How to stretch your neck at home exercises. How to stretch your neck? A set of exercises for a beautiful neck

Every woman wants to look beautiful, attractive and seem younger than her age. If the face can be rejuvenated with the help of decorative cosmetics, then it is very difficult to hide the real age on the neck. Here, the skin also requires daily high-quality care and the use of care products.

If you do not take care of your body, then over time wrinkles may appear on the neck, the skin will begin to sag due to lack of moisture or bad habits. All this worsens appearance women and adds extra years.

Cosmetologists recommend doing complex exercises in the morning to stretch your neck and prolong the youthfulness of your skin. An integrated approach will not only help keep the skin in good shape, but also give it a healthy look and relieve stretch marks and sagging.

Bad habits

Even daily workouts will not help if a woman leads a wrong lifestyle, often overworks at work, she has bad habits. In order for a beautiful neck to appear, everything must be done in a complex.

Bad habits that negatively affect the appearance of the neck include not only addiction to alcohol, nicotine or sweets. The list is huge, but the main enemies are:

  • Hasty head movements, sharp tilts. The female neck is deformed from this, the elasticity of the skin is lost. Over time, stoop may appear.
  • Bent neck during work.
  • Reading while lying down or incorrect posture while sleeping. These factors negatively affect a beautiful neck.

Getting rid of these habits will be the first step on the path to self-improvement. The fulfillment of these requirements is available to everyone, the main thing is to want to change yourself and your appearance.

The Benefits of Exercise

Creams, lotions, masks and various cosmetics can only give a short-term visual effect, which will disappear after a while. These products cannot significantly affect the condition of the skin and the neck itself, therefore it is necessary to act with the help of muscle stretches.

Thanks to the correct implementation of complex exercises, you can stretch your neck, giving it smooth, gentle contours. It is advisable to perform them in the morning, when the body perceives well physical activity. You should not combine exercises and massage, so as not to irritate the skin with unnecessary rushes of blood. Just a few minutes, and the female neck will become even more attractive and younger.

Tilts to the side

Exercise stimulates muscle tension and uniform stretching. To begin with, slowly lower your head forward, then gradually tilt back, relaxing your mouth and facial muscles. Repeat several approaches, alternating with other sides.

By performing these exercises, you can lengthen your neck well, but at the same time not feel discomfort. Tilts to the left and right are performed in exactly the same way. The ears in the process should touch the shoulders, but not much, so that the muscles do not stretch and then the neck does not start to hurt.

Perform the exercise slowly, trying to relax the body as much as possible. Tension or pain should not be felt.

Turns will be performed in a similar way. Sitting straight, slowly turn your head several times, holding it on the turn for 10-15 seconds. This will help stretch your neck at home.

resistance exercises

An interesting way to restore skin tone and tighten muscles. To perform it, you should tilt your head forward, hold your forehead parallel with your hands, pressing on it and without letting go of your head, bend over more.

In the resistance zone, you need to strain your muscles as much as possible, and hold out for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement again. Perform until a slight tension or tingling is felt in the neck. This is a good option to have at home.

You need to repeat the exercise not only in front, but also in the back. To do this, close your hands in a lock, lay them behind your head and, with a maximum tilt back, hold the back of your head with your hands, not letting it go lower. After a few seconds of tension, take a short break and rest.

Perform in alternation with forward bends. You can also do side bends with resistance, but this depends on the preparation and elasticity of the neck, because muscle tension can lead to pain.

You can alternate the complex with slopes or turns. But do not forget about a short break between exercises, so that later the neck does not start to hurt from overwork.

swan neck

In order to lengthen the neck, in addition to standard exercises, it is necessary to perform additional tilts with an open mouth. Pull the jaws up, thus trying to close the mouth. This helps smooth out the nasolabial folds and tighten the chin.

  • Straighten your back and cross your arms over your chest, try to reach your shoulders with your palms. While inhaling, stretch the neck up, while exhaling, return to the starting position.
  • Straighten your back and relax your shoulders. Lower your head down and gently roll it from shoulder to shoulder. Make ten moves. After that, start rolling your head, but already tipping it back.
  • Keep your back and shoulders straight. When turning left or right, you need to pull your chin to your shoulder and try to touch it, but at the same time relax the muscles of the face.

This complex tightens the skin well and helps tighten sagging areas. Making the perfect neck is not difficult, the main thing is to find a little time for regular classes.

Cleavage exercises

Performing complex loads helps not only get rid of the second chin at home, but also improve the appearance of the décolleté area. First you need to stretch your neck and raise your chin up ten times, then take a short break and take up the exercise again.

In order to get the result, you should perform several approaches. Put your elbows on the floor and clasp your fingers in the lock, put your chin on them and try to raise your head as high as possible with your hands, and you need to resist this with your neck muscles.

This a good option for and muscle training. It is necessary to slowly lower the chin down, resting on the chest, repeat 10-15 times, then switch to another exercise.

Secrets of elasticity

To make the neck not only toned, but also well-groomed, you can use it as folk methods, as well as purchase means. Effective in this regard will be a neck and décolleté cream based on hyaluronic acid.

It tightens well, adds elasticity, nourishes cells and restores water balance. Thanks to the complex action, the skin becomes healthy, acquires a beautiful even tone and smoothes.

In combination with natural-based masks and lotions, the neck and décolleté cream will be an indispensable tool in the fight against age. Even for prevention, cosmetologists advise using caring cosmetics, so that over time it will be easier to cope with emerging problems.

Concerning folk remedies, then the juice of cucumber, tomato, lemon and parsley will be effective here. Their liquid is rich in multivitamins and minerals, nourishes the skin well and adds elasticity. To see the result, you need to perform the procedure in courses, taking short breaks, as the skin quickly gets used to them.

Help massage

The technique is considered universal and can be used both to treat and remove problems, and to achieve a cosmetic effect. For the neck and décolleté area, massage will be especially useful, because it enhances the effect of exercises and the use of cream and improves blood circulation, neutralizing the possibility of salt deposits and sagging skin.

The advantage of the technique is its economy, because nothing is needed for the procedure, except own hands. If you wish, you can buy peach or grape seed essential oil at the pharmacy and rub it into the skin in the process. This will help you relax and enjoy.

You should start with simple rubbing movements, moving smoothly and slowly in a clockwise direction. For greater convenience, you can practice in front of a mirror to see if the movements are performed correctly. It is not necessary to press on the skin so that redness does not appear.

After that, you can move on to patting and slight stretching of the skin, this will add elasticity to it and improve cellular metabolism. When performing massage, the thyroid gland zone should be avoided, paying more attention to the chin and décolleté area.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to the composition, it is better to give preference to organic cosmetics. Although its shelf life is shorter than in the usual one, this indicates a smaller amount of preservatives and the presence of natural ingredients.

Active exercises and complexes are best performed in the morning, when the body has recovered well after nightly regeneration and is ready for new loads. Massages, masks and wraps are advised to do in the evening or after dinner. This is the optimal period for good absorption of nutrients.

If you need to restore skin elasticity on any part of the body, then for this you should try a contrast shower in combination with skin scrubbing. You can take it at least every day, the result will be visible literally after the first week. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to lengthen the neck with exercises will be positive. But don't expect results right away. To do this, you will need to regularly perform the described exercises and systematically change the methods.

If the posture is stooped, then all the skin is stretched from the back and begins to sag in front of the body.

Therefore, the first thing to work with is the even position of the spine.
Clamped in hypertonicity shoulder joints they lower their shoulders forward and down, and the weakened muscles of the back cannot withstand the tension, as a result, the posture becomes stooped.

In addition, spasms of the muscles of the neck and trapezium disrupt blood circulation and lymph flow in this area, due to which the quality of the skin on the face deteriorates, and edema appears.
To restore posture, it is necessary to perform complex exercises to relax the shoulders and neck, to straighten the back and strengthen its muscles. After you manage to straighten your shoulders, the skin on the body will tighten, changing the appearance, unscrewing years ago.

Exercises for the neck and back are the main ones in the Revitonics complex, since facial practices will be useless without straightening your posture and restoring muscle tone. cervical spine and circulation in the neck and head.

Neck exercises are fundamental in the rejuvenation system
For achievement maximum effect in rejuvenation, in order to release the supraclavicular and lymph nodes and nodes located along the neck, daily exercises should begin with the implementation of tricks on the neck.

Reception for relieving spasm of the posterior-lateral surface of the neck and trapezium "Hanger"


■ Neck lengthening;
■ Beautiful transition line from neck to shoulder;
■ Improvement of blood circulation of the head;
■ Reducing the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.


1. Hang your head down on your chest freely and without pressing.
2. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, leaving your head down. Maintain the position for 30 seconds.
3. Return to the starting position.
4. Putting one hand on the back of the head, with the other hand on the trapezoid, stretch the posterolateral muscles of the neck, first on one side, then on the other.
If you did everything right, you will feel that your shoulders have “collapsed” down, and your neck has relaxed.

Exercise on the posterior-lateral surface of the neck

The technique relaxes the back side surface neck and trapezius muscles, relaxes and stretches them, the neck lengthens, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the face.


1. We put our hand deep on the lower back.
2. We start the shoulder and shoulder blade back and lift the shoulder up.
3. We turn our head diagonally in the opposite direction from the raised shoulder, raise the chin up and put the back of the head on the trapezoid.
4. We clamp the posterolateral surface of the neck and trapezius muscles for 30 seconds.
5. We accept the starting position and, with the head even, stretch the previously clamped muscles with the palms in different sides.
We fix the position of the muscles.
6. We do in each direction three times.
See execution technique.

Lengthening of the anterolateral surface of the neck - exercise "Frame"

Exercise "Frame" is aimed at relieving spasm of the anterior surface of the neck. Spasms of this part of the spinal column lead to impaired blood flow and stagnation of lymph in the facial area.


■ Elongation of the front surface of the neck;
■ Reducing the depth of transverse wrinkles on the neck, lifting the oval of the face;
■ Release of lymphatic ducts, activation of the outflow of excess fluid from tissues;
■ Elimination of a double chin.


■ Hands should be raised up, bent at the elbows and crossed in the shape of a frame.
■ Stretching the spine, you need to reach up with your whole body behind your hands. Without ceasing to stretch the spine, tilt your head down and place your chin in the interclavicular dimple. In this position, you need to hold out for half a minute.
■ Raise your head. Put your hands down.
■ Put one hand over the chest, the other under the chin. Try to stretch your neck in this position with your hands in different directions for 30 seconds.
■ Pumping: lightly press the soft area directly above the collarbones with the back of the fingers. We press on the exhale.
Approximately 7 times per minute.
■ It is better to press not with your fingertips, but with the back surface, since the muscles are stretched unevenly at the levels of the collarbones in most cases, which creates a convex relief, so it is more convenient to push with the back surface of the fingers (little finger, ring finger, middle finger).
■ When correct execution pumping can be felt as rear surface stagnant lymph drains from the throat.

Alignment of the position of the neck relative to the entire spine - reception from the computer neck

The protruding neck (“computer neck”) greatly increases the load on the spine, neck muscles and shoulder girdle. Because of what the posture changes, pains appear, the face changes.

At correct posture the center of the ear is in line with the center of the shoulder (+2 mm), while the load on the spinal column is 4-5 kg. If the skull moves forward, then for every 2.5 cm of displacement, the load increases by 5 kg. In this regard, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle spasm.

■ We put our hands behind our backs and squeeze our palms into the castle;
■ We pull the neck forward, do not tilt the head, do not turn up the nose;
■ We pull our arms in the opposite direction from the body;
■ We stand (sit) in this position for 30 seconds.

We leave in the starting position and now do the opposite.

■ We put our hands forward into the castle, pull them forward;
■ Pull the neck back until it stops;
■ We are in this position for 30 seconds.

Should be done daily. The effect is a healthy and beautiful neck.
You can perform as in the photo without hands, but with them it is much more effective, because working in the opposite direction, they help to make more effort.

Reception "Perfect Neck"


■ Increasing the angle of rotation of the head;
■ Relaxation of the neck muscles.


■ Raise the left shoulder up and turn the head towards it to a comfortable angle of rotation. We hold 30 seconds.
■ We lower the left shoulder.
■ Without changing the position of the head, raise the right shoulder. We hold 30 seconds.
■ Without lowering the right shoulder, we turn our head towards it until a feeling of slight discomfort. Hold 30 sec.
■ We lower the right shoulder.
■ Without changing the position of the head, slowly raise the left shoulder. Hold 30 sec.
■ We return to the starting position and stretch the neck muscles in different directions with both hands.

Relax the side of the neck

Exercise effect:

■ Reduction of transverse wrinkles on the neck;
■ Elongation of the lateral surface of the neck.


■ Raise your shoulder to your ear as far as it will go. Gently tilt your head to your shoulder (try not to twist your neck - keep your face in the frontal plane).
■ Place your ear against your shoulder and hold for 30 seconds. Muscles that are spasmodic should fall into the clamped fold. Return to starting position.
■ Stretch the neck muscle in opposite directions. Fix it for 2-3 seconds.
■ Perform reception on the other side of the neck.

Working with the back of the neck


■ reduction of hyperlordosis of the cervical spine;
■ elongation of the back of the neck;
■ reduction of withers;
■ getting rid of headaches;
■ comfortable sleep;
■ reduction of cervical osteochondrosis.


■ We put our palms below the waist with our fingers down.
■ To the maximum we reduce the elbows to each other.
■ Tilt your head all the way back and hold it for 30 seconds.
■ We return the head and hands to their original position.
■ We stretch the neck with one hand towards the back of the head, with the other hand towards the shoulder blades, while the position of the head should be strictly vertical. We fix the muscle for a few seconds.

Reception should be performed daily, if possible several times a day.

In order to make your neck more long, and also in order to keep the skin of the neck in good shape and strengthen the chin area (this will prevent the occurrence of a second chin), it is necessary to do special, but rather primitive gymnastics every day.


1. Exercise number 1: tilt your head back and at the same moment try to cover the upper lip as much as possible with your lower lip. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, and then lower your head to your chest, relax lower jaw but keep your lips closed. This exercise should be repeated 3-4 times, and as the duration of training increases, bring it up to ten or even twelve times.

2. Next exercise should be done in a standing position. First, put your right hand on your left, and then put both hands under your chin and try to tilt your head back. At this time, the head should resist the movement of the hands, this will create a fairly strong tension. neck muscles will help them grow. While in this position, count to 6-7, then relax your muscles and return to the starting position, lowering your head down. Repeat this exercise at least four or five times daily. Just as mentioned in the previous paragraph, gradually increase the duration of each exercise and the number of times.

3. Now lower your arms “at the seams”, straighten your shoulders. Lower your head to your chest and roll it from the left shoulder to the right, then opposite. It is allowed to lower your head back and repeat the same actions. The exercise is repeated 4 times.

4. In addition, there is an exercise called “Giraffe”. You can do it throughout the day, it perfectly helps to relieve pain and fatigue from the neck and shoulders. Stand up, straighten up, put your hands on your shoulders and try to stretch neck up as powerfully as possible (at this time, press your hands on your shoulders, they do not have to rise). Inhale, count to ten, then relax. Do the Giraffe exercise 5 or 6 times.

pull out height, but rather bone and connective tissues, is allowed both at home and in a hospital. Few go for surgical engagement, because rehabilitation after it is long, and painful. But stretching out a few centimeters will be suitable not only for people who want to become taller, but also for everyone in order to straighten the spine and improve muscle tone.


1. Sleep on a rough bed and a low pillow. During sleep, the body straightens and increases height but, by evening, everything returns to its place. But still, with regular sleep on a hard one, the spine becomes smoother, as a result of which you win in height is a few centimeters.

2. Swimming cool increases height. Sign up for a pool, but you need to go there at least 3 times a week and do vigorous water exercises, and not height to wallow in clean water. It’s better to consult with a coach so that you can be advised what and how to do in order to achieve a speedy result.

3. All exercises aimed at stretching the connective tissues increase height. Engage in regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar, doing it every day. You can also do push-ups, run, and do whatever you like the most. The main thing is to engage in the formation of muscle tissue.

4. Eat well while exercising. You can purchase protein shakes that will supply the body with every need for health. You are required to get the maximum of useful substances from food, but this does not mean that you need to eat thick foods. A balanced five meals a day without excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates is the best option.

5. Stretching exercises can provoke the formation of microcracks in the bone tissue, therefore take a complex of vitamins or calcium tablets. It will not work to replace this with dairy products; not all people can consume tea every day in huge numbers.

Helpful advice
Growth does not increase immediately. You will notice a positive result after at least 2-3 months of regular exercise.

In many cultures of the world, a long neck is a certain standard of beauty and female attractiveness. Tea is not without reason excellent neck They call it a swan, comparing it with the long and graceful neck of this royal bird. The length and shape of the neck, no doubt, depends on heredity, however, there are still several methods to improve this given by nature.


1. The neck betrays age faster than any other part of the body. In addition, she needs more careful care. In order to prevent early aging, take care of it daily. Cleanse with mild special products, apply a nourishing cream. Pamper your neck with masks. Say, milk-grape. Take milk and grape juice in equal numbers. Mix thoroughly. Moisten cotton pads with this magical mixture and apply to the neck. After that, put a towel on top. Get something like a compress. Remove the mask after twenty minutes. Spread the skin with a nourishing cream based on stone oils.

2. Delightfully affects the condition of the skin of the neck and its lubrication with "healing" ice. Freeze decoctions of various herbs (for example, linden blossom, sage, mint) and wipe with these ice cubes neck. The result will not force itself to wait.

3. Strengthen the muscles of the neck and get rid of the second chin is allowed with the help of simple exercises. Turn your head slowly to the right and touch your chin to your shoulder. Don't lift your shoulder. Repeat the same on the other side. Do ten times in each direction. After that, turn your head slowly to the right again, but now raise it to failure. Repeat this movement five times, and do the same on the other side. Sit at the table and lean on it with your elbows. Pull first neck up one way and then the other.

4. After exercise, make a burning compress. Soak a towel in hot water and, holding it with both hands, literally hit your chin.

5. Artfully selected, hairstyle will also help to visually lengthen neck and hide small snags. If you have a short neck, then you are recommended hairstyles with hair laid up. This arrangement will help neck visually longer. At the same time, it is important that the hairstyle has vertical lines, this will also visually increase the length of the neck. You should shy away from a dozen short haircuts or hairstyles with a huge volume in the neck. In this zone, it is more excellent than anyone to cut hair in the form of an elongated “cape”.

6. Do neck positively selected accessories and clothes will help you become more sophisticated. A long string of beads or a pendant will visually lengthen a too short one. neck. And if you unbutton a few top buttons on your blouse, it will make your neck more graceful. Note that turtlenecks and high collars do neck Briefly speaking.

Helpful advice
At the very beginning of training, do not allow huge loads, increase them slowly. Adjust the duration of each exercise in accordance with your well-being.

Original taken from melannette in the neck around the head and youth! Stretching the neck number 1

Some of them made neck diagnostics and were upset, and some of them did not count 5 vertebrae at all. But I hasten to please you that everything is fixable. This is what Natalya Osminina and I tell you. Since she herself, at her young 26, was without a neck. You can safely verify this by looking at the left side of the photo below. And the right one is just the result of only 1.5 months of my work with the neck.

Sadness on the left and plague on the right))) And my result is far from the most stunning. But I speak only about myself, about my results and what I myself believe.

Here is the first very simple exercise for you. There can be terrible discomfort, so be very careful and do not harm yourself.
lengthen the neck, improve the blood supply to the face, remove the withers and with it the hump. Who missed the beginning, we turn to the tag #youth_face who has Instagram (later I will drag everything here).

1. Raise one shoulder to your ear as much as possible. Pull your shoulder back so that the shoulder blade tends to the spine. Turn your head away from your shoulder. (see photo 1)
2. Press the back of your head to your shoulder. clamped down side part neck and part of the trapezoid (see photo 2) Breathe! Hold for sec.
3. Gently return to the starting position.
4. We stretch that part of the side neck that was clamped. That is, we stretch in opposite directions, but we put one hand on the shoulder, the other under the hairline and slowly pull the clamped muscle in opposite directions. (See photo 3)
5. Follow these steps for the other side of the neck.

I draw your attention:
1. All clamps, though maximally intense, but before the first discomfort!
2. Always stretch the muscles in opposite directions after clamping.
3. Check if the muscles are relaxed. It's easy: after doing the exercise, move your shoulders slightly, if they stretch themselves up, then the muscles have not relaxed.

A beautiful neck always adds charm and sophistication to a woman - it is no coincidence that Nefertiti has become the standard of beauty for centuries. Her neck - strong, slender and surprisingly feminine even today is the subject of imitation for many women. The shape and length of the neck largely depends on genetics, but if you follow our advice, you can slightly improve nature. How to make the neck longer?

The neck in many cultures is an important detail of female attractiveness, and it is no coincidence that Russians call it a swan, because it is this bird that is considered royal, equal in size and beauty to crowned heads.

The swan neck is a combination of flexibility, length, slenderness and tenderness of the skin, and this is the kind of neck that women dream of.

By virtue of physiological structure, the female neck earlier than the face and other parts of the body surrenders under the pressure of age - wrinkles become deep, osteochondrosis forms the so-called “scary”, and the second chin makes you forget about the once youthful outlines of the face and neck. The trouble is that the old neck cannot be disguised with cosmetics, and it always gives out true age frustrating and frustrating. So really nothing can be done if the neck has already lost the outlines of youth?

How to make the neck longer and younger?

First you need to understand that the neck needs daily care, more gentle and careful than the face. When washing your neck, do not forget to nourish it with creams and masks, clean only with mild products and apply a nourishing cream based on stone oils and wheat germ oil.

When choosing masks for the neck, you should give preference to those designed for dry skin, as they are more moist and nourishing, for example, do oil wraps and masks of hercules with milk, applied under warming.

You can also improve the condition of the neck with the help of contrasting compresses from decoctions of herbs, such as linden or mint, and the herbal composition should be hot and the water should be cold. Should be alternately applied to the neck soft tissue dipped in infusion or water, leaving for a few minutes. It is enough to do five applications, starting with hot and ending with cold.

Perfectly cares for the skin of the neck and applying healing ice - freeze decoctions of herbs and lubricate the neck with ice cubes in the morning and evening.

Gymnastics for neck rejuvenation

With the help of cosmetic and home remedies, you will surely improve the condition of the skin of the neck, and next step will strengthen the muscles, it can only be achieved with the help of special exercises performed daily. In order for no one to interfere with you, because you need to perform the exercises with concentration and attention, it is best to choose a time and place so that you are left alone.

  1. Standing or sitting, slowly tilt your head back, while trying to reach your nose with your lower lip. Then lower your head to your chest - repeat the exercise about 6 times.
  2. Sitting with a straight back, slowly but straining your neck, turn your head first to the right and then to the left, gradually accelerating, the number of slow turns is about 6, and fast 10-12.
  3. Straining your neck and stretching it forward, at the same time pull your head into your shoulders - repeat 10 times.
  4. Place the palms of your hands on your chest and, as if pressing down on your chest, counteract this movement with your chest, straining your neck. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Sitting opposite the table and resting your elbows on it, first pull one side of the neck up, then the other - so 10 times.
  6. Slowly turning your head to the right, finish the movement by smoothly raising your head to failure, repeat 5 times, do the same in the other direction.
  7. Slowly turn your head to the left and touch your chin to your shoulder without lifting the shoulder itself. Do the same on the other side. Reps 10 in each direction.
  8. Tilt your head so that the ear touches the shoulder - to the right and left, repeat in each direction 10 times.
  9. Cross your palms at the back of your head and lower your head to your chest - overcoming the resistance of your hands, jerk your head back in several steps. Repeat 10 times.

After you complete the initial course of exercises for two weeks, make them longer, bringing up to 40 repetitions.

After class, be sure to do contrast rubdowns, capturing the décolleté area as well. Salt massages will not be superfluous either - in a strong saline solution, you need to moisten a towel and literally whip yourself on the second chin, cheek line. You need to do this for 10 minutes and quite sensitively - this is how you can tighten the skin of the neck and bring it into proper shape.

You can also use the old recipe, according to which it is prescribed to apply honey on the neck, patting lightly (you can’t do it with a problem thyroid gland). Honey perfectly tones the skin, and the nourishing cream applied after will soften the skin and make it youthfully tender.

Improving the appearance and condition of the neck, do not forget to sleep in a comfortable but correct position for the neck - on a high pillow placed under the neck, then the neck does not deform and remains beautiful for a long time!