Push-ups for beginner girls. Push-ups for girls: it's worth learning! How to do push-ups from the floor

Such an exercise as push-ups for girls is of great importance, as it helps to get in shape without additional expenses and efforts. With the help of complex training, you can achieve a slender body and a beautiful feminine relief.

Features of female push-ups

In order to maximize the benefits of training, you need to learn how to do push-ups correctly, depending on the goals pursued. There are many variations of the exercise, so you should consider them in more detail.

The Benefits of Exercise

To begin, let's take a look at basic technique push-ups. The classic method provides for a starting position in the lying position. The arms are straightened shoulder-width apart, the legs rest on the floor, the stomach and buttocks are tightened. The body forms a straight line, and in all segments of the push-ups.

If you do push-ups correctly, you can achieve the following results:

  • lose weight;
  • tighten the body
  • increase muscle strength and endurance;
  • train the heart
  • strengthen joints and bones;
  • create an attractive relief of the upper body.

Important: for girls, the rate of muscle pumping should be observed, since excess muscle mass looks unaesthetic and unfeminine. However, you yourself know this very well!

Girls are increasingly choosing a gym as a place to workout. This is no coincidence. Such lessons do not go unnoticed. Competently left training program for girls in gym will ensure the achievement of the goal. Let's see what exercises are suitable for ladies.

Types of push-ups

Consider the main types of exercises that are used in training for women. Classic push-ups are a necessary base for determining the level of physical fitness. for girls who start work from scratch may seem difficult, so on initial stage they can be replaced with a knee stand. So the load becomes less, but the effect will be reduced.

Used for pectoral muscles broad staging hands You can also use wall push-ups to tone your chest. One variation of this exercise is to overcome resistance.

To focus on the hands are used narrow grip when the hands are placed close to each other. The elbows are bent parallel to the body, and not parted to the sides. The simpler option is reverse push-ups from the shop.

Tip: if possible, include in the training program and push-ups on the uneven bars. These shells are usually in every yard.

Fitball is used to increase the load and balance training. His role in the classroom may be as follows:

  • push-ups on the floor from the ball;
  • placement of legs in the upper position;
  • push-ups with resistance from the wall;
  • reverse push-ups;
  • flexion-extension of the arms in an angular position with the head down.

The optimal training scheme should include several exercises for different groups muscles.

For training, men and women use different kinds push-ups. Each of the exercises is characterized by the coverage of certain muscle groups and the degree of load on them. It is worth considering in more detail the main options for their implementation.

Training plan

To achieve a visible result, it is necessary to draw up a training plan and strictly follow it, without omissions and violations of the rules. For beginners, it is better to find a simple scheme and take the classic version of the exercise as a basis in order to strengthen the muscles.

To start playing sports from scratch, determine the level of your preparation. The normal result for girls is 5-10 push-ups in one trial set. In this case, a program designed for 30 days is suitable.

The presented table covers an interval of one month, during which you can increase the daily number of push-ups from 45 to 140. Total should be divided into 3-5 approaches. It is not necessary to work out all the number of repetitions at one time, you can break the workout into morning and evening.

In order not to overload the muscles, every three days of training, a day of rest is provided. On this day, you can completely relax or focus on another problem area.

If you want to cover several variations of exercises, take as a basis circuit training. Similarly, set the number of repetitions and break them into several approaches (circles). For example, do push-ups from the wall, from the floor and reverse 15 times in one set of 3-4 circles. Gradually increase the number of times and reduce the rest within each cycle.

If you regularly engage in yourself, training will give results after the first month. Keep practicing to consolidate the result and achieve the perfect figure.

In girls, the desire to be beautiful and fit is inherent in nature. To be proud slim body need to exercise. Push-ups from the floor are increasingly included in the training program, but for many of the fair sex, this exercise is difficult.

muscles shoulder girdle Women are less developed than men. In this regard, push-ups are more difficult. But nothing is unattainable. How to learn to push up from the floor from scratch?

Safety and Precautions

Safety is an important part of any workout. To avoid injury, pay attention to this item, because health is the most important thing.

Take your time in getting the push-up skill. You won't be able to master it quickly. Two or three weeks is the optimal period for studying at home, but only with a regular approach and with the right load.

The development of proper breathing will take shape during this period. Training 3 times a week with a break of a day or two will not be exhausting. It is necessary to follow the execution technique to avoid injury. It's better not to set records. A strong load on unprepared muscles will not benefit.

REMEMBER! Do not immediately start push-ups from the floor. Lifting your own weight can harm untrained muscles, and the pain will discourage you from continuing to exercise.

It is difficult for a beginner to perform the exercises correctly, so it is better to start with a simplified view and with correct technique. To learn how to do push-ups, you need to go through all the stages.

Step by step wall to floor push up plan

The right training plan is half the success. Normalized and consistent classes will lead to the desired result and do no harm. And a well-planned schedule will remind you that the goal will be achieved on time.

Before any physical exercise, be sure to do a warm-up. After thoroughly warming up the muscles, you can proceed to other exercises.

To determine how many push-ups to start with, you need to try push-ups with the correct technique until you feel a slight fatigue in the muscles. This number will be the original. For girls who have just started training, a comfortable figure will be from 10 to 20 push-ups.

REMEMBER! It is better to start with an emphasis from the wall. Divide the resulting figure by the number of approaches (no more than 5) and add a little load every day.

Stage number 1. Wall push-ups

Stand at a comfortable distance from the wall, straighten your back and legs. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and rest your hands against the wall at a right angle.

Push up from the wall, smoothly bending your elbows and leaning towards the wall, while keeping your back straight. From the outside, the exercise looks simple, and the load is not strongly felt. But in fact, the muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, arms and chest are being worked out. Not bad for a beginner. Repetitions of 10-15 times and 3-5 sets will give the optimal effect.

The exercise can be made more difficult by spreading your arms further away or increasing the distance from the wall.

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Stage number 2. Push-ups with support

As a support, a bench, a chair is suitable. The execution technique is horizontal - with your feet rest on the floor, and with your hands on the support. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, keep your body straight.

Do this: gradually bend your arms at the elbows and lean towards the edge of the support. During execution, make sure that the body does not bend. Exhale down, inhale up.

Do not change the number of sets and repetitions in the first stages. You can complicate it by spreading your hands further apart or by choosing a lower fulcrum. The main load falls on the muscles of the legs and chest.

Stage number 3. Push-ups from the knees

This type similar to the classic, although the girls do not fully appreciate its benefits. The exercise is perfect for beginners, because the load on the muscles of the arms and shoulders is 2 times lower than with push-ups from the floor.

Get on your knees, rest them on the floor, with your hands set at shoulder level, also rest on the floor. Keep the body straight without bending. The muscles of the arms, shoulders and pectoral muscles are loaded. Spreading the support of the arms away from the shoulders, you can complicate the load.

When all the previous stages have been completed, it's time to move on to the classic push-ups from the floor. Preliminary preparation will train you, and the load will not seem so significant.

Stage number 5. Pushups

Classic push-ups from the floor strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, back and abs.

Accept horizontal position, lie down on the floor on a gym mat. To perform the exercise, you need to rest your toes and palms on the floor. Keep your hands at shoulder level, body in line. During execution, bend your arms along the body, and do not spread your elbows in different sides.

It is better to start with a minimum number of approaches, it is important to hone the correct technique.

To complicate the technique, you can expand the distance between the hands, throw your legs on the support, but this is already for physically prepared girls. At the time of training, it is better not to try complicated types.

ADVICE! Who wants to diversify the exercises, there are special stops. They help increase the range of motion of the body, which increases the effectiveness of exercises.

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How and after how much it will be possible to reach 100 push-ups from scratch

Having mastered the classic push-ups, you can move on to increasing the number of repetitions. The cherished number for many girls is the number 100. To achieve this conditional goal, there is a training plan that is based on the number of approaches that increase daily. Plan a five-week workout three times a week for 5 sets.

The conditional plan is shown in the table:

A weekDayApproachesTotal
1 Week1 2 3 2 2 3 12
2 3 4 2 3 4 16
3 4 5 4 4 5 22
2 weeks1 4 6 4 4 6 24
2 5 6 4 4 7 26
3 5 7 5 5 8 30
3 week1 10 12 7 7 9 45
2 10 12 8 8 12 50
3 11 13 9 9 13 55
4 week1 12 14 11 10 16 63
2 14 16 12 12 18 72
3 16 18 13 13 20 80
5 week1 17 21 51 15 23 91
2 20 23 28 19 20 100
3 25 27 25 15 19 111

The first week may seem easy for a prepared person, in which case you can start with the next. In about 5 weeks, you can reach the coveted number. For those who find the next weeks difficult, you can extend the plan up to 6 weeks.

The benefits and harms of push-ups

Benefit exercise Obviously, they strengthen the muscles. But any activity is more effective in the complex. Push-ups are designed to develop the upper body and contribute to:

  • Increasing endurance.
  • Working out the muscles of the hands.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the chest (girls tighten their breasts).
  • Working out the abdominal muscles.
  • The study of the muscles of the back, the formation of a beautiful posture.
  • Body tone.

Possible harm can be done in case of an unbalanced approach:

  • Risk of injury when the general warm-up is neglected.
  • Overwork when too active classes.
  • Pumping the chest, when there is a lot of emphasis on push-ups only.
  • Push-ups are contraindicated for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Push-ups require meticulous execution technique. Always start with warm-up gymnastics to warm up the muscles. This is important to avoid microtrauma of the ligaments. Special attention should be given to the location of the body and correct breathing. Compliance with breaks between sets should be 1-2 minutes. For those who start from scratch, it is recommended to do push-ups at home from the mat. If you experience pain, stop exercising.

Push-ups are a versatile exercise. It does not require additional conditions and sports attributes, and the benefits are obvious. Mastering this effective methodology using only the weight of your body, requires only desire and patience.

Push-ups are an exercise that we have known since school. Despite all its simplicity, it is very effective for working out the muscles of the upper body, and it is useful not only for men, but also for girls. Despite the fact that the last push-ups can be more difficult, many ladies are interested in how to do push-ups for girls, and what this exercise can give us. At correct execution it will be very useful for the fair sex too.

The benefits of push-ups for girls

Push-ups are a popular exercise for increasing strength and endurance, creating relief of the pectoral muscles. It would seem, why do girls need all this? Contrary to the common stereotype, push-ups will not give you huge male arms and shoulders - given the physiology of the female body, this will be very difficult. Push-ups affect women differently, but also positively. Benefit push-ups for girls is as follows:

  • It allows you to maintain the tone of the muscles of the chest and arms, while maintaining elasticity and smartness. You will not pump them over, but you can keep them in good physical form. Additionally, the abdominal muscles are involved, which receive a static load, so push-ups are also good for dealing with excess deposits in the abdomen.
  • Push-ups burn quite a lot of calories. Thus, they help to lose weight and develop muscles at the same time.
  • Push-ups are good for the back and spine. Sometimes professionals advise those who often feel discomfort in this area to perform them.

Push-ups, which are definitely beneficial for girls, will not help you increase breast size. But to improve the figure and keep the muscles in good shape is a task with which they do an excellent job.

How to do push-ups from the floor for girls: features of the technique

It is quite difficult for girls with low physical fitness to push themselves off the floor at least a few times, because their hands are rather weak. It is better to start learning push-ups for girls from scratch with simplified options - push-ups from the wall, from a chair, from the knees, and only then go directly to the classic version.

Wall push-ups

The easiest push-up option for girls, on which you can hone your technique. You need to stand against the wall at a short distance from it, with your hands rest against the wall. Place your palms shoulder-width apart at chest level. Lean on your hands, do push-ups from the wall, bending your elbows to the stop and resting your forehead on the wall. Bend your arms slowly and smoothly. Make sure your knees and back stay straight.

To increase the load, you can move away from the wall further than a step. To begin with, it is enough to do ten exercises, increasing their number over time. By spreading your arms, you can also give yourself a greater load. When the muscles get used to it, move on to more difficult variations of push-ups.

Incline push-ups from the bench

The next step is to help you learn how to do push-ups for a girl. We put our legs together, rest against a bench, chair, sofa, window sill or other surface. We put our hands shoulder-width apart. We do push-ups, bending our elbows, as in the previous version of the exercise.

At first, it is recommended to start with a high support, gradually reducing it. When applying and high support, fix the muscles of the press and back with high quality, try do not bend at the waist. This exercise works well lower part chest muscles. The same muscle groups work as in the classical ones, but the load is much less.

Push-ups from the knees

Push-ups on the knees for girls - a good option for beginners who still find it difficult to perform more difficult exercises. They are performed in the same way as classic push-ups, but the difference is that your knees are on the floor, and you rest on them, and not on your feet. It is important that the lower back does not bend. The load is similar to that of the classic push-ups, but lighter. When you can easily do 15-20 knee push-ups, move on to the classic version.

Push-ups from the floor for girls

Classic push-ups for girls are not as difficult as they seem, especially if you have already mastered the previous options. They are performed as follows:

  • We rest our toes and palms on the floor. The body must be perpendicular to the surface.
  • Bending your elbows, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. As you exhale, slowly return your body to its original position.

Exercise works well pectoral muscles, muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Options for push-ups from the floor for girls

You can distribute the load on the muscles in a different way, changing the position of the hands during push-ups. So, if you spread your arms wider than your shoulders, you get more load. pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle. Such push-ups are done as follows:

  • Take a position with an emphasis on the toes of the legs and straight arms. Place your palms wider than your shoulders by twenty centimeters. Elbows should not go beyond the border of the palms.
  • Tighten your back and stomach muscles.
  • Lower yourself by bending your elbows until they form a right angle. In this case, the chest should almost reach the floor.
  • Straighten your arms, lifting your torso up and strongly pushing off the floor. The force of the push should be concentrated in the shoulder girdle.

If the hands are set narrowly (narrower than the width of the shoulders, but not less than 20 centimeters apart), then the maximum load is received triceps.

  • The palms should be placed strictly along the line of the shoulders. When moving down, do not open your forearms from the body and do not spread your elbows to the sides.
  • For better stability, spread your feet apart.
  • Lower yourself by bending your elbows until a right angle is formed so that your chest is slightly off the floor.
  • Straightening your arms, lift your torso up, actively pushing off the floor. In this case, the maximum push force will come from the triceps.

It is not necessary for girls to use weights, but they can do it if they wish. Push-ups with weights can only be done from the floor. They allow you to provide additional study of the pectoral muscles. These exercises are of an advanced level of difficulty, and beginners should not experiment with them.

Special weighted vests. At home, they are replaced with backpacks filled with something heavy. It is important to fix the weighting rigidly, but in such a way that the exercise is comfortable. The push-up technique is the same as in the usual version, but to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, you need to slightly spread your fingers.

Weighted push-ups are used by women in a complex if they have a certain level of training, and if they purposefully want to increase muscle mass. Weighting allows you to increase the load on the pectoral muscles, so women should be careful with it.

To learn how to properly push up from the floor for girls, consider the following recommendations:

  • Girls are recommended to do push-ups at an average pace and with a small amplitude.
  • Increase the number of approaches gradually. If you have recently started doing push-ups, it is enough to do one set of ten exercises. Then gradually increase the load. Once advanced, you will be able to do three sets of thirty push-ups.
  • When performing the exercise, the body from head to toe should be a straight line, do not lift the buttocks.

If you have recently suffered a limb injury, it is recommended to refrain from push-ups for some time. It will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist before starting classes. He will help you choose the right load and master the right technique and create a push-up program for girls.

Push-ups from the floor: a program for girls

The push-up program for girls may differ depending on your goals. It will be enough to perform this exercise three times a week, gradually increasing the load. Consider a sample program for a few weeks.

Week 1

  • Day 1 - 12 pushups in 3-4 sets.
  • Day 2 - 15 pushups for 3-4 sets.
  • Day 3 - 22 pushups for 3-5 sets.

Week 2

  • Day 1 - 24 pushups for 3-5 sets.
  • Day 2 - 26 pushups for 3-5 sets.
  • Day 3 - 30 pushups for 3-6 sets.

Week 3

  • Day 1 - 45 pushups for 3-6 sets.
  • Day 2 - 50 pushups for 3-6 sets.
  • Day 3 - 55 pushups for 3-5 sets.

In the following weeks, increase the number of push-ups performed. The number of approaches can be as you feel comfortable. You can perform all repetitions at once, or you can break them into sets. The optimal break between sets is no more than a minute. The push-up table for girls, which you can use as a sample, will help you navigate.

Push-up technique for girls: common mistakes

When doing push-ups, beginners may initially allow typical mistakes that violate the technique, affecting the effectiveness and safety of the exercise. Their list is as follows:

  • Sagging or, on the contrary, lifting of the pelvis. The entire body should be in a straight line, from head to toe. The hips and buttocks should neither be above nor below the back.
  • Widely spaced legs. It may be difficult to keep them close to the body at first, but you should get used to it - this is a must. correct technique. Otherwise, you can damage and stretch the muscles.
  • Another mistake, or rather, a misconception, is to replace regular push-ups with push-ups from the knees. The last option will not give you a full load. It can be included in the program, but only if you have not yet mastered the classic bench press technique.

Push-ups for girls are complex exercises that allow you to get strong muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, chest, arms and abs. At the same time, push-ups from the floor for girls are also additional help in dropping calories, since during their execution, about a hundred calories are consumed in three sets with ten repetitions.

Also different types push-ups for women who redistribute the load in different ways on the main muscles and develop more intensively exactly those that are needed.

Push-ups for girls - benefits:

  • Inflated pectoral muscles provide a beautiful elastic more convex and toned chest
  • Any pushups do flat belly, since they cannot be physically performed without straining the abdominal muscles.
  • All types of exercises remove fat from the legs and hips.
  • Trained spinal muscles will help perfect posture and the ability to walk for a long time in heels.
  • Developed shoulders will make the figure more compensated and symmetrical, visually reducing too wide hips.
  • Hands will be beautiful taut without any loose masses.
  • Increase overall endurance and physical strength, which is very important for a modern independent woman.

Total in modern sports there are more than fifty types of push-ups, of which three types of true female push-ups stand out:

  1. The easiest push-up from the wall, the benefit for women of which is to prepare the muscles for a stronger load without overstrain. It is performed from a standing position half a step away from the wall facing it. The palms must be pressed along the height of the chest and the width of the shoulders. Perform push-ups, rising on your toes so that the weight falls completely on your hands.
  2. Push-ups for women with support on their knees are performed standing on their knees and arms outstretched forward. The arms slowly bend until the nose almost touches the floor. This exercise allows you to reduce the load on the back at first and will allow you to pump up the muscles of the chest and arms in order to move on to more complex types.
  3. Push-ups from the floor for girls from the knees are also performed, but the body is at an angle, and not horizontally, while the feet and shins are torn off the floor.

Men usually neglect these exercises, considering them too easy, however, for an untrained girl, they are ideal as an initial option for further increasing the load.

With a gradual increase in muscle strength, you can move on to more difficult "male" exercises, which may also contain a push-up program for girls:

  1. Inclined - push-ups from a bench or any other support, the height of which depends on the level of development of the future athlete. At the same time, the legs rest on the toe, maintained in a perfectly straight position, arms are placed on the shoulders, elbows are retracted slightly to the sides, while rib cage will not reach the support, after which they are fully straightened.
  2. Classic - well-known push-ups from the lying position, performed on straight socks and arms with an ideal straight line of the body. Exercise shakes the chest, triceps, shoulders.
  3. Pressing on the triceps, as the name implies, is done to pump the triceps. It is performed from the “lying emphasis” position with rather narrowly set arms and widely spread toes.
  4. Circular - a kind of push-ups, designed to focus on the back and stomach. They are performed as classical ones, but the weight of the body is transferred to one arm while inhaling after lowering due to the circular movement of the torso - to the other. The rise is made on the exhale.
  5. With palms apart - an exercise performed as a classic, but with wide-set palms to emphasize the pectoral muscles.
  6. With a step to the side, performed to pump the chest and triceps: from the starting position in the lying position with arms close side by side, while inhaling, a step is taken to the side with one hand, then both arms are bent, as in classic exercise, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  7. Opposite ones allow you to alternately load the chest and triceps. They are performed from an emphasis lying with one hand laid back, and the other - to the side. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to bend the elbow in inhalation in such a way that the elbow of the arm extended to the side moves sideways, and the second one moves back. Hands need to be changed periodically.

More difficult exercises for experienced athletes:

  1. Upside down push-ups are classic push-ups with the legs placed on a support in order to increase the load.
  2. Push-ups with a jump are also performed as classic ones, but the lowering is done on the exhale, and the rise is done on the inhale and very sharply with the jump, while you can clap your hands under the chest or palms on the sides. The purpose of the exercise is to develop speed and power of impact.
  3. Push-ups on chairs or pedestals are performed as incline push-ups from the bench, but at the same time, the arms have individual supports and are spread wider than the shoulders, and lowering is carried out not to the support, but to the maximum possible depth. When they are performed, the load also increases.
  4. For a more intensive study of the muscles, classical push-ups are performed only on one arm with the second hand wound behind the back with a periodic change in the loaded limb.
  5. Loaded push-ups - classic push-ups with additional weight on the back.

Workout program

The most popular today is the 30-day push-up program for girls, which is designed so that even a completely undeveloped physically lady can learn to perform up to a hundred push-ups per workout within a month.

This push-up program for girls is built with a gradual increase and allows you to increase the maximum number of push-ups ten times.

Push-up program for girls table for 30 days:

The number of spins. Only 5 approaches.

12, 10, 8, 12, 8

13, 9, 11, 13, 9

16, 14, 10, 11, 12

16, 18, 12, 12, 14

20, 18, 13, 13, 16

23, 21, 15, 15, 17

25, 23, 17, 15, 21

27, 25, 25, 15, 19

As can be seen from the table, the push-up scheme for girls is designed so that in just a month you can learn how to do one hundred s extra push-ups those who find it difficult to complete the exercise just a couple of times. Push-ups for 30 days for girls are calculated in such a way that both a weak girl who cannot do push-ups more than once, and an experienced athlete can increase the number of push-ups. In the first case, you can start doing light types of push-ups, and at the end of the course, switch to the classic ones and start all over again, and in the second, start immediately from a certain level, for example, from the third week, and logically continue the table.

Also, the push-up table for girls is designed in such a way that classes are held every other day, since daily workouts are contraindicated due to the time required to restore muscle tissue and the nervous system.

push-up rules

The basic principles of how to do push-ups for girls are exactly the same as for men:

  1. Before training, always do a warm-up to reduce stress by muscle tissue. Five to ten minutes of cardio exercises followed by swings or arm rotations are suitable as it.
  2. Start with minimal loads.
  3. Gradually increase the pace.
  4. Do not overexert or injure muscles.
  5. Do not exercise more than every other day. Daily workouts, broken down into morning and evening, are only allowed for those girls who freely do push-ups more than twenty-five times per set.
  6. Do the exercises correctly.
  7. Maintain breaks between sets for at least 60 seconds, and in case of weight loss - at least 120 seconds.

How to do push-ups for girls is also an important issue, on which the quality of the result depends. The female version of the push-up technique is no different from the male:

  • Keep the body straight, as perfect as possible, without bending the back, hips or knees.
  • Don't wiggle your hips.
  • Do not twitch during the exercise, but perform it smoothly at a measured pace.
  • For convenience, you can slightly space your elbows.
  • It is advisable to keep your head straight, looking in front of you, which in the case of classic push-ups means straight.

The generally accepted standard for how many times a girl should do push-ups is 15–20 at a time.

This is the norm of push-ups for girls from the age of seventeen, which is approved in school curriculum, but, unfortunately, most girls are actually able to wring out three times, which indicates the level physical development below the minimum allowed value.

The true meaning of how much a girl should do push-ups depends on many factors: health status, period of the menstrual cycle, diet (on a diet or not), etc.

If there is no way to find out experienced trainer on an individual basis, how to do push-ups for girls, then you need to navigate according to your initial physical data and feelings after training:

  • You can not overwork too much otherwise there will be problems with nervous system, hormonal levels, sleep and appetite.
  • But you can’t train in such a way that you don’t feel tired, otherwise there will be no sense.
  • It is optimal to continue training to such an extent that the muscles begin to hurt, but this pain disappears after training.

The benefits of push-ups for girls are huge, as they not only help to quickly build up physical strength, but also significantly improve appearance, increasing sexuality, however, if it is impossible to perform for any reason, you can replace them with bench presses, dumbbell breeding or other alternative exercises for the same muscles.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 14 2017


This exercise in its various variations is a great way to make your shoulders and arms stronger and more beautiful. At the same time, push-ups help to form good posture and waist, strengthen the muscular corset of the body, contribute to the elasticity of the chest, which is especially important for girls.

What are the benefits of push-ups

The basic exercise involves working with the weight of your own body, so several muscle groups and joints at the same time. The benefits of push-ups for women are largely due to effective weight loss: even with crunches (movements for pumping the press), a person spends half as many calories as with push-ups. The complex work of the muscles of the body provides a number of advantages:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens abdominal muscles;
  • increases endurance and strength.

By doing 100 repetitions, you will spend 100 kcal, while working out the stomach with twists will give only half of this result. This is due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved in push-ups at once - pectoral, deltoid (on the shoulders), biceps and triceps. Exercise, in addition, is useful in that it helps a woman get rid of a lot of problems - they correct posture, tighten the skin, make the stomach flatter by using the transverse muscles of the peritoneum, and tighten the chest. At the same time, systematic exercises are important for weight loss - it is advisable to do push-ups daily.

From the floor

This is a classic and one of the easiest options for performing an exercise that even a novice athlete can learn. Its peculiarity lies in the vertical position of the body. How to do push-ups from the floor for girls:

  • take an emphasis on socks and palms, placing your hands wider than your shoulders, keep your back straight;
  • without sagging your pelvis to the floor, begin to bend your arms, take your forearms away from the body by about 45 degrees;
  • touching the surface of the floor with your chest, push yourself up, unbending your elbows.

Push-ups for girls, if performed correctly, make the maximum number of different muscles work. In this case, the upper chest, gluteal muscles, triceps and abs. For those girls who start from scratch, the number of repetitions should be limited - for the first time, 10-15 push-ups are enough. For those women who already have some physical training, the load should be increased by increasing the number of movements or using a small burden.

From the wall

This is a great option for women who have never been into fitness with weak arms or who are returning to training after an injury. Such easy technique absolutely safe for the joints, it allows you to maintain a normal deflection of the lower back and gradually strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms. It’s worth starting to do push-ups from the wall for girls with 10-20 repetitions, and when such a complex becomes too easy for you, increase the approach by another 10 times. The execution technique looks like this:

  • step back from the wall 1.5 steps, place your palms wide on it;
  • start bending your elbows, moving your body towards the wall, then unbend them, pushing back to the starting position;
  • leaning on the floor with the whole foot and moving slowly, do 12-15 repetitions.

From my knees

Another female version of the exercise, which is performed as easily as possible, is push-ups from the knees. With the help of this multi-joint technique, the pectoral, dorsal, as well as the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are strengthened. Doing push-ups from the knees for women is very simple - the complex is suitable even for little girls and older ladies with weakened muscles. How to do simplified push-ups for girls:

  • rest your palms and knees on the floor, keeping your body straight, and your hands at a level with your shoulders;
  • tearing your feet off the floor with your shins, begin to bend your elbows, leaving top torso down, after straightening the arms, returning to the starting position;
  • repeat the movement 20 times.

How to do push-ups for girls

The technique of movements for girls is no different from men's, however, some indulgences may be given to the weaker sex. Push-ups for women rarely involve a weighted exercise or with an emphasis on the fingers, not the palms. As a rule, girls prefer to perform the standard version with the arms parallel or slightly wider than the shoulders. In this case, the movements have an average amplitude and low speed. To do push-ups correctly, the back must be kept straight, and the legs should be placed either at shoulder level, or narrower, while the stomach should be pulled in.

During any training, it is imperative to monitor your breathing - rise as you exhale, and fall as you inhale. For beginners with overweight the norm of repetitions will be 7-8 times, while at each lesson this number should be increased. Before starting a workout, it is important to warm up the muscles by performing a few swings of the arms, squats, body tilts, etc.

How to learn to push up

You can work out the technique of the exercise only by regular workouts, that is, you need to do push-ups systematically. At the same time, it is important to memorize the correct initial position of the body - the arms are straight, are at shoulder level or slightly wider, the back is even without a strong deflection in the lower back, the pelvis is retracted. In addition, when performing movements, you need to keep the muscles of the abdomen and thighs tense - this will help stabilize the body. When bending your arms, you need to lower your body to the floor as low as possible - this way you will provide sufficient load on the chest, shoulders, triceps, quickly giving them a beautiful shape.

To quickly learn how to do push-ups, it is important to further strengthen the hips, abs and back. To do this, perform exercises aimed at pumping the corresponding types of muscles. The push-up program for girls should be comprehensive, especially if it is aimed at losing weight. To have toned body, it is important to perform push-ups for girls regularly (at least 3 times a week).

The main mistakes of beginners when performing a movement that prevent them from achieving the expected results and making the muscles strong:

  • protrusion of the buttocks up;
  • sagging belly;
  • "dives" to the floor of the head;
  • curvature of the back during push-ups;
  • insufficiently low inclination of the body when bending the elbows (the chest should touch the floor).

From the floor

Training in the technique of performing an exercise can conditionally be divided into several stages, which will differ in severity. In this case, you first need to assess the level of preparation of women. So, if you can push out 5 or more times, then the first 2 points should be skipped, otherwise, start preparing the body for classes from the very beginning. It is important for girls to do push-ups from the floor correctly, for this there is a six-step training methodology.

  1. Bending the arms with an emphasis on the wall. Any unprepared person can perform this exercise. Stand in front of the wall, leave your legs a meter back, rest your hands on its surface (while they should be parallel to your shoulders). Begin to bend your elbows, moving your body towards the wall, then unbend your arms until the joint is fully extended. Push up like this 15-20 times. Make sure that not only the upper body leans, but also the pelvis with the legs - so the load will be full.
  2. Push-ups from the knees. Once you're comfortable with wall push-ups, move on to a harder variation of the exercise. Rest your knees and palms on the floor, begin to slowly lower your body down, bending your elbows set slightly wider than your shoulders. Then fully straighten your arms, returning to the starting position (you need to raise the entire body, along with the pelvis). Do 20 reps at a time, while keeping your ankle and feet off the floor.
  3. Bench push-ups. The support should not be too high, but not low either (optimally - 40-50 cm above the floor level). Lean your hands on the object, it is better to put your legs against the wall so as not to drive off. Go down, almost touching the bench with your chest, then straighten your arms. The legs and palms should be in line with the shoulders. Start doing the exercise with 20 repetitions.
  4. Plank. This exercise will help strengthen the muscle corset of the back, abs, buttocks, shoulders and arms, making it easier to perform classic push-ups for girls in the future. Rest your palms and socks on the floor, align your back so that there is no bend in the lower back and bulging priests. Tightening your whole body, including your stomach and hips, hold the position for at least 40-60 seconds.
  5. Half push ups. This is a transitional exercise that helps to develop the technique and increase the strength of the muscles necessary for full push-ups. The movement is performed according to the following scheme: hands are placed on the floor, legs are parallel to them, after you need to bend your elbows, moving your body to the floor, linger for a second in a position where your arms bend 90 degrees, and return the body to its original position. The optimal number of repetitions is 20.
  6. Pushups. Take the position described in the last exercise, tighten your abs, hips, and back. Push up, lowering the body almost to the floor. Start with 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

On uneven bars

This heavy traumatic exercise must be learned before proceeding to its implementation. Push-ups on the uneven bars for girls make you work hard chest muscle, triceps, upper part back and deltas. Pushing up in this way, the load is still on the ligaments and tendons, shoulder joints, therefore, before performing movements, it is important to warm up the body well and prepare the muscles. Training to strengthen the body of girls before push-ups on the uneven bars should include:

  • push-ups from the floor narrow setting hands (elbows should be pressed to the body, and palms should be at chest level), while it is optimal to repeat the exercise 10-15 times in each of 4 approaches;
  • push-ups from the bench reverse grip- an alternative to the first method, which strengthens the triceps well (repeat the exercise, lowering the pelvis to the floor as much as possible, 10 times in each of 4 approaches);
  • partial push-ups on the uneven bars, in which you do not go too low to the horizontal bars, and keep your arms parallel to the body (repeat the movement 8 times in each of 3 approaches);
  • push-ups on uneven bars with support, in which you will be insured, holding your ankles (perform the exercise 10 times in the approach, which can be 4-6).

Video: push-up technique

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