Clinic of Tibetan medicine zhud shi. Read online "Chzhud-shih

BBC 53.59 457

Ch 57 Chud-shi. Basics Tibetan medicine. - St. Petersburg: "Nevsky Prospekt", 1999. - 156 p. (Classic of natural medicine.)

ISBN 5-8378-0020-4

What is the secret of Tibetans' longevity? Maybe because they lived and live without losing touch with Nature?

The famous treatise "Chzhud-shih" is not just a "reference book of the attending physician", although it has been the main manual of Tibetan healers since the second half of the 12th century. It is useful not only for those who treat, but also for those who are being treated, and especially for those who are going to stay healthy all their lives.

Seasonal nutrition, the choice of their own, individual methods of recovery, depending on the constitution, age, lifestyle and causes of illness.

ISBN 5-8378-0020-4

© Publisher

"Nevsky prospect", 1999

From editions

The knowledge that the peoples possessed ancient india, China, Mongolia, Tibet, concentrated in one bright point, which for thousands of years illuminated the path of the entire Tibetan medical science. This point was and remains the ancient Tibetan medical treatise "Chzhud-shi" - a set of secret oral instructions transmitted from teacher to student.

If we allow ourselves to compare our body with a computer, then according to the original plan, the Chud-shih was created as a guide for experienced "programmers", for doctors who professionally study human body and how natural processes - heat, cold, moisture - act on it, unbalancing it and causing illness.

Now you have a book in front of you, which of the entire huge, multifaceted treatise includes only those chapters that can be useful to you and me, ordinary “users” who seek to get to know their “computer” better and learn how to operate it as competently as possible.

Of the huge number of topics that the above-mentioned treatise contains, we have chosen only those that relate to maintaining health, preventing diseases and achieving longevity, that is, everything that every person who respects his health should know about himself so that he does not have to " repair" your "computer" from serious damage.

You will learn how to “adjust” your lifestyle to the seasons of the year, about the features of such a “seasonal” lifestyle. You will understand that all people are divided into certain types - the constitutions of "wind", "mucus", "bile" or combinations thereof, which are reflected in appearance and behavior, and you will be able to determine your type. Pay Special attention on the description of these types, in order, based on them, to use the knowledge and recommendations of ancient physicians. Indeed, for each type of constitution, "Chzhud-shih" offers its own, individual diet and recommends products, sleep patterns, sexual life, methods of treatment, lifestyle.

From the section intended for "programmers", that is, professional doctors, we decided to leave everything related to the causes of diseases, some diagnostic techniques and treatment recommendations.

Acquaintance with the treatise "Chzhud-shih" will be a revelation for many people who are interested in the problems of healing people. But some of the recommendations that you will find here are already familiar to our readers from books by famous authors. For example, G. P. Malakhov in his system used the Tibetan solar-lunar calendar as the basis on which the biorhythmology of the body's healing is built.

Now you have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the original source, but also to put this ancient knowledge into practice. We hope that this unique treatise will help you better understand your own body, protect yourself from disease and achieve longevity.


Tibet... Maybe this is the most mysterious country in the world. For many centuries, Tibet kept its secrets, warily resisting the manifestations of the “childish” curiosity of Europe. But the 20th century does not recognize secrets, and gradually the amazing world of the Buddhist state with its philosophy, science, art was revealed before the astonished gaze of Europeans ... Unique systems became known oriental medicine, where a person was presented not as a mechanical being, in which some details occasionally fail, requiring repair, but as a small particle of a huge universe - a microcosm, in which, like in a drop of water, the ocean, all the principles and laws of the universe are reflected. Human health is not just a state convenient for life, but a manifestation of the highest harmony and perfection of this world. It is no coincidence that all Eastern medical systems are so closely connected with philosophy and religion.

Tibetan medicine occupies a special place among the Eastern medical systems. The history of this state developed in such a way that two ancient cultures - India and China - came into contact here. Tibetan doctors not only accepted these two medical traditions, but were able to integrate them into a single medical system, developing and enriching it with their own practical experience, correlating it with the geographical and climatic features of their country. Tibetan medicine is a unique system, not reducible to any of its sources, which is trusted by millions of people. For thousands of years, its services have been used not only by Tibetans, but also by residents of India, the northwestern part of China, Mongolia, the southeastern part of Turkestan, the Buryat and Kalmyk steppes.

In the second half of the 19th century, Tibetan medicine penetrated Russia through Buryatia and Kalmykia, and many noble persons, including those of the royal family, resorted to the help of Tibetan doctors. At the end of the 19th century, the first translation into Russian of the famous medical treatise “Chzhud-shchi” appeared, made by Zhamsaran (Peter Alexandrovich) Badmaev *. In the 20th century, a systematic study of the Tibetan medical system by Russian medical scientists began; entire departments of scientific institutes worked on these problems. The result of this work was a new translation of the Chud-shih, as well as a number of monographs and articles on various aspects of Tibetan medicine.

But not only physicians are interested in ancient Tibetan texts. The author of the great medical work himself, realizing this, turned not only to doctors:

“O friends, whoever wants to live without getting sick, let him teach the instructions for healing! Whoever wants longevity, let him teach instructions on healing! Who wants to be rich, happy, let him teach instructions on healing! Whoever wants to relieve the suffering of others, who wants to rise above their heads, let him teach instructions on healing!”

* About P. A. Badmaev, see Appendix II.




A complete body of knowledge on Tibetan medicine is contained in a four-volume treatise written down by Yutog-ba Yondan-gonpo*. The treatise is called "The Heart (Extract) of Amrita - the Eight-membered Tantra of Secret Oral Instructions."

Amrita - nectar, elixir; the mythical drink of immortality obtained by the gods and asuras while churning the milky ocean; in a figurative sense, a synonym for the word "medicine". The eight members of medicine are diseases of the body, childhood diseases, female diseases, diseases from demons, wounds, poisoning, old age, sexual impotence.

The etymology of the word "tantra" has various interpretations. In Vaidurya-onbo an attempt is made to explain the meaning of the word from a medical point of view. It is divided into two roots: "tanu" - the body and "traya" - protection. In relation to texts, this word indicates the intimate nature of their content, the need to get acquainted with the oral tradition of commenting, which is transmitted directly from the teacher to the student.

The narration here is conducted on behalf of the Buddha Shakyamuni, or rather, his "medical incarnation"

*For Yutog-ba Yondan-gonpo, see Appendix I.

Bhaishajya Guru (Chief Physician). Bhaisajya Guru is seated on a throne in the middle of the palace located in the city of Lta-na-sdug (Beautiful in appearance). The palace is adorned with medicinal gems different types pacifying 404 diseases. The listeners surrounding the Teacher in four circles on all sides are various gods, rishis and followers of Buddhism.

However, the Buddha himself does not take part in the presentation process, before each tantra he plunges into a state of samadhi (full concentration) and leaves it after the completion of the tantra. As soon as the Buddha enters samadhi, a ray of hundreds and thousands of different colors breaks out of his body, spreads to ten cardinal directions and cleanses all living beings from filth, sins and diseases. Then the Buddha emanate from himself rishis, representing his personality in different aspects. Rishi Manosiji, the personification of the language of the Buddha, who asks the Chief Physician questions, is a permanent character. These questions are answered by the other four rishis, who emerge from different parts of the Buddha's body and recite one tantra each. Therefore, the treatise consists of four volumes and is briefly called "Chzhud-shi", which means "Four Tantras".

Like the human body

the highest of all six kinds of births -

so that it lives long, prospering in secular

and religious affairs

I'll tell you briefly...

says Rishi Vidyajnana, the incarnation of the Buddha.




In Zhud-shi, as in most Eastern medical systems, priority is given to the prevention of diseases, as well as to the problems of preserving and maintaining health.

Tibetan doctors give a person a lot of advice and recommendations that will help maintain health ...

Download ZHUD-SHI in PDF format

"CHZHUD-SHI" a monument of medieval Tibetan culture Responsible editors

candidate of medical sciences S. M. Nikolaev,
Doctor of Historical Sciences R. E. Pubaev

Chud-shi- a classic source of Tibetan medicine, which contains the centuries-old experience of Tibetan doctors who used in their practice the achievements of the medical systems of India, China and other countries. The main provisions of Tibetan medicine are outlined, theoretical settings and medicinal raw materials are presented.

For the first time in Russian, methods of diagnostics, technology for preparing dosage forms, methods of prescribing and techniques for carrying out various procedures are described. In the introductory article, short review history of Tibetan medicine, highlights the problem of the authorship of the treatise.

The book is of interest to researchers in the history of culture and medicine, as well as philologists, philosophers, and ethnographers.

Translated from Tibetan by D. B. Dashiev
Doctor of Medical Sciences A. N. Kudrin
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences G. G. Nikolaeva
Candidate of Philology L. S. Savitsky

Elizabeth Bazaron Essays on Tibetan Medicine.
Ulan-Ude, EcoArt Agency, 1992. S. - 54-55

Chapter 26 of the Jude Shi treatise describes the practical foundations of the medical tactics of a doctor.

They, representing historical interest, have not lost their significance in our time.

Four positions are considered:

  1. when healing is easy;
  2. when it is difficult to heal;
  3. when you need to heal, in order to only slightly heal and
  4. when to leave without treatment.

«... Easy to treat the sick if the doctor knows at the proper level all the constituent parts (sections) of medical science and is distinguished by moral purity, when the medicines are prepared according to all the rules and have all the medicinal virtues;

If the patient himself is reasonable, has a perfect mind, follows all the instructions of the doctor, is able to understand the cause and circumstances that caused the disease;

When the disease is treated in the initial period and flows without complications.

« Difficult to heal"sick people under circumstances opposite to those indicated above, as well as people who are hostile to doctors, people who are frivolous, perverted by a bad life, who have lost all faith in a cure, etc.

« Lightly heal"It is necessary when the treatment regimen is beneficial for the patient and "there is still time of life allotted to him by fate."

« Leave without treatment"The patient is possible when the treatment will not give positive results, when there are clear signs of death, when the patient is afflicted with "nine terminal, life-ending ailments."

The "nine terminal ailments" in Tibetan medicine mean:

  1. “the expiration of a life predetermined by fate (the onset of natural death);
  2. violation of all internal connections of the material elements of the body;
  3. complete lack of therapeutic effect (inevitable death with any treatment);
  4. damage to vital organs;
  5. cessation of the life-supporting rlung activity (due to the neglect of the disease);
  6. the transition of heat, fever of its highest limits;
  7. the transition of the cold of the organism to its lowest limit;
  8. complete depletion of the main forces of the body;
  9. excessive exhaustion (agonal state) "...

BBC 53.59 457

Ch 57 Chud-shi. Fundamentals of Tibetan medicine. - St. Petersburg: "Nevsky Prospekt", 1999. - 156 p. (Classic of natural medicine.)

ISBN 5-8378-0020-4

What is the secret of Tibetans' longevity? Maybe because they lived and live without losing touch with Nature?

The famous treatise "Chzhud-shih" is not just a "reference book of the attending physician", although it has been the main manual of Tibetan healers since the second half of the 12th century. It is useful not only for those who treat, but also for those who are being treated, and especially for those who are going to stay healthy all their lives.

Seasonal nutrition, the choice of their own, individual methods of recovery, depending on the constitution, age, lifestyle and causes of illness.

ISBN 5-8378-0020-4

© Publisher

"Nevsky prospect", 1999

From editions

The knowledge possessed by the peoples of ancient India, China, Mongolia, Tibet, concentrated in one bright point, which for thousands of years illuminated the path of all Tibetan medical science. This point was and remains the ancient Tibetan medical treatise "Chzhud-shi" - a set of secret oral instructions transmitted from teacher to student.

If we allow ourselves to compare our body with a computer, then according to the original plan, "Chzhud-shih" was created as a guide for experienced "programmers", for doctors who professionally study the human body and how natural processes - heat, cold, moisture - act on him, unbalancing and causing disease.

Now you have a book in front of you, which of the entire huge, multifaceted treatise includes only those chapters that can be useful to you and me, ordinary “users” who seek to get to know their “computer” better and learn how to operate it as competently as possible.

Of the huge number of topics that the above-mentioned treatise contains, we have chosen only those that relate to maintaining health, preventing diseases and achieving longevity, that is, everything that every person who respects his health should know about himself so that he does not have to " repair" your "computer" from serious damage.

You will learn how to “adjust” your lifestyle to the seasons of the year, about the features of such a “seasonal” lifestyle. You will understand that all people are divided into certain types - the constitutions of "wind", "mucus", "bile" or combinations thereof, which are reflected in appearance and behavior, and you will be able to determine your type. Pay special attention to the description of these types so that, based on them, you can use the knowledge and recommendations of the ancient physicians. Indeed, for each type of constitution, "Chzhud-shih" offers its own, individual diet and recommends products, sleep patterns, sexual life, methods of treatment, lifestyle.

From the section intended for "programmers", that is, professional doctors, we decided to leave everything related to the causes of diseases, some diagnostic techniques and treatment recommendations.

Acquaintance with the treatise "Chzhud-shih" will be a revelation for many people who are interested in the problems of healing people. But some of the recommendations that you will find here are already familiar to our readers from books by famous authors. For example, G. P. Malakhov in his system used the Tibetan solar-lunar calendar as the basis on which the biorhythmology of the body's healing is built.

Now you have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the original source, but also to put this ancient knowledge into practice. We hope that this unique treatise will help you better understand your own body, protect yourself from disease and achieve longevity.


Tibet... Maybe this is the most mysterious country in the world. For many centuries, Tibet kept its secrets, warily resisting the manifestations of the “childish” curiosity of Europe. But the 20th century does not recognize secrets, and gradually the amazing world of the Buddhist state with its philosophy, science, art was revealed before the astonished gaze of Europeans... The unique systems of Oriental medicine became known, where a person was presented not as a mechanical details that require repair, but as a small particle of the vast universe - a microcosm, which reflects, like in a drop of water, the ocean, all the principles and laws of the universe. Human health is not just a state convenient for life, but a manifestation of the highest harmony and perfection of this world. It is no coincidence that all Eastern medical systems are so closely connected with philosophy and religion.

Tibetan medicine occupies a special place among the Eastern medical systems. The history of this state developed in such a way that two ancient cultures - India and China - came into contact here. Tibetan doctors not only accepted these two medical traditions, but were able to integrate them into a single medical system, developing and enriching it with their own practical experience, correlating it with the geographical and climatic features of their country. Tibetan medicine is a unique system, not reducible to any of its sources, which is trusted by millions of people. For thousands of years, its services have been used not only by Tibetans, but also by residents of India, the northwestern part of China, Mongolia, the southeastern part of Turkestan, the Buryat and Kalmyk steppes.