Weight gain with help. Chapter Five: Nutrition During Muscle Gain

Of course, the main goal of a beginner who came to the gym is kit muscle mass and strength increase. But alas, the majority cannot achieve the desired result, because they do not pay attention to the most important factor in recovery - nutrition. The growth of strength and muscle volume directly depends on the amount of energy and building materials. For example, for effective growth muscle protein norm is minimum 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (preferably 2 grams).

Did you know that during hard training (especially if you are still working hard) there is a lot of consumption energy in addition, a huge amount of energy will have to be spent on restoring muscles and various body systems. If you do not compensate for all this huge expense with food, then you will lose weight and your strength will decrease. Yes, you will train correctly according to muscle mass gain programs, give all the best in training, but you will lose weight and weaken.

The main idea of ​​this article is that without proper nutrition, there is no increase in strength and muscle mass. Here are the principles proper nutrition, which should be observed for muscle growth and strength development:

  • You can't train if you're hungry and you can't starve after a workout!

If you train hungry, then in the process of work, the body is forced to actively deplete its reserves and burn valuable proteins to compensate for energy losses. You refuel the car to go, so refuel for training. I recommend eating 50-60 minutes before training carbohydrate products, they are easy to digest and provide energy (see examples of carbohydrate foods at the end of the article), but do not fill your stomach to the limit. Protein food will have to be eaten in more than an hour and a half, so that it has already begun to be absorbed.

If you do not eat after a workout, then there is simply nothing to restore energy and muscles, and the body continues to be depleted, instead of starting muscle synthesis. I recommend as soon as possible after training to give the body energy and vitamins, and then proteins for construction. Within 15 minutes after the end, you can and should start eating carbohydrate foods and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. When I know that I won't be able to eat quickly after a workout, I always take bananas, apples and a secret energy drink of my invention with me. Here is its composition - in 500-800 ml. I put two tablespoons of honey in water, a little rosehip syrup (I buy it at a pharmacy), squeeze a little lemon, a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar, and a few tablets of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), if something is missing, then I add raspberry jam, it’s still green for taste or black tea. All this in plastic bottle you can carry all day.

  • Good and plenty to eat every day!

After all, your muscles do not grow in training, performing powerful exercises, on the contrary, you destroy them. But after training, the processes of recovery and growth are turned on (the effect of supercompensation), these processes actively proceed from several days to a week, and sometimes even longer. That is, muscles grow when you rest after a workout, and it is during this period that you must fully provide the body with nutrition. You can't build muscles out of nothing! We need building materials - proteins, and energy for construction - carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals for biochemical processes in the body.

  • In people with different metabolisms and with different physiques, nutrition should be slightly different.

If you have a fast metabolism, are prone to weight loss and have difficulty gaining weight and strength, then your diet should have a lot of everything. Lots of carbs for energy, lots of protein and lots of vitamins and minerals. Eat a variety of foods at least 4 times a day, and preferably 6 times, and 3 times of them is a full-fledged "big" meal and another 1-3 times small "refills". That's right, but what did you think ... muscles do not consist of air ... but also energy for movement, training and recovery. Do not eat too many carbohydrates in the form of sweets and sugar, you should get energy from carbohydrate foods, examples of which are listed at the end of the article.

If you type easily enough excess fat new weight, you should get your daily calorie intake mainly from protein and lean foods. Replace some of the carbohydrate foods with dietary protein, eat more foods containing many vitamins and minerals. Don't eat right before bed. It is better to eat more often, but do not fill your stomach to the point of chest pain If you already have a large excess weight in the form of body fat, then first deal with the elimination of these reserves, there is a lot of information on this blog that will help you.

  • And some more important information.

Truly the best product for building muscle is buckwheat! The British consider oatmeal to be the most useful ... this is because they do not have buckwheat ... Buckwheat contains a lot of carbohydrates that provide energy, it contains a lot of B vitamins, on which protein metabolism depends, a lot of minerals needed by athletes, very few fats (and those are useful) , and as much as 12% protein, which is very easy to digest - a versatile product!

It is not advisable to eat pork, this meat has a high percentage of saturated fats, which are then difficult to remove. In general, try not to clog the body with too fatty foods.

With heavy physical exertion, the body's need for vitamins and minerals greatly increases. Take a vitamin-mineral complex, additionally take vitamin C and a complex of vitamins of group B.

Sausage and chips are not food! Take advantage of what nature gives us. Prepare salads with olive oil, eat cereals and vegetables, seafood, cottage cheese, and make sandwiches with cheese and red fish. Eat natural food, without preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Recommended products for strength athletes.

Sources of carbohydrates:
Buckwheat, rice and all cereals, potatoes, pasta, bread, bananas, honey.

Protein sources:
Diet cottage cheese, milk, egg whites, chicken white meat, beef, fish, nuts.

Sources of vitamins and minerals:
Apples, pears, oranges, dried fruits, carrots, herbs, all berries.


For athletes who are prone to thinness and have difficulty gaining muscle mass.

8.00 – Breakfast
1. Three-egg omelet with black bread
2. A third of a can of sweet corn
3. Grape or piece of melon or pear
4. Black tea with raspberry jam

11.30 - Intermediate meal
1. Sandwiches with cheese - 2 pcs.
2. Juice or kefir - 1 cup
3. A handful of nuts or dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes)

14.00 - Lunch
1. Good portion of soup
2. Boiled potatoes with chicken or fish
3. Vegetable salad
4. Compote or juice

18.00 - Intermediate meal
1. Banana - 2 pieces or a serving of oatmeal
2. Tea with a piece of dark chocolate or honey

19.00-20.30 TRAINING

21.00 - Dinner
1. Buckwheat porridge or rice, plus a third of a can of green peas
2. Canned tuna - 1 can
3. Orange or apple (berries in summer)
4. Green tea

If you train in the evening after work, then the duration of the workout, including warm-up and flexibility exercises at the end of the session, should not exceed one and a half hours.

If after work you go home first, then the fourth meal will not be at 18.00, but a little later and, accordingly, training and dinner are shifted to a later time.

If it’s a long way to get home from the gym, then immediately after training, drink juice and eat fruits (banana, apple, pear).

Gaining mass is the goal for which most young people go to the gym. But skinny guys who just started training need it doubly. Whose advice can be better than bodybuilding legends? Men's Fitness magazine learned from Stan Efferding what is best for a beginner to gain mass. Sten "White Rhino" Efferding is a famous bodybuilder and powerlifter who has broken many records and won the title of the strongest bodybuilder of the Olympia.

The Madspark editors publish an adapted translation of the material. Apply these 7 principles of proper mass gain and results will be guaranteed.

1. Sleep more than usual

Of course, many of you are aware of this, but are you getting enough sleep? You can consume kilograms protein shakes and damn charged pre-workout complexes, but if you are not getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night, then consider that you are throwing your money and time to the wind. I slept up to 11 hours a day when I squatted 410kg in training and set three world records. It was 9 hours each night and two 60 minutes of light sleep after exercise and meals.

Remember, you grow when you sleep, not when you exercise. Lack of sleep can seriously hamper your progress and recovery, worsen psychological condition, energy levels and hormones in the body.

2. Eat Healthy, Protein-Rich Foods

This is also an obvious rule, but how much and what foods you take can make a huge difference to your progress. Start with 1 gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight and work your way up to 1.5. Over time, when you progress, increase to 2 kg. I prefer eggs, steaks, whole milk, 4% fat cottage cheese, kefir, salmon, and at least 88% ground beef. Bodybuilders appreciate chicken fillet, tuna and white fish, this will suit you during a diet. You will need saturated fats and cholesterol to maintain high level testosterone.

However, stick to a diet high in high-quality animal protein. High-fat foods such as hot dogs, mayonnaise, cheese, bacon, and fast food often lead to protein deficiencies and overload the digestive system, preventing your next meal from being on time. The squeamish may not want to hear this: fast food can be up to 90% fat and be stuffed with bones and tendons, which will be superfluous for your body. Five meals a day, each with 40-50 grams of protein, is a good starting point.

Gradually train your metabolism. Do not consume more than the required amount. Start with what you can eat and add calories every week or two, making sure your workout needs an increase in intake. Add carbohydrates to fats and proteins for pre-workout energy and avoid catabolism. Stay away from white flour products and stick to healthy servings of oatmeal, rice, and potatoes. In the "mass pushes mass" world of powerlifting, gradually increase calories to increase mass.

3. Drink water with some salt

Water is better absorbed with salt. You can drink as much as you want, but if you don't take in enough sodium, then much of that water will go to waste along with your useless vitamin megadoses (more on that below).

New research shows that problems with the cardiovascular system can be caused not only by excessive salt intake, but also by its lack. Salt is a more powerful enhancer than creatine. Sodium increases amino acid absorption and carbohydrate storage. Remember neurons from basic biology? Then I hope you remember that every muscle in your body contracts under the influence of a chemical reaction between these neurons called sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (or "pump")

Most of us just need to know that when consumed regularly in moderation, combined with a stable training regimen, salt can be a powerful performance enhancer. Your body cannot store sodium for later use, so you'll need the recommended 3g per day plus 1-2 for your load.

(NOTE: Those with a predisposition to heart disease or high blood pressure should talk to their doctor before increasing their salt intake. The number shown is for guys who train hard.)

4. Train hard

Shouldn't that have come first? Nope. Everything you do in the gym destroys muscle tissue. All growth occurs in the recovery phase (eating and sleeping), so weight lifting is not the most important part of the program. The coolest thing about being a beginner is the fact that any weightlifting program that contains correct mode recovery (food and sleep), will give results. the best program does not exist - it all depends on your goals. Lift heavy weights in multiple sets of about five reps using basic, multi-joint exercises for building mass: squats, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, bench press, pull-ups to the belt - for an hour several times a week, and you will become bigger and stronger. No need to load guys. Just be consistent and train hard.

5. Be careful with cardio

In Bizzaro world, 300-foot bodybuilders and powerlifters said, "Don't run if you can walk, don't stand if you can sit, and don't stay awake if you can sleep." This pretty much captures the essence of my opinion about cardio.

Either you want to be huge and strong or you want to run the New York City Marathon. Pick one. There are not many (if any) Olympic marathon runners who can bench 300kg and not many Olympic powerlifters who can run a marathon.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help speed up recovery by increasing blood flow, removing lactic acid, and reducing muscle soreness. In the morning after leg day, I often did about eight short (20 seconds), fast (130 rpm), medium (15) intervals on the stationary bike to help recovery. And don't worry about your cardio: if you're not out of breath after long sets of squats, then you're just not working hard enough. Interval training and weightlifting boost metabolism higher and longer than traditional cardio training.

6. Take Your Supplements Wisely

No can of pills will ever replace food. After almost 30 years of competing and having access to every free supplement I could ever want, I have found that there is very little among them that really helps progress. Dieting is another matter, but on a mass gaining program, save money for food.

The most important aspect of taking supplements is to make up for a vitamin or mineral deficiency, which is rare but does occur. A blood test can help find this out. On the other hand, excessive intake of vitamins is not only useless, but also potentially harmful. Almost all Scientific research that advertised the benefits of vitamins were targeted at vitamin deficiencies, so these claims are based on these results. There is very little evidence showing any benefit from them for those who do not have vitamin deficiencies. However, even scientists who have read and agree with this study are still taking a basic multivitamin (100% RDA, i.e. RDA) just because it's hard to figure out if you're deficient in something. I do the same for no particular reason. Other than that, I focused most of my nutrition on training.

My pre-workout drink is a cooler filled with ice water, carbs, BCAAs (20g), creatine (10g) and a Nuun tablet with minerals and electrolytes. My post-workout drink when I competed was whey isolate and carb powder, but now it's just a big chocolate milk shaker that serves roughly the same purpose. I always have something for a quick post-exercise refuel and then eat an hour after my workout is over. I also admit that I take some other supplements to convince myself that they will benefit my long-term health. For example, I take 4,000 mg of vitamin D3, 300 mg of CoQ10, and 2,000 mg of omega-3s per day. I also took ZMA before bed when I performed. This is about the same as admitting that I spend my money, while often doubting the value of the investment, because when I skip a week or two of any of the above, I do not notice any difference in performance.

But if I skip one or two meals or sleep little, it will immediately affect my training.

7. Set goals and track progress

I have a table that I have been filling in for years. In one part of it there are dates, on the other - a list of daily requirements. I cross out the lines in it every day. The goal is to be honest with yourself. Everything I mentioned above is included in this list. I weigh myself every morning and record the results. I write how many times I ate that day, how much I slept at night, if at all. I carefully check everything, note the progress if I trained that day and so on. I do this because I know that my success is completely under my control, and if I do everything I have to do, I will achieve my goal.

When I take blood tests and find something that needs fixing—whether it's low or high iron or hemoglobin A1C or cholesterol going up in certain phases of my workouts—I can quickly make adjustments to my diet and supplement program and track it down to my next test. - to find out if the problem is solved.

Never underestimate the importance of setting goals and tracking your progress for proper mass gain. I want to be able to evaluate my progress on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis so that I can be accountable and make sure that I am achieving my goals.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about the main mistakes when gaining muscle mass, which are made by at least 95% of people starting their training path.

The most interesting thing is that even people who have been training for several years make these mistakes.

For quite a long time I tried to highlight the main mistakes that prevent almost all people from gaining muscle mass, in order to summarize the outline of this article, it took me more than 5 hours.

Bottom line: 26 mistakes that almost completely slow down the progress of the vast majority of people in the gym.

26 mistakes when gaining muscle mass

Let's go over the main mistakes that greatly hinder progress in the gym.

1. Not hard enough

Most people at the beginning of their training journey think that they are training too hard, when in fact their training is very sluggish and weak.

Big rest between sets, trending about nothing between exercises with a trainer or girlfriends / friends, endless selfies instead of hard, focused work with iron.


Load progression is the BASIC rule for muscle growth. The body must understand that the load is growing, which means that it is necessary to grow muscles in order to warn against it in the future.

2. Lack of caloric content of the diet and the wrong proportion of BJU

There is a very simple principle:

  • If the "arrival" of calories is greater than the consumption - you are gaining.
  • If you burn more calories than you gain calories, you lose weight.
  • If the consumption is equal to the “arrival” of calories, you remain with the same weight.

Even if your workouts are perfect, but you do not have enough energy (kilocalories) and building material (BJU) to build muscle mass, then you can forget about muscle growth.

The body should not feel a nutritional deficiency when gaining muscle mass, so you will only harm yourself and enter the body into a deep state.

3. Underdeveloped muscle feeling

During training, you must FEEL the muscles you are exercising.

What difference does it make what kind of load you have if it does not hit exactly the target (in the target muscle)?

Do not rush to increase the weight on the bar if you do not understand where your load is going.

First the technique, then the progression of loads! Remember this simple rule.

Focus, THINK about the muscle you are training! Every movement in our body starts with the brain.

In order for you to properly develop muscle feeling, read. In it, I told all this in more detail.

4. Wrong exercise technique

This mistake occupies, I think, the first place in this hit parade.

If your exercise technique leaves much to be desired, then:

  1. The load does not hit exactly the target ( big muscles"steal" the load from small muscles).
  2. The risk of injury increases (unequally distributed load affects weak links, namely tendons, ligaments, small muscles and stabilizer muscles, which can fail).

When you do a bench press, the body tends to bend “into a bridge” in the back area, this will spread the weight over the back, chest and legs, respectively, the chest will not receive the load it should be for growth, so it will not grow.

You must strive for perfect technique, not only because of muscle growth, but also because of the risk of injury.

Conclusion: strive for the perfect technique for performing exercises, even sacrificing weight on the shells for this.

5. Performing low-impact exercises

I often see how in the gyms a person does not do anything at all. basic exercises, but only does some incomprehensible lunges on a fitball with a jump rope, a split squat with crossed legs, etc.


What is important is not how different your path is from the others, but the EFFICIENCY OF OVERCOMING IT!

Muscles do not care what you press, a barbell or a tree. If the load increases, then the body gives a signal for the production of anabolic, peptide, stress, transport and other hormones.

There are exercises that involve many joints and muscle groups, such exercises are called BASIC! And if exercises where only one joint or one muscle group is involved, such exercises are called ISOLATION!

At the very beginning of your training, you can not do isolation exercises AT ALL!

6. Training without taking into account individual characteristics

At a minimum, consider:

  1. Age.
  2. Level of preparation.
  3. Genetics.

Better yet, take into account even more factors. The more factors we take into account, the better workout suitable for a specific person.

When a person orders a paid training or nutrition program from me, I try to take into account as many points as possible so that the person gets the maximum result.

And despite this, over time, the training or nutrition plan needs to be adjusted, because. body adapts.

The funniest thing is when I see some guy training his girlfriend on HIS SAME PROGRAM!

The girl puffs up, tries, it’s hard for her ... All this is good, but it’s useless.

The buttocks are beautiful, as they never were, and there is no relief either, only overwork, lethargy, pain.

10. Absorb information, but do not implement anything.

Syndrome of the eternal student.

Learning something new is great, but the power of the acquired knowledge is IN THEIR APPLICATION IN PRACTICE!

Why overload your head with information that you do not use in practice?

Such people always think that this moment they are learning, and someday they will never be full of “knocking down pines”.

You don't have to do anything random. Do everything gradually, step by step, making mistakes, stumbling, but most importantly, DO IT! Otherwise, you will remain in every business an eternal learning novice.

11. Lack of purpose

Many people do not have a specific goal in the gym.

“I want to get a little pumped up, but lose weight here, and here, so that I get up, well, and here it decreases, etc.”

There is no clearly defined goal. So, it is not clear how to move.

The first thing I do with my students when they sign up for my individual sessions I ask: "What is the purpose of your training?". If a person does not know yet, then we try to formulate it with him.

I am used to working only for the result. And if you don't know what you want, what result will you get? Incomprehensible. That's it.

Think about it, it's important.

12. Lack of insane desire

This point is slightly correlated with the previous one, but still.

I have always believed that whoever wants to, will achieve it.

Someone will be despite all the difficulties: money, lack of a gym, psychological problems, complexes, etc. to achieve their goal, and someone will not go to training if the temperature outside has dropped by 1 degree.

Someone breaks through all the obstacles with his forehead and achieves what he wants, while someone “works” carelessly.

Everyone gets what they deserve in the end.

13. Lack of analysis and correction in nutrition and training

The error is very common.

14. Relying on Dubious Supplements Instead of the Essentials

Many people think that without certain additives it is impossible to achieve results.

A person has not even spent a day in the gym, but is already asking where to buy, etc.

All this is very funny to hear when you realize that the essence is not around at all, especially when it comes to a beginner.

First of all, the DIET, consisting of REGULAR FOOD!!! Here's what's most important. And then there are workouts and various supplements.

15. Training in a specific direction for one type of fiber

In our body there are various systems, structures and mechanisms that ensure our vital activity.

Accordingly, many systems and structures are also subject to growth.

Our muscles are made up of various types muscle fibers, which is why they should be trained in different ways.

  1. High threshold fast muscle fibers(VBMV) - extreme strength work, maximum concentration, explosive reaction and contraction.
  2. fast muscle fibers(BMW) - heavy or moderate work with moderate weight for 30-90 seconds, fast contraction.
  3. slow muscle fibers(MMV) - easy work for a long time, slow contraction.

And this is without taking into account the hypertrophy of the sarcoplasm (the fluid in which our muscle fibers are located), which can give up to 20% of muscle volume.

Do you understand how much you can lose if you always train in the same style?

16. Simultaneous development of several muscle qualities

“Both the tit and the pip” with one hand have not yet been able to grab hold of anyone, and if it’s not joking, then:

Differently directed by the nature of the load give an average unexpressed result.

You won't get super pumped if you're a long-distance runner.

You can't bench press 300kg if you're a soccer player.

You can't be a great pianist if you're a truck driver.

You must be focused on what you are developing. If you are sprayed into different areas of activity, then most likely it will turn out to be neither this nor that.

"Jack of all trades" is a master of everything and nothing.

It is impossible to run in two opposite directions at the same time.

Focus on what's important and put your best effort into it.

17. Skip the period of preparation for further hypertrophy

The vast majority of people want to get results quickly, but in the end they only limit their possible progress.

At the very beginning of your training, almost all systems of your body require adaptation. First, the systems will adapt (a way that is beneficial for the body), and then muscle growth will begin (unfavorable construction for the body, in terms of energy).

By skipping the prep period physical activity, you are very much limiting the possible progress.

Focus on TECHNIQUE in the beginning. I wrote about it.

18. Ignoring microperiodization

At the very beginning of your training (a year and a half), you will be able to progress quite successfully LINEAR.

For most, a linear progression will be fairly easy. Weights will grow quickly enough, the body will respond well to the load, but there will always be a slowdown and an almost complete stop of progress.

There comes a plateau, that state when it is practically impossible to progress linearly.

We begin to alternate light and heavy workouts (one of the options). All this will give us a greater result in the end.

19. Using non-target load for muscle growth

Many beginners slow down their progress simply because of stupidity.

If you want to learn chess, who do you go to? TO THE CHESS PLAYER, it's obvious.

If you want to learn how to play the piano, where do you go? TO THE MUSIC TEACHER! As easy as pie.

You will first learn notes, then intervals, then chords, keys, simple pieces, in order to sooner or later learn how to play Moonlight Sonata, To Elise or Oginsky's Polonaise. Those. YOU WILL DO A GOAL WORK!!!

Why then does it happen that a girl who wants to pump up her ass does not go to the gym, but to YOGA or oxysize?

Well, what the hell is that?

After all, it is most logical to go the most effective way. hypertrophy gluteal muscles in the gym, exercising with iron, gradually burning excess fat, due to an accelerated metabolism and energy expenditure.

If you want to learn music, go to a music teacher, if you want to pump up beautiful body go see a bodybuilding coach!

20. Minimal load or no load on large muscles

Focus on large muscle groups for a large release of ANABOLIC hormones.

A person wants to pump up, but does not train his legs and back! How is that?

At the beginning of your training on small muscle groups may not be focused at all.

21. Too frequent change of the training program

Where did this myth come from? training program it is necessary to change every 2-3 months, otherwise the "body gets used to it."

Well, what kind of nonsense?

2-3 months have passed, the person does not see a special result, concludes that the problem is in genetics, and then the following ways:

  • Drop everything.
  • Buy a bunch of useless supplements.
  • Start taking steroids and other stimulants.
  • Change your training program.

2-3 months new program training, 2-3 months, new again ...

Where are you in a hurry? LET THE PROGRAM WORK!

First, the training program causes a SHOCK in the body, and only then does it begin to respond with growth.

Why does the body immediately begin to grow muscle fibers, which is not beneficial at all, if it is not yet clear what will happen next?

Give the program time to work.

22. Targeting Post-Workout Pain

A bunch of times I met such a statement: “Something the muscles don’t hurt after training, I probably did something wrong.”

Yes, post-workout pain indicates injuries to muscle fibers, BUT NOT INJURIES LEAD TO GROWTH, BUT THE PRESENCE OF GROWTH FACTORS !!! RNA, hydrogen ions, anabolic hormone production, etc.

Post-workout pain makes you a little more resilient to the load, like a bruise after a hit (the place becomes more stable), but PAIN and GROWTH are not the same.

23. Orientation to the duration of the workout

Someone once launched a "duck" that you can only train for 45 minutes.

Until now, many of my friends say that you can’t train for longer. What is released CORTISOL, which destroys the muscles.

Yes? Interesting. But what about age, fitness, genetics, gender, AAS, the nature of training, etc.?

Someone after 30 minutes will not be able to raise their hands, and someone after 60 minutes will be more than cheerful.

All these factors must be taken into account. And an approximate guideline of 45 minutes, more than an approximate one.

24. Lack of fluid during exercise

Water is involved in almost all metabolic reactions in the body.

There is no point in arguing on this topic, because. I already wrote an article on this topic here.

Briefly, if you are exercising, then drink 2-3 liters of water per day, and everything will be fine (2-3 liters of PURE WATER, not tea or coffee).

25. Too early first course of AAS

Some headless beginners, not seeing the result in the first months of training, begin to use heavy artillery (steroids).

And there is no question of any "turinabol solo". The most tin is used there. Androgens, etc.

I have friends who, at the age of 25, suffered 2 microstrokes. What's next then?

These people are taking most powerful weapon hands without learning how to shoot with a water pistol.

Health is your top priority! And tearing one place for yourself for the sake of fucking 3-5 cm on the biceps, which can cost you your health and life, is dubious fun.

Do everything wisely. Don't rush through the first course. Most will never need the first course. If you are not going to perform on stage, then you do not need AAS by 99.99%!

26. Caloric overload

There are those who, while gaining muscle mass, begin to eat everything in a row and eventually turn into an overheated pig.

Moreover, the longer this process continues, the more difficult it is to get out of the state of obesity.

Conclusions + a small request

Guys, the article turned out to be very large.

To be honest, at the very beginning I did not think that it would turn out so big.

The most interesting thing is that I wrote it almost on the fly. These errors first came to my mind.

But what if you think more carefully and think more. To be honest, I don’t even know how many more errors could be found.

Friends, I will be very happy if you leave a small comment at the bottom of this article. Are you interested in articles of this format?

I am always very happy when I read each of your comments.

Let me reveal another little secret.

I'm preparing a VERY COOL course on gaining muscle mass. There is nothing like it on the Internet, and in general, I have not yet met.

Are you interested in such material, friends? What would you like me to include in my course? Write, I will try to take into account almost all your wishes.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Hasty attempts to gain weight and another extreme diet can have negative consequences. Find out what not to eat when gaining muscle mass. Eliminate all the mistakes on the way to progress.

Mistake #1. excess sugar

Sugar is a close relative of carbohydrates. Sugar helps to reduce the anabolic potential, is harmful to health. It also helps reduce insulin sensitivity. Sugar abuse leads to diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

Conclusion. You should follow a diet consisting of natural products with a minimum of sugars. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of confectionery, soda. Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the products!

Mistake #2. Beer after the gym

What does drinking beer lead to after gym:

  • One bottle of beer equals skipping 1 workout.
  • Constant consumption of beer leads not only to stagnation, but also to a decrease in muscle growth.
  • Decreased testosterone levels.
  • Increased fat reserves.

Conclusion: beer after the gym will only bring harm.

Mistake #3. Abuse of fast carbohydrates

Eating everything and more is a sure way to build fat mass. Fast carbohydrates give a lot of energy in no time. They are quickly absorbed, which is why there is a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. In response to this human body converts glucose to fat.

But with complex carbohydrates, there are no such problems. Complex carbohydrates stabilize blood glucose and also help maintain normal insulin secretion.

If you have a lack of energy, then you can use a gainer. There are 2 types of gainers: with fast and with complex carbohydrates. A gainer with fast carbohydrates is necessary for extremely intense workouts in conditions of an acute lack of energy. If you are doing well with this, then it is better to take a gainer with complex carbohydrates. Energy when taking such products will come slowly and for a long time.

Conclusion. You should follow a diet consisting of natural products, controlling the amount of fast carbohydrates.

Mistake #4. You eat too much cooked meat

Ready-made meat, which is sold in shops and cafes, contains a large amount of preservatives, additives and second-rate proteins. These components, when used frequently, lead to a decrease in muscle protein synthesis. In addition, manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, replace product components with cheaper analogues. For example, soy has long been used in sausage, ham, sausages. The amount of protein in such products often tends to zero.

Best sources of protein: fish, chicken, pork, beef, lamb. Also, do not forget about milk, cottage cheese, eggs.

Mistake #5. Fast food

Food in fast food restaurants is designed to saturate you with calories. But no one thinks what those calories are, the ratio of nutrients. As a rule, such food is extremely inferior food, consisting to the maximum of saturated fats and fast carbohydrates. There are very few proteins in them. As a result of such nutrition, you will gain only fat.

Mistake #6. Saturated fats

Saturated fats are very nutritious and high in calories. The body primarily uses carbohydrates for muscle growth and energy production, so most saturated or animal fats will be stored as fat in conditions of excess nutrients. Therefore, try to limit the consumption of foods that are rich in animal and other saturated fats.

What not to eat when gaining muscle mass? It is necessary to limit the consumption of sausages, sausages, butter, margarine, lard, etc.


Muscle building is possible with sufficient nutrients. The best way their receipt - natural products. Understanding what not to eat when gaining muscle mass, as well as content control will help you choose the most complete products. This will reduce the number of errors, and lead you to your cherished goal!

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Effective muscle growth is impossible without observing three factors - anabolic nutrition, and. Neglecting even one of them will do little to build a beautiful body.

In this article we will talk about nutrition for gaining muscle mass. You will finally be able to get your mass off the ground. Forward!

Nutrition for mass gain - the engine of your growth

Nutrition is the engine of your bodybuilding progress. Many people know about it and even know something. But when they start power training don't worry too much about your diet. The maximum is added a little more meat, at worst they buy a can of protein. However, such nutrition for mass gain will not affect your training success at all - neither on the rate of growth of your muscles, nor on volume.

Take food seriously!

On the Internet you can find a huge number of different diets for weight gain. Each author wants to bring something new, although 90% is based on the same principles, which we will talk about next. You yourself must make a diet for yourself, and not take other people's thoughts.

The principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass are suitable for everyone: both beginners and experienced fighters. This scheme can be applied at any time, and not only during the mass-gaining period. The only thing to remember is that you can not drastically increase or decrease the amount of food entering the body, let the body adapt to the changes.

How to gain mass: what you need to know

To provoke such a resource-intensive process as muscle growth, it is necessary to supply the body with enough energy and material to create new muscle tissues. All these resources must be obtained from food!

The main pillar of building muscle is a calorie surplus. You should be getting more nutrients and energy from your food than you expend, about 15-20% more than you need. In the process of gaining mass, it is better to overdo it and get more calories than not get them. Here the question may reasonably arise: “Will I gain excess fat in this case?”. Yes, get it!

Together with the total muscle mass, you will increase the fat content in the body. But this is an inevitable process. You will not be able to add only dry muscles. One cannot exist without the other, and this must be accepted. In any case, fat is easier to drive () than. So focus on how to gain full body mass and don't think about fat.

More, more calories!

The body is a self-preserving system. Adding 5%, 10%, or 30% of extra calories to your diet may not be enough for you. To break through the dead center, start adding calories to the diet gradually until the weight increases by 500-800 grams per week. If there is no increase, increase the amount of food ( add in increments of 200 calories), if the increase is large - reduce (otherwise the excess will quickly turn into fat). Weigh yourself once a week at the same time.

Nutrition for weight gain should include several additional meals. For example, your diet consists of 3 meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Start surprising your metabolism by adding two more meals. You will immediately receive an excess of energy and nutrients, above and beyond your baseline. Plus, take care shortly before sleep to arrange a purely protein meal (casein, cottage cheese).

The amount of food that you should eat per day while gaining muscle mass should be more than when you were not exercising. Break your diet into 5.6 or 10 meals (as you see fit), the main thing is to total eaten more than before. It is more convenient to use approximately equal intervals of time between meals. So you will ensure the uniformity of the supply of amino acids and nutrients to your body. This keeps the metabolism at a constantly high level.

Break up the diet into 5-6 meals, more can be

The effect of anabolism (the formation of new body tissues) from ingested food lasts 3-4 hours. That is why it is worth eating evenly, but often. It is very difficult to accept and assimilate the same amount of food in 3 meals, firstly, due to the amount eaten, and secondly, there is a possibility that the nutrients will not be fully absorbed due to their excess. Try not to take long breaks between meals (more than 5-6 hours). If you can’t eat a full meal, eat bananas or drink a protein shake.

Almost 70% of the food you eat should be high-calorie, otherwise your digestive system will suffer from food overload. Don't base your diet on vegetables. The body needs fiber, but in reasonable amounts, so the content of vegetables should not exceed 30% of the athlete's diet.

The more food enters the body, the more water the body needs to digest it. strength training starts numerous metabolic processes that also need water. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Don't feel thirsty.

especially important point in nutrition is the correct distribution of nutrients entering your body. IN modern world, unfortunately, this incorrect distribution ruins the health of many people - cardiovascular and other diseases appear. This is due to the large amount of incoming fat, and very tiny portions of protein, which is so necessary for the construction of the necessary structures.

Therefore, your task is to make the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates not just correct, but healthy.

Balance the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your diet

Optimal Nutrient Ratio :

Proteins - 25-30%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - 50-60%

This ratio supports the correct quantitative intake of amino acids (the building material of your muscles), energy for the growth process, in the form of carbohydrates, as well as the content of healthy fats necessary for normal life.

You should receive your calories based on this ratio (). For ease of calculation, use this hint - 1g of protein gives 4 kcal, the same amount and 1g of carbohydrates, and 1g of fat gives 9kcal. In order to get, for example, 3700 kcal, you will need (based on B-Zh-U 25-15-60) 230 g of protein, 60 g of fat, 555 g of carbohydrates.

Make sure to get 1.5 - 2 g of protein per 1 kg of your body weight. You can get half of your daily protein intake from sports nutrition.

How to make your nutrient ratio work for your height

It would seem that everything is simple - I ate the right amount of BJU and the muscle flooded! But not everything is so simple. In order to ensure maximum digestibility of food, you should not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and you should correctly combine certain products. To properly combine nutrients, you need to know what they are.


Proteins are fast and slow. A fast protein is one in which the amino acids are in the most split state, practically free. Such a protein is quickly, and most importantly, easily digested, because. its design is simple and does not require additional splitting. Examples are free form amino acids, isolate (isolated and practically pure protein) whey protein, egg and milk proteins.

We need fast proteins immediately after training. They stimulate the production of insulin (transporter of amino acids and glucose) and somatotropin (growth hormone). Also, after sleep or a long break in food, you need to fill yourself with fast proteins.

A slow protein is one in which the amino acids are in a bound form. It splits for a long time and is slowly absorbed, supplying our body with building material for many hours. Best time for taking slow protein - any other time when you are not taking fast proteins. For example, before a long break in food (during work) and before going to bed. Examples of long proteins are cottage cheese, casein.

Try to combine vegetable proteins with animal proteins.

The best squirrels (in order of value to an athlete): meat (poultry preferred), most seafood and fresh fish, dairy products (fat-free cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, low-fat yogurt, milk, kefir), eggs (you can safely eat 6-8 eggs a day, if you don't have cholesterol problems), legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts.

Avoid such proteins: smoked meat, red meat, cottage cheese, dark meat of turkeys and chickens, sausages, hams, salami, yoghurts with sugar.


Carbohydrates, like proteins, are also fast and slow. Fast carbohydrates often have a sweet taste. These include fructose, glucose. Such carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream, raise insulin levels and are quickly absorbed. Examples of such carbohydrates are honey, jam, buns, raisins, white bread, chocolate, etc.

Long carbohydrates are high in dietary fiber. Such carbohydrates are digested for a long time and gradually give us their energy. These are cereals and cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat), bran, rye bread, pasta, legumes, nuts, etc.

Try to build your diet from slow carbohydrates. Fast carbs (fast energy) are fine after a workout, and after a long break without food and after sleep, take slow carbs to energize for the whole day. The main thing is not to eat carbohydrates before bed.

The best carbohydrates:

Cereals: cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, oatmeal), pasta (from durum wheat), noodles (but not instant), bread (black, bran, rye), cereal or muesli. Vegetables: Potatoes, carrots and beets should be reasonably limited due to their high starch content.


Fats are good (unsaturated) and bad (saturated).

Harmful fats are found in butter, fried foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, and sausages. Unsaturated fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Most best fats are found in sunflower, olive, flaxseed oils, nuts, avocados and fish (eat fish without restrictions, it is rich in such healthy fats like Omega-3).


Complete breakfast (fast and slow carbohydrates + fast proteins).

During the day

Pre-workout nutrition

2 hours before training, you need to eat slow carbohydrates and fast proteins. Carbohydrates contribute to the production of glycogen (an energy transporter), and proteins will supply the body with amino acids for anabolism.

Half an hour before training

Whey protein isolate + amino acids.

Immediately after training

Nutrition after training

An hour (maximum one and a half) after training, a full meal is necessary. Food should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins. This should be the most powerful meal of the day. You are consuming the most nutrients.

No later than 2 hours before bedtime

Slow carbohydrates + slow proteins.

Before bedtime

Only slow proteins.

Beware of sweets. All these delicious confectionery things look appetizing, and once ingested, they quickly increase blood sugar levels. In response, our body converts glucose into fat.

Limit your intake of fast carbohydrates and fats. Refuse such products as sausages, smoked meats, mayonnaise, ketchups, fatty meat, margarine. Your body builds new structures at the expense of proteins, and takes energy from carbohydrates. Excess saturated fat only worsens your health and is deposited on your body. For fats, dial the norm with vegetable fats, incl. vegetable oil, fish and seafood. Separately, take omega-3 fats, they have a positive effect on the health of the whole organism.

Don't forget fruits and herbs. They are rich in minerals and vitamins.

Give preference to natural food

In conclusion, it must be said that the diet of different people depends on metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism, then you need a lot of everything - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. If your metabolism is slow and you gain excess fat easily, get the calories you need from lean foods and protein. Don't overeat. It is better to eat smaller portions, but more often.

Approach nutrition responsibly

You train only once every two or three days for an hour and a half, and eat every day constantly after 3 hours. It's hard to stick to that schedule. Therefore, make up your diet for weight gain right on paper. This will discipline you and make him stick to it consciously.

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