands (at the direction of the teacher).


Description: The teacher invites the child to throw and catch the ball. First up, wait until it hits the ground, and only then catch it; then - hit the ground and immediately catch.

"Hit the target".

Description: The teacher puts or hangs up 2-3 vertical targets - it can be a hoop with a cardboard circle in the middle, a target shield, a snow figure with a convenient for object throwing(fox with a bun, hare with a basket). In front of the targets at a distance of 1.5-2 m, a strip 40 cm wide is indicated. On it, in front of each target, there are buckets with balls, cones, sandbags. 2-3 children stand up to the buckets, take objects and throw them to the target with one and the other hand. They collect thrown objects in buckets, other players come out.

Rules: throw at a signal with the hand indicated by the teacher; collect items after everyone has produced throwing; fulfill throwing without leaving the band.

"Who will find the flag?"

Description: The teacher holds two flags and, turning to the children, speaks: "Here in my hand

Two small flags

But you can't look at them."

Children close their eyes. caregiver continues:

“I will hide them in the snow.

Who has even one flag,

If he finds it, well done.”

The teacher hides the flags behind a tree and speaks:

And now those flags

What I held in my hand

I let you find it!

Children go and look. caregiver speaks:

"Who found them at this moment

Let him run up to me!”

"Throw the ball into the basket".

Description: Children stand in a circle. Each child holds a small ball in his hand. In the center of the circle is a box or a large basket. (the distance from the target to the children is no more than one and a half to two meters). At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls into the box, then take them out and return to their places. If the child does not hit the target, he picks up the ball from the ground (from the floor) and also stands in a circle.

The game is repeated from the beginning.

Raise the red flags!

Description: In the middle of the platform, chairs are placed in a circle, with their backs in the middle, and in a circle on a stool, a flowerpot. Children with red flags in their hands, one by one go around the playground. under the words educator:

"Merry, joyful preschoolers go,

Red flags in hand

One, two, one, two (6 times)

Like this, like this

They carry red flags in their hands.

The children raise the flags and approach the chairs and stop in front of them. To a certain signal (the word of the educator "put") children put flags on the chairs. Then they start running, jumping, jumping, spinning around on the playground. into words educator: "Raise flags up!" children rush to the chairs, take the flags with both hands or first with the right hand and then with the left and raise them up. The teacher names the children who first raised the flags up. The game is repeated from the moment when the children put the flags on their chairs.

"Who woke up the bear?"

Description: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, and one child with a teddy bear in her arms sits with his back to the children. One of the children screams loudly “ku-ka-re-ku!” Child addressing the bear with words "Let's go look for a cockerel", bypasses all the children and, stopping in front of the one who crowed, speaks: "You woke up the bear". If he guessed right, they switch places.

middle group

"Ball Over the Net"

Target: Teaching children to compete. Exercise in throwing the ball over the net with both hands from below and from behind the head.

Material: Balls and net.

move games: At a distance of 1 m from the grid on the line on both sides are groups of children opposite each other. On signal educator: "Begin!"- the child throws the ball over the net to the child standing opposite. He, having caught the ball, throws it to the one standing nearby, etc. When the ball reaches the last player, the teacher notes what mistakes were made by groups of players.

"Hunter and Hares"

Target: learn throw the ball at a moving target.

move games: On one side - "hunter", on the other in drawn circles 2-3 "hare". "Hunter" walks around the site, as if looking for traces "hares", then returns to itself. caregiver speaks: "Hares ran out into the clearing". "Hares" jump on two legs, moving forward. By word "hunter", "hares" stop, turn their backs to him, and he, without leaving the spot, throws a ball at them. That "hare", which hit "hunter", is considered hit, and "hunter" takes him to her.

"Get the bag in the circle"

Target: Exercise in throwing right and left hand. To develop in children the ability to act on a signal.

move games: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle a circle is laid out of the rope, the ends of the rope are tied, the circle can be drawn. The diameter of the circle is 2 meters. Children are at a distance of 1-2 steps from the circle. Sandbags in hand. According to the teacher "Give it up!", everyone throws their bags in the circle. "Pick up the bags!"- says the teacher. Children pick up bags, stand in place. The teacher notes whose bag did not hit the circle, the game continues. Children throw with the other hand.

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. exercise in throwing in the distance with the right and left hand, in running, in color recognition.

move games: Children stand along the wall. Several children, named by the teacher, stand on the same line in front of the rope laid on the floor. Children receive pouches in 3 different colors. According to the teacher "Give it up!" children throw the bag into the distance. The teacher draws the attention of the children to whose bag fell further and speaks: "Pick up the bags!". Children run after their bags, pick them up and sit down. The teacher calls other children who take the places of those who threw the bags. The game ends when all the children have dropped the bags.

"Toss - Catch"

Target: Teaching children to compete. Practice throwing the ball

two hands from the bottom up and catch it.

move games: Children are freely located in the room or on the court, each holding a ball in his hands. On signal educator: "Begin!" children throw the ball up and catch it. Everyone counts how many times they can catch the ball without dropping it.

Directions. Children can be divided into pairs. Some throw and catch balls, while others count or everyone becomes in a circle, and one or two of the players go to the middle of the circle and throw the ball. Everyone is watching to make sure the job is done right. You can also enter an element competitions: who will toss and catch the ball more times? It is possible to include such exercises: throwing the ball up, wait until it hits the ground, and then catch it; hit the ball on the ground and catch it; throw the ball higher, clap your hands, catch the ball; toss the ball, quickly turn around and, after the ball bounces off the ground, catch it.


move games: The teacher chooses the driver, throws the ball up as high as possible, and the driver must catch it. While he is catching the ball, the rest of the players run around the court.

As soon as the driver catches the ball and say: "Stop!", the players stop in place.

The driver tries to hit the ball at the player standing as close as possible. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and the rest of the players scatter again in different sides. Catching up with the ball driving again screaming: "Stop!". If he hits, then

the player who was hit becomes the driver, and the game starts again. The game continues up to 3 times.

"Catch - don't catch"

move games: Children stand in a large circle, the teacher is in the center of it with a large ball in his hands. The ball must be caught only if any of the following is called. edible: carrot, cake, candy, ice cream, cake, pineapple, orange, etc.

If the teacher pronounces inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he must not catch it. If a player makes a mistake in catching the ball, he is out of games.

"Run the Circle"

Target throwing

move games: Playground is bounded by lines. In the center of the hall, the players form a circle, standing from each other at a distance of arms extended to the sides. One child becomes the center (leader) educator: "Run the Circle" "one, two, three in a circle run"

"roll the ball"

Target: To develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Practice rolling the ball.

move games: the players form a circle, kneel and sit on their heels. The teacher rolls the ball to one of the children. He pushes away from himself with his hand, preventing the other player from touching the legs. If the ball touches the feet, the child takes a step out of the circle. Sitting around the circle, the loser takes part in the game if he pushes the ball, accidentally sent to him. Duration games 4 – 5 minutes.

"Traps with a ball"

Target: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. exercise in throwing at a moving target and while dodging.

move games: Playground is bounded by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms extended to the sides. One child becomes the center (leader). At his feet are 2 small balls. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. On signal educator: "Run the Circle", the children scatter, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. On signal "one, two, three in a circle run" the children form a circle again. The leader is changing. Duration 5-7 minutes.

A game "Throw the Ring"

Target: to train children in throwing rings at certain targets.

move games: A line is drawn on the floor - this is the border from which the children will throw the ring. At a distance of 1.5-2 m from it, a figure is placed for throwing a ring (an elephant with a raised trunk, a goose with outstretched neck, a rhinoceros with an exposed horn, etc.) An adult shows how to throw a ring - from oneself, holding it in a horizontal position.



The players - "foxes", form a circle, in the center of which the leader with the ball in his hands is the "hunter". On a signal, the foxes scatter, and the hunter tries to knock out one of the players with the ball. A salted fox becomes a hunter. The hunters, already together passing the ball between themselves, knock out the foxes. If the foxes can intercept the ball, then they pass it to each other, switching roles. The game lasts a certain time, the team that has more opposing players in captivity wins.


The players are divided into 2-4 teams, which line up in a column one by one behind the start line. At a distance of 4-6 m from the start line, a mace is placed opposite each column. The ball lies at the feet of the first players on the line. On a signal, the first players, rolling the ball on the floor, try to hit the mace with them, run after the ball and pass it to the next one. The team that manages to knock over the mace more times wins.


The players are divided into pairs in teams and form lines in pairs at a distance of 4-5 m. In the hands of the guides basketball. At the beginning of each team there is a leader with a hoop. On a signal, the driver begins to move with the hoop raised up. At this time, the guides perform the transfer to the partner in the hoop. It is important that the ball does not touch the floor when passing the ball, and for each hit in the hoop, the team receives a point.


The players are divided into two teams. One team stands in a square in the form of a snake, holding hands on each other's belt. The other team stands behind the square. On a signal, this team tries to knock out the last player in the snake with the ball. The player standing in front tries to prevent this by constantly moving and raising his hands. If the team located outside the circle managed to knock out the last one in the snake, then the knocked out one goes out of the square. The game continues until there are two players left. Then the teams switch roles. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Each of the players in the hands of tennis ball, which are located on the throwing line. At a distance of 10 steps, the driver throws a volleyball up. The task of the players is to hit the flying ball. A point is given for each hit. The winner is the player who scored more points in 8-10 attempts.


The players form two teams. If all the players do not fit in one line, then one team becomes after the other. All players receive a tennis ball. Teams are located in front of the throwing line. At a distance of 6-7 m from it, 10 towns of two colors stand in a row at a step distance from one another, and each team has towns of a certain color. On a signal, the players of one team simultaneously throw balls into the towns. The downed town of his team moves one step further from the throwing line. The downed town of the other team is placed one step closer to the throwing line. Then another command does the same. Each team throws balls 3-5 times. The team that manages to move their towns further from the throwing line wins. This takes into account how many steps the towns are moved away.


The players are divided into two teams and line up on the sidelines opposite each other. A volleyball is placed in the center. Each team has 6 basketballs. On a signal, the players throw the balls at the volleyball, trying to roll it back to the opposite team. The team that manages to roll the ball over the other wins. It is not allowed to stop the ball with your feet or hands, as well as run to the center for basketballs.


The players stand in a circle at arm's length. In front of their socks, a circle is drawn on the floor, in the center of which maces or a low stand are placed. A leader is chosen, who stands in the middle of the circle to protect the fortifications. Those standing in a circle have a volleyball. On a signal, the players begin to knock down 3 maces with the ball. The defender covers the tripod by hitting the ball with his hands and feet, but he is not allowed to hold the maces with his hands. The player who manages to knock down the fortifications changes places with the defender. The game is running for a set time. Players are not allowed to go over the line. If the defender himself knocked down the fortification, then the player who had the ball at that moment takes his place.


The players are divided into two teams - "hunters" and "ducks". The hunters stand on opposite sides, breaking in half at a distance of 7-10 m. Ducks are randomly located in the center. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions, without going beyond the line, try to knock them down ducks, and they, in turn, dodge the ball. The player hit by the ball is out of the game. When all the ducks are knocked out, the teams switch roles. The winning team is the one that stays in the center the longest.


The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step with 6-8 balls. A town was built in the middle of the circle, i.e. several pins are placed at such a distance that a ball can freely pass between them. The town is guarded by three guards. The players, standing in one place, send the ball to the town with their foot. The one who hits the pin with the ball takes the place of the watchman. But the players must not miss the ball, beaten off by the watchman for the circle. All guards and attackers work only with their feet.


The players are divided into two teams and freely placed on their field (Fig. 10). The coach tosses the ball in the center between the captains, who are trying to hit the ball to their partners. Having received the ball, the player tries to hit the opponent without going beyond the middle line. The opponent takes cover from the ball and, in turn, tries to hit the opposing player with the ball. The player, pinned by the ball, goes behind the line of captivity to the opposite team until his players help him out by throwing the ball to him. They play for 10-15 minutes, after which the prisoners in each team are counted.


The players stand in a circle. One player has a volleyball. In the center of the circle is the driver. The players, throwing the ball, try to hit the driver with it (it is not allowed to hit the head). The driver dodges the ball. The one who hit the driver with the ball without going beyond the line changes places with him. Play 5-7 minutes. after which the most dexterous drivers are noted.


The players form a circle, in the middle of which is the driver with the ball. With the words: "Ball to the top!" - Throws the ball up. The players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: "Shtandr!". Everyone should stop, and the driver, without moving, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he remains the driver again.

"Dodge the ball"

The players are divided into three teams. The platform is also divided into three parts. Each team is placed on its site in random order. One of the players between the other two has the ball. On a signal, the team occupying the middle section tries to hit the players in the outer fields with the ball. And those, in turn, strive to make as many hits as possible on the players located in the middle section. At the end of the time, the teams change places. The team with the most points wins.


The players run around the playground. Three hunters stand in different places, each with a small ball. At the signal of the head "Stop", all the players stop, and the hunters from the spot aim the ball at one of them. "Killed" replace hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not leave their place, but they can catch the ball. If the player leaves the place after the "Stop" command, he replaces the hunter.


The players stand in a circle with one volleyball. There are two drivers in the center - they throw the ball at one, and the other defends it, beating it off. On a signal, the players begin to throw the ball at the driver, trying to knock him down. If the players hit the ball in the driver, then the hit player goes to the middle, and the player who was in defense takes the place of the tagged one. In conclusion, a player is noted who defended his partner well.


The players are divided into two teams - drivers and field players. The drivers form a large circle, and the field players are in the center of this circle. On a signal, the drivers try to hit the ball with the field players. Players of the field, dodging the ball, can catch it. If a player is tainted, he is temporarily out of the game. If he caught the ball, then he is not considered to be touched and has the right to help out one of those who came out. The game lasts for a certain time (3-5 minutes), after which the remaining players of the field are counted and the players change places. The team that manages to tarnish more players on the field wins.


The players choose the driver, and the rest of the players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver with the volleyball is in a circle. On a signal, the driver hits the ball on the floor and calls one of the numbers. This number runs to the middle of the circle and tries to catch the ball, while the rest run around the court. As soon as he catches the ball, he shouts:

"Stop!" The players must stop and stand still, and the driver tries to hit any player with the ball. If he did not hit the player, then he runs after the ball, and the players again scatter around the court. If the driver hits, then the players change roles.


The players are divided into two teams of 4,8,16 players each. The players of one of the teams occupy the corners of the quadrangle or hexagon clearly marked with lines (Fig. 11). Their task is to hit as many opponents as possible with the ball, which are located in a polygon, the length and width of which have different sizes depending on the preparedness of those involved. On signal, the outside players,

passing the ball to each other, they try to hit the ball with the opponents who are in Fig. 11

inside the polygon and can only shoot around corners. If the throw turned out to be accurate, then the team that threw the ball gets a point. If the inside player managed to dodge the ball, the outside players run away from their places inside the circle, and the inside players try to pick up the ball as quickly as possible. The one who lifted it shouts:

"Stop!" and throws the ball from the place where he picked it up at one of the outside players, who, on the command "Stop!", are obliged to stop and have no right to evade the ball. If the thrower pins the opponent, his team gets a point. The game continues until the agreed number of points, after which the teams change roles. The winner is the team that manages to score the required amount of points in a shorter period of time.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 balls.

Outdoor game - relay with running "Run Don't Fall"

Target: learn to run gymnastic bench: maintaining balance, consolidate agility, speed of running.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 gymnastic benches.

Mobile game - relay race with running "Snake"

Target: to teach to listen carefully to the command of the educator, to develop attention, to monitor the correctness of the task.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 10 chips of two colors.

Mobile game - relay race with the run "Catch the ball"

Target: develop speed and endurance, work out the skills of a lateral canter.


Mobile game - relay race with running "Pass the hoop"

Target: develop speed, agility and endurance

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 hoops.

Mobile game - relay race with the run "Whose column is more likely to be built?"

Target: to teach children to move around the site in different directions, on a signal it is built in three columns in accordance with the objects in their hands. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, orientation in space.

Equipment: 1 cube, 1 triangle, 1 cylinder (volumetric)

Mobile game - relay race with running "Climb into the hoop"

Target: teach children to quickly run across to the opposite side of the site. Cultivate perseverance in achieving positive results.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 10 hoops.

Mobile relay game with jumps "Classics"

Target: teach kids how to speed different types jumps: with a jump of one leg to two.

Equipment: 10 hoops, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Who is faster"

Target: teach children to jump in a bag. Develop dexterity, speed, endurance.

Equipment: bags, landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Jumping snake"

Target: teach children to jump on two legs with a snake from a hoop to a hoop, holding their hands on their belts. Strengthen the arches of the feet. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: hoops, landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Funny jump ropes"

Target: teach children to jump rope. Develop attention, speed, coordination of movements.

Equipment: 2 jump ropes, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Penguins with a ball"

Target: teach children to jump to a landmark on two legs with the ball sandwiched between their knees, trying not to lose the ball, land on both feet. Develop dexterity, speed of movement, coordination.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 volleyball ball.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Obstacle jumps"

Target: To teach children to jump over obstacles on two legs forward, swinging their arms, pushing their legs. Develop dexterity.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 18 sticks, 12 plank holders, 12 racks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Do not step"

Target: teach children to jump over the stick sideways to the right, to the left; develop a sense of rhythm, alternating jumps from right to left, attention, dexterity; strengthen leg muscles.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 8 gymnastic sticks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Inflatable balls"

Target: teach children to jump on balls, gently push off the ground with their feet, develop a sense of rhythm, attention, dexterity; strengthen leg muscles.

Equipment: 2 large inflatable rubber balls, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get into the hoop"

Target: Develop accuracy.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 hoops, small balls according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get in the basket"

Target: learn to throw at a target, develop accuracy.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 baskets, sandbags according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Knock down the pin"

Target: teach throwing at a target, perform tasks on command.

Equipment: skittles and balls of small diameter according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get into the basketball hoop"

Target: teach dribbling with one hand, develop accuracy when throwing the ball.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 volleyballs.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "The ball to the driver"

Target: develop accuracy, dexterity.

Equipment: 2 volleyballs, 4 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Swap places"

Target: learn to perform the task on command, throw the ball.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 basketballs.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Dodgers"

Target: learn to hit the ball on target.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 1 volleyball.

Outdoor game - relay race with climbing "Obstacle Course"

Target: follow the rules of the relay, act quickly, dexterously, develop attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Firefighters in training"

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Oh - a big hoop

o - small hoop

I - gymnastic bench

: - caps

gymnastic stick

Throwing sandbags

| | - sports mat

|=| - gymnastic ladder

. - small balls

P - geometric figure volumetric cube

^ - landmark, geometric figure volumetric triangle

"Fast and accurate." The players stand in pairs. The first two run a race, each holding a bag of sand. Having reached the line, located at a distance of 20 m from the start, the children must stop and throw the bag into a circle with a diameter of 1 m, drawn 3 m from the finish line. After that, the children should quickly return to the start line. The winner is the team whose players quickly and accurately completed the task.

"Hunters and Ducks". One team is located in a circle with a diameter of 15-20m. Players of the other team are randomly placed in the middle of the circle. The members of the first team try to hit the opponents with the ball. "Salted" players leave the circle. After a certain amount of time, or when all the players inside the circle have been tagged, the teams switch roles. The winning team is the one that knocks down more opponents or does it earlier.

"Hit the ball." The throwing line is marked on the court. There is a big ball on the bench 4-5 m away from her. The players are divided into two teams. The players, first of one team, and then of the other, alternately throw a small ball, trying to knock down the big one. A point is given for each hit. The team with the most points wins.

"Hit the target." Each player has two "snowballs" in their hands. Passing by a shield for throwing or a hoop suspended on a rope, children must hit the shield or hoop on the go with their left and then with their right hand. The one with the most hits wins. The distance from the participant to the target must be at least 5 m.

"Strong throw". Teams stand in a line 20-30 meters apart. In the middle lies a large (basketball) ball. Players throw small balls (snowballs) into the big one and try to roll it to the opponent's side. The team that succeeds wins.

"Snipers". The players of each team alternately throw small balls (snowballs) at a target - a basketball, a snowball, etc. The total number of hits per team is counted.

"Dodge the ball." Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15m. The players of one team stand behind these lines, the players of the other - in the middle. The players in the middle try to dodge and prevent the players from the other team from hitting themselves with the ball. The player hit by the ball is out of the game. When all the players in the middle are eliminated, the teams switch roles. The team that knocks out all the players of the opposing team the fastest wins.

With two balls

Will you be able, holding outstretched hands on big ball, walk around the room, get up and down from a chair, get down on your knees, crawl under the table and get up again without dropping the balls?

Try to hit

Sit on a chair and put a stand with a peg at your feet. Take a ring with a diameter of about 6 cm (you can make it yourself out of wire) and, aiming, try to lower it onto a peg. Five attempts are allowed. Which of the competitors will have better results?

Rubber ball

Such a ball can be made by wrapping a cork or a small pebble with cotton wool, and then with a cloth and tie it tightly crosswise with strong threads. One or two strips of model aircraft rubber 60-70 cm long are tied to the ball. A loop is made at the end of the rubber thread, which is put on the middle finger of the right hand. If such a ball is thrown forward, the rubber thread will return it back. Learn to toss and catch the ball, hit the intended target (in the back of a chair, in a piece of paper hanging on the wall, lying on the floor, etc.), catch the ball bouncing off the target with your hand.

On one leg

Jumping on one leg, with the other leg try to roll the ball around the table, chair or take it along a winding path: go around the chairs, skittles or other objects placed in the room - one on the left, the other on the right. The ball must not touch these objects.

Get the ball

Sit on a chair with your legs at a right angle to the floor. Put a ball on the floor on the left at the feet. Bend over, pass the right hand behind the legs and, without rising from the chair, get the ball. This turns out not to be easy!

Kicks on target

A target drawn on paper is placed on the floor. Participants of the competition sit on the floor around the target (remove shoes). We need to prepare a bag of sand. Having grabbed the bag with their feet, the players take turns throwing it, trying to hit the center of the target. For each hit, a certain number of points are counted (for example, 5 points for hitting the center of the target, 3 for hitting the middle one, 1 for hitting the large circle). Each is given several tries.

Shadows on the wall

There is probably an electric table lamp in every camp. It is necessary to sit down between the lamp and the wall (the lamp should be at the level of the hands) - you can start the show. Choose any animal or figure (from the ones you have drawn or imagined) and learn how to fold your fingers so that the desired image appears on the screen. Of course, what you have planned will not work right away, you need to practice, but gradually you can achieve very good results. You can even learn to animate the figures: move your fingers - the bunny will press its ears, the dog will open its mouth.

Shadows work well only on a light background.

Kill the bear (Denmark)

All players stand in a circle. In the center, a bear and a guard are sitting on a bench. In their hands they will hold a half-meter rope with knots tied at the end. Those standing in a circle carefully move towards the bear, trying to "kill" it (touch it). If a bear or a guard grabs someone, then he takes the place of the bear, the bear becomes the guard, and the guard becomes in a circle.

catch the ball (Spain)

The server is in the center of the circle. He throws the ball to whom and how he wants. If the person to whom the ball is thrown fails to catch the ball three times, he incurs a penalty. Standing with his back to the players, he receives any task. If the offender guesses who said it, then he is released from execution. If he doesn't guess who said it, he does the task. Then the game continues.

Catch the dragon's tail (Algeria)

About 10 people play. They stand at each other's backs. right hand put on the right shoulder in front of the person standing. The first is the head, the last is the tail. The line moves behind the head without breaking. If the head manages to catch the tail, then the tail becomes the head, and the last one left is the tail.

ball kick (Austria)

Two players stand as far as they can throw the ball to each other. In the middle is the third one, which you need to hit with the ball. He can only dodge the ball without moving. If the thrower misses, he changes with the middle.

Trains (Argentina)

Players become in a circle, each is a railway car. He builds himself a depot: he draws a small circle. In the middle is the driver - he is a locomotive. The locomotive approaches the wagons and collects the train. They follow the steam locomotive. Suddenly, the locomotive whistles, and everyone scatters to the depot. The player left without a place becomes a locomotive.

Get the town

The participant stands with his toes and heels together, hands behind his back (one hand grabs the wrist of the other). Squatting, he must, without moving from his place and without touching the floor with his hands, raise the town (puck, cube, bump or other object) located at the foot.

Through the stick

Player takes gymnastic stick so that the palms are at a distance of 0.5 meters. First you need to step over the stick with one foot, then the other. The movement is forward and backward.

Difficult jump

The player approaches the line drawn on the ground. Leaning forward, he takes his hands on the feet (ankle, heel). Pushing off with both legs at the same time, he tries to jump over the line. A successful attempt to repeat in the opposite direction.

through the hoop

The player holds in one hand a racket on which lies the ball for table tennis, And in the other - a gymnastic hoop. The task of the player is to put the hoop on himself from top to bottom, and then remove it without dropping the ball.

With a pouch on my head

A small bag is stuffed with sand (peas) tied or sewn up. The weight of the bag (the size of a small palm) is 150-200 grams. The task of the player is to walk 5 steps with a bag on his head, sit down, straighten up, turn around and come back.

tightrope walkers

A line is drawn on the ground or a white cord (tape) is laid. The player picks up binoculars and brings them to the eyes with the reverse side so that the objects seem not close, but distant. Looking through the binoculars, you need to walk along the cord 5 meters.

into a horizontal target

Such a target can be a circle drawn on the ground with a diameter of 30 centimeters. The player stands 5 steps from the circle and tries to throw the puck into it (hitting the line does not count). Each is presented with 3-5 throws.

Accurate football player

A ball is placed in a circle drawn on the ground, a player becomes 6 steps from it behind the line. They blindfold him or put a paper cap over his eyes, shaped like a bucket without a bottom. The player turns around 360°, trying to face the ball again, approaches the ball and kicks it. Few people manage to complete the exercise the first time.