How much does a tennis racket weigh. Racket selection

It is quite difficult to choose a racket for tennis from a wide model range offered by manufacturers, but today we will try to decide on the best choice for us.

Classification of rackets

Conventionally, rackets can be classified by type of purpose:

- professional or tournament - for players participating in competitions;
- club - for players with an average (good) level of play;
- amateur - for beginners.

Regardless of the type of racket, different materials are used to make them, which determine the efficiency and comfort of the game. The most popular graphite rackets. This is a very durable and relatively light material.

Titanium rackets similar in properties to graphite, so manufacturers combine these materials for lightness and rigidity of rackets. Rackets made of aluminum are more durable and cheaper than others.

were formerly common ceramic rackets, but due to their decent weight and fragility, they were no longer produced. Now ceramics are added as an admixture to other racket components (composite materials).

The playing characteristics of the racket are also affected by other parameters - dimensions, weight, length, etc.

Tennis racket size

The racket has many different options. We will talk about each of them below. In order to understand what we are going to talk about, I offer you a racket scheme:

Handle size

Racquet handle size length, should be such that it can be grasped simultaneously with two hands. For the rest, you need to focus on your feelings.

The racket should be comfortable to hold in your hand so that the muscles are not tense. It is necessary to choose the largest handle with which it will be comfortable to play.

If we talk about handle thickness, then the table will help us here:

To determine what size handle you need, hold the racket in your right hand and place your left index finger between your palm and fingertips right hand. The index finger should pass freely.

Head size

There is a direct relationship between the power of the racket and the size of the head - the larger the size of the head, the higher the power of the racket.

Large-headed racquets also have a large playing spot corresponding to it, which helps to avoid mistakes when hitting off-center.

Racquet length

The officially regulated interval for the length of tennis rackets varies 27 to 29 inches.

Most rackets are made in the standard length of 27 inches. The longer racquet provides a slight advantage on pitching, rebounding, and adds a bit of power.

Racket weight and balance

These are the most important parameters. The heavier the racket, the greater the power of impact. Lightweight racquets are more manoeuvrable, which gives the ball more topspin.

At the moment, most manufacturers make rackets weighing up to 280 grams. However, there are many rackets weighing 310-320 grams, but with rackets heavy weight only a professional can handle it.

racket rim

The thicker the rim, the higher the impact power and the stiffer the racket. For different models, the rim may be thicker from 18 mm to 30 mm.

Thus, the faster and more sweeping the impact movement, the thinner the rim must be chosen.

Children's tennis rackets

Many global manufacturers focus on the manufacture of tennis rackets for children. When choosing a racket for a child, it is necessary to compare his age and the parameters of the racket. The table shows the parameters of the racket suitable for age.

Children's tennis rackets also differ in material. So, inexpensive models are made of aluminum, which gives the child's play lightness and maneuverability. This is the best option, because. The children are growing up fast and soon they will have to buy new equipment.

If the child is constantly engaged, then you can buy a graphite racket. They are stronger than aluminum. important and appearance rackets so that the child does not lose the desire to practice.

Tennis rackets for adults

It is a little easier for an adult to decide on the choice of a racket than for a child. In order to accurately select a tennis racket, you must first take it in your hand. Then carefully study its characteristics - what parameters it has: weight, balance, length.

Now you need to decide on the weight of the racket, whether it is comfortable to hold it, what balance is needed. This is quite difficult to do without trying out the racket on the court. Heavy rackets that are balanced towards the handle are the choice of many professional tennis players. Their weight varies in the range from 311 to 368 grams. They are suitable for tennis players who can independently control the power and force of impact.

Lighter rackets with a heavier head have better maneuverability. The main advantage of these rackets is great maneuverability without loss of power. Minus - a lot of vibration, which affects the joints.

When choosing a racket for tennis, you need to heed the advice of professionals. First of all, you need to focus on your own feelings, because the choice of racket is individual.

Tennis racket maintenance

Necessary avoid strong impacts of the racket rim with any hard objects and surfaces - the rim may crack. To avoid this, use a special protective tape for the rim. At the end of the game, the racket is removed into the case.

To protect the handle use a special absorbent tape, which prevents the racket from slipping in the hand.

racket store in a cool dry place where there is no direct sunlight. The racquet and its strings can also be affected by high or low temperatures and humidity. Constant exposure to sunlight can damage the finish.

It is not allowed to store a racket in a car dealership or trunk. The tension of the strings decreases already at 43 degrees Celsius, and in the car the temperature can reach 60 degrees.

That's all for now. Write your questions in the comments, I will definitely answer and advise on rackets.

How to choose your first tennis racket so as not to be ashamed to go out on the court. Just a few tips - and the right racket is in your hands.

How to choose a tennis racket

Basic Tips before buying a racket:

  • Read racket reviews and choose the best.
  • Ask your coach or friends who have been playing tennis for a long time.
  • Don't buy a racquet just because your favorite tennis player uses it.

Racket weight

The weight of the racket determines the power of the tennis tool, as well as its stability in the hand during movement. How to choose a tennis racket by power? We answer - the heavier the sports shovel, the higher its power. In addition, heavy rackets are more stable in the hand than light ones. But how do you choose the right tennis racket? There is no single answer. The choice depends on the strength of the person.


But you can check if the racket is right for you. With a tennis racquet of the correct weight, you will be able to change positions and maneuver equally well. Fast ball or slow ball, with the right racket you can tackle any target without wasting energy. For beginners, lighter rackets are usually recommended as they are easier to play. But remember, tennis skill level should not determine racket weight.

Racquet balance

Another important point is the balance of the racket. This criterion determines the weight distribution of the racket. There are three types of rackets - with a neutral balance, with a balance directed to the head, and with a balance directed to the handle. For any level, professionals advise choosing a racket with a balance in the head. A handle balance racquet has great power, but you will quickly tire yourself out during the game, especially your arms. There is even a professional term - tennis elbow. To reduce the risk of injury and improve agility, buy tennis racquets with a neutral balance or head balance.

Racket Contour Rigidity

First of all, you need to understand that stiffness determines the flexibility of the string surface, and flexibility affects the impact force. Obviously, a stiffer racquet flexes less, which means more power. A flexible racquet flexes more, which reduces power.

How to choose the right tennis racket for string stiffness? For beginners, medium hard rackets are suitable. Too flexible models are better not to buy. After all, after hitting a flexible surface, it takes time to straighten up. So it's not very comfortable for her to play.

A stiffer racquet flexes less, which means more power.

String surface pattern

The pattern, in turn, affects the range of rotation of the racket during impact and the life of the string surface. Dense horizontal and vertical patterns are the best option for a quality tennis racket.

String surface area

The larger the area of ​​the racket's head, the greater the strength of the player at the moment of impact. The main advantage of the larger size is the maximum stability of the racket during impact, due to the correct distribution of weight on the strings. But there is also a minus - it is more difficult to maneuver large rackets than medium and small ones. So make a choice in favor of a compromise model - rackets with a medium area.

The best tennis rackets for tennis

Tennis racket Babolat 2018 Pure Aero Lite

Such a racket great option for lovers of maneuvers and rotations during impact. The sports shovel is capable of generating more power and speed. Power is combined with light weight, which is especially suitable for beginners. The main advantage of a tennis racket is that it is equipped with a special system that absorbs the force of an oncoming strike. Unfortunately, many note that the string surface does not always withstand high power and breaks.

Tennis racket Head Liquidmetal 8 Prestrung Tennis Racquet

During the game, the weight of the racket is not felt at all, and the neutral balance preserves your energy until the end of the workout. Large string surface area and high power distinctive features models. The racket is suitable for beginners and for professional tennis players who prefer wear-resistant rackets.

Tennis racket Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.3 Strung Tennis Racquet

The tennis racquet from the renowned Wilson brand is perfect for first-timers on the court. In the hand, the sports instrument lies firmly and rotates perfectly during the game. Minus - the surface vibrates a little.

Tennis is very popular today. Beginners in this sport often wonder how to choose a racket for tennis. After all, there are many of them for sale. Pick up necessary inventory It's not that hard if you know the simple rules.

The article will talk about how to choose the size of a tennis racket, as well as the weight and shape. The selection rules for each player level are described below. Therefore, it will not be difficult to understand which inventory to choose for yourself.

What is required for tennis

The problem with how to choose a tennis racket for a child or an adult is becoming more and more relevant. Today, anyone can enroll in the section and understand all the advantages of this sport. Someone wants to go to the court just to escape from everyday problems and enjoy outdoor activities. And for some, sport is of great value. Despite the chosen goal, you will have to spend money on buying a tennis racket. Not every tennis fan knows how to choose equipment for a beginner, but professionals do not have such problems.

  • string surface area (head size);
  • weight (weight);
  • balance (balance);
  • length.

The rest of the parameters are rarely seen on the racket, so they must be checked with the seller before buying.

How to choose a tennis racket for beginners

People who are just starting out in this sport and go out to the court only on weekends do not need to go deep into the characteristics of the equipment. Understanding how to choose a tennis racket for an adult beginner is quite simple. After all, there are no special rules here. In this case, you need to pay attention to some details, among which are the length, string surface, weight and characteristics of the handle. The rest of the parameters are not worth considering.


Adults often ask how to choose a tennis racket for a beginner. A racket is designed for them, the length of which is about 69 cm. Of course, there are also options with a longer length on sale, but more experienced players buy them, since their purpose is to increase the impact force. On initial stage you don’t even have to waste time choosing a racket that is too long.

String surface area

For beginners, a racket with a string surface of more than 670 square meters is ideal. see This option will work well in the hands of an inexperienced player. Thanks to this area of ​​the strings, all the inaccuracies of the ball hitting the very center of the racket are perfectly smoothed out. And this happens to beginners quite often. In addition, the large string surface helps reduce stress on the joints. Therefore, the risk of injury during training or play is greatly reduced.


When solving the problem of how to choose a tennis racket, be sure to remember the weight of the product. Heavier options, of course, increase the impact force. Although this does not have a very good effect on the accuracy of hits during the game. If a person is sure that he can hit any ball without much effort, then he is recommended to choose a racket with a mass of no more than 275 g for this. It will be quite simple to disperse it, while not particularly straining the brush. The impact force will be slightly less, but you should not pay attention to this, since it is necessary to learn how to play without mistakes light rackets. The weight of the inventory, and therefore the power of impact and the speed of the ball, must be gradually increased in order not to get injured.


Often, novice players are interested in how to choose a tennis racket for tennis according to the width of its handle. When grasping between the fingers and the palm, it is required to maintain a distance of about 1.5 - 2 cm. But it should be noted that this rule does not always work, since in most cases the players rely only on their own feelings. The racket should lie comfortably in the hand when swinging and hitting, so that the hand and fingers themselves do not strain too much.

The length of the handle should be chosen not too large, but not small. It should be enough to take it with both hands at the same time. This point is especially important in cases where a backhand strike is made. It is for him that you need to use two hands at once. A backhand is a blow that a player strikes from an inconvenient side for him, that is, left-handers - on the right, and right-handers - on the left.


Most players who decide to connect their lives with this game know how to choose the right racket for tennis. If a person has been involved in this sport for several years, then he will not have problems with the choice. But still, this issue needs to be approached in more detail. In this case, it is necessary to take into account your own preferences in the game itself, as well as highlight the advantages for yourself with the help of a racket.

string surface

To increase the impact force, it is required to choose not only a large string surface, but also the minimum string tension rigidity. If you buy just such a racket, the blow will, of course, be strong, but control over the ball will decrease. This point should never be ignored.

Professional players are advised to buy rackets where the string surface is no more than 645 square meters. see In addition, they need to consider options with the most rigid string tension. Thanks to this, players will be able to better control the ball at the moments of reflection of the most powerful shots of the opponent.

String Composition

As you know, there are two types of strings: natural and synthetic. The first are made from animal veins and are considered the most convenient. Thanks to the development of technologies for creating synthetic options, nylon strings are no longer inferior to natural strings in terms of playing qualities.

They have many other distinctive features. The first advantage of synthetic strings is the affordable cost. Therefore, every player can afford such a racket. In addition, nylon strings have a fairly high wear resistance. For these reasons, tennis rackets with synthetic strings are actively used not only by amateurs and professionals, but also by beginners.

Stretch scheme

Few people know that it is the string tension pattern that indicates the number of transverse as well as longitudinal strings in a tennis racket. Their number is written through a fraction, in which the first number denotes longitudinal, and the second, respectively, transverse.

The rigidity of the string surface directly depends on the number of strings. The smaller they are, the weaker this indicator is, and vice versa.

Rim width

When choosing equipment for a professional player, be sure to take into account the width of the rim, which, in turn, affects the size of the strike spot. This term refers to the area in the very center of the string surface, which the ball must hit in order to better hit it.

If the width of the rim increases, then the spot becomes larger. But at the same time, the aerodynamics of the racket deteriorates significantly. That is why experienced players need to pick up rackets whose rim width is no more than 2 cm.

Ideal weight

As mentioned above, the impact force depends on the weight. Professionals in this sport are required to take rackets, the weight of which will not be less than 310 g. Thanks to such equipment, there is a good opportunity to strengthen the hand and significantly increase the impact force.


The choice of inventory should match the style of the game. You can check the balance of the racket quite simply: put the center on the index finger, placing the handle on one side and the head on the other. If it deviates towards the head, then it should be used for powerful serves and attacks. But if you want to strengthen protection, it is best to buy a racket, the balance of which will outweigh in the direction of the handle. Universal are considered options with a balance in the center. They are great for players who know how to change tactics based on the situation on the field.

Which racket to choose for tennis for children

When buying a kid his first racket, you should not pay attention to expensive items. As long as he has no experience in the game and there is no proven hitting technique, it will not work to feel the difference between rackets costing 400 rubles and 4 thousand rubles. When choosing a tennis racket little child only its length and weight should be taken into account. Other parameters do not matter. Therefore, spending time and money on them simply does not make sense.

Inventory length and weight

First and most important criterion The choice is the length. A racket that is too long will not be comfortable for the child, as he simply will not be able to direct the ball to the center of the string surface. To date, many manufacturers are selling children's products that are ideal for young athletes. They are beautiful not only in design, but also in a comfortable length.

The weight of the racket for the baby should also not be too large. It should be remembered that during the game the child needs to have fun, and not exhaust himself with heavy physical activity. Otherwise, the young player will quickly get tired of playing tennis, and he will give it up. The weight of the inventory should be selected for each child individually. Most importantly, the racket should rotate freely in the hand, without causing inconvenience.


There are many nuances in choosing the right equipment for the game. It is worth remembering that the perfect racket does not guarantee constant victories in competitions. Therefore, if you want to achieve any peaks in this direction, you need hard training and willpower.

Classification Tennis racket selection Racket length Racket handle selection Racket weight Racket balance Racket for children Racket care

Weight of a modern racket

Racket weight is constantly decreasing. The typical weight of a modern Head MicroGel tennis racquet is between 250-350g.

Racket weight

With the introduction of graphite rackets, there is a steady downward trend in racket weight. Now average weight A tennis racket is approximately 325 grams (11 1/2 ounces; 1 ounce equals 28.3 grams). In principle, the lighter the weight of the racquet, the easier it is to swing quickly.

Lightweight tennis rackets

Lightweight tennis rackets suitable for fast-paced play, but lightweight tennis racquets often lack punching power. For hard hit you have to swing the tennis ball longer and hit it faster.

A way to increase the impact power for light tennis racket there was an increase in the thickness of the rim and a shift in the center of gravity for a light racket closer to the head.

Lightweight racquets with a thicker rim

The thicker the rim of the racket, the more powerful the impact and the stiffer the tennis racket itself. Racquet rim thickness ranges from 18 mm (ultra-thin rim) to 30 mm ( racquets with a thicker rim). When choosing a racket, be guided by the following rule: hit faster on the ball and the longer the swing on impact, the rim is required. Besides, racquets with a thicker rim increase the chance of hitting a tennis ball on a heavily twisted or clipped stroke, but require more frequent re-tightening of the strings due to reduced string life

Modern Head tennis racquets with a thicker rim.

Materials used in a tennis racket.
Nowadays, many different materials are used in the production of tennis rackets. In order for a tennis racket to be durable, manufacturers have tried a wide variety of materials. Information about them can be found in the markings on the racket or packaging:

  • Composite materials (composite materials). As a rule, such an inscription is on models that were produced in a combination of certain materials (a mixture of graphite, carographite, fiberglass, titanium, etc.)
  • Graphite (graphite)- basically, it is from it that the bulk of modern tennis rackets are made. Graphite is very strong, but also lightweight. Gives a kick high level strength and at the same time allows you to feel good tennis ball. Achieves its best properties in combination with various thermoplastic and glass fiber resins. Tennis rackets, which are made using composite materials including graphite, are suitable for both beginners and professional players.
  • aluminum (aluminum)- an inexpensive material used in the manufacture of tennis rackets. Therefore, its advantages are low price and long service life. If you accidentally hit the racket on the floor or your partner's racket during the game, most likely it will not break. But, of course, the tennis racket will deform and lose its playing properties.
  • Hyper carbon- This material has been actively promoted by Wilson in the tennis market over the past few years. Hyper carbon was co-developed with NASA and is claimed to be four times stiffer, four times stronger and 65% lighter than titanium. This is why Wilson tennis rackets are particularly durable.
  • Fiberglass (fiberglass)- one of the impurities in the composition of the material of a tennis racket. Allows for additional flexibility.
  • Titanium (titanium)- very close in its playing characteristics to graphite. Manufacturers mix titanium and graphite for the perfect balance of stiffness and weight for a tennis racquet!

What is a tennis racket made of?

  1. "Tennis Racket Head"- that part of it, inside which they stretch tennis strings, the main playing surface.
  2. « Fork "- that part of the racket that connects its head and handle. The fork allows you to better dampen the vibrations that occur when the string surface of the racket comes into contact with the tennis ball.
  3. « Pen "- the handle of a tennis racket, usually measured in units from 1 to 5. It is impossible to determine by a simple calculation what size handle you need. The consultant of any tennis store or coach will always be able to help you correctly determine the number of your pen. 1 is the smallest tennis racket handle and 5 is the largest. More often on a racket you can see such a designation of handles: 4 1/8 is the first handle, 4 1/ is the second, 4 3/8 is the third, 4 1/2 is the fourth, 4 3/8 is the fifth.

Tennis racket head dimensions

A 90-95 or Mid Size "head" tennis racquet is designed for professional players, while a 98-100 or Mid Plus is mainly intended for a wide range of players, from pros to amateurs. Such rackets for tennis are almost always chosen professional tennis players, because with their help they have the opportunity to better control the tennis ball, coping with aggressive, hard shots. Tennis racquets with a head size of 103 and above or Oversize have a larger string surface area and, accordingly, a larger “strike spot”, which allows you to avoid a large number of errors associated with missing the ball by the center, as well as significantly increase the power of impact. They are more suitable for amateurs who primarily care about comfortable play and impact power, the same characteristic as control takes only second place in their priorities. Often there are situations when manufacturers produce the same model of a tennis racket in two versions: as a rule, with the size of the "head" Mid Plus and Oversize. Therefore, if you have doubts about the option that is right for you, The best way to choose - to play with both rackets, and only then make a final decision. You can also consult with the staff of "Rocketlon", and they will always tell you the correct size of the head of a tennis racket, suitable for your game.

Racquet balance

Rackets with a neutral balance have a balance point of approximately 32.5 cm. The balance "in the head" is approximately 33.5-34.5 cm, and "in the handle" - 32 cm. How to measure the balance of a tennis racket yourself, if suddenly you can't find data about him on the racket? Place the racket on any narrow stick, tube, so that the "head" of the racket is to the left of the balance point, and the handle is to the right. When the racket lies flat, not deviating either to the right or to the left, then mark this point and measure the distance from the heel of the handle to the balance point with a tape measure. This will be the balance value in centimeters. A different balance can cause two racquets with exactly the same weight to have completely different characteristics when played! Tennis racquets with head balance feel heavier and give more power to the hit. Handle balance rackets are designed primarily for players using a variety of technique in their game, they actively play both from the rally and from the back line.

Tennis racket weight

The average weight of a tennis racket is currently 290 - 320 grams, but there are models that weigh less than 270 grams. The lighter your tennis racquet, the more free and sweeping your movement can be. However, in order to achieve the necessary impact force at playing light with rackets, you must accelerate it much faster when you hit and have very good technique.
Advanced amateurs play tennis rackets weighing 280-310 grams. , professionals - 295 - 340 gr. and sometimes even higher. Beginning tennis players choose rackets weighing 255-300 grams.

How to measure the length of a tennis racket before buying

This characteristic is of paramount importance if you are buying a racket for your child. Don't buy a racquet that your young tennis player will have a hard time holding in his hand just because it's designed for taller players.

For adults, a tennis racquet has a typical length of 68.5-68.6 cm, with the exception of elongated models, which were specially designed by manufacturers to increase the power of hitting. To play with a long racket, you will need additional workouts or just the ability to make high-precision strikes. Therefore, if you consider yourself a novice player, it is better to choose models of standard length. The staff of our online store will always help you choose the right racket.

You can buy tennis rackets through the online store "Raketlon" in the cities of Russia:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Smolensk, Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tula, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Saratov, Penza, Samara, Ufa, Kazan, Izhevsk,

Yoshkar-Ola, Orenburg, Perm, Kirov, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kurgan, Tyumen, Syktyvkar, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, Salekhard, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Tver, Kaluga, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk , Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Chita, Yakutsk, Magadan, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Okha, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, as well as in the Republic of Belarus (Minsk) and Kazakhstan (Almaty).