Knightly tournament in the beginning of Kolomna. Theory and practice of applied historical research

The knightly "Tournament of St. George" will again be held on the first May holidays in the center of Moscow.

The best knights from all over the world will converge on the lists in horse and foot fights. Only eight participants, six of them have already been identified (three from Germany, Holland and Australia), the rest of the invitations have been sent to different parts of the world. Call thrown!

Two days of fighting, no compromises and props, purely historical armor and weapons, maximum observance of the rules of the Late Middle Ages, high level technical training and entertainment. Like last year, the knights will fight on solid wood spears in full contact, the kill zone is full, including the head.

Participants will compete for victory in three tournament disciplines:

Collisions on solid wood spears with metal coronels;

Group equestrian fights on wooden maces;

In fights on steel axes (poleks).

The warriors will be divided into two parties, which will allow a new combination of knights to enter the lists in each round.

"The Tournament of St. George" is not only a competition, but also a colorful show built according to the canons of medieval ceremonies. The tournament will begin with a helmshow - a ceremony described in the "Tournament Book" by Rene of Anjou. According to medieval tradition, a parade of coats of arms precedes the tournament and allows spectators, judges and ladies to get to know its participants before the start of the competition. In addition to the competitions themselves, guests visit the knight's camp and the historical fair. In the camp, guests shoot at the shooting range with bows, arquebuses and siege weapons, learn fencing, and participate in craft master classes. Entry to the camp is free. At the fair, venerable merchants-reenactors dressed according to the era trade. Without consumer goods - only copies, replicas, stylizations of medieval clothing, armor, souvenirs, jewelry. Between the malls, pedlars ride on donkeys, selling brooms and steamed turnips - a medieval fast food. Bread is baked here, knives are sharpened, loads are weighed on huge scales. All with live old music.


11:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.

Announcement of the "legend" of the tournament.

12:15 - Helmshaw.

12:40–13:10 - First round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.

14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.

15:00–15:30 - Arena. Mele. 3 gatherings of knights, 4 minutes each.

17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 3

18:00–19:00 - Second round of valid clashes. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.

11:45 - The first block of the theater. Second staging.

12:00 - Arena. Exit of all knights to the lists.

Presentation of judges and Court of Ladies.

Announcement of the "legend" of the tournament.

12.1–13:20 - Third round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 3 fights, 3 courses each.

14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.

15:00–15:40 - Foot fighting. Each participant spends 3 fights.

17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.

18:00 - Arena. Second round of crashes.

Judges Exit and Dam Court.

18:10 - Exit of all knights, performance.

18:25–19:15 - Second round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 3 fights, 3 courses each.

19:20 - Award ceremony.

19:40 - End of the tournament.

For the comfort of the guests, stands will be erected along the perimeter of the stadium. The tiered system will provide maximum visibility to each of those present, and canopies will protect from possible vagaries of the weather.

The May tournament will be the second largest independent knightly equestrian competition in Russia, in which participants will fight for a valuable prize, recognition from the audience and noisy applause. It is better to purchase tickets for the competition in advance so as not to miss the opportunity to choose the most convenient seats on the podium.

Buy tickets: on the website or at the Ratobortsev office on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 (Moscow, Pravdy st., 24, building 3), phone for information: 8 495 215-29- 2.

Organizers: agency of historical projects "Warriors". The project is supported by the Moscow Government.

How to get there.

By car: along Kashirskoye highway to Andropov avenue, then along the avenue to the intersection with Kolomensky passage. There are convenient parking pockets. From there, walk to the park and, following the signs, to the venue of the Tournament.

On foot: metro station "Kolomenskaya", the first car from the center, exit to the "Orbita" cinema. Walk in a straight line to the central entrance to the Kolomenskoye park, then follow the signs to the venue of the Tournament.

Information on the site:

“. The tournament has such a name for a reason, it is dedicated to St. George, the patron saint of Moscow.

The tournament reached the world level for the first time: knights from Australia, the Netherlands and Germany participated (8 knights and 1 squire in total). Moscow chivalry, of course, was the most numerous, it was represented by five participants. The guests of the tournament were warriors from St. Petersburg, Germany, the Netherlands and a knight errant from Australia. Behind each of the participants there were already many similar tournaments, so the judges made a plan of battles in such a way that the opponents were equal both in strength and skills, and in tournament experience. The judges of the tournament drew up a plan of battles in such a way that the opponents were equal both in strength and skills, and in tournament experience. The organizer managed to make the tournament as spectacular as possible, and the tension of the audience did not subside until the announcement of the winner of the St. George tournament.

Venues and people

During the two days of the festival, various interactive venues worked, for example, making an engraving of the 15th century, a master class in men's fashion and knightly weapons, archery training, medieval “board” games, medicine, and much more.
Children could fight one on one in knightly attire or storm the fortress, adults could try to mold an earthen vessel or mint a coin by hand. Guests were also entertained by musicians and jesters, a medieval performance was reconstructed. At the end of the tournament, there was even a clash of jesters, and the winner married “ beautiful lady”, the donkey, which she was not very happy about.

As already mentioned, the festival was dedicated to the reconstruction jousting tournament XV century, and, to be honest, for the first few hours it was extremely difficult to merge into the world around you, where you can suddenly stand in horse manure, where you can become a “victim” of a jester.
However, by the end of the day you are already a part of this world, and it becomes very difficult to return to reality. 21st century becomes alien and incomprehensible. Reconstruction of this level - professionalism, maximum authenticity and clarity - not only makes us closer to history, allows us to touch the past, but is also effective way learning. After reading five, ten, one hundred books about the Middle Ages and knightly tournaments, it will still be difficult for you to understand the idea of ​​chivalry, the essence of courtly culture, the drive and adrenaline of the tournament. It is necessary to immerse yourself in this atmosphere as a spectator or even as part of a reconstruction.

The tournament was attended not only by professional reenactors, but also by volunteers who helped organize and conduct the event (for example, jesters, musicians, a troupe of actors).

In addition to the emotional component, professional reconstruction allows you to find out what was not recorded in the sources. For example, the art of a knight requires great effort, and even a professional knight is capable of making mistakes; spears, contrary to the image created by cinematography, do not always break off; metal weapons sometimes break quite unexpectedly; and even an experienced knight's horse may not obey his rider. To be honest, after the tournament I had even more questions than before. And it's great, because I just didn't think about such things before.

Tournament of Saint George
The tournament was held for two days, and the organizers arranged the event in such a way that the spectators who visited it only on one of the days could see as much as possible. The first day consisted of three “acts”, or actions: the first round of scoring clashes (actually what we mean by a tournament: two knights rush towards each other with spears in their hands), mele (all knights in teams on horseback fight with swords, protecting his banner) and the second round of scoring clashes. The second day also consisted of three activities:
the first and last parts of the second day of the tournament (3 and 4 skirmishes) were held in the same way as on the first day (except for the participants), in the second part, instead of melee, there were one-on-one foot fights on poleaxes (see photo). Alas, I visited only the second day, and although the foot battles were no less interesting from a historical point of view and no less dynamic, it is a pity that I did not see the mele. Also on the first and second days of the tournament, before the start of each of the “acts”, reconstructions of medieval performances were shown. On the first day, the performance was dedicated to St. George, on the second - to love. Both performances were about different sides chivalric culture and the feats that they had to perform.
Some of the knights on the first day of the battles received severe injuries, due to which they could not continue to participate in the tournament.
Particularly impressive was the moment when, as a result of a strike by Anre Koets (Germany), the shield of Dmitry Savchenko (Moscow) fell off and the latter's shoulder was damaged. Dmitry Savchenko, unfortunately, could not continue his performance on the first day. After this event, Sergei Zhuravlev (Moscow), a blacksmith knight, a master of foot combat, avenged his master, Dmitry Savchenko, knocking Anre Koets out of the saddle! Henre Coates is one of the best riders in the world, and the knights who knocked him out of the saddle can be counted on the fingers.

As a result of the fall, Anre Koets suffered a concussion. The judges forbade him to continue participating in the tournament, so on the second day, so that all the knights had equal opportunities to score their points and in order not to change the schedule of clashes, Andrei Kamin (St. Petersburg) acted instead of Anre Koets, who himself volunteered to replace his comrade. The points scored by Andrei Kamin did not count towards him. This is how knightly prowess and brotherhood are manifested.

Thus, on the second day, I could not see the clashes of Anre Koets, Dmitry Savchenko and Viktor Ruchkin (Moscow), who was injured by his own helmet.
Due to the impact of the spear on the helmet of Viktor Ruchkin, one of the rivets of the lower part of the helmet was torn out and cut a part of his chin and neck. The injury was not serious, but it significantly prevented Viktor Ruchkin from wearing a helmet. Injuries are a very common occurrence in a jousting tournament. The tournament is not a pre-rehearsed performance, it is a real competition, the course and results of which are almost impossible to predict.

However, I saw Anre and Victor at the end of the tournament and the award ceremony. They demonstrated their riding skills to the audience. Dmitry Savchenko showed worthy courage: despite the injured shoulder, he still fought on foot and was the winner in this type of competition.

Now it's time to announce the summary results of the two days of the tournament and the winner of the "St. George's Tournament 2016":

  • Wuter Nicolai - 4 points;
  • Arne Coats - 8 points;
  • Luke Binks - 12 points;
  • Victor Ruchkin - 18 points;
  • Andrey Kamin - 19 points;
  • Dmitry Savchenko - 20 points;
  • Yuri Bogunov - 20 points;
  • and Sergey Zhuravlev - 32 points.

Knightly tournaments are absolutely unpredictable. You can never guess who will be the winner, and who, unfortunately, will be forced to leave the lists due to injury. Tournaments are drive, adrenaline, energy. It is an incomparable pleasure. Not just people who work off their money go to the lists here, but really living knights for whom valor and honor are above all else. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely going to the tournament again, because

The feat needs an audience!

The International Knight Tournament of St. George in Moscow is becoming a tradition
Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"
April 29 – May 01, 2017
Start at 11.45

April 29 to May 1 in the museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" Muscovites and guests of the capital are waiting for the real Middle Ages. The knightly tournament of St. George, which was held with great success in 2015 and 2016, gathers guests again!

In 2017, the tournament program is extended to three days. As in previous years, the participants will have to fight in joystick with solid wood spears, group skirmishes and duels with two-handed weapons. Everything will happen for real: no stunt tricks and staged fights!

The nine most eminent knights from Russia, Norway and France will represent the color of modern chivalry. Among foreign participants - Ivar Maurits-Hansen(Norway), who proved himself excellently in the St. George tournament in 2015, and who are present at the event for the first time Pere Estein Prueis Röhel(Norway) and Michael Sad(France). Michael Sade is one of the organizers of such tournaments and organizes in France a tournament of the Order of St. Michael, which is similar in structure to the event organized in Moscow. Who will be in panel of judges while being kept secret. However, it is known that the participant of the 2015-2016 tournaments. Arne Koets(Germany) will return to the Russian capital again, but not as a knight, but as a judge with international experience.

Popular Russian TV presenters will take part in the tournament as special guests Julia Baranovskaya And Tutta Larsen. Well-known media personalities will take pride of place on the historical podium, and exclusive costumes are prepared especially for this.

Traditionally, the tournament of St. George is not only a competition, but also a colorful show that allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and appreciate all its diversity. Guests of the event will enjoy a historical fair, a themed food court area, an autograph session of the knights, performances of a historical theater, magic hunting and much more.

The St. George Tournament has been held in Russia for three years in a row and gathers hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators. This is the only open international knightly tournament in Russia comparable in scale only to tournaments in France and Australia.

Official opening of the Tournament
The output of the knights on the lists. Presentation of the Judges and the Court of Ladies. Announcement of the "Legends" of the Tournament. Magic Hunt. First round of SAA.
Break. This is the time to taste dishes of modern and medieval cuisine, visit a historical fair, buy a themed souvenir for yourself and your child.
Gathering guests in the stands.
Exit of all participants to the lists. Mele. Fight for the banner.
Autograph session of the Knights.
Rally. Exit Judges and Dam Court. Exit of the knights, performance. First round of knockouts.
End of the first round.
Opening of the second day of the Tournament.
The output of the knights on the lists. Presentation of the Judges and the Court of Ladies. Second round of knockouts.
Knights autograph session.
Time to relax in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.
Exit of all participants. Mele.
Knights autograph session.
Second round of knockouts. Announcement of the results of the second tournament day.
End of tournament day.
Opening of the third day of the Tournament.
Exit of the knights. Presentation of the Judges and the Court of Ladies. Second round of SSA.
Knights autograph session.
Break. For the knights, a little time to recuperate, and for the spectators, a walk through the historical fair and interactive camp. It's time to buy a souvenir and vote for your favorite
Foot fights.
Knights autograph session.
Break. It's time to refresh yourself in the historic cuisine area before the final battles.
Final round of crashes.
Award ceremony.
Official closing of the III International Knights Tournament of St. George.

Organizers: agency of historical projects "Ratobortsy"

Tournament website:
In contact with:

The knightly "Tournament of St. George" will again be held on the first May holidays in the center of Moscow.

The best knights from all over the world will converge on the lists in horse and foot fights. Only eight participants, six of them have already been identified (three from Germany, Holland and Australia), the rest of the invitations have been sent to different parts of the world. Call thrown!

Two days of fighting, no compromises and props, purely historical armor and weapons, maximum observance of the rules of the Late Middle Ages, a high level of technical training and entertainment. Like last year, the knights will fight on solid wood spears in full contact, the kill zone is full, including the head.

Participants will compete for victory in three tournament disciplines:
- collisions on solid wood spears with metal coronel tips;
- group equestrian battles on wooden maces;
- in fights on steel axes (poleks).

May 1/Sunday
11:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.

12:15 - Helmshaw.
12:40–13:10 - First round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.
14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.
15:00–15:30 - Arena. Mele. 3 gatherings of knights, 4 minutes each.
17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 3
18:00–19:00 - Second round of valid clashes. Each rider conducts 2 fights, 3 courses each.

May 2/Monday
11:45 - The first block of the theater. Second staging.
12:00 - Arena. Exit of all knights to the lists.
Presentation of judges and Court of Ladies.
Announcement of the “legend” of the tournament.
12.1–13:20 - Third round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 3 fights, 3 courses each.
14:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 1.
15:00–15:40 - Foot battles. Each participant spends 3 fights.
17:45 - Theatrical performance. Part 2.
18:00 - Arena. Second round of crashes.
Judges Exit and Dam Court.
18:10 - Exit of all knights, performance.
18:25–19:15 - Second round of scoring matches. Each rider conducts 3 fights, 3 courses each.
19:20 - Award ceremony.
19:40 - End of the tournament.

On May 1 and 2, 2016, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will host the second "St. George's Tournament" - the largest equestrian competition of knights in Russia. And although I am not a big fan of all kinds of historical reconstructions, I do not intend to miss this most interesting spectacle (tickets have already been booked and even redeemed).

In Europe, the tradition of equestrian competitions dates back to Ancient Rome, and their heyday fell on the era of the High Middle Ages. The birthplace of those equestrian tournaments that we know about from books and films is Northern France: according to legend, the baron "invented" them here Geoffroy de Preily (he died in a tournament in 1066).

Initially, tournaments served to maintain combat skills, earn money and release irrepressible energy in peacetime. Tournaments were organized by kings or large feudal lords in honor of church holidays, weddings, christenings, births of children, signing contracts, etc.

On "St. George Tournament - 2016" eight knights from Russia, Germany, Holland and Australia will meet on the lists in equestrian and foot combats. The program of the festival complies with the regulations of medieval competitions, as they are described in "Tournament Book" by Duke René of Anjou (1460) . Two days of fighting, historical armor and weapons, observance of medieval tournament rules. Without compromise and props: the knights will fight on solid wood spears in full contact, the area of ​​destruction is complete, including the head.

Like the knights of the 15th century, the participants of the "Tournament of St. George" will perform in three disciplines :

- hosting (from Old French joster ) - horse clashes on spears with metal tips;
- mele (fr. melee ) - group equestrian battles on wooden maces;
- fights on steel two-handed axes .

Warriors are divided into two parties. This allows a new combination of knights to enter the arena in each round.

"The Tournament of St. George" is not only a competition, but also colorful show built according to the canons of medieval ceremonies.
Tournament starts from helmshaw - the parade of helmets described in the Tournament Book. On it, spectators, judges and ladies get acquainted with the participants before the start of the competition.

According to the Tournament Book, only a knight could adequately pass the helmshow, who had never been convicted of perjury and usury. The helmet was torn off the dishonored knight, the lords and nobles began to beat him, took away the horse and forced the whole tournament to sit on the fence of the stadium.
If it turned out that the knight married a commoner, he was beaten and put on a horse backwards.
If a knight was rude to the ladies, he, as usual, was also beaten - until he loudly asked for forgiveness.
Guests of the festival will be convinced of the virtue of the participants in the "St. George's Tournament", and God forbid the knights hide something from the exacting Suda Dam !

"Manes codex" of the XIV century:

Knights came to the tournament from all over Europe. The retinue of a noble knight included squires, pages, cooks, grooms, musicians and jesters. There was not enough room for everyone in the inns of the nearest town. The cortege was located in tents around the stadium. The camp was decorated with coats of arms and banners, it was full of life.

In the interactive camp at the Tournament of St. George, guests shoot at the shooting range with bows, arquebus and siege weapons, learn fencing, and participate in craft master classes. People come here in between competitions or just because - the entrance to the camp is free.
Near the medieval tournament, a fair was certainly held to feed, equip and entertain the tent city of the knight's servants. At the Tournament of St. George, the fair is a self-sufficient "festival within a festival." Venerable reenactor merchants, dressed in the spirit of the era, trade in tents made according to medieval illustrations. Without consumer goods - only copies, replicas, stylizations of medieval clothing, armor, souvenirs, jewelry. Between the malls, pedlars ride on donkeys, selling brooms and steamed turnips - a medieval fast food. Bread is baked here, knives are sharpened, loads are weighed on huge scales. And all this with ancient music.

Photo essay from this interesting tournament for all readers of my blog I guarantee.
And if someone wants to get to know me personally, then I will be all for it!

Sergei Vorobyov -.