How to make a blow strong and sharp. For triceps strength training

Learn punching techniques to punch harder. You can't do anything with bad technique. A correct technique not only will it make your punch stronger, but it will also make it more efficient, meaning you will spend less energy on it.

Position your feet and legs correctly. Your legs and feet are the anchors of your weight. They should not only help you keep your balance, but also allow you to transfer the energy of the impact from the hips to the top, all the way to the fist. Here are some simple tips for you:

  • Place your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. If in doubt, set them even a little wider.
  • Lift the heel of your back foot off the floor and keep it elevated.
  • Point your toes where you are going to hit. If your toes are not pointing in the direction of your target, then your kick will be significantly weaker.
  • Keep your knees bent. As you punch, you can straighten your knees, giving your punch extra power.
  • Use your hips and torso for extra power. Try hitting something while keeping your hips or torso still. You won't get a big hit. Now try to rotate your hips and torso at the same time as the punch. This blow will be at least twice as strong as the first. This technique is used by professional golfers, tennis, and baseball players. With the help of their hips and torso, they amplify the blow. And there's nothing stopping you from doing the same.

    • Use your hips to push your torso back. Imagine that you are cocking a trigger. Then begin to move the hips in the opposite direction, twisting the torso towards the target.
  • Before you hit, exhale the air. By exhaling, you will be able to relax your muscles just before the fist touches the target. If you can't do it right, then exhale with noise during the blow.

    As you strike, tilt your head slightly, tuck your chin in, and look at your target. You will need to tilt your head and tuck your chin in to protect yourself during a counterattack. .Keep your opponent in sight so you can see where to hit.

  • Let the hand and fist be as one. In addition to being able to use your hips to punch, you also need to be able to properly use your arm and fist. Here are some tips you can use to get the most out of your punch.

    • Keep your hand and fist relaxed just before contact. As soon as you touch the enemy, tighten your fist. A relaxed arm and fist will give speed, while a clenched fist will give power.
    • Hit in a straight line, not in an arc. It would be very tempting to hit the arc, but don't do it. Remember that the force of the punch comes from your hips and torso, not from the path of your arm.
    • Do not pull back your hand or fist. Thus, you will show your opponent what you are going to do.
  • Content:

    On what nuances does the impact force depend. How can you train her. What exercises are suitable for this.

    Many people wonder how to increase the power of punching. At the same time, you can increasingly hear the stereotype that speed is a key factor. But this is not so at all.

    The main thing is the technique and the ability to put mass into the hand heading towards the opponent. But keep in mind that the full extension of the limb at the moment of impact can lead to serious injury, so it is advisable to beat without full extension. Adds efficiency to strikes from various angles.


    So how do you increase punching power? There are several answers here. The first one is strict adherence to technology. Special attention give to your feet. During movement, the arm should be at shoulder level. The heels are lifted first, the foot is turned in the direction of impact. Please note that the movements should not have a cross character. For example, if you strike with your right limb, then you also need to tear off the heel on the right side. In this case, the left foot should stand firmly on the floor.

    The rest of the details are as follows:

    • Rotate your hips towards your opponent. In this case, a punch and a turn should be carried out simultaneously (this allows you to increase the level of impact);
    • move the body at the moment of striking (especially when it comes to fighting at a short distance);
    • bend your knees and shift the mass of the torso slightly forward;
    • you can’t reach for the hand, just turn the body. Otherwise, you can quickly lose balance;
    • at the time of the swing, try not to bring your hand back much - this is how you give out your intentions and allow the opponent to prepare;
    • at the moment of impact it is necessary to release air;
    • watch the fist - the fingers should be compressed with maximum force.

    Best Exercises

    Now let's look at how to develop punching power with the help of special training. Here one can highlight the following exercises:

    • Try to carry a brush expander with you at all times and practice with it. In this case, give preference to the most rigid option. Proper execution exercises involve compressing the projectile with the application of maximum force. Thanks to such training, you can significantly strengthen the fist, make it more powerful.
    • Train daily with a rope with the obligatory lifting of the hips to the maximum height. Perfect option- touching the femoral part of the chest.
    • Use the sledgehammer as a practice tool. Take it and hit the tires with all your might (you can do this in the garage). The peculiarity of the exercise is that those muscle groups, which are just involved in the impact.
    • Use an assistant to hold the paws. Strike in such a way as if the target is slightly above the established paws. At the same time, set the task not just to hit the projectile, but to break through it. In this case, you can develop maximum strength.
    • Daily organize a "fight" with an imaginary opponent. This will develop the reaction and speed of the “shot” of the hand. Keep in mind that an unexpected blow for the enemy is effective.

    Or even very strong, is not always a knockout. You can hit hard, but if the blow goes past or not exactly on target, then there will be no knockout. In order to send a person to a knockout, it is enough to clearly hit a person in the chin. If you figure it out, in order to gain a blow that will send people to "rest", you need to train - technique, accuracy, speed, and of course strength, unfortunately, if the blow is executed correctly, but does not have sufficient strength, you will not achieve results.

    Unlike a knockout blow, a strong blow can be developed at home or on your own, first of all, if you have at least some kind of boxing (Thai boxing) base, that is, you clearly understand that the force of a blow depends little on muscle strength, i.e. . You know how to hit or, if you like, "you have a hit." Impact force maybe just murderous even for a small person, an example is the legend of Muay Thai Ramon Dekkers, who, according to the testimony of his opponents, possessed an uncommon punching force for his size.

    Earlier we wrote about the theoretical part of the impact force -

    Do you want to develop such a blow so that it deals maximum damage?

    Exercises for the development of impact strength

    Here I want to systematize methods for increasing the force of impact, which will help you if you own it. basic technique, that is, the elementary work of the legs when striking.


    1. Tire and hammer(sledgehammer). Hitting the tire with a hammer, preferably a big one, because if you miss, you will repair the floor - Khan to your parquet. When I was in the army, I liked to knock out doors with a 5 kg hammer, which we always had with us in case the owner refused to open the door unkindly (in the case of a combination of unkindness and a strong door, explosives were used). True, I hit the door as if from the side, but I advise you in the classic boxing way from above over the head. (Adamek demonstrates how to do it from above)

    A blow with a sledgehammer should be applied as straight as possible from above, avoiding twisting of the spine at the moment of impact, otherwise injuries A.

    Seasonal chopping is basically the same except for different results from missing the hammer and axe.

    2.Neck without weight or weighted stick for phineas.Standing, take the bar and push it forward as quickly and strongly as possible, more precisely back and forth. Personally, I prefer to do it not for speed, but jumping from foot to foot, as if on a jump rope, with a sharp explosive movement to throw forward.

    3. Heavy bag and wall cushion. We are practicing a strong, penetrating blow, sharply thrown at the target. Particular attention to the correct pattern of the blow, legs-shoulders. It seems to me that it is very important to analyze your own blow, the problems of blow biomechanics.

    4.medicine ball:

    a) We throw with all our might into the area of ​​​​the ribs-belly of the partner. He catches and throws back

    b) One holds the medicine ball, the other hits one round with all the strength and speed. The one who hits tries to knock the medicine ball out of the partner’s hands, if the ball falls, the one holding it is wrung out 20 times. So 3 rounds in a row, with role reversal

    d) Pushing the medicine ball out of a prone position into the hands of a standing partner. Alternating emphasis when pushing with the left and right hand.

    e) Standing - raise the medicine ball above your head, “drive it into the ground” in front of you, you can jump a little

    5. Exercise with rubber expanders. We tie one end somewhere behind the back, for example, to the Swedish wall, with the other end in the hand, we imitate blows.

    6. 30 "boxing" push-ups (narrow grip and half amplitude) and immediately after that for 30 seconds - straight, as fast and strong as possible blows(do not fully straighten your arms in elbow joints not to damage them). A minute of rest and again. 3-5 sets.

    7. Eights with a kettlebell in front of you (in the absence of a kettlebell, it is replaced with a pancake). Club rotations (or dumbbell bars weighted at one end)

    8. progressive combinations.

    For example:

    Set: 10 straight left. 10 double straight left. 10 double straight left and right.

    You can make different sets.

    9. Shadow boxing with dumbbells different weight.

    10. According to Khusainov (1995) effective training accented and strong blow should include the following exercises (method from the study):

    1. Three times a week, crown blows are applied to the wall pillow - 10 rounds. One blow in 3 seconds. One round - 50-60 hits, 10 rounds in total. Rest for a minute between rounds and hit with maximum force.

    2. Three times a week (other days) to train with a barbell.

    a) Half squats-scissors with a barbell on the shoulders, barbell - 70% of your weight. Half squats followed by straightening the legs and lifting on toes - 5 sets of 20 repetitions.

    b) Turns of the body with a bar - 5 sets of 20. Bar weight - 15-20 kg, depending on your own weight. Rest for one to two minutes.

    c) Bench press to failure - 5 sets. 1 set 70% of the max weight of the bar, 2nd set - 75%; 3rd - from 80%; 4 - with 85%, 5 - with 90% by weight. Rest 1-2 min.

    12. Operating time a strong kick:

    "10-20-10". We strike with all our strength and with maximum speed. 10 pad mid kicks with one foot, 20 knees, 10 mid kicks with the other foot. We do everything with high speed and maximum strength.

    Keep in mind that you should not do all these exercises together - you will easily overtrain. In addition, you need to correctly calculate and insert these exercises into the workout. Also, the sledgehammer is a very tiring exercise and don't try it the day before heavy legwork like squats. However, punching exercises on the bag and wall cushion can be extremely tiring and it will be difficult for you to work on the chest the next day.

    What muscles are responsible for punching? It is important to strengthen the following muscles - triceps, forearm, shoulders, legs, chest. All this is done with the help of typical boxing exercises, such as shadow boxing, Thai rope, different kinds push-ups, including the explosion (with cotton).

    The only muscle that DOES NOT need to be especially developed is the biceps. A well-developed biceps slows down and enslaves the blow.

    Do not forget that a good, knockout blow is a previously competent blow, the correct work of the legs, torso and shoulder girdle, that is, the entire chain transmitting force like a rope, which always starts in the legs, is transmitted to the pelvis, then to shoulder girdle, which in turn throws a semi-relaxed hand towards the target.

    Often a weak blow is due to a loss of impact force in the joints. The joint transmits striking force, that is, it is necessary not to lose it in the process of transferring from the legs to the arm.

    Keep in mind that a strong blow implies strong ligaments. If you hit hard with gloves on, this does not mean at all that you will not hurt your hand on the street. Therefore, along with a strong blow, it is necessary (if for the street) to train ligaments, for example, push-ups on fists.

    In addition, ask yourself why you need a "knockout (strong) punch." I hope you are not trying to get away from the need to study the technique of combat and the development of endurance, because for both sports and for the street one strong "knockout" blow will not help.

    Tired of useless hand speed guides written by people with no boxing experience? This guide is a real topic!

    Ok, punch faster, hand speed, reflex speed. All these things are connected. They are not hard to make or practice, but they are certainly hard to learn. From what I've seen, most people hit slowly because they have the wrong attitude and wrong workouts. Even most of the fast guys I see in the gym don't do any special exercises to increase their punching speed.

    I don't need to tell you how important speed is in boxing. Look at Muhammad Ali. Look at Roy Jones. Look at Pernell Whitaker. Look at Floyd Mayweather Jr. Not only do they win, but also no one can touch them. There are very few things that can match the speed of your hands. No matter how strong you are, if your opponent hits you first every time, he will easily defeat you!

    Ready to start training for fast punches?

    Follow the striking methods below to increase your hand speed!

    Quick Mind Training For Quick Punches

    Everything you do starts with the mind. Before you blame your weak hand speed on genetics, underdeveloped muscles, or unknown secrets of punching, you need to analyze your mindset. The first question is, “Am I consciously doing anything to increase my hand speed when I punch?” If you've never asked yourself this question, the answer is probably "NO".

    The most important mindset you need to have in order to hit faster is to focus on alertness. Your eyes need to be trained to quickly identify the target and then send a signal to your hands, telling them to hit. Forget about speed for now, I'm talking about the speed of the mind. The one who recognizes punching opportunities will strike first and charge forward in punching, gaining a big advantage.

    Now you understand that the first step to hitting faster is to start punching faster, let's work on the quickness of the mind. You ask how to do it. Damn easy, everyday practice of hitting moving targets quickly. The pneumatic bag and the stretching bag are your friends. They will teach your eyes and mind to follow moving targets and strike when open spaces appear. When you're working on a stretching bag, don't worry about putting on quick combinations. Instead, keep your eyes on the bag and throw 1 or 2 punches here and there very quickly and accurately. Even when you're not hitting, you still keep a close eye on the bag. Don't take your eyes off her! Once again, the first step in mastering fast punches is to train quickness of mind!

    The Right Attitude To Hit Faster

    Having the right attitude is extremely important in order to develop quick strikes. I see guys trying to destroy a punching bag all the time when I tell them to hit faster. When I say faster, I don't mean hit harder. Charging your punches for more power and more damage probably won't make them any faster. Quite often, this attitude only makes you swing wider, longer and with more body input.

    Hitting faster doesn't mean you put all your effort and strength into the punch. This does not mean that you tighten your fist even more and try to inflict even more damage on your opponent. Having the right mindset to hit faster means you focus on speed and nothing else. Don't focus on power and precision. Only at pure speed.

    Instead of imagining that you are hitting your opponent, imagine that you are trying to touch him without him seeing it. Imagine that you are moving so fast that he does not even see the impact. You're not trying to hurt him, you're trying to surprise him! Now apply this mindset when you do shadowboxing and when you work on the bag. You will see that this change of mindset alone can increase the speed of your punches. You no longer think about breaking his jaw—you're trying to steal his mouth guard!

    Quick Strike Relax

    This is what I understood for a long, long time. This principle holds true for any sport or sporting aspiration that you pursue. The ONLY way to move at the fastest speed is to be RELAXED! The most relaxed muscles have the greatest potential to move top speed. In all the sports you follow, you will find that the most relaxed athletes outperform their competitors. I used to be a sprinter and I will tell you that the most relaxed runners do the best sprints.

    Keep in mind that there is a fine line between relaxed movements and lazy movements. Being RELAXED in movement means you are moving in a flow that allows your movements to express themselves freely without tension or stress, while being LAZY in movement means you are moving without control or purpose.

    So how do you "relax" for a quick punch? For starters, don't clench your fist all the time. Instead, keep your hands relaxed and clench them into fists as you touch the target. When in doubt, relax your hands even more. Keep your shoulders free, not compressed. Don't tense your biceps or squeeze any part of your body before you hit. A relaxed body will beat faster!

    Throwing Swift Strike

    Clear your mind when you throw fast punches. Don't think about destroying your opponent. This attitude keeps tension in your arms and constricts your entire body, slowing down your punches and wasting energy. This constant tension also exhausts your body faster. When you strike, exhale sharply, freely releasing your hand into the punch and let your body freely invest in the punch. Once the punch has landed, quickly exhale again as you bring your fist back while throwing your next punch. The most common mistake I see with novice boxers is pulling their arm back a bit to load it up for a punch before throwing it. This slows down the time of the hit as it moves backward before it goes forward. It also proves that they think too much about hitting harder and not about hitting faster. Don't think about power, think about touching him quickly.

    Fast Breathing For Fast Strikes

    This is another thing that many athletes don't understand about speed. Fast breathing equals fast movement. Explosive breathing equals explosive movement. If you've never heard of it before, try this: try to breathe slowly but hit fast. I bet you can't do it. Notice how the movement of your body is synchronized with your breathing? Now work on breathing, not just fast, but sharp and sharp. Listen professional boxers. When they throw a 5-hit combo very quickly, they exhale 5 times very quickly. Sometimes when you watch professional boxers do shadowboxing, they don't throw full punches. They throw very short and half-length punches so they can work on faster breathing and faster punches. If you need the ability to hit fast, then you need to breathe fast.

    Breaking Quick Combos

    Let your punches connect as you throw your fists out and you will punch faster. Always keep your mind focused on whole combos rather than individual punches and you'll see your combos fly out, throwing punches at blinding speed! Don't go for your opponent with step by step plan what kind of punches you will throw. Approach your opponent with the combination in mind and just let it fly. With time and practice, your mind will naturally adjust your combinations during trades to counter your opponent's punches.

    Best Hand Speed ​​Training Videos:

    If you want to develop solid hand speed to hit faster, follow the tips above. Do not be lazy, do not save on time and do not try to invent your own own exercises. The simpler the better and once you have that hand speed you can be as creative as you want and work on it. Be alert, be relaxed, breathe faster and hit faster!

    2 More Boxing Guides About Increasing Hand Speed:

    • - Learn how to throw punches with speed and power!

    You will need

    • - hard rubber ball of small diameter;
    • - dumbbells weighing 0.5 kg;
    • - metal sledgehammer;
    • - a barbell with a thickened neck;
    • - automobile tire;
    • - badminton lessons;
    • - sandbag;
    • - medicine ball weighing about 5 kg;
    • - stopwatch.


    Work hard daily carpal expanders. The best is a simple bouncy rubber ball. Constantly squeeze it with force, as if trying to crush it. Try to keep the movement sharp. Perform the exercise with both hands alternately. This will pump up the interdigital muscles, which will make your fist heavier and your punch sharper.

    Plyometric exercises are essential for developing speed. The simplest of them is push-ups with cotton. Rest your fists on the floor and take the “lying emphasis” position. Slowly bend your arms and lower your body. In the lowest point push your body up sharply and try to clap your hands under your chest. Land on your fists. Bend your arms slightly as you land to avoid injuring your elbows.

    It is very important to develop wrist strength. To do this, you will have to work with a barbell with a thickened neck. It is enough just to hold such a barbell in freely lowered hands for as long as possible. Hold the bar with a straight grip, relax your shoulders, look straight ahead. The main load should fall on the wrists and hands.

    Do the shadow boxing exercise daily at a fast pace for 10-15 minutes. To make the exercise more effective, pick up light dumbbells. Their weight should not exceed 500 grams, otherwise you can easily bring down the equipment strike.

    Hang a pillow or sandbag on a wall or stable support. Try to apply fast and sharp blows. One set - 60-70 frequent hits. Do at least 10 sets daily. Take no more than three seconds for each hit. Practice with a stopwatch first to get the rhythm of the beats.

    One of Jet Li's fastest fighters the most important workout called his daily badminton practice his explosive reaction. Do not neglect this wonderful game. You will not only develop excellent reaction, but also improve your eye and master the pushing footwork.

    Work with a heavy medicine ball. Strong throws of a heavy ball against a wall or floor will help you develop strength and sharpness. strike. Throw the ball so that it bounces into your hands. Believe me, it's not as easy as it seems.

    Try to eliminate bicep exercises from your workouts. Pumped up biceps enslave the arm at the moment of extension, which prevents the application of a sharp and strong strike. Better include work in your workout. Apply strong blows a metal sledgehammer on a car tire dug into the ground or fixed on a stable support. This exercise has been considered the best since the 19th century.


    • how to train punching speed

    The ability to take a hit will help you in any fight. And despite the fact that professionals advise not to bring it to a blow, the ability to take a blow is the main advantage of a talented athlete.


    Master the technique of various defenses. For example, the “dive” technique is to dive under the hand reaching for you; reception "stand" - to expose any part of the body (most often, a hand) to a blow; reception "twisting" - group as much as possible - it will be difficult for you.

    Methodically prepare your torso for possible strikes. Pump other muscles as well - this will protect the internal ones from damage. Moreover, the more often you experience them, the sooner your body will get used to them. This is in professional language "fill the body." Naturally, the blows must not be intense enough so as not to put you out of action for a long time.

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    Helpful advice

    It is necessary to work on the technique of protection methodically and persistently. The defense must become not only strong, but also active, that is, create an advantageous position for a retaliatory strike.

    Whoever a person is - an athlete or a mere mortal, he sometimes has to literally “keep hit» adversary. Often, such a skill is a necessity for survival in our difficult conditions. There are a few simple techniques to help you do it in the most efficient way.

    You will need

    • Physical training
    • Psychological stability
    • Coach or mentor


    If you train in any section or just do it for yourself, then you understand that the first important condition in a fight is to hold hit but the enemy. It is difficult to say what is more difficult - to attack or defend. But, the key to success in battle is psychological and anticipating the actions of the enemy. Once learned to hold hit and direct the actions of the enemy against him, will help you a lot in any duel. So how can you learn to resist its onslaught? Let's look into this in more detail.1. To learn how to hold hit, you need to initially look into the eyes of your opponent. At this point, most people are pierced. There is only one conclusion: they are not psychologically prepared enough to face the danger. This means that you need to work on this moment with special techniques, namely: daily meditations for 20-30 minutes. If you learn to see the enemy’s eyes, you will surely predict his plan. That is, where will they go? hit s. In this case, you will be able to respond to it much more effectively.

    2. As soon as he makes a swing with his hand, take several actions to neutralize him, namely: leave the line of attack by stepping with your foot to the side, and then finish him off with your hand or foot. Place the block with your hand, and in the opposite direction apply to it hit into the open area. You can also go into a deaf defense, namely by placing your hands in such a way that they completely cover the head and half of the body.

    3. Another point that you should not forget about in battle is the oncoming movement towards the enemy. One of the most productive ways is direct hit foot in the stomach. It is acceptable to do it if the enemy is at some distance from you. In this case, you act first and stop him before hit A. According to Russian SAMBO coaches, this is one of better ways protection in this situation.

    4. Also, do not forget about personal preparation. Learn to accept and hold hit Daily even small workouts for stuffing limbs (arms, legs), push-ups on fists from the floor, running along, exercising in the gym and developing psychological stability will help you. Without it, all training will be in vain. So, by following the above and instructions, you will learn how to restrain hit s enemy.

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    On their physical condition and psychological preparation.

    Helpful advice

    Be guided by a mentor or experienced trainer. Important: try not to get injured during training.


    • useful boxing lessons and tips

    Setting the basic technique in martial arts is the key to the naturalness of movements in a real fight. To work out blows feet no expensive equipment is required. All you need is your desire and willpower.


    It is best to practice at home in special or worn-out shoes. When practicing strikes feet you can use the usual sports equipment or get by with improvised materials and objects. So, instead of ""? you can use a regular plastic bag stuffed with rags, and a chair will serve as an obstacle that will help you work out the accuracy of the strike.

    An empty bag can be used when practicing difficult punches. Throw the bag up in the air and use various blows to prevent it from falling by repelling it, but so that it does not touch the ground. So, by the way, you can work technique strikes not only feet but also by hand.

    Place an ordinary chair in the middle of the training room and practice blows, not forgetting that: - the blow should begin with a knee lift;
    - after striking, you can not put your foot sharply on the ground;
    - after striking, you must first bend the leg a little at the knee and only then lower it.

    Do the same exercises for wall bars". In addition, classes at the "Swedish wall" will form an additional skill in you - the ability to vary the levels of blows. Perform several hits into the space between the various bars of this projectile at various speeds. If this is still difficult for you, do this exercise at first in slow motion, and then gradually increase the speed of execution. The height of the strike can also gradually increase, depending on your level of fitness.

    Near the "Swedish wall" you can work out and circular blows. Stand a little to the side of the wall and the same way, from level to level? practice the technique of circular strikes, including the lowest one.

    Don't let possible errors during workouts. Remember: - in order not to lose balance, you always need to slightly bend the supporting leg at the knee;
    - do not transfer body weight to the heel;
    - you need to watch your hands: they should not be inactive;
    - you can alternate exercises for working out strikes only with speed exercises and not with power.

    In the combat training of an athlete, it is important to teach him how to deliver devastating blows as quickly as possible. Not only its physical characteristics are important, but also fast reaction carrying out the attack. There is a special set of methods that will gradually form a high-speed strike.

    You will need

    • - trainer;
    • - sparring partner;
    • - makiwaras;
    • - gym;
    • - gloves;
    • - helmets.


    Practice hand positioning on impact. At the first stage, follow the competent arrangement of hands. Many beginners initially begin to train the strike incorrectly. Clench your fist as hard as you can and press hard thumb. The fist must be in full contact with the flat surface. Strike only with the first two knuckles, without sliding on the surface. Fully straighten your arm. This will give the strike precision and power. Let the coach show you how to do it. Fix your mistakes.

    Hit the air for a while. Once you've learned how to properly set up, practice hitting empty space. Many underestimate the importance of this exercise. In fact, in many martial arts it comes first. Measure 30 meters. This will be your settlement. Put your hands in position and start alternately making high-speed strikes. At the same time, accompany each step forward. Do the same movement back. Do only 4-5 in this style.

    Work with a partner or trainer. Now that you know how to strike the air quickly and correctly, it's time to turn on training process makiwaras. Ask the mentor to put on one makiwara for each hand. First, apply a few quick strokes to warm up. Then start moving, just like in the previous exercise. Hit 2-3 hits at a time, no more. Gradually increase speed and strength. To do this, put your whole body into each punch.

    Apply speed punches in sparring. Once you've learned punching technique and speed, it's time to put them into real practice with a sparring partner. Put on boxing gloves and helmets. Perform the same task, inflicting 2-3 hits, but on the enemy. Also don't forget to defend yourself when the enemy hits you. Such alternating training will teach you in a short time to quickly hit and defend.

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    • impact speed training

    In martial arts, it is important to be able to strike accurately and quickly with the hand. In order for the opponent to feel the force of the blow, and you feel minimal pain, you need to train stiffness fist. To do this, there are a number of special exercises that can be performed at home.