About the benefits of torsion of a person around its axis. The practice of dervishes and the true purpose of torsion around its axis

Rotation is a unique experience of being totally in the "here and now" during the entire time of meditation.

Sufi whirl(or spinning) is a meditative technique that consists of spinning around one's own axis for a long time (usually from half an hour to several hours).

The technique got its name from the Mevlevi Sufi order, founded by the Persian Sufi poet Jalaladdin Rumi (1207-1273), in which whirling was part of the ritual of worshiping God and symbolized unity with him. The Sufis twirled (and twirl to this day) in heavy skirts, which are needed to stabilize the rotation and maintain its high speed.

Among people practicing meditation practices, whirling is unofficially considered the “royal meditation”. Why is this meditation singled out among many other techniques?

The fact is that with a long rotation around its axis, you can stand on your feet only in a state of “no mind”, a state of meditation, when all the energy in the body is located below, in the stomach and legs. This is the most stable position. If we think, worry, fear, rejoice, that is, if we have thoughts and emotions, something happens that plain language called "head spinning".

With a long rotation around its axis, you can only stand on your feet in a state of “out of mind”.

The secret to circling, or more precisely, circling stability, is extremely simple: the energy (or our attention) must be in the center of the abdomen and legs. Then we simply won't be able to fall - like a roly-poly doll. Any rise of energy in the head, that is, the appearance of thoughts and emotions (and therefore “falling out of meditation”), reduces stability. And if after that you do not lower the energy down, do not return to a meditative state, a fall follows.

When thoughts come to you in static meditation, you can return to it again. When whirling, falling out of meditation ends in a physical fall. In static meditation you can just sit and think you are in meditation. While whirling, you cannot “pretend” that you are meditating. In the meditative state of whirling, one must be totally and continuously.

There are two meditations where falling out of the process is especially pronounced: walking on coals (if you do it wrong, you get burned) and Sufi rotation (if you do it wrong, you fall).

When you meditate correctly (circle), that is, all your energy is below, the upper part of the body is free for the flow of cosmic energy. Therefore, the essence of Sufi whirling can be expressed by the formula: we stand firmly on the ground, open our hearts, let the energy of God into one hand, let this divine energy pass into the heart and bring out exactly the same pure energy into the other hand and release again to God ... and the rise of strength, and the state of the absolute rest after meditation.

This technique can be represented as a metaphor for life. While we are spinning (samsara), we live, when we fall, life stops. You can whirl with pleasure or with the fear that you will fall or lose control of the process. So you can go through life with pleasure or fear. But meditation is good because it first helps you learn to enjoy the process in a safe space (that is, during meditation), and then transfer it to life. Rotation technique.

The practice of rotation begins with the traditional greeting of the dervishes. Crossing your arms on your chest, right palm on the left shoulder, left on the right and covering the big toe of the left foot with the big toe of the right, gratefully bow forward, then turn around and back. By this, the Sufis express their gratitude to all the dervishes who have lived and are living at all times and to God.

Straighten up and place your feet in a natural position. Spread your hands in different sides, as if you are spreading your wings before flying, while the right hand is higher and palm up, the left is lower and palm down. Now start rotating counterclockwise or clockwise. Depending on which way you're spinning, you have to choose your lead foot and the heel of that foot, and that heel will be the start of your pivot "on which you'll sort of spin." Then start spinning slowly... realizing your inner core, this will achieve stability in circling, i.e. you will not be chatted all over the floor, then looking at your palm upper hand, try to relax inside, then find the balance, and ... speed up the rotation, the eyes should be open. Let yourself swirl, listen to music and merge with the dance. When you better master this practice, you can let go of your gaze from your palm, your gaze becomes defocused, and allow the world to revolve around you, you will feel the lightness and freedom of your being, you will feel unity with the whole.

The rotation slows down and you stop or fall (your meditation is over!) If you have been spinning for a long time, then your body allows you to bow. Cross your arms over your chest again and bow in gratitude. Lie on your stomach and touch the ground with your stomach. Mentally connect your navel with the core of the earth with a thin thread. Lying in silence, you will continue to feel the rotation, as the universe revolves around you.

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"Rotation around its own axis"

Despite the fact that this exercise is familiar to everyone since childhood, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Surely each of you, as a child, loved to spin in place, arms outstretched to the sides. I don’t know about you, but when I did this, adults scolded me all the time, they said that my head would spin. But adults did not understand one thing: it is for the sake of this feeling of dizziness that children love to spin around their own axis! When I stopped after the rotation, the world around me seemed different to me, as if I fell into another dimension. Of course, at that time I did not know what rotation around myself was - fast way enter a state of self-hypnotic trance. And in this state, you can perform self-tuning for any action.

I want to warn you right away: this exercise is allowed to be performed only by those who have a well-developed vestibular apparatus. If you are good at cycling, you do not get sick on the ship and on carousels - you can safely perform rotation around your own axis.

Important: This exercise must be done on an empty stomach. In no case do not perform it in a state of alcoholic intoxication, even the lightest!

Execution technique

Stand in the middle of the room. Raise your hands above your head and stretch upwards, as if you were tied by the hands with a rope. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

At this time, you can say to yourself a brief self-hypnotic statement about what you want to do that day. For example, you need to tune in to a serious conversation. You say to yourself, “I am collected and persuasive. My words have effect."

The installation should not be long, one or two short phrases are enough.

Then lower your arms to shoulder level, spread them apart and tilt your head up. Choose a certain point on the ceiling for yourself and all the time while spinning, look only at this point. Start spinning very slowly. Men should rotate to the right, women to the left. In the process of rotation, you can accelerate a little, but the speed should not be high. For the first session, 10-15 rotations will be enough, in the future their number can be increased to 50.

The stop must be carried out by gradually reducing the speed of rotation. Slow down for the last 2-3 laps. When you come to a complete stop, stretch your arms up again and repeat the self-hypnotic setup.

After that, you can sit on the floor for a while in the lotus position. If your head is very dizzy - stand for a few minutes, leaning against the wall. This text is an introductory piece.

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In "The Eye of Revelation" Colonel Bradford indicates clockwise rotation:

"The first Ritual," said the colonel, "is quite simple. It is designed to speed up the movement of the Whirlwinds. As children, we used this in our games. Your actions: stand straight, with your arms extended horizontally along your shoulders. Start spinning around your axis until you feel slight dizziness. There is one warning: you must rotate from left to right. In other words, if you put the clock face up on the floor, your hands should move in the direction of the arrows"

Note that Colonel Bradford defines the "hour hand" direction as the direction in which a person rotates from left to right, regardless of their location on the planet.

Given that Bradford was in the northern hemisphere when he wrote to rotate from left to right (clockwise), some people wonder if his instructions should be adapted to rotate counterclockwise while in the southern hemisphere.

When I ask them " Why do you think that we should change the direction of rotation?"

Their response is usually along the lines of " Water in the southern hemisphere swirls counterclockwise, while in the northern hemisphere it spins clockwise".

However, this notion itself is based on a popular misconception, and hence the reason for the change in direction of rotation is also not convincing.

Alistair B. Frazier, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Meteorology, Penn State University, USA, explains in detail:

"Compared to the rotations we see every day (car tires, CDs, sink drains), the rotation of the Earth is almost imperceptible - only a revolution per day. The water in the sink rotates in a few seconds, so its rotation speed is ten thousand times higher than that of the Earth. This is not surprising, given that the Coriolis force is several orders of magnitude smaller than any of the forces involved in these everyday examples of rotation. The Coriolis force is so small that it affects the direction of rotation of water no more than the direction of rotation of a compact disk.

The direction of rotation of the water in the sink drain is determined by how it was filled, or what swirls were created in it during washing. The size of these rotations is small, but compared to the rotation of the Earth, it is simply huge.

It is difficult to describe the Coriolis effect in more detail without resorting to mathematical equations or such complex concepts as angular mechanics. First of all, our frame of reference is: What we see depends on where we are". This means that we are standing on a solid surface, when in fact we are not - after all, the earth is a rotating ball.

Coriolis effect

In physics Coriolis effect is the apparent deflection of moving objects when viewed from a rotating frame of reference. For example, consider two children on opposite sides of a spinning carousel throwing a ball to each other (Figure 1). From the point of view of these children, the path of the ball is bent to the side by the Coriolis effect. From the thrower's point of view, this deflection is to the right as the carousel rotates counterclockwise (when viewed from above). Accordingly, when moving clockwise, the deviation is directed to the left.

If you are really interested in a detailed explanation of the Coriolis effect, search for "Coriolis effect" and study this issue thoroughly.

Direction of rotation of the chakras

Peter Kelder did not describe the direction of movement of the vortices (chakras):

“The body has seven centers, which can be called Vortexes. They are a kind of magnetic centers. IN healthy body they rotate at high speed, and when their rotation slows down, this can be called old age, illness or extinction. The fastest way to regain youth, health and vitality is to get those whirlwinds spinning at the same speed again. There are five simple exercises to achieve this goal. Any of them is useful in itself, but to obtain best results all five are needed. The lamas call them rituals, and I will treat them the same." - Peter Kelder, edited by Alina and Mikhail Titov "Eye of Revelation", 2012.

I wonder if Calder deliberately avoided mentioning the counter-clockwise direction? According to Barbara Ann Brennan, former NASA scientist and authority on human energy, healthy chakras should rotate clockwise; and closed, unbalanced - counterclockwise.

In her successful book, Hands of Light, she says:

"When the chakras are functioning properly, each one will be open and rotate clockwise to draw in the specific energy needed from the worldwide field. Clockwise rotation to draw energy from the Global Energy Field into the chakras is like the right hand rule in electromagnetism, which says, that a change in the magnetic field around a wire will induce a current in that wire.

When the chakras rotate counterclockwise, there is an outflow of energy from the body, provoking a metabolic disorder. In other words, when the chakra rotates counterclockwise, we do not receive the energy we need, which we perceive as a psychological reality. Such a chakra is considered closed to incoming energy."

Possible influences of traditions

(a) Traditional Tibetan "trul-khor" yantra yoga

Chogal Namkhai Norbu, one of the great masters of Dzogchen and Tantra, was born in Tibet in 1938. His book " Yantra Yoga: Tibetan yoga of movement"Published by the publishing house" Snow Lion ".

"Trul-khor" means "magic wheel", says Alejandro Chaul-Reich, lecturer at the Ligmincha Institute and assistant professor at the University of Texas School of Medicine. He says:

"The characteristic trul-khor movements arose as a result of the practice of deep meditation by adepts Tibetan yoga. Traditionally practiced in remote Himalayan caves and monasteries, trul-khor movements are now available to serious Western students. They are a powerful tool for clearing, balancing and harmonizing the subtle aspects of their energy dimension."

Ryan Parker, specialist in Five Tibetan Rituals, is currently doing research comparing the Five Rites and trul-khor. According to Peter Kelder in The Eye of Revelation, the rituals, like the trul-hor, are about 2,500 years old.

In his last "Comparative Table" he states:

"The Buddhist "trul-khor" suggests the existence of energy centers that rotate clockwise. "Trul-khor" is sometimes called a stimulus for the rotation of energy centers. Moreover, they begin to rotate in unison. Although this rotation can be caused in many ways, rotation of the body is special connected in a way with the stimulation of the centres. Clockwise rotation is considered beneficial and is the suggested direction of rotation in the Buddhist trul-khor."

(b) Pradakshina

In the course of history, Tibet and India exchanged ancient knowledge, and it is possible - but not proven - that the practice of Pradakshina may have influenced the First Ritual.

In Hinduism Pradakshina means an act of worship - going around in a clockwise direction around a holy place, temple, shrine. Dakshina means right, so you go to your left, with the spiritual object always on your right.

In Pradakshina, you walk clockwise around a temple, shrine, person, mountain, place, or even yourself. Hindu temples even have passageways so that people can make these movements around them in a clockwise direction.

The purpose of such circular movements is to focus or purify oneself, or honor the object of worship.

The round trip is so common that it is found in the culture of the Greeks, Romans, Druids and Hindus. This is usually associated with a sacrifice or purification process. The interesting thing is that for all these cultures, the direction of movement is always the same - clockwise!

Other interesting facts about clockwise rotation

During one of my classes, a dance teacher told me that children are initially taught to spin clockwise. Obviously, it's easier for them (although there are exceptions). He said it was well known among dance teachers - if you need to calm the children, make them spin counterclockwise. And to activate them - let them spin clockwise!

This energetic effect is exactly what people experience when doing Ritual #1 as described by Colonel Bradford. It seems to me that if the lamas instructed to rotate clockwise, then this is how it should be!

Who practices counterclockwise rotation

However, I do know one Marina who is spinning counter-clockwise due to a life-threatening health condition she is trying to remedy. She is very committed to meeting the needs of her body, as you can read below:

"According to qi-gong and traditional Chinese medicine, clockwise movement speeds up life processes by increasing the speed of the chakras to the original speed. Anti-clockwise movement slows down the chakras. Most of those who practice rituals want to speed up the chakras that have slowed down due to age, weight and so on, because it is logical that they rotate clockwise.However, one day, during the morning prayer, I realized that in my case, the acceleration of the chakras will only have negative consequences, since the chakra that affects my lungs is incapable of accelerating !Thus, I began to rotate counterclockwise, and soon noticed that it became easier to perform other rituals!"

To sum it up, until documents or teachers are found, all attempts to understand the motives behind Ritual #1 will only be theoretical. Therefore, you should do what you personally feel is good for you!

For the first exercise, you need to stand up, stretch your arms in front of you in line with your shoulders. Then begin to rotate the body clockwise, for the first time three such revolutions are enough. If you feel very dizzy, try to keep your gaze on a fixed point for a while. For these purposes, the fingertips are well suited.

For the second exercise, lie on your back, preferably on some kind of cushioning bedding. Hands lie along the body, fingers are connected and pressed to the floor. Raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Then lift straight legs vertically up, but try to leave the pelvis on the floor. After that, return to the original horizontal position.

When performing the second exercise, you need to control your breathing. Being in a horizontal position, free your lungs from the air. Raising your head and legs, inhale slowly. The lowering of the head and legs is accompanied by a smooth exhalation. It is important to focus on the depth of breathing, to concentrate on it and on the sensations in the body.

The third and fourth exercises: kneeling and the position of the "table"

The third exercise is performed on your knees, with the knees located at the width of the pelvis. This allows the hips to assume a vertical position. The palms should be placed on the back of the thigh, under the buttocks. The chin is pressed against the chest. Then the following is done: the head leans back and up, the chest is pushed forward, the spine bends back. Hands may rest a little on the hips. Again, in the starting position, you need to be with your lungs empty, take a slow breath as you complete the exercise.

The fourth exercise is done in a sitting position, stretch your legs in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straight, the palms are on the sides of the body, the fingers are connected and look forward. The head drops to the chest, after which it is thrown back and up. The torso rises forward and is brought to a horizontal position, it should be in the same plane with the hips. The shins and arms serve as a vertical support. Stay like this for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Watch your breath throughout the exercise, it is worth starting with empty lungs. While lifting the body, inhale slowly, at the end point, hold your breath.

Fifth exercise: in the pose of an acute angle

The fifth exercise is performed from an emphasis lying down, with a bent back. The fulcrum is the palms and toes, the rest is above the floor. The fingers look forward, tightly closed. The palms and legs are set shoulder-width apart. The head is thrown back and up, after which we change the position of the body. It still rests on the palms and toes, but now in an acute angle pose with the apex at the top. The head is pressed to the chest, the legs are straight. When lying down, the lungs are empty, when the body is folded, a breath is taken. At the extreme point, the breath is held, when returning to point-blank, exhalation is made.

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Tip 2: Gymnastics for healing the body. Therapeutic exercises on every day

It is wonderful when a person is alert and full of energy. One of the methods that help to become one is therapeutic health gymnastics. Some of its complexes can be performed right in bed after waking up. Throat stimulation exercises will help you better resist respiratory diseases.

Sometimes you don't feel like doing morning exercises due to the fact that the body has not yet fully woken up, so there is no strength for intense body movements. The wise monks of Tibet do such exercises that you can do right in bed. It does not include any sudden movements, helps to stimulate important functions of the body, strengthen the immune system and get up in a good mood, cheerful.

Waking up, look around, out the window (if such a view opens from the bed), enjoy the new day, which cannot but be beautiful. In a good mood, start doing health exercises. Put your palms together, rub one against the other for 10 seconds. If they become hot, then you have a wonderful biofield. Warm palms indicate that it is weakened. If they are cool and damp, this is an occasion to think about the problems of the body in the energy sphere. The following exercises will help normalize the biofield.

Cover your eyes with warm palms (if they are) lightly press your hands on the eyeballs at a frequency of once per second. In half a minute, you will touch both eyes with springy movements 30 times. This exercise will help improve your eyesight. Now you can move on to the next one, which is designed to improve hearing.

It is better to perform them early in the morning - before 6 o'clock.

Put your hands on your ears. As in the case of the eyes, apply a few springy, but gentle pressure. Start at the top of the ears, gradually reach the earlobes. Stimulate the left clockwise, the right - against this arrow. The repetition frequency is also 30 times for each ear.

Lying on the bed, raise your legs and arms. Do 30 shakes with them, after that - the same number of rotations. Right hand and foot against, and left foot and hand clockwise. These movements improve blood circulation in the limbs. Rub the feet, taking a little cream, then the knees and legs to the top.

To help the intestines work better, improve the organs of the abdominal cavity, put your right hand on your stomach, and your left palm on it. Do mild rubbing exercises clockwise, stepping back from the navel in all directions 5-7 cm.

Place the index fingers of both hands under the nostrils. Do point pressure around each. These movements will help get rid of a runny nose, defeat sinusitis and resist colds. In this regard, we can talk about one more exercise, however, it does not apply to the complex. Tibetan monks, this is yoga. It will help to strengthen the throat during colds. Especially game exercise useful for children who like it very much.

Let the child and adult sit opposite each other on their heels, tucked back. The fingers need to be extended, strained and placed in front of you. The arms are bent at the elbows. Stick out your tongue and try to make a frightening lion's roar, fingers in this case - the claws of the beast. Try to stick out your tongue as far as possible, pointing it towards the chin. Daily exercises will reduce the risk of angina, acute respiratory infections, strengthen the throat.

Such an exercise should be done in the morning only on an empty stomach, so that the gag reflex does not appear.

At the end, drink a glass of warm water and you can go towards new achievements in full health.

Tip 3: Hormonal Tibetan gymnastics: contraindications and reviews

Alternative therapies have long entered the lives of many people. Largely due to the fact that they are easy to use, they are obtained quite cheaply, and even for free. Plus, according to adherents of alternative medicine, they almost always help and are absolutely harmless. Among the means of alternative medicine there is also Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

A bit of history

The first information about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics appeared on the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda in the distant 80s. According to legend, Soviet specialists built a power plant in the foothills of Tibet. Not far from it was one of the Buddhist monasteries. The monks asked to bring electricity to their monastery and, as a payment, gave the builders and engineers the methods of hormonal gymnastics.

According to the same newspaper, Soviet specialists who regularly practiced this gymnastics lived to a ripe old age, while maintaining excellent health. Many of them even managed to get rid of chronic diseases.

In the 80s and 90s, the traditional healer Olga Orlova was engaged in the popularization of Tibetan gymnastics, promising her followers good health, good hormonal levels at any age, and even a cure for many chronic diseases. This healing system has become known to many as the Tibetan gymnastics of Olga Orlova.

The essence of the system

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a complex morning exercises consisting of simple actions. According to the ideas of the inhabitants of China and Tibet, the energy "qi" circulates in each person through many channels. If it circulates correctly, the person is healthy. Any disease that has arisen indicates that the qi energy has begun to circulate incorrectly.

If you act on certain points of the body, perform certain gymnastic movements, the qi circulation can be corrected. In addition, the same methods can activate the chakras, strengthen the biofield and improve the endocrine system. All non-traditional methods of treatment of the East are based on these principles: qigong, acupuncture and bioenergetics, various health-improving exercises.

Tibetan gymnastics takes little time, is easy to perform, suitable for people of all ages, regardless of their physical condition and health. The main thing is to follow simple rules:

  1. You need to do the exercises in the morning, preferably between 6 and 8 in the morning. It is believed that at this time the energy of qi the best way responds to external influences.
  2. To improve the state of health, you need to do at least 2 months. To get serious results - much longer.
  3. Those involved in Tibetan hormonal gymnastics must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and any drugs.
  4. The regularity of the exercises is very important, since even a short break can deprive the results that have been achieved for many years. You can not take a break for more than 2 days in a row.
  5. The first months and even years of training, you need to strictly monitor the correct execution of movements, for correct breathing and listen to the sensations of the body. Exercises intended to be performed in bed should be performed on a hard and elastic surface.


Beginners who have just started Tibetan gymnastics, in the next month or two, various deterioration in health, ailments, and exacerbations of chronic diseases may appear. Gymnastics experts say that this is a natural process. The circulation of qi energy is improving, many channels are being cleared, and energy is growing. Therefore, the initial ailments pass after a short time, and a noticeable improvement in health occurs.

Specialists of official medicine warn that this gymnastics is absolutely contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • acute disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • risk of strangulated hernia;
  • postoperative conditions;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • arthritis in acute forms;
  • pathological diseases of the spine.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend that in the presence of acute and chronic diseases, consult with your doctor before starting to practice both Tibetan hormonal gymnastics and other methods of alternative medicine.

It is also necessary not to forget that non-traditional methods of healing can in no way replace the proper treatment prescribed by a doctor. They can only supplement it in cases where doctors do not object to their use.

The human body is a complex mechanism that consists of different tissues in each part of the body, which are generously entwined with nerves and vessels of various calibers. At the same time, in some areas there are more nerves, while in others there may not be at all.

One nerve fiber can innervate different neighboring tissues. In addition, there are sufficiently long nerve fibers that subordinate the fibers from the higher and lower organs and transfer information about sensations from these organs.

Mechanism nervous system directly related to the problem of pain in shoulder joint. Such a symptom most often accompanies diseases of the muscle structures that set in motion the components of the joint and the joint itself. However, the causes of pain can be hidden in pathologies. internal organs, because large nerve bundles carry information not only from the shoulder, but also from the diaphragm (pain on both sides), the heart (pain on the left), and the gallbladder (pain on the right).


The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and allows movement in any direction. Thus, you can take your hand up and away from the body, bring it back, put it behind your head, lift it up, rotate (perform movements around its axis), bending at the elbow.

High mobility is achieved due to the spherical shape of the joint. The humerus itself at the end has a kind of "ball", which is attached to a flat "platform" on the side of the scapula, which is called the articular cavity. The head of the shoulder is attached due to the cartilage tissue, which is completely surrounded, which prevents the bone from “flying out” of the joint. In addition, the articulation of the bones is braided with a large number of ligaments, which additionally fixes the shoulder.

The joint capsule is a tissue formation similar to the tissues of the ligamentous apparatus. This structure surrounds each joint, allowing circulation within the resulting enclosed space. A feature of the capsule of the shoulder joint is its width, which allows you to make a large number of different movements.

Accordingly, a well-developed muscular apparatus is necessary to perform a wide variety of movements. Muscles attach with their endings to humerus some and to the collarbone, shoulder blade and chest by others. Although the clavicle is not part of the shoulder joint, it performs the function of an additional support for rotating the humerus in different directions.

Muscles are attached to the humerus and move in different directions, thus forming the rotator cuff of the shoulder:

    infraspinatus and small round muscles - rotation of the shoulder outward;

    supraspinatus - abduction to the side and raising the shoulder;

    subscapular - rotation of the shoulder inward;

    deltoid - shoulder abduction.

There are also other muscles, such as the biceps, since its tendon runs inside the joint. To determine which of them is inflamed, one can indirectly judge by the violation or soreness of a certain movement (pain when raising the arm indicates inflammation of the supraspinatus muscle).

All structures of the shoulder girdle - capsule, articular cartilage, ligaments, muscles - are innervated by sensory nerves that transmit a feeling of pain to the brain in case of rupture, stretching, inflammation of one of the components.

From the spine to the muscles go motor fibers, which transmit commands to the muscles of the limb regarding the movements of the limb itself. When they are infringed between bone and other structures, a feeling of pain is also transmitted.

It should be understood that in medicine, the upper third of the arm is considered the shoulder, meaning the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb from the shoulder joint to the elbow. The shoulder girdle is the area from the neck to the shoulder joint, which, together with the structures of the collarbone and scapula, forms shoulder girdle.

Causes of shoulder pain

All causes of pain in the shoulder joint are divided into two groups:

    Pathologies that are associated with muscles, tendons, ligaments and the shoulder joint itself. These include: inflammation of the entire joint, tendons, muscles, cartilage on the articulating bones, joint bag, capsule that rotates the shoulder.

    Pathologies that have extra-articular localization. These include: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart (with inflammation, pain radiates to the shoulder area), diseases chest, inflammation of a large nerve (plexitis) or nerve fiber (neuritis), which are part of the brachial nerve plexus, cervical osteochondrosis.

The first group of pathologies

Inflammation of the tendon of a muscle (tendinitis)

The shoulder joint is surrounded by a large number of muscles that are attached by tendons, so the localization of tendonitis can be different. It is from the location of the inflammation that the symptoms of the pathology will depend.

Common symptoms of tendonitis are:

    a decrease in the mobility of the arm (it becomes difficult to lift, take away, bend);

    the pain is felt more strongly at night;

    the pain is sharp, most often in the shoulder area and occurs for no apparent reason;

    the pain may also be aching, dull or sharp;

    most often appears in people performing monotonous shoulder movements (loaders, athletes).

supraspinatus tendonitis

The supraspinatus muscle is located in the upper part of the scapula and reaches the outer part of the head of the shoulder along a short path. Most often, the tendon of the muscle becomes inflamed during injury or in the presence of chronic inflammation of the bag, which lies under the acromial process of the scapula.

In this case, the pain has a fickle character and then intensifies, then weakens. The maximum pain sensations appear when the arm is abducted to the side by 60-120 degrees. Pain also occurs when patting or pressing on the shoulder.

In the absence of treatment of tendinitis, an incomplete rupture of the tendon may appear as a complication.

Tendinitis of the biceps tendon

Biceps or biceps performs the function of flexion in the shoulder and elbow joint, this muscle also allows you to rotate the hand with the palm up.

Symptoms of this type of tendinitis:

    pain along the anterior surface of the shoulder, repetitive, may radiate down the arm;

    there is no pain at rest;

    pain when bending the arm in the elbow and shoulder;

    pain when pressing on the forearm from the elbow to the hand;

    in the area of ​​​​the head of the shoulder bone, you can find a point, on palpation of which a sharp pain appears.

Such tendonitis can be complicated by subluxation and rupture of the tendon. A subluxation is a tendon slipping out of its intended groove on the surface of the bone.

Tendonitis of the infraspinatus muscle

It is most common among people whose work is associated with heavy physical labor, and athletes. The disease has no pronounced symptoms and is characterized by pain during rotation of the entire limb, provided that at this time it is necessary to press on the shoulder joint. In this case, the pain is localized both in the shoulder and spreads along rear surface limbs to the elbow, and in some cases to the fingers.

A complication of this condition in the absence of treatment is a complete rupture of the tendons.

Rotator cuff inflammation

The pain occurs when the arm is raised up (when sipping, reaching for something) and is localized in the shoulder joint.

Pain appears on the second day after active work with hands, especially when working that requires a constantly raised hand (whitening the ceiling, etc.). Pain at rest does not bother and weakens after lowering the arm, when lifting it is strong, sharp.

When conducting an x-ray examination, no pathology will be visible on the x-ray. The diagnosis can only be established by a sports doctor or traumatologist.

Inflammation of the joint capsule and bursitis along with adjacent tendons (tendobursitis)

In this case, acute pain develops in the shoulder, which has no apparent cause and limits any movement of the limb, while even an outsider (a doctor, for example) cannot make passive movements with a sick arm.

Inflammation of the joint capsule (capsulitis)

This is a rather rare condition, therefore, its diagnosis is turned last, after the exclusion of other more serious diseases such as torn ligaments, pain in internal organs radiating to the shoulder girdle, and arthritis.

Most often, capsulitis occurs in women 40-50 years old, who were forced to lie down for a long time without making full motor actions hand.

Inflammation develops imperceptibly for the patient, gradually. At some point, constricting sensations begin to appear, and the hand cannot perform its usual movements, requiring it to be moved behind the back or raised up. There is pain when trying to fasten a bra or when playing a musical instrument. This symptom is also called "frozen shoulder".

Inflammation of the internal structures of the joint (arthritis)

The disease develops due to:

    autoimmune diseases, when the body stops detecting “its” joint proteins and begins to secrete antibodies against them (rheumatoid arthritis);

    an allergic reaction to substances that have entered the body (introduction of protein preparations into the muscle: vaccines, antitoxins, serums);

    diseases associated with metabolic disorders, when the joint is irritated by uric acid salts (gout);

    joint injuries resulting in inflammation with suppuration;

    hemorrhages in the joint and subsequent suppuration of the blood, in diseases associated with blood clotting;

    rheumatism caused by streptococcus bacteria (after glomerulonephritis, tonsillitis);

    bacteria entering the joint with blood flow;

    surgery with a non-sterile object or penetrating wound with an infected object;

    contact of joint tissues with infected tissues.

If arthritis does not develop as a result of an injury, it can be localized on both sides.

Arthritis symptoms are almost impossible to ignore. This:

    increase in body temperature;

    joint deformity due to edema;

    an increase in local temperature;

    inability to raise the arm above the forearm;

    increased pain with light touch or palpation (palpation by a doctor);

    severe pain in the shoulder joint, which is not relieved at rest and increases with movement, and especially when trying to raise the arms up, put them behind the head or take them to the side.

Non-inflammatory joint disease (arthrosis)

Pathology is directly related to the development of changes in the articular cartilage that lines the scapular articular surface or the head of the humerus. They develop against the background of often tolerated arthritis, as well as in violation of blood supply in the structures of the joint in the elderly.

Arthrosis symptoms:

    noise and crunch during movements, heard in the shoulder;

    sharp pain in the shoulder that does not go away at rest and occurs with any attempt to make a movement with the arm;

    gradually there is poor mobility in the joint, it is impossible to throw a hand behind the back or raise it;

    on palpation at the bottom of the scapula and in the region of the collarbone, pain is felt;

    the most severe pain when lifting a weight with a sick hand.

Shoulder injuries

Pain that appears after an unnatural or sudden movement of the arm, lifting weights, falling on its side, hitting the shoulder area indicates that the person has damaged the tendons or ligaments surrounding the joint, or the shoulder joint itself.

If the motor function of the shoulder is not impaired, and only pain is felt in the shoulder, then, most likely, a bruise of the periarticular tissues has occurred. If, after an injury, pain appears along the entire length of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, or it is impossible to move the arm at all due to pain, the cause may be muscle damage or torn ligaments. Only a traumatologist can differentiate such pathologies.

If the joint after injury has a visually definable deformation, and motor functions are severely impaired, this is a dislocation. If it is impossible to perform active hand movements, and when performing passive movements with a limb, a characteristic crunch and pathological movements are heard, while the joint area is painful when touched and swelling develops, this is most likely a fracture.

Deposition of calcium salts in the tissues of ligaments and tendons

Calcification of the soft tissues of the shoulder joint can develop after 30 years against the background of degradation of metabolic processes. In more early age such a disease can develop if a person has pathologies of the parathyroid glands, in which calcium metabolism is disturbed.

Symptoms of soft tissue calcification:

    constant pain in the shoulder;

    maintaining pain at rest;

    increased pain intensity in parallel with the progress of the disease;

    when moving the arm to the side or lifting it, the pain intensifies.

Diseases of the spine

Pathologies of the cervical spine in the region of 4-7 vertebrae:

    fracture-dislocation and subluxation of the vertebrae;

    spondylitis - inflammation of the vertebral bodies;

    spondylolisthesis - displacement of a vertebra relative to one another;

    herniated mesvertebral discs;

    uncomplicated osteochondrosis.

Usually manifested by pain in the shoulder joint.

Fracture dislocations and dislocations appear after an injury. Against the background of tuberculosis, which was accompanied by a slight fever, sweating, malaise, dry cough, spondylitis often appears.

The most common disease of the spine, which leads to pain in the shoulder, is osteochondrosis. This is a pathological condition when the cartilaginous formation (intervertebral disc) located between the vertebrae becomes thinner along the periphery, and its central jelly-like section begins to shift towards the spinal canal. When the remaining “bare” vertebrae or a kind of nucleus of the intervertebral disc begin to compress the root of the sixth, fifth or fourth spinal nerve, this is manifested by pain in the shoulder.

Typical symptoms of diseases of the spine:

    pain begins in the arm and shoulder and spreads to elbow joint(starting from the shoulder), and in some cases to the hand;

    tingling and numbness begin to appear in the sore arm (“goosebumps”);

    the sensitivity of the hand is also disturbed: it begins to freeze or, conversely, a feeling of heat appears;

    The pain is aggravated by tilting and turning the head.

Quite often, osteochondrosis is complicated by humeroscapular periarthritis, in which the ligamentous apparatus of the joint and its capsule, the tendons of the muscles that set the shoulder in motion, become inflamed. Also, periarthritis can occur with shoulder injuries or against the background of reactive inflammation, which develops in the presence of chronic infectious processes in the body (inflammation of the bronchi or kidneys, tonsillitis). These processes are characterized by such pain in the shoulder:

    increases gradually;

    appears suddenly, for no apparent reason;

    occurs at night;

    during the day, at rest, subsides;

    intensifies when trying to take the hand to the side, lay it behind the head, bring it behind the back, as well as when raising the hand;

    pain is localized in the neck and shoulders;

    the pain syndrome goes away without treatment after a few months, however, the joint loses its mobility, and it becomes impossible to put a hand behind the back or raise it above the horizontal line.

Shoulder nerve neuritis

With this pathology, pain appears in the shoulder joint, despite the fact that the joint itself and the surrounding tissues are in perfect condition. Pathology begins with a “shoot through” in the shoulder, after which acute pain appears and remains, which intensifies when moving the arm.

Shoulder plexitis

Pathology consists in the defeat of one, two or three large nerve trunks that pass below the collarbone. These trunks carry commands to the arm and neck and collect information about sensations from these areas of the body.

Pathology develops after:

    birth trauma in a newborn;

    injuries: dislocation of the shoulder joint, sprain, fracture of the collarbone;

    against the background of disturbances in the body of metabolic processes: with gout, diabetes mellitus;

    hypothermia of the shoulder area;

    a common infectious disease (diseases caused by viruses of the herpetic group are especially dangerous: chickenpox, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, mononucleosis);

    wearing crutches;


    long stay of the body in a forced position: features of professional activity that require a long stay in a position with a raised or retracted arm, after long and complex operations on the organs of the abdomen and chest.

The disease requires emergency care and has the following symptoms:

    severe pain that radiates to the shoulder, but is localized in the area under or above the collarbone;

    the pain increases with pressure on the area of ​​​​the body, below the collarbone;

    when moving the hand, the pain becomes more severe;

    on inside hands there is a feeling of "running goosebumps", which is more localized in the lower part of the hand;

    the hand begins to feel bad pain, cold, heat;

    pain can be described as aching, boring, breaking;

    neck and shoulder pain may also occur;

    the brush may become swollen;

    the hand begins to turn pale and may acquire a bluish tint;

    there is a loss of sensation on the inside of the hand (little finger side).

Other reasons

The symptom, which is most often described as pain in the muscles of the shoulder or pain in the shoulder joint or shoulder, can appear not only with osteochondrosis, arthrosis, periarthritis, inflammation of the tendons and bursitis. There are other conditions and diseases:


    myofascial syndrome;

    cervical-brachial plexopathy;

    impingement syndrome (narrowing syndrome).

These diseases do not have any subjective symptoms. The diagnosis is made by a doctor, in most cases a neurologist, but it may also be necessary to consult a traumatologist or rheumatologist.

Reflected pain

Pain can also radiate to the shoulder in diseases of the internal organs:

    Angina pectoris is a pathological condition in which the heart suffers due to a lack of incoming oxygen. In this case, the pain is localized simultaneously in the left shoulder joint and behind the sternum. Appears against the background of any physical activity (climbing stairs, walking against the wind), while the movements of the left hand are not required. The pain may be accompanied by a feeling that the heart is working intermittently, while at rest the pain subsides.

    Myocardial infarction is accompanied by symptoms similar to angina pectoris, but here the main symptom is a deterioration in the general condition, even if a small area of ​​the heart muscle has died off. It's fear, trembling, clammy sweat, violation heart rate and even loss of consciousness. The pain is severe and requires immediate medical attention.

    Inflammation of the pancreas - accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder blades and shoulders, which radiates to upper part stomach and may be accompanied by fever, loose stools, nausea.

    Cholecystitis - may be accompanied by pain affecting the right shoulder blade and shoulder. In addition to pain, fever, a bitter taste in the mouth, and nausea may appear. The symptoms are similar for the acute form of the pathology and for the exacerbation of the chronic form.

    Upper lobar pneumonia - can lead to pain in the shoulder corresponding to the diseased lung. Additional symptoms are fever, wet or dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness.

    Polymyalgia rheumatica - accompanied by pain in the shoulder, which appears after the patient has suffered scarlet fever or tonsillitis, especially if soreness and enlargement were observed before. knee joint. With rheumatism, one of the symptoms is pain in the shoulder.

    Tumors of tissues in the chest cavity - pain between the shoulder blades and in the shoulder can appear with cancer of the apex of the lung.

Shoulder pain by location

The main characteristics of pain that can appear in any of the shoulder joints:

When the pain comes


When moving the arm to the side when lifting

supraspinatus tendonitis

When rotating the arm pressed at the elbow to the body to the side thumb

Tendonitis of the infraspinatus muscle

When rotating the arm pressed at the elbow to the body towards the little finger

Inflammation of the muscles of the subscapular region

    Stinging pain from shoulder to elbow.

    Pain in the shoulder when bending the arm at the elbow.

    Increased pain in the shoulder when lifting weights.

    Pain when opening the door with the key.

    Pain in the front of the arm when turning the forearm towards the little finger.

Inflammation of the biceps tendon

Pain in the joint with any movement, aggravated by movement of the neck and turning the head

Inflammation of the joint capsule

Pain only when lifting even small loads

Inflammation of the tendons of the deltoid muscle

Pain when pulling back

Tendon strain or supraspinatus tendonitis

Pain in the shoulder when raising the arm vertically

Arthrosis or arthritis of the small joint between the collarbone and the process of the scapula, with inflammation of the surrounding muscles

Pain in the shoulder when turning the arm around the axis towards the thumb, trying to throw the hands behind the head, styling or combing the hair

Tendon strain of the teres minor or infraspinatus muscle

Aching pain that appears only when you try to put your hand behind your back. Pain when trying to rotate the hand towards the little finger

Inflammation or stretching of the tendon of the subscapularis

Pain in the neck and shoulder

  • Plexitis of the shoulder joint.


Pain in the arm and shoulder

    Shoulder periarthritis.


    Intervertebral hernia.

Pain from shoulder to elbow

    Gouty arthritis of the shoulder.

    Arthrosis or arthritis of the shoulder joint.

    Dislocation of the elbow joint.

    Rheumatoid arthritis.

    Epicondylitis (inflammation of the cartilaginous tissues of the elbow joint).


    Shoulder periarthritis.

Back and shoulder pain

Muscle spasm after the same type of muscle work, compression syndrome, hypothermia, long stay in awkward posture.

Pain in collarbone and shoulder

    Shoulder periarthritis.

    Intercostal neuralgia.

    Neuralgia brachial plexus.

    Infringement and inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves.

    Clavicle fracture.

Pain in the right shoulder

Pain in the right shoulder is typical for:

    exacerbation of gallstone disease;

    right-sided pneumonia;

    humeroscapular periarthritis;

    calcification of periarticular tissues;

    myositis of the shoulder muscle;

    joint injury;

    tendonitis of the biceps;

The fact that it is the right shoulder joint that is affected, and not the muscle tissue, is indicated by the following signs:

    visually determined joint enlargement;

    all kinds of movements are limited;

    diffuse pain;

    pain is present at rest and worsens with movement;

    the pain is permanent.

Pain in left shoulder

This localization of the symptom is more dangerous: pain in the left shoulder appears with myocardial infarction, and there are cases when, apart from sticky sweat, sudden fear and pain, there are no other symptoms.

Pain in the shoulder can also indicate another cardiac pathology - angina pectoris. In this case, the symptom accompanies physical activity: climbing stairs, walking against the wind. The pain usually disappears with nitroglycerin or at rest.

Pain in the left shoulder occurs when:

    shoulder tumors;

    shoulder joint injury;

    infringement of the root of the spinal nerve;

    impingement syndrome;

    tendon calcification;

    shoulder periarthritis.

Pain Intensity Diagnosis

Strong pain

Such pain is described when:

    Stretching of the tendons of the shoulder. At the same time, the person remembers that before that he slept in an uncomfortable position or endured heavy loads.

    Shoulder dislocation. You can also remember the episode in which you had to grab onto a moving object or when someone pulled your hand.

    A fracture of the humerus is accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder. The onset of the disease is marked by trauma.

    Arthritis, while the shoulder area turns red, it hurts a lot and is deformed.

    Bursitis is a sudden onset of pain that fetters not only active, but also passive hand movements.

    Tendinitis, when the pain is accompanied by various movements depending on the inflamed tendons.

    Intervertebral hernia. The pain is felt not only in the shoulder, but also in the face and neck. The hand loses sensitivity, begins to freeze, "goosebumps" are observed.

    Diseases of the spleen, liver, lungs.

Sharp pain

When pain in the shoulder and its muscles can be described as sharp, it is quite possible that a neurological disease has begun to develop - idiopathic brachial plexopathy. The causes of this pathology are unknown. There is an opinion that the disease is inherited, but most often it is provoked by vaccination. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the short branches extending from the brachial plexus on one side. Usually develops in 20-40 years.

The pain appears in one shoulder suddenly and has a sharp character. At the same time, not only the shoulder itself hurts, but also the shoulder girdle. This continues for several days, after which the pain subsides. Muscle weakness appears: it is difficult to comb your hair, turn the key in the door lock, put your hand behind your back or raise it.

Also, a sharp pain in the shoulder is observed in other diseases:

    intervertebral hernia;


  • capsulitis;

    shoulder joint arthritis.

acute pain

The syndrome accompanies:

    myocardial infarction;

    liver pathology;


    intervertebral hernia in the thoracic or cervical region;

    rupture of the shoulder tendon;

    arthrosis or arthritis;

    tendobursitis, tendinitis;

    joint injury.

Nagging pain

This nature of pain is most often described with humeroscapular periarthritis. The pain occurs at night, for no apparent reason. Localization of pain is observed not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck, while it is difficult to raise a hand or put it behind the back. If left untreated, the joint becomes stiff.

Constant pain

If there is constant pain in the shoulder, this may indicate:

    diseases of internal organs: myocardial infarction, pneumonia, cholecystitis, hepatitis;

    humeroscapular arthritis - the pain appears at night and gradually increases;

    arthrosis: crunching and pain during movement;

    rupture or sprain of ligaments, fracture - if the pain was preceded by an injury;


Blunt pain

Such a description for:

    myocardial infarction;

    infringement of the intervertebral hernia of the upper thoracic or lower cervical region;

    diseases of the abdominal organs;

    humeroscapular arthritis, pain associated with movements;

    tendinitis, increased pain on movement.

Burning pain

Such characteristics of pain are given in diseases of the spine. The pain increases with active hand movements, but disappears when the limb is fixed.

In addition to pain, there are violations of the sensitivity of the hand, the effect of running "goosebumps" is observed. Decreased muscle strength of the limb. Your hand may get cold.

Shooting pain

Pain of this type is characteristic of inflammation of the spinal nerve root that occurs with spinal injuries, spondylosis, and osteochondrosis.

Pain with numbness of the arm

The symptom is accompanied by:

    shoulder dislocation;

    tumors in the chest;

    intervertebral hernia;

    shoulder arthritis.

What to do if you experience shoulder pain?

To prescribe the correct treatment for pain in the shoulder or the joint itself, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to consult a therapist, who, during the examination, must confirm or exclude the presence of pathologies that can threaten the patient's life: angina pectoris, acute pancreatitis, pneumonia, acute cholecystitis, myocardial infarction. If suspicions of the pathology of internal organs are confirmed, then the therapist refers the patient to a specific specialist (cardiologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon) or writes out a referral for hospitalization in a multidisciplinary hospital. If there is no danger to life, the patient is referred to an orthopedic traumatologist. This specialist conducts a diagnosis of limb mobility and palpation of the joints, after which additional studies may be prescribed:

    x-ray examination of the thoracic and cervical spine;

    radiography of the joints to determine the presence of fractures, dislocations, bone fractures;

    CT of the spine and joint - as an additional method for non-informative radiography;

    Ultrasound of the joint, to determine the presence of inflammatory fluid in the joint, sprain or rupture of the ligaments, inflammation of the muscles.

If the pathology of the musculoskeletal system was excluded during the diagnosis by the traumatologist, the patient is referred to a neurologist. The specialist checks reflexes and sensitivity if a pathology of neurological origin is suspected. Also, to clarify the data, the results of additional studies can be used:

    Doppler ultrasound of large vessels of the upper extremities, neck, head;


    CT scan of the upper thoracic and lower cervical spine.

Treatment for shoulder pain depends on the diagnosis. Before visiting or visiting a doctor, you can take painkillers, but only:

    in the form of a gel or ointment: "DIP", "Ibufen", "Diclofenac";

    only on the area of ​​​​the shoulder joint itself and its surrounding tissues;

    if the pain is associated with movement.

Pain cannot be stopped before a direct examination by a doctor, as this may lead to an incorrectly established cause or an incorrect order of diagnostic studies.

If the pain is directly related to the active movements of the limb, it is necessary to immobilize it. To do this, the arm should be bent at the elbow and brought to the body. With this development of events, before a direct visit to the doctor, you can take painkillers in tablets: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Analgin.

If the pain in the joint appeared after an injury or training, the above rules for anesthesia and immobilization are also required here. First aid is supplemented by applying to the damaged joint:

    in the first 24 hours - ice for 15-20 minutes every 3 hours;

    on the second day - dry heat (heating with a heating pad or blue lamp) - 20 minutes 3 times a day.

Use any folk remedies independently before consulting a specialist or perform physiotherapy exercises and no massage. These methods can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis - inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder. Other names for this disease are capsulitis, "frozen shoulder".
One of the methods of treatment is a special physiotherapy.
This video shows a set of exercises for the treatment of shoulder pain.

The exercises in this video are helpful:

  • for the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis and capsulitis;
  • for the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  • to improve shoulder mobility after chronic hand injuries;
  • with limited mobility in the arm after breast surgery;
  • with pain in the shoulders caused by impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

Often, doctors, with any complaints of a patient about pain in the shoulders, immediately diagnose "arthrosis of the shoulder joints."

But in fact, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joints is quite rare. If you make a certain rating for the causes of pain in the shoulder joints, then arthrosis would take only 3rd or even 4th place in this rating - only 5-7% of the total number of all cases of pain in the shoulder joints fall on the share of arthrosis.

The first two places in this rating would be firmly occupied by humeroscapular periarthritis and injuries of the cervicothoracic spine with radicular symptoms.
These two diseases account for up to 80% of all cases of shoulder pain.

Another 5-7% is accounted for by arthritis. And a few more percent of people suffer from shoulder pain for other reasons: due to vascular disorders, stiffness of the neck muscles, diseases of the liver, heart, etc.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder and the capsule of the shoulder joint.. But the deep internal structures of the joint, the joint itself and the cartilage of the joint are not damaged. This is the difference between humeroscapular periarthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joint or arthritis.

Causes of humeroscapular periarthritis

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is very common. Sooner or later, up to a quarter of the entire population of the globe faces this disease. And everyone gets sick - both women and men.

The disease usually develops after some injury, a blow to the shoulder, a fall on the shoulder or an outstretched arm. Or starts after excessive physical activity.

For example, one patient fell ill after walking the dog - for two hours she threw a stick, which the dog gladly brought back. The second got inflammation of the shoulder tendons after ten hours of continuous and unaccustomed painting work.
And the homegrown "sportsman" had an inflamed shoulder after an impromptu arm wrestling - he "under vodka" measured his strength with his friends.

That is, in all these cases, the cause of humeroscapular periarthritis was unusual activity And overload for a long time not trained shoulder joints. This is a typical scenario for the development of the disease, although many patients find it difficult to remember their "exercises" that led to malaise - after all, with periarthritis there is always some delay. For example, overload or injury occurs today - inflammation and pain occur after 3-7 days.

Surprisingly, the development of periarthritis can also contribute to some diseases of the internal organs. For example, left-sided humeroscapular periarthritis sometimes occurs as consequence of myocardial infarction. With a heart attack, a spasm or death of a group of blood vessels occurs, which often leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the left shoulder area. Without proper blood supply, the tendon fibers become brittle, spasm, tear, swell and become inflamed.

Liver disease, in turn, can provoke the development of periarthritis in the right shoulder.

More periarthritis often occurs in women who have undergone surgery to remove the breast. Sometimes this is due to the fact that such an operation changes the blood flow in areas adjacent to the chest, and sometimes due to the fact that important nerves or vessels are affected during the operation.

And, of course, the development of humeroscapular periarthritis is promoted diseases of the cervical spine. Displacement of the intervertebral joints in the neck or chronic spasm of the cervical muscles lead to the fact that the nerves of the cervical-brachial plexus are infringed. Infringement of the nerves causes a response reflex spasm of the vessels going to the arm.

As a result, the blood circulation of the arm (and shoulder) is disturbed, Shoulder tendons swell and become inflamed. Due to the fact that the shoulder joint is very complex, inflammation of the tendons around it is sometimes extremely difficult - after all, a large number of tendons, ligaments, small muscles, blood vessels and nerve trunks are intertwined in the shoulder area. And all this complex structure very quickly “responds” with inflammation to any damaging effect, whether it is overload, tear or inflammation of individual ligaments and tendons.

Symptoms of humeroscapular periarthritis

With simple humeroscapular periarthritis, pain in the shoulder is very weak and occurs only with certain hand movements.

The mobility of the arm is not strong, but it decreases: there is a restriction of movement in the shoulder - it is impossible to stretch the arm up or bring it far behind the back, touch the spine with the knuckles.

overcoming resistance

spicy humeroscapular periarthritis

The pain gets worse at night. Hand movements through the side up, as well as rotation of the hand around its axis, are difficult and cause sharp pain, while moving the hand forward is more free and almost painless.

The appearance of the patient is characteristic - he tries to keep his arm bent at the elbow and pressed to his chest. When examining the patient, a slight swelling may be noted on the anterior surface of the shoulder.
General state patients often worsens due to severe pain and insomnia caused by them. Maybe even slight temperature(within 37.2-37.5ºСº).

This form of the disease is the most unfavorable, and it can develop not only as a continuation of other forms of humeroscapular periarthritis, but also independently.
In this form of periarthritis, the pain in the affected shoulder is dull at first, but is accompanied by a severe deterioration in the mobility of the shoulder. and indeed looks frozen.


It occurs mainly in men due to microtrauma that occurs after a sharp movement of the hand, or after a blow to the front surface of the shoulder. Pain with inflammation of the long head of the biceps shoots into the front surface of the shoulder. It is rarely permanent; most often the pain occurs unexpectedly, with some movements.
Usually painful lifting of weights from the floor, as well as flexion and extension of the arm bent at the elbow, especially carried out with resistance - that is, when someone interferes with these movements.


Normally, you should be able to move your shoulder in all directions without causing pain or tension. To test the mobility of your shoulder, do the following exercises:

  • Raise both straight arms up;
  • Raise your hands straight in front of you;
  • Spread your arms on both sides of the body;
  • Place your hand behind your back (imagine trying to straighten the back of your dress or pull your wallet out of your back pocket).

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis is desirable to start as early as possible, until the disease is started. Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is treated with painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs diclofenac, piroxicam, ketoprofen, indomethacin, butadione, meloxicam, celebrex, nimulide and their derivatives), physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture.
Along with the therapeutic methods that the doctor will prescribe, therapeutic exercises with special exercises aimed at improving the mobility of the joint capsule.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises

For all their usefulness, these exercises cannot be performed:

  • with fresh shoulder injuries, dislocations of the shoulder joint and sprains of the shoulder ligaments;
  • with chronic and habitual shoulder dislocations;
  • at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 ºС);
  • with influenza, SARS and tonsillitis - you have to wait for recovery and wait another 3-4 days;
  • in the first 2-3 months after breast surgery;
  • at least 3 months after neck surgery;
  • at least 3 months after shoulder surgery; in the future - only in agreement with the operating surgeon.

Attention! If a particular exercise causes sharp pain, then it is contraindicated for you or you are doing it incorrectly. In this case, it is better not to do it, or at least postpone it until a consultation with your doctor.

A set of exercises for shoulder pain

Extended, slightly more extensive than in the video, a set of exercises for the treatment of shoulder joints

❧ Control 1. slowly and smoothly commit circular motions shoulders: about one minute in a circle forward and then one minute in a circle back.

❧ Control 2. Sitting on a chair. Place your palms on your waist. Spread your elbows out to the sides. Maintaining the starting position slowly and smoothly move your shoulders to the limit forward. Then - to the limit back. Repeat shoulder movements forward and backward 5-6 times.

❧ Control 3. Performed sitting. Place your affected arm behind your back as far as possible. Behind your back, grab the affected hand with your healthy hand at the wrist and pull the affected hand to the opposite buttock, as far as possible without pain - just until you feel muscle tension. In the extreme position, hold your hands for 7-10 seconds, then, while inhaling, strain the sore arm as much as possible and hold this tension for 10-12 seconds.

Then exhale, and as you exhale, relax the affected arm. As long as the injured arm is relaxed, soft pull it with your healthy hand a few centimeters further (towards the buttocks from the healthy side) - again until you feel a slightly painful muscle tension. Re-fix the achieved position for 7-10 seconds. Then again perform the stage of tension of the sore arm and its subsequent relaxation. In just one approach, 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm are performed.

❧ Control 4. Performed sitting. Place the hand of the affected arm on the opposite shoulder, press the elbow of the affected arm against the body. Grasp the elbow of the affected arm with your good hand. Now smoothly and gently pull the elbow of the sore arm up. At the same time, the elbow of the sore arm should not come off the body, it seems to slide along the chest. And the palm of the sore hand slides over healthy shoulder as if bypassing it.

Pulling the elbow of the sore arm as high as possible, as far as it can be done without pain, but until you feel muscle tension, hold the achieved position for 10-15 seconds. Then, while inhaling, strain the sore arm as much as possible, as if resisting movement with the sore hand. The tension lasts 7-10 seconds, after which the sore hand must be relaxed, and with a healthy hand it is necessary to lead the elbow of the sore hand a little more up, until a slight soreness and muscle tension are felt.

Re-fix the position for 10-15 seconds, then repeat the stage of tension of the sore arm and its subsequent relaxation. Each time, move the elbow of the affected arm at least 1- further up. Repeat the entire technique 5-6 times.

❧ Control 5. This exercise should be done for those patients who have a severe limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint and the arm is poorly retracted to the side. The exercise is performed in two versions: simplified and standard. The first days you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without any problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The patient's arm is straightened at the elbow, laid aside and lies on the floor with the palm up. Without changing general position hands, lift it off the floor by 2-, and strongly strain the whole arm. Make sure that the arm remains straight at the elbow, and the palm looks straight up. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds, then lower your hand and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds.

Then inhale, while inhaling, again slightly raise your arm 2-3 cm from the floor, and strain it strongly. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds. As you exhale, lower your hand again and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds. Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm. The alternation of tension-relaxation will allow the tendons of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the couch (or on the bed). The shoulder of the sore arm should be located on the very edge of the sofa (or bed), the sore arm straightened at the elbow is laid aside and hangs slightly down. The palm is still looking up.

Without changing the position of the hand, tighten the hand strongly. Hold the tension in your hand for 7-10 seconds, then relax your hand and let it freely, under the influence of gravity, go down until you feel tension (but not pain). Make sure that the arm remains straight at the elbow, and the palm is looking up. Let the relaxed arm hang freely for 10-15 seconds, then inhale, slightly raise the arm (2-3 cm from the previously reached position) and strain it again. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds.

Then, as you exhale, relax your arm again and let it drop down freely under the influence of gravity a few more centimeters down. Perform 4-5 such cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm.

❧ Control 6. This exercise should be done for those patients who have a strong rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm does not rotate well in the shoulder joint. Like the previous exercise, it is performed in two versions: simplified and standard. The first days you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The patient's arm is bent both at the shoulder and at the elbow approximately at an angle of 90°, turned palm up. Part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and, if possible, lies freely on the floor. Without changing the position of the hand, strain the sore arm strongly, raising the palm 1-2 cm from the floor, and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, completely relax your arm and let it lie back down on the floor.

Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then again strain your arm and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, again raising your palm by 1-2 cm. Then repeat the relaxation of the arm again. Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm. The alternation of tension-relaxation will allow the tendons of the "rotator cuff" of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the couch (or on the bed). The shoulder of the sore arm should be located closer to the edge of the sofa (or bed). The patient's arm is bent both at the shoulder and at the elbow approximately at an angle of 90°, turned palm up. Part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and hangs freely. Without changing the position of the hand, strongly strain the sore arm and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, relax your arm and let your arm from the elbow to the palm freely, under the influence of gravity, fall down.

Relaxation lasts about 15 seconds, then again strain your hand and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat the relaxation of the arm again (again for 10-15 seconds). Perform the reception 3-4 times, allowing the hand to fall lower and lower each time, turning around its axis.

❧ Control 7. This exercise should also be done for those patients who have a strong rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm does not rotate well in the shoulder joint. Like the two previous exercises, it is performed in a simplified and standard version. The first days you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and the elbow at an angle of approximately 90°, but is now turned palm down.

Without changing the position of the hand, strain the arm strongly, lifting the hand 1-2 cm from the floor, and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Relax your arm completely after 10-15 seconds. Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then strain your arm again and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, again raising the brush by 1-2 cm. Then repeat the relaxation of the arm again.

Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm. The alternation of tension-relaxation will allow the tendons of the "rotator cuff" of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

Standard exercise: It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the couch (or on the bed). As in exercise number 6, the shoulder of the sore arm is located closer to the edge of the sofa; the affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and the elbow at an angle of approximately 90°, but is now turned palm down. Part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and hangs freely.

Without changing the position of the hand, strain the arm strongly, and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Then completely relax the arm, allowing the arm from the elbow to the palm to freely, under the influence of gravity, fall down. Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then again strain your arm for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat the hand relaxation again (10-15 seconds). Perform the reception 3-4 times, allowing the hand to fall lower and lower each time, turning around its axis.

❧ Control 8. Standing near the chair, lean forward, lean on the chair with your healthy hand. Lower the affected arm and let it hang freely for 10-20 seconds. Then begin light pendulum-like "swaying" movements with a relaxed sore arm in different directions: forward and backward, then in a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise. Gradually increase the range of motion, but do it without overt pain. Perform these movements for 3-5 minutes.

❧ Control 9. Stand facing the wall. Raise your affected arm as far as you can without pain. Choose a point on the top of the wall that is still difficult for you to reach with your sore hand - about 10 - higher than the place that you reach with your fingers now.

Now, moving your fingers along the wall, start slowly moving towards the cherished point. Naturally, you need to stretch with your hand, and not by lifting on your toes. And, as always, the main rule - do not allow pain during the exercise. Stretch your hand up slowly, gradually. And follow the rule of alternating tension with relaxation: for about 20 seconds we actively stretch, then for 10 seconds we slightly relax the arm (but without lowering it much down). We stretch again, then slightly relax the hand again. And so several times.

Performing the exercise daily, for 2-3 minutes a day, you will gradually significantly expand the range of motion in the sore arm.

Exercise rules

You need to do exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for at least 3-4 weeks.
When performing exercises, be careful and avoid sharp pain. Although moderate, tolerable pain caused by tendon traction is almost inevitable when performing these exercises. The main thing here is not to "overdo it."
You need to gradually increase the load and increase the mobility of the hands.

Attention! When performing the exercise, you do not need to follow your hand with your eyes, throwing your head back too actively.
In people with "unstable" cervical region tilting the head back can lead to dizziness and even loss of consciousness - due to impaired blood flow in the basilar artery!

And remember that even correct execution gymnastics improvement does not come immediately. In the first 2 weeks of training, joint pain may even increase a little, but after 3-4 weeks you will feel a clear improvement in well-being.

I wish you the will and perseverance necessary to return the former ease of movement!

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder. Other names for this disease are capsulitis, "frozen shoulder".

The disease can occur in several variants and take different forms.

For example, there is a mild form of this disease - simple humeroscapular periarthritis. With simple humeroscapular periarthritis shoulder pain very weak and occur only with certain movements of the hand.

The mobility of the hand is not strong, but it decreases: it appears restriction of movement in the shoulder- it is impossible to stretch your hand up or bring it far behind your back, touch your knuckles to the spine.

Pain also occurs when the patient tries to make hand movements when the doctor fixes it. Indeed, at this moment, the affected tendon is tensed. Particularly painful in such a situation are the patient's attempts to raise his hand up, overcoming resistance doctor. Or attempts, overcoming resistance, to rotate the arm straightened at the elbow around its axis - clockwise or counterclockwise.

Surprisingly, the same movements, performed without resistance, bring absolutely no discomfort.

This form of the disease is easily treatable, and sometimes discomfort disappears by itself in 3-4 weeks. However, without treatment, simple humeroscapular periarthritis can easily transform into spicy humeroscapular periarthritis. This transformation occurs in about 60% of cases and is usually preceded by additional trauma or overuse of the affected shoulder.

Although sometimes acute humeroscapular periarthritis occurs on its own, as an independent primary disease - against the background of severe damage to the hand and a sharp response of the body to this damage. This response of the body results in sudden increasing pain in the shoulder that radiates to the neck and arm. The pain gets worse at night. Hand movements through the side up, as well as rotation of the hand around its axis, are difficult and cause sharp pain, while moving the hand forward is more free and almost painless.

The appearance of the patient is characteristic - he tries to keep his arm bent at the elbow and pressed to his chest. When examining the patient, a slight swelling may be noted on the anterior surface of the shoulder. The general condition of patients often worsens due to severe pain and insomnia caused by them. There may even be a slight temperature (within 37.2-37.5ºСº).

An acute attack lasts for several weeks, then the intensity of pain decreases slightly, movement in the shoulder is partially restored.

Alas, in about half of the cases, the disease passes into the next stage - chronic humeroscapular periarthritis. Chronic humeroscapular periarthritis is manifested by moderate pain in the shoulder, with which many patients could well come to terms. But periodically, with unsuccessful movements or rotation of the arm, the sore shoulder shoots with acute pain. In addition, in some patients, sleep is disturbed due to a feeling of ache in the shoulder, which most often manifests itself especially strongly in the second half of the night, in the morning.

In this form, chronic humeroscapular periarthritis can exist for a long time, from several months to several years, after which the disease in some cases "resolves by itself" - sometimes even without any medical intervention.

However, in a third of patients, chronic humeroscapular periarthritis transforms into ankylosing periarthritis (capsulitis, "frozen shoulder"). This form of the disease is the most unfavorable, and it can develop not only as a continuation of other forms of humeroscapular periarthritis, but also independently. In this form of periarthritis, the pain in the affected shoulder is dull at first, but is accompanied by a severe deterioration in the mobility of the shoulder. The shoulder becomes very tight to the touch and indeed looks frozen.

Most of the hand movements that involve the shoulder result in sharp pain. Some patients say that compared to the pain in the “frozen shoulder”, toothache is “flowers”. Although there are also forms of "frozen shoulder" in which there is practically no pain, but the shoulder is blocked and immobilized.

In any case, whether there is pain or not, with a frozen shoulder, a sick person always loses the opportunity to normally raise his arm up - a straightened arm does not rise above shoulder level forward; and through the side it rises even worse - it happens that it is impossible to raise the arm from the hip to the side by more than 40-50 centimeters. In addition, the hand practically ceases to rotate around its axis, and it is impossible to bring it behind the back.

Another form of humeroscapular periarthritis, inflammation of the long head of the biceps, occurs mainly in men due to microtrauma that occurs after a sharp movement of the hand, or after a blow to the front surface of the shoulder. Pain with inflammation of the long head of the biceps shoots into the front surface of the shoulder. It is rarely permanent; most often the pain occurs unexpectedly, with some movements. Usually painful lifting of weights from the floor, as well as flexion and extension of the arm bent at the elbow, especially carried out with resistance - that is, when someone interferes with these movements.

Each religion differs from the others in its perception of social and personal life person. This includes marriage traditions.

The anticipation of the newlyweds on their wedding night is an exciting moment of marriage. Now they can know each other as husband and wife. The postmarital "ritual" is shrouded in many beliefs and customs fixed in the minds of believers.

The first wedding night in the Christian tradition

Christianity has built its own system of sacred dogmas that affect marriage. Although in Rus' for a long time the majority of Christians have been loyal to the immorality of some brides, the chastity of the girl has always been held in high esteem. This idea is also present in the modern Christian world.

As before, in Christianity there is a tradition immediately after the end of the wedding feast to send the young to the groom's house. There, the next day, a young family will receive guests.

The Orthodox faith does not force observance of outdated customs (wooden flooring with bags instead of a bed with a mattress; seeing off the newlyweds to their home in a noisy crowd; eating bread and chicken in the bedroom by the newlyweds) associated with the first marriage night. The Orthodox devote much attention to the preparation of the place where the newlyweds will spend the first night.

The newlyweds are allowed to lay the bed to the matchmaker, sisters or mother of the groom. Bridesmaids are not allowed, as they may envy the happiness of the young. Bed linen must be new, clean and ironed. After the sleeping place of the future spouses is prepared, it should be sprinkled with holy water and crossed. There may be icons in the newlyweds' room. They do not need to be removed or covered with a cloth, since marital intimacy in marriage is not considered a sin.

The Orthodox Church recognizes legal and ecclesiastical unions of people. Christian priests say that only after the wedding, the newlyweds learn the sacrament of marital intimacy. Therefore, it is carried out immediately after the official registration in the registry office or the day after the wedding. Intimacy outside of spiritual marriage for deeply believing Christians is considered fornication, therefore the first wedding night should occur after the wedding in the temple.

It is impossible to have intimate contact between spouses on the first night if the bride is menstruating that day. On such days, the girl's body is considered unclean. Brides need to calculate in advance whether the wedding falls on " critical days”, since during this period a woman is forbidden to attend church.

Left alone with each other, the wife, like a true Christian, must demonstrate her meekness and humility. To do this, she needs to take off her husband's shoes and ask permission to share the marriage bed with him. On this sacred night, spouses should be especially gentle and affectionate with each other.

The first wedding night in the Muslim tradition

Islam has its own traditions of marriage. The last stage of nikah (the so-called marriage union among Muslims) is the first night of the newly-married spouses. For Muslims, it occurs after the bride arrives at her husband's house with her belongings. The main part of the bride's dowry is countless pillows and blankets. Without a comfortable mattress and good bed linen, a wedding night is impossible.

In the room where the husband and wife are, there should be no strangers, including animals. The lighting should be subdued or completely absent so that the newlyweds are less embarrassed by each other. If the holy book of the Koran is kept in the room, it should be wrapped in a cloth or taken out. A man should not be in a hurry and be rude towards his young wife. First, a Muslim should invite his wife to try dishes - sweets (for example, honey or halvah), fruits or nuts, a permitted drink () and spices.

Before intercourse, the newlyweds need to fulfill several conditions for a happy and charitable family life. The groom should put his palm on the forehead of the bride, say basmala (a sacred common phrase among Muslims) and say a prayer. In it, a Muslim asks for blessings from Allah, who should give them a strong union, where there will be many children. Then it is advisable for the spouses to perform namaz (a joint two-rakah prayer) and again turn to the divine power with the question: “O Allah, bless me in relations with my wife (husband) and her (him) in relations with me. O Allah, establish good between us and in separation, separate us in a kind way! During lovemaking, the husband should be affectionate and gentle with his wife so that she can respond to him in the same way.

In Islam, it is not forbidden to transfer the first marital intimacy to another time, but there must be good reasons for this: the bride’s menstruation, the newlyweds’ bad mood or well-being, the recent acquaintance of the spouses.

In some families, relatives like to stand at the door of the young to make sure that the girl is a virgin. Islam requires not to peep or spy on people, as this is a violation of the instructions of the Koran. In the Islamic faith, there is another custom associated with the maiden honor of the bride: if the young wife was an innocent girl, then the husband must spend seven nights with her. If the newly-made wife was already married, then the man should stay with her for only three nights.

The first wedding night in the traditions of other religions

Religious principles about the first wedding night in other religions differ little from those that have already been listed. But still there are small differences.

In Buddhism, it is customary to luxuriously and brightly decorate the room where the bride and groom will spend their first night. Followers of the faith believe that such an environment has a positive effect on the mood of the newlyweds and is a good start to their colorful and secure life together. Fresh flowers are used as decorations for the interior of the bedroom of the young. Spouses on their wedding night should be frank and relaxed, strive for mutual pleasure from the process.

In Judaism, it is generally accepted that the initiative to enter into a sexual relationship between young spouses should come only from a woman. Sex in this religion is not a simple entertainment and a way to satisfy instincts, but carries the sacred meaning of the unity of the bodies and souls of lovers. To make the first wedding night for the newly-made Jewish family really the first, all meetings of the young before the wedding take place only under the supervision of older relatives.

There is a custom that says that a man must read a prayer before performing his marital duty. In it, he turns to the Lord with a request to grant him physical strength and an heir - a son. This prayer is repeated three times at the conjugal bed.

Common traditions for all religions

Exist certain traditions holding the first marriage night, common to all religions. These include:

Washing after intercourse

In all religions, it is strongly recommended to wash the genitals immediately after an intimate act or rinse completely with water. This is especially true for men. The action is usually performed for hygienic reasons, and to protect the body from the evil eye.

Do not overeat before intimacy

There is a religious principle “do not please your womb”, approved in many religions. The newlyweds should be humble in their eating habits and full of energy for the sacred matrimonial act.

Among all the nights preceding and following the wedding celebration, the first wedding night is the most anticipated and memorable. They prepare for it in a special way, and the degree of this feature depends on creativity, relations between the newlyweds, their thoughts about their future life.

On the wedding night, absolutely everything matters: words, aromas, clothes, colors, sounds, tastes, tenderness of touches, strength of hugs ... This is too important an event in the life of newlyweds to be taken lightly. How to make it so that in twenty years to remember the first wedding night with a warm and happy smile? Here are some ideas.


Classic is by no means a synonym for banality, because each couple brings something different to the sacrament, and in addition to traditional attributes (rose petals on the bed and in the room, scented candles, romantic music, subdued lights), there are always intriguing nuances. So, for example, the bride can make an intimate hairstyle or wear something bright and provocative instead of the invariable innocent snow-white underwear. And not just by choosing a different color, but also, perhaps, by ordering a costume for role-playing games or putting on those things that are of particular importance for lovers, for example, what the bride was wearing when the young people met.

A special aroma can also be the highlight of this event. Aroma oils from ylang-ylang flowers, for example, have long been used precisely during the wedding night. You can give each other an erotic massage using oil (1-2 drops will be enough). Massage will relieve tension after the wedding day, and the oil will serve as a good aphrodisiac.

Other traditional details of the classic scenario - champagne, strawberries, chocolate - are also a great way to create a romantic atmosphere. Also, the couple can exchange unusual gifts. For example, notes with love confessions or elements of an erotic costume.

Let's run away!

For those who love when adrenaline goes off scale in their blood, a more extreme scenario can be advised. Try not to sit on the holiday until the last, but to escape even before the parting words of tipsy guests. Just imagine: walking around the city at night in a wedding dress, walking through the streets holding hands and kissing every minute, and then spend a passionate night in a car decorated with wedding ribbons and flowers! And the next morning, have a delicious breakfast at your favorite coffee shop.

It sounds quite romantic and will certainly be remembered for a long time, but such a scenario is not suitable for everyone. Rather, it is designed for newlyweds, whose energy overflows. Still, most often by the time of the wedding night, young people are running out of strength, so not everyone will decide to go on a mini-trip through the night streets in search of adventure.

In the country

It may also be a good idea to rent a country cottage with a picturesque view, as well as a home sauna and swimming pool. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the silence, which is sometimes so lacking in the city, a whole house will be provided at your service, where you can spend a romantic night and find entertainment for the next day. For example, you can walk through the forest, swim in the river, ride a snowmobile (if the wedding is scheduled for the winter season), drink wine on the terrace or play billiards. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, you can simply take a steam bath in the sauna, plunge into the refreshing pool and enjoy each other’s company.

By the way, in the same cottage it will be quite possible to celebrate the second day of the wedding, already in a closer circle of guests. The conditions of country recreation allow, for example, to play active games on fresh air Or have an outdoor barbecue.

You can also stay in a country cottage for a honeymoon. This option is in no way inferior to a trip abroad, and even save a lot of money.

Arabian night

The first wedding night can be truly magical if you create the atmosphere of an Arabian fairy tale. The interior of the bedroom should be decorated in an oriental spirit: spread brocade and velvet pillows around the room, arrange candles, bring a hookah. All these attributes not only correspond to the theme, but also set you on a romantic wave.

The bride should wear a belly dance costume instead of classic lace lingerie. Of course, such an outfit also involves a seductive dance. It is believed that oriental dances excite men's blood more than outright striptease. To feel confident in the dance, we advise you to take a few lessons from a professional before the wedding. And you will also need to find a beautiful designer costume for belly dance - with hand embroidery and chic trim. Although it will cost you a little more than a decent set of lace underwear, but believe me, the effect is worth it!


If you want to celebrate such a significant event as the first wedding night on a royal scale - book a luxury apartment somewhere in the city center, with a gorgeous view, where elite wine, gourmet snacks and a giant jacuzzi will await you. If the celebration is planned for the winter, then you can book a room with a fireplace and sit in front of a blazing fire on a bearskin, basking in each other's arms. In addition, today many hotels have a SPA center, where you can arrange a prelude, and then go to your personal apartment and enjoy each other until the morning.

If suddenly on the wedding night something does not go as you planned, in no case be upset. Remember that even though this night is special, everything is just beginning for you - there is a honeymoon ahead, and after it a whole life to love and appreciate each other!

Read on for 10 more tips for a hot wedding night!

The first day of the wedding has already come to an end. The bouquet is thrown, the cake is eaten, and the guests begin to disperse ... What awaits the young people next? The most pleasant and mysterious - the first wedding night. It can give amazing pleasure or ruin your whole life. It will depend on how tactfully, intelligently, gently and lovingly the spouses behave that night, whether happiness will settle under their roof or not.

The wedding night. Brides, take note.

Of course, the newlyweds are excited and tense. The beautiful bride is especially nervous. And this is easily explained, because, as a rule, for her this is really the first night of love. Of course, the girl is afraid of the unknown pain that should appear after the rupture of the hymen.

How is the first wedding night

A young husband should show maximum tact and attention so as not to cause trauma to his beloved, especially mental. Therefore, his sobriety is required condition. The most important moment of this night is, of course, sexual intercourse, before which young people are very worried.

Wedding night: useful tips

1. Tenderness is a must. The girl during the first intimacy will be more bashful and shy, so the husband should be especially attentive at this moment. Of course, a man should undress, both on the wedding night and on the thousandth. Hands may tremble with excitement, but the young husband is obliged to undress his wife gently, slowly, while caressing her.

2. Hygiene is above all. You need to fulfill a few simple requirements so as not to harm the health of your beloved during the first sexual intercourse in her life. We are now talking about the hygiene of the genital organs, since when the hymen breaks, a wounded surface is formed, into which an infection can be very easily introduced.

3. Haste is good for catching fleas. Try not to rush, do everything slowly and carefully, only then everything will go smoothly.

Wedding night: where to spend it

Remember that this night belongs only to you. Therefore, you should be alone in the apartment. Where to hold a significant event? It is possible in a hotel or in the country, if it is impossible to be alone at home. By the way, some hotels offer special rooms for honeymooners. As a rule, the rent includes the decoration of the room, breakfast and a bottle of champagne. If you are out of the house, take everything you need with you.

Wedding night: a list of important things

  • Candles and aroma sticks. These items can turn an ordinary room into a cozy love nest. Arrange candles beautifully, light aroma sticks, and your room will be amazingly transformed.
  • Camera. Most likely, you will want to take some intimate photos for yourself.
  • Erotic lingerie. It must be worn on you, even if it seems to you that your young husband does not care. In an erotic thing, you will feel more relaxed and, of course, confident.


We hope that our tips will help you have an unforgettable wedding night.

When all the festivities are already behind, the guests have fun and go home, the very time comes when the newly-made husband and wife can be alone. Although no one will know and see how you will spend this time, making it unforgettable is no less important than having a chic wedding or choosing a dress. This moment also requires some preparation, costs and imagination.

Wedding night after the wedding: where to spend it

Every bride wants to spend the night after the wedding in a beautiful romantic place. The right place is 80% success. Therefore, approach this issue responsibly. Discuss and examine several options at once, perhaps both of you will come to the same decision.

    • My house. Many newlyweds begin to live together long before the wedding, so they spend their wedding night at their own home. This has its advantages: everything is familiar, familiar, familiar, nothing will embarrass or interfere. And it is not necessary to deprive yourself of romance. You can also decorate the bedroom at home: pick up luxurious bedding, arrange flowers, candles, wine.
    • Parent's house. Not the best, but sometimes forced option. When funds do not allow you to rent a hotel room, but you don’t have your own apartment. In this case, it is recommended, of course, that it is better to rent a house, especially since you do not plan to live with your parents. But if there is nowhere to go, you will have to get out, especially if the parents do not go anywhere at this time. But most likely, they will understand the situation and spend the night with friends or relatives. The room allocated to you can also be decorated.
  • Country house. A good option for the summer, especially if there is a shower or bath where you can wash. But even if such amenities are absent, it's okay. You can draw water in advance, make a mini pool or something like that. Finally, you can have a picnic. There is nothing more romantic than clean air, nature and the absence of neighbors. Keep a mosquito repellent just in case.

  • Hotel. Not the cheapest, but the most romantic option. Of course, they will not let you in to decorate everything, but you can order room decoration, champagne and other luxuries. The new environment, beautiful decoration and the presence of maids who are themselves responsible for cleaning will please any bride.

First wedding night: what to do

It seems that the question itself is superfluous, and the answer to it has long been known to everyone. We will talk about what you need to do on your wedding night so that it is remembered for a long time, and what you don’t need to do.

First, don't forget to prepare. During the celebration, it is not recommended to eat up and overdo it with alcohol. This rule has been known for a long time. In Rus', young people were specifically forbidden to drink during a feast. Only one mug of mead was allowed. And our ancestors knew what they were doing. You can drink properly and on time, having allocated special weekends for this.

Secondly, do not overwork yourself on the eve of the wedding. Give some authority to friends or parents. If you already come to the wedding tired, what can we say about a good mood and a wedding night in general.

Feel free to ask your parents to spend the night with friends if you live together, and they themselves do not realize the awkwardness of the situation. This is possible because in their time it was very common to spend the night after a wedding in the same house with a hundred guests sleeping on the floor. You have the right to be alone and hope for the understanding of the older generation. Take care in advance of everything that you may need: beautiful linen, for example, a bottle of wine, beautiful glasses.

Any advice on how to behave on the wedding night is inappropriate. Especially if people have already lived together. Nobody knows you better than yourself. You can discuss some nuances in advance or arrange an interesting surprise for your other half. But I would like to clarify about the latter - it is better to be sure that the second half will appreciate the surprise.

For those who did not follow all of the above recommendations and ended up with red eyes from lack of sleep and a headache from alcohol after the wedding, only one thing can be advised - go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening. It is better to have a romantic night at another time on your honeymoon than to overdo yourself after the wedding.

Beautiful wedding night after the wedding: decorating the bedroom

Despite the abundance of worries and lack of time, few brides will agree to entrust the decoration of the bedroom to strangers. This is a very crucial moment, so everything should be exactly in the taste of the bride and groom.

  • The most common decoration is fresh flowers. Pick your favourites, but make sure both of you are not allergic to them. For this reason, you should not buy exotic flowers or strong-smelling lilies. Flowers can be arranged in vases or various compositions can be hung on the walls, but in such a way that you do not drop anything and do not injure yourself. You can traditionally sprinkle rose petals on your bed if you like the smell of roses.

  • Pictures and figurines will also come in handy if they support a love theme. You should not overdo it, it is enough to make the room more unusual and beautiful than usual. For this, paintings depicting flowers, angels, doves are suitable. You can even hang your shared photo from a romantic photo shoot.
  • Balloons will please many. If you are not afraid that the balloons will suddenly burst and scare you, you can make very beautiful compositions and place them around the bed.
  • Lighting also plays a big role. The light should be subdued, romantic. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a night light or candles. Choose only thick large candles in special candlesticks. They burn for a long time and do not stain furniture.
  • When choosing bed linen, opt for soft or white tones. Screaming, dark or too slippery sheets can only get in the way. Bright colors too annoying, and the dark ones create an aura of gloom, especially by candlelight.
  • Romantic music can also decorate the evening. Choose the most romantic melodies that will appeal to both.

  • Sometimes fruits and sweets come in very handy. For example, if you didn’t manage to eat at the wedding, you will want to have a snack.

Wedding night in Russia: customs and traditions

How to spend the wedding night, you already know, but how did our ancestors spend it before?

In ancient times, preparing for the wedding night was a real ritual, a complex and special act. It was believed that it was on this night that the foundation of future family life was laid, the girl becomes a woman and wife.

Usually after the wedding, the young went to spend the night with the groom's parents. Then not everyone could boast of their own hut. The room must be necessarily cool, and what the bed of the young was like is a completely different story. At first, sacks of flour and rye were placed on the wooden flooring so that the family would be rich. Mattresses and pillows were laid on top, everything was covered with a white sheet embroidered along the edge with a pattern. Under the bed they could put a poker, a frying pan or logs. All this had a certain meaning and was supposed to bring happiness and healthy children to the young family.

After the end of the celebration, the young people were escorted by the whole crowd. Friends and girlfriends walked ahead. Druzhka went into the hut first. He paid a ransom to the women who guarded the bed, then beat the marriage bed with a whip and thus drove away evil spirits.

The young were left alone, with the door locked. At the same time, a man remained near the door, who guarded the spouses from intoxicated guests.

Even alone with each other, husband and wife must observe a number of traditions. So, for example, the two of them ate chicken and bread together so that life would be rich and with many children. In Rus', it was customary for a wife to obey her husband. This was very important, therefore, as a sign of her humility, the bride took off her boots from the groom, and then asked him for permission to go to bed.

Wedding night traditions in other countries

It would seem that everyone knows what a wedding night is, how it goes and when it starts. But in some countries there are very interesting customs that can change your idea of ​​a wedding night in general. We will consider only the most unusual foreign traditions. Some of them you can use if you find them suitable, while others just make a great talking point for a bachelorette party.

  • Perhaps the most unusual and famous tradition existed in medieval Europe, when the bride should spend the night not with her lawful spouse, but with her overlord. Someone associates this with sacrifice, and someone with the desire of those in power to leave more of their offspring.
  • In some African tribes, the husband knocked out his wife's two front teeth after marriage. This is what is considered a sign of a mature married woman, which distinguished her from single girls.
  • In Scotland, for some time it was customary to do everything possible to prevent the wedding night of the newlyweds from taking place. The guests made as much noise as they could, interfered, rattled and distracted the bride and groom. They could only be alone when all the guests were tired and asleep.
  • In China, a special role is given to the venue of the night. Everything should be as beautiful as possible, candles in the form of red and black dragons are placed near the bed.
  • In other African tribes, a husband and wife fight on the night after the wedding. And so every night for a week. Until dawn, they are supposed to beat each other with all their might. This is explained by the fact that during this week they must throw out all their anger, and live the rest of their lives in peace and harmony.
  • There is something similar in Macedonia. There, the newlyweds were locked at night in the basement, and a hat and boots were left in the corner. Husband and wife began to fight over these things to prove who was in charge in the house. In the morning they were released, and it became clear who was the master in this family.
  • There is a wonderful and incredible tradition in Japan. There are many small islands, so young people can retire to one of them. First they feed each other, then they give gifts. A wife to her husband is a beautiful sword as a defender and a warrior, and a husband to his wife is a fabric that he cuts with this sword. A dress for the wife is then sewn from a larger piece, and an outfit for the first-born from a smaller one.

The first wedding night: signs

To believe in signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. Some do not pay any attention to these signs, while others, thinking about how to prepare for their wedding night, try to study all possible superstitions.

Previously, in Rus', brides, before going to bed, took off all their jewelry, because the sign promises: if you lose an earring, you will lose your husband. The marriage bed must be sprinkled with holy water to protect it from evil spirits. No one should sit on the bed, so as not to take away the happiness of the young.

In the old days, it was customary to sing indecent ditties, seeing off the young. Now this sign has already become obsolete. The more discreetly and tactfully you leave the wedding, the better.

After the wedding, the bride must change her clothes completely in order to remove clothes that could have left the evil eye or the envy of her friends. In Rus', for this purpose, a shirt was sewn, on which various amulets were embroidered. Clothes for the night should be included in the list of how to prepare for the wedding night. It is desirable that the shirt was new.

Only the bride's bouquet can be left in the bedroom of the young, if the groom chose it himself, and the bride did not throw it into the crowd. Some girls buy two bouquets and throw away the one that was postponed in advance. They say that the longer the bouquet stays in the bedroom, the longer and happier the life of the family will be.

To make the offspring healthy and strong, take a piece of chicken from the wedding table and put it under the bed. Pillows on the bed should lie slots to each other. This will bring harmony to family life.

First wedding night - what to do? To begin with, I would like to note that in the classical sense this concept is a rarity today. Newlyweds most often already have experience in sexual terms, which they acquired even before the wedding. But there are exceptions. It is worth considering them and answering the question: "The first wedding night - what to do?".

In the relationship of two lovers, several types of behavior can be distinguished. For example, Romeo + Juliet. This means that both the boy and the girl are virgins. Something that is really rare. And the fact that this couple has new impressions ahead and the discovery of a world unknown to them is great. So, in this case, to the question "wedding night - what to do?" it is worth giving the following answer: "Relax - and surrender to feelings and emotions." The process will go only when thoughts go into the background, and waves of languor and bliss capture the bodies of the newlyweds. You just need to relax and have fun, and not force things because somewhere in the subconscious there is a fear of not having time to do something. A man should remember: do not be surprised and afraid. After all, the girl at this moment wants to see a confident and strong man next to her, and not a timid and timid boy. She wants to know that she trusts herself the right person. And the girl herself should listen to the call of her body and heart.

Arguing on the topic "The wedding night - what to do?" It is worth noting one more fact. After the first sex, a woman may not lose her virginity due to being very strong or elastic. An inexperienced man cannot break through it at one time. In this case, you should not be afraid. Finish what you started after five days.

Another version of the relationship in a pair is "Petrarch and Laura". This situation is more common. The girl did not have before marriage, and the man is experienced. Many guys are afraid to deprive their chosen one of virginity. By different reasons. Someone is uncomfortable, someone is afraid that she will be hurt.

There are pitfalls in this case, as in any other. For a girl, the wedding night is not an ordinary sexual experience. Experts have proven that the first sex has a huge impact on the emergence of sensuality. The slightest tactlessness - and the girl will have a negative attitude towards sexual life. It may even develop frigidity. An experienced man will first prepare his partner for intimacy. Simply put, foreplay will help. Only then will it be possible to proceed to the main process.

It also happens: the girl is already a goddess in sex, and the guy is a virgin. Well ... then the whole initiative is in the hands of the young lady. She has to make sure that her missus is not nervous and feels confident. After all, this can hurt his feelings - that his chosen one has experience, and he still "sat too long", so to speak.

Finally, the wedding night is also important for those who already have experience in sex: solemnity does not disappear! The girl always expects something special from the first "official" intimacy. Don't forget about it. In order to make the first night even more pleasant for the newlyweds, you can drink delicious wine before that, have a bite to eat. And, of course, the atmosphere. A semi-dark room, clean beautiful linen, flowers, music will fill your wedding night with romance that you will remember all your life.