Pioneers play pioneer ball. Pioneerball - the history of a sports game

Pioneerball is a ball sport in which teams compete on a court divided by a net. The game appeared in the 30s of the last century as a courtyard version of volleyball, and its name comes from the word "pioneer" - a member of the children's communist organization of the USSR.

The game uses volleyball(circumference 65-67 cm, weight - up to 300g). The site has dimensions of 18x9m. After the division by the net (height 2.43m for men's teams and 2.24m for women's), each team is on its own playing square 9x9m. In a team of 3 to 7 people, in accordance with the number, the game square is divided into conditional sections (an attached player is responsible for each). Participants in the game, catching the ball ( distinguishing feature from volleyball - the ball is caught and thrown, not beaten off), can take no more than 3 steps before throwing. When the ball hits the floor, the team that threw the ball scores a point. There are also a number of other situations of losing the ball - the players of the same team hit the ball more than 3 times in a row, the participant touched the net, hit the ball more than 2 times in a row, the ball touched the player below the belt and others.

One game lasts up to 15 points, before the next players change fields. Usually 2 games are played, but if the final score is 1:1, then the third game is played - the decisive game. There is a fascinating variation of this sport - pioneer ball with two balls. An interesting rule of this game is to award a point to the team on whose field there is not a single ball (respectively, there are 2 of them on the opponent’s court at once). Because of this, competitions acquire greater dynamism and entertainment.

Today this species sport is more popular in schools and children's health camps in the CIS. Also, like volleyball, this game has a beach variant. There are many tournaments various types pioneer ball, the winners of which meet at the championship of Russia. Also, sometimes demonstration games of pioneer ball are organized, which are included in the program of sports and other events.

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Presentation on the topic: Pioneerball

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general description Pionerball is a Russian version of the game of volleyball. An excellent alternative to volleyball, with very similar rules, with the same high prevalence and popularity. For amateurs, pioneer ball is a common entertainment and way of recreation, due to the simplicity of the rules and the availability of equipment.

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The history of the game Pionerball is a Soviet children's team ball game. The game appeared in the 1930s of the twentieth century, during the Soviet era. The name of the game comes from the fact that it was played by the pioneers of that time, and was intended primarily for children. school age. The game, which was often played not on special grounds, and sometimes even without a grid (they simply marked the boundaries of the field with something), became very popular. Now it is played mainly on the volleyball court.

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Pioneerball is a sports team game with a ball, similar in rules to volleyball, in which two teams compete. The main difference between pioneer ball and volleyball is that instead of hitting the ball, the players catch it, which greatly simplifies the game. The object of the game is to send the ball over the net to land it on the opponent's court and at the same time prevent the opponent from making the same attempt. Game Feature

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Pionerball, as a sports game at school, is characterized by high emotional saturation and contributes to the development of such basic physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, strength, increases functionality, forms various motor skills, has objective features of competitive struggle and gradually prepares children for a more difficult game of volleyball.

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Volleyball A volleyball is made up of six hexagonal pieces of leather (natural or artificial). Each part consists of three sections or rows. The ball can be multi-colored or white. Ball circumference 65-67 cm; weight - 260-280 gr. Volleyball net A regular volleyball net is used to play pioneer ball. Depending on the material, they can be rope or nylon with a steel or Kevlar cable. The net is set at a height of 225 cm for boys and 215 cm for girls. Inventory for the game

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Volleyball court For playing pioneer ball, a horizontal rectangular area is suitable, limited by markings and being the venue for volleyball matches. The surface of the court can be wooden, plastic, from a special mixture (tennis player) or earthen. The area is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The site is divided into two parts measuring 9×9 meters using a meter-wide grid. Each part is divided into two zones: - attack zone; - protection zone. The site is surrounded by free space (the so-called free zone), which has a side of at least 3 meters, in front and behind at least 5 meters.

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The game is played on a volleyball court with a volleyball. Each team usually has 6 people. The site is conditionally divided into 6 zones according to the number of players. In this game, as in volleyball, players move clockwise around the court to the next zone after winning a serve. The game is played according to the rules close to volleyball, on a standard volleyball court 18x9 m, consists of three games, each of which continues until one of the teams scores 25 points (with a difference of two points). The decisive third game is played up to 15 points. When the score is 24-24, or 14-14, the game continues until a 2-point advantage is reached. After dialing a certain amount points, the teams change sides of the field, and the second set is played. The team that wins two games in a row (2:0) becomes the winner. If the result after two sets is equal (1:1), then a third set is appointed, which determines the winning team. The right of the first serve in the match is played by lot, after each game the sides of the field are changed and the opposite team serves first. Basic rules of the game

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In the middle of the decisive (third) set, the sides are changed, the same player makes the serve after the change. The game starts on the whistle of the referee by the back row player, being within the court in the far right corner. The player makes a throw through the net to half the field of the opposing team. One of the players of the opposing team must catch the ball, and taking no more than three steps or one transfer of the ball and two steps in their own half of the court, throw it over the net back to the opponent's half of the field. And so on, until the ball hits the court - then the team that threw the ball gets one point.

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the ball touched the floor; the ball touched the player's body below the belt or rolled over the body; the ball flew over the net, but landed behind the lines limiting the area; the ball flew under the net or touched objects outside the court; the team has touched the ball more than three times; the player touches the ball twice in a row; the player took more than three steps with the ball in attack; the player touched the net; the player has crossed the middle line; the player has touched the ball which has landed behind the court line; an overstep on the back (front) line when the ball is served, the ball is considered lost by the receiving team, and the serving team loses the serve if: Loss of the ball, serves

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There are several varieties of pioneer ball, for example, a pioneer ball with two balls. Two teams of 6-8 players each play. In this variant, the goal of the players is for both balls not to be in their own half of the court at the same time, but to touch the hands or the ground in the opponent's half of the field. In this case, the game stops and the team that has two balls on the court loses the point. Balls that collided in the air are returned for a new serve. The rest of the rules are similar to the main version of the pioneer ball. Interesting to know It should be remembered that there are no official unique correct rules for pioneerball. They can be adjusted by team members by agreement. At the same time, the following questions can be discussed: will there be a transfer of players during the game; how many balls will be in the game; how many games will be played; how many points a team needs to score to win. Pioneerball is the most popular yard game, which again begins to gain popularity among modern schoolchildren.

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This game is often played in children's camps and at school in the classroom. physical education. Pioneerball - command a game requiring 3 to 8 players on each team.

Pioneerball game rules

Volleyball is required for games. ball and a volleyball court. If there is no playground, the edges of the playing field can be outlined with chalk or a stick. Instead of a net, get by with a simple rope, and replace the volleyball with a soccer or children's rubber ball.

First, by drawing lots, it is determined which team will serve first.

Teams stand on both sides of the net, the player of the serving team takes the ball and moves to the far end of his court.

The player who catches the ball can take no more than 3 steps towards the net with it in his hands. Also, within one team, you can make one transfer.

Players try to throw the ball so that the opposing team cannot catch it.

Teams throw the ball until it touches the ground on the opponent's court. The team that fails to catch the ball, or sends the ball out of bounds, loses the point.

The game continues until 15 points, after which the teams change courts.

Watch video game Pioneerball:

Russian version of volleyball. Pioneerball owes its appearance to the pioneers of that time. At that time, the pioneers went hiking and had many other outdoor activities. An excellent alternative to volleyball, with very similar rules, however, not with such a high prevalence and popularity.

Game history

The game appeared in the 1930s, during the Soviet era. A game for children that was played, often not on special sites and sometimes even without a net, simply marked the boundaries of the field with something. Now it is played mainly on a volleyball field, with a volleyball or basketball. The rest of the rules remain the same.

Inventory for the game

Volleyball court and volleyball, and maybe even a basketball.

Rules of the game

The game can be played by 3-8 people from each team. As in volleyball, the court is divided into 6, and sometimes even 7 zones. One of the distant players serves, the opposing players must catch the ball and make their serve. With a successful serve, the team is awarded one point, a successful serve is one with which the opponent could not catch the ball and he fell to the floor. The game will go up to fifteen points, then the teams will change sides of the field and play the second round of the game. If the results of two rounds are equal, then the third - decisive round will be played. If the ball hits the net, the team cannot score a point. The rest of the intricacies of the game can be read.

There are several varieties of pioneer ball, for example, a pioneer ball with two balls. In this variant, after the start of the game, the goal of the players is to prevent both balls from being in their half of the court. Pioneerball for the blind is also known. The game has retained almost its original appearance from Soviet times.

Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 85"

Taishet city


"Rules of Pioneerball"

Completed by the teacher

physical culture:

Tishchenko A.M.

2013, Taishet

History of occurrence

Pioneerball - Russian version of the game of volleyball. Pioneerball owes its appearance to the pioneers of the 30s of the 20th century.Pioneer movement - movement of children's communist organizations inUSSRand in other countries. Modeled afterscouting, the pioneer movement differed from it in significant aspects: the system was of an all-encompassing state character and set as its goal the education of children as citizens, completely devotedcommunist partyand the Soviet state. At the same time, it should be noted that, as the movement evolved, the role of the scouting heritage in it fell (which is clearly seen in the evolutionpioneer campfrom the type of sports and tourist tent camp to the type of a sanatorium complex). Among the particular differences fromscoutingone can point out the absence of separate organizations for boys and girls.At that time, the pioneers went hiking and had many other outdoor activities. Pioneer camps are a great example.- educational and health institution inUSSRdesigned for pioneersAll-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin And schoolchildren(from 7 to 15 years) and organized on timeschool holidaystrade union, Komsomol, economic organizations,collective farms, state farms, bodies of public education, health care, committees for physical culture and sports, etc. In pioneer camps, children were organized into temporary pioneer squads and detachments, various children's amateur groups worked on interests, and a military sports game was held"Zarnitsa". Some pioneer camps accepted children all year round.

Pioneerball is abouta great alternative to volleyball, according to very similar rules, however, not with such a high prevalence and popularity, although it is very loved by schoolchildren. A game for children that was played, often not on special sites and sometimes even without a net, simply marked the boundaries of the field with something. Now it is played mainly on the volleyball field, with a volleyball or basketball.

Currently, there are many different descriptions of the rules of the game of pioneer ball. We consider the pioneerball game as a lead to the sport game of volleyball.

Pioneerball rules.

The game is played with volleyball on volleyball court.

Each team has 6 people.

The site is conditionally divided into 6 zones according to the number of players.

The first player makes a throw from the far edge of his half of the field through the net to the half of the field of the opposing team.

Girls are allowed to serve the ball from a place 2 meters closer to the net (from the back line).

The service is made after the referee's signal.

One of the players must catch the ball and, taking no more than three steps in their own half of the court, throw it over the net back to the half of the field of the first team. One of the players of the first team must also catch the ball and, after taking no more than three steps,after which it must either be passed to the player on command, or thrown over the grid (player is allowed to have possession of the ball for no more than 2 seconds).

It is allowed to make no more than one pass in attack.

In this game, like in volleyball, players move around the court to the next zone in a clockwise direction after winning a serve.

The game ends with 25 points, after which the teams change places and play another game.

In the case of scores in games 1:1, the final game is played up to 15 points.After the end of the first game, the teams change sides.

The ball is considered lost by the receiving team, and the serving team loses the serve if:

  1. The team hit the ball more than three times;
  2. The ball touched the player's body below the belt;
  3. The player has touched the ball twice in a row;
  4. The player has touched the net;
  5. The player has crossed the middle line;
  6. The ball flew over the net, but fell into touch (beyond the line limiting the field);
  7. The ball flew under the net or touched objects outside the court.

Dimensions and layout of the site

The area is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The site is divided into two parts measuring 9x9 meters using a meter-wide grid. For boys and girls, the net is set at a height of:boys and boys up to 14 years old - 2.20 m., girls and girls up to 14 years old - 2.10 m.


  1. When did pioneerball appear?
  2. What are the dimensions of the platform in length and width?
  3. How many steps are allowed with the ball in hand?
  4. Are players moving clockwise or counterclockwise?
  5. Is it a mistake for a player to touch the net?

The history of the emergence of Pionerball is a Russian version of the game of volleyball. Pioneerball owes its appearance to the pioneers of the 30s of the 20th century.

Pioneerball is great alternative volleyball, according to very similar rules, however, not with such a high prevalence and popularity, although it is very loved by schoolchildren. A game for children that was played, often not on special sites and sometimes even without a net, simply marked the boundaries of the field with something. Now it is played mainly on the volleyball field, with a volleyball or basketball.

In this game, like in volleyball, players move around the court to the next zone in a clockwise direction after winning a serve.

The ball is considered lost by the receiving team, and the serving team loses the serve if: - The team hit the ball more than three times; - The ball touched the player's body below the belt; - The player has touched the ball twice in a row; - The player touched the grid; - The player has crossed the middle line; - The ball flew over the net, but fell into touch (beyond the line limiting the field); - The ball overflows under the net or touches objects that are out of bounds.

Dimensions and layout of the site

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