Nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina and her family. Publisher's Foreword

How to live a long, happy and well-fed life, remaining a beautiful and slender person? Unfortunately, lately, many have to choose: either a well-fed life, or slender body And attractive appearance. Nutritionist Yulia CHEKHONINA in her book The Plate Rule. The Russian Version" convinces its readers - mostly female readers - that it is not at all necessary to make a choice between hunger and obesity. It is quite possible to stay slim without exhausting yourself with hunger. But for this, of course, you need to know the very “plate rule”.


Yulia Chekhonina, an employee of the Moscow Institute of Dietology, is known to the general public as a nutritionist of the Give Yourself Life project on the Russia 1 TV channel. At the same time, she is promoting the topic proper nutrition: publishes articles in magazines, speaks in various programs. Julia was inspired to write the book by numerous questions from patients about where you can still find reliable information about proper nutrition on the Internet. As is often the case, if you want to do something right, do it yourself. What Julia did.

The most amazing thing about Yulia Chekhonina's technique is that she is almost devoid of any prohibitions. You can eat potatoes, pasta, and even, oh horror, white bread. Only all this should occupy a certain place in the diet.

And for carbohydrates, such a place is at breakfast. Carbohydrates are, in essence, all of the listed products, and with them such seemingly healthy and dietary buckwheat with rice.

“My nutrition system practically does not provide for debilitating restrictions,” says Yulia. - A person can eat satisfying, varied and remain slim. The essence of the method is to mentally divide the plate into four parts, each of which contains something specific: one

a quarter is occupied by a protein dish, another one is a carbohydrate dish, this is porridge or potatoes, and two-quarters should be occupied by vegetables and fruits. However, one must strictly follow the rule: breakfast is the only meal when all the “quarters” of the plate are filled. In other methods, the place of carbohydrates is already empty. True, during the day for lunch and even dinner, you can afford a piece of bread.


Here's what it looks like schematically daily menu from Yulia Chekhonina.

Breakfast: a quarter of a plate - a protein dish, for example, an omelette; the second quarter is a carbohydrate dish: buckwheat or millet porridge; the third quarter is a slice of fresh cucumbers, the fourth quarter is an apple. We repeat: this is the only meal of the day when the carbohydrate quarter of the plate is full. In the first half of the day, the metabolism is most active, so you will have time to use the calories received.

Second meal, snack: cottage cheese and tea or yogurt and fruit.

Lunch: soup and a protein dish with a vegetable side dish.

Snack: cottage cheese and tea or yogurt and fruit.

Dinner: A protein meal with a vegetable side dish four hours before bedtime.

An hour before bedtime: kefir.


“They actually work,” Chekhonina says. – Only this work is visible on a short time interval. And if you look at the situation for a year, for 3 years, for 5, we will see that diets can bring yourself to catastrophic obesity. This was the case with one of my patients, who by the age of 40 weighed 160 kilograms. And it all started very innocently, with 5 extra pounds at the age of 20. She dropped the first 5 with the help of a diet in 2 weeks - a year later they returned and grabbed a couple more, it turned out 7. She threw off 7, choosing an even more strict diet - after a little over a year she already got an extra 10.

And so she drove her weight back and forth until obesity became her main problem.

What is her mistake? Many patients ask me about this. And the fact is that the diet that a person leads on a strict diet cannot be maintained for a long time. The prescribed weeks will pass, and our patient with his obesity returns to the diet that safely led him to this obesity.


Proteins are a building material. Condition of skin, nails, hair, muscle mass are directly dependent on the consumption of protein, hormones and cells of the immune system are synthesized from it. With a protein deficiency, all metabolic processes in our body are disrupted.

Fats. You need to consume at least 60 grams of fat per day. They take part in the structure of cell membranes, participate in the formation of immune bodies. The condition of the skin is highly dependent on fats.

On the other hand, fats are very high in calories, so they should be consumed in moderation. The abuse of fatty foods is the main sin of Russian people in nutrition. People suffering from severe forms of obesity allow an excess of fat intake by 2 or even 3 times. Be sure to note: all milk - cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream - should be no more than 5 percent fat.

Carbohydrates - a charge of energy to maintain a normal rate of metabolic processes. The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 300-600 grams. The main source is cereals, bread and pasta. Unfortunately, the consumption of carbohydrates in obese people is also exceeded: they love sweets, including sugary sodas. And they do not limit themselves in flour, in side dishes of cereals and pasta.

Fiber is a very big helper for us. It is found in vegetables and works like a broom, contributing to the timely emptying of the intestines, improves bile secretion and digestion. Fiber also prevents the absorption of excess fats and carbohydrates from the intestines and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body. And finally, it is food for the normal intestinal microflora.

It is also low in calories.

Looking at the "right plate" from Chekhonina, you can forget that you are on a diet. That is, not on a diet - follow the regime healthy eating.

From the outside, restricting any healthy diet does not seem so simple at all. So, Julia strictly forbids drinking alcohol during the weight loss period. In general, drinks with a degree for those who want to stay slim become a rare exception. Literally - on holidays a glass or two of champagne or dry wine. Not more. And fat is also banned, including cheese beloved by many.

Current page: 1 (total book has 11 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

Julia Chekhonina
Slim factor. The Ideal Diet

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Chekhonina Yuliya Gennadievna – general practitioner, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, researcher at the Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Dietetics of the Clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition of the Federal University of Education and Science of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

Is the author of 50 scientific works, actively participates in the implementation of the national project "Health", promoting the principles of healthy eating on central and international TV and radio channels, popular print media. Scientific consultant for medical nutrition and one of the leading experts of the television project "Give yourself life", created by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and "About the Most Important" (conducted jointly with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia).

Publisher's Foreword

Just as a ship, loaded with more than it can accommodate, sinks under the weight of the load, so exactly ... and the nature of our body: taking food in sizes exceeding its strength ... overflows and, unable to withstand the weight of the load, plunges into the sea of ​​​​death.

John Chrysostom

Every woman from time to time notes with chagrin: "I got better" and there was "nothing to wear." Often, both of these statements have a causal relationship, where “nothing to wear” is the effect, and “I gained weight” is the cause. Well, I didn’t fit into my favorite dress, blouse, jeans, etc. And in this case, oh, how I don’t want to buy clothes that are a size or two or three more than before. In addition, it is worth remembering that 70% of women are characterized by a noticeable weight gain after childbirth.

A completely logical conclusion arises: “We need to lose weight!”, And with it, a scheme of further actions is built. “I won’t do this and that!”, “They get fat from this!”, “You can’t eat after 18:00.” And with a weak effectiveness of attempts: “I will starve therapeutically, drink water!” New-fangled and old-as-the-world diets are being used. And no one wants to think about the fact that such behavior is a dangerous self-medication. Meanwhile, obesity is a diagnosis.

The question arises: is it really overweight? Perhaps only a slight correction is required, naturally not prompt, and a certain amount of extra pounds disappears, one has only to adjust the diet. True, if things have gone too far and your weight exceeds all conceivable norms (according to body mass index), you need to see a doctor! Based on estimates World Organization(WHO), approximately 1.7 billion adults (over 15 years of age) and 400 million are obese worldwide. The WHO has declared obesity an "epidemic of the 21st century".

So what to do? Before you is the book "Slimness Factor" by Candidate of Medical Sciences, researcher at the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yulia Chekhonina.

It details the symptoms and causes. excess weight, as a consequence, obesity and ways to solve this global problem. The author debunks some myths, especially those related to various "fashionable diets", and offers his own version of catering, the essence of which is not restrictions, but competent balanced menu. Two variants of such a menu are given in the appendices to the book.

As experience with patients has shown, Chekhonina's method works effectively. Yes, she recommends to see a doctor in especially advanced cases! At least for advice.

Here you will find a lot of useful information about medicines, physical activity and about what you guess, but are often embarrassed to check with the doctor.

We are sure that the author's advice will benefit you in the same way as the editor of our publishing house, who dealt with this book. No, in her case, everything is not at all fatal, but, having accepted with pleasure the new diet and some more recommendations, she lost 5 kilograms in 2 months (more was not required)!


As you know, obesity is one of the most common chronic non-communicable diseases in most economically developed countries of the world.

According to WHO, about 1.7 billion people in the world are overweight or obese, and this number is constantly increasing. The intensive growth in the number of obese patients is primarily due to the fact that obesity is directly related to a person's lifestyle.

Obesity is a leading risk factor in the development of heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, gallstone disease and nephrolithiasis, etc.

Our 21st century, in comparison with the past, is the century of a significant reduction in energy costs, by about 70% over the past century. We are not so mobile, we spend less strength and energy to survive. Why? Because the industry is developing widely, technical progress. There are many professions associated with a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, the calorie content of our food increases. Firstly, due to the appearance on the market of refined, certainly tasty and interesting, but at the same time with a lot of fat products.

Let's make a reservation right away: we are not talking about refined oil, since it does not acquire harmful properties during the refining process, being subjected to only a certain heat treatment. Of course, certain substances lose their quality and strength, but this is not decisive, since oil is a product that we already have to consume in very limited quantities.

Refined products mean primarily high-calorie semi-finished products, sausages, pates, cheese and curd masses, chocolate paste, confectionery. Unfortunately, we, as buyers, are not always informed about what we are purchasing. First of all, there is often no data on the chemical composition: the amount of fat and calories.

These are artificial products. Their chemical composition is not always useful. As a rule, the calorie content of products presented in the assortment of stores exceeds our need for energy. What is the result? We consume much more food, but we don’t have time to spend energy, its excess “settles” in the form of fat deposits on the sides and stomachs. Accordingly, our diet has become less natural. Everyone suffers from this: women, men, and even (!) children.

Particular attention should be paid to the problem of childhood obesity. First of all, and directly, it is connected with the "food" traditions in the family. Adults feed children in the same way as they used to eat themselves. And if family members are overweight, then there are errors in nutrition. Firstly, the predominance of fatty and fried foods plays a negative role. In addition, most of the products that enter the refrigerator are not tracked, not limited.

What's in the dynamics? A woman who grew up in such a family gets used to a certain diet, then, as a rule, becomes overweight and, as a result, obese. Then she gets married and has children of her own. She does not change her taste preferences and continues to overeat during pregnancy. Accordingly, it overfeeds the child in the womb. The baby is born with overweight and, most often, with the already learned family cult of food. And since nothing changes in the family, he continues to overeat.

This is scary in the first place because the child, in principle, does not know how to eat right, initially taking family traditions as a model.

In this case, it is very difficult to change something, because from birth the child learns wrong eating habits, false stereotypes that lead to obesity and early development its complications. There are diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, and diseases of the liver and pancreas, the formation of stones in the gallbladder, etc.

By the way, you don't have to look far for an example. I watch my neighbors in the landing every day. The classic case is an obese mother, a growing daughter who grows fat every year. The trouble is that the girl simply does not know how to eat right. Yes, besides, an authoritarian mother will not let her know how it is right, because she is absolutely convinced that nothing terrible is happening and " good man there must be a lot." The main argument: “Here I am, but at the age of 40 I got married and I feel good.” She did get married a few years ago. By the way, at first her husband was quite slender. However, within two years the situation has changed. Now the man has acquired quite a solid belly. This, by the way, indicates that he fully accepted the food order established in the family before him.

Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are nutritionally dependent diseases and are directly related to nutrition. By the way, this also includes diseases of the digestive system. They are caused not only by genetic predisposition, but also by malnutrition. Although, given the "food" traditions of the family, one can assume an artificially created genetic predisposition, but not for sure.

It happens that a person did not know health problems, had normal weight. But over time, he acquired a belly, at first not fatal, but, not paying attention to it, he acquired, as a result, obesity. And all this can provoke hypertension, which can then be joined by diabetes mellitus. Here is the complication associated with obesity. Perhaps, when a person was built like a cypress, he only hid the prerequisites for these diseases, but they did not manifest themselves in any way, and he, accordingly, did not know about them. Yes, and they would probably never have manifested themselves if it were not for the extra weight. Therefore, such diseases are called alimentary dependent. Their treatment is unthinkable without diet therapy.

Thus, we touched on the development of diseases that are provoked by obesity and accompany it.

Obesity should be treated as a disease, because it is a disease in all its manifestations. Self-diagnosed and chronic. In other words, with periodic relapses and a "sleep" mode. Moreover, in recent decades, it has taken on the scale of a global epidemic and is included in the international classification of diseases.

Like any disease, obesity needs treatment, therefore, a person should treat his condition as a disease and consult a doctor, preferably in a timely manner. Another thing is that not everyone is aware of this. And without the desire to change something in yourself, nothing will work out.

Treating obesity is like treating any addiction. First of all, you need a clear motivation, as already mentioned, the desire to change something in your life. And for motivation to appear, a person needs to be aware of the problem, and not run and hide from it behind excuses from the series “Well, yes, I'm a little overweight. But I dance well”, “Yes, people like me are even worse ...”, “I dance in an ensemble of fat-fat men. I have such success!”, “Yes, I feel so good. I am active, I am mobile”, “Yes, I do sports!”.

By the way, these are actually very scary excuses. When a person has pronounced obesity, like, say, participants in the same fat show, and he plays sports or dances, he is like a candle that is lit on both sides. If he does not kill himself with obesity, he will kill himself with exercise. In this case, overload, because excess weight, as such, is an independent - colossal - load on the heart, and on the spine, and on the liver, and on the kidneys, and on the joints. In a word, for the whole organism as a whole. In case of overeating and overload internal organs begin to change their structure. The load must be dosed. For each person it is individual.

The very process of "fighting overweight" is overgrown with stereotypes, sometimes the most incredible, and information from the source "one grandmother said." We will also touch on this topic.

The most common and sometimes the most ineffective stereotype is diets in their generally accepted interpretation, aimed at restrictions, sometimes monstrous. Most so-called diets can't be called diets because they don't have correct recommendations on nutrition. Yes, they are effective because

that any dietary restriction is naturally effective. However, no one warns that all these diets, as a rule, end in failure. Their main drawback is that they do not teach Healthy food.

What we have? A person reaches his goal - the desired weight. What's next? And then he returns to his - namely to his - diet. Plus, restrictions provoke breakdowns. In other words, there comes a moment when a person understands: “That's it! I can not anymore". By the way, such fluctuations in weight “lost weight, got better” - the load is much greater than even permanent excess weight. Again, the heart and other internal organs suffer - the liver, kidneys.

The mechanism is not that complicated. When a person loses weight quickly, and we all want to lose weight as soon as possible, we work at speed, not only the breakdown of fat, but also muscles occurs, as a result of which various metabolic products are formed, in other words, decay, one of them is the so-called ketone bodies, which have toxic properties. Ketone bodies are chemical compounds that are formed as a result of the breakdown of muscle and adipose tissue. With their penetration into the body, into the blood, a person falls into a state of euphoria, feeling unusual lightness. This feeling does not correspond to his real state. Hence the misconceptions from the series “When I sit on this diet, I feel so good and wonderful, I fly.” In fact, calling a spade a spade, let's say: this is intoxication, perhaps comparable to the effect of narcotic drugs or stimulants.

Thus, such diets, no matter how scary, are akin to addiction precisely because of the euphoria caused by intoxication.

The fact is that a person who once experienced such sensations, positive - no matter, false or true - emotions, wants to return them and after some time goes on a diet, which, from his point of view, will lead to an emotional rise.

Regarding the circulation of decay products in the blood and their effect on internal organs, it should be noted that the blood is filtered by the liver and kidneys, therefore, these organs experience additional stress, and accordingly wear out. Thus, you can "plant" all the internal organs, acquire additional diseases. According to WHO recommendations, you should not lose more than 5 kilograms per month.

This, firstly, is explained by the physiological changes discussed above and which subsequently lead to thickening of the blood, increase the risk of thrombosis, stone formation in the gallbladder and kidneys. Secondly, the psychological factor plays an important role. Our consciousness does not always keep up with the changes that occur in our body. If a person is rapidly losing weight, and standing on the scales, sees that the weight has really decreased, he looks at himself in the mirror. However, he does not observe significant external changes, gets upset and, as a result, gorges himself. Pure psychology: he still sees himself as the same, and precisely because his consciousness has not been rebuilt.

By the way, do not forget about the aesthetic nuance. Our skin in this mode does not have time to adapt to changes, tighten up and acquire new contours. It is clear that this cosmetic defect spoils the mood. A person, looking at himself in the mirror, thinks: “Well, yes, minus 10 kilograms, I have achieved my goal, so what? Does that make me happy?" Not happy. What will follow? Breakdown! And again weight gain, sometimes exponentially.

True, then it starts new round weight loss, because the person is dissatisfied with the result that followed after the breakdown.

The theory of separate nutrition - another stereotype - does not stand up, and for a long time, no criticism.

Initially, our body is quite cleverly arranged. As soon as we send a piece of some food into it, we already have the whole spectrum of enzymes that react to proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. From which it follows that mixed foods are better absorbed.

If we set ourselves the goal of retraining the body in a new way, isolating one type of enzyme at a time and sticking to this system, which is impossible even theoretically, we are threatened in the future with indigestion with all the ensuing consequences, and, well, it is possible that death. And why retrain yourself? This is first.

Secondly, despite the abstract nature of the above example, it should be noted that all, absolutely all products have a mixed structure. We are unable to separate them. And tell me what separate meals talk at all?

Its only plus is that such a separate mode accustoms to a certain fractionation of the diet.

By the way, about women. As experience shows, they generally associate all their failures in life with being overweight. We have to explain that the troubles in personal life will not disappear with the disappearance of extra pounds.

Women, as a rule, initially set the wrong motivation. Well, for example: “I’m full and therefore I can’t get married”, “Now I’ll lose weight and get married right away.” Well, you think, what a connection! Meanwhile, you should not get hung up on the task of "getting married", you need to "get confused" on the topic of "look". By the way, many plump women happy in their personal lives, their husbands almost literally carry them in their arms.

However, she lost weight! Oh yeah! And in your personal life? As they say, there is still no change on the personal front. And here you are, another factor for the breakdown.

Conclusion - you have to set the right motivation. In other words, to lose weight means to lose weight, and nothing more.

Now there is a humorous slogan from the advertisement "If you want to lose weight, move to Moscow." In fact, if you think about it, this rather voluminous phrase is sometimes incomprehensible to a person. But here lies a hint of a change in lifestyle: an increase in motor activity in Moscow (a lot of time is spent on the road), there is often a lack of time and opportunity to eat to your heart's content, etc. It is worth noting that a change in lifestyle is a certain change in one's habits.

Sometimes obesity can be cured simply by putting things in order in the diet. Not diets, in the sense of limitation and exclusion. It is enough to learn one simple truth: each product, each dish in the diet should have its place on the plate and its time for taking. That is, it is possible to afford something only for breakfast, and something for lunch or dinner. Plus snacks. If you do not follow this scheme, problems will arise.

Now about snacks. The first snack is between breakfast and lunch, then between lunch and dinner. The last snack - a light fermented milk drink - an hour before bedtime.

It is widely believed that after 18:00 it is impossible to eat. However, this is only one of general recommendations which is not useful for everyone. Unless, of course, we assume that all of humanity suddenly moved to some isolated space, everyone has the same way of life. The same nutrition, energy costs, workload, everyone goes to bed at the same time. Well, in this case, it makes sense not to eat after 18:00, given, for example, that you need to go to bed at 22:00. Otherwise, this is unacceptable.

In our case, a fairly clear recommendation about the last meal is no later than 4 hours before bedtime, while, of course, dinner should be light. Moreover, 1 hour before bedtime - a light fermented milk drink. What is it connected with? We do not always find time to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt during the day. Meanwhile, these products are very useful for the stomach and are easily digested. Plus, they contain useful ingredients. For example, lacto- and bifidobacteria. Such drinks normalize the work of the digestive tract as a whole. They must be present in our diet every day. At least once a day, and preferably 2-3 times. However, since we do not always remember this during the day, we have such an opportunity before going to bed. The main thing is that these products are always in the refrigerator. This means that you need to take care of this in advance.

By the way, about the refrigerator. It is necessary to clearly understand what it should be filled with.

The fact is that when we have dinner 4 hours before bedtime and it is light, after that we may well be slightly hungry. And in order to dull the feeling of hunger in the bud, some kind of light snack is very important, the very the best option- the desired fermented milk drink. It is liquid, with a soft texture. Preferably unsweetened, so as not to provoke an appetite. At the very least, it will not allow the feeling of hunger to develop, which prevents you from falling asleep. Unlike a heavy meal, which will be digested all night, after which in the morning we will get up broken, tired, with minimal efficiency.

You should not fixate on the fat content of dairy products and fanatically look for "zero" fat content. Let's say regular yogurt has a fat content of 1.5 to 3.5%. Chocolate - 6%. Yes, even if it is in the refrigerator, which is especially important for chocolate lovers. Realizing that the diet is a minimum of fat, and chocolate is a rather fatty product, it is better to consume 1-2 chocolate yogurts every day so as not to fall for chocolate. Generally speaking, the fat content should not exceed 5%. Anything below 5% is not the amount of fat in which you need to limit yourself.

So, fermented milk products should have their own shelf in the refrigerator, and maybe even in a purse, and not only in a lady's. Perhaps even in the limousine of a respectable person. In addition, sweet fruits are needed as snacks.

Lifestyle change involves a specific plan of action. What does it mean? Let's say the correct table setting. And you have to start in the morning. After all, what do we usually have in the morning? Climb! We are late for work, we run, thinking: “Ah, nothing, I’ll have breakfast later.” Some are even proud, declaring publicly: "I don't eat breakfast." In fact, it is better to have breakfast, thereby avoiding overeating at lunch and dinner.

Meanwhile, in the morning, getting out of bed, not really waking up and not reaching the bathroom, first of all, wrap up in the kitchen and set breakfast to be prepared. Or porridge, or pasta, or something easy and quick to prepare. For example, dumplings. Paradox, isn't it? Nevertheless, there are certain types of foods that can be eaten no more than 1 time per day and preferably in the first half of it. These include dumplings, pancakes with meat and cottage cheese.

After all, what are dumplings? Carbohydrates in the form of dough, which are needed in the morning for energy, for Have a good mood, to speed up the metabolism, after all. We have to set the tone and speed of metabolism in the morning. And the protein is in the meat filling. Complex dish- two in one - protein and carbohydrate side dish. If we don't eat breakfast, we won't burn the calories we should., therefore, what kind of weight loss are we talking about?

Of course, a salad should be present in the diet every day and at least 2 times a day, but the main course should be served with it. For example, chicken, fish, scrambled eggs, meat, cottage cheese dish.

It is necessary to understand that vegetables - in our case, salad - are a side dish. And if we fanatically follow certain individual recommendations, believe me, nothing good will come of it. There will be a breakdown and a return to the lost kilograms with a vengeance. One of the principles of proper nutrition is variety, to the point that even a plate should not be filled with just one product. Let's say, completely porridge or completely meat. The plate should combine 2 - 3 components. Let's say a protein dish and a vegetable side dish. As an option, a salad of vegetables, some meat, some stewed vegetables and dry bread 1 - 2 pieces. And at lunch, plus to such a dish - a bowl of soup. In addition to carbohydrates, we must consume proteins, and at least 3 times a day. Meat, fish, scrambled eggs, in this case, beef stuffed in dumplings. Ideally, of course, it's nice to add a light vegetable for cutting, such as cucumber or tomato, lettuce leaves to complete the picture. In addition, an invigorating hot drink is needed for the morning dish: tea, coffee, cocoa.

So, we sat down in front of the laid table and eat normally. This is already a point in the mind that a full meal has occurred, which is called the “eating reflex”. After it, it is much easier to refrain from a heavy dinner. In general, nothing special, except to get up ten minutes early to have breakfast, and breakfast can be prepared without your participation. Do not stand over the soul at the pan! Moreover, dishes with a timer (multi-cookers) have now appeared, which greatly facilitate the cooking process, nothing will burn in it, it will not boil away.

It is very important that the food is not fried. Given that almost all foods have a fairly high fat content, we should not add oil to them, since we will get our minimum fat with foods. Fat, of course, is necessary for the skin, for cell membranes. We must have certain fat layer because adipose tissue secretes certain hormones. But no more a certain amount. It's about getting rid of excess fat.

For our body, 60 grams of fat per day is quite enough - for the skin, cell membranes, the formation of hormones and other biologically active substances, for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

The benefits or harms of consumed products are determined by their quantity.

For some time now there has been a myth about the harmfulness of milk. In fact, it is determined solely on an individual level. Yes, there is such a feature of the body as lactase deficiency. In this case, the person himself is able to understand, to feel that milk is not his product, because he does not want the consequences in the form of bloating, intestinal upset and other troubles. In this case, we are talking only about individual intolerance.

In other cases, there are no restrictions. Milk contains, and in the most best form, the best combination for absorption, calcium and phosphorus. It is no coincidence that earlier in some enterprises they gave milk for harmfulness. By the way, a liter of milk contains the daily portion of calcium necessary for a person. In addition, regular consumption of milk reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Sometimes patients, and especially patients, talk about how they limit the consumption of certain products, in particular dairy products.

Any obese patient begins by saying: “I don’t eat anything, I’m gaining weight because of something else”, “Probably my metabolism is disturbed”, “I am after childbirth”, etc. We analyze the range of dishes and we find out: they do not eat meat, yogurt, kefir and fruits, because they are sweet, they do not eat potatoes. In the end, what do they eat? Groats, pouring plenty of porridge from them with vegetable oil, considering it very useful. And yes, the portions are pretty big. As a result, they contradict themselves, because, wanting to lose weight, they absorb a monstrous amount of carbohydrates and fats. Where is the logic? After all, they limit themselves precisely in what they just need to eat more. Yes, sometimes they allow themselves fat-free cottage cheese, but this does not matter against the general carbohydrate-fat background.

With the help of such absolutely wrong restrictions, the problem of excess weight cannot be solved. I have to explain that porridge is not a dish that can be eaten 3 times a day by a woman who wants to become slim. Yes, you can in the morning. Definitely every day. But only once a day. This category of products includes cereals, pasta, and potatoes. They are identical in both calorie content and chemical composition. In addition, do not forget that this is not an independent dish, but only a side dish that accompanies some protein dish. Others eat only buckwheat. It's also quite a stereotype. Of course, buckwheat is useful. But this is the same cereal, like all the others, with all the properties and calorie content. Cereals generally differ from each other only in relation to the content of certain components. For example, there are more polyunsaturated acids in millet and oatmeal. Many people know that if you keep it for a long time without opening it, it will start to taste bitter. They say it's "burned out". Just the same case of oxidation of these fats. It's the same with oatmeal.

By the way, legumes - peas, beans - also belong to cereals. Some mistakenly believe that this protein products. They just have more protein than other grains.

If you have a full breakfast in the morning, and there is something meat and mashed potatoes on your plate, or naval pasta, or pilaf, even if not classic, but just rice with meat, dietary depression will never develop.

Speaking of fried potatoes! If you really want it, you can afford it until noon as a side dish, instead of porridge. And no more than 1-2 times a month.

And the plate should not be filled only with potatoes. You need to add meat or something protein to it. Otherwise, we will not be satisfied and will not get the required amount of protein.

Let us return to the patients who sit on cereals and do not eat anything else. If you eat only cereals, you will not feel full. And where would he come from if there is no protein dish in the diet, which should be present in breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Yes, besides, it is very important that there is a feeling satiety, satiety rather than a crowded stomach and, as a result, heaviness.

A person who is used to overeating will not be able to recognize the feeling of satiety, and he may not have it. In this case, you need to focus solely on the amount of food eaten: if the plate is empty, no additives "I'll eat later, but now I'll get down to business." By the way, this is how lifestyle changes begin.

The feeling of satiety in any person begins to form 20 minutes after the start of the meal. So we sat down at the table, there is a plate in front of us, and if we eat everything in 5 minutes, we will not feel full. Firstly, and we have already talked about this, more than one component should be present in the plate. Second, don't rush. Let the spoon not be completely filled, and the fork does not break under the weight of the food picked up. It is necessary to eat measuredly, perhaps a little thoughtfully. You can, say, look out the window, and then return to the plate of food. If we manage to stretch the meal for 20 minutes, we will absorb fewer calories, while being satiated. And, conversely, having swallowed everything in 5 minutes, we get non-saturation, too many calories and other related troubles. In general, you should not eat quickly, but you need to chew your food well.

When a person chews poorly, the food does not come into contact with the taste buds enough, and this factor also underlies satiety, because if you eat quickly, the taste will not be felt, the stomach will be filled, there will be no satiety, and with it POSITIVE EMOTIONS Same. Therefore, food should be on the tongue for some time, it must be tasted, savored. All this also affects the satiety factor.

How you want to eat for your pleasure and remain slim and beautiful at the same time. “Unrealistic,” you say and sadly lower your shoulders. More than once, the beautiful half of the sex was faced with a choice: a slender, hungry hysterical woman and a kind plump. The latter doesn't seem like such a bad option, but is it worth the compromise? After all, it's not just about appearance but also health.

Nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina will help us deal with this. In his book The Slim Factor. The Ideal Diet”, which recently replenished the store shelves, she gives many recommendations about nutrition and healthy lifestyle life.

Yulia Chekhonina's method

The most suitable time for high-calorie foods considered the first half of the day. You no longer need to give up sweets and starchy foods, just eat them at breakfast. At this time, the metabolism is most active, so you will have time to spend the calories received before the evening. True, this does not mean that your breakfast consists of only cakes. In addition to carbohydrates, your body will also need protein (for example, cottage cheese), plant foods and a hot drink. In this article you will find.

The next meal should be light - it can be a fruit or a fermented milk drink.

A full meal should follow in a couple of hours. Ideally, this should be a vegetable soup (perfect, for example, or a soup of broccoli, celery, carrots and onions), a protein dish and vegetables.

Next, again a snack - a protein dish and a hot drink. And do not forget to eat something before leaving the office: let it be yogurt or a handful of dried fruit. They are guaranteed to save you from evening gluttony.

For dinner - again a meal rich in protein and a light salad. In addition, make it a rule for yourself to drink a glass of yogurt an hour before bedtime. So, you can block, and wake up in the morning with a good appetite.

Yulia Chekhonina's diet menu

In order to lose extra pounds and not harm the body, you must adhere to the following scheme. Every day you must eat:

  • 3 protein meals
  • 3-5 fruits
  • a bowl of soup.

The ideal diet from nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina

To make it easier for you to navigate, here is an example of a detailed menu:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat, scrambled eggs, vegetable cutting, apple. Tea.
  • Snack. Tea with cottage cheese or yogurt. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Light vegetable soup, fresh vegetable salad and boiled chicken breast.
  • afternoon tea. We repeat the snack.
  • Dinner. Meat or fish steamed with vegetable salad.
  • An hour before bed. A glass of kefir.

Limit your intake of fatty, fried and sweet foods, do not overeat - and the result will not be long in coming. And if you add to all this physical exercise, success guaranteed!

Anyone who has ever been on a diet is familiar with an unpleasant vicious circle. First, losing weight feels discomfort from the imposed restrictions, then from the inevitably returning kilograms.

Does the perfect diet not exist?

Why are we getting fat?

The only reason for completeness It's overnutrition. If you are gaining weight, it means that more calories enter the body than you expend.

Despite the fact that this is a well-known fact, a set of extra pounds is often tried to be explained by hormonal disorders.

Hormonal causes of obesity are indeed common. However, you need to understand exactly how they "work".

How do hormonal imbalances affect weight?

Disorders of the hormonal system in themselves do not affect body fat. Fat is deposited only in case that if the calorie content daily ration exceeds the needs of the body.

In other words, "hormonal" kilograms appear anyway due to overeating.

The reason for overeating in this case is quite simple. Hormonal changes lead to imperceptible, but significant enough increased appetite. A person may not notice this, but the consequences become apparent over time.

Attention! Increased appetite is one of the frequent companions of iron deficiency anemia.

If extra pounds, in your opinion, appear "from scratch" - start with a blood test and visits to the endocrinologist.

Why kilograms come back after diets?

Why is it not necessary to fight with kilograms?

When you're fighting extra pounds- You are fighting with yourself.

It is the drastic restrictions that lead to irresistible cravings to sweet and fatty foods. They can give a hungry body a maximum of fast calories.

Such a state is called "dietary depression". The more restrictions - the deeper this depression, and the greater the craving for everything that you have forbidden yourself.

And how to lose weight without breakdowns?

Don't deny yourself in flour and sweet at all - eat it for breakfast. In the first half of the day, the metabolism is most active, so you will have time to use the calories received.

Is it true, breakfast should not consist of one piece of cake. In addition to carbohydrates, you need a lean protein meal (such as cottage cheese) as well as a fruit or vegetable and a hot drink.

The easiest way lose weight without feeling hungry- eat fractionally. Indeed, with the frequent intake of small portions of food, a person not only does not have time to get hungry, but also gets used to not overeating when he sits down at the table.

After a full breakfast, be sure to have another snack before lunch. Let it be a fruit or a fermented milk product.

Then - full lunch. When choosing dishes, focus on the "first". The ideal option there will be vegetable soup, which, with a minimum of calories, satisfies hunger quite well.

Eat again a couple of hours after dinner. And be sure to eat yogurt or fruit before leaving work. This is a universal recipe. get rid of evening gluttony.

If you still really want to eat in the evening, start dinner from a bowl of vegetable soup, and then get up from the table for twenty minutes.

Still hungry? Eat a protein dish with vegetable cuts - lean and lean meat or fish. An hour before bed drink a cup of yogurt.

Such a dinner, on the one hand, will not allow you to go to bed hungry. On the other hand, it will allow you to wake up the next morning with a good appetite in order to have a full breakfast.

Let's repeat for those who like to record

Must eat daily:

- three protein meals,
- five fruits
- a bowl of soup

When planning a daily diet, you can focus on the following scheme.

Breakfast: a quarter of the plate is occupied by a protein dish, a quarter by a carbohydrate dish and two quarters by vegetables or fruits.
Dinner: soup and protein dish with vegetable garnish.
Snack: cottage cheese and tea or yogurt and fruit.
Dinner: protein meal with vegetable side dish four hours before bedtime.
An hour before bed: kefir.

Eat less fat, fried, smoked and foods with added sugar. Control portion sizes.

And be sure to move to lose weight beautifully.

Chekhonina Yulia Gennadievna

Therapist, nutritionist, Ph.D. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

He is the author of 50 scientific papers, actively participates in the implementation of the national project "Health", promoting the principles of healthy eating on central and international television and radio channels, popular print media. Chekhonina Yu.G. She was a scientific consultant on clinical nutrition and one of the leading experts of the television project "Give Yourself Life", created by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, and a permanent expert on the project "About the Most Important" (conducted jointly with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia).

Doletskaya Daria Vladimirovna

In 2001 she graduated from the MMA named after. Sechenov with a degree in General Medicine. Then there she completed residency and postgraduate studies at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the Faculty of Medicine. In 2006 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The functional state of the ovaries and quality of life in women of reproductive age who underwent myomectomy and hysterectomy.

Since 2006, she has been working at the Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Assistant of the Department of Dietology, RMAPE.

Completed training in dietetics.

Sphere of scientific interests - metabolic syndrome and its role in the development of gynecological pathology.

Daria Doletskaya has three children. Daughters 16 years old and 1.1 years old, son 4.5 years old.

Bogdanov Alfred Ravilevich

Certified Specialties Key words: cardiology, therapy, dietetics, healthcare management.

Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences

Training and advanced training:

In 2002 he graduated with honors from the Ryazan State medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, specializing in General Medicine.

From 2002 to 2004 he was trained in clinical residency in the specialty "Therapy" at the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

From 2004 to 2007, he studied full-time academic postgraduate studies at the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, specializing in Internal Medicine.

On November 26, 2007 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty 14.01.04 "Internal Diseases" on the topic: "Development of diet therapy for patients with ischemic disease heart during surgical interventions on the heart and blood vessels.

In 2004, he underwent primary retraining in cardiology at the Department of Cardiology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. After training, she was awarded the specialty of a cardiologist.

In 2004, he underwent primary retraining in cardiology at the Department of Dietology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. After training, she was awarded the specialty of a dietitian.

In 2010 he graduated from high school Economics, specialty "Management in health care" (presentation of the state diploma 09.11.10).

Labor activity:

2004 - 2008 - Researcher at the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology at the Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

2008 - June 2010 Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology at the Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for medical and scientific work.

From June 2010 to the present - Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology at the Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The most important scientific achievements: Development of diet therapy for patients after surgical interventions on the heart and blood vessels

Detailed information about other experts of the series will appear on our website in the near future.