What is my body fat percentage? The percentage of body fat: how to find out and what is it for? Accurate electronic scales

There is a kilogram, no matter what you have to weigh. What really separates muscle and fat is density. That is why everyone who goes to sports and diets may initially find that the volumes seem to decrease, and the weight not only stubbornly stands still, but even slightly increases.

There are no reasons for frustration, everything is going according to plan. If the ultimate goal is to decrease the number on the scale of the scale, for this it is worth being patient. Gaining weight is normal, a sign that you are working at the right intensity, which leads to a change in body composition. Your diligence will certainly be rewarded, and you will make sure that you gain muscle and lose fat by gaining fit figure and speeding up metabolism.

“Weight gain with exercise is very common because muscle grows faster than fat is burned. In addition, the fat that has settled in the female body is more stable than the male one, explains Dr. Joel Seedman, nutrition and fitness specialist. - joining the fight for toned body, no need to worry about a little weight gain. Take a closer look, you probably already look slimmer, because elastic muscles replace the friability of adipose tissue.

How to measure body fat percentage

There are several methods. For example, an electronic system for measuring body composition, which is popular in dietary clinics. The operation of such devices is based on the passage of light and safe currents through the tissues and the subsequent analysis of the signal passage. Adipose tissue delays the signal, and water and muscles conduct it almost without loss, which informs the gadget about their percentage.

A more accurate and traditional test for the thickness of the fat fold is performed by a device with the funny name "caliper" - a specialist clamps the skin or with a metal instrument similar to a caliper. The percentage of fat is calculated using measurements on 3-4 or even 7 different parts of the body. The results obtained are compared with a calculation table that compares the thickness of the fold in millimeters, age and percentage of body fat. The figures for men and women differ, so it is important to focus on the correct table.

Here are the main indicators of female "standards" corresponding to the type of physique:

  • required fat - 10-13% (a percentage below this is fraught with health problems);
  • athletic body - 14-20%;
  • good physical shape - 21-24%;
  • average level - 25-31%;
  • full figure - 32% and above.

How to Calculate Your Ideal Weight and Body Fat Percentage

While there are no official guidelines for reducing body fat, most experts agree that losing one percent per month is safe and doable. If you want to calculate how much weight you need to lose to reach your ideal percentage, you can use the following formula:

lean body mass: (1 - one percent of desired fat volume) = ideal weight

Lean body mass (BMT) is the weight without taking into account body fat. For example, you weigh 60 kg at 25% body fat (which means BMT = 60 × 0.75 or 45 kg), but you are convinced that you need to lose five kilograms of weight and achieve 20%, respectively.

You would think so.

If you are an athlete or just a person who is concerned about his health, then you probably wondered how to determine. There are several ways to do this. Each of them has a different level of difficulty. The fat calculator that is offered by many Internet users is often inaccurate, so we will look at the most correct formulas and other ways in which you can control your weight. To date, many new methods have been developed that allow you to find out the most accurate result, but they all require financial investments. Choose the most appropriate method for yourself and focus on it in the future.

Why Calculate Body Fat

Every time you step on the scale, you notice a certain dynamic. You either get better or lose weight, albeit slightly. But not always the kilograms that you lose are fat. It can be muscle mass or simple dehydration. If you want to lose weight or get better, you should be interested in subcutaneous fat. In addition, the formula is more accurate if you know how much excess deposits you have in your body. Therefore, it is imperative to find out this indicator, and today we will talk about how to do this.

The easiest way to determine the amount of body fat

Weight by height and age is determined taking into account the amount of body fat. It may be large, but it will only be muscles, water and bones. Consider how to determine the percentage of fat in the body:

  • Special scales that determine the amount of fat in the body. It is up to you to decide whether to trust this invention of mankind, since it is impossible to accurately check whether the information you receive is true.
  • You can carefully examine yourself in the mirror and determine the amount of excess fat. But it is difficult to objectively evaluate yourself, so this method is rarely accurate.
  • Use to measure your waist and forearm. If there are fewer centimeters on the waist, and more on the arm, then your fat layer decreases and muscle mass increases.

Any of these methods is available to everyone, but with their help you cannot know the exact results. In addition, by evaluating general state body fat, you will not get specific numbers.

To find your body fat percentage using the Lyle McDonald method, you must calculate your BMI. To do this, use the formula: BMI = weight in kilograms / height in meters squared. Find your score below:

  • BMI = 13-20. Then the percentage of fat is 13.5-24;
  • BMI = 21-30. The percentage of fat is 25.5-39;
  • BMI = 31-40. The percentage of fat is 40.5-54.

This method of determining the thickness of the fat layer is quite popular among girls, but there are other methods that allow you to calculate this indicator more accurately.

The most effective way to determine the amount of fat in the body

If you are interested in how to determine the percentage of body fat using medical equipment, then you should evaluate your financial capabilities. Even in public institutions, this method costs money, but it is the most accurate of all possible. It's being used professional athletes before the competition, when it is required to provide official data on the state of the body.

The essence of the method is as follows: special electrodes are fixed on the wrists and ankles, through which a weak electric current passes. The tissues of the body resist it, and the level of this resistance is measured by medical devices. You will know the result immediately after the procedure.

But this method has a significant drawback. If your body is hydrated, the equipment may show incorrect results. Therefore, the procedure is usually carried out twice. When edema disappears in the body, the devices may show a lower percentage of fat than the previous time.

Such an analysis does not need to be carried out without the need or a special referral from a doctor, it is better to use other methods to calculate the amount of body fat.

Underwater weighing method

The ideal weight for height and age can only be determined by taking into account the amount of fat in the body. The method of underwater weighing gives the most accurate result of all methods known today.

The essence of the underwater dimension is this: when a person is completely immersed in water, he loses the amount of weight that he displaced from the container in which he is. After the procedure, a person is weighed on conventional medical scales, and experts compare the weight in water with body weight on land. After carrying out certain calculations, the amount of fat in the body is calculated.

Using a caliper for women

To find out the percentage of body fat (the norm for women must be strictly observed, since this greatly affects overall health indicators), use the caliper. This is a device that measures the thickness of the fat layer in any part of the body.

So, how to determine the percentage of body fat using a caliper:

  1. Find out the thickness of one fold of fat on the back of the shoulder;
  2. Calculate the thickness of the lateral crease between the ribs and the thigh bone;
  3. Measure the thickness of the crease on the abdomen, slightly stepping back from the navel;
  4. Use the formula: (the sum of all three folds in centimeters + the same figure squared + 0.03661 * the number of your years) + 4.03653.

You need to practice to independently calculate the percentage of fat in the body. The norm for women - the exact results are calculated 3 times. With this device, you can calculate the amount of fat in men.

Using a caliper for women and men

The fat calculator below is fairly accurate, but it does take some practice to get reliable results. So, to find out your score, follow the instructions:

  • Find out the thickness of the crease on the back of the shoulder.
  • Measure the thickness of the fat pad on the front of the shoulder.
  • Calculate the thickness of the fold of fat on the back and on the abdomen.
  • Add up all your scores.

To find out the amount of fat in the male body, use the following data:

50 years or more

To find out the fat content in the female body, use the table:

50 years or more

This method allows you to find out the exact indicators. Plus, once you get the hang of it, it's easy to use. The disadvantage is that sometimes it is difficult to take measurements on your own, you need the help of another person.

The human body is a very complex mechanism. The normal fat content in it for an ordinary person and an athlete is different. From 10% for women and from 3% for men is a necessary indicator. A low percentage of body fat indicates that you need to gain weight urgently, otherwise you may experience health problems.

Up to 31% body fat for women and up to 25% body fat for men are normal numbers. If your figures exceed them, you need a special diet and exercise to reduce body fat. The sooner you start fighting overweight, the more time your body will have to normalize all metabolic processes.

So, a person needs to know the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body in order to control body weight and prevent health problems associated with underweight or overweight.

Which indicator to choose is up to you. But do not neglect even the simplest ways, in order to at least approximately know how normal your body fat is. Remember that not only your appearance, but also your state of health depends on its quantity.

Diet does not stand still. To calculate your ideal weight, it is not enough to take into account only the individual structure and height. The norms for the content of fat in the body for both sexes, as well as for the three types of body constitution, height and age, have been created.

Conclusion: for 1 a month of training, a person lost half a kilogram of muscle and 6,5 kg of fat is very good result, then such a program and diet work!


Remember that when you lose fat, you also lose muscle. In general, this ratio = 1/3, i.e. on 1 kg of muscle lost accounts for about 3 kg of fat.

Well, actually, now everything is for sure, I consider my mission accomplished, and the article completed. Let's wrap up and say goodbye.


Another practical article has been written, today we talked about the percentage of body fat, how to measure it, and what it should be. I am sure that now you will easily learn how to do this and will know in which direction you need to adjust your training program and nutritional issues. And that means you will take another step towards the body of your dreams! Good luck freezing. And to the connection!

PS. Do you have any questions, misunderstandings, etc.? Then don't leave until you get an answer to them via the comment form.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The percentage of body fat is an important indicator that many people ignore, focusing only on kilograms and an arrow on the scales. But we all want to get rid of fat, and not the weight of bones and muscles. In addition, people with the same weight can look completely different. Therefore, knowing how much fat is in the body is much more useful.

How to find out the percentage of fat?

There is no exact way to say this with 100% hit. There are more precise methods, there are simple methods that show this approximately.

1. Identification from a photograph

The fastest and easiest way. To determine your body fat percentage, you need to find a figure that is as similar as possible to yours.

Cost: free. Pros: fast, free. Cons: Requires your assessment of yourself, which is not always objective. We can unconsciously “throw off” a few kilograms in our mind and compare ourselves with a more slender version in the photo.

2. Using the caliper

Caliper is a special device that measures the thickness of the skin-fat fold in different parts of the body. Based on the numbers obtained, the percentage of fat is determined using special tables or formulas.

Method number 1: measurements for women

1. Back surface shoulder: the fold is taken vertically in the middle between shoulder joint and elbow.

2. On the side: the fold is taken from the side diagonally in the middle between the lower rib and the thigh bones.

3. On the stomach: the fold is taken vertically at a distance of +-2.5 cm away from the navel.

We calculate the percentage of fat using the formula:

% fat \u003d (A-B + C) + 4.03653, Where:

A\u003d 0.41563 x (sum of all three folds in mm)

IN\u003d 0.00112 x (sum of all three folds in mm squared)

WITH= 0.03661 x age in years

Method number 2: measurement for women and men

We add the obtained numbers in mm and find out the percentage of subcutaneous fat using the table:

Cost: 500-800 rubles per caliper. Pros: fast, you can do it yourself at home, fairly accurate indicators. Cons: it takes practice to learn how to use it correctly or someone else's help, calculations are required using formulas.

3. Bioimpedance analysis

Through the body with the help of electrodes attached to the ankles and wrists, a weak current is passed, after which the electrical resistance of the tissues is measured. The method is based on the fact that the fat mass and the rest of the “dry” body mass have different resistance.

Cost: 1000-3000 rubles in private clinics or free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy in state health centers. Pros: fast, does not require any activity. Cons: price, the need to visit the clinic, the use of equipment of different quality. Not always accurate indicators, since the water balance (edema) can affect the figure.

4. Scales with body fat analyzer

The principle is the same as in bioimpedance: the device passes a weak current through you and calculates the tissue resistance.

Cost: 2500 - 10000 rubles Pros: fast, suitable for regular home use. Cons: the same as for bioimpedance - the price, not always accurate indicators, since the water balance (edema) can affect the figure. When measured again, fluid loss may show on the scales a decrease in the percentage of fat mass, although in fact it remained unchanged.

5. Underwater weighing method

The method is based on the law of Archimedes: a solid body immersed in water loses as much in its weight as the liquid displaced by it weighs. Since dry body weight and fat mass- different in density, by comparing the density of the body after normal weighing and underwater, the percentage of fat mass is determined. The method is complex and rarely used.

Cost: Unable to find out Pros: The most accurate method to date. Cons: duration 45-60 minutes, complexity of the procedure and probably high cost. Fear of diving.

6. Definition by body mass index from Lyle McDonald

The method is suitable only for untrained people, i.e. for beginners who haven't started yet strength training. For happy owners of visible muscles built in gym above the "norm", this method is not suitable.

To determine your body fat percentage, you need to know your body mass index.

BMI = weight in kg / height in square meters

How to use body fat percentage?


You can track the change in your fat mass during both weight loss and muscle gain. This is much more revealing than the scales.

Knowing your dry weight muscle mass, you can use the most accurate formulas to date in order to.

What percentage of fat is considered normal?

A few years ago, health status was determined using body mass index (BMI). Today, an indicator of appearance and general well-being is the percentage of body fat - the amount of fat in% of the total body weight of a person.

Those who follow the figure and strive to always have a slim and toned body should know that the ideal ratio of body fat in the body cannot be calculated. Normal percentage body fat varies markedly between people and is due to factors such as genetics, body type, age, individual activity level, dietary habits, etc.

Many people often confuse concepts such as body mass index and body fat content, but these are two completely different indicators.

BMI stands for a numeric expression that is the ratio of a person's weight to their height. Everyone can calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height in meters, this can be done either independently or using an online calculator. You can also determine BMI in another more popular way: measure your height in centimeters and subtract one hundred from this number. For example:

Height - 180 cm - 100 \u003d 80 and also - 10 \u003d 70 - the ideal BMI for women in kilograms.

And the percentage of fat in the body - this means the total weight of a person minus the weight of fat in his body.

For example, with a weight of 68 kg, and 6.8 kg of body fat, the percentage of fat in it is 10% (6.8/68).

This figure may vary when a person is gaining or losing fat. This percentage can also change when a person builds muscle or loses muscle mass.

Proper nutrition and strength training to increase weight, for example, from 68 to 78 kg, usually results in an additional 2.2 kg of fat. In this case, the percentage of fat will already be about 12% (9/78).

As you can see, the percentage of body fat can vary depending on the changes that occur with the human constitution.

Another important difference between BMI and body fat percentage is the fact that body mass index is useful and effective for analyzing broad populations, while calculating body fat percentage is better suited for estimating physical development each individual separately.

Normal body fat

There are many opinions about the normal amount of fat that should be contained in the body of non-athletic people. For women, the content of 16-20% and 20-21% of body fat is considered acceptable (taking into account the age category), and for men - 8-14% and 10-14% (see Table 1). The presence of such indicators provides a lean physique. How it looks visually is shown in the picture below the table.

For excellent well-being 10-15% fat - great option for the strong half of humanity, which is worth striving for. However, men who want to highlight six pack abs should control their fat content within 10-11%, the abdominal region is the very place where they “love” to accumulate body fat.

Women aiming for a six-pack abs may need to drop their body fat percentage to around 14-16. It should be noted that for some of the fair sex, this figure may be too low. And the lack of fat in the body is fraught with adverse consequences for women's health.

How to determine the percentage of body fat?

To determine the amount of fat in the body, there are several methods: simple ones that you can do yourself, and complex ones that require special devices.

So, you can set the percentage of subcutaneous fat using a regular ruler, caliper or caliper, an instrument that measures the thickness of the skin fold.

To take measurements, you need to stand up straight, pinch a section of skin 10 cm to the right of the navel with your fingers, capturing fat deposits, and set the thickness of the resulting fold with one of the tools (caliper, ruler, caliper).

Then the age and the resulting figure (in mm) must be compared with the table on which the levels of fat are indicated.

Body fat percentage can also be estimated using measuring tape: first measure the circumference of the body, and then, using special formulas, calculate the content of body fat.

Scales with a fat analyzer will help you determine the percentage of body fat. Before getting on the scales, the user must enter their data: gender, height, age. Then stand barefoot on the device. An electrical signal passes through the feet, measuring the resistance of the body. User data and resistance level allow the device to calculate body fat percentage.

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that provide online calculators.. By entering your parameters, you can easily set the fat content in your body. Here's what it looks like

“Body fat percentage is a measure of body composition. Unlike weight, body fat is related to all important aspects of your body composition.” — Rob Fagin, author of Natural Hormonal Healing.

“Weight loss is the wrong goal. You should forget about your weight and instead focus on losing fat and gaining muscle!” — Dr. William Evans, author of Biomarkers.

Muscle versus fat

It may be true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but let's face the facts - muscle looks better than fat. Fat fills all the lines and "depressions" that separate from each other various groups muscles. It lies in a thick, loose layer, hiding under it the clear forms of muscles and giving the whole body roundness, softness and doughiness. Muscles are what give your body a chiseled and sporty look. But they have more than just aesthetic value. Your goal should be to build and maintain muscle, not only for beauty, but also for it to work for your body.

Muscles are secret weapon in the war against fat. Muscles are a "metabolic furnace", burning calories even when you sleep and watch TV. Muscles are active tissue, they are the catalyst for metabolism. Fat just sits idly in clumps on your body.

Unfortunately, most people do not pay attention to the amount of their muscles, because they worship the almighty volume too much. This is a huge mistake!

Most people are completely obsessed with weight. The problem with the weight indicator is that it doesn't tell you how much of your weight is fat and how much is muscle. Another problem is that the value of the weight can vary greatly throughout the day, depending on the level of saturation of water in your body. It can distort the real picture.

Losing weight is very easy. Losing fat for a long time without losing muscle mass is much more difficult. If you just wanted to lose weight, then I could show you how to lose 4-7 kg. over the weekend alone, simply as a result of dehydration, using natural diuretics. Bodybuilders and wrestlers always do this to fit the right weight class.

But what good is it if the weight shed is water and everything will come back in a few days?

If you want to have strong muscles, slender body and get off the diet slide once and for all, you should forget your weight concerns and instead evaluate your progress based on your lean body mass and body fat. Ignoring weight in favor of body fat is a major mentality change, but it is essential for long-term sustainable success.

Height and weight tables are outdated

One of the most common methods for determining your "ideal weight" is a weight-for-height chart. These tables, often used by insurance companies, doctors, sports teams And armed forces, tell you how much you should weigh based on your height alone. Although these tables are still popular, they are very inaccurate, especially for athletes and bodybuilders who have more muscle than most people.

With a height of 177 cm, a male bodybuilder weighing 90 kg will significantly exceed the norm indicated in the weight and height table. However, such an athlete may have a single-digit body fat level, and he will have a press with a pronounced “six blocks”.

On the other hand, people with a "normal" body weight can easily be classified as obese if you evaluate their body fat levels.

For example, at 48 kg. women can have 33% body fat. A man with a weight of 78 kg. maybe 27% body fat. Both are "acceptable" body weights, according to the charts, but their body fat levels are in the "obese" category. These low-weight people with high fat-to-muscle ratios are what I call "skinny fat people."

The table of height and weight does not give an idea of ​​the state of the fat layer

The reason for this discrepancy between the so-called "ideal weight" and the ideal body fat is obvious:

"Ideal weight" from weight and height tables is not accepted at all fat layer into account; therefore, they cannot exactly recommend how much you should weigh.

Weight loss is not the same as fat loss. Losing weight is not helpful if the weight is being shed at the expense of muscle mass. Similarly, gaining weight is not the same as gaining fat (gaining lean body weight is always beneficial). So forget about ideal scales and focus mainly on the "ideal body fat".

Body mass index (BMI) - another useless indicator?

Determining the body mass index (BMI) is another popular way to find out how “useful” your weight is. Just like height and weight tables, BMI is a weak way to assess body condition, because it also does not take into account the ratio of fat to muscle tissue.

According to the textbook Physiology of Sport and Exercise by Wilmore and Costill, BMI is defined as

"A measure of being overweight or obese, determined by dividing weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared."

I can still agree with the statement that BMI is a more accurate indicator of health and fitness than body weight alone, but the claim that BMI accurately reflects body composition is absolute nonsense!

Let me give you an example of how BMI fails as an indicator of body composition.

Let's take a performing athlete. In the off-season, he can weigh approximately 91.36 kg. and his height is 172 cm. Now let's substitute these figures into the BMI formula and see what we have come to:

1.72 meters squared = 2.96 meters.
91.36 kilograms / 2.96 meters = 30.86 BMI.

If we rate it physical state according to BMI = 30.86, then he is in a state of serious health risk, and he urgently needs to lose weight. But it is obvious that this is not the case. Even when he's not in competition mode, his body fat is rarely in the double digits.

Bodybuilders and other athletes have a large mass thin body than average person, and therefore will be classified as having overweight if you use BMI as a criterion for measurement. Conversely, someone can have a "healthy" BMI of 19-22 and dangerously high levels of body fat ("skinny fat person").

BMI is a bad indicator of your health, physical form or ideal weight. Forget about weight and height tables and BMI; the correct solution is to test the fat layer.

Body fat testing

It is necessary to determine body composition so that you can separately observe fat and separately muscles. Instead of just looking at body weight, body composition analysis allows you to focus on body fat and lean body mass. Another reason for measuring body composition is so that you can control your progress and have continuous feedback. In the first chapter on goal setting, you learned how important it is to have a way to objectively measure progress. A weekly body composition analysis will measure and record the effects your diet and exercise program has on your body.

Many people mistake activity for achievement. They are obviously dieting hard and working hard in the gym - the problem is that they don't get results and don't even notice it because they don't measure results!

"Many people climb the ladder of success every day, only to find it's leaned against the wrong wall!"

If you don't measure your results with body composition testing, you may find yourself spinning your wheels (burning energy) but not getting anywhere, or even leading a procession heading in the wrong direction!

You can practice, practice, practice, but without constant feedback that body composition testing provides, you have no way of knowing if all this activity is getting you closer to your goal. The only goals worthy of your efforts are fat loss and muscle gain, not weight loss and weight gain.

For example, if you're losing weight but the type of weight you've lost is muscle, then you're going in the wrong direction and you should change your program! If you lose fat and keep your muscles, then your program works, and you do not need to change anything.

What is the average body fat level?

Average body fat percentage varies by gender and age group. Due to estrogen (the female sex hormone), women have 5% more body fat than men. The average woman has about 23% body fat and the average man about 17%. In both men and women, body fat increases with age, while lean body mass decreases.

According to Dr. William Evans of the Human Nutrition Research Center, the average person loses 3 kg. lean body mass every decade after age 20. The rate of muscle loss increases by the age of 45. Most people gain fat as they age, even when body weight doesn't change much; muscles contract as fat accumulates. The average male college student (aged 20) has approximately 15% body fat. The average sedentary middle-aged man has 25% body fat or more.

What is the “ideal” body fat level?

You should note that body fat levels are below average ranges, not necessarily ideal ranges. After all, who wants to be just "average"?

A body fat of 25% would statistically place a woman in the "average" category, but that level would not necessarily be ideal. The optimal percentage of body fat for a non-athlete is approximately 10-14% for men and 16-20% for women.

These ideal body fat goals are realistic, achievable for almost anyone, and can be sustained for the long term.

Desirable body fat levels for athletes can be even lower, depending on the sport. With these "ideal" body fat levels, you will look lean and mostly lean.

If you want to have a "tearing" appearance bodybuilder or fitness contest winner, you may need to lower them even further. Most men begin to show superior division when they shift their averages to the highest single digits. Women look muscular when they reach the lower end of the average (Table 1).

Nominal body fat scale

What body fat is dangerously large?

High body fat levels have been linked to over 30 health problems, including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoarthritis.
Belonging to the category of "clinically obese" means that the body fat has reached such a level that these health problems are actualized. Men are borderline at 25% body fat and clinically obese at 30%, while women are borderline at 30% and clinically obese at 35% body fat.

High levels of body fat impair athletic performance. Research has shown that high levels body fat causes a decrease in performance when tested for endurance, speed, balance, agility and jumping ability.

To what level should the body fat be reduced?

The fat layer cannot be reduced to zero, since a small part of the fat is located inside the body and is necessary for its normal functioning. It's called "essential fat". Necessary fat is required for energy storage, protection of internal organs and protection from heat loss. Essential fat is found in the nerves, brain, bone marrow, liver, heart, and almost every other gland and organ in the body. In women, this fat also includes sex-related fat deposits, including breast and uterine tissue. The required body fat is 2-3% for men and 7-8% for women.

Competitive bodybuilders and endurance athletes such as marathon runners achieve body fat levels of up to 2-4% in men and 8-10% in women (Table 2). With today's obsession with losing weight, the safety of lowering body fat to very low levels has often been questioned. Being very thin is undoubtedly more beneficial than being super fat. However, trying to maintain extremely low body fat levels for too long is not realistic or beneficial.

Table 2. Typical average body fat for athletes

Men Women
Runners on long distances 5-10% 10-16%
Elite marathon runners 3-5% 9-12%
Sprinters 5-12% 12-18%
Jumpers & hurdlers 6-13% 12-20%
Olympic gymnasts 5-8% 11-14%
Bodybuilders, competition uniform 3-5% 8-12%
Bodybuilders, off-season 6-12% 13-18%
Football players, wingers 9% -
Football players, midfielders 14% -
Football players, forwards 16-19% -
football players 7-12% 10-18%
Baseball/softball players 10-14% 12-18%
basketball players 7-12% 10-16%
wrestlers 4-12% -
Cross country skiers 7-13% 17-23%
tennis players 10-16% 14-20%
Swimmers 6-12% 10-16%

This is especially true for women. With rare exceptions, most women who try to keep their body fat within 10-13% may have problems with estrogen production, menstrual cycle and normal functioning of the reproductive system, bone density may decrease with age, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis .

Reaching these extreme body fat levels during competition is common practice. But trying to maintain this state for a long period can lead to serious problems. It is more useful and reasonable to train and follow a diet in a cyclic mode, changing the level of body fat in the season and in the off-season.

The typical female bodybuilder or fitness competitor maintains a thin (and beneficial) 13-16% body fat for most of the year, then drops to 8-12% during competition. Men can lower their body fat levels by up to 3-5% during the competition period, then increase it to 8-10% in the off-season.

Methods for measuring body composition

Scales, a tape measure and a mirror are all very useful, but they alone are not enough. But why not just use a mirror? After all, it really only matters if you're happy with your reflection when you're standing naked in front of a mirror, right?

The problem is that when you look at yourself in the mirror every day, it's often hard to "see" the daily and weekly changes because they happen so slowly. It can be frustrating and discouraging - a bit like watching grass grow.

In addition, most people find it difficult to objectively assess their progress. The most famous example of a distorted self-image is anorexia, but it works both ways: many bodybuilders and overzealous exercise athletes suffer from "muscle dysmorphia" - a term coined by psychologists, the meaning of which is best revealed as "reverse anorexia." These are people who always feel like they're not big enough or muscular enough.

Almost everyone has a distorted perception of their body image to some extent. You rarely notice changes in your physique as easily as others do. That is why you need an objective, accurate and scientific method to measure your progress. There are at least a dozen methods for testing body composition.

Various "experts" will probably always argue over which one is the best. After considering the pros and cons of each method, you will no doubt conclude that for your purpose of tracking personal weekly progress, skinfold testing is the easiest and most practical method.

Underwater weighing (hydrostatic)

Hydrostatic testing, or underwater weighing, has always been considered the "gold standard" in measuring body composition, compared to all other methods.
Possibly very effective indeed, hydrostatic testing has its drawbacks: the main - it is not always possible and convenient - is to submerge in water.

To measure your body fat using the hydrostatic method, you dive into the water while sitting on a chair that is suspended from a scale (imagine sitting in a giant groceries scale and then being dunked into a cistern or pool) . The rationale for hydrostatic weighing is the fact that fat floats while muscle sinks. The fatter you are, the more you will float, and the more you float, the less you will weigh underwater. The less fat you have, the more you will dive and weigh more underwater.

Hydrostatic weighing has other disadvantages as well. Several factors can affect the accuracy of the analysis. For example, African Americans have denser bones than other races, and as a result, they may have a lower percentage of body fat than hydrostatic measurement indicates. In addition, men tend to have denser bones than women, and also younger people tend to have denser bones than older people.

If race, age, and sex are not carefully considered, body fat estimates can be largely misleading.

Another factor that can affect the results of the analysis is your "residual volume". Residual volume is the amount of air remaining in your lungs after you fully exhale. Before diving into the tank, you must exhale all the air from your lungs. If you are unable to completely exhale all the air from your lungs before you dive, you will be recorded as having a higher body fat content than you actually have.

Hydrostatic weighing is most commonly performed in hospitals and university research centers. This can be an expensive undertaking, although at some universities you may volunteer to be experimented on by student scientists in their research projects. All things considered, underwater weighing isn't very practical, although it's fun to do it once, if only for "fun".

Bioelectric resistance analysis

Bioelectrical resistance analysis (BAS) measures body fat by measuring the electrical conductivity of your body tissues. The mass of a lean body, due to its high water content, is very electrically conductive. Fat, due to its low water content, exhibits insulating properties and is therefore less electrically conductive. The analysis is carried out by attaching electrodes to the skin of your right wrist and right foot. A weak electrical current is then passed through your body, measuring the resistance of your muscles, bones, and fat tissue. Measuring readings in units of "Ohm", determine the thickness of the fat layer.

Because the analysis is based on your body's water status, results may fluctuate depending on your body's hydration. If you are dehydrated from alcohol, caffeine, physical activity or intense sweating, the results may not be correct. Since your water balance also changes depending on the time of day, the results of tests performed in the morning can be very different from those at night.

The study shows that ALS is a fairly reliable and validated measure of body composition. However, this method tends to overestimate body fat in sports groups(such as bodybuilders). Body fat formulas have now been developed for the average population, which is why bodybuilders and athletes prefer "skinfold" testing.

ALS body fat scales and testing with a fat loss monitor

Relatively new method some of the ways to test body fat are "fat scales" and testing with a grip on the hand. The most popular scales are made by Tanita. The most popular "fat loss monitor" is made by Omron. Body fat scales and monitors work through ALS, although this is not the same thing as a standard ALS analysis done with arm and leg electrodes.

Manufacturers nimbly refer to scientific literature substantiating the reliability of the ALS, but few studies have been carried out to prove the accuracy of the ALS scale or "monitor". Most of the published research on ALS has been done by simply measuring ALS in a laboratory where you lie down and electrodes are attached to your wrist and leg. The results of these studies cannot be applied to a BAS scale or monitor because these methods do not measure whole body conductivity. The scale takes measurements only in the lower part of the body. Testing with a monitor only takes measurements in the upper body.

The advantage of using a BAS scale is the convenience and ability to take measurements at home - no other method can beat them in terms of convenience and ease of use. However, winning in convenience, you lose in accuracy. If you choose to use a scale, be aware that measurements taken at different times of the day may not give consistent results because your body's hydration level fluctuates throughout the day. If you think the scale is giving you consistent and repetitive measurements, then keep using it. However, don't be surprised if there are significant fluctuations and strange data. Until the scales have received due scientific confirmation, they are considered "experimental".

infrared method

The infrared method is based on the principles of absorption and reflection of light. Measurements are made by placing an optical fiber probe on the bulge of the biceps. The probe sends a beam of infrared light into the muscle where it is refracted and then the wavelength is measured to estimate total body fat.

The Futrex device is the most common of the infrared devices. Data on height, weight, age, gender, body type and activity level are entered into the device and the device prints the results. The advantages of this method are that it is fast, simple, and non-invasive (atraumatic). Disadvantages include the high cost of the machine (€3,999), questionable accuracy and reliability.

Girth and anthropometric method

These body composition methods that estimate body fat thickness consist of measuring the diameter of a bone or the girth of a limb at multiple locations. Girths are measured using a measuring tape, while bone diameters are determined using a device called an anthropometer.

Both methods are based on the assumption that there is a relationship between skeletal size, body measurements, and lean body mass. Diameters, or girths, are used in regression equations to determine lean body mass and thus calculate body fat content.

Determining the ratio of hip circumference to waist circumference is one example of applying the girth method. You may have seen these charts online or in fitness magazines. You just substitute your indicators, height and weight and - please! Do you have a body fat score? The analyzes are simple, but they are much less accurate than those obtained in other ways. Studies have shown a significant degree of inaccuracy in this method compared to the skinfold method and hydrostatic weighing. I do not recommend this method to you. Use it only if approximate values ​​are sufficient for you.

Other Methods

There are many other methods used to measure body fat, such as body potassium, total body electrical conductivity, isotopic dissolution, urinary creatine excretion, total calcium, total nitrogen, total plasma creatinine, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. tomography, ultrasound, neutron activation analysis, and dual photon absorptiometry. While some of these high-tech methods can be incredibly accurate and useful in the lab, none of them are practically suitable for your personal use in a diet program.

But if you want to get extremely accurate indicators of body composition, then only the “direct measurement” method is suitable; that is, physical dissection of the fat layer. True, you have to be a corpse to measure your body fat in this way, so this method is not very practical. I mention this not to play a joke, but to emphasize that all body fat testing methods are just estimates and not “direct measurements”.

Skinfold measurement. Testing "chips per centimeter"

When you choose a method for testing body fat, pay attention to its practicality, ease of implementation and consistency of repeated measurements. Record: skinfold testing.

Skinfold testing is based on the fact that most of your body fat accumulates directly under your skin. This type of body fat is called "subcutaneous fat". The rest of the fat is located around the organs ( internal fat) and in muscle tissue (intramuscular fat).

By measuring the amount of subcutaneous fat, "pinching" the folds of skin and fat in some places, you can get a very accurate estimate of the total percentage of body fat. A qualified tester can measure body fat with an accuracy very close to underwater weighing, the "gold standard" for body composition testing. Most importantly, skinfold testing is extremely practical.

This type of testing is done with a simple vise-like tool called a thickness gauge. The jaws of the thickness gauge clamp a fold of skin and fat and measure the thickness of the thick fold in millimeters. There are many different brands of thickness gauges on the market. But I recommend the Myprotein Caliper because it is one of the few inexpensive (plastic) models that can get fairly accurate results.

Skin Fold Test Formulas

With the help of thickness gauges, skin folds are measured in several areas of the body, and then the readings are added up. Then the amount is entered into the fat percentage table, which is attached to the thickness gauge. These tables are derived from mathematical regression equations, and they allow you to quickly convert measurements to millimeters.

Don't get too hung up on where skinfold measurements are taken. Some people are concerned that the bulk of their visible fat is concentrated in the lower part of their body, and try to take measurements of the skin fold in the upper part. Body fat formulas will give you a very accurate estimate of your total body fat using one to four measurements, even if they are all taken from your upper body.

Measurements taken from three places will be enough to make an accurate calculation. Most studies have shown that using more than four places does not significantly improve accuracy, but using fewer than three places can reduce accuracy.

How accurate is skinfold testing?

The skinfold technique is sometimes criticized for being inaccurate (this is especially true of manufacturers of other body fat testing devices). Compared to complex methods such as underwater weighing or magnetic resonance imaging, skinfold testing can seem too simple to be accurate.

In fact this species testing just takes a lot of practice. The biggest mistakes are pinching in the wrong place or taking the fold in the wrong way (for example, making a horizontal fold when it should be vertical). Skinfold analysis can be as accurate as the person doing it.
Dan Duchaine, author of Body Opus, once wrote:

“I don't know why the thickness gauges are so accurate. Although you may find more charming contrivances, the new clothespin can give a more accurate estimate than any other method other than dissection. The only disadvantage of using thickness gauges is the insufficient qualification of the operator; but practice makes perfect.”

When done correctly and by a qualified trainer, skinfold testing is almost as accurate as any other method designed to diagnose people with body fat in the 15-35% range.

For body fat greater than 35%, the accuracy of this method does decrease somewhat, and for lean people this technique is the most accurate.

Reliability and consistency of skinfold testing

Since there are many various types thickness gauges and skinfold formulas - it is important that the measurements are taken by the same person and that they use the same thickness gauge and the same formula each time. Accuracy is not as important as the reliability and consistency of repeated measurements.

Even with the most skilled testing trainer, the skinfold technique—and most other similar methods—are only three to four percent accurate. However, if testing showed that you have 12% body fat, then it does not really matter that your body fat is actually 15%. What matters most is that the method used in this case is reliable in the sense that you can notice the trend of your progress from one dimension to the next. In fact, this is the sole purpose of body fat testing - to evaluate progress.

How to calculate body fat and lean body mass (MBT)

On its own, body fat is nothing but a number - it doesn't really do you any good other than brag if it's low. The real value of knowing your body fat percentage lies in using it as a tool to monitor progress in terms of pounds of fat and muscle.

The next step in using body fat percentages is to divide your total weight into kilograms of fat and muscle mass. Then, you can guarantee progress in terms of percentage of total mass, body fat, MXT and body fat.

Your MXT is the total weight of all tissues in your body, excluding fat. This indicator includes not only muscles, but also bones and other tissues that do not contain fat. Because muscle is the largest component of lean body mass, tracking your MHT can tell you if you are losing or gaining muscle.

Tracking your MXT is one of the most useful and important goals of body fat testing.

To calculate your MHT in kilograms, you need to know two things: your body weight and your body fat percentage. First, determine how many kg. fat is available in the body, by multiplying the percentage of fat by weight. From this you can calculate your lean body mass by subtracting kg. fat from your total body weight.


Your body weight is 95 kg. The body fat content is 19%.

Multiply your body fat percentage by your weight to find kg. fat:

0.19% * 95 kilograms = 18.05 kilograms of fat.

Subtract kilograms of fat from your total mass to determine your lean body mass:

95 kilograms - 18.05 kg. fat = 76.95 kg. lean body mass

A simple criterion for determining your ideal weight

Now that you understand the importance of body fat to body weight, and that height-weight charts are worthless, how should you calculate your ideal weight? Well, first of all, it doesn't matter how much you weigh! If you have a muscular body without a single gram of visible fat, do you really care how much you weigh?

However, it is still reasonable to define a target weight in kilograms in the same way as a target body fat. You can calculate your "true" ideal weight if you know your current body fat and the fat level you want to achieve.

Ideal weight formula

To find your ideal weight, you must know your desired body fat percentage, your current weight, body fat percentage, and lean body mass. Then, to calculate your ideal weight, you simply divide your current lean body mass by the percentage of lean body mass without your target body fat.

The formula is:

Divide your current lean body mass by your desired fat content.

You are a man.
Your weight: 95 kilograms
Fat content: 19%
Fat weight: 18.05 kg.
Lean body weight: 76.95 kg.
Target Fat Percentage: 12%

Determine percentage of lean body mass by subtracting target body fat from 1: (1-0.12 = 0.88)

Divide your lean body mass by your percentage of lean body mass to find your ideal weight: (76.95/0.88 = 87.44)

So, your ideal weight at 12% fat is 87.44 kilograms.

Effect of water weight on MAT measurements

When using this formula, you must take into account the effect of water weight. Since your body is 70% water, allow 2-4% allowance for water weight. The more your total body weight and the more fat you have to lose, the more water weight you will lose.

Very often you can observe a loss of 1-3 kg. the first week you start exercising new program food and physical training. Because water is a fraction of lean body mass, your MXT calculations for the first week or two will be affected by water loss. It will look like you are losing muscle, but don't panic if you see a slight dip in MHT - it's just water weight.

After the first week or two, weight loss should stabilize at 1kg. per week or less and further reduction in lean body mass should be minimal. Remember that it is difficult - if not impossible - to lose more than 1 kg. fat per week. If you lose more than 1 kg, part of this volume is water or muscle.

Small reductions in the Moscow Art Theater are almost inevitable and are not a cause for concern. If you see repeated significant drops in your MXT score, then you are losing muscle and you must take immediate corrective action to prevent further losses.

Now that you know how to measure body fat and calculate lean body mass, you are ready to master Chapter 4, in which you will learn how to use your weekly weight and body composition measurements to monitor your progress.

You also need to know exactly what to do if:

- You lose lean body mass;
- You build up body fat;
- You lose fat for a while, then get stuck on a plateau;
“Nothing happens at all—you don’t lose anything and you don’t gain anything.

Body fat percentage is the proportion of your weight that is made up of adipose tissue

For example, a woman weighing 70 kg with 30% body fat has 21.1 kg of adipose tissue. The remaining 48.9 are in her muscles, bones, nerves, tissues, internal organs etc.

The percentage of body fat in the body is directly related to the level of physical fitness, so it is a better indicator of health than the body mass index (BMI).

The table shows the percentage of body fat in men and women, and the level of their training

*For men, it is considered borderline at 25% adipose tissue, and clinical obesity at 30%. Women have a borderline condition at 30% adipose tissue, and clinical obesity at 35%.
**Low body fat in women increases the chance of amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation).

How to measure body fat percentage

To make measurements correctly, you must use a caliper. However, measurements will require the help of an outsider. Follow this algorithm:

  1. Grab the fold with two fingers and pinch it tightly;
  2. Without releasing the crease, tightly close the caliper lips a little lower;
  3. Fix the result, go to the next part of the body.

Body fat is normal

Some percentage of fat must be present in the body. A person needs adipose tissue to regulate the production of hormones and maintain body temperature. Too low a fat percentage poses a health risk.

The lower threshold for fat content for men is 5%; for women - 13%.

Based on materials:

  • Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition, 40, 497-504.
  • Jackson, A. S., Pollock, M. L., & Ward, A. (1980). Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 12, 175-182.