Bilayt 96 what not to eat and drink. Beelayt capsules: is the natural composition for weight loss so safe? Indications for use

Capsules Bilayt 90, 96 are a dietary supplement aimed at splitting fat deposits in the buttocks, waist and abdomen. The drug is made on the basis of natural biological components and is sold in the form of capsules. One package of Beelight capsules can contain both 90 and 96 capsules.

How do Beeline capsules work?

The medication has positive effect on the body. When using it:

  • the structure of internal fatty tissue is normalized;
  • lipid metabolism in the blood is restored;
  • the amount of excess body fat acquired in the process of hormonal adjustment or improper nutrition is reduced;
  • the body is cleansed of accumulated toxins.

Under the influence of biological components, the body easily gets rid of excess body fat and toxins, which contributes to weight loss and overall strengthening of the body.

There is another division of positive effects on the body. It is based on the amount of medication used. To achieve the full amount of recovery and weight loss, you will need five packs of dietary supplements.

After using the first package, the metabolism and the water-salt balance of the body are restored. Also, in the process of applying the first pack, work improves gastrointestinal tract.

The use of the second and third packages leads to the complete breakdown of unwanted fat deposits, purification and thinning of the blood, as well as the removal of toxic substances from the body. Under the influence of the drug, the effective distribution of nutritional components to all organ systems is carried out.

The subsequent use of a pharmacological agent allows you to consolidate the result, improve the functioning of metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the natural ingredients, the Beelight tool allows you to reduce weight in the most natural way. This effect is achieved by improving the functioning of all organ systems and their purification.

The composition of the drug

Regardless of the packaging of the Beelight medication, the composition is identical. Each capsule contains the following ingredients:

  1. Lotus (leaves). The main effect of this component is to reduce body temperature, but also lotus leaves have a positive effect on the process of splitting fats.
  2. Hawthorn.
  3. Trunk mushroom. Under the influence of this component, the functioning of the liver improves, as a result of which the process of digestion of fats is accelerated.
  4. Chicken gizzards (inner shell). Included in the shells of the inner surface of the chicken ventricles help improve digestion and restore the proper functioning of the stomach.
  5. Poria coconut. The substances of this component have a tonic and diuretic effect.

In addition to the listed components, the composition includes other natural components. The natural composition allows the drugs to be safe and not addictive. The difference between Bilayt 90 and Bialight 96 is the amount of certain active ingredients in one capsule.

Indications for use

The use of biologically active additives is necessary for persons with:

  • excessive body weight;
  • increased swelling;
  • failure of lipid metabolism;
  • disorders of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • constipation caused by improper functioning of the digestive tract.

The composition of Beelayt capsules allows not only to eliminate unnecessary body fat without causing harm to health, but also to improve health and improve the functioning of many organ systems.

It is possible to reduce weight using the medication in question in cases where excess body fat is provoked by:

  • improperly selected diet;
  • failure in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • age-related changes;
  • hypertension.

Despite the fact that the remedy is safe, it is advisable to visit a specialist before using it.

How to use Beelight

The use of the drug is permissible according to different schemes. Main uses:

  1. Scheme 1. The tablet is used until 10 am once a day. Throughout the day you need to drink water from the tap. The minimum amount of water absorbed is 250 ml before each meal. Only tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks are not allowed in the diet.
  2. Scheme 2. Two capsules are required per day. Up to 10 hours, you should drink 250 ml of water, then immediately drink the capsule with another 250 ml of liquid. During the day, the liquid must be consumed as in the first scheme. The second capsule is consumed between 14:00 and 16:00.
  3. Scheme 3. The drug is used twice a day, 2 capsules. The first time they should be drunk before 8. The next use of the drug is made in the period from 14 to 16 hours. A large amount of water must be consumed.
  4. Scheme 4. It is also necessary to consume 4 capsules per day, but their intake is divided into 4 times. The drug should be consumed at 7, 12, 16 and 19 hours. The medication should be taken with 250 ml of raw water. If discomfort occurs when using the medication, you can reduce the number of doses up to 3 times.

The selection of the scheme is carried out depending on the desired results.

With regular use of the weight loss product, weight loss may stop after 14 days. This is a standard phenomenon in which you should increase the dosage of the medication or change the pattern of use.

Do not use the product together with food. The medication should be taken either 40 minutes before a meal or after it 15 hours later. Depending on the scheme chosen, 3 to 5 packages of Beelight will be required to achieve the desired result.

It is contraindicated to take the drug before bedtime, as this can provoke insomnia. For achievement good result it is recommended to use Bilayt 90 for girls weighing up to 75 kg, and Bilayt 96 is indicated for persons weighing over 75 kg.

Side effects

The drug has a natural composition, which reduces the likelihood of developing negative manifestations. In rare cases, you may experience:

  • increased sweating;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • increase in heart rate.

To reduce the likelihood of developing negative consequences, you should not use the drug for weight loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should also take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

The issue of harmony has recently become more and more relevant. Girls want to have beautiful figure. However, not everyone is willing to help. grueling workouts and strict diets. Fashionistas who do not want to limit themselves, but want to lose weight, decide to carry out the process with the help of drugs. One of these tools are capsules Beelayt for weight loss.

They were made in China. Their manufacturer claims that the tool can help you lose up to 5 kg per week. It was developed specifically for women who have gained excess weight after pregnancy. Effectively, the drug also helps middle-aged fashionistas who have gained extra pounds as a result of hormonal changes. If you believe the manufacturer's claims, the tool can not only stimulate weight loss, but can also help improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as slow down aging. To understand how the information provided by the manufacturer is true, you need to carefully study the drug. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the nuances of the impact of Beelayt on the body and the features of its use. We will talk further about how to drink slimming capsules correctly, about their pros and cons, as well as the results that can be achieved.

If you carefully study Bilayt, it turns out that it is a drug that affects metabolism. In addition, the tool helps to cleanse the intestines and get rid of excess fat. The tool is aimed at women who want to improve the condition of the abdomen.

The drug gives a positive effect due to the unique composition, which includes:

  • lotus leaves - help cleanse cells and blood vessels from excess fat, reduce cholesterol in the blood,
  • discorea root - brings the same effect as lotus leaves,
  • hawthorn fruits - allow you to activate metabolism, saturate the body with energy,
  • poria coconut - has a diuretic and tonic effect,
  • shell of the stomach of a chicken - prevents the appearance of appetite,
  • tinder fungus - helps to improve the functioning of the liver and the rapid removal of fat from the body.

The drug is available in the form of capsules or tablets. This form allows you to deliver Beelight to the place, while maintaining the original composition of the drug.

Note! There is an opinion that Bilayt is not able to help in weight loss. The tinder fungus, which is part of it, is toxic, and a strange set of substances suggests fraud. There is no confirmation of such statements, however, a refutation has not been received. For this reason, deciding to use the product, the fashionista takes a risk.

Before you start taking Beeline capsules, you should consult with a specialist. Only a doctor is able to assess how useful the use of the drug will be, and whether it can have a positive effect in the weight loss procedure. In addition to visiting a doctor, it is recommended to study the reviews of bilayt slimming capsules. The opinion of other women of fashion will allow the girl to get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the drug in advance.

How to take Bilayt?

There are several varieties of b-lite available today. A dietary supplement made in China differs in the number of capsules.

A fashionista can purchase one of the following types of medicine:

  • bilayt 40 - white-pink color of capsules,
  • bilayt 90 - blue color of capsules,
  • bilayt 96 - purple color of capsules.

The most common is the version of the drug, which includes 96 capsules. The choice of Beeline variety should be carried out depending on individual nuances. You should not trust the advice that I highlight this or that option for using dietary supplements. Before you start taking, the instructions for using Bilayt 90 tablets or another type of drug must be studied without fail.

Having decided to lose weight with the help of a remedy, and thinking about how to take it correctly, a fashionista must adhere to the following rules:

  • experts recommend drinking 2 capsules per day,
  • while taking the drug, fluid intake should be increased to at least 2.5 liters,
  • the remedy should be drunk 30-40 minutes before the morning meal and lunch,
  • the duration of the course is 45 days.

The standard instruction does not contain strict requirements for admission. This is due to the fact that Beelight is made from natural ingredients and is theoretically not capable of harming human health. Experts recommend listening to your body and, based on the data, make course adjustments. At the same time, do not forget to drink plenty of fluids.

Note! The state of the body must be monitored. If a fashionista sees that Beelight's reception does not work, she should take a break. Its duration is 1 week. Then the use of dietary supplements for weight loss can be resumed. Rest will allow the body to readjust.

Experts do not recommend taking the drug for weight loss at night. This can lead to insomnia. It should be remembered that only a natural drug can help reduce weight. For this reason, you need to carefully check the tool for fakes.

Contraindications and side effects from the use of capsules Beelayt

Despite the fact that Beelight is made from natural ingredients, there are a number of contraindications to its use.

  • the age of the fashionista has not reached 16 years or exceeded the mark of 65 years,
  • the girl is expecting the birth of a child or is breastfeeding,
  • a person suffering from high blood pressure
  • the fashionista is allergic to the components of the product,
  • the girl has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Slimming capsules should be drunk carefully.

The use of the drug for weight loss Beelayt can cause the following side effects:

  • dry mouth
  • allergic reaction
  • insomnia
  • occurrence of headaches
  • swallowing problems
  • cardiac arrhythmias,
  • increased secretion of saliva and sweat,
  • colic in the stomach,
  • increase in pressure.

It is forbidden to exceed the dose indicated in the instructions. Failure to comply may result in unforeseen consequences. To prevent the occurrence of health problems, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer.

How not to buy a fake drug?

Today, cases of falsification of slimming capsules are not uncommon. Fake Bilayt can harm human health. For this reason, a fashionista must know how to distinguish an original from a fake. In order not to become a victim of scammers, it is recommended to ask for a certificate for the tool. The seller is obliged to provide paper at the request of the applicant. The reluctance to perform the action should alert the buyer. It is better to refuse the acquisition of such dietary supplements.

Note! The manufacturer of Beelight is the Chinese company San Jiu. The price of the tool is quite high. If a person sees that Beelight is being sold significantly below the average cost, you should not purchase a drug for weight loss. It may turn out to be fake.

There is a hologram on the original packaging of the dietary supplement. In addition, instructions are printed on and inside the product box. The manufacturer indicates the expiration date in small print and always puts an original gift in the package. By being attentive, the fashionista minimizes the likelihood of acquiring a fake product.

Slimming capsules Bilayt have recently attracted the attention of the general public. Manufacturers of the drug promise accelerated weight loss, appetite suppression, fat burning, removal of excess fluid, and all this without harm to health. However, tempting advertising does not always correspond to harsh reality. It is necessary to understand whether the expectation corresponds to reality in the case of Bilayt.

What are Beeline capsules

The manufacturer claims that the drug "Beelayt" for weight loss is a symbiosis of natural ingredients that help stimulate thermogenesis in the body, burn lipids, and curb food cravings. The effect is most pronounced in the abdomen and riding breeches.

Composition of B-lite for weight loss

The composition declared by the manufacturers can convince anyone of the safety and environmental friendliness of the product.

  • Lotus leaves - cleanse blood vessels and cells from fats, lower cholesterol levels, and turn lipids into pure energy.
  • Hawthorn berries - accelerate metabolism, give energy and vigor.
  • Coconut poria is a diuretic and tonic. All fats are converted into energy, and are not deposited in extra pounds.
  • The root of the opposite dioscorea is a fat burner.
  • Tinder fungus - it contains agaric acid, which produces enzymes for the breakdown of fat. It normalizes the functioning of the liver and removes the remnants of decayed fat cells.
  • Inner parts of chicken stomachs. They are claimed to block the appetite and improve the digestion process.

These are the components of a classic remedy, however, reinforced and improved varieties of capsules have recently been produced. In the news you can find:

  • plum kernels;
  • purple alfalfa;
  • atractylis cangzhu - a plant from China for convulsions;
  • privet - normalizes the work of the heart muscle and blood pressure;
  • astragalus is a diuretic;
  • kendyr - diuretic decoctions are prepared from its shoots.

Secrets of weight loss with Bilayt

After studying the composition of Bilayt, you may wonder: how can simple natural ingredients help you lose weight by 20 kg / month? There are only 2 answers to the question: either you should not expect an amazing effect, or some components are not prescribed by manufacturers.

Pay attention to the fact that on the official website, manufacturers offer to buy the old and new Beelight, but at the same time their active components of the composition are the same. But there is one “but”: the old remedy is stronger, since it is based on an enhanced formula.

It is suspected that the old sample of dietary supplement contained sibutramine, which, although not recognized as prohibited, but all those who lose weight have heard about its comprehensively harmful effect on health. It was sibutramine that could provide emergency weight loss by 20 kg / month in exchange for a sharp collapse in health. As soon as the scandal thundered, an updated composition of the capsules was released.

The information has not been fully proven, but the following factors speak of the presence of sibutramine in Bilayt:

  • the product does not have certification, so it will not be possible to buy it in a pharmacy, but only on the Internet;
  • the side effect from B-lite is fully consistent with the side effect from sibutramine;
  • the manufacturer has already dealt with a similar scandal about other products.

Types of the drug Beelayt

B-lite can be bought in different boxes. Any box has a special "chip" for rapid and high-quality weight loss.

  • B-lite Original is 3 boxes with white-pink color. Each package contains 2x16 pills in pink blisters (according to the number of pills, the drug is called Beelight 96). Price - 1500 rubles.

  • B-lite 2 Premium - 73 gelatin capsules. Instead of chicken stomachs, it contains plum bones, which are a source of potassium, ascorbic acid and amino acids. The cost is also 1500 rubles.

  • Bilayt 40 - gelatin-coated pills, packed in white and raspberry packaging. This is a reinforced type of tool. The ingredients are replenished with medicinal herbs such as purple alfalfa, privet, kendyr, astragalus, cangzhu atractylis. You can buy it for 1500 rubles.

  • B-lite Extra is an enhanced drug. 3 beige-white packs, each containing 3 blisters of 10 capsules (Beelight 90). Price - 1700 rubles.

  • Royal B-lite is a newfangled drug, the packaging of which is colored in gold. Its 96 capsules are enriched with vitamins that strengthen nails and hair and improve skin condition. Manufacturers talk about its complete safety, but the issue price is 2250 rubles.

How to apply B-lite

Instructions for use of the drug looks like this:

  • the recommended dose is 2 capsules per day;
  • when consumed, drink 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • take the pill 30-40 minutes before meals;
  • the course of admission is 45 days;
  • for different forms of the drug, the dosage may vary: for B-lite 2 Premium, up to 4 tablets per day are allowed, and for other types, such doses are unacceptable.

Staged method of taking Bilayt

  1. Take 1 capsule 1 week 30 minutes before your first meal.
  2. The use of 2 pcs. 30 minutes before breakfast 1 week with water. If weight loss is imperceptible, go to the next step.
  3. Take 2 tablets half an hour before breakfast with half a liter of water, and 1 tablet half an hour before lunch (but no later than 15.00). If the dynamics are weak, go to step 4.
  4. Take a couple of capsules half an hour before breakfast and lunch with 0.5 liters of water. In this way, drink the entire course.

Contraindications to the use of B-lite

Dilemma: if the remedy is natural, where are the contraindications? Note that the first list is from the manufacturer, and the second list is from doctors' additions.


  • age up to 16 and after 65;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal problems.
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • nervous diseases;
  • migraine;
  • tumors;
  • sleep problems;
  • rehabilitation period.

For effective weight loss stick to these rules:

  • plentiful drink - up to 2.5 l;
  • do not drink at night - there will be insomnia;
  • limit sweet and fatty, tea and coffee;
  • go in for sports;
  • be aware of the diuretic effect.

How to Buy the Real B-lite

Remember that the original and the fake have fundamental differences:

  • Open the capsule and examine the powder. The original is a green-brown mixture. A fake is a whitish powder.
  • Hologram with the product name on the box.
  • There is always a souvenir in the package: a meter, a key chain, a flashlight, and an instruction in 3 languages.
  • Marked expiration dates.

Side effects from bi-light

The most dangerous thing is health problems, so if at least one of the symptoms appears, stop taking it.

Typical bug:

  • rash;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the head;
  • stomach colic;
  • weakness;
  • numbness in the legs;
  • aversion to food;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • excessive sweating;
  • salivation;
  • dry mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea;
  • tinnitus.

A similar side effect is observed in the scandalous Lindax remedy, which we have already written about.

Bilayt for weight loss is a dietary supplement (BAA) of a new generation. However, there is an ambiguous opinion about the use of bilayt: the composition, components used and side effects cause a number of concerns.

Not every site that distributes or advertises gives an objective assessment of the drug. Often, consumers believe that the purchased product is the original, but they acquire a low-quality drug. How to distinguish a fake and get the desired result using Beelight capsules?

The use of components that are interchangeable and incomprehensible to the layman suggests possible fraud with the ingredients.

Such a myth does exist, regarding the possible toxicity of the tinder fungus, although there is no verified information yet. Therefore, taking bilayt as a means of losing weight, you are taking a certain risk.

The use of the chicken stomach, which is part of bilayt, remains unclear. In theory, chicken ventricles block the appetite, but it is almost impossible to check whether this is really the case, which means that it will not work to determine the fake.

The release form of bilayt are capsules, not tablets. Capsules are able to deliver the drug to the stomach without exposing it to external influences, which allows you to save the composition of the drug, while tablets are exposed to gastric acids, reducing the effect by several times.

Instructions for use

There are several versions of the drug: bilayt 40, bilayt 90 And bilayt 96. The preparations differ in the number of capsules - 40, 90 and 96 pieces, respectively, and in color, so bilight 40 has a white-pink color of capsules, bilayt 90 is blue, and bilayt 96 is purple. The most common is bilayt 96.

How to take the drug

  • The daily recommended dose is 2 capsules;
  • Increase water consumption yes 2.5 liters minimum;
  • It should be taken 30-40 minutes before breakfast and lunch;
  • The course of treatment is 45 days.

The instruction containing the inoculation of the reception does not contain strict recommendations, since the drug consists of natural ingredients and is theoretically safe for health. Listen to your body and adjust your course, but don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.

Here is one popular “stage-by-stage” option for receiving a bilayt:

  1. Drink 1 capsule throughout the week half an hour before breakfast;
  2. Drink 2 capsules half an hour before breakfast throughout the week, drinking plenty of 2 glasses of water. If everything goes well - appetite and weight decrease, just continue taking it for the entire course of treatment. If the remedy does not work well, go to next step. The use of 2 capsules makes it possible to take lunch, as the main instruction says;
  3. Drink 2 capsules half an hour before breakfast with 0.5 liter of water, and 1 capsule 30 minutes before lunch, but no later than 3 pm. This technique can be continued until the end of the course of treatment. If the weight loss is still bad, go to step 4;
  4. Drink 2 capsules before breakfast and lunch (30 minutes before), drinking a large (up to 0.5 liters at a time) amount of water, and so go through the entire course (45 days).

Keep an eye on your condition at all times. With absence desired results it is worth taking a week break, and then resuming the course, allowing the body to reconfigure to receive bilayt.

There are several warnings for those who accept bilayt:

  • Do not drink the drug at night - insomnia will appear;
  • For girls with a small (up to 75 kg) weight, it is better to drink bilayt 40, bilayt 90 and 96 show more high results in the fight against heavy weight (from 75 kg) and are potent;
  • Beware of fakes.

How to distinguish the original from a fake?

Beeline - popular natural remedy for weight loss, respectively, it is easy to sell a fake for it, and it’s not a problem to do it.

How to find the original and distinguish a fake? Pretty simple: the original does not contain unnatural substances, akin (a psychotropic substance that strongly suppresses appetite), and the fake does. Also, the original will have a brown-green color, like dried grass, and the fake will contain a white powder. Just break open the capsule and see.

Whether you drink the original or the fake depends on your foresight!


Although the original bilayt consists of natural ingredients, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Age up to 16 and after 65 years;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (allergy);
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications, although they look common, in fact, are a big obstacle to the implementation of weight loss.

Side effects

There are a number side effects:

  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Colic in the abdomen;
  • dry mouth;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • Allergic reaction.

Such an extensive range of side effects is of double value.

On the one side all the above consequences are personal in nature, which means that they can be caused by self-hypnosis, fear of serious complications and constant discomfort. The suspiciousness of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can play a cruel joke.

On the other side all of the listed side effects characterize the consequences of the use of a psychotropic drug - sibutramine - a substance banned in a number of countries in Europe and America, which greatly reduces appetite and can cause hormonal disorders.

A number of facts also support the opinion about the dubious safety of the drug: the Chinese company San Jiu supplies bilight only to the CIS countries and is the manufacturer of the infamous Li-da drug, which is banned due to the presence of sibutramine in its composition.

An indefinite reaction to bilayt is fully justified by the unclean reputation of the manufacturer and the incomprehensible composition of the product itself.

Manufacturers explain the rumors swarming around the popular drug by the fact that the struggle in the dietary supplements market is very serious and competitors are not picky in their methods in relation to rivals, so the drug became a victim of attacks by black PR people.


Any site on the Internet is full of headlines and advertisements for dietary supplements, including bilight, which you can buy in Russia only by ordering online, since the drug has not yet been approved by the State Drug Control Service. The price starts from 1500 rubles per pack.

With a problem excess weight faced by almost 90 percent of the population. Both women and men are in this weighty part, but more recently, children have also begun to reach a higher limit of normal weight.

There are many scientific reasons for this disease, namely:

  1. Failure of the hormonal background;
  2. Ecology;
  3. Improper metabolism;
  4. Meals that do not match the calorie intake at one meal.

Therefore, most people who are obese are in the process of looking for a pill, after drinking which you can lose weight instantly or at least get rid of a few kilograms.

Note! In this article we will talk about the preparation "Beelayt 90 and 96". We will also listen to the reviews of those who could overcome excess weight with the help of this miracle remedy.

These funds have a similar composition, as well as the principle of action. Each of them is aimed at reducing the volume in the figure and reducing weight.

These drugs can help people with serious illnesses lose weight, since their composition is only of plant origin. But in order for the person who takes the remedy not to get worse, he needs to check the contraindications.

The composition of the drug

Both drugs have the same composition, the only difference is that in one capsule there will be a different content of active ingredients. The composition of the product is selected so that each of the components affects a specific organ.

So, let's move on to the composition:

  • Poriacocos. A mushroom with unique properties, especially valued in Chinese medicine. In these drugs, it is used for a diuretic effect, which contributes to the rapid removal of fluid from the body;
  • Lotus. The most important principle of action is the breakdown of fats that have already accumulated and that a person eats using this drug.
  • Chicken stomachs. It helps to normalize the work of the intestines and restore the correct working capacity of the gastric tract.
  • Hawthorn. The value of this plant is a large complex of useful elements. Accordingly, with weight loss, a larger amount of vitamin is needed, which in this case is replenished by hawthorn.
  • Mulberry mushroom. Increases the work of the liver, as a result of which there is an acceleration of the digestion of fats.
  • Dioscorea is opposite. It slows down the aging process and improves the plasticity of the skin, which allows it, with a large loss in weight, to remain without stretch marks and other cosmetic irregularities.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets gently affect the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition And physical activity. In this case, the efficiency will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

The principle of influence on the body during weight loss

The drug in question is intended to reduce weight and reduce volumes expressed in centimeters. The tool acts as a fat burner and blockers the feeling of hunger. It is also designed to be taken in stages, each of which solves the problem of weight loss.


  1. First level:
    • appetite adjustment;
    • improvement of metabolic processes;
    • cleansing the body of toxins.
  2. Average level:
    • Elimination of fat that has been accumulated as a result of weight gain;
    • Decrease in lipids contained in the blood.
  3. Final:
    • The body removes toxins.

There is a whole line of dietary supplements of this brand. Each drug on this list is designed for a specific group of overweight people.

If body weight exceeds the norm by 7-15 kg, you should use:

  1. Bilayt Original 96. Cardboard box of bright pink color, which contains 96 tablets. This amount is further divided into 3 smaller boxes for use in steps. In total, for a step, you need to drink 1 box, and, accordingly, 32 tablets.
  2. Beelight Premium. Blue box containing 72 gelatin coated tablets. The difference from the above preparation is the content of plum bones, which helps rapid weight loss.

The cost of each of such a set is 1550 rubles.

People whose weight has reached 100 kilograms need to use the drug Beelayt Extra or 96. Even in one name it is already clear that the tool helps to quickly lose weight.

Note! Pale pink packaging containing 90 tablets. They are also divided into 3 stages, that is, 30 tablets each. The cost is 2000 rubles.

The positive aspects of the use of Beeline capsules

The advantages in the use of drugs of this brand can be called:

  1. The original remedy has a good effect on the body as a whole;
  2. Assists in weight loss;
  3. Removal of fluid, which contributes to the care of edema;
  4. Cheerfulness and uplifting of mood;
  5. Decreased appetite;
  6. The elasticity of the skin increases, which allows you to look younger.

Do you want to lose weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and a markedly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps to reduce weight in cardiovascular disease

Contraindications and side effects

  1. Indications for use:
    • Weight that is more than it should be;
    • Increased swelling;
    • Failure of the internal organs;
    • constipation;
    • Difficulty going to the toilet "in a small way."
  2. Contraindications:
    • heart disease;
    • The period of rehabilitation after a complex operation;
    • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
    • Persons who have an individual intolerance to the components contained in the composition;
    • People whose age is less than 18 years.
  3. Side effects:
    • Lack of appetite;
    • Headache;
    • Weakness;
    • Arrhythmia;
    • Dyspnea;
    • Noise that a person hears in the ears.

Note! If one of the side effects occurs, the drug should be stopped.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that you can’t correct with exercises. Regular diets also didn’t work - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to “disperse” my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with light diet and plentiful drink. I recommend!"

Reviews of losing weight about the drug Beelayt

I have tried a lot of things to reduce my body weight. I even harmed many and now I am raking up the consequences. However, I wanted to check the Beelight tool, read the reviews and bought it for myself. After taking one week of the drug, a terrible thing began: I was constantly nauseous, my head was spinning.

But it should be noted that the weight went away, but slowly. In general, I drank a course of tablets for 1 month and decided that I could not endure such a breakdown. By the way, during this time I got rid of 12 kilograms 750 grams.

Maria, 58 years old

Some poison. I felt really bad after taking the first pill. Maybe I got a fake, but at the first appointment I thought that my life would end. I didn’t dare to drink anymore, because I got scared, I live alone - there is no one to wait for help from.

Gennady, 53 years old

Oh, and I have been drinking for 37 days, I have never been seen so happy. I started with 1 capsule and now I'm taking 3 capsules a day. For the entire time of taking it, I lost 22 kilograms, I’m glad to the point of madness. Some kind of bygone youth has appeared, my grandchildren look at me differently, the neighbors think that I have lost my mind, and the children suspect that love has visited me.

I don’t feel like eating at all, I just control the amount of liquid I consume. At work, I do everything 4 times faster, now you can forget about old age. Colleagues ask for a recipe for weight loss, but I am silent as partisans - let them think that love.

Valentina, 49 years old

Always been a guy in the body, and even in a very large one. I always weighed over 120 kilograms, which limited me in everything, namely in communicating with the opposite sex, in beautiful clothes, and in general in movement. After 90 days from the moment of the first dose, my scales showed already 87, which could not but rejoice me.

Surrounding in shock, I matured and became more attractive. I stopped using this drug and enrolled in gym, now I swing and bring my muscles in order. I could not even dream about it, thanks to the manufacturer.

Dmitry, 29 years old

And I have always been called a hamster, I hope everyone understands why such a nickname. Yes, at the age of 17 I weighed more than 100 kilograms, in the senior class they could not even buy me a dress, so they sewed to order.

One day I decided to radically change my life and bought these pills. I have been drinking them for 20 more days, but my weight has already gone by 15 kg. I keep using them and buying new outfits that I will definitely wear to the reunion.