Is it possible to play sports early. Can pregnant women exercise? What not to do

Most recently, any expectant mother was prescribed almost complete rest until the very birth. Today, fitness classes during pregnancy are only welcome. Thanks to research, the enormous benefits of moderate, properly designed physical activity during the bearing of a baby have been proven.

Fitness instructors, together with gynecologists, have developed entire courses of exercises. All of them performed during this period are able to improve overall well-being. future mother, and develop individual muscles to prepare the body for childbirth.

By resorting to fitness exercises for pregnant women, you can keep your chest, arms, legs in good shape. The main thing to remember is that during the 9 months of waiting, fitness is not a means to make your figure perfect, this will need to be done after childbirth. Exercise now is a way to keep your body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth. However, moderate exercise will reduce the likelihood of recruitment excess weight.

Requires special attention press. It is strictly forbidden to download it at any stage of pregnancy. All exercises that involve stress should be abandoned. lower part belly. May be acceptable light exercise on a reclining chair. This will help support the press with such colossal loads.

Properly selected exercises improve blood flow during internal organs, relax the spine. Improving the exchange of blood in the mother's body is important for a good supply of oxygen to the fetus. Fitness classes will relieve the pain in the back that occurs due to pinching.

The fitness that you did during pregnancy will bring great benefits even after the birth of the baby. For example, classes aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis are a good prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth.

Gynecologists do not just say that you can do fitness during pregnancy, they advise doing yoga and breathing exercises . These two types of fitness prepare a woman for correct breathing during childbirth, they stretch the tissues that will participate in this process.

Yoga, in addition to physical activity, teaches you to control yourself and listen to your body. This will be helpful during the birth process when you need to pull yourself together, extinguish your fear and courageously endure the pain.

Going in for sports is not only preparing yourself, but also training the fetus. A child, being in the womb, feels everything. And, if a woman loves to play sports, it is not a burden for her, if she hardens, then the child after birth will be much easier to endure adaptation to the outside world and physical exercises.

Other benefits of exercising during pregnancy include:

  • improved digestion;
  • reducing the risk of constipation;
  • reduction in the number of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth;
  • burst of energy.

Contraindications for fitness

The expression “pregnancy is not a disease” today can be heard more and more often among doctors and pregnant women themselves. Everyone is prescribed walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. Also, no one cancels sports. But when your heart grows new life, for which you are responsible, then you should be extremely attentive to the loads. You should also be aware of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications eliminate any load at all. In some cases, full bed rest is prescribed. Such indications include:

  • rupture of membranes;
  • the likelihood of premature birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • rupture of the fetal membrane;
  • previously made more than 3 abortions;
  • a history of miscarriages.

Relative contraindications do not exclude sports. However, in this case, you should be extremely careful and coordinate all exercises with the doctor in advance.

Relative indications include:

  • anemia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • fetal fading that occurred during previous pregnancies;
  • previous premature birth;
  • bleeding.

Thus, in the absence of the above contraindications, pregnancy and fitness are quite compatible things. However, the development of classes should take place according to the individual characteristics of your body and the nature of the course of pregnancy.

How is fitness during pregnancy

Having made the decision to study, it is worth remembering the rules that will make the classes useful. First of all, we pay attention to the intensity of training. Each workout should not end with shortness of breath, everything should be done in moderation.

It is worth remembering the forbidden movements: sudden movements, strong back bends, leg swings, jumping and stretching.

Sport is an activity that does not forgive long pauses. This is especially true for sports during pregnancy. Irregular training can become simply useless, at best, or negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Work must be done responsibly. First, monitor your own well-being during and after exercise. Any discomfort is a reason to stop the lesson. You should also drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

Overheating during exercise can have a negative effect on the fetus, so it should be avoided. In the summer, for example, do not exercise in the heat, but do it early in the morning or in the evening. And in winter, choose cool rooms for classes. Since the blood flow during pregnancy is much stronger and the body heats up more intensely.

When choosing a program for training, do not forget to tell the coach if you have played sports before or if you are a beginner. This fact requires different solutions when developing individual program.

All your exercises should begin with a warm-up and warming up the muscles. Before starting, pay attention to the pulse. Normally, it should be 12-16 beats in 10 seconds after doing the exercises, this mark rises to 18 beats.

Fitness in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period of laying all the vital organs of the child. Sports at this stage should be kept to a minimum. You should not think that the stomach has not yet grown, so for now you can load yourself into full force. Excessive loads can lead to miscarriage, as they prevent the embryo from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

Fitness in the early stages can be aimed at strengthening the hips. Also, breathing exercises and strengthening of the pectoral muscles are not contraindicated.

Experts characterize the exercises in the first trimester as follows - simple, but effective.

Fitness in the second trimester

Pregnancy proceeds normally, the size of the fetus does not interfere with exercise. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the load can be slightly increased. Now you can pay attention to the pelvic area and the press.

It is advisable to perform all exercises at this stage in a bandage in order to reduce the load on the spine. Also, all exercises that were previously performed on the back are replaced with exercises on the side. The supine position prevents oxygen from reaching the fetus.

Late term fitness

It seems to many that the stomach is big and sports in the last trimester should be postponed until later. But it's not. At that time Special attention can be given to the arms, chest and hips. You should think about exercises that are designed to relax your back and reduce the load on the spine.

In this case, fitball exercises will be useful. In the last trimester, there is a high probability of an increase in the tone of the uterus. Therefore, at the slightest malaise or increased heart rate during exercise, it should be stopped and consult a doctor.

With the onset of pregnancy, the life of every woman changes dramatically, and many familiar things are banned. Not so long ago, it was believed that any physical activity for a future mother is contraindicated. The woman was prescribed almost complete rest right up to the very birth. Today, the opinion of experts has changed dramatically. After conducting a series of studies, they proved that moderate physical activity during the period of gestation will only benefit the woman. Therefore, today pregnant ladies are massively engaged in fitness. Indeed, in moderation and useful qualities this species physical activity there are no equal rivals.

Physical exercise and its benefits

Given the growing interest in fitness, sports specialists, together with doctors, have developed separate programs for pregnant women. All these courses of exercises are aimed not only at improving the well-being of a woman, but also at preparing certain muscle groups for childbirth. Now expectant mothers, performing special exercises, have the opportunity to keep their breasts, legs and other parts of the body in good shape. Although these simple physical complexes will not make the figure perfect, they will reduce the risk of gaining extra pounds.

During pregnancy, the press requires especially close attention. Since it is strictly forbidden to pump it at any stage of gestation, you can not perform any exercises related to the load on the lower abdominal segment. But to maintain muscle tone at the proper level, light tilts on the chair will help.

If the set of exercises is chosen correctly, then the blood flow to the internal organs of the pelvis will improve, the spine will relax. These factors are of great importance not only for the condition of the woman, they also improve the supply of oxygen to the fetus. Regular classes fitness with a moderate load relieve pain in the back that occurs during pregnancy due to pinched nerves.

Do not leave fitness classes after the birth of the baby. After all, with their help, you can quickly and effectively tighten the stomach, and improve the contours of the figure.

In addition to the usual exercises, doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers do yoga, as well as special breathing exercises. These two types of fitness will also help women master the techniques of proper breathing. These skills will be useful to her in childbirth. Yoga is unique in that it helps a person to tune in to his own body. This ability will help a woman overcome fear and gather strength.

Sports activities are also useful for the unborn child: mother's workouts will help the baby after birth to more easily endure adaptation to new conditions.

In addition to all these positive aspects, fitness has several more obvious advantages:

  • provides an influx of vital energy;
  • classes contribute to good digestion;
  • reduce the likelihood of constipation;
  • By improving the tone of the abdominal muscles, exercises prevent the appearance of stretch marks, or reduce their number.

When fitness is contraindicated

Pregnancy is not a disease. This is a special state of a woman when a new life is being formed. Therefore, any error in nutrition, daily routine, and even the organization of ordinary life is fraught with serious consequences. Not excluding the possibility of actively engaging in certain sports, the expectant mother should still be aware of the limitations.

All foreseen contraindications for the subject physical activities for pregnant women are divided into two groups: absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications completely exclude any kind of load. Sometimes a woman is prescribed complete rest and strict bed rest for a long time. The following conditions may serve as a reason for such strict measures:

  • the threat of premature birth;
  • rupture of membranes;
  • miscarriages in the anamnesis of the woman;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • if before the onset of a real pregnancy, a woman has already had three or more abortions.

Relative contraindications do not imply a complete renunciation of physical mobility. But their presence means that a woman should be very careful in choosing a set of exercises and coordinate all her actions with her doctor. Relative restrictions include:

  • hypertension;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • severe anemia;
  • unstable weight;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding;
  • regression (stopping fetal development) during a previous pregnancy;
  • history of premature birth.

If there are no contraindications listed in the list, then it is quite possible to combine pregnancy and fitness classes. Of course, this is possible, given that the socialists will develop an individual training program for women.

Rules for conducting classes

Having decided to join fitness classes, a pregnant woman must follow some recommendations. Their list is small, so it will not be difficult to remember these rules. But their implementation will increase the effectiveness of the classes themselves, and will bring great benefits to the expectant mother and baby.

  1. Training should take place in moderation. You should not bring the matter to shortness of breath.
  2. You need to constantly monitor the intensity of the exercises.
  3. Sharp movements, jumping and stretching should be excluded from the training program.
  4. The frequency of training is required condition even for pregnant women. Otherwise, there is no point in starting classes at all.
  5. Any ailment should be a serious reason to cancel the workout.
  6. It is necessary to strictly monitor the water balance in the body and drink a sufficient amount of fluid. This approach will help to avoid dehydration.
  7. Overheating of the body should not be allowed, as this negatively affects the fetus. In the summer, training should be moved to the early morning or do exercises in the evening. In winter, you should train in a cool room.
  8. The training program should be selected individually, taking into account previous experience in sports activities.
  9. Each workout should begin with a good warm-up, which will ensure that the muscles are warmed up. First you need to count the pulse - normally, this figure is 12-16 beats in ten seconds. After a series of exercises performed, the pulse rate becomes higher - an average of 18 beats.

Fitness at different stages of pregnancy

There are some features of training during pregnancy. All of them are related to the development of the fetus and are aimed at minimizing potential risks.

  1. The initial stage (1 trimester) is the period of formation of the main organs and systems of the unborn child. During this period, you can do light exercises aimed at strengthening the femoral muscles. Breathing exercises are allowed.
  2. The middle stage (2nd trimester) of fetal development is characterized by its active growth. But this does not prevent the expectant mother from doing fitness. During this period, exercises are aimed at the pelvic area and the press. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the complex in a bandage. This will help reduce stress on the spine.
  3. In late pregnancy, back relaxation exercises are recommended. They must be performed carefully, following the pulse. At the slightest deterioration in the condition, the training should be stopped immediately.

And finally, about the main thing: fitness should be a pleasant and active addition to the daily routine for the expectant mother. You can not do any business, including sports, through force. But one should not make independent decisions in this complex issue either. All intentions of the future mother should be agreed with the doctor observing her.

Video: is it possible to play sports during pregnancy

Having become pregnant, I wondered if it was possible to do fitness. Whether it will harm my baby, how the exercises will affect me personally - such questions did not leave me. Prior to enrolling in classes, I specifically turned to a doctor for advice, who considered my idea favorable for the overall course of pregnancy. I decided to write down the result of visiting the fitness room in the form of a kind of diary that contains recommendations and my personal training. I can say in advance - I did not regret it at all. Fitness has had a positive impact on both me and my child.

What are the benefits of fitness during pregnancy?

I heard that pregnancy fitness trainers specifically develop techniques together with gynecologists so that classes have a positive effect on the condition of the mother and fetus. I used to think that fitness had a bad effect on the development of an unborn child. Constant "shaking" and tension, I thought, classes are not the best. To get rid of this opinion, I decided to find out if fitness is good for the mother and the future little happiness.

The benefits of exercise are:

  • Strengthening the muscles that help with childbirth. The pelvis, back and vagina are key areas in the mother's body that must be ready for the most important event in a woman's life;
  • Improving the general well-being of the mother;
  • Reducing excess weight. During pregnancy, it is difficult to maintain a figure, but fitness helps to burn exactly the excess weight for the child and mother, which does not go into development;
  • Improvement of blood circulation. Oxygen actively enters the fetus, allowing the baby to breathe freely;
  • Supported effective work digestion, which is extremely important during childbirth;
  • The benefit for the child is that the born baby will be better adapted to environmental conditions.

A key feature of fitness during pregnancy: exercise is not aimed at maintaining slim figure, but to facilitate the process of childbirth and the development of the baby. Jumping and sudden movements are prohibited.

The positive aspects of exercising during pregnancy tipped the scales in favor of me enrolling in classes. However, I learned in advance in which cases fitness is contraindicated.

When should you not exercise during pregnancy?

To protect myself and my own child, I learned that during pregnancy there are contraindications, which are of two types: absolute and relative. The first type includes:

  • Problems with the membrane of the fetus;
  • Risk ;
  • If I were pregnant, triplets, etc.;
  • If I had a miscarriage in the past;
  • If I had 3 or more abortions in the past;
  • Placenta previa.

Absolute contraindications completely exclude fitness classes. The relative ones are:

  • Hypertension. Increased pressure eliminates stress;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Risk of bleeding. Physical exercise can cause injury;

How was the 1st trimester

The first period, as many say, is accompanied by excitement and breakdowns. The abdomen is not yet visible, but the restructuring of the body is in full force. A slight excitement helped me to treat the matter with full responsibility.

  • Breathing training. It is necessary in order to smooth out mood swings and improve the oxygen supply of the body;
  • Strengthening the press. Pushing activity requires a trained stomach;
  • Back muscle training. Pain in the spine is a common occurrence in pregnant women. Getting rid of them is the goal of back exercises;
  • Strengthening the pelvis. In order for childbirth to be easy and hassle-free, the pelvic muscles must be well developed and prepared.

In addition, I followed the following rules that help to avoid problems:

  • She wore sports underwear that supported her breasts;
  • Followed the pulse: the frequency should not exceed 130 contractions;
  • I limited my lying down exercises, since the uterus, in the process of growth, can clamp the vein that supplies the fetus with oxygen.

First trimester exercises I did:

  • Half squats with arms out;
  • Half tilts with straightened arms;
  • Walking in place for 1 minute;
  • Touching the toes of the feet in a sitting position;
  • Lumbar arch on all fours;
  • Compression of the palms for the development of the pectoral muscles;

by the most difficult exercise for me it was the simultaneous raising of the arm and leg with a hold. But my joy knew no bounds when I found out that pregnant women can exercise on a fitball! Circular rotations of the pelvis, squeezing the ball with the legs bring pleasure and relax the body.

All exercises are performed with repetitions of 5-7 times. The workouts are easy, I personally liked them very much. The first trimester in terms of exercise is practically no different from classical studies. The key feature is the exclusion of team games that require effort and excessive stress.

The gym where I worked out was equipped with everything necessary for comfort: soft floor, fitballs, warmth and comfort. I wanted to stay there for a while longer, but household duties did not allow. The atmosphere during training is calm and relaxing, no one drives anywhere.

The exercises I did can be easily done at home. It is only necessary to observe the norm and monitor the voltage. In addition, I met a couple of women who, like me, were pregnant. The home atmosphere cannot be compared with the hall: what can be better classes with other pregnant women? The first trimester went well for me. I was satisfied with the result, and felt more prepared for childbirth.

Fitness in the second trimester

I heard that the period from the fourth month to the sixth is the safest. Doing fitness at this time is most effective. In the second trimester, the exercises became easier than at the beginning of the course, and they consisted of the following:

  • I raised my hands up and moved my pelvis a little. Repeated the exercise three times;
  • She sat in a Turkish position (legs crossed) and moved her head and pelvis. The lesson was held five times;
  • In a sitting position, I pressed with one hand with the other. This exercise helps support pectoral muscles in good shape;
  • She did "The Little Mermaid": she sat sideways, stretched her legs and raised her hands;
  • Exercised on a fitball (my weakness), which becomes even more relevant in the second trimester;
  • Trained to breathe correctly: deep and even breaths and exhalations. Breathing during childbirth, as you know, should be good, and training will greatly facilitate the process.

In the second trimester, my mood gradually changed from a little excitement to peace. If at the beginning of the course I felt anxiety, now all the nerves have come to naught. Being in the gym, I felt calm, and the coach helped in the exercises. In the second trimester, yoga becomes the central set of exercises that promotes well-being and prepares the psyche for childbirth. Breath control is also important.

Classes can be carried out at home, which I did in my spare time. Of course, not in full force. However, there is a peculiarity here: the second trimester makes itself felt by the fact that with a number of exercises it is necessary to enlist support. My husband helped me in the exercises, and the coach in the gym.

Fitness during the third trimester of pregnancy

Final stage. My stomach has already become quite large, and I mentally prepared for the upcoming birth. Fitness helped me here too. However, fatigue and heaviness were felt, and therefore it was necessary to conduct classes in a light form. I did the following:

  • Improved in the Kegel exercise: rhythmically strained the muscles of the vagina to strengthen them. It helps to facilitate the whole process of childbirth;
  • She did light gymnastics, especially the “cat”: she arched her lower back, squatting. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, which makes itself felt with pain;
  • Exercised on my favorite fitball, which became an indispensable companion in the third trimester. Why? Because the fitball does not require much effort and develops exactly those areas that are intended for childbirth.

The last period does not contain enhanced exercises. His key role is to prepare the mother for childbirth. Gymnastics is necessary in order to give the body elasticity and firmness. Classes are aimed at strengthening the muscles directly related to childbirth. I was transferred to a group for pregnant women, like my girlfriends.

I felt a deep connection with each of the expectant mothers, because the same fate awaits us. To share these unforgettable moments of pregnancy with them is happiness for me. The atmosphere that reigned in the hall is indescribable: everyone was in an excited state, looking forward to the future birth. My girlfriends, whom I met at the beginning of the classes, became more alert and prepared. Our eyes shone with confidence in success.

Ahead - childbirth, the most important stage in a woman's life. After fitness, the feeling that I can handle it does not leave me.

Some time later

I will share the most intimate: I gave birth to a healthy boy. I named it after my grandfather, with whom I have a lot in common. I can't get enough of my happiness. Undoubtedly, in addition to my loved ones, fitness also supported me. Thanks to him, my delivery was uneventful. It's not so scary when you're ready for them!

I dare to say that I'm doing great: by signing up for fitness, I successfully prepared for childbirth. The opinion I feared turned out to be a myth. Fitness is an ideal pastime for a pregnant woman. It is difficult to come up with something better than exercises aimed at preparing the mother's body for childbirth. The friends I met early in my pregnancy journey also gave birth to healthy babies. Happiness has no limit.

From myself I want to give advice to all novice mothers: do fitness. This will greatly facilitate the birth process, make them healthy and uncomplicated. Of course, contraindications should also be taken into account - before classes, I advise you to consult a doctor. But know: without serious health problems, any mother will thank fitness after childbirth. My story is coming to an end, and I, sitting on the purchased fitball, look at my little happiness, which is sleeping in a blissful sleep.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time to expect a baby. But joy can be combined with constant anxiety for their health and the condition of the child. Women ask questions: is it necessary to change their established lifestyle, what habits are useful in this state, and what is better to give up? We will talk about whether it is possible to play sports in early pregnancy.

The normal course of pregnancy does not require restriction motor activity. On the contrary, moderate physical exercise prepare the body for childbirth and allow you to recover faster after them. Another thing is sports during early pregnancy. There are some limitations here, which we will discuss below.

Sports and their combination with pregnancy

Playing sports in the early stages of pregnancy, in principle, is not contraindicated. Especially if the woman is a professional athlete, and her body is used to constant physical activity. Many sports women are interested in questions: is it possible to run in early pregnancy, swim, lift weights? Here are the prohibited loads and unwanted sports:

  • Those in which there are concussions of the body and vibration loads on the stomach. Most doctors do not recommend running during early pregnancy. Equestrian sports, diving, wrestling are contraindicated.
  • Lifting weights in early pregnancy more than 4-5 kg ​​is contraindicated. Violation of this rule is fraught with miscarriages, and.
  • Injury sports. skiing during early pregnancy, wrestling, skating, team competitions are prohibited due to the risk of injury, including the abdomen.

In the question "Is it possible to play sports in early pregnancy?" there are also conflicting points. For example, cycling. Domestic medicine considers pregnancy and a bicycle in the early stages to be incompatible concepts. European doctors, on the contrary, advise expectant mothers to take such walks. The following facts speak in favor of the opinion of Russian doctors:

  • the emergency situation on the roads leaves much to be desired, and there are few specialized bicycle paths in our country;
  • an uneven road with bumps and potholes creates a dangerous vibration in a woman's body;
  • driving in urban areas under exhaust gases from many cars can only increase fetal hypoxia.

Where bike paths start directly from the house, and park zone is close, cycling fresh air V moderate pace benefits the health of the pregnant woman and her baby.

Sports for pregnant women: what to choose?

It’s worth mentioning right away that doctors identify several indicators under which, despite the desire to do it, it is forbidden to do it. Early pregnancy and sports are categorically incompatible under the following conditions:

  • abnormal development of the uterus;
  • the threat of miscarriage with hormonal imbalance (ratio and estrogens);
  • unfavorable anamnesis (already occurred miscarriages or premature births);
  • low tone and its isthmus (risk of miscarriage);
  • from the uterus;
  • placenta previa (threat of premature detachment during physical exertion).


What sport can you do in early pregnancy? Despite many disagreements on this issue, traditional medicine clearly prefers swimming. The benefits of this type of exercise:

  • training the muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvic floor;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system, which experiences an increased load in the state;
  • improvement of blood supply in all organs, prevention of varicose veins;
  • relieving the load from the back and spine, relaxing the body;
  • respiratory system training.


Many women are accustomed to watching their physical form and do not want to give up their usual exercises. They have a lot of questions: is it possible to squat, bend over, twist the hoop, dance in the early stages of pregnancy. If a woman has no health problems, then doctors do not prohibit fitness in the early stages of pregnancy. But classes in general groups have to be reviewed: to limit running, jumping, loading on the press. Therefore, it is better to go to a special group and engage in a specially designed program.


What does gymnastics for pregnant women include in the early stages:

The whole set of breathing exercises

Allows you to prepare for special breathing during childbirth. In addition, in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus presses on the diaphragm, the woman's lung capacity decreases. The need for oxygen, on the contrary, increases every month. Breathing exercises allow you to more efficiently use the oxygen entering the lungs.

Special exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall

To make labor easier, it is recommended to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is very good to pump the press during pregnancy in the early stages on a fitball.

Strengthening the muscles of the back

Such exercises make it easier to cope with the load on the spine in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Strengthening of the ankle joints

Prevention of flat feet.

Pelvic floor exercises

Direct preparation for labor.

Relaxing complex

To relieve fatigue in the muscles of the whole body.

Fitness and early pregnancy are forbidden to combine in the following cases:

  • any chronic disease in a woman;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • fetal pathology.

Exercises for the press during pregnancy

It is not recommended to pump the press during early pregnancy in the traditional way. But the abdominal muscles are very important for normal pushing activity. Therefore, special exercises have been developed:

  • In a standing position, move your heels 40 cm away from the wall. Lean towards the wall, hips bend. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Lying on your side, raise your leg 10 cm from the floor, lower it after 5 seconds. The leg should be straight. The exercise is repeated several times on each leg.
  • In the supine position, alternate leg raises about 20 cm from the floor (scissors legs).
  • Doctors do not prohibit twisting the hoop. It is important to choose the right one and not overdo it.

Exercise in early pregnancy should be regular so that the body of a woman and a baby gets used to the stress. Otherwise, it will be unnecessary additional stress.


Dancing is physical exercise, only more enjoyable and emotionally charged. There are restrictions on classes in dance groups during pregnancy and are similar for other physical activities. There are special groups where under control experienced trainer women perform only "useful", correct dance moves.

  1. Static exercises strengthen the spine, pelvic and leg muscles.
  2. Postures upside down become a prevention against the incorrect position of the fetus (pelvic, transverse).
  3. All yoga exercises improve blood circulation, which is very important for the normal development of the child.
  4. Breathing exercises of yoga practitioners increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus. Another plus is the training of proper breathing during childbirth.
  5. Many techniques remove the first half of pregnancy.
  6. Normalization of mood. Women who practice yoga are more confident, calm and not subject to the swings characteristic of pregnancy.

Physical activity for unprepared women

If a woman has never been involved in sports and fitness, she will also benefit from physical activity during early pregnancy. They help prepare the body for the upcoming stress during childbirth, improve mood and have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Charging for pregnant women in the early stages includes the following exercises:

  • breathing exercises;
  • cross step;
  • torso to the right and left;
  • forward bends;
  • bend back;
  • sun - rotation cervical region spine, then in the thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal (the amplitude of rotation gradually increases, then in reverse order with decreasing amplitude;
  • stop gymnastics.

You need to do it regularly for 15-20 minutes a day. Deterioration during training is a reason to stop the load and consult a gynecologist.

In Soviet times, expectant mothers were ordered to rest in late pregnancy, it was believed that physical activity could provoke a deterioration in their condition. Today, the position of physicians in this matter has changed. Studies have shown that moderate exercise during childbearing is beneficial. But not all and not always. So, we learn about the nuances of fitness during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Fitness instructors in collaboration with gynecologists have developed complexes special exercises for expectant mothers. Their purpose is to improve the general well-being of pregnant women, the development individual muscles and preparing the body for childbirth.

Fitness will help women keep their breasts, legs, arms in good shape and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The main thing during classes is not to overdo it, so as not to harm the child. Exercise should be just a way to keep the body in shape and prepare for childbirth.

Moderate gestation loads will reduce the risk of recruitment. And for women it is important.

In the zone of close attention during classes should be the stomach. Downloading the press to expectant mothers is strictly prohibited at any stage of pregnancy. It is necessary to abandon the loads that are intended for the abdominal muscles (straight and oblique).

If the exercises are chosen correctly, then they relax the woman's spine, improve blood circulation in the internal organs. This is important for a healthy supply of oxygen to the unborn baby.

The benefit of fitness is also that they alleviate back pain, which often occurs due to pinched nerves.

Physical exercise will be useful in the future. After all, many women after childbirth suffer from the loss of muscle tone. But exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles will serve as a good prevention of this problem. Gynecologists advise expectant mothers to do breathing exercises and yoga, as they prepare for proper breathing during the birth period, stretch tissues, and teach themselves to control themselves.

Fitness classes during pregnancy are the preparation of not only the expectant mother, but also her child. After all, he feels everything in the womb. If his mother loves physical exercises, then he, after being born, will love gymnastics, and in the future it will be easier to endure sports loads.

Fitness during pregnancy is also an improvement in digestion, a decrease in stretch marks after childbirth on the abdomen and hips, a good burst of energy.

Who can't exercise?

When a woman becomes responsible for two, then any load must be dosed, as well as be aware of contraindications to fitness. They are divided into relative and absolute. The latter exclude any load. These include:

  • placenta previa;
  • rupture of membranes;
  • risk of preterm birth;
  • more than three abortions before the current pregnancy;
  • the presence of miscarriages in the past;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Relative contraindications are not a taboo on playing sports, but only a restriction of physical activity, a condition when playing sports requires the approval of a doctor. It's about increased blood pressure, arrhythmias, anemia, endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, fetal fading and premature birth that occurred in the past.

As you can see, in the absence of such contraindications, fitness and pregnancy are compatible, but subject to an individual approach.

Features of fitness during pregnancy

At the beginning of classes, you should pay attention to well-being. The malaise should cause the woman to stop exercising. It is recommended to drink water during the session. You should not overheat during training. For example, in the hot season it is not worth exercising outside. In winter, the study rooms should not be cold.

When you choose a program for training, the trainer should be informed about whether you played sports before pregnancy or not. This is important to consider when developing an individual training program. They should begin with warming up the muscles, warming up. The pulse before the start of classes should be 12-16 beats in 10 seconds, and after doing the exercises, the indicator should not exceed 18 beats.

Especially for Ira Romaniy