Presentation on dumbbell exercises. Dumbbell gymnastics

Athletic gymnastics for everyone with dumbbells.

Athletic gymnastics with dumbbells- an excellent tool that will allow you to adjust the load at runtime exercise.

Athletic gymnastics, as a rule, should start with walking in place, and gradually move on to running, after that we will do a few gymnastic exercises. When a slight perspiration appears and a feeling of warmth in the body, this indicates that the body is warmed up and ready to work.

Performing exercises at a different pace gives the greatest effect.

To gain weight and increase muscle volume, exercises must be performed in slow pace up to 10 times with significant muscle tension, and then continue to perform the same exercise at an average pace up to 20 times and at a fast pace up to 25 times.

Those who want to lose weight and take care of the relief muscles, the exercise is performed at a slow pace up to 5 times, then on average up to 15 times and at a fast pace up to 40 times. In this case, it is worth considering your physical capabilities, the goals that you are pursuing, and the level of your preparedness. Start exercising with light dumbbells, and after three to four months, take dumbbells of 2-3 kg. Increase the load as you train, gradually bringing the weight of the dumbbells to 10-15 kg.

Some trainees are often unaware that dumbbell workout- this is one of effective ways development of the strength qualities of an athlete. The arguments for this assertion are given below.

First, variability. The ability to perform exercises with dumbbells simultaneously with both hands and alternately with each. This is important, since monotonous workouts soon get bored, progress stops, and insignificant weights on the arms, legs and torso maintain interest in training, however, the effect of the load is more difficult to control than the load from barbell exercises, where the body continues to adapt and muscles grow.

The second, more perfect muscular development. If you train both sides of the body hard, then it is impossible to know exactly which part of the body will carry the most load. And if you work on weights with dumbbells in each hand, then both halves of the body work synchronously and one side can compensate for the weakness of the other. As a result, each of them is loaded to the maximum, in contrast to working on simulators or with a barbell, and the trainee gets a more complete development of his body.

With dumbbells, muscle work is carried out with a wider range of motion, compared with a barbell or a simulator, which more fully develops various muscle groups. For example, while pressing the barbell from the chest, the weight can only be moved up and down, and the dumbbells can be moved up and down, back and forth, towards each other or to the sides, and can be rotated with the forearms.

Third, training for specific sports. With the help of dumbbells, you can more easily imitate all kinds of sports movements, which are needed in specific sports, which will ensure victory on the playing field. For example, hitting, pushing, running, grabbing the ball - such movements make both halves of the body work in different ways.

Finally, dumbbells are simply indispensable for home training. They do not take up much space, you can perform a large number of tasks with them. different exercises. They are inexpensive and easy to store. In the apartment you can always find a comfortable place for them.

  1. We start from the starting position - the main stance, dumbbells in the lowered hands. We stand on toes, raise straight arms, take them to the sides and up, take a breath. We lower our hands, then return to the starting position, exhale. Exercise will help develop muscles shoulder girdle, as well as the calf muscles.
  2. We take dumbbells, lower them down, turn our palms forward (grip from below). Alternately bend and unbend the arms at the elbows. Breathing is arbitrary, uniform. When performing the exercise, keep your elbows motionless, look straight ahead of you. This exercise helps develop biceps shoulder.
  3. Raise the dumbbells up. We lower them behind the head with the palms to the neck, while bending the arms at the elbows. We unbend our arms and then return to the starting position. During the exercise, do not lower your elbows. We unbend our arms, we breathe in, while bending - exhale. This exercise helps develop triceps shoulders, the so-called triceps.
  4. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the torso. Raise your shoulders as high as possible - inhale, lower - exhale. Next, we perform circular movements with our shoulders in the direction forward and backward. This exercise helps develop the trapezius muscles.
  5. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, and keep our hands palms inward with dumbbells along the torso. When inhaling, spread straight arms to the sides and when exhaling, lower them to their original position. This exercise helps develop the deltoid muscles.
  6. We put the left hand on the seat of the chair, in right hand take a dumbbell and lower it down. We put our feet shoulder-width apart. We bend our arms and take the elbow up, raise the dumbbell to the chest and inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. We do these movements with each hand. The exercise helps to develop the muscles of the back, biceps and deltoid muscles.
  7. Lying (on the floor or on a bench) on your back, raise the dumbbells up. Slowly spread our arms to the sides and inhale. We return to the starting position and exhale. Exercise helps develop pectoral muscles and expand chest.
  8. We put our feet wider than shoulders, raise the dumbbells up. We make upward inclinations simultaneously with the swinging movement of the hands, which resembles the movements of a lumberjack. Bending down - we exhale, lower our hands between the legs as far as possible. Straighten up, bend over and take a deep breath. At the same time, we do not bend the legs at the knees. This exercise is performed with light dumbbells. This exercise helps to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back.
  9. We sit on a chair, fix the feet near the floor for support, raise our hands with dumbbells behind our heads. We lean back slowly, while turning the torso to the left and inhaling. In the starting position - exhale, then perform the exercise with the body turning to the right. This exercise helps to develop the abdominal muscles and the lumbar spine.
  10. Standing, in lowered hands we hold dumbbells. We bend and unbend the hands. We perform the exercise until the muscles of the forearm feel tired. Next, we take dumbbells at one end, pull our arms to the sides and rotate them with our hands. Breathing measured, arbitrary.
  11. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, and under our feet we put a bar with a height of 5 cm. We raise the dumbbells to our shoulders. We take a deep breath, crouching - we exhale. Initial position. When performing the exercise, keep the torso straight. This exercise helps to develop the quadriceps femoris.
  12. In the starting position - standing, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms with dumbbells. In the left and right sides, we perform circular movements with the body. We inhale at the moment of bending, exhale at the moment of inclination. This exercise helps to develop the abdominal muscles and the lumbar spine.

Finishing the exercises, we move on to running at a slow pace and in a relaxed state. The training ends with walking and breathing exercises. Then we take a shower and dry ourselves with a towel.

Key training rules:

  1. We start with a lightweight version also in order to better master the correct technique.
  2. We try to perform a set of exercises with maximum amplitude.
  3. We “include” only target muscles in the work.

Although genetics may not allow everyone to become a Schwarzenegger, you can make your body beautiful and strong. You will not have a saggy belly and hunched back. You will become slim and harmoniously built. Not only will your muscles become stronger, but also nervous system improves blood circulation in the brain and internal organs in general, you will be healthy and happy.

By CandyGym. Edward.

A set of exercises number 1

In this complex, you can use dumbbells weighing from 1 to 5 kg. Exercises should be performed 1 to 3 times at a slow pace. Rest between exercises - up to 5 minutes. Breathing is free, relaxed.

  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands, palms facing the body. Raise your arms through the sides up (inhale), lower (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands, palms turned forward. Simultaneously or alternately bend the arms towards the shoulders (inhale), unbend (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, raise the dumbbells to your shoulders. Squat down smoothly and deeply (exhale), stand up on your toes (inhale).
  • Take a standing position, dumbbells in lowered hands. Sit smoothly and deeply on the entire foot, simultaneously or alternately raising your hands to your shoulders. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a sitting position on a chair, a dumbbell in your hands behind your head. Lean forward (exhale), straighten up (inhale). Repeat with a change of hand.
  • Take a position lying on your back, dumbbells on your chest in bent arms. Raise your hands up (inhale), lower (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands, palms facing the body. Lean to the side, at the same time pulling one arm to the armpit (inhale), straighten up (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells at the shoulders in bent arms. Raise your hands up, rising on your toes (inhale), return to the starting position (exhale).
  • Take a sitting position on a chair, a dumbbell behind your head in an arm bent at the elbow. Straighten your arm up without changing the position of the elbow (inhale), bend your arm (exhale). Change hand.
  • Take a sitting position on a chair, a dumbbell in your hand behind your head. Rotate the torso to the sides (exhale), return to the starting position (inhale). Change hand.
  • Take a standing position with a dumbbell behind your back in lowered hands. Sit on your toes (exhale), stand up (inhale).
  • Take a standing position with a dumbbell in lowered hands. Sit on a full foot, hands forward (exhale), stand up (inhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells on your chest in bent arms. Lean forward, lowering your arms down (exhale), straighten up (inhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in arms extended to the sides. Bend your arms to your shoulders (exhale), unbend (inhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells at the shoulders in bent arms. Extend your arms forward (inhale), bend (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in lowered hands. Sit down, spreading your arms to the sides, back straight (inhale), stand up (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in lowered hands. Stretch your arms in front of you and turn your hands in both directions. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise your arms up and turn your hands in both directions. Breathing is arbitrary.

A set of exercises number 2

The complex consists of 9 exercises performed with dumbbells weighing 1 kg. You can train 3 times a week at any convenient time. Classes should begin with a light warm-up (walking in place, gradually turning into a run).

  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in bent arms at the shoulders. Raise your arms up (inhale), return to the starting position (exhale). Repeat with lifting on toes.
  • Take a standing position against the wall, dumbbells attached to the feet. Alternately bend and unbend the legs. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in the arms lowered, extended forward or up. Lean forward, bringing your hands with dumbbells between your legs (exhale), straighten up (inhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise straight arms forward and upward, bend at the waist (inhale), lower your arms (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise straight arms through the sides up with a rise on the toes (inhale), lower (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in arms extended forward. Turn in both directions without lifting your legs from the support. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a position lying on your back, rest your hands on the floor, dumbbells are securely attached to your feet. Raise straight legs up, carry them to the head (inhale), lower (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells behind your back in lowered hands. Raise the dumbbells behind your back until they touch the shoulder blades with a rise on your toes (inhale), lower your arms (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells behind your head in bent arms. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform jumps.

A set of exercises number 3

The complex consists of 11 exercises with dumbbells weighing from 1 to 3 kg.

It is better to perform them 3 times a week at any convenient time. Perform each exercise 3-6 times per moderate pace, then 10-12 times - in fast. Rest between exercises - up to 5 minutes.

The weight of dumbbells is selected individually. Slowly and gradually, taking into account age and health, the load can be increased.

  • Take a standing position, legs wider than shoulders, dumbbells in bent arms above your head. Alternately rotate the body in both directions. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in bent arms behind your back. Rise on toes, bending in the lower back and lifting the chest (inhale), return to the starting position (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands. Lean forward, bringing your hands with dumbbells between your legs (exhale), straighten up (inhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms with dumbbells bent at the elbows. Raise the dumbbells to the belt (exhale), lower (inhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in arms extended forward. Turn around, spreading your arms to the sides (inhale), return to the starting position (exhale).
  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands. Raise straight arms through the sides up with a rise on the toes, bend back (inhale), lower your arms (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in bent arms on your shoulders. Squat deeply, keeping your heels on the floor (exhale), stand up (inhale).
  • Take a position lying on your stomach with outstretched legs, resting on the floor with your hands or elbows. Alternately bend and unbend your legs. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a standing position, holding your hands behind your back, dumbbells attached to your legs. Alternately raise and lower your legs. Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells in lowered hands. Bend your arms to your shoulders (inhale), unbend (exhale).
  • Take a standing position with dumbbells at the shoulders in bent arms. Rotate brushes in both directions. Breathing is arbitrary.

Source: http://site/

Dumbbell Exercises - Introduction

But you can start at the age of forty and older, only with lighter dumbbells. Work with 2kg dumbbells first, in three or four months - with three-kilogram. As you train, gradually increase the load, bringing it to dumbbells of 10-12 kg. After that, you can already include exercises with kettlebells in your classes. Do each exercise with dumbbells 15-20 times, first in one approach, and then in two and three. Make sure that all movements are done correctly, breathing was not delayed and only those muscles that are involved in this movement were tensed. Exercises are best done in front of a mirror. Before starting classes, ventilate the room well. After the end of each exercise, lower the dumbbells to the floor and pause for 40-60 seconds, while walking around the room, relaxing the working muscles. Finish the exercises with walking and at the same time with breathing exercises, after which you need to take a shower and dry yourself with a towel.
  • Main stance, dumbbells in lowered hands. Standing on your toes, raise straight arms through the sides up - inhale. Lowering your arms, return to the starting position - exhale. The exercise develops the muscles of the shoulder girdle and calf muscles.
  • Take the dumbbells, lower them down, turn your palms forward (grip from below). Alternately bend and unbend your arms in elbow joints. Breathing is arbitrary, uniform. While performing the exercise, keep your elbows still, look straight ahead. Exercise develops the biceps of the shoulder (biceps).
  • Raise the dumbbells up. Lower them behind your head with your palms to your neck, bending your arms at the elbow joints. Return to starting position. While doing the exercise, do not lower your elbows. Unfolding your arms, inhale, bending - exhale. This exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder (triceps).
  • Dumbbells in the hands lowered along the body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible - inhale, lower - exhale. Then make circular movements with your shoulders back and forth. This exercise develops the trapezius muscles.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells along the body with palms inward, spread straight arms to the sides - inhale, lower to the starting position - exhale. Exercise develop deltoid muscles.
  • Place your left hand on the chair seat, take a dumbbell in your right hand and lower it down. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your arm and moving your elbow up, lift the dumbbell to your chest - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Do the exercise with each hand. Exercise develops the back muscles and deltoid muscles.
  • Lying on your back (on a bench or on the floor), lift the dumbbells up. Slowly spread your arms to the sides and take a deep breath. Return to the starting position - exhale. The exercise develops the pectoral muscles and promotes the expansion of the chest.
  • Put your feet wider than your shoulders. Raise the dumbbells up. Do vigorous forward bends with a swinging movement of the arms, reminiscent of the movements of a lumberjack. While tilting, exhale, let your hands pass as far as possible between your legs. As you straighten up, bend over and take a deep breath. Do not bend your knees. The exercise develops the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.
  • Sit on a chair, fasten your feet near the floor for a fixed support, raise your hands with dumbbells behind your head. Slowly lean back, turning the torso to the left - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale. Then do the exercise, turning the torso to the right. The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and the mobility of the lumbar spine.
  • Standing, dumbbells in lowered hands. Bend and unbend your hands. Perform the exercise to the muscles of the forearm. Then take the dumbbells at one end, raise your arms to the sides and rotate your hands. Breathing is arbitrary, uniform.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place a 5 cm high bar under your heels. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders. Take a deep breath and sit down - exhale. Return to starting position. While performing the exercise, keep your torso straight. This exercise develops the quadriceps muscles of the thigh.
  • Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells raised up. Make circular movements with the torso to the left and right sides. Inhale while bending, exhale while bending. Exercise we develop "abdominal muscles and mobility in lumbar spine.

Information from the book "Home Encyclopedia", publishing house "Soviet Kuban" 1996

Last update 06.04.16 14:17

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Source: http://site/

A set of exercises with dumbbells

Physical education and sports

Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, elbows raised up, hands at the back of the head, palms facing inward, dumbbells touching the upper edges of the shoulder blades. Starting position: hands at the front of the thighs of the palm facing the thighs. Starting position: the body is tilted forward to horizontal position arms down, palms facing inward.

Completed: student of 10 "a" class

Galikhmetova A.Zh.

Head: Seryakova G.A.

1. For biceps shoulder flexors (biceps).

Starting position: main stance, palms facing forward.

Execution: simultaneous or alternate bending of both arms in the elbow joints.

2. For the triceps extensors of the shoulder (triceps).

Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, elbows raised up, hands at the back of the head, palms facing inward, dumbbells touch the upper edges of the shoulder blades.

Execution: raise the dumbbells up, both simultaneously or alternately, without lowering your elbows.

Breathing: inhale when extending, exhale when bending.

3. For the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Starting position: hands at the front of the thighs, palms facing the thighs.

Execution: simultaneously or alternately raise straight arms up.

Breathing: inhale when lifting and exhale when lowering.

4. For the muscles of the shoulder girdle (muscles that reduce the shoulder blades and the posterior bundles deltoid muscles).

Starting position: the torso is tilted forward to a horizontal position, arms are lowered down, palms are turned inward.

Fulfillment: raise straight arms to the sides; without bending the body.

Breathing: inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering.

5. For the muscles of the lower back, lat back and lifting ribs.

Starting position: feet are placed wider apart, hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head.

Execution: tilt the body to the sides without bending the knees.

Breathing: inhale while straightening the torso, exhale while bending the torso to the sides.

6. Option "a": dumbbells raised up above your head.

7. For the muscles of the legs, torso and for the respiratory and vascular system.

Starting position: wide lunge forward, in front standing leg strongly bent, standing behind the leg is almost straight and rests on the toes.

Fulfillment: change of legs by jumps. The body should not lean forward and move in the front - back direction.

Breathing: deep, without delay.

8. For adductor muscles of the thigh and hip extensors, extensors of the back and shoulder girdle.

Starting position: legs apart wider, arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.

Fulfillment: squat with bending of one leg. The other leg is straight. Keep your torso straight.

Breathing: inhale - squatting, exhale - rising.

9. For oblique and lateral abdominal muscles.

Starting position: main stance, both dumbbells are in one hand.

Execution: torso to the sides. One arm, bending, rises along the body up above the waist, the other, unbending, goes down to the knee. The knees don't bend.

Breathing: inhale while tilting to the side of the arm holding dumbbells, exhale while tilting to the side of the arm without dumbbells.

10. For the calf muscles - foot flexors (plantar flexion).

Starting position: feet at the width of the pelvis, toes are on a stand 5-8 cm high, heels are on the floor. Arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.

Fulfillment: lifting on socks.

Breathing: uniform, without delay.

Source: http://site/


A set of exercises with dumbbells helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child and helps control weight. Therefore, if you have already accustomed the student to the daily physical exercise, which he performs with pleasure and easily, you can begin to diversify your classes with the help of a set of exercises with dumbbells.

A set of exercises with dumbbells and child development

A set of exercises with dumbbells gives an additional load on the muscles and increases the energy consumption of the body. Therefore, along with proper and balanced nutrition, a set of exercises with dumbbells contributes not only to strengthening muscles but also to losing weight.

A child can perform a set of exercises with dumbbells, starting from 7-8 years.

However, when mastering a set of exercises with dumbbells, it must be remembered that younger students are actively forming the skeleton, so they should not be given a lot of physical activity with weights.

One or two sets of exercises with dumbbells per week are enough. On other days, you can choose to perform the usual push-ups, pull-ups or squats, which also develop the child's musculoskeletal system well.

Each set of exercises with dumbbells should last approximately 30-45 minutes, including a warm-up, strength training (the actual set of exercises with dumbbells) and breathing exercises. It is also good to turn on rhythmic music, to which the young athlete will do a set of exercises with dumbbells.


The main condition for performing a set of exercises with dumbbells (as, indeed, other types physical activity) - the child should enjoy this mini-workout, not overstrain.


Schoolchildren must perform exercises with different objects: a ball, a jump rope, and, of course, dumbbells. It's a complex useful exercises with dumbbells for boys, for teenagers.

Dumbbell exercises

After the first approach spent on the first exercise, and a slight rest, in the second approach, do the second exercise, in the third - again the first exercise, etc. In the same way, alternate the third and fourth, fifth and sixth, seventh and eighth, ninth and tenth exercise.

➣ It is likely that such a burden will be excessive for you. But you shouldn't quit. Regular execution exercise will help you become more enduring, after which you can move on to more significant loads.

Tilts of the body to the right-left - "pump"

This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the body.

You will need dumbbells weighing from 1 to 5 kg. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your arms with dumbbells along the body. Tilt to the right, while bending your left arm at the elbow, then tilt to the left, bending your right arm. The pace of execution is medium or slow. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform 10-15 tilts in each direction in 2-3 sets, between which rest 3 minutes.

Circular movements of the legs lying on the back

The exercise is aimed at developing the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up, holding, for example, the leg of a sofa, table or bed. Raise your legs together and do 10-15 circular motions to each side. Perform the exercise 2 or 3 times with a rest of 2-3 minutes. The pace is medium or fast, breathing is arbitrary.

Vertical dumbbell raise

With this exercise, you can strengthen and develop your arm muscles. You will need dumbbells weighing from 4 to 10 kg.


Charging in the morning is a set of physical exercises that are performed after sleep every day. morning exercises strengthens the health of the student, contributing to the correct physical development. Until morning exercises become a habit for the child, it is better for parents to work out with the child.

Physical exercises are well combined with hardening. You can take, for example, air baths. Many children like physical exercises using balls, dumbbells (300-500 gr. no more), jump ropes.

Boys like it better strength exercises, in this regard, you need to carefully dose the load.

In addition, during charging, you need to control the accuracy of the exercises - follow the pace, breathing.

Morning exercises for 7-9 year olds

Starting position (IP) - hands down, legs should be shoulder width apart. Inhale - stretch, raise your arms up and slightly bend your back. Exhaling, we return to the PI (4-6 p).

Starting position - facing the wall (distance 1.5 steps). Exhaling, we lean forward, stretch our arms forward, trying to reach the wall. Inhaling, we return to the PI (4 p).

Hands down, feet are shoulder width apart. Exhale - lean forward, if possible, try to touch the floor with your palms or fingers, while inhaling - in the PI (calm pace, 4-8 r).

Hands down, feet are shoulder width apart. We exhale, raise the leg and make cotton under it with our hands, while inhaling - in the IP. We repeat the exercise, but with the other leg. Between leg swings we do 3 seconds. pause. We repeat the exercise with each leg up to ten times, the pace is calm.

Raise one hand up, clench your fingers into a fist, put your feet shoulder-width apart. We alternate hands. Repeat 10 times, breathing is calm.

Hands on the belt, legs should be shoulder width apart, we begin to bend over different sides, calm breathing - back (carefully), forward, left, right. In each direction we bend 3-4 p.

We lay down on the mat face down, place our palms under the chin. We bend the back, calm breathing, raise the chest from the floor and take the head back (4-8 p).


Lamp "Plasma No. 8". Lamp dimensions: 28x18x18 cm. Lamp diameter: 18 cm. Plasma lamp in the form of a ball on a stand creates 1536 rubles inside when turned on

Section: Unusual lamps

Source: http://site/

A set of exercises with dumbbells No. 1

The complex is designed for beginners to engage in dumbbell gymnastics. The weight of the dumbbell is 1-3 kg, depending on the age and strength of those involved.

Exercise 1. Raise straight arms to the sides, up, at the same time stand on your toes. When raising your hands up - inhale, when lowering - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 15-20 times.
Exercise 2. Raise your arms to the sides, up, lower them forward and down. When raising the arms to the sides - inhale, when lowering - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 15-25 times.
Exercise 3 Tilt the torso forward without bending the legs. When leaning forward - exhale, when straightening - inhale. The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.
Exercise 4Alternate flexion hands at the elbow joints. Breathe deeply and rhythmically. The pace is average. Repeat 30-40 times for the right and left hand.
Exercise 5 Spread straight arms to the sides, at the same time rising on your toes. When spreading the arms - inhale, when reducing - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 15-25 times.
Exercise 6 Squatting on toes, hands to shoulders. When squatting - inhale, when straightening - exhale. The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 20-50 times. After finishing the exercise, 30-45 sec. walk around calmly and do some breathing exercises.
Exercise 7 Waving a leg with a dumbbell tied to it. The pace is average. Repeat 20-50 times for the right and left legs.
Exercise 8 Imitation of direct blows of a boxer. The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 20-35 times with the right and left hand.
Exercise 9 Tilts of the torso to the sides with pulling the arm to the armpit - "pump". When the torso is tilted to the right - inhale, when tilted to the left - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 10-20 times on each side.
Exercise 10 Lowering the torso from a sitting position, dumbbells at the shoulders. When tilting back - inhale, when straightening - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 10-20 times.
Exercise 11 Push-ups lying down (on chairs). When bending the arms - inhale, when unbending - exhale. The pace is slow and medium. Repeat 8-15 times.
Exercise 12"Woodcutter". When raising your hands up - inhale, when lowering - exhale. The pace is average. Repeat 15-25 times.
Exercise 13 Jumping on toes with arms raised to the sides. The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 15-20 times.
Exercise 14 To establish breathing and relaxation is performed on the go.

After completing the complex, proceed to water procedures with obligatory rubbing with a towel of the body red-hot.

Among the many means physical education used to promote health and harmonious development of all muscles of the human body, great place takes .

Properly used physical exercises have a comprehensive effect on the human body, on all its organs and systems, improving and increasing their performance. The muscles of a person working physically or doing physical exercises are always stronger and more massive than those of other people.
The lack of systematic physical exercises leads to a loss of strength, to a decrease in endurance, speed and dexterity. Muscles decrease in volume, become flabby and are often enveloped in fatty deposits. As a result of the inactivity of the muscles, the beauty of their forms is gradually lost. A stoop appears in a person, the stomach sags, movements become constrained, clumsy.

Lack of muscle work generates negative changes throughout the body. The nervous system begins to work abnormally, imbalance, irritability, insomnia appear, appetite disappears, digestive disorders occur, metabolism decreases, the efficiency of the heart and lungs decreases.

Systematic exercises

Systematic exercises with dumbbells give the necessary work to the muscles and are available to people of various ages and professions. These exercises can be used at any time of the year, in any conditions, do not require any special costs and devices. Properly applied, they increase the volume and strength of muscles, develop endurance, speed and agility. Systematic muscle work increases efficiency human body. Thanks to exercises with dumbbells, one of the most important muscles, the heart muscle, is strengthened and works more rationally. A trained heart with increasing load provides an increasing need for blood supply to working muscles by increasing the power of each contraction. Improves lung function, increases their capacity and elasticity. As a result, breathing becomes deep and rhythmic, providing sufficient oxygen to the working organism. The metabolism also increases. The nervous system, which regulates the activity of the whole organism as a whole, works intensively and more clearly.

Benefits of dumbbell gymnastics

The advantage of dumbbell gymnastics is that burdening various natural movements with dumbbells enhances their effect on the muscles of those involved. It is especially important that with the help of dumbbell gymnastics, it is possible to achieve the development of those muscles that are far from being fully loaded in everyday work. lower extremities. At the same time, large muscles upper limbs, shoulder girdle, neck, abdomen and back, which usually create good posture and proportionately developed, beautiful body, work very little. Dumbbell gymnastics, comprehensively and evenly affecting all muscle groups, contributes to their harmonious development. This is achieved through a consistent, smooth transition from small loads to more and more increasing ones with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions of exercises, adding weight to the dumbbells and complicating the movement itself.

Can be used by patients as therapeutic gymnastics, for example, with injuries, wounds and after operations. So, the exercises of even one healthy hand cause increased blood circulation not only in the working hand, but also in the sick hand at rest, and increased blood circulation leads to a speedy recovery.

The system of exercises with dumbbells should help to evenly develop basically all the muscles of a person. For this, the most simple exercises were selected, which give a load to certain muscle groups. Proportional, harmonious development of all human muscles is achieved by alternately accentuated training of all muscle groups while minimizing static stress.

A set of exercises with dumbbells1

The complex consists of dumbbell exercises for beginners and is intended for those who want to practice in the gym or perform workout at home. The weight of the dumbbell is 1-3 kg, depending on the age and strength of those involved.

The complex consists of 12 exercises.

Each of them affects a specific group of muscles.

Exercise 1. Raising straight arms to the sides - up while raising the body on the toes of the legs (Fig. 1).

For the lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles.

I. p. - about. With.

1 - raise your arms to the sides - up;

2 - lower your arms through the sides down.

When raising your hands up - inhale, when lowering your hands - exhale.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 6-12 times.

Exercise 2. Raising hands to the sides - up, lowering forward - down (Fig. 2). For the anterior and lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles.

I. p. - about. With.

1 - raise your arms to the sides-up;

2 - lower forward-down.

When raising the arms to the sides - inhale, when lowering - exhale.

The pace is average. Repeat 8-16 times.

Exercise 3 Tilts of the body forward without bending the legs (Fig. 3).

I. p. - legs are wide apart, arms are raised up.

1 - tilt the body, without bending the legs, forward (exhale);

2 - straighten up (inhale).

The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 4 Alternate bending of the arms in the elbow joints (Fig. 4). Biceps exercise with dumbbells.

I. p. - about. With.

1 - bend the left arm;

2 - lowering down the left hand, at the same time bend the right.

The pace is average. Repeat 20-30 times for the right and left hand.

Exercise 5 Breeding straight arms to the sides while raising the body on the toes (Fig. 5).

For deltoid and pectoral muscles.

I. p. - legs in about. with., arms raised forward to shoulder height, palms inward.

1 - spread your arms to the sides and rise on your toes;

2 - bring your hands forward.

When spreading the arms - inhale, when reducing - exhale.

The pace is average. Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 6 Squatting on toes, hands to shoulders (fig. b). For leg muscles.

I. p. - legs in about. with., hands to shoulders.

1 - sit down on toes;

2 - take the starting position.

When squatting - inhale, when straightening - exhale.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 16-30 times.

After doing this exercise, walk around calmly for 30-45 seconds and do some breathing exercises.

Exercise 7 Mahi leg with a dumbbell tied to it (Fig. 7). For the lumboiliac muscle.

I. p. - firmly tie a dumbbell to the foot of the right leg. Stand on your left foot, with your left hand lean on the back of a chair, wall or other object.

1 - a strong energetic swing of the right leg forward, as high as possible;

2 - swing back to failure.

The same with the left foot.

The pace is average. Repeat 10-20 times for the right and left legs.

Exercise 8 Direct "boxer punches" (Fig. 8). For extensors and deltoid muscles.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent to the shoulders.

1 - vigorously straighten the left arm forward, while turning the torso to the right;

2 - vigorously straighten the right arm forward, simultaneously turning the body to the left, and bend the left arm to its original position.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 15-20 times with the right and left hand.

Exercise 9 Tilts of the torso to the sides with pulling the arm to the armpit - "pump" (Fig. 9). For oblique abdominal muscles.

I. p. - about. With.

1 - tilt the torso to the left and at the same time pull the right arm to the armpit.

2 - the same to the right, pull up the left hand and at the same time lower the right hand down.

When the torso is tilted to the right - inhale, to the left - exhale.

The pace is average. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Exercise 10 Lowering the body from a sitting position, dumbbells at the shoulders (Fig. 10). Exercises with dumbbells for the press.

I. p. - sit down, hands to the shoulders, hook the toes on the bottom edge of the table or other object.

2 - sit down.

When tilting back - inhale, when straightening - exhale.

The pace is average. Repeat 6-10 times.

Exercise 11"Lumberjack" (Fig. 11). Exercise with dumbbells for back muscles.

I. p. - legs are widely spaced, tilt the body forward and down, hands with dumbbells are in contact with each other.

1 - straighten the body and raise your arms up (inhale);

2 - vigorously tilt the body forward and down (exhale), swing the arms as far back as possible between the legs.

The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 12 Jumping on toes with raising arms to the sides (Fig. 12). For the muscles of the whole body and the respiratory system.

I. p. - about. With.

1 - in a jump, spread your legs and arms to the sides;

2 - return to the starting position.

The pace is medium and fast. Repeat 15-20 times.

Exercises to establish breathing and relaxation. From the list below, choose the most suitable. Exercises can be done in a standing position or on the move, always in a well-ventilated room, preferably with an open window or window and without dumbbells.

Breathing exercise 1.

I. p. - the main stand.

1 - raise your arms through the sides up with a deep breath;

2 - return to the starting position - exhale.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Breathing exercise 2.

I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the head, elbows forward.

1 - take your elbows back (expand the chest) and rise on your toes - inhale;

2 - brought the elbows forward, lowered on the entire foot and slightly tilted the torso forward - exhale.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Relaxation exercise 1.

I. p. - legs apart, arms relaxed up.

1 - shake hands raised up several times;

2 - tilt the torso forward and sit down, bending over, with complete relaxation;

3 - return to the starting position.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Relaxation exercise 2.

Dumbbell exercises

Dumbbell gymnastics is an excellent tool that allows you to regulate the load during exercise in a wide range. At regular classes with dumbbells, the body's endurance increases, muscle strength and volume increase, coordination of movements improves, joint mobility and posture improve, and the figure acquires athletic forms. At first, exercise with two-kilogram dumbbells, after 3-4 months with three-kilogram ones. As you train, gradually increase the load, bringing the weight of the dumbbells to 10-12 kg. After that, you can include exercises with kettlebells. Finish the exercises with walking and breathing exercises at the same time. Then you need to take a shower and wipe dry with a towel.

  1. Standing, legs apart, dumbbells down in the hands with an overhand grip. Raising straight arms through the sides up - inhale, lowering the arms into SP. - exhale.
  2. Stand - legs apart, right grip below, left arm bent with a dumbbell at the shoulder. Changing hands with dumbbells. When performing, the back is straight, breathing is arbitrary.
  3. Stance - legs apart. Hands with dumbbells bent at the elbow joints, straightening the arms up, do not lower the elbows - inhale. Lowering the dumbbells down behind your head - exhale.
  4. Stand with legs apart, arms straight with an overhand grip, raising and lowering the shoulders and rotating in shoulder joints back and forth, breathing is uniform, the torso is straight.
  5. Stand legs apart, arms to the sides with dumbbells. Lowering your arms down - exhale, raising straight arms with dumbbells (grip from above) - inhale. The back is straight.
  6. Lying on a bench, legs down. Dumbbells in half-bent arms, raising straight arms up (forward) - exhale, lowering your hands into SP. - breath.
  7. Jay legs apart, torso tilted forward. Arms straight, grip on top. Exercise "Lumberjack". Tilt forward - exhale, return to o.s. - breath.
  8. Lie on your back, the toes of the feet are fixed to the support. Dumbbells in bent arms behind the head. Rising into a sitting position - exhale, descending into an ip. - breath.
  9. Stand legs apart, arms to the sides with dumbbells. Circular rotation of the hands, the amplitude is large. The trunk is straight.
  10. Place a 5 cm block under the heels. Dumbbells in straight arms with an overhand grip. Squatting in a semi-squat, dumbbells in bent arms to the chest.
  11. Legs apart, arms straight overhead. Circular rotation of the torso, raising arms to the side, up, etc.
  12. Sitting on a bench, dumbbells in hands, forearms on knees, underhand grip. Brush bending. Once a week, this exercise can be performed with dumbbells overhand.
  13. Lying on an inclined board, dumbbells in hands down, palms down. Without changing the position of the elbows, bend your arms and pull the dumbbells to your chest.
  14. Sitting on a bench, tilting the torso forward, the dumbbell in the lowered hand between the legs, the elbow rests on inner part leg thighs. Bending your arm, raise the dumbbell to your shoulder (left, then right). The exercise can be performed by bending both arms to the chest at the same time and holding the dumbbell by the ends of the bar.
  15. The layout of the arms with dumbbells to the sides, in the supine position on the bench. Lowering your arms, you should slightly bend your elbows to free the elbow joints from unnecessary loads.