Dried cow dung - gavi. funny stories

Gavi (pcs) - 15 rubles.

In India, cow dung is considered a very valuable product. To understand the value of cow dung, you need to know the philosophy associated with the cow.

In the Vedic tradition, a cow is considered a blissful higher animal, she is revered as a mother, as a nurse. There is a whole cult of worship of this sacred animal, and this is not just religious dogma, but a well-founded reverence for this wonderful animal.

Why is a cow so good? Firstly, a cow is a peaceful animal - a vegetarian, in the course of its life it does not harm anyone, does not kill anyone, and all the products of its life, including manure and urine, are useful.

Secondly, a cow is a nurse, her milk feeds not only a calf, but also people. Cow's milk, in itself, is a valuable product full of love. From it we get a wide variety of nutritious dairy products, including ghee. A very important Ayurvedic product.

An Indian proverb says: “A cow is an ideal mother. Her udder has four teats: one for the calf, the second for guests, including birds and animals, the third for using milk in religious rituals, and the fourth for the owner. With milk, a cow thanks people for their care. When a woman loses milk after childbirth, babies are fed with cow's milk. That is why the cow in India is treated like a mother. Indian cows are full of love for their calves, sometimes she has to look at a calf, as milk begins to ooze from her udder.

Thirdly, cow urine is a medicine and is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Thus, any cow product benefits.

Now let's talk about cow dung.

Everyone knows that manure is an excellent fertilizer, but it is valued not only for these properties. In India, hot summers and the sun's rays can dry cow dung to a state of rusk. Furnaces are heated with dry cow cakes, food is cooked on them, as they smolder like coals and give a good temperature. Food cooked on fire from cow dung is considered very healthy and blissful.

Cow dung gives powerful protection on the subtle plane; ethereal entities and asuras (demons) do not like it. In southern India, cow dung diluted with water is used to smear the entrances to temples and dwellings. The dwellings themselves are usually washed with cow dung. To do this, it is enough to dilute a small amount of manure (a pinch) in water and wipe the floor. Smoke from cow dung cleanses the space, scares away subtle entities. Most Indian incense is based on cow dung.

Compressed manure compares favorably with manure in the form of a powder. The powder is intended for washing the home and only. By pinching off a small piece from a pancake, you can get a powder for washing floors. The mugs themselves can still be set on fire, they will smolder, emitting smoke, which can be used to fumigate the dwelling, thereby purifying the space on the subtle plane.

I drive regularly in the Chelyabinsk region and its environs. A call from a relative. You, he says, will not be in Bashkiria this month? If there is a road, then stop somewhere and pick up a bag of cow cakes, otherwise it will be spring, a garden and all that. Fertilizer in general.

Well, of course, I ask, why all of a sudden Bashkiria? If all the gardens will soon have cars on duty with any manure, even a bag, even a KAMAZ will be brought directly to the site. And you don't have to wander through the fields.
You can't answer! They had a meeting at the entrance of such pensioners who love seedlings and mulch. And one of the verdicts of this "listened-decided" is as follows: the Bashkir manure is environmentally friendly. And everything that cows shit in the Chelyabinsk region is just some kind of shit!

I have an employee at work Vera, a young woman, a little over thirty. Beauty does not particularly shine. He walks along the wall, almost never saw her talking. Our secretary, who knows everything about everyone, sometimes says sympathetically: Oh, a girl is missing. But from such a good wife will turn out. I'm going home after work. I run into an unexpected traffic jam. As soon as I tune into the standby mode, a Niva breaks out of the traffic ahead. She pulls onto the sidewalk and begins to turn around. The cork beeps indignantly. "Niva" stops, our Faith comes out of it. In a loud commanding voice, she, calling people of non-traditional sexual orientation standing in traffic jam, invites everyone to shut up. After that, sitting in the car, she finally turns around, and along the sidewalk, through the flower bed, she leaves into the distance. The next day I saw her with her head down, mincing down the corridor. I never believed in the theory of a split consciousness, but here I don’t even want to guess. By the way, I didn't tell anyone. Everyone has their own life.

Ah, this wedding, the wedding...

February, Israeli winter. Outside the window, rain, wind, a storm at sea. I am sitting in an armchair, on a small table a glass of brandy, a plate of sliced ​​lemon, a cup of coffee. I don’t feel like reading, I don’t watch TV at all, I look through the archives, I delete something. I find a congratulatory letter from ten years ago, personally drawn for the 30th anniversary of my old acquaintances' life together. Crazy, this year it has been forty years since that momentous event.

I met Gena at the enterprise where I worked as a distribution worker after technical school. He was older than me by a couple of years, we did not become friends, rather good friends. One early working morning, Gena announced that he was getting married.

Gena, why are you so impatient, you're only 21 years old. Really on the fly.
- No, it's just that her mother is in the hospital. she works as a department, and as soon as I am called to the military registration and enlistment office, she puts me in her department for examination.
"And that's why you're getting married?"
- And where to go - either get married or join the army.
- An interesting alignment, okay, you know better. What is required of me?
- I want you to be my witness.
- Gena, don't you need to dance on the square?
- Well, it's hard for you.
- Of course it's difficult, I can't dance.
- There will be no one except relatives, maybe a couple more friends. And the witness will be good, I'll introduce you, you'll like her.

I don't like feasts, I don't like company at all. For me, all the weddings, birthdays and other gatherings of drinking and eating together, which I occasionally got into, always followed the same scenario. If it was not possible to get out and not come at all, then I came last, handed the gift and after sitting for a maximum of half an hour, quietly left in English. So the last thing I wanted was to be a witness at a wedding.
After 40 years, I no longer remember how he managed to persuade me to take this rash step. I remember that he and his fiancee came to my house, they talked with my mother for a long time, found common, if not relatives, then almost relatives. One way or another, I agreed to be a witness at the wedding, with absolutely no idea where it would lead me.

What is a Jewish wedding. This is a gathering of some relatives, friends and acquaintances who are remembered only on very big holidays, and even then not every year. Everyone gathers at the wedding.

But the biggest evil is the toastmaster with his stupid contests and other crap. I took care of them right away. Taking his arm, he smiled and led him aside.

My friend, I hope you know what circumcision is. Do you know? Wonderful. And you avoided this fate as a child. Escaped? Well, here's the weird one. So, if you get me with your shmonkurs contests and other crap like bride kidnapping or drinking out of shoes, then your circumcision to zero will be inevitable, like the victory of communism. And this will happen immediately after the end of the celebration. I hope we understand each other. Smile, smile, you're at a wedding.

Next came the relatives.
- Genochka, you have grown so much, you are already 20 years old, you are quite big. Do you remember how you bit Grandma Dora?
- Grandma, this is not Gena. This is Sasha.
- Where is Gena?
- Here's Gene.
- Genochka, happy birthday, grow big.
- Grandma, this is not a birthday, this is a wedding, Gena is getting married.
- Is Gena getting married? Why is he doing this?

A couple of guests come up to me.
- Look, she's pregnant.
- Who?
- Bride.
I don't know, I didn't care.
The woman pulls his hand
- Fima, what do you care, leave the man behind.
"So why is he getting married if she's not pregnant?" I'm just wondering.

Izya, put down the bottle, you have an ulcer.
- Why can't I drink a little even for the health of the young?
- Drink mineral water for health. Put down the bottle, I told you!

Listen, I have a question for you. Are you a witness here?
- such a witness
- And you will not say, the bride is a Jewess?
- Yes, yes.

Do you know who his parents are?
- Some engineers.
- Poor girl, it will be difficult for her.
- Sofochka, what's wrong here, not everyone works in trade.

In the middle of a wedding, a waiter comes up to me.
- They ask you.
- Who?
- On the street.
I get up and go to the exit. Near the entrance there are five some kind of spy or, as they say now, gopniks.
- I'm listening to.
- So, you don't want us to start a fight and ruin the wedding. In short, bring five bottles of vodka and a hell of a lot of money. You have five minutes.
- Okay, let's decide.
Don't you dare call the cops.
Why, we'll take care of everything.
I go to the hall, I figure, well, I’ll definitely knock out two, maybe three, but there are five of them. The suit may be torn. Yes, and in a suit you can’t get your foot to the muzzle, the trousers can burst, but do I need it? Stop, I saw Bull among the guests.

A small digression.
I knew the bull for a long time, since school. A normal guy, though without brains, but with a cannon strike. At the age of 19 he was a master of sports in boxing in heavyweight. I saw him send one pretzel flying. The body flew through the window, shattering the frame.

Girl, I'll take your date for five minutes, do you mind.
- Igor, I need you urgently.
Briefly describe the situation. The bull, without saying a word, quickly goes out, taking off his jacket as he goes. I also take off my jacket.
- No, I'm on my own.
From the porch, I manage to see how Igor quickly approaches the fans of the freebies, they do not even have time to utter a couple of words, five lightning strikes and five bodies in a deep knockout are resting on the pavement. The whole procedure took no more three seconds. I stand with my jaw dropped, Igor takes my jacket from my hands.
- Will you figure it out yourself?
- Yes thank you.

Igor goes into the hall. I quickly drag the unconscious bodies into the nearest doorway. At this time, many police patrols go. If they see, then five bottles of vodka will not pay off. But everything ends well. Having carefully laid out the idiots, I also return to the hall.

I pour, I drink to calm my nerves. An hour passes. The waiter comes up again.
- They ask you.
- Who?
- On the street.
- What now?
I look out into the street. Kind of deja vu. There is a holy trinity. The same, two are missing, either they haven’t come to their senses yet, or they decided to leave. One turns a folding knife in his hands. Unfortunately, the Bull disappeared somewhere. Yura fits.
- Sasha, why are you standing here? Did someone offend you? Let's go break it in now. I can't really tell...

Retreat second.
I met Yura quite by accident. He worked near my house in a watch shop. I brought his watch to be repaired, we started talking, it turned out that we had many common acquaintances. Yura is a very good guy, but if he drinks, he will definitely look for someone to fight with. Only his wife can stop him. At that moment, she was a little distracted and Yura went to look for adventures.

Yura did not listen to the end.

Oh, that's right, I'm off.
- Wait, I'm with you.
- Don't go, I'm on my own. Fuck he's brandishing a knife.

I still didn't make it. The blow was strong. The knife flew in one direction, teeth and snot in the other. The rest made their feet. Olya, Yuri's wife, jumped out on the threshold.
- You cannot be left alone for five minutes, march into the hall.
Yura somehow immediately turned sour, even decreased in size and dejectedly trudged after Olya.

Having dragged the body into the already familiar gateway, I also went into the hall. He sat down and gulped down an almost full glass of cognac to calm his nerves. I feel someone's eyes on me. I raise my head, some fat woman, hung with shiny tsatskami, like a Christmas tree, is staring at me.

Oh. Look, he drinks like a shoemaker, and I also wanted to introduce our Firochka. Why does she need this alcoholic.

When will this ... wedding be over ...

But everything has a beginning, and everything comes to an end. The wedding dinner is over. The guests disperse. Those who live nearby go on foot, some caught a taxi, most deliver the ordered bus. I went to them too.
I thought another twenty minutes and home. Not that case.

Five or six minutes pass. Again that nasty voice from behind.
- Bora! Will you tell me where we're going? Who's leading the parade here?
- Tsilya! The driver knows where to go, sit still.

I squeeze to the driver and ask him to stop. I'm popping up on Fresh air. I'll go on foot, at the same time I'll get some air. Half an hour and I'm already at home. Mom watches TV. I quietly walk into my room.

Sasha, how is the wedding? There were a lot of visitors? Have you been introduced to a nice girl?

The answer was a heavy sigh...

Dump in a heap and forget or think a little about the environment?

“Think - manure! - someone will say. - There is nothing more natural for animal husbandry. He was, is and will be and is not even worth thinking about for too long! Meanwhile, with the increase in the size of livestock complexes and the ever greater intensification of the production of meat, milk and eggs, the problem of waste processing is becoming more and more acute.

Too much... manure

Do you need a front loader, a truck and a backhoe with a bucket to clear the manure from the paddocks and take it out of the feedlot? Don't you think that there is too much manure on your farm?

For example, let's take a family farm or a medium-sized enterprise where about 11,000 heads of livestock are kept for fattening. The main part of the work of any employee here is to look after the animals. That is, to give them food and clean the cowsheds.

The irony is that owners of small and medium-sized livestock farms often do not even use their cows for food, they can barely keep up with the endless stream of manure that the herd produces every day.

If we talk about more than 2.3 million heads of cattle in feedlots throughout the region, which cost the state millions, one can only imagine how much manure they all produce combined.

The danger of such a concentration of waste has long been thought in the West, and what last years there is a tendency to enlarge the size of feedlots, the situation will obviously not improve.

Animal husbandry, of course, needs to be developed. But with the support of the state, having the opportunity to grow and increase production capacity, enterprises for the production of meat, milk and eggs can significantly aggravate the environmental situation.

What exactly is the problem?

Cows do not really care where they take a bath, so many of them are quite capable of climbing into clean water bodies, leaving their feces there in large quantities. And if they exist on the feedlot in the amount of more than a thousand heads in one paddock, their waste accumulates in huge piles.

During heavy rains, manure is washed into nearby water bodies or drains into groundwater, polluting them. All this makes drinking water hazardous to health (for example, E. coli can settle in it), kills fish and other wildlife, and refuses the overall negative impact on the environment.

In Europe, where the problem of ecology has been taken up for a long time, many farmers admit that they feel responsible for such pollution.

“From time to time I worry very much, what if what we are doing can harm the environment? says Allan Sands, owner of an 11,000 head feedlot in Kansas. “At the same time, I really hope that environmentalists who can prevent such pollution will tell us how to do it right.”

On the conscience of everyone

The Kansas Department of Agriculture and the Environment (KDHE) is indeed responsible for ensuring that manure from the state's feedlots does not become a source of environmental pollution. But in fact, the responsibility for this falls on the shoulders of the farmers themselves. But, unfortunately, few people still think that in order to keep drinking water clean, you need to make your own efforts.

All state feedlots are subject to mandatory water and county certification. This ensures that animal waste does not leave the facility and is not washed into water bodies or groundwater.

But despite the fact that more than 800 livestock enterprises across the state have already received such a license, the Department has not yet had time to cover everyone. This means that there are farms that can cause significant damage to the environment.

More animals - more waste

According to University of North Carolina professor JoAnn Bukholder (JoAnn Burkholder), with an increase in livestock, farmers need to take care of increasing the technical support of the farm. Joan argues that beef farming has recently been intensified, which inevitably entails an increased environmental impact.

“The main problem with livestock pollution is that the animals are too concentrated in one place,” she explains. - In traditional animal husbandry, there have never been such problems, since it is completely natural when cows or sheep fertilize the soil with their waste. But just as any, even the most necessary, fertilizers are harmful in super-quantities, so manure, which is now too much, can have a toxic effect on soils and water, causing pollution.

Many farmers in Kansas and other states are installing an expensive system of drainage channels and collectors. Wastewater to control the waste of their enterprises. Special equipment is used here for cleaning and cleaning the pens.

It doesn't matter how many heads of cattle you have - 5 thousand or 100 thousand. With the increase in production volumes, it is imperative to think about how this will affect the environment. And you are as fully responsible for controlling the waste of your herd as you are for its health and daily gain.

Are we adapted to this?

The level to which Russia is still far away is the Intensive Environmental Protection Program (EQIP) in the United States. Each year, billions of taxpayer dollars are set aside to help farmers modernize their environmental technology.

For example, it costs about $300,000 to redesign a livestock business to accommodate a new configuration of sewer pipes and waste collectors. The program allows you to reimburse about 75% of this amount. This money is really spent on things that livestock breeders really need. This is especially true for those small farmers who are simply unable to on their own reorganize the waste collection system in their household.

The invention of 42-year-old John Lopez from Texas - dung handles. The author claims that after a series of technological manipulations, the material resembles cork or ordinary wood.

Experts, although they talk about protecting the environment, but the practical side of the issue always rests on the financial capabilities of the performers. And many farms are simply not equipped accordingly.

Since the beginning of the project, it has spent about 130 million a year, now almost 1.8 billion is allocated for these purposes. And more than 60% of the total amount goes to the livestock industry.

Manure is still there

Cattle waste can also be useful, but not every farmer is able to competently use what he has. At best, slurry and the solid fraction of animal waste are used as organic fertilizers in the fields. But more often than not, these piles are simply left to rot somewhere in the backyard. But from manure you can get for space heating, concentrated safe fertilizers and even building material! In this case, it is possible to control the level of waste, and make livestock production more profitable.

Most medium and large farms in Kansas operate on the same principle. Of the 10 people employed at the feedlot, 1-2 are involved in manure removal.

All drains converge into a sewer, and livestock breeders try to ensure that nothing gets into the environment. For many of them, doing it right is especially important, because they themselves live near their farm and are not interested in drinking poisoned water and getting land on which nothing can be grown.

In our country, livestock breeders of family farms or medium-sized household plots are in exactly the same situation, but do they think about the environment?

Read about the processing of animal waste in Russia

Toussaint is not only the land of love and wine, but also a fabulous place where cows fall straight from the sky, and even kill people...

An order announcement can be taken on the notice board in the village of Floviv, which is located across the river in the eastern lands of Toussaint. After reading the order, go to the local quarries - east of the village itself.

In the quarries, go down to the bottom of the quarry.

There you will find a manager who is trying in every way to get people to work, but the workers believe that God's punishment has befallen them. During the conversation, it turns out that their comrade was crushed by a cow, to death. And the cow itself fell from the sky.

We leave for the second quarry, where we will have to deal with the corpse-eaters who escaped to the smell of carrion.

Examine the cow using the dialogue options.

After inspect the broken crane a little higher than the cow. Geralt will come to the conclusion that the young lizard stole the cow, carried it to the nest, dropped the cow and accidentally the cow fell on the miner. The lizard itself shook in the air, hit the crane and was injured.

Follow the trail of blood that will lead you to an old distillery where moonshine was made. Deal with the scavengers and inspect the bloody stains left by the sought-after lizard. Also at the distillery you can find the remains of the owner and interesting entries in the diary. Follow the blood trail.

Eventually you will come to a place where the trail ends.

This is just the vicinity of Fort Ussar, where. Climb up, there you will find two fire-breathing lizards and a nest with eggs. Kill the beistii and take the trophy.

If you beat there already before (like me) and killed the lizards, then anyway go up to the nest and pick up the trophy (which appeared there by magic). Burn the eggs if necessary.

If in a dream you make cakes, it means that in life you will be very lucky in the lottery or some kind of gambling. There are cakes in a dream - success in professional activities will not keep you waiting. If you overcooked your cakes or they burned you to a charcoal crust, this dream portends that you will make your loved ones worry very much about your life, thereby urging you to be more careful in dealing with strangers.

Underdone cakes, raw inside - you will be lucky in creating an ideal married couple, in which the husband will constantly turn a blind eye to his wife's shortcomings, considering it his primary duty to earn as much money as possible, because of which he simply will not have time for the rest, and you will be left to yourself, if not bathing in luxury, then at least plunging into it from time to time.

If you bake cornmeal cakes in a dream - in reality this portends the fulfillment of passionate desires. Eating cakes made from it means that you will unwisely create obstacles for yourself on the path to success.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Cow

You bring a cow or a ram into the house - portends joy.

Riding a cow you enter the city - portends a joyful event in the near future.

To lead a cow on a rope uphill is wealth and nobility.

A yellow cow comes into the house - ahead of wealth and nobility.

The cow comes out of the gate - indicates that something good is about to happen.

Entering the city riding a cow is a joyful event in the near future.

A calf is born to a cow - everything that was desired will be fulfilled.

The cow butts - failures in everyday affairs.

A buffalo enters the house - portends mourning.

Cow, bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from