Body combat training. Body Combat - an hour of fighting with an imaginary enemy

Light warm-up - and go!

The workout begins with a light warm-up, during which you learn (or repeat) the basic combinations of movements. And then it starts: “We strike imaginary opponents with punches and kicks using elements of boxing - this is a real fight! It was my first time and I was afraid to fall behind others, because the rest seemed to be experienced athletes and fought very convincingly.

Combinations for the first lesson may seem a bit complicated, but on the other hand, next class it will be much easier. All combinations are performed with the weight of your body - aids not required. Body Combat cannot be compared to training in the gym - after all, in the gym you can relax while sitting on a bench, and Body Combat does not give such concessions. Breaks to quench your thirst are also very short: a small sip of water and back. And for "dessert" you will find a series for the abdominal muscles.

This is a very intense workout and the most effective hour spent, for those who do not have extra time. The next day, the training is well felt throughout the body. This group training is very motivating and does not allow you to back off. Body Combat squeezes all the juice out of the trainee, and also frees the head from working thoughts.

Body Combat - what is this workout?

She logs in Les Mills and draws inspiration from various techniques martial arts. The training is based on exercises and a combination of movements, varying every three months. Great for both women and men.

Movements include kicks and punches, as well as self-defense techniques. The workout lasts 60 minutes and is divided into 10 different parts. To begin with, a warm-up and study of strokes, then an intensive workout where the whole body is worked out, and at the end - stretching.

NB! Be prepared for the fact that after the first lesson you will feel such muscles that you did not suspect before!

Before starting a workout, consult with a specialist!

MyFitness trainer Raido Ilp provides men with group workout recommendations.

“Before training, listen to the coach's advice. Consult with a physiotherapist or personal trainer to find the right load and training style. It is wise to find a coach who is ready for long-term cooperation. start with more simple workouts- Les Mills Body Pump, included in the training plan of all major sports clubs, is great. Then you can try group training, which requires more complex coordination.

Form a habit for yourself to move daily. As a coach, I recommend moving daily, but it does not have to be an intense workout - 2-3 intense workouts per week are enough, and you can move more calmly between them, while taking into account the overall fitness of the person. Training and movement should be an integral pleasant component Everyday life rather than an oppressive duty.

Try different types workouts - so training does not turn into a tedious task. At the same time, the social factor is also important: different workouts in different sports clubs also visited by different people, which will enrich your communication. The body must also rest. As a coach, I believe that recovery training - gymnastics, pole walking, jogging - is also a break, but you need to take into account the fitness of the body, because for an untrained person, walking with poles can seem like an intense workout. It is very important to restore your body between workouts.

Do not forget to supply the body with so-called. building material - without it, high-quality restoration is impossible. Already during training, the body needs carbohydrates and proteins. An amateur athlete shouldn't think too hard about carbohydrates, but eating protein right after a hard workout should become an athletic habit."

Sports clubs offer a variety of training programs, from which you can definitely choose what you like.

How did Body Combat come about?

Philip Mills, son of the famous Olympic champion Les Mills, in the 1990s developed effective system training, which he perfected over the course of several years. His father's dream was to create a fitness program that would suit anyone from beginner to professional athlete. A team of trainers, doctors and choreographers worked on the system. In 1997, Les Mills International was established, actively selling training to all corners of the world to this day.

On this moment there are already 11 types of Les Mills. The first workout - Body Pump - consists of high-intensity exercises using a lightweight barbell to rhythmic music.

How good is this training system?

The secret is in a special technique. Properly selected music sets the mood for the implementation of a set of exercises, uplifting and motivating. Every season music program is being updated. In addition, program instructors undergo special education and training, after which they receive certificates for conducting. All programs require an individual approach, and interference with the sequence of exercises is strictly prohibited.

More about Body Combat

Body Combat is high intensity workout, which includes elements of karate, taekwondo, tai chi and kickboxing. It helps to engage and strengthen muscles throughout the body, burn 500 to 700 calories, and improve coordination.

Instructors advise to start training after preliminary preparation, for example, dancing classes or athletics. By gradually increasing the load and rebuilding the body into a new mode, you can begin to master the Body Combat program.

The schedule of training directly depends on the goal. To lose weight and get in shape, 3-4 sessions per week are enough.

Let's weigh all the pros and cons

Because there is no limit to perfection, the Les Mills technique has not only positive sides, but also negative.

Undoubtedly, excess weight at regular workouts and compliance with proper nutrition will go away, the cardiovascular system will become stronger, and the body more slender and toned. However, there is a risk behind the high intensity excessive load to the whole body, and especially to the heart.

Frequent updates training program they will not let you get bored, and the body will get used to the loads, therefore they will become more efficient. But if you want to strengthen and develop muscles, Body Combat alone will not be enough. An aerobic program will have to be combined with strength exercises.

Reading time: 7 min

Body Combat is an intense cardio workout developed by Les Mills, a group of renowned New Zealand trainers. After the success of the Body Pump barbell program, trainers began to think in the direction of creating an aerobic activity. So in 2000, the Body Combat workout appeared, which instantly gained popularity in the fitness world.

Currently, Body Combat programs are practiced in more than 96 countries. Along with Body Pump (barbell training), Body Combat is the most successful project of New Zealand trainers Les Mills.

Body Combat training is carried out within the framework and is a complex of movements from various martial arts, which are united by simple choreography to incendiary music. You will train the whole body (arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks and legs) and develop flexibility, strength, coordination and cardiovascular endurance.

About the Body Combat Program

Body Combat is an aerobic workout that will get your body in shape in record time. The program is developed on the basis of such types of martial arts as taekwondo, karate, capoeira, muay thai (Thai boxing), tai chi, boxing. The shock combination of such diverse movements makes the lesson effective not only for losing weight, but also for developing your flexibility, agility and coordination. You will lose weight, strengthen your muscles, improve your posture and coordination, get rid of excess fat and cellulite, and you will be able to develop endurance.

Pros and Cons of Body Combat Training

Like any other program, Body Combat has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you start exercising, be sure to analyze for yourself all the pros and cons of this workout from Les Mills.


  1. Body Kombat helps burn excess fat, improve metabolism, tighten the body and reduce volumes.
  2. Such workouts perfectly develop endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. The exercises that are used in Body Combat are quite simple and straightforward. There will be no complex connections here, the workouts are very easy to follow.
  4. In one workout, you can burn about 700 calories. This is due to the alternation of intense movements that involve all the muscles in your body.
  5. The program is regularly updated, every three months a group of Les Mills trainers create new editions of Body Kombat with updated movements and music. Your body does not have time to adapt to the load, which means that classes become even more effective.
  6. The workout develops your coordination and flexibility, improves your posture and strengthens your spine.
  7. Body Combat is literally created to combine it with power body workout pump. With these programs from Les Mills, you will bring yourself to great shape.

Cons and limitations:

  1. The training is very intense, not for everyone involved because of the serious burden on the body, especially on the heart.
  2. The program is aerobic, designed more for losing weight than for strengthening muscles. If you want to get a beautiful body relief, then Body Combat is best combined with strength training.
  3. It is undesirable to start the program for those who have any problems with the spine or joints.
  4. Body Kombat is different non-standard exercises. There will be no traditional jumping and running in place, which we are used to seeing in cardio classes. A mixture of several types of martial arts at once, perhaps not everyone will like it.
  5. Attention! An intense workout like Body Combat is incompatible with a low calorie diet. With such a serious load, you must eat in a balanced way.

Body Combat- perfect workout if you are looking for a quality cardio workout. It is more intense and more fun than, for example, classes on a treadmill, and it also involves a greater variety of muscles. The results from the program will be noticeable on your figure after three to four weeks of regular exercise.

A group of fitness trainers have developed a cardio workout that is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. The New Zealand company "Les Mills" has created "Body Combat" - a fitness program with a unique training system. Its duration is approximately 1 hour, during this time the cardiovascular system, muscles of the back, arms, and abs are being qualitatively worked out.

Who are Les Mills

In 1990, one of the founders, Olympic champion Les Mills, developed a unique system of high-intensity training. Trainings were held in their own gym, and Les did not think about world fame. However, news of the program's appearance quickly spread throughout New Zealand and spread to Australia. In 1997, the association "Les Mills International" was created.. The organization provided standard fitness training and improved the existing Body Pump.

Now gyms in more than 75 countries around the world know about training. Total involved - more than 6 million. Interest in the program is growing, new followers appear daily around the world. Philip Mills has received many awards not only as a trainer, but also as an entrepreneur.

There are 11 Mills workouts today. Here they are:

  • bodypump;
  • body attack;
  • bodybalance;
  • Body Jam;
  • bodystep;
  • Body Combat;
  • Body Vive;
  • CXWorx;
  • grit;
  • SH'BAM.

Les Mills became famous thanks to the Body Pump program. Coaches say that for an hour session at correct execution exercise can burn 500-700 calories. Classes in the gym take place to energetic music, at a high pace, with a lot of weight. A barbell is used as the main weighting agent. It is the combination of power and aerobic workout promotes weight loss and the creation of a relief body. The system is designed in such a way that when the muscles adapt to the load, there is a sharp change in exercises.

Description of Body Combat

"Body Kombat" allows you to put your body in order in the shortest possible time. The basis of the exercises included the base of such martial arts as karate, kickboxing, tai-bo. This allows you to develop flexibility, dexterity, coordination of movements, respectively, improve not only appearance but also well-being. Trainers recommend starting exercises with preliminary preparation, because an increased load is expected.

In order to verify your abilities, you should analyze the complexity of performing simple aerobic exercises. If dancing, running or swimming is difficult, you should start small, gradually increase the difficulty and only then proceed to the Body Combat program. Sometimes they give one trial lesson so that a person can fully experience the intensity of training.

Typically, classes are attended 3-4 times a week, adjusting the number depending on the desired results and own forces. In addition to this, they comply proper nutrition allocate enough time to get a good night's sleep. Sometimes two workouts are combined: "Body Combat" and "Body Pump". They pair well with each other, so there is no need to create an individual training plan.

Disadvantages and advantages of training

The disadvantages are the restrictions that imposes a system on a person due to the nature of the organism.

  1. Since the exercises are very intense, the trainee should have minimal skills in running or dancing. It doesn't have to be professional athlete and to have some achievements in these areas, it is enough to withstand prolonged loads.
  2. "Body Kombat" is designed for use only as an anaerobic exercise. To strengthen the muscles, it is combined with other types of training, for example, Body Pump.
  3. The program is not recommended for people with problems in the spine or joints.
  4. Not suitable for those who want to perform traditional exercises such as running, jumping, etc. The system is unique in that it combines basic movements from martial arts.
  5. In connection with high load the body should maintain a balanced diet. In this case, a low-calorie diet will not work. Training in a calorie deficit can be harmful. Even the use of different pre-workout complexes will not provide the benefits that a balanced diet will provide.

Home workouts with "Body Kombat"

Not every gym offers to engage in the training program of the "Body Combat" system. For such occasions, the Les Mills group released training materials "Body Kombat", "Body Pump". The video lesson allows everyone to exercise their body according to a new revolutionary system at home.

To start classes, you do not need optional equipment. In the video, trainers clearly explain how to do the exercises in order to achieve the maximum effective results. If you have questions, you can consult with the trainer online.

Attention, only TODAY!

Body program Combat is one of the most popular workouts from Les Mills, the classes quickly get in shape due to their high intensity. However, this training has pros and cons.

The Les Mills Body Combat program allows you to quickly get in shape through a combination of intense aerobic exercise and elements of combat sports. You can practice this program both in the gym and at home, in 2013, in collaboration with Les Mills and Beach, a special version of Body Combat for home workouts was developed.
Like all workouts from Les Mills, the Combat program does not let you get bored, these are 12 video lessons with exciting elements from martial arts - karate, jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing and others. The combination of strength and intense aerobic exercise provides rapid fat burning, the program includes workouts for the whole body, as well as separately for the upper and lower parts.

One workout lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the intensity of the load.

Training can be done without equipment, but with dumbbells, the result will come much faster. A fitness mat is also welcome, with it classes will be more comfortable. The Body Combat program is divided into three levels of difficulty, the duration of the course is nine weeks, during which time the body will be brought into excellent shape. Like others sport complexes The program has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of Body Combat

  • Improving the body through the complex effects of strength and cardio loads, strengthening muscles, increasing strength;
  • Quick disposal of fat deposits, the formation of a beautiful toned body;
  • Variability of loads by level when all muscles are involved, first of all problem areas- buttocks, legs and abdomen;
  • Energetic elements from the world of martial arts allow you to burn a lot of calories and have fun;
  • No requirements for physical training, even the person who has never touched martial arts will be able to engage in the program;
  • The difficulty levels of the program vary from very easy to super difficult, making Body Combat suitable for both unprepared people and professional athletes;
  • If the program is chosen correctly in accordance with the level of preparation, then it will be quite difficult, but doable.

Disadvantages of Body Combat

  • In all workouts there is a large number of jumps and other explosive exercises with a high load on the joints. In view of this, the program is not suitable for those who have health problems. knee joints and ankles;
  • If you do not study with an instructor in the gym, but at home using video lessons, then it will take some time to study. Bundles of exercises are difficult enough to complete them the first time.

The Body Combat program from Les Mills is one of the tools for creating perfect figure for short periods. Apart from beautiful body program followers receive muscle strengthening and increased strength, physical endurance and readiness to perform more complex complexes.