What exercises should be done before childbirth. A set of exercises for painless childbirth

In order for the pregnancy to proceed successfully, and childbirth to be easy, a set of special exercises should be performed. In this article we will talk about the features of the exercises and the goals of certain complexes.

Gymnastics before childbirth

Gymnastics before childbirth will speed up the metabolism and increase blood circulation, strengthen the muscles that will be involved in labor. Also, gymnastics in late pregnancy will prepare the body of the expectant mother for the upcoming birth, facilitating them as much as possible. Pain can be significantly reduced by performing various exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester.

Exercises for easy childbirth

Now there are many exercise for easy delivery. You should also understand the importance of preparation, helping the child and yourself, because for the baby, the birth is no less a test than for his mother.

Even future mom did not do physical education before, you can pick up simple suitable gymnastics exercises for pregnant women that provide easy childbirth.

But before a woman stops at any specific set of exercises for quick delivery, you should first consult with your gynecologist. However, there is a certain set traditional exercises for painless childbirth:

  • Slowly squat down from a standing position. In this case, the feet should be firmly planted on the floor. At first, linger like this for 15-20 seconds. Over time, you need to bring the stay in this position to a minute. Such gymnastics for pregnant women for easy childbirth will strengthen the abdominal cavity, abdomen and pelvic area.
  • Sit on the floor. One leg should be extended, the other bent at the knee. Take a long towel. Tilt the body forward, stay 20 seconds in this position. Straighten up, repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • Get your hands behind your head with a towel. Elbows should be below shoulder level. Hold this way for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise several times.
  • It is necessary to lie on your back with your buttocks against the wall, stepping up the wall with your feet. Then the legs should be widely spread apart. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Take deep breaths in and out while sitting in a chair, kneeling or standing. Deep breath in through the nose, deep breath out through the mouth. Do 8-10 minutes.
  • Lie on your back. Slowly relax the muscles in this order: thighs, legs, buttocks, abdomen. Breathe calmly and think only about pleasant things. Turn on relaxing music.

Labor induction exercises

Many pregnant women resort to exercises that stimulate labor. Physical exercise will allow your child to descend and improve his progress. There are at least 5 labor induction exercises that every mom-to-be could do. Exercises to open the cervix before childbirth can accelerate the natural process.

  1. Walking is one of the exercises to hasten labor;
  2. Climbing the stairs will also serve as the beginning for childbirth;
  3. Swimming;
  4. Squatting;
  5. wiggle.

Gymnastics with breech presentation

A set of exercises in order for the baby to roll over must be performed from the 32nd week of pregnancy.

  1. Lie down on the side where the baby's head is displaced, and lie down in this position for 3-10 minutes. Lie on the other side for the same amount of time. Exercise should be done 2-3 times a day. It is also better to sleep on the side where the baby's head is shifted.
  2. In order for the fetus to eventually turn over, it is necessary to lie on your back, placing something under the lower back, so that the pelvis is about 20-30 cm above the head. In this position, you need to lie down for 5-15 minutes. Exercise should be performed twice a day.
  3. Swimming in the pool. Very useful in breech presentation can be swimming in the pool.

Fitball exercises

Fitball for expectant mothers has no contraindications, and you can work with it at any stage of pregnancy.

Fitball exercises before childbirth were invented in Switzerland. Thanks to the fitball, many women in labor during their delicate position, as well as after childbirth, began to feel great.

The expectant mother can practice lying on the ball, which will strengthen her back muscles and abs, sitting to strengthen the pelvis or lying on the fitball and standing on all fours, which will reduce the load on the spine and eliminate back pain.


  • sit on the ball, lean on it with your hands, keeping your balance. Later this can be done without hands. Start rotating and rocking back and forth with your pelvis;
  • sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and grab the ball, then start squeezing it as tightly as possible. Perform until you feel tired;
  • sit on a fitball, spread your knees, and stretch your arms to each foot in turn;
  • also while in a sitting position, turn the body to the left, and then to the right.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises before childbirth are another way to keep your women Health, namely, to bring the muscles of the pelvic floor into good condition, which experience huge loads during the bearing of the baby.

  1. Relax and tighten your perineal muscles for 10 seconds. Then take a break of 15-20 seconds and repeat the approach again. It is necessary to do 4 approaches.
  2. Squeeze and relax for 5 seconds, take a break for 5 seconds and repeat. It is necessary to perform 8-10 approaches.
  3. Squeeze the muscles for 20 seconds, then relax and repeat again after 20-30 seconds.

It is necessary to pay great attention to Kegel gymnastics in preparation for childbirth and perform it constantly.

Giving birth to a child is considered a difficult test for the mother's body. Gymnastics during the period of bearing a baby will strengthen the muscles, give strength, help to relax during the birth process. You can perform exercises for easy childbirth without leaving your home. Every woman should be in good shape, take care of herself in order to facilitate the process of having a baby.

Indications and contraindications

During pregnancy, the body changes. The mammary glands are enlarged. Shoulders lean forward. The muscles of the chest are shortened, and the backs, on the contrary, are lengthened. Pain appears. The belly is growing. The ligaments of the joints are relaxed. The balance is broken. So that a woman does not fall, stumbling, you need to train a muscle corset. Regular classes useful for quick and easy childbirth.

Gymnastics helps to keep the whole body in good shape, improve metabolic processes, and nourish the tissue with oxygen. Physical training is good for women in labor. Among the contraindications are fluctuations in blood pressure, the threat of the onset of labor before the due time.

Any type of load is prohibited for patients:

  1. having uterine tone;
  2. the threat of miscarriage;
  3. with heart disease;
  4. pathology of the thyroid gland;
  5. multiple pregnancy;
  6. low location of the placenta;
  7. all kinds of blood flows;
  8. acute viral infections;
  9. hypertension.

The range of exercises for quick delivery is quite wide. A woman must understand the importance of their implementation for herself, the child. Many mothers take birth preparation lightly. They view gymnastics as a waste of time, completely relying on the medical staff. Absence physical training often leads to weak labor activity. The contractions subside as soon as they start. As an unforeseen situation, uterine bleeding opens. There are complications.

Start practicing physical education possible at any time. Benefit different activity manifested during childbearing. Exercises for painless childbirth will prepare the body for the upcoming load, greatly facilitate the process itself.

Gymnastics for stimulation

Labor-inducing training has gained wide popularity. In women who perform it, the fetus descends into the small pelvis faster. The passage of the child through the birth canal does not meet with obstacles.

Preparation of the bones of the pelvis, thighs:

  • starting position is standing. Sit down slowly. Hold your legs in a bent position for 20 seconds. Gradually increase this time to 60 seconds. Through these actions, the bottom of the pelvis, the abdominal walls are strengthened;
  • take the starting position “sitting on the floor”. Stretch your left leg forward, bend your right leg. Fix a large towel on the heel of the outstretched limb. Do tilts. In this position, the woman in labor is delayed for 15 seconds. 5 repetitions;
  • sit on your back with your buttocks pressed against the wall. lower limbs pull up. Take steps as if you were walking up stairs. When you feel a little tired, spread your legs to the sides, hold for up to 30 seconds. Keep your buttocks pressed against a vertical surface.

Actions to bring contractions closer:

  1. walking;
  2. swimming;
  3. descent, ascent of flights of stairs;
  4. slopes;
  5. squatting;
  6. sex.

To make it easier to bend over, collect scattered matches, wash the floor. These stimulants are time-tested. Walking is considered a natural tactic. The baby, descending, presses on the neck of the reproductive organ. More oxytocin is produced, the onset of the birth process is accelerated.

Kegel exercises

This complex makes stronger the muscles of the vagina, perineum. To determine their location, interrupt the act of urination. The gynecologist advises to start training, according to the Kegel method, from half the term. Physical exercises for easy childbirth during pregnancy strengthen the muscles, make it elastic. The process itself will pass without injury, consequences.

Take any starting position to perform actions. Manipulations are performed until a feeling of fatigue occurs. Increase the load if you wish.

What exercises to do to make it easier to give birth:

  • slow squeeze. Retract, relax the muscles of the perineum. Listen to feelings. The muscles of the anus should be at rest;
  • floors. Turn on the imagination, imagining that the muscular section of the perineum has a number of floors. Get up slowly. Then stopping, resting, lower yourself;
  • flashing. The action resembles the flickering of car headlights. Tighten, relax muscles at a fast pace. Control the load. Do not overdo it.

If you decide to do gymnastics lying down, get a special rug. A woman feels more confident on it. The material does not slip. Before the start of the workout, it is allowed to take a light snack. During the class, fats are burned, this is undesirable for pregnant women. Therefore, the feeling of hunger will be redundant.

Exercises for pain in childbirth

Drink liquid before, on time, after the actions taken. The body must not lose moisture. With properly performed manipulations, the temperature regime of the body remains at the same mark. Count out loud. Speech will prevent you from holding your breath, which is extremely contraindicated for pregnant women.


  • butterfly. Sit on the floor. Spread your knees out to the sides. Connect the feet, pulling the heels to the perineum. Elbow pressure on ankle joint it is possible to increase the stretching;
  • frog. Get on your knees. Feet spread apart, try to get between them. When you experience certain difficulties during the first steps, sit on your heels.

An effective way to relieve pain is to change position. To easily give birth, exercises for pregnant women alternate in poses: on all fours, standing, in Turkish, sitting on the ball. The most physiological is "squatting".

Breathing exercises:

  1. lie down on the floor. Arrange pillows under your head, knees. Inhale, freeze for 1-2 seconds. Slowly release air through your mouth. The muscles relax. The tissues are filled with oxygen. Pain decreases, fatigue goes away;
  2. breathe like a dog. In the sitting position, perform the action as often as possible. Breaths are shallow.

To achieve a positive result, regularity is necessary. Women should remember that such exercises will help to give birth easier. They improve physical fitness, cheer up, relieve fears. You don't need to drive yourself to exhaustion. Moderate activity will perfectly prepare a woman for the upcoming event.

We are engaged in fitball

Exercises to facilitate childbirth during pregnancy will make the muscular frame of the dorsal region, abdomen, and pelvic floor stronger. There will be absolutely no threat to a woman's health if a ball is used during training. You can start manipulations from the 3rd trimester.

A set of exercises on fitball:

  1. sit on the fitball. Tighten your buttocks. Carefully raise one lower limb to the maximum height allowed. Hold 3 sec. Return to the starting position. Repeat these steps with the other limb;
  2. back the ball against the wall. Extend your legs in front of the body. Squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not break the connection with the ball. Desirable presence loved one for insurance, if balance is lost;
  3. turn to the wall partition. Hold the fitball on outstretched arms. Press it against a vertical surface. Don't bend your torso. The lower limbs are spaced shoulder-width apart. Press on the ball;
  4. sit on the fitball. Lean into it upper limbs. Do rotational movements, shaking the pelvis. Keep your balance. Subsequently, actions can be performed without the help of hands;
  5. same starting position. Rotate your body to the right, then to the left. Do it until you feel tired.

Don't be too zealous. Increased breathing activates blood circulation. If a woman is able to speak without swallowing air, the data is considered normal. Exercises for childbirth without pain can be done in any form. They were invented in Switzerland. Thanks to the fitball, a woman, despite the delicate situation, feels great.

Is it easy to lose weight after giving birth? There is no single answer. Excess weight persists for a long time in women who, instead of playing sports before pregnancy, were on various diets, starved. Arranging a "swing" up and down, they doomed the body to a quick recovery. Losing weight after childbirth is difficult for women who are genetically predisposed to fullness, who move little. There is a real chance to lose weight for mothers who are breastfeeding, adhering to a balanced diet, leading the right lifestyle.

The physical preparation of the mother is of great importance for the successful passage of the birth process. Any mother wants to look good after the birth of a baby. In order for the period of bearing a baby, labor activity to pass without consequences, the recovery period does not last long, moderate loads are necessary. Light exercises, gymnastics should be selected taking into account the opinion of the gynecologist.

Good day to all, my dears!

As promised, I share exercises with photos to strengthen muscles during pregnancy, as well as to prepare for childbirth, which I do myself at home and in Pilates classes for B.

I want to warn you (!!!) – exercises can be performed starting from the 12th week and only in agreement with the doctor, i.е. if you feel threatened or feel uncomfortable doing some exercise, please do not do them. The health of you and your baby is the most important thing!

All exercises must be performed at your own pace, not forgetting about breathing. I wanted to take a break - please drink some water. And, of course, be very careful and careful when doing exercises with a fitball ... we, pot-bellies, cannot fall.

So here are some exercises. In case of questions, please do not hesitate and contact, I will advise

Put yourself calm or any pleasant music, let there be a bottle of water nearby. You will need an exercise mat, a small ball, a small knee pad (optional) and if there is a fitball, if not, then no.

Exercise 1:

Helps with pain in the pelvic spine (especially at the end of B, when the baby is ready to go). We become in the starting position and, while inhaling, look between the palms:

As you exhale, look at the tummy, arch the spine and especially the pelvic region so that the pelvic bone is directed to the floor (as far as you can) ... like a cat that just woke up:

Repeat 10 times for pain or at the beginning and end of the workout.

Exercise 2:

For stretching the muscles of the back and buttocks. We kneel so that the feet are nearby, inhale

and as you exhale, we sit on our heels, spreading our knees so that there is enough space for the belly.

Do not do the exercise too low, just to stretch the back and buttocks. Repeat 10 times for back pain or at the beginning and end of the workout.

Exercise 3:

Variation of exercise 2, for stretching the muscles of the back and relieving pain in the pelvic region. We get on our knees and lean on our palms. We lean forward a little so that the pelvic bone is slightly directed forward and the weight of the body is more on the hands:

And we draw circles in the air with the pelvis in one direction and then in the other direction.

Exercise 4 :

For stretching and strengthening the muscles of the perineum. Very useful exercise before childbirth. We kneel on the pillow, and first put the right foot forward so that the knee is above the ankle. Feel your pelvic floor muscles stretch. We breathe.

Then we stretch our arm up and look at the palm for about 10-15 seconds to stretch the muscles even more:

If stretching allows, you can turn in the same position towards the knee to stretch more oblique abdominal muscles. Similarly, we do the same with the other leg after a short break.

Exercise 5:

To stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Great posture for doing Kegel exercises. Thanks to the starting position, the muscles of the pelvic floor work, and not the buttocks. We become in the knee-elbow position, and with the forehead we rest the fist on the fist:

Doing next exercise- while inhaling, we relax the muscles around the entrance, while exhaling, we strain, as if we want to draw air into ourselves through a straw.

We repeat 10-15 times. This exercise can be done already on the first day after childbirth for recovery.

Exercise 6:

To stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Required tennis ball or a soft roller (as for water aerobics). We put the ball on the floor and sit on it exactly in the middle in Turkish:

It will hurt at first, so lean back a little, leaning on your hands.

You can sway from side to side. We sit on the ball for 30-45 seconds, then we take a break and stretch - we sit down and connect our knees and wave our knees from side to side, without lifting our feet - 5 times in each direction:

Exercise 7:

To stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. We sit in the starting position, you can put a pillow under the knee if the knee does not touch the floor:

Then, we make inclinations towards the toe of the extended leg. We work to a level that is acceptable to you. We hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

We return to the starting position and repeat 5-7 times. After the break, repeat all this with the other leg.

Exercise 8:

Helps with pain in the pelvic spine. We lie down on our side, knees bent, we put a ball between the knees (tennis or a little more):

We begin to slide the upper knee over the ball, pushing the knee forward and returning it back:

We do the exercise for 1-2 minutes, then change the side and do the same.

Exercise 9:

To stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. We sit in the starting position so that the feet are connected and the knees are apart:

We sit like this for 1-2 minutes, you can sway from side to side. Comfortable posture to watch movies at home

Exercise 10:

To stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. We get on our knees and lean on our palms, inhale:

On exhalation, we try to pull (a little) the baby towards us, as if he is in a hammock, with the muscles that go from the navel and below. We repeat 10 times.

Exercise 11:

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and buttocks. We lie down on our back (if it’s not comfortable, we don’t do the exercise), knees bent, shoulder-width apart. On inspiration, gently lift the pelvic section along the vertebra:

On the exhale, we also go down along the vertebra. Repeat 15-20 times, if there is strength, then several approaches. The same exercise can be done on a fitball:

Exercise 12:

To stretch the back - we spread our legs wider than our shoulders and, resting our hands on the ball, we straighten forward so that the chin stretches to the chest.

You can sway from side to side a little for more stretch. Then gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 13:

Helps with pain in the pelvic spine. We sit on the fitball and draw large circles with the pelvis in one direction, then in the other:

Exercise 14:

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and buttocks. We sit on the fitball, like on a horse - the knees look to the sides, we rest our feet on the floor. Then, we begin to remove one foot at a time and look for the center of gravity, balancing on the ball. Be careful! If it doesn't work, start again. If possible, you can stretch your arms to the sides. Hint - with a smile and a disconnected brain, it turns out better

Exercise 15:

For stretching the muscles of the back and for pain in the pelvic spine.

We sit on the fitball, lean on our elbows and slowly lower ourselves down, holding on to our legs (carefully so as not to fall):

Then you can put your hands behind your head or stretch them out and gradually straighten your knees, thereby, your body weight will be on the ball, and the muscles of the back and pelvis will be relaxed.

We breathe and think about something pleasant. Carefully return to the starting position.

I hope these exercises help you too! Happy pregnancy and easy delivery!

P.S. on personal experience- I've been doing these exercises since 13 weeks and feel great (ttt)

The days in anticipation of the birth of a child are filled with extraordinary joy and inexplicable anxiety. After all, the process of childbirth itself requires enormous stress from the female body. Although Mother Nature herself in this case is a great helper. It serves as a source of an impressive release of hormones, which gives the woman in labor additional energy and strength. Thanks to nature, but taking care of yourself is also important and necessary. And they will help you with this special exercises.

How to choose exercises

You can be pregnant and stay constantly on the move. Activity will be equally useful for both mother and baby: the baby, being in the womb, thanks to movement, gently sways, and feasible exercises and moderate sports stimulate the blood circulation of the woman in labor, prevent the set of extra pounds, help strengthen muscles, which leads to relief childbirth process. Special exercises will help you to be in excellent prenatal shape.

How to choose them correctly? The most acceptable option is special courses for pregnant women, where they will correctly select the exercises and the strength of the load, taking into account your individual condition. But if there are no courses or you need to go to the other end of the city with several transfers, then it is better to contact the observing doctor, take into account his recommendations and wishes and start doing the exercises yourself at home.

So, the doctor allowed certain types of exercises to be performed. Now you yourself must balance desires and possibilities. And if in the process of training you feel overwork or discomfort, do not overdo it, stop! Your health and the health of your baby is most important. Therefore, exercise extreme caution. Perhaps you need more simple exercises, the implementation of which will bring pleasure to you and will be useful to the unborn child.

There are many well-designed exercises to maintain a good physical form expectant mothers and facilitate the birth of a new inhabitant of the planet.

Types of physical directly depend on the goal, permissible load and the specifics of childbirth: in the hospital, in water or vertical.

Let's dwell on the exercises that will be easy for most women to do:

  1. Warm up exercises.
  2. Relaxation exercises.
  3. Breathing exercises.
  4. Exercises that strengthen muscles and joint mobility.
  5. Endurance exercises.
  6. Exercises that train the muscles of the perineum.

When performing physical exercises, pregnant women must take into account certain rules:

  1. Perform all exercises in a calm rhythm.
  2. During the exercise, do not exceed the load: you can damage the relaxed ones.
  3. Do at least fifteen minutes and no more than forty.
  4. Remember: the best time for classes is from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 18.00 to 19.00.
  5. Classes start with a ten-minute warm-up, the same amount of time, five minutes, give heavy and relaxation exercises. After a week, extend each stage physical activities up to fifteen minutes.
  6. Start with a warm-up, end with relaxation and breathing.
  7. Finish your meal one hour before so that the calories needed by the child can be absorbed.
  8. During exercise, do not forget to drink water to prevent the body from losing excess fluid.
  9. Don't hold your breath.
  10. When doing physical exercises, count aloud: such a maneuver will remind you of the importance of proper breathing.
  11. Practice on a non-slip gymnastics mat.

Exercises to help prepare for childbirth

For classes, you have the right to choose one of the complexes in the composition with all the exercises or its individual types, relying on general state health, age, fitness level.

A set of physical exercises Aerobics

  1. Start your workout by warming up by walking in place for one minute.
  2. Starting position: put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to one another, stretch your arms forward. Start doing half squats, keep your torso straight. Hands rise and fall simultaneously in time with squats. Exercise slowly, breathe evenly. Repeat no more than ten times.
  3. The starting position is the same, only the arms are at the sides. Leaning your torso forward, touch your hands in turn to the left and right toes of both legs. Breathing should be even, the pace of execution is average. Repeat twelve times.
  4. The starting position is the same. Bend your torso a little, keep your arms loose at the seams, tilting your head forward, relax the muscles of your arms and upper body. After five seconds, straighten up, pulling your shoulders back, bend again. Breathing is even, the pace is slow. Repeat eight times.
  5. Starting position: feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms out to the sides. Leaning forward, turn the body to the right and left, touching right hand the toe of the left foot and the toe of the right with the left hand. After completing ten movements, stand straight and relax the muscles of the forearm and shoulders. Repeat four times.
  6. The starting position is the same. Tilting the torso to the right, hold the left hand above the head, and the right behind the back; tilting the body to the left, hold the right hand above the head, and the left behind the back. Repeat the exercise twelve times at an average pace.
  7. Starting position: stand straight, keep your legs together, lower your arms along the body. Tilt your body to the right and left. Accompany the slopes by sliding your hands: slide down with your right hand, and slide up with your left hand when tilting to the right; slide down with your left hand, and slide up with your right, leaning to the left. Perform the exercise no more than twelve times without holding your breath.

After completing the set of exercises, take about ten deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

A set of physical exercises Purpose:

  1. To mitigate the process of childbirth, it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal cavity, abdomen and pelvic region. IN slow pace squat down from the starting position while standing, keeping your feet on the floor. Half squatting, fix for twenty seconds. After a while, increase the fixation time of this body pose to one minute.
  2. For muscle elasticity. Sitting on the floor, bend your left leg at the knee, stretch your right leg straight in front of you. Leaning your torso forward, fix the pose, counting to twenty. Straighten up. This simple exercise do six times.
  3. For spinal stability. Take a long towel. Bring it behind your head, keeping your elbows below your shoulders. Hold this position for a count of thirty. Repeat about ten times.
  4. For endurance. Lie on your back on the floor with your buttocks against the wall. Move your feet up the wall. Then spread them as wide as possible and stay in this position for thirty seconds.
  5. For enrichment with oxygen. Perform this exercise while standing, sitting on your knees or on a stool. Breathing is deep. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do ten to twelve times.
  6. For relaxation. You can lie on your side or back. Breathing calmly and thinking only about pleasant things, begin to relax the muscles of the hips, legs, buttocks, and abdomen in that order. Accompany execution light exercise music.

Kegel perineal muscle training has been used by pregnant women for a long time and very successfully. After all, this area during childbirth undergoes a serious load. These exercises must be performed daily up to twenty-five times, starting from the beginning of pregnancy.

Lie on your back. Tighten your muscles as much as possible. Hold the tension for ten seconds. Then, slowly, relax. After the eighteenth week of pregnancy, do this exercise while sitting on a stool or in a standing position.

Dr. Kegel also recommends massaging the perineum with essential oils to improve tissue elasticity. Two months before the birth, this type of massage should be stopped. But about its expediency, you need to ask the observing doctor.

Listen to your body while exercising. It should give you a signal in the form of pain or discomfort. You must remember that the main goal is not to break sports records, but to give birth to a healthy, strong baby easily and without problems.

Take care of yourself and good luck with your birth!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK


The moment of the birth of the baby is about to come, and you are worried about how successfully everything will end. To be sure of the successful outcome of this important event, you need to prepare for it in advance. In particular, to learn what exercises for childbirth will help relieve pain, avoid tears, stimulate the uterus, relieve stress and tension.

This knowledge will come in handy when it seems that the torment will never end. They will allow the woman in labor to endure all the trials that have fallen to her lot with dignity and with the least losses.

Throughout pregnancy, for regular performance, special gymnastics is recommended to prepare for childbirth, which will allow the body to be fully equipped for such a responsible event. She will help:

  • develop mobility and flexibility of the pelvic bones, lower spine, which will greatly facilitate childbirth and avoid back pain during the birth of the baby;
  • stretch the muscles of the hips so that you can comfortably sit in the delivery chair for as long as you need;
  • keep the muscles of the pelvis and vagina in good shape to avoid urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids after childbirth and speed up the recovery period;
  • open the cervix in a timely manner (read more about it).

If you want to give birth to your baby with minimal complications, without pain and medications, find a set of exercises for each muscle group and start them. regular execution already at 4-5 months of pregnancy. This will allow you to perfectly prepare for childbirth.


For each group of muscles and organs, there are special exercises that prepare them exclusively for childbirth.

  • Preparing for the birth of the pelvic bones

Get on your knees, lean on your hands. Place your palms at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, knees - 20. The hips should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Bend your back slowly, raise your buttocks as high as possible. Do all this while taking a deep breath.

  • Hip Stretching Exercises

Sit in Turkish (in the lotus position). Feet connect, knees apart. Wrap your arms around your ankles. Bend forward, put your forearms on your shins. Gently press on your knees with your elbows, as if trying to push them apart.

  • Vaginal muscle training

Most best exercises for childbirth without gaps - those suggested by Kegel (we are how effective they are after childbirth). From time to time, several times a day, squeeze as hard as you can intimate muscles and then slowly release, relaxing.

A simple but effective gymnastics, begun during pregnancy, is a great help in childbirth, which you can appreciate when this moment comes. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, take note of those that can be performed during contractions and attempts to relieve pain, or to accelerate uterine contractions.

For stimulation

If all the deadlines have already passed, and the baby does not want to please you with his birth, gymnastics will help to stimulate childbirth, which will significantly speed up the process of resolving the burden.

  1. Walking is an excellent method of naturally inducing labor. It helps the child to gradually descend. There is pressure on the uterus, which leads to the expansion of its neck. This increases the release of oxytocin into the body, which induces labor.
  2. Not just walking, but going up and down the stairs contributes to an even faster delivery. When each subsequent leg is lifted, the pelvis opens, a larger space is created for the child. Shocks during the moments of descent help him to take a more comfortable position.
  3. Breaststroke is another great exercise capable of inducing childbirth. Water relieves tension and weight from the joints.
  4. Sitting and squatting are helpful when the baby is too high in the womb. They help him lower, while taking the correct position.
  5. Any swaying is an excellent gymnastics for the beginning of childbirth, which will not begin in any way. To do this, you can swing every day on a swing. Or, in front of the TV, sit not on the sofa, but on a large gymnastic ball and swing on it in different directions.

All of the above exercises can become a natural impetus for the birth of a full-term baby. so helpful exercise stress will help keep fit, relieve stress and help the baby to be born as soon as possible. And as soon as the long-awaited contractions begin, another question will arise: what kind of gymnastics will be needed during childbirth to relieve pain and ease the agony?

For pain during childbirth

Find out in advance how special exercises are performed that reduce pain. In classes for young mothers, they talk about how gymnastics helps in childbirth, what can be expected from it. Its functions:

  • mastery of conscious relaxation individual muscles body;
  • comfortable state during childbirth;
  • decrease in tension and activity at this moment of the nervous system;
  • removal of muscle fatigue;
  • reduction of pain;
  • getting the maximum amount of oxygen to the uterus;
  • consciously focusing your attention on exercises and relaxing muscles helps to take your mind off the pain.

Usually, gymnastics for easy childbirth is selected at the preliminary classes for young mothers. There are more simple complexes that you can find and work out on your own. In between contractions, try the following exercises.

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body (the starting position of the exercise). On the inhale, spread your arms to the sides, on the exhale, lower, shake your hands.
  2. Take the same starting position. Pull your elbows back, lift your legs forward one by one.
  3. former starting position. Alternately take your arms to the side along with the torso.
  4. Starting position for the exercise: sit on the edge of a chair, bend your knees, connect the soles. Spread your knees out to the sides, return to the starting position.
  5. Starting position for the exercise: lie down on flat surface. Bend your legs alternately, tilting your knees in different directions.
  6. Slow, measured walking with normal and cross steps.

Helps reduce pain breathing exercises for childbirth, which will saturate both organisms with oxygen - both the woman in labor and the fetus. This is necessary for the normal course of the entire process.

  1. Relaxing breathing exercise(used at the beginning of labor). Inhale through the nose, make a short pause, exhale through the mouth. Breathing should be smooth, it is better to stretch the lips into a tube.
  2. superficial breathing exercise (required to ease contractions). Both inhalation and exhalation are performed exclusively through the nose or mouth. Movements should be light and fast, without the participation of the abdominal wall: make sure that it is motionless. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration.
  3. intermittent breathing exercise (useful during the period of attempts). Produced with the participation chest, at a steady but fast pace. Open your mouth, touch your lower teeth with your tongue. Outwardly, it should be similar to the frequent breathing of a dog.
  4. Deep breathing exercise (at the last stage of childbirth, already with the appearance of the baby's head). You need to take a deep breath through the nose, count slowly to 10, make a smooth exhalation through the mouth, while loudly pronouncing hissing sounds.

More about correct breathing during childbirth and contractions.

Now you know how useful gymnastics for childbirth is, which can provide an easy, uncomplicated birth of a baby into the world. She will allow at this crucial moment not to die from pain and weakness, but to help her own crumbs pass all the tests with the least losses. Both its further development and the condition of the mother will depend on this. Therefore, all pregnant women need to learn special exercises in advance and actively practice them during contractions and attempts. Painless, quick and easy childbirth without the use of medications in this case will not become a myth, but a reality.