Exercises for tightening intimate muscles. Intimate muscles - training

Hello girls. Today is a note for you. The topic is intimate and does not involve the participation of men. This article was written to me by a girl, a copywriter - I asked her to cover this topic in general terms, since this is not my element and it is somehow inconvenient for me to talk about these topics. But there is a problem, and we will discuss it right now.

Many women want to pump up their intimate muscles for a variety of reasons.

  • Some wish to improve their personal intimate life.
  • Others strive to prepare their bodies as much as possible for the birth of children.
  • And those who have already gone through this wish to recover and tone the female muscles.

Let's find out how to pump up the muscles of the vagina. The article is quite short, as there is not much to say here. Consider only the most effective exercise, get all the necessary tools - and into battle.

Training of intimate female muscles has a name "wumbling" and has a lot of benefits. Very important is a brighter sex life for both partners, the quality and duration of an orgasm increases in a woman.

It also helps to eliminate many gynecological problems, such as menstrual irregularities, polycystic disease, problems with conception. Trained vaginal muscles contribute to easier pregnancy and easy childbirth.

It is also known that with age and after childbirth, the muscles of the female genital organs become more flabby and stretched, which can adversely affect the quality of sexual relations.

With the help of training intimate muscles, blood circulation in the pelvis and pelvic organs improves, prolapse of the uterus is prevented and Bladder. Also, women with trained muscles do not suffer from urinary and fecal incontinence.

How to pump up vaginal muscles effectively - 5 cool exercises

All these exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time - while in the office, taking the elevator or standing in line. It is completely invisible to others, but nevertheless very effective. Although the first time it is still better to do it at home, in a relaxed atmosphere and fully understand the execution technology.

The most popular technique for training the vagina is called Kegel exercises. These activities affect smooth muscles vaginas and make them more massive. As a result, a woman will be able to better grasp the male sexual organ with them during intimacy.

  1. Contraction and holding of the vaginal muscles. Squeeze the muscles of the vagina and hold them in this state for at least five seconds. Gradually increase the holding time. On average, you should do this exercise for at least five minutes a day.
  2. Rapid muscle contraction (blinking). Strongly tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus, and quickly relax. Start with 20 repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions to 100.
  3. Ejection. This exercise is easier to understand for those who have already become a mother. The movement is similar to attempts, for girls without experience, you need to imagine a foreign object in your crotch and try to push it out with force.
  4. Urinary retention. Also recommended, but for a few seconds. This effective prevention diseases of the genitourinary system, including enuresis.
  5. Breeding legs in the "birch" stance. Lie on your back and stand in a birch stance, as we all did in kindergarten. Then start slowly spreading your legs to the sides, follow the reduction of the legs. Do 6-7 reps per set for 3-5 minutes. Do this exercise slowly and consciously, slowly increase the range of motion of the legs.

Various tools will help enhance the effect of Kegel exercises. Vaginal balls are very effective, they can be inserted and squeezed just during the day, or before training, for example, squats, and combine work on the muscles of the buttocks and vagina.

Many girls are interested in the question of how long it takes to increase the tone of the muscles of the vagina and feel the result. This is individual and depends on many factors, but in most cases you will be able to enjoy the achievement of the goal in 1-2 months.

You can buy a high quality Kegel vaginal trainer HERE or HERE.

Pick up additional STIMULANTS (TOP 3 products):

  1. Some girls use special CANDLES FOR NARROWING THE VAGINAL MUSCLES ("Vagileks"). They help to recover after childbirth and tone the intimate muscles. You can buy HERE (only for Russia).
  2. They also use the mega-popular Vaginal muscle contraction gel ("Virgin Star"). You can buy HERE (available countries - Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan).
  3. I also found an extraordinary working tool HERE. This is a special STICK "DOYAN", which eliminates frigidity, enhances orgasm, narrows the vagina (available countries - Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan).

Choose the right option for you! These tools will enhance the effect of training!

What is wumbling? Vumbilding is a workout aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis. Simply put, to strengthen the intimate muscles. First of all, it is necessary to improve sexual relations, as well as for a better course of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, regularly performed wumbling workouts are an excellent prevention of female diseases. The history of wumbling dates back to the time of geisha, who were in perfect control of their intimate muscles. And, as you know, these women were called priestesses of love, those who perfectly comprehended the art of love. In many ways, it was thanks to the skill of owning intimate muscles to perfection that geisha earned their fame.

Indications for wumbling

Who is shown training in the first place? What are they needed for? What problems can be solved?

  • First of all, the indication for the start of wumbling is urinary incontinence, which occurs when coughing, sneezing or lifting weights. Initially, these exercises were invented specifically to combat urinary incontinence.
  • Exercises also help with the occurrence of hemorrhoids and for its prevention.
  • In the event that there is pain during intercourse.
  • In the absence of an orgasm.
  • With displacement of the uterus or prevention of its displacement.
  • Unable to bear the urge to urinate.
  • To avoid painful childbirth. And also classes are an excellent prevention of gaps in childbirth.
  • In order to cure hormonal disruptions.
  • Also, wumbling exercises will be useful for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases.
  • In cases where air enters the vagina during intercourse.
  • In addition, these exercises help prevent uterine cancer.
  • They also allow you to postpone the menopause to a later date. In addition, classes help eliminate all the signs of premenstrual syndrome.

How to start wumbling

If you have only recently learned that such exercises exist, most likely you are wondering where to start to get the best result.

For beginners, it is advisable, first of all, to read as much information as possible and watch the video. Before moving on to practice, you need to be completely savvy in theory, because this will ensure the correct execution of all exercises, which means that it will definitely give positive effect. It is best to consult your doctor before starting exercise. This is necessary in order to exclude pregnancy and all kinds of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. These events are contraindications for wumbling.

You don't need a lot of space to practice. You can train even lying on the couch! And over time, when you fully master all the techniques, you can do the exercises wherever you want - doing homework, walking in the park, or even at work!

First of all, you need to be sure to learn abdominal breathing. With this type of breathing, only the stomach moves, in turn rib cage remains completely motionless. Breathing is even and smooth.

To begin with, learn how to perform the entire exercise technique, at home, lying down, and only then, when you can perform them automatically, without thinking about the correct execution, you can move on to exercises in a standing position. First of all, try to slowly and smoothly squeeze the muscles of the vagina, and then also slowly relax them. In addition, try to slowly pull the muscles of the anus, Special attention not to strain the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen, then also gently relax. Give this preparation from 6 to 12 minutes.

Exercise technique

Tune in to the fact that it will take you about two weeks just to feel your intimate muscles, and 3 to 6 months of regular training in order to learn how to control them. To start all a set of wumbling exercises performed only lying down.

1) First, learn to feel your intimate muscles. To do this, while emptying the bladder, try to stop the process with the help of muscles. When you manage to do this, you will understand exactly which muscles you have to train. However, do not include this exercise in your daily workouts, as there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect - weakening the muscles, and, as a result, urinary incontinence.

2) Smoothly contract the intimate muscles for 5 seconds, then also gently relax. Do the exercise 10 times.

3) Next, contract the muscles to the limit and hold them for 30 to 60 seconds. If at first you are unable to hold the muscles of the vagina to a minimum threshold of time, hold the maximum amount of time possible, adding a few seconds every day. Repeat the entire series of exercises above 4 times.

4) Quickly contract and release the pelvic muscles for 15-20 seconds, then take a break for 15 seconds, and then repeat 4 times.

5) Relax completely, and then tighten the pelvic muscles to the limit 35 times at an average pace. Do three to four sets.

6) Squeeze the muscles to the maximum possible limit for 25 seconds and hold in this position, then take a break for 15 seconds. Do 6 sets.

7) As it were, collect and then release the muscles of the vagina for 120 seconds. At the same time, add 60 seconds every day until you reach 10 minutes 3 times a day.

8) Exercise "Madonna". Take the following starting position. Get on your knees, then place your pelvis on your heels. Take your hands back, focus on your palms, while your knees and legs are apart. Gently raise the buttocks only with the help of muscle efforts abdominals while keeping your back completely relaxed. intimate muscles squeeze gently for 35 seconds, then slowly release. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

9) Exercise "Raising the pelvis". The fulcrum goes to the palms, which are located behind the back. The legs are straightened, stretched forward and slightly apart. Support falls on the palms and feet. Raise the pelvis as much as possible, while the head is thrown back, the neck muscles are not tense. Contract and relax your vaginal muscles as you lower yourself to the floor. 8-12 approaches should be performed.

10) Next exercise performed standing. Legs shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath and tighten the sphincter as much as possible. Then exhale and then relax. The exercise is performed within 4-5 minutes.

11) The next exercise is performed by analogy with the previous one, but the legs are bent. It is a little heavier, but gives a more tangible effect.

12) Exercise "Blink". The emphasis is alternately on the clitoris and sphincter. Tighten and relax both in turn. Spend about 20 minutes practicing several times a day. At first, this will seem very difficult and impossible. However, every day, you will be easier and easier.

Once you have perfected all the technique of performing exercises to automatism, you can perform some of them sitting or even standing. In the meantime, you can continue with your normal activities. For example, in transport on the way to work, or at work.

Vumbilding simulators

Exercises for the development of intimate muscles are certainly very effective. However, it is believed that, by themselves, they will never give such an effect as in joint exercises with special intimate simulators. It is recommended to start learning the art of wumbling from an official representative in your city. He will teach correct execution complex and give recommendations on how to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. As soon as you feel the first success in the classroom, you can safely practice at home. What kind of simulators exist, how do they work, and where can I buy them?

  • The most effective simulator for practicing wumbling and wumfit - simulators by V. L. Muranivsky and O. V. Nikitina. They are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor, develop the vaginal canal, recover after childbirth, become more sensitive, improve blood circulation in internal organs and muscles.
  • Balloons. Special balls designed to be inserted into the vagina and held inside with the help of intimate muscles. You can buy them in intimate shops. Before use, be sure to wash them and treat with an antiseptic. In addition, generously lubricate them with lubricant.

Exercises with balls must be practiced strictly after permission professional trainer wumbling (!!!). Insert the balls into the vagina and hold them without releasing with the help of intimate muscles. To begin with, do the exercise for one to two minutes, gradually increasing the time. A more technically difficult exercise is moving the ball into the vagina only with the help of intimate muscles. Once you learn how to control the muscles, you can do it without much difficulty. The next exercise is pushing the ball out of the vagina one by one using the intimate muscles. And one more exercise - insert the balls into the vagina and, holding the thread, try to pull them out one at a time, while resisting with intimate muscles.

  • Vacuum trainer. A rather complex device, and at first it may seem that it is almost impossible to deal with it. However, each simulator goes detailed instructions. If you deal with it, you can achieve amazing results. After all vacuum trainer recognized as the most effective of all existing. With it, you can get results much faster.
  • cargo simulators. The device is a ball to which you can attach the load. Usually, when training, they attach a bottle into which water is poured. Each time, during classes, you should pour a little more than the previous one. The maximum amount of weight calculated on the simulator is up to 2 kilograms.
  • vaginal expander. This device works in the same way as a conventional manual expander, only intended for training intimate muscles.

In order for wumbling exercises to give a tangible effect, you need to carefully approach the technique of their implementation. You need to train constantly, not missing a single day. After you have learned to feel the muscles well, you must definitely use simulators during training. Only they will help you understand how to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and make them work. It is almost impossible to do this without simulators.

When you feel that everything is working out for you, when you begin to see and feel the effect of the exercises, do not quit. In the event that you stop exercising, after a very a short time the muscles will return to their previous shape, and the exercises will have to be started again.

Only perseverance and regularity will help you train your vaginal muscles. However, the effort is worth it! After all, you will not only improve your women Health, but also present an unforgettable surprise to your sexual partner! Good luck to you!

A significant part of women throughout their lives experience problems in the intimate sphere. And most of them tend to blame men for all their failures. This is a fairly common position among the weaker sex, but, nevertheless, it is erroneous. Before you blame someone, you should take care of yourself. And you should immediately change the situation in your intimate sphere, because every woman deserves great sexual happiness. In addition, intimate dissatisfaction adversely affects the health of the female body as a whole.

A good orgasm is possible only with the elastic muscles of the vagina. Therefore, they need constant training. In order to keep our body in beauty and good health, we visit sports clubs, constantly pumping the muscles of the press, arms and legs on simulators. And for some reason we forget about the muscles of our vagina, which also require constant attention to themselves. The sexual sensations of any woman depend on their elasticity.

You can develop vaginal muscles with the help of simple Kegel exercises. Following the recommendations below, you can easily master this gymnastics.

In order to find the vaginal muscles, you need to stick your own finger into the vagina and try to squeeze everything inside yourself. If you feel that a tight ring has formed around your finger, then you are doing everything right. No other muscles should be involved in this exercise, and breathing should remain even.

The whole set of Kegel exercises consists of 3 parts: slow contraction of the vaginal muscles, their contraction and expulsion. With slow contraction, the vaginal muscles should be tensed and relaxed alternately every 3 seconds. When contracting, you need to strain and relax the muscles much faster. When pushing out, you should push moderately, just as it happens during childbirth.

Good and fast results can only be achieved with regular workouts. They should start with 10 compressions, contractions and push-outs, which must be performed 5 times a day. After a week, the number of alternate exercises should be increased to 15, without increasing the number of approaches per day. After another week, do 20 squeezes, contractions and push-outs also 5 times a day. And so on until the number of exercises reaches 30. You can enhance the effect of the exercises by holding an object in the vagina. A vibrator is also suitable for these purposes.

After 1.5-2 months of classes, you can achieve amazing results. In the future, to keep the vaginal muscles in good shape, these exercises should be performed daily or every other day. You can train anywhere: on the way to work, in transport, sitting, lying down, etc. This should become your habit.

These exercises were developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel specifically for women who experience problems with urination after childbirth. Over time, it turned out that the technique not only helps to stop involuntary urination, but also helps a woman experience strong sexual sensations.

Not only increase a woman's sensual sensations and increase libido, but also improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs, help control her own orgasm, facilitate the flow of the birth process and prevent vaginal ruptures during childbirth.

If you suffer from any acute or chronic gynecological disease, including infectious diseases, are pregnant or have recently undergone surgery, then you should definitely consult a doctor before starting classes using the Kegel method.

Having mastered the above technique of Kegel exercises well, you can try other variations of it.

Squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles 30 times, gradually increasing this number to 100. Then squeeze the muscles hard and try to keep them in this state for 20 seconds, followed by relaxation for 30 seconds. You need to repeat this exercise 5 times.

Squeeze the muscles of the vagina for 5 seconds and relax. After doing this exercise 10 times, as quickly as possible, squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times in 3 sets. Then strongly squeeze the muscles and hold them in this state for 1 to 2 minutes. After a short rest, repeat all over again.

Just regularly do not quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina, starting from 2 minutes, and gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes.

For 10 seconds, as quickly as possible, squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina, alternating exercises with 10 second breaks. In total, you need to do 3 sets with breaks of 30 seconds. Then squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times for 5 seconds, not forgetting to take breaks for 5 seconds. In conclusion, squeeze and relax the muscles 3 times for 30 seconds.

After the birth of a baby, many people face a problem in their sexual life, it also happens to older women, and sometimes even young girls complain about the lack of orgasm. There is a solution to this issue - wumbling, or a special set of exercises for training intimate muscles. Thanks to this approach, you can fully feel your sexuality, easily achieve pleasure and please your partner.

Orgasm control skills are acquired, both one's own and a partner's;

The body prepares for painless childbirth;

Exercise also strengthens the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor;

Reduces the appearance of cellulite;

Another indisputable plus of training intimate muscles is that most of the exercises can be done anywhere - at work, at home, on the bus, theater or bed.

Arnold Kegel complexes:

10 seconds intensely squeeze and unclench the muscles. Repeat 3 times with a 10 second rest. Then repeat squeezing and unclenching for 5 seconds, alternating with a 5 second rest. Repeat the exercise 9 times. Next - squeeze the muscles for 30 seconds and relax the same way, repeat 2 times. At the end, repeat the first part of the exercise once.

Squeeze your intimate muscles for 5 seconds, then relax them. Repeat 10 times. Then 10 times at a fast pace, squeeze and unclench the muscles. Rest 10 seconds and then do 2 more reps. Squeeze the muscles and try to hold them in this position for 2 minutes. Rest 2 minutes and start the exercises again.

Squeeze and unclench intimate muscles 30 times. Then 40 times... 50 and so on. Gradually increase the number of compressions to 100 times. At the end, squeeze the muscles very strongly and hold them in this position for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise first 5 times.

Squeeze and unclench the muscles for two minutes. Take a break and squeeze for 5 minutes ... Gradually bring the exercise to 20 minutes. You need to do this exercise 3 times a day.

Exercise 1

2 minutes alternately contract the muscles of the anus, then the vagina. Then tense everything for 10 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets. Do this exercise 5 minutes a day.

Exercise 2

Strongly tighten the muscles of the vagina, as if trying to pull in and hold something. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Relax and gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.

Exercise 3

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, and put your hands on your knees. Move forward by alternately tightening the buttocks. The knees can be slightly bent, but straighten them before each subsequent tension. Do the exercise for about 5 minutes and rest. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 4

When urinating, hold the stream as long as you can, and then try to push it out with force. Repeat as much as you can. You can imitate such movements simply by sitting: squeezing and pushing the air with your vagina.

Exercise 5

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend at the knees. On the count of times - take a deep breath and tighten the sphincter. On the count of two, sit down and exhale. Relax and repeat the exercise for 4 minutes.

Exercise 6

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Within 2-3 minutes, rhythmically raise and lower the pelvis. Rest and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 7

In the previous pose, lift the pelvis, but at the same time tighten the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and sphincter. Do 1-2 minutes. Take a rest. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 8

Similar to the previous one, only the feet must be closed.

Exercise 9

Squeeze your intimate muscles slowly during intercourse. Then try to alternate the intensity and frequency of contractions. For your partner, this will be the most enjoyable exercise.

This information is only for those women who do not want to be satisfied with the usual sex life, but are trying to bring it to a new qualitative level, making it more complete. Such ladies just need to know how to pump up the vagina.

Functions of the vagina

The female genital organ, that is, the vagina, looks like a tube, the length of which is 8-12 cm. It is elastic and contains muscles. Muscles perform the function of adapting to the male penis, which is in a state of erection. It pinches the penis from all sides, due to swelling and muscle tension from increased blood supply when the penis is aroused.

Elasticity after childbirth

As we age, the vagina begins to change. Basically, after childbirth, it loses its elasticity, becomes more flabby and therefore cannot adapt to the man's phallus. This leads to the fact that during intercourse, both partners do not experience those vivid sensations that they used to. During labor, women stretch the walls of the vagina, especially if the fetus is born large. All this exacerbates the tears and seams on them.


So that sex does not bring you one nerve disorder, it is better to find out how to pump up the muscles of the vagina with the help of special exercises. So you strengthen the muscles called women - these are especially intimate muscles located near the anus and vagina and contracting during orgasm. If you make an effort, you can even control them during intercourse, which will bring untold pleasure not only to you, but also to your partner.

Exercises for the muscles of the vagina

Exercise 1

Lie on your stomach, if not possible, do the exercise in any position that is comfortable for you. The muscles you plan to build must first be identified. Imagine that you want to use the toilet, reproduce this action and abruptly interrupt yourself, as if you are afraid to wet yourself. Do the same with the back passage. Remember your feelings. Then try to squeeze both groups of these muscles at once. During this exercise, the hips should move forward a little. Hold this position for a few seconds. The sensations will not be pleasant, but you will not experience pain. You will not be able to compress the muscles for a long time, do it as much as you can. Squeeze the anus together with the buttocks to tighten everything else gluteal muscles. Just do not overdo it, for the first two weeks repeat this movement once a day and no more. You should only feel slightly tired. Bring the number of repetitions to 100 times a day, five times a week, and in a month you will be pleased with an excellent result.

Exercise 2

You must have the appropriate skills for this exercise. Lie down and make a stand (birch), if it’s difficult for you to hold yourself like that, then lean against the wall. Start spreading your legs, and then bring them back to the starting position. Do it smoothly and increase the amplitude a little, you need to do 6-7 repetitions per minute. The first week, do this for 3-4 minutes, gradually bring up to 10 minutes of exercise per day.


Tighten your vagina as if you want to draw something in with it and hold it in this state until you count to five. Over time, you should have time to count to 30, holding the muscles. Do it simple exercise every hour, especially since you can do it anywhere, and in a month you will see the result.


Squeeze and relax your vagina. This is done very quickly, starting with 10 times and gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50 times. Then, with the muscles of the anus, do the same.


Contract first the muscles of the vagina, and then the anus. Alternate repeat 20 times.


Count from 3 to 5. Squeeze your vagina for three and five and stop at each position. In the same sequence, relax, stopping at the same numbers. Do the exercise on the muscles of the anus.

Vaginal muscle training is over.

We all know that heels have a negative effect on our legs, which cannot be said about the muscles of the vagina. It turns out that when our feet are at a 15-degree angle from the ground, the muscles of the penis are trained. Just do not overdo it with a heel, medium is enough, too high is not needed. Yet best result you will be given the exercises listed above.

Now you know how to pump up the vagina. I hope you will be able to please your loved one by giving him new unspeakably bright sensations!