Correctional lesson on the course "development of facial expressions and pantomimics". Pantomime exercises (health-saving technologies) Games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime

Game exercises for the development of mimicry pantomime!!!

Game exercises for the development of facial expressions

“We ate a sour lemon” (children wince).

“Angry at the fighter” (they move their eyebrows).

“We met a familiar girl” (smile).

“They were afraid of the bully” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide, open their mouth).

“Surprised” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide).

"Offended" (lower the corners of the lips).

“We know how to dissemble” (they blink with the right eye, then the left).

Thanks to these systematically conducted gaming exercises, facial expressions become more mobile and expressive, movements acquire greater confidence and controllability.

Game exercises for the development of pantomime

Exercise "Kitten cheerful - sad"

The teacher asks all the children to turn into kittens, and then show funny kittens when they play, then sad kittens when they miss their mother. And, finally, funny kittens again, when they bought a new toy.

Exercise "Pantomime Proverbs"

The children are offered to pantomime the proverb:

    "Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf,"

    "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one"

    "Don't look at a gift horse's teeth"

    "A kind word is also pleasant for a cat."

Mimic Cube; Mirror

With the help of facial expressions, the child depicts an emotional state, schematically represented on the edge that has fallen out.

What vegetable/fruit do children eat?

Children mimic the emotional state on the instructions of an adult. For example: "You took a bite of a sour lemon (sweet apple)." One child shows, and the rest guess. For example: “Vova eats an apple, but which one?”

Who said that?

According to the intoned phrase, the children find the appropriate mimic expression among the proposed pictures.

Choose a child

An adult reads A. Barto's poems "Bunny", "Bull", "Bear", "Horse" and asks children questions. They choose the right picture among the images of a cheerful, sad, frightened, angry child.

Which of the guys threw the bunny?

Which of the guys was scared for the bull?

Which of the guys took pity on the bear?

Which of the guys loves his horse?


Children select pictogram cards with facial expressions corresponding to various emotional states.

The gnome was walking on the lawn and saw a bunny.

What long ears you have! exclaimed the dwarf.

The gnome left the house and met the boy.

- Hello, boy! What a wonderful morning this is!

“Here, I’ll talk to everyone,” the boy muttered and went on.

You can invite children to play small scenes where it is necessary to emphasize the features of the situation with facial expressions. For example, to depict how a child found a huge mushroom and was surprised or scared of a lion in a zoo, and his mother reassured him.

Forming a long smooth voiced exhalation in children, it is necessary to begin work on the development of intonational expressiveness.

Game exercises for the formation of statements

As the speech capabilities of children increase, the content of the games also changes. Now they include children's statements, colored intonation and mimicry.

Mimic Cube or Porepeat the phrase

Children repeat the proposed or independently composed phrase with the intonation that has fallen out on the cube or the intonation set by the teacher.

Overheard conversation

The pictures depict leaves (snowflakes, etc.) with a schematic drawing of various emotional states. Children look at them, find out and tell what they think or feel.

For example, a sad car in the garage: “After a long road, I stand dusty, dirty, and the owner left and forgot to wash me.” Funny car: “Now my master will come, and we will go with him on an amazing, joyful journey!”

Conversation in a basket

Children put a “bracelet” on their hand with an image of a vegetable or fruit with some kind of mimic expression and, with the help of facial expressions and intonation, convey a conversation corresponding to a given emotional state.

forest commotion

(Children stand around the teacher.

The teacher reads poetry.

Interjections are pronounced by children. The teacher shows what the facial expression should be, what

should be intonation.

On a spring clear, warm day

A shadow fell over the bare forest.

Fear seized the hare

- Ah, ah, ah:

- Scary kite in the sky

- Ah, ah, ah!

Run faster -

- Hey Hey hey!

Beware of evil claws

- Hey Hey hey!

Where there is a kite, there is trouble

- Yes Yes Yes!

Sharp beak is not nonsense

- Yes Yes Yes!

The hare beats the block with its paw

Ban, ban, ban!

(Children pretend to play on

Like a huge drum

Ban, ban, ban!

An alarm went off over the ground

(Children scatter around the group and


Take your feet faster

Name. Communication exercise"Pantomime"


The procedure of group psychological training. Participants show each other a large variety of various pantomimes.

This procedure can be inserted into the training program as an independent, great exercise which takes a lot of time. In this case, the facilitator needs to tune in himself and set the participants up to the fact that the exercise can last up to 60-90 minutes or even more - until the participants are exhausted.

The procedure can also be used as a warm-up exercise. In this case, it is enough to make one circle. It can also be used in this mode: first, the exercise is carried out as a big one, then on subsequent training days it is introduced as a warm-up exercise - to consolidate the result.

Qualities. . Artistry

Many people do not use the potential of their own facial expressions and pantomimes in communication because they are not sure, doubt themselves, do not know all the possibilities of the powerful language of our body. The main goal of this exercise is precisely that the participants imbued these possibilities, so take the time to do this exercise.

The idea of ​​this exercise is simple and similar to a child's game - you need to depict some activity (any kind) with your body movements. The other participants must solve the riddle of what the activity is. Guessing takes place in turn - in a circle. When the other participants have completely solved the riddle, then and only then it is the turn of the next one. If you can't figure it out, this person invents and performs another riddle.

Sometimes mysteries are only partially solved. Let's say someone portrayed a person writing a love letter. Someone guessed, but guessed partially: "You are writing a letter!" In this case, the guesser makes a gesture “not quite like that” (in order not to get out of the role, let him be silent at all for the time being) - this means that the riddle has not yet been solved. You should also draw the attention of the participants - immediately or during the exercise - that you can think of similar actions: "I am writing a love letter" - "I am writing a complaint."

The exercise starts with the leader himself. He depicts something simple, like sawing wood or lifting a barbell.

There is a discussion at the end:

What are your general impressions of the exercise?

Do you regret spending so much time on it?

- How do facial expressions and pantomime differ in their capabilities?

- what did you pay more attention to when guessing and when guessing?

- how can pantomime be used in everyday life, in communication, at work?

- if a person does not understand what you require of him, can your pantomime help?

1. Communicative exercise "Pantomime" [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 08.25.2015..html (08.25.2015).

No matter how much you put your teeth on the shelf, creative people need self-expression. And in order to reveal acting talent, improve stage skills, you need perseverance and patience. Acting exercises will help to acquire and hone all the skills necessary for a professional actor. After all, an actor on stage is not just a mechanical puppet that mindlessly follows the director's instructions, but a puppet that can think logically, calculate actions a few steps ahead. A professional actor is plastic, has good coordination, expressive facial expressions and intelligible speech.

Before you start to study and work out etudes and sketches to the fullest, you need to understand yourself a little. A real actor needs certain character traits that must be actively developed in himself. Other qualities should be hidden in the far corner and remembered very rarely.

Consider such a quality as self-love. It would seem - a normal state for every person. But this quality has 2 sides:

  • Self-love - makes every day to develop and learn, not to give up. Without this quality, even a very talented person cannot become a famous actor.
  • Selfishness and narcissism is a dead end for an acting career. Such a person will never be able to work for the viewer, all attention will be riveted to his own person.

A good actor cannot be distracted. He should not be distracted by extraneous noise while playing on stage. For acting, by its very nature, implies constant control of oneself and a partner. Otherwise, the role will simply become a mechanical representation. And attention allows you not to miss important details during training, watching theatrical performances, master classes and trainings. To learn how to concentrate, use the attention exercises from stagecraft.

Attention is the basis of a good start to a theatrical career

The development of attention does not begin with special exercises, and with Everyday life. A novice actor should spend a lot of time in crowded places, watching people, their behavior, facial expressions, and characteristic features. All this can later be used to create images.

Keep a creative diary - this is the usual diary of a creative person. In it, express your thoughts, feelings, write down all the changes that have occurred with the surrounding objects.

After filling creative diary, you can move on to working out scenes and sketches. A novice actor is obliged to convey as accurately as possible the image and facial expressions of the person he was watching. It is necessary to place prototypes in non-standard situations - it is such productions that show how much the actor was able to understand and get used to the image of an unknown person.

"Listen to silence"

Next exercise- the ability to listen to silence, you need to learn to direct attention to a certain part of the external space, gradually expanding the boundaries:

  • listen to yourself;
  • listen to what is happening in the room;
  • listen for sounds throughout the building;
  • recognize sounds in the street.

Exercise "Shadow"

It not only develops attention, but also teaches you to move consciously. One person slowly makes any pointless actions. The task of the second is to repeat all movements as accurately as possible, try to predict them, and determine the purpose of the actions.

Pantomimes and dramatizations

A good actor is able to convey emotions expressively with words and body. These skills will help to involve the viewer in the game, to convey to him the full depth of the theatrical performance.

Pantomime is a special kind of stage art based on the creation of an artistic image through plasticity, without the use of words.

  • Best Exercise to learn pantomime - crocodile game. The goal of the game is to show an object, a phrase, a feeling, an event without words. Simple but fun game perfectly trains expressiveness, develops thinking, teaches you to make decisions quickly.
  • Dramatization of proverbs. The purpose of the exercise is to show a well-known proverb or aphorism with the help of a small scene. The viewer must understand the meaning of what is happening on the stage.
  • Gesture game- with the help of non-verbal symbols, an actor can say a lot on stage. You need at least 7 people to play. Everyone invents a gesture for himself, shows it to others, then shows some other person's gesture. The one whose gesture was shown must quickly repeat it himself, and show the next someone else's gesture. Who lost - is out of the game. This game is complex, develops attention, teaches to work in a team, improves plasticity and coordination of hands.

Exercises for the development of plasticity

If things are not going well with plastic surgery, this deficiency can be easily corrected. At regular performance following movements at home, you can learn to feel your own body better, skillfully manage it.

"Painting the Fence"

The exercise “painting the fence” develops the plasticity of the hands and arms well. It is necessary to paint the fence using the hands instead of a brush.

What exercises make hands obedient:

  • smooth waves from one shoulder to another;
  • invisible wall - you need to touch the invisible surface with your hands, feel it;
  • rowing with invisible oars;
  • twisting clothes;
  • pulling an invisible rope.

"Pack it up"

A more difficult task is to “collect in parts”. It is necessary to assemble in parts some kind of complex mechanism - a bicycle, a helicopter, an airplane, to create a boat from the boards. Take an invisible part, feel it with your hands, show the size, weight and shape. The viewer must imagine what kind of spare part is in the hands of the actor. Set the detail - the better the plastic, the faster the viewer will understand what the actor is collecting.

"stroking the animal"

Exercise "petting the animal." The task of the actor is to stroke the animal, pick it up, feed it, open and close the cage. The viewer must understand - this is a fluffy hare or a slippery, wriggling snake, a small mouse or a big elephant.

Development of coordination

The actor must have good coordination. This skill allows you to difficult exercises on stage, perform several movements at the same time.

Coordination exercises:

  • Swimming. Extend straight arms parallel to the floor. Perform with one hand circular motions back, the other forward. Move your hands at the same time, periodically change the direction of movement of each hand.
  • Knock - stroke. Put one hand on your head and start stroking. Place the other hand on the stomach, lightly tap. Do movements at the same time, not forgetting to change hands.
  • Conductor. Stretch out your hands. One hand moves up and down for 2 beats. The other one performs arbitrary movements for 3 cycles. Or draw a geometric figure. Use both hands at the same time, periodically change hands.
  • Confusion. Extend one arm, with a straight arm, make circular movements clockwise, while simultaneously rotating the brush in the other direction.

These exercises are not easy to do at first. But constant practice brings results. Each exercise should be repeated at least 10 times every day.

Scenes and sketches for beginner actors

A novice actor does not have to invent everything from scratch. The ability to qualitatively copy and imitate is an integral part of performing arts. You just need to find a movie with your favorite character, try to copy his facial expressions, movements, gestures and speech as accurately as possible, convey emotions and mood.

The task seems simple, but at first it can be difficult. Only regular classes help you hone your imitation skills. In this exercise, you can not do without attention and the ability to concentrate on the little things. Jim Carrey has a good gift for imitation - he has a lot to learn.

Exercise "Think"

The acting profession involves a well-developed fantasy and imagination. You can develop these skills with the help of the “Think Out” exercise. You need to go to crowded places, choose a person, observe, pay attention to appearance and demeanor. Then come up with a biography for him, a name, determine the occupation.

Scenic speech

Good stage speech involves more than just clear pronunciation and good articulation. A good actor should be able to shout softly and whisper loudly, conveying the emotions, age and state of mind of the hero with just his voice.

To learn how to betray emotions in a word, you need to pronounce a simple phrase from the point of view of different characters - a little girl, a mature woman, an aged man, a famous actor or politician. You need to find special intonations for each character, use typical speech turns.

Exercises for the development of stage speech:

  • Blow out the candles. Take in more air, blow out 3 candles in turn. The number of candles must be constantly increased, the muscles of the diaphragm must be used when inhaling.
  • Practicing exhalation technique. The poem "The House That Jack Built" is suitable for this exercise. In one breath, it is necessary to pronounce each part of the work.
  • Improving diction. Slurred speech is unacceptable for a good actor. You need to honestly identify the problematic sounds in your speech, daily pronounce tongue twisters that are aimed at eliminating the problem. You need to do at least half an hour 3-5 times a day. Tongue twisters teach to speak clearly at a fast pace, which is extremely important in acting.
  • Intonation plays a prominent role in creating the right image. For training, it is necessary to read aloud artistic dramatic texts daily.

Acting exercises can be studied independently, various trainings will come to the rescue. But it is better to study in the company of like-minded people - you can go to courses or arrange theater evenings at home. The main thing is to never give up, always believe in your own talent, move towards the intended goal.

Angelica Babenko
Game exercises for the development of facial expressions and emotions for middle-aged children.

Etudes for the expressiveness of movements, basic emotions, pantomime studies.

Pantomimic studies

1. "Naughty Puppy"- the performer jumps up, nods his head, waves his tail, etc.

2. "Puppy Looking"- looks under the table, chair, looks around, listens, etc.

3. "Proud Cockerel"- walks, raising his legs high, flapping his wings on the sides, screaming "Ku-ka-re-ku!" etc.

4. "Shy Mouse"- shrinks into a ball with a frightened expression of the muzzle, etc.

5. "Evil Doggy"- with eyes wide open, barks angrily, growls.

6. "Bee"- with eyes wide open, buzzing.

7. "Frog"- with splayed paws, leisurely jumps and croaks.

8. "Naughty cat"- eyes run, the back is curved, hisses, snorts.

pantomime game"Guess Who I'll Show"

Some children, if desired, pantomime, sometimes helping with their voice, portray the heroes of a fairy tale, while others guess them. During the game, the teacher each time asks those children who guess by what signs they guessed the heroes of the fairy tale.

Etudes on the expressiveness of movements and on the expression of the main emotions.

1. "Gesture" Children, standing in a circle, use gestures to depict the words that he calls them. teacher: "high", "small", "there", "I", "Goodbye", "Hello", "it is forbidden", "come here", "get out of here", "quiet" and etc.

2. "Deaf Granny" The child is talking to a deaf grandmother (the role of the grandmother is played by the teacher, who, it turns out, is looking for him. He has already understood that you need to talk to your grandmother with your hands, since she does not hear anything. Grandmother asks: "Where is Vitya?"(says the name of any child, "Whose books are these?", "Whose toys?", "Where is mom?" etc. The child responds with gestures.

3. "Quiet" Two mice must cross the road where the kitten is sleeping. Children are invited to cross the road so as not to wake up the kitten, showing signs to each other. friend: "Quiet!"

4. "Weasel". Children are invited to show how much they love their toy, kitten, dog, etc.

5. "Delicious Candy". The teacher has an imaginary bag of sweets in his hands. He hands it to the children one by one. They take one candy each, thank you with a gesture, then deploy piece of paper and take the candy in your mouth. Proposed to show facial expressions and gestures what candy tastes like.

Etudes for Expression emotions of sadness and joy.

1. "Uneducated Mouse"- walks through the forest; hares, squirrels greet him, and he turns away.

2. "Mouse wants to play with friends"- runs up, and friends turn away from him.

3. "Mouse puts up with friends"- runs up to hares, squirrels, other animals that children can choose at will, and says polite words to them.

Expression game facial expressions.

The teacher shows the children a beautiful apple (dummy). Gives the opportunity to examine it, touch it, pass it to each other. After that, the game is played "Picture the taste of an apple". Children, imitating how they bite an apple, depict facial expressions what they think it tastes like. And the adult starts first, and the children guess (sour, sweet, bitter, tasty, etc.). The teacher aims at children that an apple may taste different to everyone, and it will depend on this facial expressions.

Game exercises for the development of facial expressions and emotions using illustrations, diagrams - models, toys.

Cheerful, joyful mood

fun cloud

Here is a cheerful cloud laughing me:

"Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!”

I laughed with him too:

"I have fun with you!"

And for a long time I waved the cloud with my hand.

With joy I go to the garden

I'm very happy today

After all, I'm going to kindergarten.

I will swim and draw

And play with the kids.

Cheerful laughter

There was a bear - shaggy fur,

Carried a merry laugh in the bag.

Hooked with a bag for bitches -

Laughter rippled around.

M. Vainilaitis

Frogs looking for a mosquito

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs outstretched.

Saw a mosquito

Shouted: “Kwa-kva-kva!”

The sun laughs softly

Shines brighter, hotter.

And from the hillock it pours loudly

Talking stream.

Happy, happy, happy

Light birches.

And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

K. Chukovsky

Fear, fright

We got scared in the forest

Small children are not allowed

Walk into the forest alone, friends!

You can stumble in the forest

Get scared, get lost!

The hare rushes from the fox.

The tail trembles, the whiskers tremble.

The pines stood in the way

Don't get away from the chase!

There is no salvation in the forest!

Jumped to the hedgehog in the hole ...

E. Alexandrova

Raised the thunder to rumble,

Rolled through the fields

Through the forests, through the hills

Yes, blue clouds.

Ringing warm rain

Came up to me.

Rain, rain!

We need to run home!

angry cats

Fight among themselves

Red cats.

They rose like a pipe

Red tails.


Let's be friends

We will be friends together

Let's live in peace together.

Let's all play together

Jump, run and jump!

You and I, and we are with you

Friends holding hands

And they said: “You and I are us!

I am Katyushka, I am Vityushka,

I am Polinka, I am Irinka ... "

(Each child says their name.)


important cocks

Here come the roosters

On the heads of scallops

red beards,

Important walk.

The poor bear is sick.

The bear ate a lot of honey.

Bear cries and screams:

My stomach hurts!

F. Bobylev

little bull,

Red bull

He steps with his feet,

shakes his head:

“Where is the herd? Mu-u-u!

Bored - y - learning to be alone - y - y!

V. Berestov


We treat ourselves to pies

Stove, stove, help

Bake us pies!

Give us good

Delicious, fluffy loaf!

Resentment, whims

The roosters fluttered

But they did not dare to fight.

If you are very cocky,

You can lose your feathers.

If you lose your feathers -

There will be nothing to fuss about.

Hedgehog puffs and frowns:

What am I to you - a cleaning lady?

I won't sweep the forest...

Keep clean!

watchful fox

I went to the stream to drink.

Bent over and the water

Motionless and firm.

G. Ladonshchikov

Dropped a squirrel bump

The bump hit the bunny.

V. Shulzhik



Be careful on toes

You can cross the bridge.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Do not roll logs.

Politeness, kindness

A brook of kind words

The teacher takes the child's hand, pronouncing a polite word (for example, "Hello"). Encourages the child to take the hand of another, calling polite, good word ("Good morning!", "Please!", "Please."). Brook "flowing", increasing in length.

Pass the flower

Children stand in a circle. The teacher, calling the child by name affectionately, offers him a flower ( "Vanyusha"). The child affectionately calls the name of the neighbor and gives him a flower.

Games for development of the emotional sphere of children

A game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.

The teacher shows the children four pictograms emotional states. The child must highlight one condition that does not fit the rest:

Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

Sadness, resentment, guilt, joy;

Diligence, laziness, greed, envy;

Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

In another version of the game, the teacher reads out tasks without relying on picture material.

Be sad, upset, have fun, be sad;

Rejoices, has fun, admires, gets angry;

Joy, fun, happiness, anger.

A game "Who - where"

Target: develop emotions.

The teacher exposes portraits children with different expressions emotional feelings, states. The child must choose children, which:

Can be planted at the festive table;

Need to calm down, pick up;

offended the educator;

The child must explain his choice, naming the signs by which he understood the mood of each child depicted in the picture.

A game "What would happen if."

Target: develop ability to recognize and express various emotions.

An adult shows the children a plot picture, the hero (ev) which is missing (yut) face (A). Children are asked to name which emotion they think is appropriate for the occasion and why. After that, the adult invites the children to change emotion on the character's face. What would happen if he became cheerful (sad, angry, etc.?

Can be divided children into groups according to the number emotions and ask each group to act out the situation. For example, one group comes up with and plays out a situation in which the characters are angry, the other - a situation in which the characters laugh.

A game "Expression emotions»

Target: Develop the ability to express surprise with facial expressions, delight, fear, joy, sadness. To consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales. Call at children positive emotions.

The teacher reads an excerpt from a Russian fairy tale "Baba Yaga":

“Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold why he didn’t scratch out the girl’s eyes.”

Children express pity

An excerpt from a fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka":

“Alyonushka tied him with a silk belt and took him with her, but she herself was crying, crying bitterly ...”

Children express sadness (sadness).

The teacher reads an excerpt from a fairy tale "Swan geese":

“And they ran home, and then the father and mother came, they brought gifts.”

children express facial expressions - joy.

An excerpt from a fairy tale "The Snake Princess":

“The Cossack looked back, looked - a haystack was on fire, and in the fire a red maiden stood and spoke loudly. voice: - Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death."

Children express surprise.

The teacher reads an excerpt from a fairy tale "Turnip":

"Pull - pull, pulled out a turnip".

The children are excited.

An excerpt from a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats":

“The goats opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut ...”

Children express fear.


“The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug started!”

Children express joy.

An excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen":

“The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

children express facial expressions sadness.

At the end of the game mark those children who were over emotional.

Games and games for expressing anger.

Exercise "Evil".

Target: develop ability to recognize different emotions through facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are invited to imagine that anger and anger have “infused” one of the children and turned him into Zlyuka. Children become in a circle, in the center of which stands Zlyuka. Everyone reads a little together poem:

lived (A)-was (A) small (and I) boy (girl).

Small (and I) boy (girl) angry (A) was (A).

The child playing the role of Evil must convey with the help of facial expressions and pantomimes corresponding emotional state(raises eyebrows, pouts lips, waves arms). On repeat exercises all children are encouraged to repeat the movements and facial expressions of an angry child.

Exercise"Finish the sentence"

Anger is when...

"I get angry when..."

Mom gets mad when...

The teacher gets angry when...

“Now let's close our eyes and find on the body a place where anger lives in you. What is this feeling? What color is it? There are glasses of water and paints in front of you, paint the water in the color of anger. Next, on the contour of a person, find a place where anger lives, and paint over this place with the color of anger.

Card file of games and game exercises (Emotion Fear) .

Exercise"Dress the Scarecrow".

Target: give children the opportunity to work with the object of fear.

The teacher prepares in advance black and white drawings of a scary character: Baba Yagu. He must "dress him" using plasticine. The child chooses plasticine of the color he needs, tears off a small piece and smears it inside the horror story. When the children "dress" a horror story, they tell the group about it, what this character likes and dislikes, who is afraid of him, who is afraid of him?

Games and game exercises(Emotion Joy)

Exercise for storytelling.

Target: development expressive movements, ability to understand emotional the state of another person and adequately express their own.

“Now I will tell you some stories and we will try to act them out like real actors.”

Story 1 "Good mood"

"Mom sent her son to shop: "Please buy cookies and sweets," she said, "we will drink tea and go to the zoo." The boy took the money from his mother and skipped to the store. He was in a very good mood."

Expressive movements: gait - quick step, sometimes skipping, smile.

Story 2 "Umka".

“Once upon a time there was a friendly bear family: father bear, mother bear and their little son Umka bear cub. Every evening mom and dad put Umka to bed. The bear gently hugged him and sang a lullaby with a smile, swaying to the beat of the melody. Dad stood nearby and smiled, and then, starting to sing a melody to mom.

Expressive movements: smile, smooth swaying.


Target: pin u children acquired knowledge about the feeling of joy. “Let's play a game, I will call one of you by name, throw a ball to him and ask, for example, "... depict a joyful bunny".

Which one of you I will name should catch the ball, pretending to be a bunny, says the following words: “I am a bunny. I rejoice when…”

Baitova Tatyana Alekseevna
Job title: teacher additional education
Educational institution: MBOU DOD Center for additional education for children
Location: Strezhevoy city, Tomsk region
Name of material: Summary of the training session
Subject: "Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime"
Publication date: 11/16/2015

Text part of the publication

Abstract of the lesson on the topic:

"Exercises and games for development

facial expressions and pantomimics "

Designed for students 5-7 years old

additional education teacher

1. Introduction.
Dance, facial expressions and gestures, like music, are one of the oldest ways of expressing feelings and experiences. Musically and rhythmically, exercises perform a relaxation function, help to achieve emotional relaxation, relieve mental fatigue and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension, thereby improving the child's speech. The sooner the child begins to hear pleasant music and accompany it with rhythmic movements, the more actively the development of all sensory channels necessary in life will begin. "Emotions organize perception, thinking and action" - wrote K. Izard. The formation of "smart" emotions, the correction of shortcomings in the emotional sphere is one of the most important, priority tasks of education. Of all the art forms, in my opinion, music has the greatest power of influencing a person, directly addressing his soul, the world of his experiences, moods. It is called the language of feelings, a model of human emotions. Musical art plays a huge role in the process of educating spirituality, the culture of feelings, the development of the emotional and cognitive aspects of a person's personality. Features of the external manifestation of emotional states are determined by facial expressions, pantomime. Facial expressions and pantomimes mean the total expressive work of the muscles of the face, as well as the whole body. Unlike ordinary speech, it is a universal language of communication. We can convey emotions through facial expressions. The face is the most important characteristic of the external appearance of a person, therefore, along with the eyes, it is called the mirror of the soul. From the first days we understand our children just by looking at them. Their eyes and gestures, the movement of facial muscles show us whether they are well behaved.
feel what they want and so on. However, the development of facial expressions and pantomime is important not only for understanding, but also for dance activity. Dance art has its own characteristics. It uses movements and positions as the main means of creating artistic images. human body, which constitute a kind of expressive language. The origins of this language are rooted in characteristic movements and plastic intonations born in real life. The dance direction of classes with children is associated with a high expressiveness and emotionality of this form of movement, its positive effect on mental well-being, improvement of coordination of movements, formation of a beautiful gait. Rhythmic exercises and dance elements are assisted by the game form of their implementation, which represents a complete plot composition. The game character helps children to perceive music and more vividly and expressively, to show their emotions, while more clearly performing movements. Psychologist, dance-therapist, teacher of specialization in dance-movement therapy Biryukova I.V. believes that a childhood filled with music and dance helps children express joy, grieve, grow and develop. Rhythmic musical games evoke bright emotional impulses in children, a variety of motor reactions, enhance joy, cheerfulness and pleasure from movement.
2. The main part.
Topic of the lesson: "Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime." Type of lesson: combined Purpose of the lesson: to strengthen the mental and physical health children, using music and rhythmic - movements; to develop the ability to imitate movements corresponding to various emotional states of a person, as well as movements characteristic of various animals.

introduce children to the language of gestures, movements, feelings. To teach children to listen to music and coordinate movements with the nature of the music, emotionally convey game images and actions.

develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy, the ability to find their own, original movements to express the nature of the music, the game image with expressive gestures.
Raise the need for self-expression in movement to music; to form a sense of tact and respect in the process of communicating with children and adults.
Teaching methods:
Verbal, practical, visual. problem-based learning method programmed learning method
Used pedagogical technologies:
personality-oriented; technology of developing education; health-saving technologies; information and communication technologies.
Planned results:
 Subject: possession of terminology, demonstration of knowledge while solving riddles, independent motor activity;  Meta-subject: communication, independent search for information on the instructions of the teacher, analysis;  Personal: emotional mood for productive activity, the possibility of visual representation of an object (animals, insects, etc.), visual and motor memory, attention, self-organization, self-control. Vocabulary work: step on toes, step on heels, light dance run, swing legs, gallop, jump, bunnies, balls, asterisk, butterfly, frog, swallow, tree, cat-dog, spiders. Logistical support of the content of the lesson.
: music center, CD, audio recordings, visual - demonstration material (musical instruments), cards with the image of the face "facial expressions", cards with the image of animals, cards with the image of the action, cards with the names of the stages.
Lesson progress

Preliminary work.

1. Learning rhythmic movements. Learning - dance steps in the images of animals and animals. 2. Listening to musical works, children's songs - "Cheburashka", "Pinocchio", "Blue Wagon", "Chunga - Changa", "Little Red Riding Hood", "A grasshopper sat in the grass." A conversation about the nature of music and emerging images. 3. Improvisation - to convey emerging images in motion. 4. Learning rhymes, counting rhymes. 5. Learning the musical and dance game "Do as I do - do better than me."
1. Organizational moment.
a) Organizational entrance of children to the dance class, formation, bow, greeting.
With a cheerful mood, we begin the lesson, We wish everyone good health. Rhythm plus plastic, And also gymnastics, and even massage. Let's dance now!
Lesson topic message.

- Good afternoon guys! The theme of our lesson is “Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime”, and in order to find out what these words mean, we must go on a journey into a magical labyrinth. Where surprises, unexpected obstacles, horror, surprise, joy and laughter await us.
Teacher: -
Everyone is ready to travel to the magical labyrinth.
Teacher: -
Then, let's hit the road. And in order to enter the labyrinth, we need to prepare our body, how to stretch ourselves in order to be strong and courageous.
Teacher: -
We've put on the record and we're going to warm up! (There is a warm-up in a circle. Children perform the exercises on their own - the usual step, step on toes, step on heels, light dance run, gallop, jumps.) Exercises are being performed to the sound of a phonogram.
Teacher: -
Enter through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, breathe deeper, and then, step in place slowly, if the weather is good!
(Children enter the maze).
Stage 1 - "Through the Looking Glass"
(cards depicting facial expressions are laid out on the table. The teacher shows a card, the children repeat the image and say what facial expressions are depicted: - laughter, surprise, horror, etc.).
Teacher: -
Guys, what good fellows you are! We coped with this task, and now we have a game to fix facial expressions. I suggest you split up in pairs. The game "Crooked Mirror" - children become pairs against each other. One of them is the leader. The leader in each pair makes some kind of movement (shows his left eye with his right hand, makes a muzzle, etc.). The child standing opposite should show a “mirror image”. Then they switch roles.
Teacher: -
You guys are great! Our labyrinth skips us further. (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
Stage 2 - "Plastic study",
(cards with the image of animals are laid out on the table).
Teacher: -
I will make riddles, and you show me the answers with your movements. (Children guess the riddle by showing a card on the table, then depict the animal with their movements). 1. Who is cold in winter, Walks angry, hungry. (wolf). 2. My white brother lives in the ice, And eats sea fish, And I love bee honey, And wild berries. (bear). 3. The yellow hostess came from the forest, counted all the chickens and took them away with her. (fox). 4. Who is white in winter, gray in summer. (hare).
5. He is friends with the owner, guards the house. Lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed. (dog). 6. Does not sleep at night, guards mice. (cat).
Teacher: -
We all stood together in a circle, Turned at once suddenly, And how do we say: "hop, hop, hop!" Guess whose voice? (the teacher makes a riddle - the children, guessing it, make a sound). 1. I wake everyone up on time, Even though I don’t start the clock. (rooster). 2. Itself motley, eats green, gives white. (cow). 3. Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by. (owl). 4. There is a nickel, but he does not buy anything. (pig). 5. A small ball fumbles under the bench. (mouse). 6. Green eyes, thunderstorm for all mice. (cat).
Teacher: -
Guys, you are great! We coped with the task again and our magical labyrinth shows us the direction where to go next.
Teacher: -
Let's move on or turn back.
Children: -
(No, let's move on). (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
3. Stage - "Gestures".
The teacher shows hand gestures and certain movements, the children guess what the teacher is doing (greeting, drawing, scolding, stroking, clapping, etc.).
Teacher: -
Well done, the guys coped with the task, and now I suggest you play a game where everyone will be the leader.
The game "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." The children alternately draw cards with the image of the action, the rest of the guys guess what the leader is performing (play the guitar, drum, chop wood, dance, fly, etc.).
Teacher: -
How great we did! Guys, now you and I know what the words mean - facial expressions, pantomime and gestures. And our labyrinth invites us to the next stage. (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
Teacher: -
Can you guys hear the music somewhere?
Children: -
Teacher: -
Let's all jump and kick our legs. And clap your hands and stomp your feet. We raise our hands, we lower our hands. Let's shake our heads and start again!
Teacher: -
This is our next stage- "Merry". Where we should consolidate our knowledge and skills. I invite you to a disco. The game "Do as I do better than me." A phonogram (potpourri) from children's songs sounds, where children dance on their own, depict, copy, actions from songs.
Teacher: -
Guys, you are all great! How well you dance. And I think that the labyrinth will let us out of its magical path. We have completed the task.
Teacher: -
Let's all smile at him and wave the hand. (Children say goodbye to the maze).
Final part.

Teacher: -
Our journey through the magical labyrinth has come to an end.
Lesson Summary:

- Guys, you enjoyed our trip.
- (Yes).
What was the name of our trip?

- What do you remember most about the labyrinth?
- What stages did you go through?
- What seemed difficult at these stages?
- What animals did we depict with you?
- What do the words mean - facial expressions, pantomime, gestures?
- (children's answers).
- Today you all actively played, guessed riddles, performed exercises well, danced. Show me your mood. Smile at each other! Well done!
creative work
, (the guys are invited to take the stars - stick the red one on the stage that they liked the most, and the green one on the stage that was difficult to pass).
- Our lesson is over. Bow and exit from the hall.
List of used literature
. 1.Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. The best musical games for children - Moscow: IKTC LADA LLC, 2006. 2. Bodrachenko I.V. Music games V kindergarten for children 5-7 years old.- Moscow, 2009. 3. Bogomolova L.V. Fundamentals of dance culture - Moscow, 1993 4. Vetluchina N.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.L., Komissarova L.N. Methods of musical education - Moscow, 1989. 5. Gorshkova E.V. From Gesture to Dance - Moscow, 2002. 6. Gogoberidze A.G., Derkunskaya V.A. Musical education of children of early and preschool age Rostov-on-Don LLC Phoenix, 2008. 7. Dinits E.V., Ermakov D.A., Ivannikova O.V. The ABC of dances - Moscow: "Stalker" 2004. 8. Zhukova R.A. Dancing for children - Volgograd: ITD Corypheus, 2010. 9. Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises. - Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center 2001. 10. Raevskaya S.D., Soboleva G.N. Musical and motor exercises. - Moscow, 1991.