Evgenia bilyk gymnastics for the face. Facebook building: free video tutorials with exercises for facial gymnastics

Correction of the oval of the face involves a surgical operation or contouring by means of injections from a cosmetologist - the procedures are expensive and with a lot of contraindications. Opponents of radical methods practice facial gymnastics (facebuilding) and note a persistent positive effect.

Facebook building against a wrinkled forehead

Emotional people are more prone to the formation of forehead wrinkles due to active facial expressions. The habit of wrinkling the forehead when making up the eyes also harms the skin. Special exercises will help tone the frontal muscles and tighten the skin. Classes are based on the usual movements of the eyebrows with the creation of resistance with the fingers. The training is led by Evgenia Baglyk, the founder of the international online Facebook building school.

How to remove nasolabial folds

The wrinkles formed by the nasolabial folds are the deepest. The causes of "nasolabial folds" are lethargy and muscle strain. The online class contains 3 exercises for the cheeks and lips, plus relaxing techniques. The face expert gives recommendations on the frequency and intensity of training.

Exercises for the perfect face shape

Online fitness for a tightened face oval. The lesson is designed for the simultaneous performance of exercises under the account. As equipment you will need own hands and a simple pencil. The complex is convenient for performing at home or in the office.

How to make lips look bigger and plumper

Lips like Jolie's are ideal for many women. There are exercises to give volume to the lips. The meaning of the lesson is to increase blood flow and gradually pump the circular muscle of the lips. Funny names of exercises - "duck", "horse" - speak of ease of implementation. As a result of training, the lips are filled bright color, wrinkles around the mouth are tightened.

Nose exercises

Beginning facebuilders usually get hung up on problem areas and forget to train their nose. At the beginning of the lesson, the facial gymnastics trainer dispels the myths about the correction of the shape of the nose and gives two effective exercises. At the end of the lesson, the audience will learn about perspective regular workouts And positive effects. The advantage of the lesson is a detailed demonstration of the actions of the hands during gymnastics. Correct position fingers prevents the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Basic facial exercises

The forehead, eyelids, lips, chin and cheeks are problem areas that need correction and tightening with age. A set of exercises from the video is designed to work out all problem areas in one session. A warm-up is shown to enhance blood circulation and muscle preparation, performed before class. The lesson talks about precautions and contraindications.

Facebook building from bulldog cheeks

Sagging cheeks cause loss muscle tone with age or as a result sudden weight loss. The lessons shown in the video tutorial are quite difficult for beginners. When performing, you need to control the nearby muscles and not include them in the work automatically - this is the difficulty. The video also gives interesting exercises for working out the nasolabial zone.

How to remove the second chin

The second chin can appear early and significantly spoil appearance giving the face extra age and fullness. For the prevention and removal of folds, it is necessary to strengthen the cervical and chewing muscles. The tutorial video gives exercises using arm strength resistance and shows rotational movements with stretching effect. The complex is simple and suitable for daily practice.

How to pump up the cheekbones and tighten the oval of the face

A large number of muscles are responsible for lifting the oval. The lesson tones the muscles of the face and neck through tension, stretching and relaxation. The author of the lesson combines exercises with self-massage. Massage movements along the right lines in the right direction allow you to deceive the laws of gravity and keep your face taut for some time.

Mimic muscles of the face - a detailed overview

For deep dive on the topic of face fitness, we offer you to learn more about muscular structure faces. The video lesson clearly demonstrates the anatomical structure on a 3D model. The author talks about the functions of each muscle: moving the eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth, etc. Having an idea of ​​the muscles being trained makes it easier to perform the exercises correctly.

Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Regular face gymnastics improves color and general state skin. You can diversify your workouts by purchasing special gadgets for the face in Chinese online stores. Choose any of the complexes you like or make individual ones based on those proposed in the article.

Hello dear. Everyone knows that for a fit and slim figure need to play sports. Sports help keep muscles in good shape. We know about it and many people do just that. But do you always remember that facial muscles also need to be pumped? For this, too, there is a gymnastics - face-building for the face, which we will talk about a little and do one lesson - exercises for the eyes.

What is facebuilding?

This is a special gymnastics for the face, contributing to its rejuvenation and adjustment. It turns out that not only the muscles of the body need to be “pumped”. Need to be strengthened and facial muscles. And these facial muscles require increased attention. Yes, they are constantly working when we are talking, frowning, laughing and even sleeping.

The only problem is that their activity is distributed unevenly. Basically the same facial muscles work. Connective tissues are overstressed because of this, wrinkles appear.

Tailored exercises to address specific facial muscle problems help restore firmness to the skin (more adulthood), and also prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles (I know girls who have the first signs of old age imprinted on their foreheads far before the age of 25). And coupled with homemade creaming, Facebook building - powerful weapon for youthful skin.

Facebook building is effective tool to prolong youth, improve external attractiveness, as well as an excellent alternative to surgical methods of rejuvenation.

Facebook building for the face - what is the advantage

So let's not put off the exercises for the facial muscles, which have already helped many women regain their facial beauty without surgery, self-confidence and their attractiveness! These exercises have many benefits.

Firstly, they are completely safe, which cannot be said about the operation.

Secondly, they are incredibly effective and this effect is not one-time, but long-term.

Finally, they are completely free and available to each of us.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk - exercises for the eyes

The eye area requires high-quality and very delicate work. These techniques will restore elasticity to the upper eyelids and areas under the eyes, visually enlarge the eyes, smooth out wrinkles, and, as a bonus, improve vision.

This lesson will be taught by Evgenia Baglyk, her Facebook building channel is one of the most popular Russian language channels on Youtube.
You can do facial exercises at home in front of a mirror, at work at a computer, in a car, waiting for a traffic jam. In general, anywhere and anytime. The main thing is to do it every day, best of all, in the morning and in the evening.

What is the effect of gymnastics for the face?

The effect of facial gymnastics will be noticeable after 2 weeks of active exercises:

  • complexion will improve,
  • puffiness under the eyes will disappear,
  • cheeks and second chin will be tightened,
  • wrinkles will become less pronounced.

Well, I hope you did a face-building for the face with Evgenia Baglyk? Leave a bookmark on this page so that tomorrow you can repeat these exercises again and show them to your friends. Good luck to you!

Hello. You must have heard that there is a special facial fitness that helps to strengthen the muscles of the face, and thanks to this, the face looks younger. I offer you a face-building for the face with Evgenia Baglyk. This is a special system that includes many different fitness classes for different groups facial muscles, as well as plastic and lymphatic drainage massages.

Evgenia Baglyk and her facial exercises

This system does not require any special skills or the use of tools, special tools and equipment. The online course of exercises for different areas of the face called “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” turned out to be especially effective and accessible to everyone.

Evgenia has developed her own system of exercises, which are a kind of fitness for facial muscles, personally tested by the author.

She tested many existing techniques and selected, in her opinion, the best and most effective, modified them and added a number of movements from her own extensive practice.

When she realized that her system was working, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk became available to all men and women, as the author began to lead own program in the Internet.

You can train on your own, carefully listening to the recommendations of the creator of the system, get individual lessons via Skype, or personally attend Evgenia's classes in Kyiv.

Those who perfectly master the practice of face-building and feel the talent of a coach in themselves are given the opportunity to teach other people this wonderful science - to be young and beautiful in a natural way.

Most requested facial exercises

These five exercises are the simplest and most popular of Evgenia's many activities. By visiting her website or watching numerous videos on the net, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself and improve your appearance with simple and effective methods.

Of all the questions, Evgenia selected the most popular ones and answered them in her video.

1. Nasolabial creases

Reasons: age and mimic clamps. You need to train the cheekbones, cheeks, corners of the mouth.

If nasolabial folds appeared as a result of mimic clamps, then you need to monitor your facial expressions, see what you are doing wrong - clamp your lips, chew your lips. This is discussed in detail in this video.

A simple exercise in the video will help relieve muscle clamps and reduce the nasolabial hall.

Pull your mouth into a beautiful oval, hold for 10 seconds and relax.

Do it every evening or during the day, the nasolabial fold will become less noticeable.

2. Exercises to improve the tone of the muscles of the cheeks

If there are no facial skills, then this exercise may seem difficult, since it involves a lot of muscles.

Watch the video, Evgenia shows as slowly as possible and explains in as much detail as possible how to do this exercise correctly.

Lower lower jaw and draw out the mouth into the letter "O". Straightened index fingers must be placed in the mouth over the entire lower row of teeth.

By tension and retraction of the cheeks, move the fingers to the center. Move and release several times, straining only the muscles of the cheeks, the lips are not involved. In order not to cut through the nasolabial folds, it is necessary to slightly stretch the upper lip.

3. Exercises for the chin and neck

This one exercise will help get rid of a double chin and help pump up your neck.

4. Exercises for the cheekbones

This exercise is also not easy, before you start it, you need to learn how to move your cheekbones.
Lower the lower jaw and extend the mouth into the letter "O".

In front of the mirror, without the help of fingers, with the effort of the large zygomatic muscle, it is necessary to pull the muscles up to the eyes and lower them. You can do this by saying short letter"ABOUT"

5. Exercises for eyes and crow's feet

In this section - two exercises and from crow's feet.

Gymnastics to enlarge the eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible (bulge), hold for 15-20 seconds and relax your eyes. Repeat several times a day.

Look carefully, these exercises are not so difficult, just pay a little attention to this area.
With a serious approach and regular classes fitness for the face, a positive result will be noticeable in a week.

Botox injections, contouring, laser therapy, facelifts… With these cosmetic procedures I have to meet many women after 30 years. Time flies inexorably, leaving its imprint on the delicate skin of the face. But how do you want to preserve the natural youth and beauty! Plastic surgery one of the fastest and effective methods fight against age-related changes. But this pleasure comes at a price. What to do if the family budget does not allow spending a lot of money on surgical or cosmetic intervention? It's very simple: do Facebook building. Do not forget that the face, like the rest of the body, also has muscles. And if you keep them in good shape, you can say goodbye to early aging. An effective method of gymnastics for the face is offered by fitness trainer Evgenia Baglyk.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk from Kiev in a healthy way life has always been on "you". For many years she worked as a trainer in one of the capital's fitness clubs, helping girls keep fit. Once Evgenia overheard a conversation of her regular clients. Two women aged 25-30 complained to each other that this month they spent almost half their salary on the correction of facial wrinkles. And then the coach came up with an original idea: why not fight age-related changes on the face with the same methods as on the body. That is, with the help of a special system of exercises.

Evgenia began to collect bit by bit information about gymnastics for the face. She studied the anatomy of the skull, the location of bones, muscles and nerve endings, tested on herself a huge number of existing techniques and, as a result, developed her own Facebook building system. The first "test subjects" were the author and her close friends, whom Evgenia asked to participate in the experiment. When, after a few months, the women saw amazing results, Baglyk patented her method and began to carry it "to the masses."

Advantages of the technique

The technique of Evgenia Baglyk has a lot of advantages:

  • First, anyone can find her exercise course online and take it for free.
  • Secondly, facial gymnastics is universal. It suits both women and men. After all, a strong half of humanity sometimes cares about their appearance no less than women.
  • Thirdly, Facebook building allows you to get rid of both small, only manifesting defects, and serious shortcomings. All you need is your desire and a responsible approach to the course of exercises.
  • What effect can be obtained

    Practicing according to the method of Evgenia Baglyk regularly, you can:

  • “wipe” several years from the face at once without surgical intervention;
  • make lips plumper without injections;
  • say goodbye to double chin;
  • remove wrinkles from the forehead, around the lips and eyes;
  • reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds;
  • "outline" the cheekbones;
  • to tone the facial muscles;
  • smooth out bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion by stimulating blood flow.
  • Indications and contraindications

    Anyone who wants to correct their appearance can be engaged in facebuilding without resorting to plastic surgery and the services of a cosmetologist. But this simple gymnastics still has a number of limitations.

    Facebook building is contraindicated for people who have had plastic surgery in the last two years, those who have diseases facial nerve as well as hypertensive patients. In these cases, additional medical advice is required.

    Women and men over 40 may not have enough natural muscle strength to completely smooth out wrinkles. Therefore, an important condition for obtaining maximum effect from gymnastics are sufficient rest and good sleep.

    facebook basic rules

    There is no need to prepare for Facebook building in some special way. Since only the face "works", and the rest of the body is resting, the general physical training not important.

    Make time for facial exercises every day. Don't be lazy and don't skip classes. Even in a busy work schedule, you can “carve out” 15 minutes for yourself. Beginners are advised to start with six repetitions of each exercise. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing up to twenty.

    All exercises in this course involve the active participation of your hands (namely, fingers). They will need to hold the skin on the forehead so that only the muscles are trained. If you ignore this rule, then wrinkles will not disappear, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable and deeper.

    You can do the exercises at any time. But if you want to get the desired effect faster, do them in the evening before going to bed. First, wash your face thoroughly with a scrub and wipe your face with a cleansing tonic. Starting gymnastics, listen to the reaction of the body. If everything is done correctly, you will feel a slight burning sensation. Do not forget to periodically relax the facial muscles: exhale through closed lips (so that they vibrate slightly). At the end of the session, moisturize your face with serum or cream.

    Video: how to do Facebook building exercises

    Basic exercises for different muscles of the face

    Let's move from words to deeds! Have you already determined which part of your beautiful face needs correction? Then do not postpone the start of the beauty course from Evgenia Baglyk indefinitely and remember simple exercises.

    Video: the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk

    More videos from Evgenia Baglyk - about how to make plump lips, "tighten" cheeks and cheekbones, remove double chin, - look on the official channel of the author of the technique on YouTube - .

    To explain how to deal with this problem, we will first describe how it appears.

    Ways of occurrence of nasolabial fold

    There are two ways of occurrence of this deep wrinkle.

    First- this is age-related tissue ptosis, that is, when you look at yourself and see that your nasolabial fold is a deep overhanging fold - not a dash, not a line, but an overhanging fold. This is the first bell for you that all the muscles of the central part of your face have sagged.

    In this case, you should pay attention Special attention on zygomatic muscles, buccal, train the muscles responsible for raising the corners of the mouth. Then, when you bring them all into tone, the center of the face will rise up and, accordingly, will not hang so much. And then the nasolabial fold will become smaller and smooth out completely. This is the first option.

    And the second option when it appears due to mimic clamps. How does this happen? Muscular sutures pass along the nasolabial line, which we may have. What does it mean? Here we have the circular muscle of the mouth. Attached to her different muscles, zygomatic large, small muscles that raise the corner of the mouth, lip and so on.

    They are all attached one after another to the circular muscle of the mouth. And it turns out a muscle seam. Therefore, when any of these muscles, either the circular muscle of the mouth, or the zygomatic, or the muscles that raise the upper lip and corners, spasm, then this muscle suture is more pronounced. And the stronger the spasm, the stronger, naturally, the nasolabial fold is visible to us. And how to deal with this option?

    You need to track your facial expressions very well. See what you are doing wrong, that is, most likely you are holding your lips. We have a lot of women who love to do this, completely unconsciously not controlling themselves. So, either you pinch your lips, somehow tighten the corners there, strain, bite, chew your lips, and so on.

    Or you like to inflate your nostrils, make all sorts of squeamish grimaces like this and bring into spasm just the muscles that are attached to the circular muscle of the mouth.
    You need to track all these mimic manifestations and reduce them to a minimum. At first glance, this seems like such a frivolous method of dealing with the nasolabial fold, but believe me great experience shows that this is the case. Follow your facial expressions, give yourself at least a month, let's say, of mimic conscious life, and you will see that your nasolabial fold will become much less noticeable.

    Exercise for the nasolabial fold

    You stretch your mouth into an oval, into an even beautiful oval, so that there is tension from the cheek bones to the circular muscle of the mouth. It is very important here to make sure that the lower part - the chin and lips are not too pinched. Many people want to pull out more strongly, and therefore they wring lower part. Do not do that! We must have everything very smoothly and beautifully.

    So, pulled out, hold for 10 seconds and relax. You can do this exercise every evening, do about 3, 5 sets. You can also use this exercise throughout the day.

    Make sure that you perform this exercise very well, that is, for you, what is the indicator that you did the right thing? When everything is completely smooth for you, that is, you pulled it out, and there is no crease left. Then you did it right. The more often you do the exercise, the faster you will notice the result.

    2. Cheeks

    Let's move on to the next problem area are the cheeks. This is an important part of the face, these muscles are paired, rather large, they go from the corners of the mouth and are attached to the masticatory muscle, that is, they form the lower third of our face.

    Therefore, when the cheeks lose their tone (cheek muscles), immediately this part of the face becomes flabby, bulldogs appear, the contour of the face floats.

    Why are there so many problems with the exercise on the cheek muscles? Because it is in the central part of the face that we have a lot of muscles intertwined, and therefore, if you do not have the skills to work with the face, then it is not always easy for you to work out some muscle in isolation, so other muscles are additionally strained, the exercise turns out to be wrong.

    Starting position - we extend the mouth into the letter "o". You don't need to fully open your jaw, you don't need to try to open your mouth as much as possible, you need to tighten the nasolabial triangle.

    Pulled out - this is your starting position, remember it, and it should not change for the entire exercise, because it often happens like this: you do 10 times, do 15, then you look, and you already have a completely different position of your mouth. Your lower jaw gradually rises upwards. This should not be.

    So, we remember that we extended the mouth, and it does not move a millimeter anywhere until you finish the exercise. If your chewing muscles get tired, it is difficult for you to keep your mouth open, do several tricks: 10 times - rested, 10 times - rested. The most important thing is to do it qualitatively, not much, but qualitatively! Do 10 times, but the way it will be perfect.

    Take two fingers. Two - because this way you will have more pressure area, and you will pump your cheek more efficiently.

    We stretched our mouth into an oval, put our fingers behind the cheek, do not bend them with hooks, do not move them anywhere, you just put them along the cheek. Now, without lowering or raising the lower jaw, we begin to pronounce the letter “o” so that we have a smooth, smooth lip, and we tense the cheek muscles well. You first press with your cheek, then you pull out your mouth. Do not start squeezing your fingers with your mouth - this is the most common mistake!

    If you do exactly the same, you will not pump your cheeks, you will only spasm your upper lip, and, as an option, your nasolabial fold will again appear stronger, so this is very, very important!

    We make such a movement with our cheek, as if you are drawing air inward. Rehearse this movement separately first if you are not sure that you are doing it right.

    Now the mouth is in an oval, we put our fingers on both sides and we begin to press our cheeks on our fingers. You should always feel more tension in your cheeks than in your upper lip. Be sure to pay attention to the corners of your mouth always stretching forward, that is, you say the letter “o” and try to direct the corners forward.

    When your corner of your mouth moves back, your nasolabial fold erupts. Again, and do not forget about this thing: when you strain your mouth very much, you cut through the muscle seam more strongly. When you press your cheeks on your fingers and see that stripes are drawn in you, then try not to strain your cheek so much, let it work a little less for you, but you will protect yourself from such creases here.

    3. Complex exercise for the chin and neck

    The next exercise is complex, it will help you, and tighten the oval of the face and pump the neck.
    Moreover, this exercise will be very useful, and will suit those people who have biases in cervical region. If you have such a problem, you cannot bend over, various twists, displacement of the head, because your situation may worsen.

    But this exercise can be done by all people, even those who have neck problems.

    So, you sit on the edge of a chair (stool or sofa), lift your chin up. Your back is completely straight. It is very important! If you are hunched over, you will not be able to do the exercise correctly.

    We sit straight, and now we raised our chin, froze, we take a breath and lean back as we inhale. Your neck is very tense. On the exhale, you return, again deviate back - return, deviate back - and return.

    What is the point here? essence this exercise in that your head does not move anywhere, that is, your neck muscles are tensed as much as possible so that the head remains in its primary position. If you relax your neck muscles, and your head falls back, then, accordingly, your muscles do not work, they simply stretch.

    We take a breath, we sit evenly, we bow back. You see that everything is tense in you: both the neck and the area under the jaw, and we return, again we deviated - and we return. The further you deviate, the better your neck pumps, so you can start with some small distance so that you get used to it, and then gradually increase this distance.

    If you do, let's say, near the table, you can stick to the table if you are not sure that you will hold on. It is recommended to do this exercise no more than 15 times, because it is very strong, and we have nothing to pump our neck for. We only need to strengthen it and make the muscles more elastic and resilient.

    Double chin

    We have everything cervical muscles attached to the lower jaw, that's all. That is why, when you actively train your neck, you will always have a more beautiful and toned lower contour than a person who does not. Pay attention to athletes who do not specifically deal with the face, but they definitely have a very beautiful facial contour for this very reason.

    When you do this exercise, your neck muscles will train, you will become more toned, beautiful neck, and everything unnecessary will be burned and will not be.

    4. Cheekbones

    Next, we move on to the cheekbones. We stretch the mouth into an oval, again, when we work with, work out the cheeks, cheekbones, we always have the same position, the mouth is extended into an oval.
    You should pull your upper lip well over your teeth.

    You can do it by trying to wink, you can do it by trying to squint, lift your eyelid or pinch your nose - try it in different ways.

    If your cheekbones are already moving, we stretch your mouth into an oval, fix the nasolabial folds with your fingers. We have a muscle suture here and so that there are no creases, we hold this area.

    We clamp this entire zone: the upper lip and the area near the nose, just the place where the muscles of the circular muscle of the mouth are attached. You need to press very hard, you must block the movement, you must feel that you didn’t just close it and don’t see what is happening with you, but you just pressed it so that the muscle cannot jump out from under your fingers. This is extremely important!

    Remember about the lower jaw, too, because if during the exercise it gradually rises in you, and you end up with your mouth almost closed, then, of course, your exercise will not be correct and effective. Moreover, remember about the upper lip, which should be as tight as possible, and about the fingers that the muscles fix.

    5. Eyes

    And the last requested exercise for.

    Bags and swelling

    The first exercise from bags and edema. We close our eyes, firmly press the upper eyelids to the lower ones, and we will work with the pupils. We will roll the pupils under the forehead and lower them down, while the eyes are closed, upper eyelid resists the movement of the pupil and, moreover, you place your fingers - not directly under the eyelashes, but along the bone. We put, we press, you will feel, and the upper eyelid is maximum, and you will feel the lower eyelid.

    We close our eyes and raise, roll down - lower, raise - lower. You should immediately feel the upper eyelid and should feel movement under your fingers, more: up - down, up and down.

    Here is a simple exercise. Do not press too hard under the eye, you don’t need to fix anything here, just give a little extra load, as it were. If your eyes are swollen, do it in the morning and you will look much better.

    crow's feet

    The next exercise is from crow's feet. What are these small wrinkles? In fact, this is a clamp of the circular muscle of the eye. The circular muscle of the eye is a sphincter, that is, it always contracts to the center, and therefore, when you squint, when you close your eyes tightly, this movement occurs. So, your muscles are clamped in a circle, and where muscle fibers more, the skin wrinkles more.

    What can we do to smooth out crow's feet? We need circular muscle straighten your eyes, that is, straighten it to its original position. To do this, we bulge our eyes.

    Look forward and bulge very naturally as naturally as possible, no action of the eyebrows occurs with us, the eyebrows are absolutely relaxed. They bulged their eyes very strongly, held for a few seconds - relaxed, bulged their eyes again - held, relaxed. Here's the move. The more you can bulge your eyes, the more effective the exercise will be.

    Your eyes will visually enlarge, and you will see that your small wrinkles will become much smaller. When you open your eyes wide, try to push the eyeball forward, namely to make eyes “5 kopecks each”.

    These were the most requested effective exercises. Take care of your face and be beautiful!