Exercise finger gymnastics crab. How to get rid of bags under the eyes at home Crab exercise

Reading time: 45 minutes

Fitness gum is simple and convenient Sports Equipment for training in the gym or at home, which provides an additional load for the muscles. Rubber bands for fitness have been used in training for a long time, but it is in last years this inventory is experiencing a real boom in popularity.

Today we will tell you what fitness rubber bands are, what are their benefits and effectiveness, why they are so in demand and what are the benefits of them for weight loss. And also we will offer you a super-selection of the 40 most effective exercises with rubber bands for fitness.

General information about fitness bands

The elastic band for fitness is a compact elastic band made of a special material in the form of a ring. The load is provided by the resistance that occurs when the elastic is stretched. This very simple and affordable inventory incredibly functional and efficient! You can do the usual exercises with it, but with much more useful for muscles. During classes with a fitness elastic band, you can easily adjust the load due to the amplitude of stretching. In addition, this mini-expander does not harm the skeletal muscles and the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Rubber bands for fitness will provide you with:

  • Increasing muscle strength and elasticity
  • Getting rid of problem areas
  • Body Quality Improvement
  • Strengthening the muscular corset
  • High-quality work on the gluteal muscles
  • Minimum pressure on the articular-ligamentous apparatus

Rubber bands have many names: fitness elastic bands, rubber loops, expander ring, mini tape, leg expander, mini band, resistance band, resistance loop . Therefore, if you are looking for a workout or planning a purchase, please note that this fitness equipment does not have a single name. Also, fitness rubber bands are very easy to confuse with other similar equipment: for example, with an elastic band or rubber loops (harnesses). In principle, an elastic band may well replace fitness rubber bands. But the loops are more suitable for strength training And .

Fitness elastic bands have several levels of load depending on the hardness of the rubber: soft, medium, hard, very hard. Each level corresponds to a certain color of the tape, and the color set depends on the manufacturer. If you decide to purchase fitness rubber bands, then it is better to immediately buy a whole set of several elastic bands of different resistance. This will not only help you train each muscle group according to the required load, but also perform arm and leg exercises at the same time.

Choose the level of resistance of the elastic band during the exercises according to your capabilities. You should feel a good load, but the exercise technique should not suffer. As a rule, for arms, shoulders, chest, you can take a soft fitness elastic band. For legs and buttocks, you can safely take a medium or hard elastic band. If you want to increase the load, you can put on both tapes at the same time.

10 benefits of using rubber bands for fitness

  1. This is an ideal equipment for muscle tone, getting rid of problem areas and flabbiness, creating a toned and elastic body. Exercises with a fitness band help to qualitatively work on the muscles of the hips, buttocks, arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen and back.
  2. This is very compact and lightweight inventory. You can take it with you on a trip, to the gym or on the street. It will easily fit in your bag and won't take up much space.
  3. The advantage of all expanders is a uniform load along the entire stretching path without “dead zones”. In addition, you can easily control the load yourself by simply adjusting the level of stretching: stronger or weaker.
  4. Fitness bands are ideal for low-impact training without stress on the joints and connective tissues. For example, with such an expander, you can work very well on the hips and buttocks without lunges and squats, which are not recommended for knee problems.
  5. Training with elastic bands is suitable for those who are contraindicated in loads with extra weight due to stress on the spine.
  6. Fitness elastic bands have several levels of resistance, so you can adjust the load based on your capabilities. You can also put on two bands at the same time and increase the load on the target muscles.
  7. You can perform almost any classic exercises, while due to the resistance of rubber, the load will increase significantly. Put on an expander while doing squats and get an extra load on gluteal muscles.
  8. Rubber expanders are becoming more and more popular in home fitness programs. On Youtube you can find many videos of training with rubber bands.
  9. Fitness gum very effective for working out the gluteal muscles. And you will tone and round the buttocks without swinging the quadriceps.
  10. This is an affordable fitness equipment, a whole set of tapes of several levels of resistance can be bought within 1000 rubles.
  • Length - 25 cm (50 cm circumference)
  • Width - 5 cm
  • Material - 100% latex
  • The price of the set is 1100 rubles.

  • Length - 30 cm (60 cm circumference)
  • Width - 7.5 cm
  • Material - 100% latex
  • Includes 5 rubber bands different load, bag, instructions with exercises
  • The price of the set is 1600 rubles.

Features of using fitness rubber bands:

  • Fitness elastic bands are made of durable materials that should not tear. But sometimes, with excessive stretching, elastic bands with low resistance can burst.
  • Choose a material with a non-slip surface for ease of use.
  • As a rule, yellow and red rubber bands are weak resistance, blue, green and black are hard resistance. But often there is another gradation of colors, check when buying.
  • The better the material of manufacture, the stronger and more durable the tapes will be.
  • It's best to wear long pants when using rubber bands to avoid chafing and irritation from the latex.

Fitness band video

If you like to train according to ready-made videos, then we offer you a selection of workouts with a fitness rubber band. Get busy and lose weight!

1. Buttocks will burn: training with a rubber band

2. Workout for legs and buttocks with an elastic band

3. Workout for the buttocks with an elastic band

4. Workout for the buttocks with an elastic band

5. Full body workout with two bands

An elastic band for fitness is a convenient, compact, safe and very effective equipment for muscle tone and getting rid of problem areas. Regular execution These exercises will make your body supple and toned.

A variety of finger games provide a chance for parents and educators to have fun with kids, to play funny scenes. Finger games arranged by adults develop language, memory, attentiveness, and the ability to concentrate.


  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Do exercises with the children, walking in a circle - 15 seconds, a mill like rotating with your hands - 10 seconds, walking again - 10 seconds, after which everyone sits down at the tables.

Before starting the finger game "Crab", children should be familiarized with the concepts:

- palm tree like a tree;

- crab, its structure, how it moves;

- seagull - a bird that flies and flaps its wings, catches fish in the sea;

- How do fish swim?

The crocodile is dangerous.

Having learned the peculiarities of the nature of warm countries, the child will be more willing to play the role of funny characters.


Educator, includes a Crab song for finger gymnastics.

The words of verse 1 are accompanied by hand movements imitating the swing of a palm tree. Hands are placed on the table, elbows rest on the tabletop. Children bend their arms, trying to keep their elbows on the tables.

During the chorus, the children put their palms on the table, bent fingers separate. Moving such fingers, they move their hands to the left and right, showing the crawling of a crab.

The second verse is accompanied by an imitation of the seagull's movements. The thumbs are clasped together, the rest of the fingers are clenched. Children, raising their hands clasped in this way above the table, try to move them like wings. Then the palms are joined and gestures are made from top to bottom, showing how the seagull dives.

During the chorus, the exercises imitating the crab are repeated again.

During the performance of the third verse, the kids show a toothy crocodile. Bend the fingers, close the bases of the palms. Putting the back of the hand on the table, the other is raised and lowered without unbending the fingers, imitating the mouth of a crocodile. Change the position of the hands on the repetition of words.

are finishing finger game crab, repeating the chorus gestures.


The wind is blowing, blowing

Shakes the palm to the side.

The wind is blowing, blowing

Shakes the palm to the side.

And under the palm tree the crab sits

and wiggles its claws,

And under the palm tree the crab sits

And he moves his claws.

Seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish

Seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish.

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

To work out all the muscles well, it is not necessary to go to the gym. Buy a fitness band. This is a small ring made of soft latex that fits in your pocket. Rubber bands come in different stiffness, so you can vary the load yourself.

Lower Body Exercises

1. Place the elastic just below the knee. Lean on your elbow. Do a side plank and at the same time spread your knees to the sides. The muscles of the press, the inner surface of the thigh, buttocks are being worked out.

2. Get into a plank position with outstretched arms. In the jump, spread your legs to the sides and collect to the starting position. good exercise for the buttocks and.

3. Move the band to your knees. Get on all fours, take your leg to the side as much as possible. At the top, try to pause or spring. The buttocks and inner thigh are being worked out.

4. In the same position, make a swing with your leg bent at the knee up. Try to keep the foot pointing up - as if you want to leave an imprint on the ceiling. sway and rear surface hips.

5. Lying on your side with bent knees, take one leg to the side. It is better to move the elastic just below the knee. Great exercise for the inner thigh.

6. Shoulder bridge with elastic. Raise your buttocks up to the maximum. To complicate the exercise, do not lower them to the floor, keep them on weight all the time.

7. A more difficult variation: connect the feet on the floor, raise the buttocks and spread the knees to the sides at the top point.

8. Good way"finish off" the muscles of the inner thigh. Sit on the floor, position the elastic just below the knee. Spread your legs to the sides.

9. Lying on your back, lift your buttocks by stretching one leg. Hold at the highest point for a couple of seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg.

10. Get on all fours. Hook one end of the elastic to the left leg, the other to the right. Swing back so that your leg is parallel to the floor. Spring slightly at the top.

11. Move the band to your shin. Lying on your side, lift your leg up. Make sure your foot is parallel to the floor.

12. Raise your leg up while lying on your stomach. The emphasis is on the buttocks and back of the thigh. Watch for - it should not hurt. To do this, strain the press strongly.

13. Advanced option. Standing in a side plank on your elbow, lift your leg up. This exercise is also for balance.

14. With an elastic band on your shins, walk on half-bent legs to the right and left, forward and backward.

15. Raise the band to your knees. Squat so that your knee does not go over your toes - as if you are sitting on a chair. When lifting up, take your leg to the side.

16. In a jump, spread your legs to the sides without straightening your knees. Move your arms up and down.

Upper Body Exercises

17. Stand on your right knee, hook the elastic band around the foot of your left foot. Take your right arm, bent at the elbow, back. The movement should go along the body. Change sides and repeat.

18. Put the fitness band on your hands so that it is just below the elbows. Extend your arms to the sides as much as possible. Raise them, stretch the elastic band even more at the top point.

19. Grab the band with your hands behind your back. Stretch it up so that the triceps of the arm going up are well tensed.

20. Place the elastic on your forearms. Get into a plank position. Push up so that your arms are bent along the body. Move left or right and repeat.

Photo by Anna Izmashkina

Anastasia Domareva

My third week at #Sekta School is coming to an end. For the first two weeks I went to training every day, I really like it. I do everything with pleasure great exercise. But the routine got a little off, I used to go to bed at 22:00, and now at this time the training is just ending, I go to bed at midnight, and get up at 6 in the morning. Because of this, fatigue accumulated in two weeks. Right now I'm skipping workouts. However, there are obvious advantages in training in the gym: you feel sorry for yourself at home and do something wrong, you quit halfway, and in the gym they monitor the technique, the pace, so that you don’t slouch.

Meals according to the rules of the #Sekta school are perfect for me, right here is mine. I have never loved buckwheat and kefir so much in my life. Now I eat buckwheat every day and always half a liter of kefir a day. I love complex carbohydrate side dishes like bulgur or chickpeas. I'm experimenting. She started a separate Instagram (domareva_sekta), where she posted her masterpieces. Of the advantages of nutrition: I like that I'm used to the regime, I eat by the hour. If I go somewhere, I take with me pre-prepared food in containers. The first Sunday yummy was for me ... I don’t even know what to compare it to. I took cake and coffee. A friend said that my eyes were already drunk. I don’t break down during the week, I don’t even want to break down, I want to see the result. Although the result is already there, but I want more.

Photo by Anna Izmashkina

Anna Baranova

The third week in #Sekta was my personal little tragedy: Monday started with the birthday of a work colleague, wine, fruit and a piece of cake. By the standards of an ordinary person - great start working week, by the standards of the "sectarian" - a complete failure on all fronts. After drinking alcohol, it is strongly recommended to refrain from attending training for a couple of days and generally forget about sports until the alcohol leaves the body. But I didn’t miss the morning “works”. Moreover, for the past two evenings in a row I have been putting on a warm sweatshirt - and marching into the forest belt behind the house to run for at least fifteen or twenty minutes, because I feel like it. And this sincere desire is my significant personal achievement, the reward for three weeks of a new life.

What is #Sekta? Three weeks later, I know one thing - this is something everyone should try. Food restrictions are not so strict (except that in the first week it is psychologically difficult to reduce your diet to a minimum of recommended foods), and intensive training takes place under the vigilant supervision of curators who are ready to immediately offer a replacement for a contraindicated or embarrassing exercise. But most importantly, you are not alone. The curators are always ready to answer the question, suggest, advise, show, explain and direct, despite the fact that people like you are still full of room. It is worth mentioning a full hall separately: when studying in a group and observing the efforts of others and progress, it is difficult to lose motivation. Seeing how people - not athletes, ordinary people like you - are trying, you ask yourself: can I do the same? Do not push up fifty times, do not stand in static for an insane amount of minutes, but just as sincerely strive for your result. There are no hacks and poseurs among us, only people who understand what they want to achieve.

It is too early to talk about the results, in my opinion. Outwardly, they showed little, but something imperceptibly began to change in character, in relation to life and, most importantly, in relation to food and sports. This is wonderful - I enjoy what is happening, and for this I would like to say a huge thank you to the curators, the group and the Woman’s Day website. Thank you for this opportunity, every day I understand its value more and more!

Anya and Nastya have to sweat in the truest sense of the word. But they have before their eyes examples that inspire and motivate them to labor exploits. The curators and trainees of the #Sekta school showed the most favorite and (most importantly!) effective exercises for weight loss. Look carefully, repeat - and by the summer, like the participants in our project, you will be in the best shape.

Anna Meteleva

Exercise: plie squat

Muscle group: inner thigh, buttocks

Initial position: the legs are wider than shoulder level, the feet are turned at an angle of 45 degrees, the angle at the knees is 90 degrees, the knees do not go beyond the feet, the hips are parallel to the floor, the back is straight. On the exhale we straighten the legs, on the inhale we return to the starting position. We perform the exercise 50-100 times, depending on the level of training.

Maria Davydova

Exercise: twisting on the press

Muscle group: abdominal muscles are worked out

Initial position: lying on your back, the lower back is pressed to the floor, the legs are raised parallel to the floor, the socks are pulled over, the hands behind the head are locked, the elbows are to the sides, the shoulder blades are raised above the floor. As you exhale, bend the leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and, pulling the opposite elbow to the knee, twist the body, straining the abdominal muscles. On inspiration, we return to the starting position. We do the same on the other side. Approximately 50 times depending on the level of training.

Julia Gogoleva

Exercise: side lunges

Muscle group: all the muscles of the legs are worked out, especially the inner surface of the thigh

Initial position: standing, legs together, back straight, abs and buttocks tense. We take the straight left leg to the side, while squatting on right leg. Squat as low as possible, right knee 90 degrees, knee over heel and not falling forward. With the left hand we reach for the right foot, the right hand is behind the back, the back is straight. We return the left leg to the right and repeat the same on the other side. We try to perform the exercise dynamically. Approximately 50 times on each leg, depending on the level of training.

Alina Yagufarova

Exercise: side plank twists

Muscle group: strengthening the oblique abdominal muscle group

Initial position: side bar with support on the arm and foot. The body from the top of the head to the heels should form one straight line. The knees and hips are on the same line, the body does not fill up forward or backward. Stretch your arm up (inhale) and gently lower it behind the waist on the other side (exhale), the gaze follows the hand. Do the exercises first on one side, then on the other. Approximately 40 times on each side, depending on the level of training.

Attention! For the most effective exercise vote on page 5.

Evgeniya Ovchinnikova

Exercise: crab

Muscle group: the exercise is complex, it pumps most muscle groups. And the main load falls on the triceps. At correct execution This exercise also involves the gluteal, rectus and oblique muscles of the press.

Initial position: we get up in the “half-bridge” position, arms are straight, fingers look towards the legs, the angle at the knees is 90 degrees, the body is parallel to the floor, the pelvis is twisted. We raise the straight leg up and from this position we perform push-ups on the triceps, bending the arms at the elbows, we return to the starting position, exhale for each push-up and change the leg. The number of repetitions is approximately 50. Depends on the level of training.

Victoria Pervushina

Exercise: leg lift on all fours

Muscle group: working on the back of the thigh

Initial position: standing on all fours, back straight, arms shoulder-width apart, knee angle 90 degrees. As you exhale, lift bent leg up, straining the gluteal muscles. Hold this position and return to the starting position. Important: at the top, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, and the lower leg should be perpendicular to the thigh. We perform on each leg 50-100 times, depending on the level of training.

Advice: at the top, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, and the lower leg should be perpendicular to the thigh. As you exhale, return to the starting position. We perform 60 times on each leg.

Ruslan Dudnik

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9th week « Siberian workout "opens new complex No. 5 (picture of the complex - DOWNLOAD).

The number of circles remains the same - 7 (SEVEN), and there have been slight changes in the exercises again, let's take a look at them!

Complex No. 5

The complex also consists of 5 exercises that are performed circular method. Term "circle" in the context this training means that we perform all the listed exercises in turn one after another without a break - this is one circle.

Look carefully at the picture, the exercises are numbered and illustrated with arrows. We perform one circle with the left column of exercises, the second circle with the right, then the left again, then the right, in short, we alternate 🙂

  • forward kick And jump squats- 10 times
  • wide grip top and parallel - 5 times
  • "crab" And "climber"- 5 times on each leg for beginners, 10 times for experienced
  • wide squats(PLIE) and - execute one time , but in SLOW PACE , down 10 sec and up 10 sec
  • and "" - 5 times for beginners, 10 times for experienced

To learn more about the technique of exercises, click on their names. But we will now analyze some points separately.

Jump Squats

Since the exercise is plyometric in nature, certain conditions must be observed. I believe that such jumps have two important limitations - they are contraindicated so far for those:

As for excess weight, I think everything is clear, this is an extra load on the joints. As for beginners, first you need to develop neuro-muscular connections in squats, hone your technique so that the body moves almost perfectly. And only then you can try squats with jumping.

Don't think that this is a very simple exercise... No, the technique of this exercise can be built in 10 minutes if the trainer is standing next to you, there is nothing complicated in it 🙂

However, it is very surprising to look at experienced athletes who have a well-developed body and powerful functional achievements, but when they start doing exercises that are unusual for them, the technique becomes terrible and traumatic. And such cases are not isolated, which leads to a certain sadness.

For example, one athlete does strength exercises in the most perfect technique, but when he decided to try to do jumping on the pedestal ... it's better not to show this to people who can repeat.

So what, nothing to do? Well, why not, here are some useful points that helped me and my friends a lot in due time.

  • When we did this hand-to-hand exercise, the coach made us land so quietly that we didn’t hear not just a stomp, but even a hit on the floor. In complete silence, we tried to land as quietly as possible. At first they did the exercises barefoot, gradually they even switched to “berets” (army powerful boots)
  • Gradually, our stomp turned into a soft landing, and we more and more resembled cats that land from any position on 4 paws and quite softly 🙂
  • Push-off phase - jump low, but the legs are fully extended and the toes point towards the ground
  • Flight phase - keep your hands in front of you (see photo), chest straightened, back straight, stretch up when pushing off, look straight ahead
  • Landing Phase - Imagine yourself as a cat, a badger, a tiger, a raccoon, whatever, but land on your toes very gently. As soon as they touch the floor, the legs begin to bend in knee joints, the body goes into a squat, gradually extinguishing inertia

If this exercise is difficult for you to do, or you have filmed yourself on video and noted that you are jumping like a sack of potatoes, it is better to do just squats. Let's learn this exercise later at a live meeting 🙂

CRAB exercise

The CRAB exercise is actually not very difficult, and in addition to developing coordination, it helps to develop the muscles of the core and abs. Do not relax in the final phases, keep the whole body in tension. Explaining this exercise in words is a non-trivial task, watch the video, if you have questions, ask in the comments!

Guys, mark the blow! If in a fight you are knocked down to the ground, then you can suddenly knock down the enemy with a kick, as in this exercise. For more reality, train on a bag or on an opponent who wraps the lower leg with something. Even if you are knocked to the ground, never give up! In this situation, movement and pressure are your salvation !!!

Exercise CLIMBER

The exercise is very simple. In the article of the last workout there is a video on how to do it. And in words - get up in an emphasis while lying down and begin to bring your knees to your chest one by one. Slow or medium pace.

That's all for today! Sincerely, Ruslan Dudnik!

P.S. And in general, cats that pull themselves up on the horizontal bar are already yesterday. Now over high results shows a panda who makes an exit by force 🙂