Volleyball with simplified rules. Volleyball: basic rules

In order to play by all the rules, gym should be mesh. In official volleyball, it should be located at a height of 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m. However, for schoolchildren it can be made lower.

Basic rules of volleyball

Two teams play, the main goal of each is to throw the ball over the net to the side of the opposing team so that it hits the floor of the court and prevent it on their side.

According to the official rules of volleyball, the team planning the attack must not touch the ball more than three times, that is, the fourth hit of one of the participants must be directed towards the opponent. In this case, one participant does not have the right to touch the ball several times in a row. Do you follow all these rules? school conditions to be decided by the teacher.

Other violations during the draw:

  • player touching the grid;
  • spade of the back line of the field by the player during the attack;
  • double touch or delay when receiving the ball.

There must be up to 6 players from each team on the field. The team that starts the game is determined by lot.

The serve is carried out by a player from the extreme far zone, he directs the ball towards the opponent with a blow. A rally occurs: when the team directs the ball so that it hits the floor of the opponent's court, it receives the right to serve and its participants move clockwise. Thus, the right to serve the ball is exercised not by one player, but by all in turn: it is done by the one who moved from the first zone to the second immediately after the draw. The purpose of the serve is to immediately complicate the game for the opposing team by sending the ball into their territory. Therefore, it is important to teach all students to serve, to explain how to work with their hands correctly.

The main violations of the rules of the game in volleyball when serving:

  • steps on the court with his foot (but must serve the ball outside it);
  • throws up and immediately catches the ball;
  • serves before the referee's permissive whistle (in this case, the serve is repeated);
  • does not throw the ball within eight seconds after the referee's whistle (then the right to serve passes to the other team).

If the team has a point after the throw (that is, the ball touched the floor of the opponent), the same player serves. If the server violates the rules that we have listed above, a point is awarded to the opposing team, and the right to serve passes to it.

As in any team game, success for a team depends on the consistency of its actions. Best result the team that will be able to coordinate their actions, think over the tactics of attack and defense even before the start of the game will achieve.

When conducting volleyball lessons at school, first of all, you need to take care of preventing injuries: conduct a good warm-up, especially paying attention to the hands and ankles, and also learn how to work with a volleyball: for this, future players can pass the ball in pairs or in a circle.

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Essay on the topic: "Volleyball"

2016 Introduction

Volleyball is a popular game in many countries around the world. Volleyball was first played in the United States of America. In 1895, William Morgan, a teacher of physical education at a college in Heliok (Massachusetts), offered students a new entertaining game, the main idea of ​​which was for the players to hit the ball with their hands, making it fly over the net. The game was called "volleyball", which in English means a flying ball.

In 1897 were developed sports rules of this game, which have been repeatedly changed and supplemented. simple game, which does not require expensive equipment, spread very quickly in Japan, China, the Philippines, and later in Europe.

Goal of the work- trace the development of the game of volleyball since its "invention".

learn about the history of volleyball;

understand the rules of the game;

study the specifics of volleyball;

consider the possible technique of the game;

1. History of volleyball

Some are inclined to consider the American Halsted of Springfield, who in 1866 began to promote the game of "flying ball", which he called volleyball, as the founder of volleyball. Let's try to trace the development of the ancestor of volleyball.

For example, the chronicles of the Roman chroniclers of the 3rd century BC have been preserved. They describe a game in which the ball was hit with fists. The rules described by historians in 1500 have come down to our time. The game was then called "faustball". Two teams of 3-6 players competed on a platform measuring 90x20 meters, separated by a low stone wall. The players of one team sought to break the ball over the wall to the side of the opponents.

Later Italian faustball became popular in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and other European countries. Over time, both the site and the rules have changed. So, the length of the site was reduced to 50 meters, and instead of a wall, a cord appeared, stretched between the poles. The composition of the team was also strictly determined - 5 people. The ball was interrupted through the cord with a fist or forearm, and three touches of the ball were already stipulated. It was possible to interrupt the ball through the cord and after rebounding from the ground, but in this case one touch was allowed. The game lasted in two halves of 15 minutes. This sport game appeared a long time ago, but its age is counted only from the 19th century because the first rules of volleyball were promulgated in 1897. Naturally, now they are much different from the original ones, volleyball is growing and improving.

The official date of birth of the game is 1895. Twenty-year-old American physical education teacher from Helioka College (Massachusetts) William J. Morgan announced the invention of the game of volleyball, and also developed the first rules, promulgated in 1897, which consisted of 10 paragraphs:

1. Site marking.

2. Accessories for the game.

3. The size of the site is 25x50 feet (7.6x15.1 m).

4. Mesh size 2 x 27 feet (0.61 x 8.2 m). Mesh height 6.5 feet (198 cm).

5. Ball - rubber tube in a leather or linen case, ball circumference - 25-27 inches (63.5-68.5 cm), weight 340 g.

6. Submission. The player making the serve must stand with one foot on the line and hit the ball with an open hand. If a mistake is made during the first serve, then the serve is repeated.

7. Account. Each serve not accepted by the opponent gives one point. Points are counted only when you serve yourself. If, after serving, the ball is on the side of the server and they make a mistake, then the server is replaced.

8. If the ball hits the net during the game (not when serving!) It is a mistake.

9. If the ball hits the line - it is considered a mistake.

Volleyball(from English. Volley- volley strike and ball- ball) is olympic look sport in which the aim is to direct the ball towards the opponent so that it lands in the opponent's half or to cause an error on the part of a player of the opposing team. During one attack, only three touches of the ball in a row are allowed. Volleyball is popular with both men and women.

The history of the emergence and development of volleyball

It is believed that volleyball originated thanks to William J. Morgan, a teacher of physical education at one of the colleges of Holyoke (USA). In 1895, at one of his lessons, he hung a net (about 2 meters high) and invited his students to throw a basketball camera over it. Morgan called the resulting game "Mintonet".

Two years later, the first volleyball was developed and put into production.

In the second half of the 1920s, the national federations of Bulgaria, the USSR, the USA and Japan appeared.

In 1922, the first international competition was held in Brooklyn, it was the YMCA championship with 23 men's teams.

In 1925, the modern dimensions of the site were approved, as well as the dimensions and weight. volleyball. These rules were relevant for the countries of America, Africa and Europe.

The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was founded in 1947. Members of the federation are: Belgium, Brazil, Hungary, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Uruguay, France, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

In 1949, Prague hosted the first world championship among men, and in 1964 volleyball was included in the program. Olympic Games in Tokyo. IN international competitions In the 1960s and 1970s, the national teams of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Japan achieved the greatest success.

Since the 1990s, the list of the strongest teams has been replenished with Brazil, the USA, Cuba, Italy, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia.

Since 2006, the FIVB has united 220 national volleyball federations, the game is one of the most popular species sports on earth.

Basic rules of volleyball (briefly)

A volleyball match consists of parties (from 3 to 5). The duration of a volleyball game is not limited and continues until one of the teams scores 25 points. If the advantage over the opponent is less than 2 points, then the game continues until the advantage is increased. The match continues until one of the teams wins three games. It is worth noting that in the fifth game the score goes not to 25, but to 15 points.

Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, but 6 can be on the field at the same time. The initial arrangement of players indicates the order in which the participants move around the court, it must be maintained throughout the game.

Volleyball Serve Rules. The ball is put into play by serving, the serving team is determined by lot. After each transfer of the right to serve from one team to another, the players move through the zones in a clockwise direction. The serve is carried out from behind the back line. If the server steps in, sends the ball out of bounds or hits the net, then the team loses the serve, and the opponent receives a point. Any player has the right to receive the serve, but usually these are the athletes of the first line. The feed is not blocked.

The player from the first row can carry out an attacking hit, such a hit is made over the net. Back row players attack from the three-meter mark.

The blocking of an attack is carried out over the net in such a way as to prevent the ball from flying over the net. When blocking, you can move your hands to the side of your opponents without interfering with them. Only players from the front line block.

Volleyball playing field (dimensions and markings)

The size of a standard volleyball field is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The net is positioned in such a way that its highest point is 2.43 meters from the ground in men's competitions and 2.24 meters in women's competitions. These sizes were approved by the International Volleyball Federation in 1925 and are relevant to this day. The playing surface must be horizontal, flat, uniform and light.

In volleyball, there is the concept of a free zone on the playing field. The size of the free zone is regulated and is 5-8 meters from the end lines and 3-5 meters from the side lines. The free space above the playing field must be 12.5 meters.

The playing area is limited by two side and front lines, which are taken into account in the size of the field. The axis of the middle line, drawn between the side lines, divides the playing area into two equal parts 9 x 9 m. It is drawn under the net and delimits the opponents' zones. The attack strip is applied on each half of the field behind the halfway line, three meters from it.

Outfit and inventory for volleyball

The most important attribute of volleyball is the volleyball. Like any other ball, a volleyball is a spherical structure consisting of an internal rubber chamber, which is hidden under natural or synthetic leather. The balls differ depending on their purpose (official competitions, training games), the age of the participants (adults, juniors) and the type of site (open, closed).

The diameter of volleyballs varies from 20.4 to 21.3 centimeters, circumference from 65 to 67 centimeters, internal pressure from 0.300 to 0.325 kg / cm 2, weight from 250 to 270 grams. It is recommended to choose tri-color balls, as such a ball is easier to distinguish against the background of the bright uniforms of the players.

Volleyball combines elements of jumping and running, so comfortable shoes are an important attribute. The most suitable for the game, shoes with soft soles. Sometimes special shock absorber insoles are additionally used, they are very effective in preventing injuries.

For additional protection of the joints, athletes use knee and elbow pads.

The role of volleyball players and their functions

  • Finishers (forwarders of the second pace) - players attacking from the edge of the net.
  • Diagonal - the tallest and jumpiest players on the team, as a rule, attack from the back line.
  • Central blockers (forwarders of the first pace) - high players who block the opponent's attacks attack from the third zone.
  • Setter - a player who determines the attack options.
  • Libero is the main receiver, height is usually less than 190 centimeters.

Volleyball referees and their duties

The refereeing team at the match consists of:

  • First Judge. He performs his duties sitting or standing on the judging tower, which is located at one end of the net.
  • Second Judge. It is located outside the playing area near the post, on the opposite side from the first referee.
  • Secretary. The scorer performs his duties sitting at the scorer's table on the opposite side from the first referee.
  • Four (two) line judges. Control the side and front lines.

For official FIBV competitions, an assistant secretary is required.

Major volleyball competitions

Olympic Games- the most prestigious volleyball competitions.

World Championship- competitions of the strongest national volleyball teams, which are held once every four years. They are the second most prestigious volleyball competition after the Olympic Games.

world Cup- International volleyball tournament among men's and women's teams. It is held a year before the Olympic Games, and its winners receive guaranteed places at the Olympic Games.

World Champions Cup. The World Cup of Champions takes place in the year preceding the year of the World Cup.

world league(FIVB World League) is the most prestigious commercial tournament for men's national volleyball teams.

Volleyball Grand Prix is the largest commercial tournament for women's national volleyball teams.

Europe championship- competitions of the strongest national volleyball men's and women's teams of the member countries of the European Volleyball Confederation. It is held once every two years.

Euroleague is an annual competition of volleyball teams held under the auspices of the European Volleyball Confederation.

Sports structures

International Volleyball Federation(from French Fédération Internationale de Volleyball, abbr. FIVB) is an international federation that unites 220 national federations. The headquarters is located in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

European Volleyball Confederation(French Confédération Européenne de Volleyball, abbr. CEV) is the governing body of European volleyball. It unites 55 national federations.

All-Russian Volleyball Federation- the structure that manages Russian volleyball.


Sports for children and adults

Volleyball- (eng. Volleyball from volley - flying and ball - ball) - a team sports game, during which two teams on a special platform, divided by a net, seek to send the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court, or the defending player team made a mistake. From each team, 6 athletes participate in the game, in total there are 12 people in the team, substitutions are limited by the rules. The area 9x12 m is divided in half by a grid (height - 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m - for women, width - 1 m, length - 9.5 m, consists of black cells in the form of a square with a side of 10 cm). Ball circumference 65-67 cm, weight - 260-280 g.

The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was founded in 1947 and unites 220 national federations (1998). In the program of the Olympic Games since 1964 (men and women). IN Olympic tournament 12 male and 12 women's teams. The composition of the teams is determined by the FIVB based on the results of previous Olympic Games, as well as the results of the World Championships, the Continental and qualifying competitions. The tournament is held in three stages: first, in a round-robin system in two subgroups, then in a round-robin system between the teams that took first or second places in them; two strongest teams in the final match they play the Olympic championship. For each serve won, a point is awarded (with the exception of the decisive set). The receiving team that wins the ball is entitled to the pass. Beach volleyball was included in the program of the 1996 Games.

History of occurrence

Some are inclined to consider the American Halsted of Springfield, who in 1866 began to promote the game of "flying ball", which he called volleyball, as the founder of volleyball. Let's try to trace the development of the ancestor of volleyball.

Rules and technique of playing volleyball - essay

Chelyabinsk Law College

in physical education

« Rules and technique of playing inoleyball"

Student group BD2-09

Since its "invention", the game of volleyball has experienced rapid development. This is reflected both in the growing number of volleyball players and in the growing number of member countries of the International Volleyball Federation. By its prevalence, this game occupies a leading position in the world sports arena.

The game of volleyball has become not only purely sports, but volleyball is also developing as a game for recreation, playing volleyball has become a means of organizing leisure, maintaining health and restoring working capacity.

In my essay, I will talk about the development of volleyball in the world and in our country, about the rules of this game, about its technique and tactics.

History of volleyball

Officially, the date of birth of volleyball is considered to be 1895, when the teacher of physical education at Helioka College (Massachusetts, USA) William Morgan invented the game of volleyball, and then developed its first rules. This is the official version, although there are others. Some are inclined to consider the American Halsted of Springfield, who in 1866 began to promote the game of "flying ball", which he called volleyball, as the founder of volleyball.

Let's try to trace the development of the ancestor of volleyball. For example, the chronicles of the Roman chroniclers of the 3rd century BC have been preserved. They describe a game in which the ball was hit with fists. The rules described by historians in 1500 have come down to our time. The game was then called "faustball". Two teams of 3-6 players competed on a platform measuring 90x20 meters, separated by a low stone wall. The players of one team sought to break the ball over the wall to the side of the opponents.

Later Italian faustball became popular in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and other European countries. Over time, both the site and the rules have changed. So, the length of the site was reduced to 50 meters, and instead of a wall, a cord appeared, stretched between the poles. The composition of the team was also strictly determined - 5 people. The ball was interrupted through the cord with a fist or forearm, and three touches of the ball were already stipulated. It was possible to interrupt the ball through the cord and after rebounding from the ground, but in this case one touch was allowed. The game lasted in two halves of 15 minutes. This sport game appeared a long time ago, but its age is counted only from the 19th century because the first rules of volleyball were promulgated in 1897. Naturally, now they are much different from the original ones, volleyball is growing and improving.

In our country, volleyball was widely spread after the 1917 revolution. In 1925, at the initiative of the games section, an asset was convened in Moscow, at which the first rules of the game in our country were adopted, in the same year the first official volleyball competitions took place. Since 1927, the annual championship of Moscow has been held. In subsequent years, volleyball gets widespread development.

In 1928, Moscow hosted the USSR Championship, which was included in the program of the 1st All-Union Spartakiad. It was attended by teams from all over the country. However, despite the rapid spread and popularity new game, and a number of new products that the teams brought to this championship, the sportsmanship of volleyball players was still at a low level.

Great Patriotic War slowed down the development of volleyball. But despite the enormous difficulties of wartime, sports life in the country did not stop. In 1943, the championship of Moscow was played, in 1944 the championship and the cup of Moscow in volleyball. In 1945, the championship of the USSR was again held. The Moscow teams Dynamo (men) and Lokomotiv (women) became the champions of the country. At these competitions, the men's team "Dynamo" (Moscow) widely used in defense the interaction of defensive lines and the replaying of received balls, and in attack they used the entire space along the length of the net to drop an attacking blow. Such an organization of the game brought the team the title of the USSR championship and gave impetus to the further development of volleyball tactics.

Passed in 1946-1947. championship of the country, as well as the successful performance of Soviet volleyball players in the international arena, served as an impetus for the further development of volleyball in the USSR. In 1947, Soviet volleyball players, participating in competitions on international festival democratic youth in Prague, took first place. In the same year, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was created. After the performance of the All-Union Volleyball Section as members of this organization (1948), volleyball players of the USSR become participants in all international competitions.

In 1949, the men's team of Soviet volleyball players won the title of champion in the first official world championship. Our combined teams of men and women also win the European championship. They confirm their championship titles in the next two years. In the summer of 1952 the world championship was held in Moscow. Soviet volleyball players and volleyball players in these competitions became the strongest in the world.

The inclusion of volleyball in the program of the Olympic Games in 1964 significantly increased the requirements for the game of volleyball players.

Rules of the game and basic forms of conducting classes

The essence of the game of volleyball lies in the fact that it is played between two teams of 6 people each, on a rectangular area 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, divided by a net into two halves. Players of the same team, passing the ball with their hands to each other, seek to direct it through the net with a third touch (hit or pass) so that it falls on the opponent’s side or that the opponent makes a mistake in response. A team receives a point in a game only when it serves, when one of the opponents makes a mistake. If the team makes a mistake when serving, it loses the right to serve.

For playing volleyball, a flat area of ​​suitable size is used, on which posts and a net can be installed. The court must be flat and strictly horizontal, with a free zone outside the court up to 3 m wide. The playing court is limited by two side lines and two front lines. An average, two three-meter lines and a feed zone are applied on it. Line width - 5 cm.

On the side, at the level of the boundary lines of the site, two cloth strips and two flexible "antennas" with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 1.8 m are hung across the grid.

The part of the court located between the attacking line, the middle line and the touchlines is called the attacking area. Perpendicular to the end line at a distance of 3 m from the right side line and 20 cm from the end line, dotted lines 15 cm long are drawn. The same lines are drawn behind the field as a continuation of the right side line. These lines determine the place of submission (Fig. 1.).

The team must play in a clean, tidy uniform of the same color: jersey, underpants and soft sport shoes without heels (you can play barefoot). Each player must have a number on the jersey (on the chest and back), and the team captain on the jersey on the left side should have a patch that differs from the color of the jersey.

The composition of the team is from 6 to 12 players. The main players are 6 players who start the game in each game.

The game starts with a serve. The right to serve is determined by a lot in which the referee and team captains participate. The winner of the lot has the right to choose the serve or the platform. The serve is considered correct if the ball flies over the net without touching it within the restrictive tapes or antennas. The serve is performed after the referee's whistle and is given 5 seconds. The team loses the right to serve if:

a) the ball touched the net, did not reach it, flew under the net, flew outside the restrictive tapes or antennas;

b) the ball has touched a player or a foreign object;

c) the ball fell out of bounds;

d) the serve is performed out of place, out of turn, with two hands, from the hand, with a throw.

In the event that the team wins the right to serve, the players perform the transition, moving clockwise. If a point is won, no change is made, and the service is repeated by the player of zone 1 from the place of service (fig. 2).

The ball can be hit with hands no more than three times. Strikes, receptions and passes must be performed with a jerky touch. Carrying the hands over the net and touching the ball on the opponent's side is a fault (except for blocking). The blocker is not allowed to touch the ball on the opponent's side before he has directed the ball to the opposing team's side. Feed blocking is not permitted.

If the ball touches the net within the boundary bands, it is considered legal and remains in play. Player touching the net is an error. The player may step on the middle line, but not step over it.

Back row players may hit the ball to the opponent's side by hitting or passing, and after hitting they are allowed to land in the offensive zone without stepping on the line that defines this zone.

In each game, the team is given the right to replace the main players with substitutes. A team may make six substitutions in each set. The substitute player must take the place of the player he is replacing. After a substitution, the main player returns only once to the game in place of the substitute who replaced him, provided that at least one point has been played with the latter. The team is supposed to take two breaks in each game lasting up to 30 seconds each.

The game is played from three or five parties, which is determined by the agreement between the players or the regulations on the competition. In each game, the first team to score 15 points is considered the winner. If the score in the game reaches 14:14, then the game continues until the difference of two points (16:14, 17:15, 18:16, etc.). The victory belongs to the team that wins two games out of three or three out of five.

During the game (and after it), players must behave tactfully towards each other and towards opponents. They do not have the right to challenge the decisions of the judges or make comments to them.

For initial training For young volleyball players, the game mini_volleyball is recommended, which is similar to the usual game of volleyball, but with some features of the game.

Mini_volleyball can be carried out in a wide variety of conditions: in physical education classes, during sectional and independent classes.

The game is played on a playground 12 meters long and 9 meters wide. Pioneer camps use a comfortable forest glade for the game, which the children themselves equip into a simple volleyball court.

The volleyball net is fixed between two posts or poles at a height of 2 m. For boys and girls, the height of the net is the same. Guys who have not yet mastered the serve can serve from a distance of 3 m from the net. Each player performs no more than three serves in a row, then the team makes a transition, and the other player of the same team continues to serve. In case of failure to serve, it is made by the opposing team. Players play the ball until the ball touches the opponents' court or they make a mistake after three touches to it. If the ball after the serve hit the opponent's court and the players did not touch it, the team receives 3 points. If the opponent received the ball, but did not interrupt it to the opponent's side - 2. If the ball was lost by the opponent when receiving the serve and playing it - 1 point. Strikes are performed abruptly with two or one hand. In the game, you can step on the middle line and cross it. The number of substitutions in the game is not limited.

The game is played in two games of 15 minutes each. When the game stops, time is added. After the end of the first game, a five-minute break is given. Winning games gives the team 2 points. Loss with a score difference of less than 10 points - 1, more than 10 - 0 points. In case of a draw, each team is awarded 2 points. The score of the game can be different - 4: 2, 4: 4, 4: 1, etc.

Training in the game of volleyball is carried out at physical education lessons, in school sports sections and sections at the place of residence, in youth sports schools, and pioneer camps. It is important in this self-training schoolchildren.

The main focus of the lessons built on the material of volleyball is to help solve the problems of physical education of schoolchildren by means of volleyball, to teach the basics of the technique and tactics of the game, to instill the habit of systematic exercises outside of school hours, at the place of residence, to equip for this with the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Like any other lesson physical culture at school, the volleyball lesson consists of three parts. The preparatory part of the lesson (5-8 minutes) includes activities to organize the class and exercises that help prepare the students' body for the implementation of the main tasks of the lesson. The training material should be organically connected with the material of the main part and include drill and order exercises, exercises for attention, various ways walking, running, jumping, general developmental and special exercises for fingers and hands, shoulder, ankle and knee joints, imitation exercises of individual game techniques, outdoor games, relay races.

In the main part of the lesson (30-35 minutes) its main tasks are solved. The ongoing work can be aimed at improving the level physical qualities, studying and improving the techniques of playing volleyball with the inclusion of exercises for teaching the technique and tactics of the game. The selection of exercises and their number determines one or another focus of the lesson.

In order to improve work efficiency sports section, it is advisable to define specific tasks for its members for each year.

Physical training and methodology for the development of special physical qualities

Volleyball makes high demands on the functionality of those involved. The game of volleyball involves sudden and rapid movements, jumps, falls and other actions. In this regard, a volleyball player must have an instant reaction, speed of movement on the court, a high speed of muscle contraction, jumping ability and other qualities in certain combinations. The systematic development of physical qualities contributes to the successful mastery of game techniques and tactical interactions. In childhood and adolescence, physical training is mainly aimed at developing speed, agility, speed-strength qualities, and general endurance. In adolescence, when skills in technique and tactics are being strengthened and improved, physical training creates the basis for increasing the level of mastery of technique and tactics. In adolescence, much attention is paid to strength training and special endurance.

Physical training consists of general and special, between which there is a close relationship.

The implementation of the necessary game techniques is possible only under the condition of perfect mastery of their technique. A specific feature of volleyball is that no technique can be performed in isolation, as it is associated with other techniques performed by teammates or an opponent.

Volleyball technique is divided into two parts: attack technique and defense technique. Attack techniques include: serve, pass, strike. To the technique of protection - receiving the ball and blocking. Movements in volleyball, both in attack and defense, are identical, but with some specifics, consisting in a lower or higher position of the player's stance.

Movement technique. Movements are performed in the form of walking, running, jumps, lunges. But before performing one or another technique of the game, the volleyball player must take a certain stance or position that provides the opportunity to perform the necessary movement in a timely manner.

According to the degree of bending of the legs at the knees and hip joints There are three types of racks: high, medium and low. Being in a certain stance, a volleyball player sometimes stands motionless or moves slightly by stepping from side to side, transferring body weight from one leg to another. Based on the previous movement, the racks have some features. For example, the stance of a player preparing to serve is different from that of a player preparing to block.

Walking is performed with a regular, double, bending and side step. Running is characterized by starting accelerations and sudden changes in direction followed by stops. The last step is performed with a locking movement. When receiving a ball flying somewhat to the side, a volleyball player can lunge. More fast way moving a short distance is a leap, which is used more in defensive actions.

Submissions. In volleyball, the following serves are used: the lower straight and side, the upper straight and side, the upper straight in the jump.

The lower straight serve is performed from a position in which the player is facing the net, the legs are bent at the knee joints, the left one is forward, the body weight is transferred to the right leg standing behind. The fingers of the left hand, bent at the elbow joint, support the ball from below. The right hand is pulled back for a swing, the ball is tossed up and forward at arm's length. The blow is performed by the counter movement of the right hand from the bottom forward, approximately at the level of the belt. The player simultaneously unbends the right leg and transfers body weight to the left. After the impact, an accompanying movement of the arm is performed in the direction of the serve, the legs and torso are straightened (Fig. 3).

Identical to the lower straight serve, the lower side serve is performed, with the only difference being that the player is positioned sideways to the net and the kick is performed from the side. The serve with a high trajectory of the ball flight is characterized by the fact that the swing is performed in a plane perpendicular to the support, the striking arm is retracted down and back, and the ball is hit by a sharp and quick movement from below, along the half of the ball farthest from the net with the edge of the palm so that after hitting it received an anterior-posterior rotation. This feed is performed in open areas or in sports halls with a high ceiling.

Top direct feed. In the initial position, the player is facing or half-turned to the net. Supporting the ball at shoulder level, the player evenly distributes body weight on the legs, the kicking arm is bent at the elbow joint and prepared for the swing. The ball is thrown slightly forward, up to 1 m above the outstretched arm. After tossing the ball with the kicking hand, a swing up and back is performed, the straight arm is pulled back. During the strike, the striking hand moves forward and upward, the strike is performed in front of the player. To give the ball rotation, it is necessary at the moment of impact to put the hand on the surface of the ball so that the direction of the impact force does not pass through the center of gravity of the ball, that is, move the hand to the side or up from the middle. In all cases, when serving with a high initial speed, the ball must rotate around a horizontal axis. Then it remains within the site, although it has the original forward-upward flight direction. To serve without spinning the ball and causing it to wobble, tossing the ball is done without spinning the ball. The ball is hit quickly and sharply with a tense brush. In this case, the ball will plan (Fig. 4). Recently, the jump serve has been increasingly used. Its distinctive features are: the use of a run-up (like an attacking strike), tossing the ball 1.5-2 m forward, a jump kick and landing after a hit within the site. There are also several top side feed methods. The ball is hit above the level shoulder joint standing sideways to the grid. Performing a serve with the rotation of the ball from a place, the player throws it almost overhead to a height of up to 1.5 m. With a kicking hand, he swings down and back, the body weight is transferred to the leg corresponding to the kicking hand. The movement of the arm continues from back to front, the ball is hit from front to back, the body turns towards the net. The top side serve can also be performed after one or more steps, which makes it possible to increase the impact force (Fig. 5).

Transfers. The game uses the transfer of the ball from above with two hands, being in the support position, in a jump and with falls.

Pass from above with two hands. In the initial positions, the player's torso is located vertically, the legs are shoulder-width apart or one leg is somewhat in front. The degree of bending of the legs depends on the height of the trajectory of the ball. Hands are carried out in front of the face, the hands are optimally tense. As the ball approaches, the player begins an oncoming movement by straightening his legs, torso and arms. When performing a shock movement at the moment of contact with the ball, the fingers first absorb the oncoming flight of the ball, then the hands and fingers straighten elastically and elastically, giving the ball a new translational motion. The index and middle fingers are the main striking part, the ring and little fingers hold the ball in the lateral direction. Giving the ball a new direction with a certain trajectory requires an increase in muscle effort, which is manifested in the coordinated movement of the legs, torso and arms (Fig. 6). When passing back, the player raises his arms, placing them with the back of his hands above his head, unbends his legs, tilts his body up and back. The transmission is performed by extending the arms in the elbow joints and moving the body back and forth, with simultaneous bending in the thoracic and lumbar parts of the spinal column.

In the event that the ball flies high and is directed behind the player, an overhand pass is performed with two hands or one in a jump. During the jump, the arms are carried above the head slightly higher than when passing in the support. Pushing off the support, the player turns his arms up and passes at the highest point of the jump. When passing the ball in a jump back behind the head, the technique of movement remains the same as when passing from a support position. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a fall with a roll onto the back, with a fall on the hip_back are used when the ball flies directly at the player or away from him.

Attack blows. The game of volleyball uses direct, side attacking strikes and strikes with a twist of the hand and torso.

A direct attacking strike is characterized by a combination of movements that are complex in coordination (Fig. 7). Preparation for the execution of a direct attacking blow is carried out due to accelerated walking, turning into a run. The rhythm of the run-up depends significantly on the speed and trajectory of the ball passing to perform an attacking hit. The run-up length is 2_3 steps and a jump. In the jump, the foot of the forward leg is placed on the heel (stopping step), the second leg is attached to the first, the straightened arms are retracted. Repulsion from the support begins with a swinging movement of the arms in an arc from behind_forward_up even before active extension of the legs. In volleyball, the upward jump is usually as high as possible, so the player must push off as hard as possible. Simultaneously with the take-off, the player swings the striking arm up-back, bends in the chest and lower back, bends the legs slightly at the knee joints, the right shoulder (if right hand shock) takes back, the left hand, slightly bending at the elbow joint, takes it up_to the side. At the moment of hitting the ball, the kicking arm straightens at the elbow joint, the muscles of the abdomen, chest and arms stretched during the swing contract sharply. The arm is straightened, the hand is superimposed on the ball in a relaxed state, the blow is performed in a certain direction. After hitting the ball, the player lands on knees bent and on the front of the feet.

When performing a side attacking strike, the movements are almost the same as a direct attacking strike. The difference is that when swinging and hitting, there is movement, as in the upper side serve (Fig. 8).

When performing attacking strokes with the transfer of the arm and body, the movements are almost similar to the direct attacking stroke, with the difference in the striking movement, in which the player, at the moment of hitting the ball, turns the hand and torso in the direction he needs.

Reception of the ball from below with two hands. Balls flying at waist level (or below the waist) are usually taken from below with both hands. In this case, the hands are connected together and brought forward. When the ball approaches, the player unbends his legs, the torso lifts slightly up and forward. The ball is hit with the forearms, then the arms are shifted forward_up by straightening the torso and extending the legs (Fig. 9).

Reception of the ball from below with one hand. Balls flying far from the player are accepted with one hand, after the player's preliminary movement. The percussive movement is performed with a tense brush. Of great importance for successful play in defense is the reception of the ball from below with one hand in the fall forward or to the side, followed by sliding on the chest and stomach. Performing a lunge forward, and then a push with the foot, the player sends the body down_forward, the hands for the upcoming swing movement are somewhat laid back. Simultaneously with the push, the leg located behind is swung up, the player's torso moves forward_up, the angle of its inclination to the horizontal increases. The ball is hit in flight with the back of the hand or with the fist. After hitting the ball, the player stretches his arms forward and spreads to the sides slightly wider than his shoulders. When landing on hands, shock absorption is carried out mainly by the yielding movement of the belt. upper limbs. The torso bends in the lower back, lowering down_forward until the chest and abdomen come into contact with the platform. Landing is accompanied by a sliding of the torso along the platform, while the chin deviates somewhat back.

It is very effective to receive the ball from below with one hand in the fall with a somersault over the shoulder after hitting the ball.

Blocking. Having determined the direction and height of the transfer of the ball for an attacking strike, the player moves to the intended meeting place with the ball with side steps, a jump or a slow run. At the same time, his legs are slightly bent at the knees, and his arms are at the elbow joints, the hands are at the level of the head. Before blocking, the player bends his legs more at the knees and ankle joints, feet shoulder-width apart, and the forearms of bent arms rise slightly above the head. When blocking offensive shots made after normal passes, the player is pushed off the support at the moment when the attacker is in an unsupported position. Having determined the actions of the attacker, the blocker is repelled from the support, while the movement begins with the arms and then with the legs. With a sharp extension of the legs, straightening of the torso and an energetic swing of the arms, the player assumes a vertical position.

The hands are carried over the net so that the forearms have a slight inclination in relation to the net, the fingers are spread slightly less than the diameter of the ball and are optimally tense. When the ball approaches, the arms move forward_up towards the opponent. At the same time, the hands are bent into wrist joints and fingers move forward_down. After blocking, the player lands on bent legs(Fig. 10).

The movements described above relate to the technique of performing a motionless blocking. Movable blocking is similar to fixed blocking. If for a motionless blocking, the hands are placed above the net in order to cover a certain area of ​​the court, then with a moving block, the player moves his hands to the right or left, depending on the direction of the attacking strike. If shots are blocked from the edges of the net, the palm of the hand closest to the edge turns inward so that when the block is hit, the ball bounces into the opponent's court.

The technique for blocking offensive punches after various passes is almost the same as described above. The exception is the moment of repulsion from the support, which corresponds to the beginning of the unsupported phase of the attacker.

Technical training is aimed at teaching the technique of movements and its improvement, which serves as a means of conducting a competitive struggle. To create the most favorable conditions for learning the techniques of the game, training should be built according to the following plan:

1. General familiarization with the reception of the game.

2. Performing a reception under simplified conditions.

3. Performing the reception in conditions close to the game.

4. Improving reception in a game situation.

The following are examples of exercises for technical training young volleyball players.

1. Those involved are located behind the front line of the site and take the position of the player's conditioned stance. According to a certain signal (visual or auditory), they move with a double or side step, jump or lunge (to the right, to the left, to the sides).

2. Those involved are located in ranks behind the end line. On a certain signal, they run to the net, then back forward back. The same, but with an imitation of a certain game technique.

3. Trainees are located in two columns in zones 1 and 5 (Fig. 2). On a signal, they run to zone 6, stop and imitate a certain method of the game.

4. Location in the ranks. Starting accelerations forward, to the right, to the left from various positions: sitting facing and back to the direction of movement; lying on your back and on your stomach with your head and legs in the same direction.

5. Arrangement in a column, one behind the end line. The first player from zone 1 accelerates to zone 2, from where he moves along the net with side steps to zone 4, and then back forward, back to zone 5. From zone 5, the player moves to zone 6, where he stops and imitates receiving the ball from below with both hands , goes to the end of the column.

6. Location is the same as in exercise 5. The first player accelerates to zone 6, simulates receiving the ball from below with one hand, then moves to zone 2, where he simulates an attacking hit. From zone 2 he returns backwards to zone 6, from where, having run to zone 4 to the net, he performs blocking, again moves backwards to zone 6 and goes to the end of the column.

In order to better master the technique of performing movement, it is recommended to use various outdoor games. We offer several of them.

"Sharp eye". While walking or running on a visual signal, students perform predetermined actions. For example, a raised hand means that the students must lunge forward and assume the volleyball player's conditioned stance. Option: both hands raised up mean that you need to perform two to three side steps, take a low stance of a volleyball player and imitate a pass with two hands from above.

"Falling stick". Those involved are built in a circle with a diameter of 6-7 m, calculated in order. In the center of the circle is the leader, who holds the stick, which is in a vertical position, by the upper end. The driver calls the number of one of the players and releases the upper end of the stick. The one who was called should make a lunge and, without letting the stick fall, pick it up. If he managed to complete the task, then he returns to his place, and if he did not have time, he replaces the driver, and the game continues. Gradually, the distance to the stick increases, and the players perform a run, followed by a jump and a stop. Option: with the development of the skill of moving to a stick, it can be replaced with a ball and the “Falling Ball” game can be played.

"Day and night". Two teams stand in the middle of the site with their backs to each other at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m. One team is “day”, the other is “night”. Each team has a “house” on its side of the court. After the words of the driver “day”, “day” quickly runs away to his “house”, and “night” catches up. Then everyone returns to their original places; count those caught. The game is repeated. The team that catches the most opponents wins. Variations: The teams are called "Crows" and "Sparrows"; the players do not stand with their backs to each other, but sideways, facing, sitting.

1. The location of those involved in the line one at a time. Multiple tossing of the ball to different heights, depending on the method of delivery.

2. Students stand at the wall in a column one at a time. The first player tosses the ball and swings and hits the ball against the wall in the chosen way of serving, then goes to the end of the column, and the exercise continues with the next one.

3. Students stand in two lines at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. Players in the first rank serve to the side of the players in the second rank.

4. Those involved are located on both sides of the site in lines opposite the net, c. 5 - 6 m from it and serve in the chosen way through the net. The same, but those involved are located on the front lines of the site.

5. Those engaged in the column, one at a time, are located at the place of delivery and serve in the chosen way.

6. Serves are carried out in certain zones and according to landmarks located on the site.

"Whose bounce is next." The game is played in the gym or anywhere where there is a wall. Players alternately throw a tennis (rubber) ball against the wall from below (from above) with one hand. The rebound distance is fixed. Whose rebound is further is the winner. Option: limit the section of the wall against which the ball is thrown.

"Who will throw further." Participants are divided into 3-4 groups and lined up in lines (one after the other). Each player in the first line holds a small stuffed ball (hockey or tennis). The referees are away from the throw line. At the throwing line, located 2 m from the first rank, the throw lines are marked: at a distance of 10 m - the first, at a distance of 12 - the second, etc. On a signal, the players of the first rank take turns throwing balls with one hand from below or from above. Judges evaluate each throw in points: a ball thrown over the first line - one point, for the second - two points, etc. Option: throws are made through a rope stretched at a certain height (2-3 m); each makes two throws (right and left hand).

"Precise delivery". Before the game, two teams line up behind the end lines of the volleyball court, which is divided into several squares on both sides of the net. In each square - a number indicating the number of points awarded for hitting after serving in this square. The first player of one of the teams takes the ball, calls the number and sends the ball over the net in a predetermined way of serving. If the ball lands exactly in the specified zone, the player receives the corresponding number of points. If he fell into another zone, 2 points are calculated from the number named by the player. In the event that the ball touches the net or the player steps over the service line while serving, no points are awarded. The player, after serving, stands at the end of his column. Serves are performed by teams in turn. The results are summed up when each participant in the game is in the role of a server (once or twice). The sum of the points determines the winning team.

Psychological preparation

Psychological preparation is carried out in unity with physical, technical and tactical.

Volleyball is characterized by high emotional and intellectual saturation. The emotional state of volleyball players greatly affects their game activity. Self-control and emotional stability helps the volleyball player to maintain the accuracy of movements, the clarity of tactical thought. High emotional uplift and good moral and strong-willed training often lead to victory over a stronger opponent. The volitional qualities of volleyball players are manifested in overcoming difficulties due to the peculiarities of the game.

Purposefulness and perseverance is expressed in an active and steady desire to improve sportsmanship, in diligence in training sessions.

Endurance, courage and self-control are expressed in overcoming negative emotional states, often associated with a certain risk when performing quick movements, jumps, throws when receiving the ball.

Decisiveness and discipline are expressed in the ability to make the right decisions, boldly take responsibility in difficult game situations, in the ability of volleyball players to bring creativity and initiative into the game, in the ability to subordinate their actions to the tasks of the team based on the awareness of the need to fulfill their duty. All these qualities are inextricably linked and mutually conditioned.

The psychological preparation of volleyball players is determined by the nature of game actions and the characteristics of the competition. The implementation of most of the game's techniques is associated with the rapidity of the reaction, quick switching from one form of movement to another, with the correct orientation on the court. The complexity of game actions lies in the fact that the entire arsenal of techniques has to be used in various combinations and conditions that are completely different in speed and nature. The game of a volleyball player is associated with the performance of response actions in conditions of acute shortage of time, and therefore he is required to respond as quickly as possible, accuracy and timeliness of perceptions and response movements.

The effectiveness of technical and tactical actions is largely determined by good peripheral vision of volleyball players, high level their development of intensity, stability, distribution and switching of attention. A volleyball player has to simultaneously perceive a large number of objects that determine the amount of his attention, instantly switch and distribute it. For example, he monitors the flight of the ball from the serve, then receives it, simultaneously distributing his attention - determining the distance to the ball and to his partners, watching how his players and the players of the opposing team move.

Playing in the attack from the first gear, the player's exit from the back line to the net to organize attacks, the organization of various options for defensive and attacking actions - all this makes high demands on the thinking of volleyball players. They need to be able to quickly and accurately navigate and evaluate the actions of partners and opponents in a game environment, independently make effective tactical decisions, unravel the opponent's plans and anticipate the results. It is in the tactical actions of volleyball players that their creative thinking, memory, representation and imagination are realized.

One of the important psychological features of the motor activity of volleyball players is the ability to perform accurate and differentiated spatial, temporal and muscle perceptions.

Thus, exercises related to the psychological preparation of young volleyball players should take one of the main places in the training process.

Volleyball is one of the most popular games in Russia. The massive, truly popular character of volleyball is explained by its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the simplicity of the equipment. A special advantage of volleyball as a means of physical education is its specific quality - the possibility of self-dosing the load, i.e. the correspondence between the preparedness of the player and the load that he receives. This makes volleyball a game accessible to people of all ages.

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  • The basic rules of volleyball were invented by the creator of this game (William Morgan) in 1895. He borrowed some elements of tennis, handball, baseball and basketball. The first net for this game was borrowed from tennis, its height is 1970 millimeters. Instead of a ball, the players used a basketball camera. In domestic open spaces, this sport also quickly gained popularity.

    The basic rules of volleyball briefly for schoolchildren

    If we describe the rules of this game as abbreviated as possible, we can highlight the following points:

    • Athletes are divided into two game groups of six people.
    • The victory is awarded to the team with 25 points.

    One point is awarded in such cases:

    • After the ball touches the territory of the opponent's court.
    • If an unsuccessful serve by the opponent is carried out into the net or out.
    • When touched by an athlete from another team on the grid.
    • If the opponent made a spade on someone else's half of the site.
    • When crossing the end line while serving the ball.
    • In the event of a fourth or more touch by the opposing team or a double by one player.

    One match lasts three games, each up to 25 points. If the teams have 24 points each, the game lasts up to two points advantage.

    Let's start with the features of the site. Unlike basketball, in this game it has strict boundaries. The obligatory size observed up to a few millimeters is 1800 x 900 centimeters. This is due to the fact that often it is the minimum distance that separates the hit from the out-of-bounds from the earned point. The height of the net for men and women in this sport is different. For the weaker sex, it is 2240 mm (for volleyball players - 2430 mm).

    Scoring Features

    Initially, the basic rules of volleyball provided for the conduct of the game up to 15 points. With the exception of the fifth round, it was possible to score points only after your submission. The modern version of the game allows you to score points in any way allowed, with any mistake being treated in favor of the opponent. A winning result is achieved with 25 points in one game. Winnings are awarded based on the results of three sets. If it is impossible to determine the winner in four games, a shortened round is played up to 15 points.

    About lineups

    Each team of volleyball players can enter up to 14 athletes for the match (previously - 12). No more than six players can be on the court at the same time.

    Another interesting point is the libero position. It appeared in the basic rules of volleyball at the end of the last century. This player is dressed in a uniform that is different from the equipment of his teammates, has the right to replace any volleyball player of the back line. However, he cannot take part in the attack. More about this position in the next section.


    To make it clearer to beginner volleyball fans, the libero is focused on high-quality ball reception. Not all tall athletes can quickly group and boast the desired degree of coordination. Liberos often take the position of the central blockers, since they are the most dimensional and slow-moving. He can also act as a diagonal or connecting player.

    Attacking actions

    Mostly, the main attack goes on the third touch of the ball. The first stage is the reception and transmission to the connecting player. The second stage is the choice of a partner for carrying out attacking actions. Completion - directly blow.

    If the opponent allowed a poor-quality reception of the ball, it is quite possible to perform a one-touch attack. Fraudulent blows also have the right to exist when, instead of passing to his partner, a volleyball player sends the ball to the opponent's side.

    As a rule, the attack involves a diagonal player, a finisher and blocking players. The main kick is carried out in a jump over the net. In this case, the ball must pass between two control antennas placed strictly on the boundaries of the site.


    Let's continue to study briefly the basic rules of the game of volleyball. In a duel, it is not enough to achieve success just to approach the net and send the ball harder to the other side. Defense plays an important role in this sport. The main task in this case is to bring the ball to the connecting player. This must be done as efficiently as possible in order to ensure the subsequent development of a new attack.

    All volleyball players of the team can receive the serve, observing rationality and accuracy. Holding the ball or placing the hands incorrectly when receiving is fraught with a point for the opposing team. There have been attempts to introduce a rule about the first touch when receiving exclusively with hands from below. However, this recommendation did not take root. In addition, players can receive the ball with their head or foot.

    Zone distribution

    During rallies, each athlete on the court must be in a certain area, making transitions during the match. For non-compliance with this rule, the referee will penalize the team by one point. The basic rules of volleyball provide for six zones. At the starting arrangement, they are distributed among the participants in the fight. During the game, athletes must move after each transition of the ball from a larger to a smaller area (for example, a player from zone No. 6 moves to fifth, and from first to sixth, and so on).

    Simply put, every volleyball player must complete all six positions. But there is one caveat here. Mandatory placement is performed only for the time the opponent's ball is served, then players of different lines can enter each other's zones. Blocking defenders usually move to the familiar third zone when receiving, just as the setter to pass the pass moves to a convenient part of the court.

    How is the submission made?

    The serve must be completed within thirty seconds of the point being scored. Another eight seconds are given to the player to carry it out after the referee's whistle, otherwise the right will be transferred to the opposing team. When serving, it is not allowed to catch the ball or make a spade on the playing part of the court. If the blow was made before the whistle, it is taken again. When the ball hits the net, own territory, out of bounds or antenna, a point is awarded to the opponent.


    Studying briefly the basic rules of the game of volleyball, attention should be paid to the draw. This moment has many nuances, as in many game types sports. Among them, we highlight the following features:

    • Neither team has the right to perform more than three touches during the rally (the block is not considered a violation).
    • Any contact with the grid is not allowed.
    • Back row volleyball players can only attack from their zone, otherwise a foul is counted.
    • One team member is not allowed to make more than two touches of the ball.
    • You can not take the ball in your hands, go over to the side of the opponent, distract the referee with conversations or gestures.
    • Striking and other physical contact with an opponent is strictly not allowed.

    Video replays

    The development of digital and information technologies allowed the athletes to verify the correctness of the decision of the arbitrator by viewing the moment on the monitor in the recording. These introductions, even briefly in the basic rules of volleyball, do not have a single format. The best option is still under development. In each country, the moment happens in its own way.

    For example, in Russia each team has the right to two reviews in each game. If the replay shows that the referee made a mistake, it remains valid. Otherwise, the team loses the right to one review. If two attempts are burned out, all controversial points in the game are interpreted in favor of the arbitrator's decision.

    About violations

    • Touching the ball more than three times during a rally by players of the same team.
    • Similar violation by double touch by one participant.
    • Grid clinging.
    • Spade by a volleyball player of the back line when attacking.
    • Holding the ball or double-touching it when receiving.

    The following violations are most often encountered during filing:

    • Foot step on the territory of the site (serving is made outside its boundaries).
    • Tossing and then holding the ball in the hands.
    • Serving before the referee's whistle.
    • Failing to maneuver within eight seconds of the signal (the right to perform passes to another team).


    The team that starts the match is determined by lot.

    The serve is carried out not by one player, but by all athletes in turn (after the transition). The purpose of the serve is to complicate the game process for the opponent, sending the ball to his territory as efficiently and strongly as possible.

    If the team scores a point after the kick, the same player serves. To achieve victory will allow preliminary coordination of attack and defense tactics.

    The main aspects of volleyball rules appeared in Russia in 1925, and have changed little since then. 12 players play, divided into 2 teams. The game is watched by the referee, whose place is attached to a pole next to one of the antennas. The main contingent of volleyball players in our country: people from 25 to 55 years old.

    Short story

    The game of volleyball appeared in 1895 and was invented by William J. Morgan. William Morgan mixed elements of basketball, baseball, tennis and handball.

    The first volleyball net was borrowed from tennis and was 197 cm (6’6″) high. A basketball chamber was used as a ball. Later, at the YMCA conference of young Christians, the game was given the name "volleyball", and in 1897 the first official rules appeared. In 1949, the first men's world championship was held, in which the USSR team took first place.

    General rules

    Players are divided into two teams: each of 6 people. 25 points are required to win. One point is awarded:

    • When the ball touches the ground in the opponent's half of the court.
    • In case of unsuccessful submission of the opponent (into the net, out of bounds).
    • When an opposing player touches the net.
    • When an opponent player steps into your half of the court.
    • When stepping over the front line in the serve.
    • When the ball is touched for the fourth time or more by the opposing team, or when the ball is touched twice by the same player.

    In the official rules, the game is played in 3 games. Each game up to 25 points. If both teams have 24 points, the game continues until one of the teams has a 2-point lead. For example, such a score could be 30:28 or 26:24.

    The right to the first serve is played between teams by throwing the ball by the referee or a “candle” from the floor.

    The game has a transition system. It works according to the following principle:

    • Team 1 serves Team 2 the ball and the rally wins a point.
    • The next submission is in progress. And so on until team 2 scores a point for team 1.
    • The right to serve passes to team 2.
    • Team 2 serves until team 1 scores.
    • In this case, team 1 makes a transition: all players move clockwise and take the places of their neighbors. Those. the player from zone 1 goes to zone 6. The player from zone 6 goes to zone 5, and so on.

    Important nuance: the first time any command is given, no transition occurs!

    If a power hit or glider is used on the serve, the server may land on the court after the hit. The main thing that the server tossed the ball from behind the endline.

    Technical aspects

    • Net height for men: 2.43 m. For women: 2.24 m.
    • Site perimeter: 18 x 9 meters.
    • The circumference of the volleyball is 65-67 cm, and the weight of the ball is 250-280 g.
    • The site consists of 6 zones, divided by numbers.


    Volleyball consists of the following items: serve, receive, pass, striker, block.


    Produced from behind the front line. In no case should you step over the front line until the ball is tossed! The serve is lower, upper, twisted, gliding and power in the jump. Lightest: bottom. Suitable for beginners. The ball in this case is beaten from below with the back of the hand. It turns out a kind of "candle". The most difficult: power in the jump. Is an element of an attacking strike, practiced by professionals or very good players. A good power supply can only be received from below.

    Separately, there is a planning feed. Such a ball does not fly in a straight line, but along a sinusoid, slipping out of the hands when received. Served from the spot or from a small jump. Straight blow with outstretched palm to the center of the ball.

    The serve must be in the opponent's field and as difficult as possible to take.


    50% of the balls are in the center of the court on the libero. Diagonal ones also participate in the reception. A player of the first pace does NOT participate in the reception and EXTREMELY RARE players of the second pace participate.

    In professional volleyball, you can only take the ball with a lower reception. But in amateurs there are often light serves that can be taken from above. Ideally, the receiver should cross the ball high to the first pace player (passer) at a distance of 1 meter from the net into the 3rd zone.


    Having received the ball, the player of the second pace with the top transfer hangs a pass for a kick to the 2nd or 4th zone. The pass can be "deceptive" - ​​behind the back, back. Less often, the passer throws the ball over him to hit the diagonal from the 1st and 5th zones. If the diagonal one hits, then he must jump BEFORE the line of attack! Otherwise, the point is counted in favor of the opponent.

    Forward kick

    Players and diagonal players participate in the attack. Pulling behind the line of attack, they make a run-up and a biting blow, trying to hit the ball as hard and accurately as possible. It brings 60% of the team's points.

    Libero in professional volleyball does not participate in attack.


    A well-placed block brings the team up to 40% of points in professional volleyball. The block is usually played by the players and the player of the second pace. The block is placed by one, two or - which happens mainly with professionals - by three players. The main nuance of the block: jump in time and stretch along the net, straightening both arms rigidly. Thus, the blocker blocks the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits platform for the attacker, making it difficult to maneuver the attack.

    The decisive factor on the block is the height of the player. The higher it is, the better the block is.

    Position and placement of players on the court

    • First pace player(central blocker, setter, "passer") - stands under the net, gives a pass to the attackers in the 2nd or 4th zone, and also blocks the attacking blows of the enemy. Does not participate in admission. If he was given a pass to hit, then such a pass is usually short and low: literally half a meter above the net. The number of the central blocker is 3rd. This is usually the tallest player on the team.
    • Second rate players(end players) - attack from the edges of the grid, participate in all elements of the game: reception, block, serve (after the transition), pass and attacking blow. On the site their numbers: 2nd and 5th. Their task is both to score the ball by playing against the opponent's block, and to put an effective block along with the central blocker against the attack. Usually they attack in any zone except the 6th, because. there stands at the reception libero - the main defender of the team. Usually they do not participate in the reception.
    • Diagonal- the tallest and strongest players. Their main task is to attack and serve. They also participate in the block. This is the main strength of the team, bringing her points. The diagonal ones do not participate in the reception, they are located diagonally to each other on the site. They stand at numbers 1 and 4. They attack from the second line, insuring an unsuccessful pass of the setter. The diagonal number "1" has no right to hit from the 2nd or 4th zone! His run and strike must take place BEFORE the line of attack.
    • Libero- the player of the second line at number 6. He is located in the very center of his court. This is the main defender of the team, responsible for receiving innings and power punches. Usually this is the shortest member of the team, because. he has to fall frequently and retrieve low power balls. The Libero does not participate in the attack, cannot block and pass the ball from above while being in a three-meter zone near the net.

    Beach volleyball rules

    The "beach" is played barefoot and in light clothes: swimming trunks, shorts, T-shirts, bathing suit. The game is played two-on-two. The basic rules are the same: no more than three touches, the ball must not fly into the net or out of bounds when serving, you can block, players must not step onto the opponent's field and touch the net. A system of transitions has also been introduced: players change places after a goal is scored.

    An important difference from classic volleyball is that the attacking blow must be accompanied by a slap on the ball. In the classics, discounts are allowed.

    Video for the lazy

    Volleyball is a common game in Russia, but hardly everyone knows the specifics of this game.

    Volleyball is a common game in Russia, but hardly everyone knows the specifics of this game.

    1. Area. In football, there are only standards for fields with a minimum allowable size. Hockey players play in the NHL and at the world championships at different venues. In basketball, not only are the sizes of the courts different, but the three-second zones and the distance for a three-point shot are different. There were times when the rings were of different standards. In general, a complete mess reigns in these sports.

    But in volleyball there is a strict order. Everything is regulated here. The site can be strictly 18 by 9 meters in size. And at the same time it is counted almost to the millimeter. By the centimeter, yes. This is often what separates an ace from an out.

    Volleyball is much easier for girls than basketball. In basketball, no one thought about the weak field. As a hundred years ago they raised the ring to a height of just over three meters, so jump there like a man. Therefore, there are no spectacular dunks in women's basketball.

    Volleyball took this into account. For men, the net is at a height of 2.43 m and for women it is 2.24 m.

    2. Compound. Each team can enter 14 players for the match (recently there were 12). But at the same time, only six players can be on the court.

    3. Libero. The libero position appeared in volleyball at the end of the last century. A player of this position can replace any player on the back line. At the same time, the libero does not have the right to take part in attacking actions and cannot even score points by chance. Although it happens that when catching the most difficult ball, he launches it to the other side and brings a point, but to the team, and not to himself. Liberos cannot be selfish.

    For simplicity, let's explain that a libero is needed for high-quality reception, since not all tall players have the necessary coordination. Therefore, all coaches (yes, I'm not kidding, absolutely everyone and everything) release liberos instead of central blockers. Since it is these guys who are the most dimensional and clumsy, like tanks during the First World War. But in principle, no one prevents the coach from releasing a libero instead of a setter, a diagonal player or an underscorer. By the way, the libero can always be easily identified on the court. The color of his playing uniform is different from that used by his partners.

    4. Points set. In the last century, all games were played up to 15 points, but you could only score points from your serve (with the exception of the fifth game). Now the rules are different. Points can be scored in any way and every player's mistake can lead to a fatal outcome! You can't go wrong anymore! A mistake is a point in favor of the opposing team. And if there are absolutely 25 of them in one set from one team, most likely this team lost the set.

    Each game lasts up to 25 points, and victory in a match comes after winning three games. If, after four games, the winner is not revealed, a shortened game (tie-break) is played, which lasts up to 15 points.

    5. Attack. As a rule, all attacking actions are performed on the third touch. The first touch is the reception and transmission to the binder. The second touch is the choice of the connecting direction of attack. The third touch is an attacking blow.

    There are times when a player can attack with the first touch, but the prerequisite for this should be a poor reception of the opponent. In this case, the first touch is called - hitting the passing ball. By the way, the setter can also turn out to be cunning, like Steve Jobs, so instead of passing to his partner, he can send the ball to the opponent's side. This is called a spoof.

    But mostly they attack the diagonal, the finishers and the blockers. The kick must be made over the net in a jump (unless, of course, your height is not 3 meters). And the ball must pass between the two antennas, which are located exactly on the boundaries of the court.

    That is, if a mess can occur in tennis when one player runs too far to the side and hits the opponent's court, bypassing the net, and this will be a point, this will not happen in volleyball.

    6. Zone. It's not quite a prison, but it has its own rules. They must be observed. For it is the law! And the team that violated it will be condemned by the judge for one point. There are six zones in volleyball. These zones are fixed by the players during the starting arrangement, and then after each ball transition, the volleyball players move through the zones from larger to smaller.

    In other words, each of the volleyball players must go through all six arrangements. In fact, this is not entirely true. The arrangement should be carried out only for the time the opponent's balls are served, and then the guys change as you want. Moreover, the rules of volleyball do not prohibit the players of the front line to go back and help in the reception.

    Therefore, blockers always, even if they are in the 4th or 2nd zone (they do not exist on the back line), quickly move to their native 3rd. Cunning and setter. He immediately runs from any formation to the 3rd zone, from where he gives a pass.

    7. Protection. It would seem that volleyball is just “go up to the net and jump like crazy on the ball.” But no. The fundamental basis of volleyball is reception and defensive play. The main goal of the defending team is to bring the ball to the setter. Moreover, it is of the highest quality, so that he does not have to run all over the site and swear at everyone that he runs a lot.

    All volleyball players can participate in the reception. But everything must be done very carefully. If you place your hands incorrectly and hold the ball a little, an angry referee will start whistling, who will immediately give a point to the other team.

    Previously, they tried to introduce the rule that the first touch in the reception must be done with the hands from below. But nothing good came of it. Therefore, receiving hands from above is still allowed. Volleyball players who could carry out a qualitative reception of the ball with their head or foot have not yet been born, but such a technique is not forbidden by the rules of volleyball.

    8. Innings. It must take place no more than 30 seconds from the moment the point is scored. And at the same time, the server has eight seconds to serve after the referee's whistle, otherwise the opponent will serve. When serving, you can not catch the ball or step on the playing area with your foot. If the serve was completed before the whistle, it is repeated. If the ball hits the antenna, net or out, it's a point to the opponent.

    9. Draw. Despite the abundance of complex rules that simply never fit in the head of a football player, there are much more rules in volleyball and they are much more complicated. Especially when the serve is completed and the ball is being played. Especially when the draw is long. None of the teams during the rally has the right to make more than three touches (with the exception of a touch on the block). Any touch of the grid is prohibited. Players who are on the back line can only attack from the back line. Otherwise there will be an interception. One player cannot make two touches in a row (and sometimes you want to). And even more so, take the ball in your hands and ask the referee: “Have we used the entire limit of touches yet?” It is also forbidden during a rally to go over to the opponent's side to shake hands with an opponent's player. And even more so to hit him. However, this is prohibited even during the service and change of sides.

    10. View. IN last years With the accelerated growth of technology, teams have the opportunity, if they wish, to verify the correctness of the decisions of the referee. These rules are not yet strictly regulated anywhere, and different countries have their own approach. The best option is still being sought.

    At the start of the 2014-15 season in Russia, this rule worked like this. Each team has two reviews in each set. If the review showed that the arbitrator made a mistake, it remains in force, if not, the team “burns out” the right to one review. "Burned" two viewings - you have to not be picky and listen to the judge, after all, at least twice he was right.

    Volleyball is played on a 9x18 meter court. The entire site is divided into two equal halves by a middle line, over which a grid is suspended. The height of the net depends on the age and gender of the players. The game is played by 12 players (6 players on each side) and is played with a ball weighing 250 grams and with a circumference of 65-68 centimeters.

    The point of the game is to keep the ball from falling on your own court by making efforts to drop it on the side of the opposing team. The actions of the players, limited by the rules, are performed by game techniques: serving, passing, attacking with a blow and blocking. The starting positions for game techniques will be stances (during actions on the spot) and movements (during actions on the move).

    The game consists of three or five parties, in each the score is kept up to 15 points. The team that wins two games out of three or three out of five wins. If one team wins the first game and the other team wins the second game, then the third one is decisive. Similar conditions apply for a game of five games. After each game, the teams change courts.

    The position of the players on the court is as follows. Three players take a place on the front line near the net, the rest - on the back line, but in such a way that you can control the entire area. Volleyball players who are on the front line participate in receiving and passing the ball, attack, block, and secure each other. Back row players serve, receive and pass the ball, secure, but do not have the right to go to the front line to attack and block.

    The game starts with one of the teams kicking the ball. The right to the first serve is determined by a draw, which is carried out by the referee with the team captains. Moreover, the captain of the team, who won the lot, gets the right to choose the site or to the first serve.

    When the players take their places on the court, the referee gives the command to start the game. No more than 5 seconds are allotted for submission. One player serves until his team makes a mistake. If this happens, the ball is passed to the opponent. In this case, the team that played the serve moves the players from zone to zone in a clockwise direction.

    Each team, taking the ball from the opponent's serve, has the right to three successive touches. If two players of the same team touch the ball at the same time, two touches are counted. If the ball lingers over the net between the hands of players from different teams, then the game stops. A re-submission is made to draw a dropped ball.

    The ball is considered out of the game if it flew past the restrictive tapes on the net, which are attached above the projection of the side lines, or touched objects outside the court. Side and front lines (marking) are included in the area of ​​the playing field.

    A team forfeits the service or the opponent wins a point if:

    The ball falls on its own court;

    The team makes more than three touches;

    The ball is thrown or held;

    The ball touched the player's body below the belt;

    The player touches the net;

    The player made two touches in a row;

    The player's foot is completely on the opponent's side and does not touch the midline;

    The player makes an offensive hit on the side of the opponent;

    The back line player from the attacking area throws the ball to the opponent's side, which is above the top edge of the net;

    A back row player was involved in the block and touched the ball;

    The team violates the formation at the time of the serve;

    The player, while hitting the ball, has the support of a teammate;

    The player receives a personal note;

    A player touches the ball or a player of the opposing team when the ball is on the opponent's side;

    The game is deliberately delayed;

    The replacement of a player was not correct;

    third rest break required after warning;

    Used more than 30 seconds for the second rest break;

    The player without the permission of the referee leaves the court during breaks in the game;

    Players take action to hinder the opponent;

    Blocking rules violated.

    The game is considered won if one of the teams scored 15 points with an advantage of at least 2 points. With a score of 14:14, the game continues until one of the teams achieves an advantage of 2 points (16:14; 17:15, etc.)

    The team is entitled to two breaks of 30 seconds in each game. Substitution of players is allowed, but no more than six in each game.

    Volleyball players must have the same uniform. Slippers should not have heels. Players are prohibited from wearing jewelry that may cause injury during the game. Numbers are put on the jerseys (from 1 to 99), and there should not be two or more players in the team with the same numbers on the jerseys.

    During the game, only the captain of the team can address the referee. The player has no right:

    Challenge the decision of the judges and make comments to them;

    Be tactless towards an opponent or make offensive remarks about players on the opposing team.

    Each player must know the rules of the game well, strictly follow them and observe the norms of behavior.


    The specificity of volleyball is partly contained in its very name: "volley" - on the fly, "ball" - the ball.

    One of the important tasks in volleyball is the task of determining the trajectory and speed of the ball and the ability to "go to the ball" in a timely manner - to take a comfortable starting position for receiving a pass, an attacking blow, blocking. The ability to quickly solve such problems can be developed with special exercises.

    The leading role is played by speed and strength in certain combinations. In this case, speed is paramount. muscle contraction and speed control. Particular importance is attached to the spatial accuracy of movements, which is essential for the first and second passes of the ball, innings, attacking blows.

    The speed of the motor reaction and the ability to control the time of movements are important.

    Another one distinguishing feature volleyball - the complexity and speed of solving motor problems in game situations. Volleyball must take into account the location of the players on the court, predict the actions of partners and unravel the intention of the enemy, quickly analyze the current situation, make a decision on the most appropriate action, and effectively perform this action. At speed game the degree and urgency of solving problems that depend on the speed of the players' actions are significantly increased.


    A special place in the technique of the game is occupied by racks and movements.

    In the technique of attack, there is one stand - the main one. With this stance, the legs are shoulder-width apart, bent at the knees, the torso is in a vertical position, the arms are bent at the elbows and are in front of the chest.

    When performing attack techniques, the player has to move. The movements can be done by walking or running in different directions.

    When performing attacking strikes, jumps are used with a push with two legs or one leg, from a place or run-up. A technique can be performed correctly only if the player, having moved in time, took the main stance.

    Passing is one of the main techniques in volleyball. Depending on the position of the hands when performing gears, upper and lower gears are distinguished with two and one hand. Basis for correct execution passing is the timely movement under the ball and the adoption of the main stance.

    Gears can be different in distance and height. By distance, short and long passes are distinguished, and by height - low, medium, high. A feature of long and high passes is more active footwork. When performing overhead passes, attention should be paid to the fact that the line of the player's shoulders was perpendicular to the direction in which the pass is made.

    A variation on top gear is the jump pass. It is the most difficult, as it is performed in an unsupported position. After moving under the ball, the player makes a jump up and takes out bent arms above his head. The transfer is performed at the highest point of the jump due to the active straightening of the arms at the elbow and wrist joints. A jump pass with an imitation of an attacking strike is called a "kickback".

    Serve is the way the ball is put into play. In modern volleyball, the serve is used not only to start the game, but also as a powerful means of attack. Serves are - lower straight, lower side, upper straight and upper side.

    All serves are carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in the rules: the serving player stands outside the area at the place of delivery, necessarily tosses the ball and directs it through the net to the opponent’s side with a blow from one hand.

    For the correct execution of any submission, it is required:

    1. Take the correct starting position

    2. Toss the ball correctly

    3. Strike in lower part ball with a certain force

    4. The blow must be made with a hard brush fixed in the radial joint.

    5. After the hit, the hand continues to move in the direction of the serve.

    An attacking blow is one of the complex technical techniques, combining the temporal and spatial parameters of a run, a jump and a ball kick. The attacking player closely interacts with the partner performing the transfer, and here it is very important that both of them interpret all the reception parameters in the same way and mutual understanding of the conditioned signals. The ability to deliver attacking blows with the right and left hands enriches the player's technical arsenal and significantly expands his tactical capabilities.

    The player must aim to hit the ball at the highest point of take-off, at the "dead spot". On it, he must strike the ball, regardless of the nature of the serve. The ball must always be slightly ahead of the player. This position is of decisive importance during strikes. From low and shooting gears, it helps the attacker to orient himself relative to the block. A run along a trajectory close to a right angle with respect to the net creates more tactical opportunities for the attacking player than a run along the net.

    Improving attacking blows is carried out both without counteraction of the block, and with passive or active resistance of blockers.

    It is useful for players to develop a kind of muscular feeling, I harness as high as possible in order to hit the ball at “their” height.

    The block is the main defensive technique. The blocking technique is simple: jump and reach over the top of the net. But not the last role is played by the movement of the player to the place where the block is placed.

    The player moves along the net with side or cross steps, running or walking, bending his arms, holding his hands at face level. While moving and jumping, the blocker's gaze is directed towards a non-attacking opposing player. By receiving a serve or attacking blow, as well as by the initial trajectory of the ball after the transfer, the blocker determines the direction and nature of the transfer to the attacker.


    The tactics of the game are the skills and reasonable organization of all the actions of the players in order to emerge victorious in the game. All actions of players in volleyball are divided into two categories: defensive and offensive actions. In accordance with this, the tactics of the game are made up of attack tactics and defense tactics. There are individual, group and team tactical actions in attack and defense.

    Defense tactics and attack tactics differ sharply at the extreme poles: organization of actions when receiving the ball from the opponent and the final attacking blow preceded by a second pass. However, when receiving the ball from the opponent, the player seeks to send it to the net so that his partners the best way could organize attacks. Here, defensive actions simultaneously act as attackers.

    Tactics are closely related to technology. No plan in the game can be accomplished without perfect mastery techniques games needed to fulfill this purpose.

    Taking into account their capabilities, each chooses a system of play in attack and defense, which provides for a rational organization of the actions of players in attack and defense.

    Tactical actions in the attack are carried out through serves, passes and actually attacking blows.

    The serving tactic has the main task - to introduce the ball into the game, making it extremely difficult to receive it and organize the subsequent actions of opponents.

    Transfer tactics. The main task when performing offensive passes is to create the most favorable conditions for the execution of the finishing blow.

    A poorly prepared player needs to perform an attacking blow good conditions: vertical transmission, sufficient height of the ball and in a certain place, the possibility of a run-up for a jump, the tactics of passing in such cases will be to create these most convenient conditions for an attacking strike.

    More difficult is to lead the player to perform an attacking hit in a place where the opponent can offer the least resistance. to this end, the pass is made by a player who, in order to fulfill this function, is forced to change in order to occupy a key position that allows diversification of simple passes. Therefore, in the tactics of transfers are used: simple transfers, transfers with a change of place, transfers for an attacking strike from the first transfer and transfers in a jump.

    Cheats in volleyball are most often used in combination with preparing for or passing an attacking shot. The tactics of these actions during attacking strikes will take place on the use of such mobility or inattention of individual players of the opposing team. With an incorrect placement of players on the court, especially with an increase in the number of blockers, places free from players appear. The presence of such empty seats is used in the so-called deception. Cheating is performed on those places that turned out to be free or the places from where the player moved in order to close the empty place.

    Defense tactics consist of a clear interaction of the front line players with each other (blocking and insurance), the back line players with each other and, finally, the interaction of the back line players and the front line players with each other.

    Blocking. The first action with which the team begins to defend against the attacking blow of the enemy is blocking. Blocking can be single or group (double, triple).

    Reception of the ball from the serve and from the attacking blow. The best technique for defensive actions on the back line - the necessary transfer of the ball with a possible softening of the blow. To this end, it is necessary to correctly determine the direction of the ball's flight and the place of its landing. Here, first of all, it is necessary to assess the situation: in what position is the ball hitting the player in relation to the ball and to the net, what, in accordance with this, will be the most likely direction of the ball from the attacking strike, what will be the steepness of the trajectory of its flight.

    The distance between the ball and the net determines the angle of the ball's flight after impact (without a block). Therefore, when passing the ball close to the net for an attacking strike, you should move forward in order to get to the place you need to receive the ball.

    Insurance. The need for insurance of a player's actions may appear in many cases: with poor mobility of individual players, imperfect possession of the transfer, etc., they are insured by teammates. The constant need for insurance arises with an attacking blow and block. While jumping, neither the kicker nor the blocker can move in response to opposition and action from the opponent. In this regard, it is necessary to insure these players.

    The tactical success of the insurance, as well as other defensive actions, depends on the anticipation of the actions of the players of the opposing team.


    Volleyball is one of the most popular games in Russia. The massive, truly popular character of volleyball is explained by its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the simplicity of the equipment. A special advantage of volleyball as a means of physical education is its specific quality - the possibility of self-dosing the load, i.e. the correspondence between the preparedness of the player and the load that he receives. This makes volleyball a game accessible to people of all ages.


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    2. Zheleznyak Yu.D. 120 volleyball lessons. - M: Physical culture and sports, 1965

    3. Mondozolevsky G.G. Player generosity. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984

    4. Fundamentals of volleyball./Comp. O. Chekhov. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1979

    5. Pravdin V.A. and others. Volleyball is a game for everyone - M .: Fizkultura and sport, 1966

    6. Sport games; Proc. for students ped. in-t on spec. No. 2114 “Phys. education” / V.D. Kovalev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988

    7. Furmanov A.G., Boldyrev D.M. Volleyball. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1983