Fitball exercises for kids. Fitball classes for babies, children up to a year

Physical exercise and gymnastics are useful for people at any age. For such exercises, there are many simulators and other devices that contribute to the achievement best results. One of these shells is a fitball - a large gymnastic ball.

Fitball exercises will contribute to the rapid and proper physical development of the crumbs, bring a lot of positive emotions, and also help the newborn's mother restore her physical shape after pregnancy.

Fitball - a large inflatable ball made of dense elastic material. It is designed for exercises aimed at improving the human body of any age. The diameter of the ball is usually 50-95 cm. Gymnastics on the ball provides a load on most muscles, corrects posture, and increases body flexibility. You can just sit on the ball, springy, this will help reduce the load on the spine. You can lie on your back and ride back and forth. This exercise will relax the back muscles, help stretch the spine, improve blood circulation.

Many gymnastic complexes from infancy and up.
Physical exercises on the fitball are shown to both healthy children and those who have neurological and orthopedic pathologies.

Fitball gymnastics gives such positive results:

  • Reduces increased muscle tone, which occurs very often in newborns
  • Strengthens the muscles and skeleton of the child. During gymnastics on the ball, the development and strengthening of all muscle groups of the baby occurs.

Strengthening the muscular corset of the back will make the spine strong and flexible, which will help provide proper development nervous system child;

  • Promotes the development of the vestibular apparatus, which is very important for children of the first year of life;
  • Improves coordination of movements;
  • Reduces gas formation and colic, performing the function of a light massage that promotes digestion;
  • Calms the child.

The swaying movements on the ball relax and soothe the child, some even sway and fall asleep.

The vibration of the ball serves as a kind of physiotherapy, relieves pain and tension, stimulates the work of internal organs.

Fitball selection

In order for fitball classes to be successful and fun, you need to choose the right ball. First of all, let's decide on the diameter of the ball.

If you plan to use the ball only for activities with a child, then you can choose a diameter of 50-60 cm. However, it is more preferable to purchase a large fitball with a diameter of 75-80 cm. Then the whole family can use it together with the baby.

Pay attention to the material from which the projectile is made. The fitball should have a smooth but not slippery surface. It must be elastic. With a little pressure from the hand, it repels the ball, springs, and does not easily fall through or has a strong resistance. If there is any doubt about the thickness of the material, then you can pinch the ball. At education a large number folds and wrinkles, we can conclude that the product is of low quality.

An important quality is the strength of the material from which the ball is made. The elasticity of the ball and its functionality also depend on the strength. If the fitball is made of high-quality durable rubber, then it can withstand a load of 300 kg.

An important characteristic of the ball is the presence of the ABS marking. It means that the fitball has an anti-explosive function. Such shells are the safest for babies.

A high-quality ball does not have noticeable seams, burrs, scars, it has good antistatic properties, dust and debris do not stick to it. A good fitball is made of hypoallergenic material, without harmful chemical smell. It is always warm and pleasant to the touch. The nipple at the ball should not protrude outward, interfering with its operation.

Cheap balls are often slippery and sticky, do not bounce well, have an unpleasant odor, joints and roughness are visible on them. This will make it difficult to use them.
Don't skimp on quality. It is better to immediately purchase a large high-quality ball that will serve all family members for a long time.

Gymnastics rules

It is recommended to start exercises on the fitball approximately 1 month after birth. You can start in 2-3 weeks. However, the set of exercises for children up to 6 months and after is different. These differences are associated with the development of motor skills, which the baby masters gradually every month.
Before you begin to perform a set of exercises for a baby on a fitball, parents should familiarize themselves with the rules for doing gymnastics:

    1. It is desirable to conduct classes in the morning or in the afternoon, when the baby is most active and vigorous;
    2. Do not do gymnastics for babies immediately after feeding. Let at least an hour pass after eating;
    3. The first lesson is introductory and its duration is 3-5 minutes. Both adults and children need to get used to the ball.

You can gradually increase the time. Classes for babies for 2 months are enough to be carried out for 6-8 minutes;

    1. When dealing with a child for the first time, you need to hold him well, the amplitude of rocking the ball is minimal.

Exercises are chosen the simplest. Over time, when parents master the technique of conducting such gymnastics, and the child grows up a little, the set of exercises can be complicated;

    1. You can not hold babies when doing gymnastics by the feet or hands.
    1. You need to firmly hold the baby by the ankles, forearms, back, chest, stomach.

Don't get distracted in class. Do not leave the child unattended;

    1. During gymnastics, the baby should have a minimum of clothing so that it does not interfere;
    2. It is necessary to conduct classes on a fitball only when the baby is healthy and in a good mood.

If the baby cries or shows dissatisfaction, then it is better to stop classes. Gymnastics should bring only positive emotions. At the time of the child's illness, classes are also stopped;

  1. Classes will be more successful if, when doing exercises, you affectionately talk to the baby, tell him funny rhymes, sing songs, you can turn on the music that he likes.


There are different sets of exercises for babies depending on their age. You can start from 2-3 weeks, but it is better from 1 month, when the child holds the head at least a little.

The first lesson should be short. Both parent and child need to learn. An adult sits on a chair, places the ball in front of him, Holding it with his feet. If the baby is naked, then cover the projectile with a diaper. Carefully lower the baby to the center of the ball. Holding the child by the back with both hands, gently swing the ball slightly towards us - from ourselves, to the left - to the right.

Exercises for babies 1 - 2 months

    1. The baby lies with its back on the table.

Put the ball near his legs. Bring to the feet so that the baby kicks and pushes the ball. Repeat several times.

    1. We put the baby on the gymnastic ball on the tummy, his torso, legs and head lie completely on the surface of the ball.

We hold the child by the waist, shake the ball a little back and forth.

    1. "Spring".

The baby lies on the fitball with his tummy down. Holding it with one hand on the back, the other on the legs. It is necessary to perform a "fork" capture. One ankle is grasped between the index and thumb, the other between the middle and index fingers. Slightly press on the back of the child and release so that the ball springs up and down.

    1. starting position too.

We hold the child by the waist. Swing the ball to the left - to the right, forward - back, then in a circular motion with a small amplitude. Do not forget - everything must be done smoothly, babies cannot be pumped sharply. During gymnastics, be sure to monitor the mood of the baby.

Examples of exercises for babies - in the video:

Exercise at 3-4 months

To the previously mastered, we add new tasks, more complex:

    1. We put the child on the back of the ball.

Hold on to the shins. Bend the baby's legs at the knees and press them against the chest. Rolling the fitball back, straighten the baby's legs. Return to starting position.

    1. Put the ball on flat surface(for example, on the table).

Bring the child to the ball facing forward. The baby's arms are extended, we hold him by the body and tilt him so that he rests on the ball and pushes him with his arms.

    1. We put the child on the fitball with the back.

Holding the baby with one hand by the tummy or chest, with the other by the legs, swing the ball forward - backward, left - right.

    1. The position of the child is the same.

Hold with one hand on the chest, the other on the hips. Lightly pressing, we spring on the ball.

More options for gymnastics on the ball for this age:

Exercise at 5-6 months

We complicate the complex with new exercises.

    1. Lay the child on the ball with his stomach.

Holding the baby by the hips, we swing the ball so that the baby reaches the floor with outstretched arms and back.

    1. Put the baby on the ball with your feet, while holding it under the armpits.

The back is turned towards the adult. Rolling the ball forward, put the child on it. We roll back, lifting the baby to its feet.

    1. Exercise "Watch".

Lay the baby back on the ball. We hold it on both sides by the torso, we perform ball movements in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.

From 6-7 months and older

After six months, gymnastics becomes more difficult, because the child is gradually preparing for crawling and walking.

    1. The favorite exercise of the kids is jumping on the ball.

The ball is fixed between the legs of the parent. We support the baby under the armpits and put it on the ball. We show how you can spring and jump on a fitball.

    1. "Clutches".

The child lies on the ball with his tummy, arms extended forward. Place toys in front of the ball. We swing the ball forward so that the child reaches the floor and grabs the toy and back. You can hold the ball with your foot. Usually this exercise turns into a fun game.

    1. Exercise for the back and press.

You will need two adults. The child lies on the ball with his tummy. One assistant takes him by the forearms, the other by the ankles. Roll the ball back and forth. You can also do the same by turning the child on its back.

    1. The child lies with his back on the ball.

Pulling him slightly by the hands, we seat him on the ball, let him sit for a while and return to the prone position. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

    1. Wheelbarrow exercise.

The child lies on the ball with his tummy. We lift, holding the ankles so that it rests on the projectile with outstretched handles. Slightly shake it. The kid needs to keep his balance.

    1. "Storage".

Put the baby on the fitball with the tummy. He hugs the ball with his hands. We hold the baby with our hands on the ankles. We roll the ball towards us, pulling the child, we bend his legs. We return the ball back - we unbend the child's legs. We repeat 6-8 times.

    1. We put the baby on the gymnastic ball with the tummy.

We take the left ankle and left forearm, turn the baby on the right side and shake it in one direction (head down), in the other. We change position and swing the child on the opposite side.

    1. We teach a child to stand with a fitball.

We start the exercise from 7-8 months. Fix the ball and put it in front of the child. The kid is standing, holding the ball with his hands. An adult insures him, allowing him to stand a little on his own.

    1. A one-year-old baby can be placed on the ball with their legs and allowed to walk with support.

At the same time, fix the ball between the legs.

More about classes for children 6-9 months:

Once parents have mastered the basic exercises, you can start inventing your own. The main thing is to observe safety measures, and make sure that the child is happy. You can play ball - push, roll, throw to mom and so on.

Classes should be carried out regularly for 10 minutes a day. You can combine them with a preliminary light massage, and finish with a swim in the bath. The benefits of such an integrated approach will be tangible, and the results will be noticeable very quickly. The child will become strong, active and more mobile, his sleep will improve, his appetite will increase.

In addition, both mother and baby will receive a lot of positive emotions during such activities. Check out some more examples of gymnastics for babies in our video.

Today, fitball is becoming an increasingly used simulator for gymnastic exercises V preschool institutions. A large and bright ball gives children a lot of pleasure and classes on it bring not only tangible physical benefits, but also positive emotions.

Classes on fitball for children bring positive emotions

Sports activities with the use of various simulators are an integral element of preschool education. Fitball for children has become in many ways an interesting and useful find - classes on it cause joy and bring noticeable benefits.

Children's fitballs - bright, non-slip or with a handle

Fitball gymnastics in kindergarten allows children to roll and throw the ball, children can sit and lie, jump and stand on the fitball, and a wide variety of exercises allows:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • form the correct posture;
  • when performing exercises in pairs, children learn to interact and understand each other;
  • develop flexibility, balance, fine motor skills;
  • develop plasticity;
  • strengthen the respiratory and cardiac systems;

For preschoolers aged 5 years, it is better to use a ball with a diameter of 45 cm for classes, a diameter of 50 cm is suitable for children of six years, and a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm can be bought for seven-year-olds.

Development of flexibility on a fitball

Classes with children 3 years old should not exceed 25 minutes in duration.

Fitballs for children are produced bright colors and this has its own meaning: red affects vision and memory, blue activates the work of the heart, green leads to pressure and helps relieve stress.

Fitball exercises for preschoolers

Classes are carried out in a ventilated room, when performing exercises, it is important to avoid sudden movements that cause pain or discomfort. Fitball exercises for children begin with an introduction to the simulator, simple games, teaching the basics and only after the child has mastered the ball - increase the complexity of the exercises.

Preschool classes in the gym

It is important that the whole process of classes be in a playful way - so the child will not lose desire and there will be a constant interest in classes.

When meeting, the baby can roll the ball on the floor, bench, between the flags or any other objects. Children can play ball with each other, tap the ball, see how the fitball can bounce off the floor. Thus, the baby will learn about some of the possibilities of the ball and will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can be done with it.

Lesson in kindergarten with fitballs

The first exercises should be to work out the landing and balance on the ball. When performing them, the children sit on the fitball, press their feet to the floor in a straight position and perform the following actions:

  • Turn your head right and left.
  • Raise and lower your shoulders.
  • Lean forward.
  • Make turns turn to the side.
  • Make inclinations, exposing to the side each leg in turn.

The main exercises begin with a warm-up of the muscles. The warm-up includes the simplest exercises to develop posture and balance, as well as jumping and walking on the ball, the “ladder” exercise: sitting on the fitball, children raise their hands to their belt, to their shoulders, then up and clap twice, lower their hands in reverse order, and again 2 claps, but already on the ball.

There are exercises that are performed while standing: raising hands with the ball, throwing the fitball up or to a friend, walking with the ball held high.

To develop balance, the child stands on one leg, leaning on the ball with the other foot, in this position the child must learn to squat and roll the ball. Sitting on the simulator, the baby “rolls” his feet from toe to heel, raising his legs and maintaining balance.

Seated jumping exercise

Some exercises can be performed while lying on a fitball:

  1. The child should raise his legs without holding the ball with his hands,
  2. Rest your hands on the floor, legs raised from the floor, the body is parallel to the floor,
  3. Resting with straight arms on the floor, walk on your hands.

Fitball exercises can be performed lying on the mat on your back: roll the ball with your feet, simultaneously bending and unbending your legs, then raise and lower them; grab the ball with straight legs, raise and lower the ball with your feet.

Fitball games are loved by all children.

Fitball gymnastics for preschoolers should always end with exercises to restore and stabilize breathing.

Fitball for babies

For newborns, massage is very important and proper gymnastics. Fitball classes are a real find for caring parents, as it is equally useful for both mother and baby. Classes with the ball are a kind of game, positive emotions and a set of exercises that strengthen the health of the child.

Baby 3 months on fitball

To practice on a fitball for newborns, you need to know how to choose the right ball. The effectiveness of the exercises directly depends on this. For babies, they buy a ball with a diameter of 65-75 cm. This diameter will allow the baby to lie on it as comfortably as possible. Fitballs for babies are produced in bright colors - this attracts attention, and the colors also have a beneficial effect on vision, memory, and the nervous system.

It is better to give preference to a fitball with a rough surface, with a handle made of high-quality material, odorless and with an anti-explosion system. The ball must be without visible external seams and electrostatic.

Classes on a fitball with a baby are recommended to start from the age of two weeks, when the umbilical cord has healed in the baby. Doctors advise to conduct classes in the morning an hour after feeding, starting with a few minutes a day. This will allow the baby to get used to the new surface. It is important that the child is healthy and calm. The first lessons should not be longer than 3 - 5 minutes.

Gymnastics and massage on fitball

Gymnastics on a fitball for babies is effective for relieving muscle fatigue, eliminating colic, constipation, reducing overweight, depressions nervous excitability. Classes help to improve digestion, reduce gas formation, improve coordination of movement, develop the vestibular apparatus.

Even the initial daily 3 minutes of classes contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Fitball exercises

Fitball exercises for babies begin with a prone position on the tummy. Previously, the ball is covered with a diaper, the baby is laid down and they begin to shake the ball, holding the child firmly on it. The diaper can be placed up to three months of age. Swinging on the ball reminds the baby of the movements that he is used to while in his mother's stomach. It relieves stress, relaxes, soothes. The baby feels safe, which is very important especially in the first 2 months of life. A similar exercise can be repeated by placing the child on his back.

Roll options: 1-4 on the stomach, 5-6 on the back, 7 sitting, 8 on the side

At 2 months, exercises begin to complicate:

  1. The baby is placed on the tummy, supported by the back and legs, making springy movements up and down,
  2. The baby is placed with its back on the fitball and the ball is slowly twisted around its axis.

Fitball for babies allows you to work on strengthening muscles. At 3 months, you can put the baby on the simulator and start bouncing, or sitting on his mother's lap, the baby can push the ball away with his legs.

For children older than 6 months, a whole set of exercises has already been developed.

  • Toys are placed in front of the fitball, the child lies on his tummy, he is held by the legs, and tilted so that he can take the toy;
  • Mom clamps the ball between her legs, holding the baby tightly and helping him jump on the ball;
  • The baby lies on its back, they pull it up by the handles so that it sits on a fitball;
  • Put the baby on the ball and gently lead the child to walk on the surface of the ball;
  • When the baby learns to stand, he is placed in front of the fitball so that he holds on to the ball with his handles.

Child insurance for adults is mandatory

It is important that parents remember: at 2 months or 3 months, and even at six months, the child still does not know how to control himself, therefore, during classes and during exercises, it is necessary to hold the child firmly and securely fix the ball.

If the baby is naughty during class, this may be due to several reasons: fear, inconvenience or pain, the uncomfortable situation, or he begins to show his character.

It is important to stop exercising if it causes pain or discomfort and rethink your exercise plan. If the baby shows his character, it is better to find a different approach to continuing gymnastics, otherwise the child will quickly realize that tears are the right way to get what he wants.


Fitball for babies. How to choose. Exercises for children from birth, at 1-1.5 months, 3-4 months, 5-6 months, after 6 months. Lots of video instructions.

It is no secret that the physical development of a child up to a year is one of the main indicators of his health. There are many ways to help your child learn new skills. In this article we will talk about exercising on a fitball - a special gymnastic ball that is useful not only for doing exercises with a child, but also for maintaining a good physical form all family members.

Which fitball to choose?

To begin with, a few words about how to choose the right equipment for training. In the assortment of stores there are many types of gymnastic balls: smooth and with a massage surface, with and without horns. In addition, fitballs come in various diameters.

The most versatile, suitable not only for gymnastics with a baby, but also for adult family members, is a smooth ball with a diameter of 55-75 cm. For a 55 cm fitball, there is easily a place even in a small apartment. If you are planning classes yourself, take 65-75 cm.

The benefits of training on fitball

Performing exercises on a gymnastic ball remarkably develops large motor skills, has a beneficial effect on the development of a baby’s sense of balance, and helps relieve hypertonicity. In addition, soft swaying on the fitball will help the baby with pain in the tummy, which so often bother babies in the first months of life.

Swinging on the ball develops the vestibular apparatus (one of the most important components of training with a child in the first year of life).
The baby can make a "passive" swimming, as he used to do in his mother's tummy. Thus, the baby receives the necessary vestibular, visual and kinesthetic impulses.

Vibration is a kind of physiotherapy that has an analgesic effect, it also stimulates the proper functioning of the baby's vital organs.

At what age should you start gymnastics with a fitball?

The best age to start training with a baby is 1-1.5 months. At this point, the baby begins to lift the head from the prone position. Exercise will help him strengthen his back and neck muscles, as well as develop a sense of balance.

Gymnastics is best done in the morning, when the baby is alert and active. Make sure that at least 1 hour has passed after eating. Don't forget to take care of fresh air during classes - ventilate the room where you will perform exercises with the baby in advance.

Basic fitball exercises

A set of exercises for printing.

  • 1-1.5 months

The first lesson of the baby on the fitball should not be delayed longer than 5 minutes - the child should get comfortable, get used to the new load. Lay a clean diaper on the fitball, gently place the baby on top of it, stomach down. Put right hand baby on the back and lightly press him to the ball. With your left hand, hold the left leg in the area of ​​​​the knee joint, while pressing your hand against the ball. Hold it gently but firmly. Make sure that the child's head is turned to the side, and nothing interferes with his breathing.

Gently rock your baby back and forth, right and left. Do not make a large swing amplitude, this can scare the baby. With light pressure, spring with the baby on the fitball. This simple exercise will help the small tummy to get rid of accumulated gases and relieve the child of colic.

For the first time, these two exercises will be enough. Remember that gymnastics on a fitball should bring only positive emotions to the baby and mother. When the first signs of discontent appear, the crumbs should stop doing the exercises.

The first exercises on the fitball video

  • 3-4 months

Over time, you will begin to notice that the child raises his head more confidently and tries to stand on his forearms. It's time to make the exercises harder. Increase the swing amplitude back and forth and left and right, while slightly changing the direction of the ball. To maintain balance, the child will need to apply new forces. This exercise is good for developing the muscles of the back and arms. Try to remove your hand from the back and tummy. At the same time, hold the baby with both hands by the legs in the area knee joints. Learn to feel confident with this support by rocking, rotating and vibrating.

Fitball exercises video part 2

  • 5-6 months

When the baby is 5 months old, you can try another exercise - swinging on your back. Gently place the child on the fitball on the back; Be careful not to tilt your head back. Lightly rock it back and forth. When you move forward, the baby will try to raise his head. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the press, the anterior abdominal wall, the muscles of the neck and back are strengthened.

Be very careful! Not all children love this exercise. If the baby cries and is naughty, do not force him, continue the lesson on another day.

At the age of 5-6 months, babies are already well developed physically, they actively roll over from their stomach to their backs, some babies try to sit down and crawl. good exercise during this period there will be a swing on the fitball lying on the stomach with a large amplitude. Hold the baby by the hips, in this case the back muscles will work most actively and shoulder girdle. Put bright toys in front of the ball - cubes, rattles, ribbons, so that while moving forward, the child reaches out with his arms to them and tries to grab them. If the baby managed to take the toy in his hand, always praise him loudly and joyfully! When moving backward, try to get the baby's legs to the floor. However, do not put the child on the floor, a light touch of the toes will be enough.

Fitball exercises video part 3

  • 6 months and older

Do all of the above exercises for as long as it gives pleasure to you and your child! Many children older than six months are already so active and independent that it is not so easy to keep them on the fitball. Do not insist on doing the exercises if the baby resists. Give him freedom of movement in the house, having previously secured the space.

In any case, regularity is important, and this is especially true for exercise. Practice with your child every day, devoting 15-20 minutes to this simple ritual, and very soon the results of gymnastics will make themselves felt! Good mood and excellent physical health baby will be the best reward for you!

Fortunately, the times when it was believed that up to 4-6 months the child should lie motionless in a tightly tightened diaper for most of the day have already ended. Modern doctors are of the opinion that for harmonious physical development, a child needs not only freedom of movement from birth, but also special exercises. In addition to the standard training program that all mothers receive in the "Healthy Child's Office", it will not be superfluous to exercise on a special ball - a fitball for babies.

What is the use of fitball

In the house where the baby appeared, the fitball ball is useful for both health and entertainment. Grown up children love to jump on it like a jumper, and with newborn children you can do gymnastics on a fitball. Classes on a fitball are useful not only for children with neurological problems, as young mothers often think. For healthy children, such exercises are necessary for many reasons.

  1. Helps relieve muscle hypertonicity, characteristic of newborns.
  2. Strengthens and develops the muscles of the limbs, back, abdominals.
  3. It has a massage effect and stimulates the work of internal organs.
  4. Improves digestion and prevents colic.
  5. Helps to learn to coordinate movements and develops the vestibular apparatus.

We do it right

Fitball gymnastics has so many advantages and is so effective that it would simply not be reasonable to neglect it. In order for the exercises to bring joy to mom and baby, you need to meet some conditions.

  • It is best to do gymnastics in the morning, while the baby is at the peak of activity and in a good mood.
  • Before starting the exercises, make sure that the baby is calm and nothing causes him discomfort.
  • From the moment of feeding to exercise, you need to pause for at least 1.5 hours.
  • If the baby is naughty and resists - do not insist. Not all children immediately enthusiastically perceive fitball exercises. Let your child settle in and get used to it.
  • The first training sessions should be short, 4-5 minutes, and then the training time gradually increases.

There are basic fitball exercises for newborn babies. It is better to start mastering exercises on a miracle ball with them, and then you can give free rein to your body and, together with your child, come up with different ways to exercise on a fitball.

Fitball exercises for kids

So, we cover the fitball with a soft diaper so that the baby is pleased to touch it with bare arms, legs or cheek, and proceed.

Exercise 1. Swing on the tummy

We put the baby on the fitball with the tummy down. We put one hand on his back, with the other we hold both legs and begin to gently rock back and forth, left and right.

Exercise 2. Swing on the back

At its core, this exercise repeats the previous one, only the child lies on his back. Performing this exercise, you need to make sure that the baby's head does not throw back.

Exercise 3

We put the baby on the tummy and, pressing on the tummy or ass, make the fitball spring under the baby's body. During this exercise, it is important to hold the legs. By analogy with swinging, the baby can spring not only face down, but also roll over on his back.

Exercise 4. Pushing

The baby lies on the back on the sofa or table. We bring the fitball to the legs and press a little. The child instinctively begins to push the ball away with his feet.

Exercise 5

Sitting on the floor, we hold the fitball between our legs so that it cannot roll away. We put the baby on the fitball, and, holding it from the back, we show how you can spring and jump. Usually this exercise causes a lot of laughter and joy.

Exercise 6

We put the baby on the fitball with his stomach down so that he rests his arms on the ball. We take the child by the legs as if we are rolling a wheelbarrow, and slightly sway back and forth.

Exercise 7. We take out a toy

The baby lies on the tummy. Holding the legs, we tilt the baby forward so that he can reach the floor with his hands. This exercise becomes much more interesting if you lay out toys on the floor in front of the baby that can be easily grabbed with a pen.

Exercise 9

We put the baby on the back. Holding the forearms, raise the baby to a sitting position, and then lower it back.

Exercise 10. Learning to stand

A good way to train upright walking for children who already know how to get up at the support. Actually, the essence of the exercise is to let the child stand with support on the fitball, be sure to secure it.

For a child's body, fitball is two in one: a dynamic simulator and a relaxing massage. The same exercises, performed at different intensities, can either activate or calm. Many mothers enjoy a sedative effect even for rocking the baby before bed.

Which fitball to choose

Fitball can be bought in a store with children's goods, and in a special sports department. In order to decide which fitball is best to choose, you need to understand how they differ.

First of all, fitballs have different size from 45 to 75 cm in diameter. The most versatile is the 75 cm ball, because it can be used by both children and adults. If adults do not have plans for gymnastics, you can choose a ball of a smaller diameter. For children there a good option gymnastic ball with horns or handle.

The surface of the fitball can be smooth or covered with spikes. For exercise with a newborn, you definitely need a smooth surface without any relief.

fitball with horns

The indicator of a quality fitball– the presence of an anti-discontinuity function. You can find out that the ball has this function by marking ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality).

Knowing how to choose a fitball, you will not be confused in front of a shelf in a store. A good bonus to the ball is the pump, especially if the fitball is large. Almost always it is included in the kit, but if it is not, it is better to find an opportunity to purchase it. This will significantly reduce the time to inflate the ball, and the pump works more efficiently.

The cost of a fitball mainly depends on the manufacturer's brand and size. For a ball of the most popular size 75 cm, the price ranges from 490 rubles. up to 1000r. It is better to buy a fitball in a specialized store. There is less chance of running into a low-quality thing.

  • dynamic gymnastics
  • Hardening of a newborn.
  • Massage for a child in 1-3 months.

Exercises. Watch video instructions. Part 1:

Video instructions. Part 2

Today, pediatricians recommend starting the physical development of the baby from the first months. Regular charging and gymnastics, swimming and bathing in the bathroom, freedom of movement - the key to the successful growth of the child. IN last years gymnastics on a fitball for babies is gaining popularity. Fitball is big ball for various physical exercises, which comes in several types and diameters. Classes on the ball have a positive effect on health and will be an interesting entertainment for children.

You can start training on the ball two to three weeks after birth. But keep in mind that exercises for babies up to six months and after six months are slightly different. In addition, it is important to follow safety precautions and never leave the baby alone for a minute! In this article, we will look at how to choose the right ball and fitball exercises for babies.

Useful properties of fitball

  • Eliminates muscle hypertonicity, which occurs in newborns in the first days of life;
  • Strengthens bones and muscles;
  • Forms posture and abdominal press;
  • Stabilizes the functioning of internal organs;
  • Develops the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Performs massage functions. How to massage a baby, see the section “Health”;
  • Improves digestion, reduces gas formation and colic;
  • Swinging on the ball soothes and relaxes the baby.

Which fitball to choose for babies

Fitball diameters vary between 45-75 centimeters. A ball of 75 centimeters is considered universal, as it is suitable for both children and adults. After all, mom can also do gymnastics on a fitball! But if adults do not plan to use the ball, it is better for a child to choose smaller sizes.

For children, choose comfortable fitballs with special handles or horns for holding the ball. For newborns, take only smooth products! Gymnastic equipment with a relief surface is suitable for babies older than 3-4 months. Do not forget to purchase a pump along with the fitball. But, as a rule, it comes already in the kit.

It is important to choose a quality and safe thing, so buy a projectile in a specialized sports store. The material of the product must be dense, elastic and not slippery. When buying, try to pinch the surface, high-quality material will immediately take on its original state. But the appearance of small folds indicates a poor-quality product.

The ball must not have visible and palpable seams, and the material must not emit a synthetic or rubber smell. Check that the ABS mark is on the product. This is the safest equipment, which also has an anti-explosive function.

How to exercise on fitball

  • Do more in the morning active exercise on a fitball for babies, and in the evening, spend calm classes so that the baby relaxes and sleeps well;
  • Before the start of the lesson, make sure that the child feels good and calm;
  • The pause between the last feeding and exercise should be 1-1.5 hours;
  • If the baby is very naughty and resists, do not force it to do it! Crying may indicate that the child is hungry or not feeling well. In addition, not every kid will immediately be happy to accept such activities on the ball. The kid needs to get used to and get used to;
  • The first workouts are short. They are about five minutes long. Gradually, time can be increased;
  • During the lesson, hold the baby gently by the forearms, back, tummy or ankles;
  • You can not pull the baby by the feet or hands when he is doing exercises !;
  • Do not leave the baby on the ball unattended!;
  • Accompany classes with songs and rhymes. Then the exercise will be fun and joyful;
  • It is desirable that the baby is engaged without clothes, as it will go astray and cause discomfort;
  • If the child is naked, cover the fitball with a film. It does not create discomfort when in contact with the surface of the projectile and ensures hygiene;
  • Choose the right exercises. Activities are divided into two categories depending on the age of the baby. The first is intended for children from two weeks to six months, the second - for babies older than six months;
  • Before starting gymnastics, consult a pediatrician. Find out if the newborn has any contraindications. In addition, a specialist will help you choose individual complex exercises that are right for your child.

Exercises for children up to six months

  • Motion sickness on the stomach - the most light exercise which is suitable for both newborns and older babies. The child is placed on the stomach face down, held behind the back and rocked back and forth. Such activities are especially useful for children under 3-4 months old, when they are severely tormented by colic. Such gymnastics normalizes the work of the intestines and soothes the baby.
  • Swinging on the back is carried out similarly to the previous exercise, only now the baby is laid on his back face up. When rocking, support the child by the tummy and make sure that the head does not throw back. Such gymnastics strengthens the spine and back muscles, contributes to the formation of posture.
  • Repulsion from the ball is done when the baby is lying on a bed, sofa or table. Move the fitball to your feet and lightly press. The kid will instinctively begin to push the ball away with his feet. Such a task strengthens the muscles of the legs, develops coordination.
  • Exercise "Watch" assumes that the baby lies on his back. The child is held by the stomach or chest, and the ball is gently rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. When the baby is six months old, new exercises can be added to gymnastics on the ball.
  • The “Spring” exercise implies that the child is placed on the ball with his stomach down, while supporting his back with one hand, and the ankles with the help of a special grip with the other. Then soft springy movements are made so that the ball under the baby rises and falls (springs). By analogy, training is carried out when the child lies on the ball with his back down.

Exercises for children over 6 months old

  • The press exercise is done when the child lies on the ball with his back down. The baby is held by the forearms and lifted to a sitting position for a few seconds, then released back. How and when to sit down the baby, see here.
  • The toy in front of the fitball develops grasping reflexes, coordination of movements, attention and vision of the baby. At a short distance in front of the gymnastic apparatus, lay out the baby's favorite toys. Place your baby on the ball, tummy down. Hold the legs and tilt the ball so that the baby can grab one of the objects.
  • Jumping on the ball is a workout in which an adult sits on the floor and firmly fixes the fitball between the legs. Then he puts the baby on the surface of the ball with his legs. Holding the baby under the armpit or by the body, raise and lower the baby, bounce and bounce.
  • Two adults do the ball rolling. One holds the baby on the forearms when he lies on the tummy, and the second - by the shins. The crumbs begin to be pulled back and forth, and he rolls on the ball. These exercises are great for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine.
  • Swinging with emphasis on the hands helps strengthen the muscles of the hands. The child is laid on his stomach, the legs are taken as if they are rolling a wheelbarrow, and with his hands he rests on the ball. Then the ball begins to roll slightly back and forth, bending and unbending the legs.

The fitball is also used as a support when the baby learns to stand on his own. This effective method upright walking training, which is suitable for children over 7-8 months old. At the same time, it is important for an adult to hold the ball tightly and, of course, to secure the baby. And what exercises will help the child start walking sooner, read the link

Fitball exercises for babies are exciting activities that combine elements of the game and gymnastics. Previously, with young children, mothers always spent physical activities ending with a massage. The district nurse came to the home of the newly-made parents and taught them all the necessary skills. Currently, this practice has been lost, but mothers can adopt a new technique and improve the health of the child with the help of a fitball.

Fitball is a unique simulator that allows you to effortlessly develop a child's sense of balance, strengthen muscles and joints, improve sleep and get rid of colic.

The Benefits of Exercise

Gymnastics on a ball for babies contributes to their fastest physical and psychomotor development, further formation of motor skills in a newborn.

It is known that in newborns, the tone of the flexor muscles predominates, while classes help to relax tense muscles. If, on the contrary, muscle weakness prevails in an infant, gymnastics helps restore tone.

The position of the baby on the stomach, along with rocking, relaxes the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which contributes to the rapid discharge of gases. Exercises on the ball for babies are especially useful in case of intestinal colic and bloating. Gymnastics on the simulator also helps to improve digestion.

Swinging, springy movements contribute to the formation of the vestibular apparatus and the musculoskeletal system. Such gymnastics is the best prevention posture disorders at an older age, as they develop deep muscles back.

Fitball exercises give a wonderful emotional charge to both the baby and his mother. You will notice that the child's appetite has improved, and he has become much stronger sleep.

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems develop, metabolic processes improve.

A fitball with pimples or other irregularities is famous for its massage effect, but such innovations are not safe for a baby, so buy a regular smooth gym ball

A Few Rules

  • Such exercises for babies should be carried out about an hour after you have fed the baby. If you do it earlier, it will do less good than harm.
  • For the first time, you can put the baby on the fitball already at the 2-3rd week after birth, when the umbilical wound heals, and the little one has already had time to get used to the home environment and daily routine.
  • You can not hold the baby by the ankles and wrists, because the ankle and wrist joints not yet fully developed and you can injure the baby.
  • The time of the first lesson should not exceed 5-7 minutes, then it can be increased. At first, it is recommended to put a dressed baby on a fitball, in the future it will be possible to practice naked, as stability increases.
  • No need to force the child to study if he is not in the mood or does not feel well.
  • During gymnastics, you can put on a classical musical composition for babies, while older children like cheerful rhythmic melodies, for example, from cartoons.

Where to begin? First, try to sit on the fitball yourself and sway or jump a little: you should feel confident on this subject. Getting started with the baby, cover the ball with a diaper, put your favorite child on it with your tummy down and shake it a little. different sides. The range of motion should be gradually increased. Then you can move on to a set of exercises for babies.

Moms often ask the question: “How should the little one be held correctly so that it does not slip off the ball?” To do this, grab it with your hands under the armpits, the back of the palms is pressed against the fitball. In the position on the tummy, it is convenient to hold the child by the back and shins.

When buying, pay attention that there are no pimples and roughness on the ball: they can injure the delicate skin of the baby. It is desirable that the simulator was 75 cm in diameter and could withstand a load of 200 kilograms. It is better if the ball material contains latex, and the product itself was labeled "anti-tear".

You need to deal with a child up to six months in a gentle mode, since his body is not yet strong enough for more significant loads

Complex for babies up to 6 months

  1. Rocking on the stomach. Lay the newborn on the tummy, holding the back. Rock the ball back and forth, then to the right and left, then in a circle. This exercise helps to get rid of bloating and accumulated gas.
  2. Back swings. Holding the ball with your foot, turn the baby on its back. The movements are the same as in the first exercise. In the supine position, the baby will try to pull himself forward, while straining the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  3. Exercise "Spring". Turn the little one back on his stomach and pinch his ankles between your thumb, index and middle fingers. Place your free hand on the back or buttocks of the baby. With soft, elastic movements we push it up and down. You can repeat the movements in the supine position.
  4. "Watch". The little one is on his back, and you support him by chest hands. commit circular motions ball clockwise and then against it.
  5. "Pushes". Place the little one on the sofa so that its legs are close to the fitball. He will instinctively try to push the ball away with his feet.

After six months, you can begin to introduce the baby to more difficult exercises on the same, already familiar to him, gymnastic ball

Complex for babies from 6 months

With older children, classes can be complicated.

  1. "Wheelbarrow". The child is on the fitball in the prone position. You raise your legs as if you are driving a wheelbarrow, while the baby rests his hands on the ball.
  2. Jumping on the simulator. Firmly fix the ball between your legs and put the little one on it, holding the chest with your hands. Show him how to jump on the fitball. Usually this exercise brings a lot of fun and joy.
  3. Exercise "Grab-ka." Place toys in front of the fitball, put the child on the simulator with his tummy and roll back and forth. He must grab the toy by taking one hand off the ball. It will be easier to observe the process if you put the simulator in front of a mirror.
  4. "Hands and Legs". Both parents should participate in this exercise. One of them fixes the child lying on the tummy from the front by the hands, and the other from behind by the shins. We roll the fitball forward so that only the child’s legs remain on it, and then back so that only the handles are on the simulator. This activity perfectly strengthens the spine and develops back muscles.
  5. "Frog". We put the child on the simulator with his tummy and grab his legs at the level of the shins. When moving the ball forward, unbend your knees, when moving the ball back, straighten your legs.

Classes with a baby on a fitball can be started from 2 months

Today, fitball is becoming an increasingly used simulator for gymnastic exercises in preschool institutions. A large and bright ball gives children a lot of pleasure and classes on it bring not only tangible physical benefits, but also positive emotions.

Classes on fitball for children bring positive emotions

Fitball for preschoolers

Sports activities with the use of various simulators are an integral element of preschool education. Fitball for children has become in many ways an interesting and useful find - classes on it cause joy and bring noticeable benefits.

Children's fitballs - bright, non-slip or with a handle

Fitball gymnastics in kindergarten allows children to roll and throw the ball, children can sit and lie, jump and stand on the fitball, and a wide variety of exercises allows:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • form the correct posture;
  • when performing exercises in pairs, children learn to interact and understand each other;
  • develop flexibility, balance, fine motor skills;
  • develop plasticity;
  • strengthen the respiratory and cardiac systems;

For preschoolers aged 5 years, it is better to use a ball with a diameter of 45 cm for classes, a diameter of 50 cm is suitable for children of six years, and a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm can be bought for seven-year-olds.

Development of flexibility on a fitball

Classes with children 3 years old should not exceed 25 minutes in duration.

Fitballs for children are produced in bright colors and this makes sense: red affects vision and memory, blue activates the heart, green reduces pressure and helps relieve stress.

Fitball exercises for preschoolers

Classes are carried out in a ventilated room, when performing exercises, it is important to avoid sudden movements that cause pain or discomfort. Fitball exercises for children begin with getting to know the simulator, simple games, learning the basics, and only after the child has mastered the ball, increase the complexity of the exercises.

Preschool classes in the gym

It is important that the whole process of classes be in a playful way - so the child will not lose his desire and there will be a constant interest in classes.

When meeting, the baby can roll the ball on the floor, bench, between the flags or any other objects. Children can play ball with each other, tap the ball, see how the fitball can bounce off the floor. Thus, the baby will learn about some of the possibilities of the ball and will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can be done with it.

Lesson in kindergarten with fitballs

The first exercises should be to work out the landing and balance on the ball. When performing them, the children sit on the fitball, press their feet to the floor in a straight position and perform the following actions:

  • Turn your head right and left.
  • Raise and lower your shoulders.
  • Lean forward.
  • Make turns turn to the side.
  • Make inclinations, exposing to the side each leg in turn.

The main exercises begin with a warm-up of the muscles. The warm-up includes the simplest exercises to develop posture and balance, as well as jumping and walking on the ball, the “ladder” exercise: sitting on the fitball, children raise their hands to their belt, to their shoulders, then up and clap twice, lower their hands in reverse order, and again 2 claps, but already on the ball.

There are exercises that are performed while standing: raising hands with the ball, throwing the fitball up or to a friend, walking with the ball held high.

To develop balance, the child stands on one leg, leaning on the ball with the other foot, in this position the child must learn to squat and roll the ball. Sitting on the simulator, the baby “rolls” his feet from toe to heel, raising his legs and maintaining balance.

Seated jumping exercise

Some exercises can be performed while lying on a fitball:

  1. The child should raise his legs without holding the ball with his hands,
  2. Rest your hands on the floor, legs raised from the floor, the body is parallel to the floor,
  3. Resting with straight arms on the floor, walk on your hands.

Fitball exercises can be performed lying on the mat on your back: roll the ball with your feet, simultaneously bending and unbending your legs, then raise and lower them; grab the ball with straight legs, raise and lower the ball with your feet.

Fitball games are loved by all children.

Fitball gymnastics for preschoolers should always end with exercises to restore and stabilize breathing.

Fitball for babies

For newborns, massage and proper gymnastics are very important. Fitball classes are a real find for caring parents, as it is equally useful for both mother and baby. Classes with the ball are a kind of game, positive emotions and a set of exercises that strengthen the health of the child.

Baby 3 months on fitball

To practice on a fitball for newborns, you need to know how to choose the right ball. The effectiveness of the exercises directly depends on this. For babies, they buy a ball with a diameter of 65-75 cm. This diameter will allow the baby to lie on it as comfortably as possible. Fitballs for babies are produced in bright colors - this attracts attention, and the colors also have a beneficial effect on vision, memory, and the nervous system.

It is better to give preference to a fitball with a rough surface, with a handle made of high-quality material, odorless and with an anti-explosion system. The ball must be without visible external seams and electrostatic.

Classes on a fitball with a baby are recommended to start from the age of two weeks, when the umbilical cord has healed in the baby. Doctors advise to conduct classes in the morning an hour after feeding, starting with a few minutes a day. This will allow the baby to get used to the new surface. It is important that the child is healthy and calm. The first lessons should not be longer than 3 - 5 minutes.

Gymnastics and massage on fitball

Gymnastics on a fitball for babies is effective for relieving muscle fatigue, eliminating colic, constipation, reducing excess weight, and reducing nervous excitability. Classes help to improve digestion, reduce gas formation, improve coordination of movement, develop the vestibular apparatus.

Even the initial daily 3 minutes of classes contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Fitball exercises

Fitball exercises for babies begin with a prone position on the tummy. Previously, the ball is covered with a diaper, the baby is laid down and they begin to shake the ball, holding the child firmly on it. The diaper can be placed up to three months of age. Swinging on the ball reminds the baby of the movements that he is used to while in his mother's stomach. It relieves stress, relaxes, soothes. The baby feels safe, which is very important especially in the first 2 months of life. A similar exercise can be repeated by placing the child on his back.

Roll options: 1-4 on the stomach, 5-6 on the back, 7 sitting, 8 on the side

At 2 months, exercises begin to complicate:

  1. The baby is placed on the tummy, supported by the back and legs, making springy movements up and down,
  2. The baby is placed with its back on the fitball and the ball is slowly twisted around its axis.

Fitball for babies allows you to work on strengthening muscles. At 3 months, you can put the baby on the simulator and start bouncing, or sitting on his mother's lap, the baby can push the ball away with his legs.

For children older than 6 months, a whole set of exercises has already been developed.

  • Toys are placed in front of the fitball, the child lies on his tummy, he is held by the legs, and tilted so that he can take the toy;
  • Mom clamps the ball between her legs, holding the baby tightly and helping him jump on the ball;
  • The baby lies on its back, they pull it up by the handles so that it sits on a fitball;
  • Put the baby on the ball and gently lead the child to walk on the surface of the ball;
  • When the baby learns to stand, he is placed in front of the fitball so that he holds on to the ball with his handles.

Child insurance for adults is mandatory

It is important that parents remember: at 2 months or 3 months, and even at six months, the child still does not know how to control himself, therefore, during classes and during exercises, it is necessary to hold the child firmly and securely fix the ball.

If the baby is naughty during class, this may be due to several reasons: fear, inconvenience or pain, the uncomfortable situation, or he begins to show his character.

It is important to stop exercising if it causes pain or discomfort and rethink your exercise plan. If the baby shows his character, it is better to find a different approach to continuing gymnastics, otherwise the child will quickly realize that tears are the right way to get what he wants.

At three years old, the baby simply needs gymnastics. Physical development at this age is of great importance. Gymnastics can include various exercises in the form of a game, exercises on a gymnastic ball or articulation exercises. Let's talk about which exercises will be more useful for a three-year-old baby.

Any gymnastics for a child is extremely important: it has a beneficial effect on his health. Physical exercises improve the well-being of the baby, have a positive effect on his development, fine motor skills and the ability to speak.

Gymnastics for children from 3 years old

What exercises does exercise for children 3 years old include? Let's look at some of them:
"Put your hands up!" To perform this exercise, the child must be placed straight. After that, he should slightly spread his legs, and lower his arms. Then you need to swing your arms back and forth and raise them higher and higher each time. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
"Bird". To perform this exercise, the child must also stand up straight and spread the legs, and then raise the arms to the sides and lower them, waving the brushes. You should also perform the exercise 3-4 times.
"Bubble". The kid should stand up straight, and then sit down and stand up straight again, spreading his arms to the sides. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
"Heron". The baby should walk, raising his legs as high as possible, for about a minute.
The most important thing is that physical education for children of 3 years old is fun and interesting. Then the child will perceive it as a game, and will perform all the exercises with great pleasure.

Exercises for children 3 years old on a fitball

Fitball exercises will also help in physical development child.
Important: You need to use a fitball with a diameter of no more than 75 centimeters for classes: this size is most convenient for the baby. You should choose a gymnastic ball from well-known manufacturers, made of quality materials and capable of withstanding up to 200-300 kg - such a fitball is more durable.
For classes, the child must be in a good mood. Exercise should be done for 20 minutes daily. The video below shows exemplary complex fitball exercises for baby:
Gymnastics for kids on balls fitballs from 1 to 3 years old Children's club Kapitoshka

Finger gymnastics for children 3 years old

Articulation gymnastics for children 3 years old is very important. It helps to develop fine motor skills, speech centers. You can accompany gymnastics funny rhymes which will form in the child a sense of rhythm and even an ear for music. finger exercises bring children great pleasure, as you can see immediately after you at least once do gymnastics with your baby. The video below shows the complex articulation exercises for children. They will help you make gymnastics interesting and most useful.