Tibetan methodology for the development of peripheral vision. Gymnastics for the eyes: according to Norbekov, according to Zhdanov, Tibetan, for children and adults

To improve vision, Tibetan eye exercises are effective. With the help of the technique that Tibet gave, many diseases can be cured, the functionality of the eyeball can be restored. A correctly performed eye exercise can relieve muscle spasms and eliminate organic problems. To achieve positive results in therapy, it is recommended to systematically do gymnastics without missing classes.

Indications and benefits of Tibetan technology

Charging is indicated for such eye ailments:

  • glaucoma;
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • organ injury;
  • astigmatism;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • corneal damage;
  • keratitis.

For each disease there is a specific set of exercises. The benefits of the Tibetan technique are not disputed by traditional medicine. With the help of gymnastics, it is possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in vision, thereby improving the quality of life. Thanks to contrast therapy, which consists of a complex of loads and relaxation, it is possible to increase the tone of the eye muscles, relieve fatigue from them, and restore vision.


Exercises are not carried out in acute inflammatory processes.

Ophthalmologists recommend abandoning therapy in the advanced stages of myopia of the eye, during the period of exacerbation of bacterial and viral inflammation of the mucous membrane, as well as severe damage to the eyeball of a mechanical nature. Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes during elevated body temperature can significantly harm the patient, aggravate the course of chronic diseases. Well therapeutic gymnastics It is advised to start after examination by a doctor.

Stop and rest after each exercise eye muscles few seconds. During therapy with Tibetan gymnastics, it is better to refuse to use glasses and contact lenses.

How is vision restoration performed?

Charging is done in a state of complete harmony.

Charging is aimed at stimulating the hidden forces of the body. Exercises give positive results only with regular use, the simplest and most effective is the "eight". To relax the organ, it is recommended to practice light self-massage during the day, this will get rid of excess muscle tension. Before starting manipulations, it is necessary to emotionally tune in, completely relax, and create comfortable conditions for therapy. Exercises are selected individually.

Technique "Steps"

A person needs to walk around the room or in any place convenient for the patient, taking one step with open eyelids, two with closed ones. There are no time limits for the exercise. The bottom line is to stimulate the brain points, the activation of which contributes to the sharpening of vision. To reduce the chances of injury, it is recommended to take an assistant.

peripheral vision

The exercise will help restore visual acuity.

For the exercise, you will need 2 sticks that need to be placed on the sides, looking forward through them, it is important to try to examine them in detail (color, shape). Further, the hands are spread apart, we continue to look straight ahead and study the sticks in parallel. next step there will be a lowering of one hand down and a raising of the second up. We bring and spread the hands together, continuing to observe the device. On final stage in front of the sticks, the eyes describe a figure eight, clockwise and counterclockwise. Each exercise is advised to perform at least 10 times.

Eastern culture has always been famous for its attentive attitude to human health.

Both theoretical postulates and practical methods served to ensure the longevity and performance of the body.

One of these techniques is practiced to prevent the development of eye diseases.

Tibetan gymnastics is a set of exercises that give the eyes a variety of loads in order to maintain their tone and relieve excessive stress.

The practice is most effective for myopia, glaucoma and cataracts. For each of these diseases, the versions of gymnastics are slightly different.

Description of gymnastics

In addition to exercises, Tibetan methods involve the formation of the right psychological mood, the rational distribution of the body's energy resources, the arrangement of the interior in colors and forms that have a beneficial effect on vision. In the East, green is considered the most useful color for the eyes.

In Tibetan philosophy, a person's vision is attributed to the forces of the elements of the earth, and his preventive gymnastics contributes to the concentration in the eyes of the elements of all other elements, their solitude, which leads to a healing effect.

Despite the pronounced shade of mysticism in such an explanation, official medicine does not argue with the benefits of gymnastics, recognizing its relaxing effect.

Most of the exercises from the Tibetan methods are an integral part of the classical gymnastic complexes.

Exercises for glaucoma

To combat pathological disorders of intraocular pressure, it is important to relax the eyes well. This is achieved by the following exercises:

  1. Two fingers are placed in front of the eyes at a distance of 50 centimeters, the eyes are focused on them, then the fingers are moved apart while maintaining the focus of the gaze. The benefit of this exercise is that it gives the visual muscles a specific load, which they practically do not receive during normal work.
  2. Contrast between near and far focus. The index finger is brought close to the face (20-30 cm), for some time both eyes look at it. Then the focus changes and is fixed on some distant object, for example, on houses or trees outside the window, on a flying bird.
  3. The gaze is concentrated on the most extreme lateral point (without turning the head) on the left, then transferred to the right.
  4. Circular pressing movements are carried out in the areas of the bridge of the nose (where it passes into the brow ridges), on the brow ridges themselves. In the absence of conjunctivitis and other damage to the eye membrane, you can also press on the sclera itself, for this you need to close your eyes and lightly press your finger on the cornea for 2-3 seconds. Hands before such actions must be clean, preferably moistened with cool water (it enhances the tonic effect).
  5. Press your nose against a smooth surface and “write out” geometric shapes to them. This combines the effects of previous exercises: the visual muscles are affected both by changing the focus of the gaze and by external massage.

Exercise for cataracts

The effectiveness of such preventive measures for cataracts is not so high, as it is more often caused by internal pathologies of the eyes and the body as a whole. But Tibetan practices in this case, they can well complement the main treatment.

These practices make up exercises such as:

Other exercises

In Eastern practices, contemplation of a candle is common. An ordinary candle is taken, lit, placed in a fairly dark room. It is necessary to focus on it continuously until the first signs of lacrimation appear.

Then the eyes rest twice more time. Such an exercise relaxes the muscles of accommodation and moisturizes the eyes, and is also beneficial for the human psyche.

Cool water is poured into a plate or basin. The eyes are closed and the face is dipped into the tank for a few seconds.

To normalize vision, massage is useful not only for the visual muscles, but also for the temporal and frontal parts of the head. Do pressing circular motions fingers in these places - this will relax you and improve blood circulation in the head.

The following video shows another of the gymnastics exercises:

Frequency and contraindications

For preventive purposes, it is enough to carry out exercises every 1-2 days; in the active stages of the disease, the frequency depends on the doctor's prescriptions.

Tibetan gymnastics should be carried out with caution in severe stages of anatomical myopia, since mechanical impact on the eyeballs can aggravate the development of the disease.

The constant load on the organs of human vision is becoming increasingly significant these days. Therefore, various ophthalmic diseases have taken on a truly enormous scale. Moreover, they are being diagnosed by ophthalmologists in ever younger people and are observed even in small children. The reason for this is the general computerization of the population, the use of mobile devices with the Internet and the rapidly deteriorating external environment.

Therefore, special Tibetan eye gymnastics can serve as an excellent means of prevention and complex treatment of various ophthalmic diseases. Of great importance in it is the complete achievement of the inner harmony of a person, the stabilization of the neuropsychic sphere and the desire to find unity with nature.

The effectiveness of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

Various Eastern practices attach great importance to the organs of vision. They are considered to belong to the earth element and help to balance the influences of all other natural forces in a person.

Those who constantly perform ophthalmic exercises achieve fairly quickly. They relax the muscular apparatus of the eye, improve adaptation to environmental conditions and normalize metabolism.

Moreover, these people become much more attractive appearance eye. Their vascular network completely disappears, all sorts of yellow spots dissolve and the clouding of the pupil stops.

The look of a person becomes more energetic, becomes very friendly and purposeful.

To achieve the most best result it is necessary to regularly ensure that the eyes are completely rested, and do not receive an additional load during gymnastics. Therefore, you need to perform the Tibetan complex several times a day. But this should be done for a not too long period of time. It should be just enough for the eyeballs to rest.

It is required to more often look at the trees outside the window or on the street in spring and summer, and in winter look at the green cloth or wallpaper with a predominance of this shade.

Already very big number people around the globe have accepted the need to constantly perform Tibetan eye gymnastics. If you regularly practice the Eastern philosophy adjacent to it, then the need to wear glasses or contact lenses will soon disappear by itself.

The effectiveness of the technique is explained by the fact that it harmonizes the course of all processes in the human body. He begins to see better, his vitality rises and he experiences less stress.

The regularity of exercise has a very powerful preventive and even therapeutic effect on the human body.

Requirements for performing Tibetan eye exercises

The effectiveness of achieving vision improvement largely depends on how much a person manages to achieve harmony with his inner world.

The ability to see allows a person to achieve communion with other people and nature.

It is vision that becomes one of the main energy resources of the body. Therefore, when performing Tibetan gymnastics, it is very important to achieve the creation of the desired internal mood, and not just the exact following of physical efforts. The goal of the practice is for a person to believe in himself, in his health and discover in himself previously dormant forces.

The technique is largely based on the complete release of previously hidden natural resources of health and psyche.

In order to achieve the best result when performing gymnastics for the eyes, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • classes should take place in a comfortable environment;
  • exercises are performed very accurately;
  • it is desirable to create in the room a predominance of green tones in the upholstery of furniture and the color of the wallpaper;
  • nothing should distract a person from the implementation of movements;
  • eyes do not strain;
  • it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation;
  • it is necessary to carry out an eye massage;
  • should be washed daily cold water;
  • you need to save your nervous energy;
  • need to strive for recovery.

Nowadays, it is already clear to everyone that stagnation leads to the development of diseases. The need for daily morning exercises no one questions anymore. However, even the most beautiful and well-groomed body will not seem so if the inner beauty of a person does not catch the eye. And it is achieved only by the light emanating from the eyes.

However, it cannot be achieved if he is unwell or very tired. Therefore, Tibetan gymnastics is primarily aimed at activating the energy potential of a person.

When the forces are normalized, not only ophthalmic, but also other internal diseases will come to naught.

Before you start performing Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes, you must first warm up.

First you need to try to absorb the light of the sun into the organs of vision. It should be ensured that he saturates all the energy and it begins to be reflected in his gaze.

If it's a cloudy day or the person is at work, it's enough just to smile heartily at your reflection in the mirror. Feeling the warmth from the double, you need to try to return the charge of positive energy. Then you will quickly feel a surge of vivacity, increased efficiency and self-confidence.

It is worth fixing such a state and in moments of stress return to it.

The main set of exercises

Before proceeding with the movements, it is advisable to take care of the normalization of the internal state. It is necessary to calm down, think about positive life moments, provide the necessary surroundings. It should contain green and black.

Exercises should begin with massaging the eyes. It is required to close them and through the eyelids gently drive your fingers over the eyes. It is desirable to do the same movements after the end of gymnastics.

You can slowly twist the apples inside the orbit, completely lowering the eyelids. Fingers are very easy to pass through the organs of vision.

First you need to try simple exercises.

It is necessary to create a predominance of green in the room. It perfectly relaxes the muscles of the eyes, has a positive effect on the functioning nervous system and calms the person without causing a hypnotic effect. Each time the next exercise ends, you need to look at such shades for a long time.

The exercises of the main complex are as follows.

  1. It is necessary to close your eyes tightly, and then raise your eyelids, and fix your gaze for six seconds. Executed three times.
  2. Stretch one arm forward and hold horizontally. The eyes are fixed on the index finger, and then they are transferred out of the window to the most distant object. Stop looking at it for five seconds. Perform ten times.
  3. Then you need to quickly open and close your eyes several times, after which you should cover them with your palms and stay in complete darkness for five minutes. They do it ten times.

A more complex complex of Tibetan gymnastics requires the allocation of a certain period of time.

  1. Close the eyes tightly with palms and lightly massage the apples. Not a single ray of light should break through them. However, strokes should be very smooth, so that the eyes do not experience the slightest discomfort. The exercise is performed for sixty seconds. A person guesses about its end by the feeling of inner peace that has come.
  2. It is necessary to rotate the apples in the course of the clock, then against.
  3. You need to imagine the dial and select the numbers "two" and "eight" on it. Then look back and forth, from one mark to another.
  4. After, imagine sixteen and twenty hours. Repeat movements.
  5. They work for centuries, and then tightly cover the apples with their hands.

The complex is allowed to be repeated until the person feels a significant surge of strength. However, it is necessary to constantly monitor that the eyes are not placed on an unreasonable load.

Each movement of Tibetan gymnastics ends with palming and a long fixation of the gaze on the green color.

All exercises, in principle, are not much different from the main complexes for the eyes proposed by different authors. Their similar similarity is explained by the fact that when they were compiled, scientists were largely based on Eastern practices.

It is advisable to perform all the prescribed movements, but in the absence of the necessary time or too poor health, it is allowed to stop only at a few.

It is even allowed to create a special separate complex for yourself from a number of the most optimal movements that contribute to a significant improvement of the organs of vision.

Additional exercises of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

People who regularly practice these exercises do not need to wear glasses or contact lenses often. They should only be used when absolutely necessary.

There is also a special technique that promotes the rest of the organs of vision.

In this case, instead of greenery, you need to hang a black curtain or turn off the lights in the evening by tightly drawing the curtains.

Such actions allow the muscles of the apple to completely relax. Metabolism improves in the eyes and redox reactions are accelerated.

In the event that complete darkness in the room cannot be achieved, you should be content with what happened. Excessive physical and mental effort will only exacerbate existing fatigue.

When consciousness learns to perceive darkness as something natural, it is advisable to try to imagine a black circle. It should stand out in the dark. It is necessary to be imbued with its color and try to increase it as much as possible.

Then they imagine another similar circle located near the first one and also try to visually enlarge it as much as possible. There should be more and more circles until they obscure the main background. The quality of achieving the main result is checked by the onset of complete rest. Then palming is carried out for a certain time.

Medicine in Tibet is considered to be one of the leading non-traditional practices in the entire world. It not only helps to significantly improve the body, but also fights many diseases. Residents of the country have excellent health, are distinguished by longevity and amazing performance. Therefore, Tibetan eye gymnastics deserves the closest attention of the Russian population.

For centuries, Tibetan monks have performed exercises that strengthen eye muscles and improve vision. Tibetan eye gymnastics includes various nuances and methods, let's look at what it is.

Simple Method

    It has long been proven that it is the green color that has a positive effect on the eyes. Try to always keep some green thing so that it is in front of your eyes, and you can always look at it in between tasks.

    Close your eyes with all your strength, then open and do not blink for 6 seconds, repeat this process 3 times.

    A simple but effective exercise: stretch your index finger in front of you, first look at it, and then look into the distance at some object. Hold your gaze on this object for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise ten times.

Eye massage is useful at any time. Lightly press your eyeballs with your fingers, roll your eyes closed, stroke your lower and upper eyelids.

Method with a special Tibetan table

More advanced, but as they say more effective Tibetan eye gymnastics, is done using the famous table. Print it out and place it on the wall so that it comes in line with your nose. Exercises should be done without lenses and glasses. Each movement must be performed for 30 seconds while sitting with. Movements are made exclusively with the eyes, the head is motionless. You need to be 10-15cm from the Tibetan table.

    Do the palming first. As you know, for this you need to fold your hands like a bowl, cover your eyes with crossed palms, so that light does not penetrate through them, but at the same time, so that they do not create pressure or tension. Sit like this for at least a minute, the more you do the exercise, the more rest your eyes get.

    Move your eyes between the points at 2 and 8 o'clock: back and forth. Then do the same in the direction 4-10.

    Blink quickly as in the first method and palm.

This Tibetan eye gymnastics can be done as many times as you like, however, eyes, for this you need to do palming in a time range sufficient for a good rest. Over time, you will be able to get rid of glasses or lenses, and regain your perfect vision!

Try to reduce the amount of time you wear contact lenses or glasses during therapy. Reduce time as much as possible the best option completely stop using them.

The functioning of the human visual system is determined by the activity of two types of photoreceptors - rods and cones. It is designed in such a way that in the “normal mode” (without focusing the gaze in a certain place), the viewing sector is measured by an approximate figure of 120. This sector is viewed in general details, without details (for example, you look at a park landscape, you see benches, trees, but do not distinguish between their breeds). But it is worth taking a closer look at one of the trees in order to recognize in it, for example, an oak, as all other details fall out of the field of view. This is how central vision works, for which the cones are responsible for the work of the complex system of the eye.

Central vision allows you to determine the following functions of the object:

  • form;
  • color;
  • size;
  • brightness.

Everything that falls out of the field of view when concentrating on an object, but is visible in the general mode, is the result of the work of the second type of photoreceptors, rods. It is called peripheral vision. Both of these types - central and peripheral - together form the process of psychophysiological processing of objects surrounding us and, interacting, provide basic information about them - sizes, shapes, location of objects relative to each other, etc.

Why expand the field of view?

Peripheral vision does not allow you to determine the exact shapes and shades of objects - a person sees everything in general terms. The farther objects from the field of view are from the point at which the eye is focused (in our example, this is an oak tree), the blurrier their boundaries. Thus, the visual system forms a priority point of view. The brain first of all receives information about those objects that are located at this point and closest to it. If the brain "read" information about all objects present in the field of view to the same extent, this would put too much stress on the conscious and subconscious mind.

The field of view of peripheral vision and its quality are variable values. They can be significantly increased if you purposefully train peripheral vision. The benefits of its development are undeniable. "Pumping" of peripheral vision allows you to expand the scope of the review, which affects the amount of information entering the brain in one fixation of the gaze.

First of all, it will be useful to schoolchildren, students, and everyone who, by occupation, deals with textual presentation of information. The so-called. speed reading technique - a significant increase in the volume of text processing when using special methods of information perception. A person who has mastered speed reading is able to read and, importantly, assimilate up to 500 words per minute (the reading speed of an average person is a maximum of 180 words). The essence of the technique is to reduce the number of fixations (“captures” of views on one line of text). A person not trained in speed reading sees and perceives only those words that are in the middle of a line. The rest are in the "dark zone", and for their perception, another "capture" is needed. Speed ​​reading also allows you to reduce the number of captures to a minimum - by focusing on the center of the line, the reader sees and perceives all the words in it.

Developed peripheral vision can serve well outside the field of texts, allowing you to better navigate in the surrounding space. So, Shaolin martial arts masters have it perfected to the maximum.

Tibetan Method for the Development of Peripheral Vision

Other names for this technique are astral and "clear vision method". With the help of elementary exercises that are easy to perform both at home and at work, you can achieve significant success in the development of peripheral vision. The result can be assessed after a month of regular training. The main tool of the Tibetan method of clairvoyance is an ordinary pencil. The training scheme remains unchanged, it remains only to observe how much clearer and sharper peripheral vision becomes.

  1. Take a pencil in each hand and, holding them vertically, fold them together. Pencils should be at eye level at a distance of 30 cm from the face. Focus on something behind them. Pencils should be on the periphery of the review and at the beginning of training their contours will be blurry.
  2. Slowly move the pencils away from each other, spreading your arms to the sides at the same level. Increase the distance until the pencils are on the right and left borders of the field of view.
  3. Again slowly bring your hands together until the pencils are in their original position. Do not try to do it faster, slowness is the key to the effectiveness of this particular workout. For all manipulations, continue to look at the same object as at the beginning of the exercise, it is very important not to focus on pencils or hands. Repeat mixing-breeding at least 10 times.
  4. Return the pencils to their original position. Slowly lower one hand with a pencil down, and raise the other up until they reach the upper and lower boundaries of the field of view. Vision, as in the previous case, focuses on an object in the distance. Repeat at least 10 times.
  5. Move from the starting position right hand with a pencil diagonally up, left - down until they reach the boundaries of the view. After 10 repetitions, change direction - the left hand moves up, the right hand down.
  6. The last exercise - return the pencils to their original position and, without moving them, mentally enclose them in a circle. Draw this imaginary circle with your eyes, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Repeat at least 10 times. Remember that the eye should not focus on pencils!

Together, these exercises allow you to train peripheral vision in all directions. At the beginning of training, the outlines of the pencils will be blurry, but every day you will see them more and more clearly.

Another simple and effective method increase the acuity of lateral vision, donated by the Tibetans - the so-called. Tibetan graphic symbol. You can practice by looking at this symbol on a computer screen, but it's easier to print it out in good resolution.

  1. Starting position - sit on a chair, back straight, back muscles relaxed. The symbol is at a distance of 15 cm at eye level.
  2. Place your palms together in a bowl shape and place gently on the eye area, without touching the eyeballs, for 60 seconds. Then remove your hands from your eyes.
  3. Looking at the symbol, make circular movements with your eyes, enclosing it in a circle BEHIND the points marked in the figure. Draw a circle first clockwise for 30 seconds, then counterclockwise for the same amount of time.
  4. Visually overlay the clock face on the symbol (the dots should stand in place of the numbers 12, 2, 4, 6.8 and 10). Move your gaze diagonally from points "2" to "8" for 30 seconds, then repeat the same with points "4" and "10".
  5. Blink a few times and cover your eyes with your palms. Symbol training completed.

If you wear them, they must be removed during peripheral vision training. Regular use of the above Tibetan techniques allows not only to achieve a significant increase in visual acuity, but also to thoroughly strengthen the muscles of the eye.

Schulte Magic Tables

Currently, the most popular technique for developing peripheral vision is working with Schulte tables. They were used to teach speed reading decades ago, but so far no alternative in terms of efficiency to this simple technique has been found.

The standard Schulte table is a square divided into 5x5 cells, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are enclosed in a chaotic sequence. The essence of working with it is to find all the numbers in the desired sequence as quickly as possible. Emphasis on performance this exercise lies precisely in the time spent searching for numbers - as peripheral vision develops, it decreases. If at the beginning of working with Schulte tables, the gaze focuses on each of the 25 numbers, then as you move forward, the fixation point of the gaze is in the center of the table, the remaining numbers are easily determined by peripheral vision. Horizontal and vertical movements of the eyes are practically absent.

Features of correct work with tables

  1. Exercises are best performed in a sitting position, in a well-lit room. The optimal distance at which the table is placed is 45-50 cm.
  2. Avoid articulation (the numbers found must be noted in your mind, without saying them out loud and without even moving your lips). A look should be the only way to fix the numbers in the table. At first, this may seem like a daunting task, but after a little experience with Schulte tables, you can easily do without articulation.
  3. Consistency is the key to success. Gives tangible results regular workouts frequency at least 3 times a week (at the beginning of work, you can do the exercises daily). Training with tables should be given at least 20-30 minutes - there will be no special effect from one “passage” of the plate. You should not overexert yourself either - if you feel that during a workout your eyes begin to hurt, watery, it is better to postpone it for a few hours or another day.
  4. Just like with the Tibetan graphic symbol, Schulte tables can be practiced directly on the computer screen. There are special online programs, allowing you to generate such tables in an unlimited number.

The classic Schulte table has 25 cells with numbers, located on a white background. But there are other varieties of this simple visual simulator, designed for those who have achieved some success in working with the classic table:

  • Schulte grids 10x10 (numbers from 1 to 100);
  • multi-colored tables (cells are colored in different colors);
  • alphabetic matrices (instead of numbers in the table, you need to look for letters of the Russian, English, Latin, etc. alphabets).

There are also Schulte tables adapted for the development of speed reading in children. The principle of working with them is exactly the same as with the classic ones, but they contain only 9 cells.

Video -

Other Peripheral Vision Training Methods

The whole world around us, in fact, is a great simulator for training lateral vision. Fulfill simple exercises you can even while on the road: try to read the signs, road signs and so on. peripheral vision without focusing on them.

Another simple and productive exercise- Watching a crowd of people from a certain distance, try to follow the movements of each of them with peripheral vision.

Exercise for passengers (it is advisable to perform it when you are traveling in the front passenger seat of a car, while the car is moving in a straight line). Focus your eyes on any object located at a considerable distance (tree, building, etc.). As soon as the concentration of the gaze becomes sufficient to distinguish the details, immediately shift your gaze to the left, to another object and focus on it already. For a while, the focus of your gaze splits in two - you continue to clearly see both the first and second objects.

The main advantage of any methods of training peripheral vision, be it the Tibetan technique, Schulte tables or others, is that they work flawlessly - progress will be in any case. It is only important to observe the systematic training and not interrupt them after several sessions, even if they seem easy and boring.