Balanced menu for a 50 year old woman. Proper nutrition menu for women

How to lose weight after 50 years for a woman Nutritionist's advice. Every woman wants to maintain harmony and attractiveness, regardless of age. Often you want to get rid of extra pounds without delay. However, having crossed the fifty-year milestone, it is still better to refuse from “proven diets”. Nutritionists believe that losing weight at 50 should not be the same as at 30.

What is important to know about losing weight after 50?

The rate of metabolic processes slows down over the years, and even ordinary portions of food can form excess weight. Not worth it adulthood seek to remove overweight fully. And the point here is not only that an elderly lady withered by diets deprives herself of attractiveness.

Excessive thinness will add age - because body fat tightens and straightens the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles. She also synthesizes a certain amount of estrogen - the female hormone, which is especially important during menopause. Moreover, it is scientifically justified that a certain excess of fat (2-3 kg) supports immunity.

If the weight significantly exceeds the norm, of course it is better to get rid of it. And first of all, in order to save health. For those who strive to maintain harmony after 50 years, nutritionists are advised to adhere to the following rules.

1. Give up rigid diets. They are unbalanced. This means that the body will be deprived of some of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Of course, in adulthood, the need for them is not as great as in the young, when the body grows and develops. Meanwhile, after fifty years, the body experiences their shortage more acutely.

On diets, kilograms often go away either due to water, which threatens dehydration and weight gain; or at the expense muscle tissue, which is difficult to restore in adulthood. How to lose weight a woman after 50 years? The most reasonable thing is to review your diet and stick to this system in the future.

2. Adjust your diet. Give yourself permission to change your diet. Often, in order to begin the process of weight loss, it is important to review the daily menu.

It must contain fruits, vegetables,. But sugar, pastries, fatty dairy products and fatty meats must be excluded.

Avoid fried foods. Leave only complex carbohydrates in the diet - dark cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley), boiled potatoes. If it is difficult to refuse bread, then give preference to whole grain varieties.

Perfect option: 6-7 meals a day with reduced portion sizes. Such an approach will qualitatively improve digestion and boost metabolism.

3. Lose weight slowly. If at a young age it is permissible to lose about 1 kg per week, then after fifty, no more than 0.5 for the same time. The skin in adulthood no longer has the necessary elasticity and can fold if the process of losing weight is too rapid.

4. Connect fitness. Smart choice of type physical activity- an important condition for progress in losing weight when you are over 50.

  • Intensive walking on fresh air - one of the best options. She trains the heart, and by maintaining a certain rhythm of heart contractions.
  • Swimming- the kind of sport that is good at any age. This type of load helps to strengthen all the muscles of the body, maintains skin elasticity during weight loss, and allows you to keep the body in good shape, which is especially important in adulthood.

5. Be careful with fasting days. There is no consensus among nutritionists about fasting days when it comes to the age over 50. If you still decide to go this way, practice fasting days no more than once a week. Give up hungry and hard unloading, as this way of losing weight is difficult for people of age to endure psychologically.

Thus, having endured the day on kefir, you are likely to “break loose” closer to the night. Sometimes satisfying unloading can give best result. For example, fish (500 g) plus vegetables (800 g) per day.

6. Visit a doctor. If all your efforts fail and you can’t lose weight, consult a nutritionist, endocrinologist, therapist. Over the years, many of us acquire certain diseases that can prevent weight loss. As an example, chronic gastritis with high acidity can provoke overeating - so mild irritation of the mucous membrane creates discomfort, which is relieved during meals.

With a reasonable approach, losing weight for a woman after 50 is not so difficult. The main principle here is "DO NO HARM"!


Eat according to the rules healthy eating important at any age, but it acquires particular relevance in old age, after 50-60 years, and here's why.

Age-related changes in the human body

When choosing a special diet for the elderly, it is important to consider the following: age-related changes:

  1. Reducing the intensity of protein metabolism.
  2. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism, which are associated with a decrease in the activity of the hormone insulin, as well as a reaction caused by the influence of hormones.
  3. Changes in the metabolism of fats, which become very pronounced after 50 years, which leads to an increase in the content of fats in the blood and tissues.
    The reasons for this violation of lipid metabolism are:
    - Decreased activity of enzymes,
    - Violation of oxidative processes in lipid metabolism,
    - Violation of the processes of synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides and cholesterol,
    - Hormonal disruptions,
    - Accumulation of fat peroxides.
  4. General metabolic disorders. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the body becomes more sensitive to a lack of oxygen, while the intensity of tissue respiration decreases.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

Based on the above age-related changes, the following basic principles have been developed proper nutrition:

1. Energy balance.

Very often, in old age, men and women consume more calories than they actually need. As a result, this leads to obesity and is an additional burden on many organs and body systems. Therefore, proper nutrition after 50 years must necessarily have a lower calorie content than usual, i.e. it should correspond to the amount of physical activity and actual energy consumption.

2. Anti-sclerotic nutrition.

It is very important that proper nutrition, especially after 60 years, has an anti-sclerotic focus, since the most common causes of death at this age are heart disease. This means that the diet must necessarily include products with lipotropic properties (low-fat fish, cottage cheese, chicken eggs) and vegetable oils.

3. Balance and variety.

The diet of an elderly person should certainly include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, dairy products, and foods rich in glucose - this is especially important, since glucose nourishes the brain. All dishes are preferably steamed, baked or boiled in a small amount of water.

4. Emphasis on easily digestible foods and substances that stimulate the production of enzymes.

With age, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to digest food, so the diet should include spices that stimulate appetite, as well as foods rich in folic acid, vitamins, calcium, iodine, iron and copper, which are involved in the renewal of enzyme systems. Cottage cheese and fish are most easily broken down by enzymes, and legumes and meat are more difficult.

5. Less salt and alcohol.

Excess salt leads to the development of vascular and heart diseases, and alcohol is recommended in very moderate amounts, the best option- a glass of dry wine.

6. Regular and fractional meals.

With age, following certain regimens is becoming increasingly important - this also applies to meals. The ideal option is five or six meals a day and always in small portions. It is also very important to drink more in between.

7. Reception of vitamin complexes.

Unfortunately, with age, it becomes more and more difficult to get enough nutrients from food that does not always contain the right amount of minerals and vitamins, and they, in turn, are less and less absorbed. Therefore, answering the question: “What is included in proper nutrition?”, It is necessary to note the mandatory presence of pharmacy vitamin complexes. In this case, it is desirable to select specially adapted for the elderly.

Products with anti-aging properties

Many women after 50 are very concerned about the issue of preserving youth and beauty, because no matter how old you are, you always want to remain cute and attractive.

In order for the skin, teeth, hair, body to remain in excellent condition for as long as possible, it is worth paying attention to the following products, which must be included in the diet. So, proper nutrition for the elderly includes the daily use of the following components of the diet:

  1. Water. Itself ordinary, non-carbonated, preferably filtered. With age, not only the skin loses moisture, but also many organs, so it is advisable to drink 8-10 glasses a day. If you do not want a lot, you need to drink a sip, but often.
  2. Yogurt and other dairy products. Over the years, problems have accumulated with gastrointestinal tract, hence - the alternation of constipation and diarrhea, intolerance to many types of food, problems with digestion, excessive gas formation, skin problems. Therefore, kefir, yogurt, yogurt can always help the stomach and intestines, the presence of beneficial bacteria plays an especially important role. However, keep in mind that biocultures are not found in long-term storage products, so you should avoid packages of yogurt with the inscriptions “shelf-life product”, “sterilized”, “pasteurized”, etc.
  3. Vegetables are red-yellow-orange. These are the best sources of vitamin A, which eliminates chapped lips, wrinkles and just the need to wear glasses. These vegetables include carrots, bell peppers, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins and others. Moreover, it is worth noting the beets separately - they contain a record high amount of zinc, the lack of which leads to hair loss, stratification of nails, peeling of the skin. In addition, zinc contributes to the production of collagen, which determines the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. So, constantly eating beets, it is quite possible to expect the effect of lifting the skin of the face.
  4. Pumpkin. This sunny vegetable helps keep you slim and is also a source of rare vitamin T, which helps digest heavy foods.
  5. Corn. Rich in calcium of natural origin, the queen of the fields helps to maintain strong and healthy teeth until old age, which, for example, rural residents of Moldova can boast of: for them, hominy (corn porridge) is an indispensable component of their daily diet.
  6. Cottage cheese- also a source of calcium, which is especially important for women after menopause, because. from this point on, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly.
  7. Sunflower and linseed oils- real treasuries of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that maintain a good condition of the skin, blood vessels, gonads.
  8. Garlic. This fragrant host of the kitchen is very rich in selenium, in the presence of which vitamin E is best absorbed. In addition, garlic prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the immune system and supports heart function. Nuts also contain a lot of selenium and vitamin E, especially Brazil nuts, pistachios and hazelnuts.
  9. Buckwheat. This incredibly healthy cereal is not only a mandatory component of any diet for weight loss, but also helps to avoid varicose veins - thunderstorms for everyone. female legs. and all because it contains a large amount of routine, which strengthens the smallest capillaries. At the same time, buckwheat improves blood circulation and is rich in iron.
  10. Oatmeal, which we like to call "Hercules"- it is no coincidence that it is a classic breakfast of the English queen, because it has a rejuvenating effect.
  11. Fish, especially marine- a whole set of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium and selenium.
  12. Grapefruit- It is also no coincidence that it is included in the list of the most dietary products, because it contains special plant enzymes that help digest food that is difficult to digest, and besides, it does not cause allergies, unlike many other citrus fruits. Moreover, having eaten half a grapefruit in the morning, you can charge yourself with a good mood and vivacity for the whole day.
  13. Greens must be present in the daily diet: parsley, cilantro, dill and many other components of salads help the body get vitamins and the skin - look fresh and young.
  14. Green tea- not only rich in antioxidants, it also contains polyphenols, which are twenty times more effective than vitamin E, and in fact they act in a rejuvenating way on the body and lower cholesterol. Flavonoids, which are also abundant in green tea, protect against heart disease.
  15. L imon, cabbage - sources of vitamin C which is a natural antioxidant. By the way, there is especially a lot of ascorbic acid in sauerkraut, just do not combine foods rich in vitamin C with iron, since in this case its absorption worsens.
  16. Cheese, tomatoes and bananas- products for Have a good mood, because they contain tryptophan - a unique amino acid, from which the hormone of happiness and joy serotonin is formed.

Many people think that losing weight after 50 is impossible. In fact, you can change your weight at any age, the main thing is to consistently take the right measures and not rush from diet to diet, but constantly eat right.

Features of losing weight after 50 years

In fact, the weight loss of a woman after 50 is not much different from the weight loss of a younger woman. The only problem is that it is slow, which must be stimulated by all available methods. For example:

  1. Doing 15 minutes of calisthenics every morning or attending workouts 2-3 times a week will help tighten your skin and boost your metabolism.
  2. Drink melted water (it can be prepared directly in the freezer from ordinary water) at least 1.5 liters per day.
  3. Eat fractionally - 3 main small meals and 2-3 snacks throughout the day. It also speeds up the metabolism.
  4. Include yogurt, cinnamon, oatmeal, turkey, soy milk, green tea, ginger, and other metabolic-boosting foods in your diet.

With this approach, it will be quite easy for a woman to lose weight after 50 years. By losing weight correctly and not chasing quick results, you will achieve much more.

How to lose weight after 50?

We discussed the basics of losing weight for women over 50 in the previous part, and now we will focus on a diet that will allow you to lose weight by 0.8-1 kg per week and feel good. As mentioned above, we will have 5-6 meals a day and the food should be very light so as not to backfire. We offer the following meal options:

Option 1

  1. Breakfast: a couple of boiled eggs and seaweed salad.
  2. Second breakfast: tea without sugar, 1-2 dried apricots.
  3. Lunch: a bowl of low-fat soup.
  4. Afternoon: apple.
  5. Dinner: beef with stewed cabbage.
  6. Before going to bed: a glass of fat-free yogurt.

Option 2

Option 3

  1. Breakfast: a portion of scrambled eggs and vegetable salad, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: pear.
  3. Lunch: puree soup with a small amount of crackers.
  4. Afternoon snack: half a pack of cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner: chicken stew with vegetables.
  6. Before going to bed: a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.

By alternating these diet options, you will get used to eating right and will quickly lose weight. Such a system is compiled in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition and does not harm the body.

It's no secret that proper nutrition is the basis of human health. But not everyone knows that proper nutrition can greatly depend on age. What is useful for a child is not always necessary for an adult, and the older the person, the more attention he needs to pay to nutrition. This is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of an elderly person cannot always cope even with those products that were previously well tolerated. In addition, not only metabolism changes with age, but also hormonal balance, and some foods can positively or negatively affect it.

What foods should you give up after 50?

Most women over 50 already have health problems. Hot flashes are a common problem for almost everyone.. Their appearance is associated with some change in the hormonal background, which usually occurs during menopause. The hormonal background is regulated with the help of the hypothalamus, where the thermoregulation center is also located. This leads to the fact that fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to temperature fluctuations. This leads to hot flashes familiar to many women - the temperature rises sharply, this is accompanied by a feeling of heat, increased sweating and reddening of the face. In order to reduce the manifestation of hot flashes, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol and spicy foods.

Proper nutrition after 50 is the key to youth and health

Another problem for adult women is osteoporosis.. After a certain age, many people meet with it, because over time the bones lose calcium and become brittle and brittle. To reduce this phenomenon you need to exclude from the diet too salty foods, for example, sausages and sausages, pickles and, a variety of dressings and ketchups and much more. The composition of ordinary salt includes sodium, the excess of which leads to the removal of calcium from the bones, and the restriction of salt helps to fix calcium.

And of course, you should give up fatty, sweet and starchy foods.. With age, the metabolism usually slows down, and even if in your youth you ate everything and the figure did not suffer, over the years you can easily gain excess weight. And obesity is always unpleasant, and after the age of 50 it also threatens to develop cancer.

What should women eat after 50 (Video)

To avoid osteoporosis, it is not enough just to give up salt, it is also important to replenish calcium reserves in the body. For this It is important to consume enough dairy products. But not whole milk, which at this age is not digested so well, but yogurt, cottage cheese and others.

It is very important at this age to get enough Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.. They protect against strokes and heart attacks, as well as significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancer. An excellent combination of calcium and the already mentioned Omega-3s can be found in almonds, so it should be mandatory in the diet of women after 50 years.

A lot of Omega-3 is found in fatty fish. In addition, they contain many valuable proteins and other useful substances in a form that is easy to digest in adulthood. That is why the diet at this age should contain as many herring, mackerel, sardines and other fatty fish as possible.

Over the years, the amount of hormones in the body decreases, therefore it is worth increasing the amount of phytoestrogens or plant hormones in food. They are found in flax seeds and fenugreek, which can be a great addition to your regular diet. We must also not forget about vegetables and herbs.

Fifty years for the fair sex is a kind of milestone, after stepping over which every second of us begins to sharply notice all age-related changes. At fifty, a woman is still quite young and beautiful, but the breath of autumn has already touched the hair and wrinkles around the eyes, the skin is already starting to lose its former freshness and smoothness, and the body is gaining extra pounds uncontrollably. And it seems that the food is the same as usual, and the daily routine is the same, but the weight gain is more and more noticeable and sometimes reaches 3-4 kg per month.

How to lose weight at 50 without compromising health?

It is not so easy to lose weight after 50 years, as it might seem at first glance, since hormonal changes in the body no longer allow you to experiment with your body with impunity, as in youth. Lose weight at thirty and at 50 - a big difference: metabolic processes in pre-retirement age are much slower, and the body may not be able to withstand the hard pace of the diet. Therefore, how to lose weight at 50 should be taken with the utmost responsibility.

What you need to follow to lose weight at 50:

  • Do not use rigid extreme diets aimed at rapid weight loss for weight loss. Women should understand that losing weight after 50 years as in youth, alas, will not work, and you need to put up with this, and not arrange endurance marathons for your body - the result is likely to be the exact opposite, and even with health complications;
  • Don't get involved in fitness sports loads and exercise equipment. Remember that after 50 years, the muscles are no longer so elastic, and the bones are rather fragile, so light gymnastics, outdoor walks and daily exercise can strengthen the body and promote weight loss;
  • Do not starve and do not completely exclude meat and meat products from the diet. Some nutritionists, talking about how to lose weight at 50, advise women to completely abandon meat or eat it very limitedly (up to 100g per week). Such a statement is fundamentally wrong, because protein is the main tool for the body, and vegetable protein is not able to fully replace animal protein, and this must be taken into account. Meat should be consumed 3-4 times a week, 100g per serving;
  • You should also not eat high-calorie foods: in order to lose weight after 50 years, as in youth, to be slim and mobile, you will have to give up buns and white bread, pies, dumplings and dumplings, sweet confectionery, fried fatty foods and various smoked meats, canned food and sausages. The use of these products has not yet benefited anyone, and even more so at that age;
  • Do not eat after 19.00 (and even better after 18.00), because the stomach overloaded with food in the evening cannot cope with its digestion, and the remnants of undigested food stagnate in the intestines, causing poisoning, constipation and fat deposition.

These recommendations will help many women after 50 lose weight as comfortably and safely as possible, avoiding common mistakes. It's no secret that most mature ladies, trying to keep their rapidly increasing weight, go to the most effective (in their opinion) methods: they go on a strict diet, work hard at fitness, or selflessly starve for several days. When choosing a way to lose weight at 50, you should first consult a doctor, and only then begin active steps to eliminate body fat.

Basic rules for losing weight after 50

Reasonable recommendations on how to lose weight at 50 are shared by a well-known Moscow nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Margarita Koroleva. Her weight management program not only allows you to lose weight easily and safely, but also significantly improve your well-being and even improve your health through proper nutrition.

Basic diet rules for women 50 years old from Margarita Koroleva:

  • The most basic thing that will help mature ladies effectively lose weight and not get better in the future is the transition to a fractional nutrition system, in which the stomach is not overloaded with bulky portions, but receives a small amount of food 5-6 times a day;
  • Water is a catalyst for all metabolic processes, especially in old age. If a woman wants to lose weight at the age of 50 as efficiently as possible, then regular drinking of clean water is indispensable. The norm is 2.5 liters per day, if there are no contraindications (kidney disease and Bladder, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • It is necessary to take into account the personal factor - if a person is used to eating sweets, flour or fatty foods every day, then it will be too difficult to give them up right away. For the body, this is a certain stress, so you can use such products, but according to the rule: only in the first half of the day and carefully chewing each piece (this will allow you to get enough of a small amount);
  • Nutrition on a diet after 50 years should be balanced, that is, contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is unwise to observe protein or carbohydrate diets, completely abandoning fat - this way a woman deprives herself of fat-soluble vitamins necessary for normal life. If the excess weight is too large, fats should be ingested with steam or boiled fish, or with lean boiled beef;
  • Dinner after 19.00 is not recommended - at this time, all processes in the body slow down, and the digestion of food becomes hard work for the digestive organs. If you really want to eat, try drinking a glass of clean water with a teaspoon of honey - your appetite will decrease, and it will only benefit your stomach. A good way to satisfy hunger is also kefir (1 glass), eaten with a small spoon - this allows you to get fuller with less.

Speaking about how to lose weight at 50, Margarita Koroleva gives only sample menu diets, since adhering to fractional nutrition and the above recommendations, the diet (in the classical sense of the word) may not be followed. The main thing is not to overeat and eat according to the principle: more vegetables, fresh herbs and fruits.

An example of a diet for women 50 years old

Breakfast 1: 100 g of cottage cheese with herbs and sour cream;

Breakfast 2: apple and pear;

Lunch: a piece of boiled fish, grilled vegetables;

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad;

Dinner: steam omelet with herbs, fruit;

At night - a glass of kefir (optional).

Effective diet after 50 years

Another effective method how to lose weight at 50 is the vegetable soup diet. This takes into account that the diet for women aged 50 is designed for a smooth decrease in body weight, no more than 1-1.5 kilograms per week.

Let's start with the soup:

  • A head of white or Beijing cabbage;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 6 pcs.;
  • Asparagus - 300 g;
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • A bunch of different greens.

Finely chop all vegetables cold water and bring to a boil. Cook for 20 minutes. Salt. At the end of cooking, add chopped greens.

The principle of the soup diet after 50 years is to eat a portion of soup three times a day, and at the same time alternate fruit and vegetable days. Meat and fish are eaten 3 times a week, cereals and vegetable stews - every other day.

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