Effective exercises for a healthy back: six workout videos. "Healthy back": how to give yourself a shoulder massage from the inside Fitness direction healthy back

The spine is the basis healthy body. It is necessary to monitor his condition, since the load on the spine is enormous. Driving a car, working at a computer and in the office, lifting weights and being on your feet for a long time are something that almost everyone faces. and poor posture cause a lot of problems. A fitness program aimed at correcting posture and strengthening will help to avoid them. After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Gymnastics for the spine

System " healthy back"- one of the softest varieties of fitness aimed at working out the muscles that hold the spine in correct position. Exercises are designed to safely stretch the muscles and ligaments: they will improve and restore the mobility of the spine, relieve excessive tension and relax inactive areas of the back.

"Healthy Back" is a fitness program designed to restore and prevent diseases of the spine. A specially selected set of exercises for the development of mobility and flexibility of the back is recommended for both men and women. Classes are designed for different levels of training, so they are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and physical development. Training will help those who want to keep the spine healthy and improve posture.

The goal of the "Healthy Back" program

This complex helps to solve several problems:

  • form the correct posture;
  • work out the deep spinal muscles;
  • remove tension from the intervertebral segments that causes pain;
  • stretch the muscles that cause deformation of the spine;
  • strengthen the muscular corset of the body;
  • work out because they are the support of the spine.

The spine is the core of the body

A healthy back is the key to success and healthy life. Half of the diseases and ailments are caused by problems with it. Often, many do not even suspect that poor health, dizziness, fatigue are signs of incipient diseases of the spine. the most important body nervous system, is located in the spinal canal and conducts nerve impulses to the brain. Therefore, it is very important, without waiting for sudden and severe pain, to pay attention to the spine. Here are some signs of starting problems:

  • convulsions;
  • sleep problems;
  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • headache in the occipital region;
  • pain in the neck;
  • muscle tension;
  • aching pain in the back, legs, buttocks;
  • morning chest pain and lumbar;
  • pain "under the spoon";
  • deep early wrinkles of the neck and forehead;
  • double chin, etc.

The "Healthy back" complex is contraindicated in chronic diseases of the spine, after operations and severe injuries, those who have an intervertebral hernia and serious posture disorders. Before you start exercising in these cases, you should consult your doctor.

Types of exercises

Complex simple exercises not only prevents diseases of the spine, but also helps to cure many of them. Regular workouts help to forget about back pain. Classes are also suitable for posture correction. What exercises are included in the Healthy Back program? Exercises for the cervical, thoracic, sacral spine. Therefore, the program is tailored to the individual characteristics and needs of each.

"Healthy back" - fitness program. Benefit

Cervical exercises improve blood flow in the brain and, as a result, reduce the risk of stroke. The peculiarity of the exercises is that they are harmless and help to get rid of many ailments: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, memory impairment. Daily stress, as well as stress, eventually leads to muscle spasm, which compresses blood vessels and nerves. That's when the ailments listed above appear. The therapeutic effect of exercises for the neck is that the most deep muscles. The spasm decreases and the neck becomes more relaxed and mobile.

They will help get rid of pain in the interscapular region and in the thoracic region. Sedentary work, as well as an incorrect posture, for example, at a computer or in front of a TV, lead to muscle strain and, as a result, to displacement of discs and vertebrae. This can provoke diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs. Attentive attitude to the spine and timely strengthening of muscles thoracic reduce the risk of serious illness.

The sacral region is responsible for the buttocks and pelvic bones. It is important to strengthen the muscles of this department, as diseases associated with the legs, diseases Bladder, sexual disorders - many of these ailments are associated with problems sacral department spine.

3 essential exercises for a tired back

  1. For relaxation. Best Pose to relax your back - sit on the floor, buttocks on your heels, stretch your arms in front of you, your back is round, lean your forehead against the floor. Take this position and relax.
  2. For the rhomboid muscle. Lie on the floor face down, rest your forehead on the floor. Spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder level. Raise your arms up to the maximum and lower slowly down.
  3. On the Lunge, the arm is relaxed and extended towards the floor. body is parallel to the floor. Raise and lower your hand.

The effectiveness of the "Healthy Back" program is confirmed by the reviews of those who have been training and continue to train. Constant feeling of tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back from long work at the computer are literally after the first lesson. The pain in the lower back decreases after the fifth session, and lightness appears. After three months of training, the flexibility of the spine improves so much that, judging by the reviews, many for the first time in their lives can reach the floor with their hands without pain and effort when bending forward.

The spine is the backbone of a healthy body. It is necessary to monitor his condition, since the load on the spine is enormous! The "Healthy Back" system is one of the softest varieties of fitness aimed at working out the muscles that hold the spine in the correct position. You need to work on your health regularly.

The HEALTHY BACK program suggests the direction of the exercises:

  • On the formation of strong and strong muscles of the spinal corset;
  • To teach to evenly distribute the load between different parts of the back;
  • To strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • To improve the overall tone of the body through physical activity.

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Prevention of spinal diseases in Trinity Dance

We all know very well that our overall health depends on the condition of the spine, which is why it is extremely important to monitor it. The dance school Trinity Dance offers everyone to do an easy form of fitness that allows you to work out all muscle groups without overloading them. In addition, with regular attendance, your healthy back will convince you of the effectiveness this method and will bring you back to a great state of health. You can sign up for classes at any convenient time by visiting one of our studios or by purchasing a subscription directly on the website.


Anastasia, Moscow

Stretching and contempo classes with Choi Stas are always held in a positive atmosphere. Stas has incredible energy, you always come out of training recharged and in good mood:) I like the way the lessons are structured. In 2 hours (stretching + contempo) we manage to stretch well, pump up muscles, work on the dance base, and, of course, learn new choreography. Stas gives interesting versatile choreography, there is always something to work on and where to grow. I like the approach in training to work for the result, for development, and not just move after a working day in the office :)

Anna Kotova, Moscow

Hello) I have been studying with Polina for a year! And each dance performance is a masterpiece, she seems to sing with her body) Polina is patient and attentive to her students! Thank her for everything!

Our studio hosts group wellness classes fitness program "Healthy back". Posture correction, maintaining and improving joint flexibility and mobility, general health and wellness - all this can be achieved without heroic effort. Classes are based on proven techniques and designed in such a way that you get the result, regardless of the level of the basic physical training.

Benefits of the Healthy Back Program

Physical inactivity, stress, prolonged sitting at a computer or a desk, malnutrition, intoxication due to viral diseases - all this leaves its mark on the condition muscle tissue and liaison apparatus. The result can be chronic fatigue syndrome, impaired joint mobility, or muscle pain due to spasm.

The Healthy Back program is an easy fitness regimen that allows you to:

    1. to fill the need for motor load of all muscle groups;
    1. restore optimal circulation in the body of blood and lymph;
    1. correct the elasticity of muscles and ligamentous apparatus;
    1. improve sensory feedback (tissue sensitivity to external and internal stimuli);
    1. optimize the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in the nervous system.

Classes are designed in such a way as to give the necessary effect to people of any age. The result is the elimination of stoop, general tone and vigor of the body, increased efficiency and improved efficiency of mental activity (increased attention, memory, accelerated decision-making processes, etc.). The Healthy Back program activates the body's natural mechanisms of self-regulation, slows down the aging process and the formation of age-related pathologies.

For such an increase in the quality of life, you do not need a significant investment of resources - neither temporary nor material. Our studio is located within walking distance from the metro station, so it is convenient to get to classes from anywhere in the city.

Being healthy and energetic in our time is a necessary component of success. You can take the first step in this direction right now - sign up for trial lesson to see for yourself the simplicity and comfort of the Healthy Back fitness program. We will definitely contact you to agree on a convenient time in accordance with the occupancy of the groups.

Fitness program designed to restore and prevent diseases of the spine. A specially selected set of exercises for the development of mobility and flexibility of the back is recommended for both men and women.

Fitness program "Healthy Back" is a set of exercises based on the principles of Pilates, exercise therapy and yoga. This type of exercise is healthy and has a beneficial effect on the spine, joints and muscles of the body. Classes are designed for different levels of training, so they are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and physical development. Training will help those who want to keep the spine healthy and improve posture

Improving gymnastics "Healthy back" safe for people with any level of physical fitness and any age and weight class because it does not require special skills. Regular attendance at classes will help reduce daily stress on the back, get rid of headaches and lumbar pain, insomnia, etc.

Purpose of exercises "Healthy back"

The main goal of the exercises is to improve the spine, increase the elasticity of the ligaments and joint mobility, and have a beneficial effect on general state organism.

When the cervical spine is involved in the exercises, the blood supply to the brain improves, which also reduces the risk of a phenomenon such as a stroke.

Sedentary lifestyle, stress, daily stress, driving a car and many others. - all this accumulates and leads to muscle spasm, compression of nerves and blood vessels. Hence, the occurrence of many troubles and ailments is likely, such as sleep problems, fatigue, cramps, pain in cervical region or occipital region, excessive muscle tension, pain in the back and lumbar region, etc.

Often the occurrence of pain and ailments is not associated with back problems and they do not suspect that fatigue, dizziness, and poor health are the symptoms of spinal diseases. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to such body signals and respond in time.

The healing effect of the "Healthy Back" program lies in the fact that in the process of training even the deepest muscles are worked out, they are relaxed, joint mobility increases, and well-being improves.

A healthy back is an indispensable guarantee of an active and successful life!

Venue for "Healthy Back" classes:

Fitness club "RE:fit" at the address: Lyubertsy, st. March 8, d.59 - conductsUlyanova Zhanna, Evgenia.

Fitness club "RE:fit" at the address: Lyubertsy, st. Initiative, 13 - conducted by Marina.

A healthy back is a technique that allows you to remove clamps in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, improve flexibility, get rid of back pain and prolong the youth of the joints.

Healthy back: for body and soul

A healthy back is a set of exercises, during which all the muscles of the body are included in the work, with an emphasis on the back. The main difference between this method and other classes is the slow pace of exercises and a deep concentration on internal sensations. This exercise allows you to include in the work those muscles that are not involved in normal sports. Keeping the body in balance gives an unusual load and sharpens attention to oneself. At the same time, the "Healthy Back" technique is so thought out and safe that it is used when working with spinal injuries.

These classes are ideal for those who get tired of the fast pace of life. With pleasant music under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will master a set of exercises, relax and get distracted from a busy schedule and eternal haste.

Healthy back: a unique method of recovery

Each next movement continues the previous one, the end of one exercise is the beginning of the next. In exercises, smoothness is important, it is the key to harmonious transformation.

The uniqueness of the method lies in the integrated approach. Exercise affects the entire body at the same time. slow pace exercise makes them safe for people of all ages. "Healthy back" can be practiced even by pregnant women. Soft and smooth exercises strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and back, which is important during the period of bearing a baby. These classes help young mothers get back in shape and adjust their weight.

Regular training will help get rid of back pain, strengthen the muscle corset, improve posture, develop endurance and coordination of movements. These classes are a good addition to the Twine School program, they allow you to remove the clamps in the back, which helps to quickly master the twine.