Can fish oil capsules help you lose weight? Fish oil for weight loss: who is it good for? How much fish oil should I eat to lose weight

Today, when everyone around is striving for a healthy lifestyle, sports and slender body- a dream, for the realization of which people spare no effort, no time, no money. In this regard, a lot of different dietary supplements, products began to appear on the market. sports nutrition, vitamin-energy complexes, etc. But there are products that are not subject to time and fashion, due to their qualities and useful properties. It is about the well-known fish oil.

Fish oil is obtained mainly from fish of the cod family. Its value is in the content of vitamins and saturated omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which, fish fat widely used for weight loss.

The components contained in this product have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen it, cleanse and restore. Consider why fish oil is so useful.

Vitamin A- it is useful, first of all, for vision and is indispensable for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or whose work is associated with high eye strain.

Vitamin D- Important for healthy teeth and bones. This vitamin is essential for childhood for the proper formation of the skeletal system. Its deficiency leads to the development of rickets in children.

Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids:

  • contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, clean them, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis, due to the property of lowering cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevents processes that adversely affect memory and lead to dementia;
  • benefits for weight loss - fish oil helps burn saturated fats in the body;
  • promotes the body's production of substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby relieving many symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • increases the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), thereby uplifting mood.

How to use fish oil for weight loss

There are some aspects of the correct intake of fish oil in the fight against excess weight.

Buy only yellow fat, not brown or white fat. the first option is a 100% natural product.

Take the drug should be an average of 2-3 capsules 3 times a day.

Capsules should be taken with meals, not before or after. It is better to take it with first courses or vegetable salads.

Do not bite the capsules.

Be sure to take breaks between courses of taking the drug. One course lasts 25-30 days, then you should pause for 3-4 months.

In addition, before taking it, you should consult a doctor and a nutritionist, pass the necessary tests and make sure that adding fish oil to your diet will only benefit the body, in particular in the process of losing weight.

The effectiveness of fish oil for weight loss

The effectiveness of fish oil for weight loss is beyond doubt, as it speeds up the metabolism and affects the intensity of the metabolic process. This is an auxiliary tool, which is in no way an independent cure for extra pounds. It must be taken along with physical activity ( elliptical trainer, daily exercise etc.), proper nutrition, for example, according to the Kovalkov diet, and a healthy lifestyle. Only then will he provide significant assistance in dropping excess weight and bring the state of the body back to normal, saturating it with useful substances.

How to take fish oil?

It is most rational to take at least 4500 - 6000 mg per day. In most cases, each capsule contains 450-500 mg of omega-3 acids, as a result of which you should consume 3-4 capsules 3 times a day after meals. Store fish oil in the refrigerator, this will reduce oxidative processes. The course of admission should also be limited. Usually a 2-1-2 system is used, i.e. 2 months of admission alternate with four weeks of rest.

Side effects and harm of fish oil

On this moment it is known that fish oil is able to accumulate toxic substances inside the body, such as mercury, dioxins, etc. However, despite this, experts from the "Journal of the American Medical Association" in 2006 recognized that the beneficial properties far exceed all sorts of negative effects, which are quite rare.

The only contraindication may be thyroid disease or pregnancy.

Fish oil for women

In addition to its benefits for weight loss, fish oil is beneficial for overall health and is a very beneficial product for pregnant women. It helps healthy development nervous system, brain and vision in a child. For expectant mothers, the benefit of the product is that its use prevents miscarriage for early term, preterm birth and the risk of breast cancer.

For women and girls during the menstrual period, fish oil contributes to a more relaxed flow of menstruation, which makes these days easily tolerated and painless.

The modern market of dietary supplements offers such a wide range for weight loss that it is difficult to choose something worthwhile and effective the first time. But there is one remedy that has been known since time immemorial, many still remember the specific taste and how parents forced him to drink to improve health.

Today, fish oil has suddenly become used in dietetics, as well as in the production of sports nutrition, which is in demand in bodybuilding. Is there a grain of rationality in such usage?

Slimming mechanism

It’s worth mentioning right away that the question of whether fish oil contributes to weight loss or not has already been resolved by research. Conducted tests that did not show the particular effectiveness of this drug. However, the people who took it, health in many respects was better. Nevertheless, the results are still controversial and cause distrust among many.

If we consider purely theoretically, then fish oil is quite suitable for weight loss. After all, it is enriched with the very omega-3 acids that form the basis of many dietary supplements for weight loss. In the body, they regulate the level of cholesterol and insulin, on which the deposition of fats in reserve depends:

  • prevent the accumulation of body fat with an excess of calories in the diet;
  • convert them into energy, which must be spent with benefit in training;
  • protect muscle mass from "eating" during hunger strikes.

So purely theoretically, fish oil has a positive effect on weight loss. However, in practice, its effectiveness is negligible. Even with proper nutrition and regular classes sports results per month are unlikely to exceed 4 kg.

This is also due to the fact that there are not so many omega-3 acids in modern dietary supplements, and not everyone likes drinking them for a long time, when the market offers so many delicious analogues - from lollipops to. But the latter will not be able to provide such health benefits as amber capsules.

through the pages of history. Fish oil was first used as a food supplement by Norwegian fishermen. Before that, it was used exclusively for industrial purposes: in tanneries, in mines, in dyeing, and for making soap.

Benefit and harm


The benefits of supplements are as follows:

  • favorably affects the joints;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • increases endurance, increases strength;
  • helps with neurological diseases;
  • prevents heart disease;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • promotes rapid recovery after physical exertion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • accelerates lipolysis.


Danger #1

Cases of overdose are diagnosed extremely rarely, and yet it is necessary to know about its symptoms: vomiting, development of pancreatitis, diarrhea, unpleasant taste and nasty smell in the mouth. To avoid them, you must strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Danger #2

Vitamins A and D in the composition of fish oil with an excess are not excreted from the body, accumulating in the liver. At high concentrations, they turn into toxins that disrupt cellular chemical cycles. This can lead to serious intoxication and damage the liver for a long time.

Danger #3

The product is produced mainly from marine fish, which have to live in polluted waters. This does not favor the accumulation of pure fat in it. Therefore, the product can easily contain mercury, ash, salts of heavy metals, refined products and other substances that are harmful and hazardous to health. There can be only one way out - to buy branded drugs at a high price, which guarantee several degrees of purification.

Danger #4

This dietary supplement has many contraindications. And if you ignore them, the state of health can be significantly shaken. Therefore, before such a course of weight loss, it is strongly recommended to undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.

Proven fact. Amber capsules are an excellent antidepressant. And this means that it is useful to use them for obesity caused by compulsive overeating.


You can not organize weight loss with fish oil in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • high levels of calcium;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypotension;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • organic lesions of the heart;
  • deviations in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • elderly age;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

In some cases, these contraindications may be relative, that is, not mandatory. Therefore, nutritionists recommend starting with a visit to the doctor. Only he, according to health indications, will be able to say for sure whether this dietary supplement will harm you or turn out to be useful.

It happened like that. In the USSR, they seriously cared about the deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in schoolchildren. In this regard, the government has introduced the compulsory intake of fish oil in liquid form in schools and kindergartens.

Rating of the best

There are a huge number of manufacturers that produce fish oil as a dietary supplement. Most often it can be purchased in capsules. Best Representatives brands are listed below.


  1. Cod Liver Oil from Carlson Labs (USA). $20.2
  2. Omega-3 Fish Oil from Solgar (USA). $14.3
  3. "Perfect Omega" with lemon flavor from Nordic Naturals (Norway). $27.8
  4. Ultimate Once Daily Omega-3 + D3 Formula by Minami Nutritions (Belgium). $21.8
  5. Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil from Madre Labs (Germany). $16.8
  6. Ultra Strength RxOmega-3 from Natural Factors (Canada). $23.5
  7. Eskimo-3 from Enzymatic Therapy (USA). $25.5


  1. Teva (Israel). $20.2
  2. Mirrolla (Russia). $1.1.
  3. Biocontour from Polar Pharm (Russia). $0.7.
  4. Biosola (Lithuania). $2.
  5. Biafishenol (Russia). $1.2.
  6. Active Omega-3 from Doppelherz (Germany). $9.4.

Sports supplements

  1. Animal Omega in packages from Universal Nutrition (USA). $28.7.
  2. Fish Oil DNA from BSN (USA). $13.1
  3. Fish Oil from MusclePharm (USA) improves performance. $9.6.
  4. Fish Oil by Optimum Nutrition(USA). $15.
  5. Gold Omega 3 with linseed oil from Olimp (Poland). $7.9.
  6. Omega 3 from BioTech (USA) is suitable for absolutely everyone: men and women, adults and children, athletes and ordinary people. $9.4.
  7. Omega 3 from Ultimate Nutrition (USA) definitely requires sports. $12.1.
  8. Triple Strength Fish Fats from SAN (USA) is the most purified product without impurities. $18.7.

On a note. Fish oil is produced mainly from cod.

How to choose?

The product in liquid form must be packed in such a way that there are no air bubbles in the vial. The jar should be filled up to the cork. The material of the bubble is dark glass, but by no means plastic.

Fish oil capsules are much more pleasant to drink than their liquid counterpart, as the production eliminates the specific taste and smell that makes everyone wince. The capsule form also protects its contents from the harmful effects of oxygen.

The appearance of a fishy taste in the mouth, unpleasant belching or hiccups after taking the capsules does not mean at all that the drug is of poor quality, expired or does not suit you. This is the nature of your digestion.

You can not drink fish oil if it is bitter. This means that it is expired or improperly stored (under the influence of sunlight). In such cases, the processes of decomposition of useful substances into harmful and dangerous components begin.

The medical product is very concentrated. It is prescribed for the treatment of beriberi. Food is a dietary supplement, and which one is better to use for weight loss is up to you: in terms of effectiveness, they are exactly the same.

It is better to use a salmon product. On the package, look for the marks "fish body oil" and "fish oil". The higher the content of EPA (EPA) and DHA (DHA) - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids - the better. A quality product must be well cleaned. Therefore, look for words on the bottle such as "obtained by molecular differentiation", "refined" or "molecular distillation".

Since in pharmacies you can buy a bottle of liquid fish oil for just $1, or you can buy capsules for $50, a natural question arises: how does the price-quality tandem work? And here it turns out that it is impossible to save here. As practice shows, it is better to pay more, but then not suffer from disappointment and undesirable consequences.

5 reasons not to save

  1. A cheap product is made from small fish, which is often not gutted. Expensive - from salmon.
  2. Budgetary ones often contain impurities of lead, mercury and other harmful substances due to intense pollution of the world's oceans. Premium class is purified almost at the molecular level.
  3. Inexpensive capsules contain a maximum of 20% of the omega acids needed for weight loss. In a good product, there are more than 60% of them.
  4. The lower the concentration of acids, the more funds will have to drink per day. Cheap capsules often have to be taken in 15 pieces. It will never get rid of the fishy taste in your mouth that will make you hate this method of losing weight without completing the course. High quality capsules are taken 1-2 per day.
  5. This is a dietary supplement, and its quality control is lower than that of drugs. simple circuit certification of such drugs in Russia does not at all speak in their favor. However, branded products with a worldwide reputation have a different attitude to this issue. They can't afford to produce inferior raw materials under their brand name.

How to use?

Daily dose:

  • for weight loss up to 15 kg - 1-2 g twice a day;
  • more than 15 kg - 5-6 g per day;

How much to drink: 25-30 days / break of 5 months.

Usage rules:

  • do not drink on an empty stomach, otherwise diarrhea and nausea are guaranteed;
  • take with meals for better absorption;
  • take with first courses, vegetables, salads;
  • do not exceed the dosage;
  • do not drink for more than a month;
  • consume a sufficient amount of pure throughout the course of weight loss;
  • upon occurrence side effects refuse to take fish oil and consult a doctor;
  • follow a low-calorie diet or at least proper nutrition;
  • exercise regularly.

Fish oil is a very useful supplement, proven over the years, known to many since childhood. However, in its new capacity as a means of losing weight, it requires more attentive attitude and careful observance of all recommendations from manufacturers and specialists.

The process is slow (about 500 g per week), but very effective and most importantly, the weight does not return.

I have been taking fish oil capsules for a month now. I have known about its benefits for a long time. But about what it activates the metabolism and helps to lose weight, I recently learned from a girl who lost more than 30 kg.

For those, who not losing weight, but looking after your health is important to know that fish oil contains vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

VITAMIN A - restores vision (especially helps with constant work at the computer), participates in the immune system.

Vitamin E - necessary for strong teeth and bones, a powerful antioxidant, is involved in the biosynthesis of blood cells.

VITAMIN D- needed for normal bone formation (which is important for children from birth).

Omega 3 fatty acids - prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces stress hormones.

Fish oil helps to regulate the required amount of leptin in the body. Namely, it helps to increase metabolism. If most of the consumed fat is replaced with fish fat, then you can lose up to one kg. weight in twelve weeks, effortlessly.

Who has small children, see a review about the benefits of liquid fish oil, it helps to increase immunity (it is also possible in capsules, but it is easier for kids to give it in liquid form).


I began to look for information on the Internet, whether the metabolism is really accelerating and we are losing weight. Found several sources. See for yourself.

How to take fish oil for weight loss?

The correct dosage is 1-2 grams per day. Capsules, 6 pieces, should be taken 3-4 times a day with meals, it is better absorbed this way. In order for this method of losing weight to be effective, we advise you to stick to a diet, be patient, because the effect is observed only after a few weeks. But in addition to losing weight, your body, receiving enough omega-3 fatty acids, will rejuvenate significantly. This also applies to external changes in the skin, nails, hair, and internal healing of the body as a whole. Fish oil will benefit vision, bones, teeth, it lowers cholesterol, dilates blood vessels, and resists thrombosis. And this is not the whole list. useful properties this product.

Fish oil can be taken in any capsule. My husband and I drink 2-3 pieces * 3 times a day. Just get the daily dose. All such packs that I bought contain a bag of capsules inside. I pour them into a bowl and they stand on the table constantly before my eyes. So I sit down to eat and do not forget to drink during the meal.

I really noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair and skin. Is the weight coming off??? YES!!! But I can't say exactly why. After all, I: eat right (PP), work out with Jill + drink fish oil. Everything in the complex gives good result(in the review about the PP there are before and after photos).

You need to take fish oil for a month and take a break for 2-3 months, then start again.

The drug has contraindications


  • urolithiasis disease:
  • high calcium content;
  • fish allergy;
  • kidney failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hyperfunction of the pancreas.

Acceleration of metabolism, and therefore weight loss, occurs if stick healthy eating and at least 2-3 times a week to do some kind of sport.

When I asked the pharmacist at the pharmacy how much the capsules cost, she answered "YES PENNY". But in reality the price 50-60 rubles per pack.

In any case, fish oil will strengthen the immune system, improve eyesight and strengthen bones, it "works" in any place where there is inflammation, reducing it, etc. So many benefits in one tool. It's just a find. I advise everyone!

Have slim figure every woman desires. To reduce weight, ladies use not only diets and physical exercise but also a variety of drugs. Recently, it has become fashionable to lose weight with the help of fish oil. The supplement not only stimulates metabolism, but also saturates the body with nutrients, heals. How to take fish oil for weight loss and will be discussed further.

Benefits of fish oil

Before taking fish oil for weight loss, we will analyze its composition. It contains vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The most useful substances are Omega-3 and Omega-6. The product contains vitamin A, which is indispensable for the functioning of the visual apparatus, and vitamin D, which strengthens bones and teeth. Fish oil also contains minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, bromine and sulfur. There are organic acids and calciferol.

The elements found in the fish product have a beneficial effect on the human body, cleanse it, strengthen and restore it. Expand the space of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots. They have a beneficial effect on memory, lower cholesterol and increase the production of serotonin. Eliminate the inflammatory process. in the best way affect the condition of hair and nails. Prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies. Omega-3 and calciferol promote fat burning. Helps kickstart the weight loss process.

Benefits of the Supplement

How does fish oil affect weight loss? First of all, the product in terms of weight loss is not an independent product, but a secondary one. It is used in combination with other measures aimed at weight loss. It enhances their action. Stimulates metabolism. Reduces fat content in problem areas. But without proper nutrition and exercise, fish oil will not give tangible results. The product is not intended for weight loss, but only starts the metabolic process and stimulates metabolic processes.

Before taking fish oil for weight loss, you need to consult a doctor. After all, this product is considered a medicine and is prescribed to eliminate the lack of vitamins A and D. Indications for its use are frequent SARS. Fish fat is also prescribed for slow bone growth, night blindness, excessive dry skin, fragility of the nail plate and hair, and also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Fish oil for weight loss: how to take, dosage

For weight loss, fish oil can be consumed both in capsules and in liquid form.

One capsule contains 500 mg of Omega-3 acids. For weight loss, take 2-4 capsules up to three times a day. The daily dosage is 4500-6000 mg.

In liquid form, fish oil is more concentrated than in capsules. In this case, it is drunk 5 g (teaspoon) three times a day. During storage, the product should be kept in a refrigerator, which will significantly reduce oxidative processes.

The course lasts 1-2 months, then take a break for a month. If necessary, the supplementation is resumed. Do not exceed the daily dose, as an excess of vitamin D can lead to undesirable consequences.

Losing weight with fish fat is real, but only if it is added to its use. healthy lifestyle life and exercise stress. Before using the product, you should undergo an examination and consult with your doctor to make sure that this product will bring benefits.

How to take fish oil capsules for weight loss, it was written above, and then we will talk about which product to choose.

What is the best fish oil?

How to take fish oil for weight loss? Just like in all other cases - strictly according to the instructions and adhering to the doctor's prescriptions. Drinking for weight loss should only be yellow fat, it should not be brown or white. The latter option indicates the presence of not entirely useful impurities.

Basically, fish oil is produced from cod liver, which contains not only useful, but also harmful substances. It can accumulate toxins. Therefore, experts recommend giving preference to fat from fish meat. There are fewer nutrients, but there will be no harm to the body.

The product in capsules must be purified, refined, without dangerous impurities. The amount of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids matters.

It is better if the supplement is made from expensive varieties of fish. The more valuable the fish, the more useful substances in the product, the more expensive the supplement. If the product is called "fish oil", then it is made from the liver. If referred to as "fish oil", then the supplement is made from meat.

Which fat is better to drink: in capsules or in its natural form? Here everyone decides for himself. In the first case, it will be easier to drink it.

Popular brands

It is important not only to know how to properly take fish oil for weight loss, but also to choose a quality product that will benefit the body.

Fish oil is produced in many countries, but the leaders in this industry are:

  • USA. Here, manufacturers pay attention to the fact that mercury and toxins can be found in fish. The products undergo a special cleaning procedure. Famous brands NOW, Madre Labs and Natrol.
  • Russia. Enterprises in our country make liver supplements Among the popular brands are Biafishenol, Mirrolla, Biokontur.
  • Norway. This country is considered the best in the production of fish oil. For the manufacture of additives, fish grown in environmentally friendly conditions is used. The Cod Liver Oil brand is common.

The most famous additives in our country are:

  • "Salmon fish oil" brand "Biafishenol". There are capsules of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.45 g, packaged in a hundred pieces. In addition to fish oil, the product contains vitamins A and D. For the manufacture of supplements, fish that live in the Arctic are used. The drug contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • "Omega 3" from "Mirroll". Produces fish oil in capsules, which adds calcium, rose hips, valerian and motherwort, garlic, sea buckthorn and other valuable components. Each type of supplement is packaged in 100 capsules, which is enough for 12 days.
  • "Fish oil" from "Biokontur". Like the previous brand, here you can choose several options, this is fish oil with milk thistle, kelp, sea buckthorn, etc. The product is not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. It contains about 20% Omega-3. The package contains 100 capsules.
  • "Omega-3" brand "Rybka". Produces packages of 30 and 100 capsules. Fish oil of this manufacturer does not contain harmful additives and flavors. Recommended for children from 3 to 13 years old. Satisfies the need for polyunsaturated fatty acids by 40%.
  • "The Little Mermaid" from RealCaps. This is fish oil for children. Produced in jars of 60 capsules. The product is enriched with vitamins A, E and D. Contains Tutti-frutti flavoring.

Who needs fish oil for weight loss?

How to drink fish oil for weight loss so that it gives the desired effect? First of all, the product should be used only after consulting a doctor and strictly according to the instructions. You can not abuse the supplement, since an excess of omega-3, omega-6 and vitamins A and D is no less dangerous than their lack.

Some nutritionists advise to adhere to the following rules:

  • If there are no more than 15 extra pounds, then you need to consume fish fat 1-2 g per day, morning and evening.
  • If the weight is more than normal by 15 kilograms or more, then the dosage should not exceed one gram per day.

In addition to losing weight, fish oil benefits the entire body. Saturates it with useful substances. Strengthens immunity and memory. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications for taking the supplement

In addition to the benefits, fish oil can be harmful if consumed with:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • finding stones in the gallbladder, kidneys and urinary system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • liver pathology;
  • renal failure, which is in a chronic form;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • advanced age;
  • organic lesions of the cardiovascular system;
  • ulcer of the digestive system;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage of development;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions.

If the use of the supplement causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or bleeding from the nose, as well as other negative phenomena, then the product is stopped. These symptoms indicate an overdose. Side effects do not last long and disappear after stopping the intake of fat.

Is fish oil effective for weight loss?

Does fish oil help you lose weight? Undoubtedly yes. It speeds up the metabolism. Improves lipid metabolism. But the product is effective only as aid, in addition to proper nutrition and fitness. The drug makes the efforts made to reduce weight more effective. When dieting, it helps to saturate the body with useful substances.

According to studies conducted by scientists from Prague, the subjects who drank fish oil in the amount of 8 g, weight loss was much more stable than those who lost weight without using this supplement. Therefore, fish oil works, but only in combination with other activities.

Excess weight, lack of a waist, an unhealthy heart and joint pain - this is often the result of malnutrition, when the diet lacks a source of omega-3 essential acids, which are rich in fish oil. If you include this useful product in your daily menu, you can get rid of these problems, bring yourself into good shape i.e. lose weight .

The product is of the greatest value for heart health. This property was devoted to a whole study conducted at the end of the last century.

GISSI-Prevenzone researchers conducted an experiment in which about 11,323 subjects who had a heart attack participated. Three and a half years later, in people who took one gram of fish oil daily, the chances of relapse and death from a heart attack decreased by 50%.

These results are truly amazing. Thus, it turns out that a person whose risk of death from a heart attack is one hundred percent, will be helped to survive by fish oil.

A similar study was carried out in Japan. It showed that the inclusion of this useful product together with a statin, it can increase the chances of staying alive by another 16% in those who have had a heart attack.

These results are truly amazing. They confirm the benefits of Omega-3 for the heart muscle, and, consequently, for the whole organism as a whole. It's hard to believe that the inclusion of just one product can save a life, but research confirms this fact.

How does fish oil affect joints?

Physical exercise is good for general condition health, but heavy squats, bench presses and presses performed while lying on the bench cause quite serious damage to the joints, which age much faster. Everyone who plays sports at a professional level has to face a similar problem, lifting a lot of weight every day.

It is not necessary to make such sacrifices. To have a good physical shape and healthy joints is possible if you take omega acids. Most people suffering from joint pain, after daily use of fish oil, immediately feel relief from their condition. Here, the main thing is to take into account the dosage. To prevent death from a heart attack, you need to take 1-1.5 g.

For pain in the joints, this dosage is not enough. Some people may need to take double or triple the amount of drugs and complexes containing multifunctional fatty acids, as everything depends on the condition.

What effect does fish oil have on weight loss?

This is the first question that interests many who want to bring their weight back to normal. Three fats are responsible for the process of fat burning in the body - CLA, EPA / DHA. The last two are Omega-3s. They, being fats, which sounds rather paradoxical, help to get rid of excess weight.

To become fit, it is necessary to abandon the previously established stereotype. So, in the 80s and 90s of the last century, bodybuilders ate foods that were practically devoid of fat. Research on the effect of fish oil on weight loss began to be carried out relatively recently.

The results obtained in the course of clinical studies prove the real effectiveness of the remedy. Potential properties that affect fat loss have been identified in more serious cellular and molecular biological studies.

Does fish oil help to lose weight in the absence of exercise?

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the results of ongoing research. The international magazine "Obesity" conducted an experiment in which 324 men with overweight and even obesity. The subjects sat on a diet that reduced the total caloric intake. The addition to the meager diet was fatty or lean fish, or fish oil in capsules.

The diet of losing weight was not thought through to the end. Half the menu was carbohydrates, and proteins accounted for no more than twenty percent of the total diet. The subjects did not go in for sports, that is, no additional activity was provided during the experiment. Initially, the study, as can be understood, did not pursue any "great" goal.

The average weight loss was about 6 kilograms. Men who ate fish or took a course of omega acids lost one kilogram more. A similar result was even in those who consumed lean cod fillets. The researchers could not explain this fact, but, as you might guess, it is due to the presence of omega acids.

First Scientific research, which proved the effectiveness of fish oil for weight loss, was conducted in 1997. The participants were on a 50% carbohydrate diet and 6 grams of regular fat was replaced with fish oil for the last 3 of the 12 weeks during which the experiment lasted. This was done in order to compare overall results from cutting calories and the effect of the product on fat burning processes. The product was introduced into the diet not of all, but of some participants.

For people who ate fish instead of fat for 3 weeks, weight loss during this period was 1 kilogram, and for the remaining group of subjects, about 300 grams were lost over the same time, that is, 3 times less. Of course, such results may not seem very impressive to many, but one should take into account the fact that the participants in the experiment did not go in for sports, but only replaced regular fat with fish, and their diet consisted almost entirely of foods rich in carbohydrates.

These studies confirm that fish oil allows you to lose weight even when a person does not exercise. physical activity consumes large amounts of carbohydrates.

The most interesting and extensive study was published in one of the issues of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It, unlike those described above, consisted in the use of fish oil in the form of a liquid supplement. It has a high concentration of DHA.

The subjects were a group of men. Some used sunflower oil, while others used liquid fish oil. Some of the participants did physical exercises, and some did not go in for sports. The training involved activity with a heart rate equal to 75% of the maximum for 45 minutes. The exercises were performed three times a week.

The best results in losing weight were demonstrated by those who were engaged in physical activity, consumed liquid fish oil, rather than other groups of subjects. The authors of the study noted the fact that regular aerobic exercise and DHA-rich fats can reduce body fat.

In the published data, one was not noted important point, because he did not relate to the process of losing weight, concerning the heart rate. Men who consumed fish oil had a significant decrease in heart rate than those who did not take omega-3 acids.

The exercises that the subjects performed were reduced to the fact that it was necessary to achieve 75% heart rate, which required much more effort for those who drank fish oil. This is one of the things that led to this group The subjects lost more weight than others.

The mechanism of the effect of fish oil on heart rate is not yet fully understood. The studies currently available show only that the use of EPA and DHA, which are contained in Omega-3 acid, can change the electrochemistry of the heart muscle. This is the main reason why the product reduces the likelihood lethal outcome during a heart attack. This, as can be assumed, is the main reason that the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle decreases.

The study described above proves the effectiveness of fish oil in the process of losing weight. The product can be introduced into the diet as a supplement, that is, without playing sports, being a passive assistant in the loss of excess body fat. Even greater results can be achieved if you engage in certain physical activity. The main thing is to take into account the fact that some mechanisms do increase lipolysis, while others do not have any such effect.

How to make fish oil work

Weight loss is noted in studies where people are physically active, as well as in experiments where sports were completely excluded. To improve the effect obtained from taking fish oil, there are several proven ways:

  • an increased concentration of DHA prevents the formation and promotes the destruction of adipocytes, while they have not yet become fat immortal cells;
  • chylomicrons and fats are especially well cleansed when fish oil is consumed after a meal, which allows you to choose best time for taking a supplement to enhance the maximum effect;
  • a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle allows you to increase the level of the desired load in order to achieve the highest intensity during physical training;
  • Omega-3 oxidizes fats in the body fat and helps regulate mitochondrial mechanisms.

Increased insulin sensitivity is not on the list of mechanisms that improve fish oil outcomes. Examination of a wide range of studies on this subject makes it clear that this aspect has a rather small effect, especially on healthy people. More pronounced sensitivity to insulin in those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

What do you need to do to start losing weight?

There are at least two reasons for taking an omega acid complex. First, supplementation with omega-3 helps to avoid death after suffering a heart attack. Secondly, it really helps to lose weight even for those who do not engage in any physical activity.

To achieve the desired harmony, you must follow a few fairly simple rules:

  1. The dosage is directly related to the results that a person wants to get. If you need to lose no more than 15 kg, the supplement should be taken twice a day for 1-2 g. When you get rid of more kilograms, you need to drink 5-6 g.
  2. Fish oil should be consumed after meals. This avoids bile secretions and indigestion. The optimal course duration is 25 days. Then be sure to take a break of up to 5 months.

Instructions for the use of the drug for the purpose of losing weight involves:

  • Choosing a natural and effective supplement, since cheaper brands often cause nausea, require an increased dosage. The product that contains the maximum concentration of DHA is considered the most useful, and it is this that should be purchased.
  • To get tangible results, the amount of healthy fats (EPA and DHA) taken should be between 2 and 3 grams per day. This is the minimum dosage. And if obesity is present, then it can be increased to 5 grams. Everything is individual.
  • If you use the minimum daily allowance, then it can be drunk at a time. Larger dosages should be divided into 2 doses, for example, in the morning and in the evening.
  • The supplement is best taken with a meal. When taking fish oil in the morning, it is ideal to drink the product with breakfast. This will reduce the likelihood of oxidizing the acids that enter the body as energy.

It's no secret that fish oil is not a delicacy that tastes great. Some people may experience nausea after taking this supplement. If this happens, the product must be placed in the freezer. Frozen fat is much more pleasant to eat, and it ceases to cause disgust.


Don't give up on fish oil. This product is incredibly useful for the heart, and for the joints, and for the figure. And if it seems that it is impossible to have a magnificent relief without any negative health consequences, this is an erroneous opinion. Taking the supplement either as a preventive measure or for the purpose of losing weight, a person becomes not only slimmer, but also healthier.