Ranks in swimming 25 meters children. What are the standards for a sport like swimming? Where to find the time required to meet the standard

You have been visiting the pool for a long time and want to reach certain heights in sports - find out which discharge standards establishes the current table of categories for swimming in 2018-2020 and what conditions exist for pools and open water.

Current EVSK standards

The unified all-Russian sports classification was adopted back in 2018, but the current category standards for swimming will be relevant in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

In accordance with Order No. 990 of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2017, innovations are effective from January 1, 2018.

Important! In the new document, the names of some sports disciplines, therefore, before applying for a title or rank, check the basic data. In case of incorrect registration of the application (this also includes the incorrect spelling of the name of the discipline), the category or title will not be awarded.

Regulation tables (pools)

Order No. 990 establishes standards for disciplines:

  • freestyle (50 m / 100 m / 200 m / 400 m / 800 m / 1500 m);
  • breaststroke (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • on the back (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • butterfly (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • integrated swimming (200 m / 400 m).

The following abbreviations apply in the tables below:

Men (25 meters)

Professionals say that in swimming only 30% of success depends on strength, and the remaining 70% on the technique and endurance of the athlete. The shorter the distance, the more attention should be paid to speed, the longer, the more important becomes endurance and the ability to properly distribute forces.

In a 25-meter pool, an athlete can achieve more high score due to more pushes from the side, which slightly reduces the total time. In 2019-2021, in such pools, you should focus on the following standards:

Men (50 meters)

The 50-meter pool was named the Olympic one, because it is in such conditions that olympic competitions, while for the World or European Championships, 25-meter pools can be used.

It takes a little longer to overcome the same distances in a 50-meter pool, so the table of swimming standards has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when preparing for competitions in 2018, 2019 or 2020.

Women (25 meters)

Many athletes agree that it is more convenient to train in a 25-meter pool. But at the same time, an increased number of turns and a difference in distance can negatively affect the result. If the training will only take place in short pools, then how performance will be taken into account on long distance. It is considered optimal to conduct training in different conditions. This will give you confidence and a guarantee of results.

The table of categories in swimming EVSK establishes such standards for women for 25-meter pools for 2018-2020.

Women (50 meters)

In order to overcome the distance in the Olympic 50-meter pool, keeping within the figures given by the new table of standards for swimming, athletes will have to train a lot of endurance in 2018-2020. The main problem for some regions also remains a small number of sports complexes who can afford a pool of this size. Nevertheless, if you have to pass the standard in such conditions, take the numbers indicated in this table as the basic norms:

Mandatory conditions

First of all, you should know that there are age restrictions for all categories and titles:

Important! In order to qualify for a category or title, an athlete must reach the specified age in the year they are held.

For those wishing to receive a rank or title, the following rules apply:

  1. youthful II or III p. can assign a competition of any rank to a competition that has fulfilled the norm;
  2. І(u) as well as ІІ and ІІІ sport. ranks are awarded for achievements in competitions with a status not lower than intermunicipal;
  3. I sport. category and CCM require at least the level of official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation and the mandatory presence of an electronic time fixing system (or the presence of at least 3 timekeepers on the road);
  4. MS can be obtained by completing the standard when participating in competitions not lower than the championship federal district(subject to the presence of an electronic timing system);
  5. MSMK is assigned to participants international competitions from the EKP list.

Open waters

In open water, an athlete can receive swimming categories in 2018-2020 by fulfilling the following standards:

On the way to the top

For most professional athletes the path to the top begins in childhood. As you can see, there is a strict hierarchy of ranks and titles that must be obtained on the way to the coveted MSMK.

Important! Youth and sports ranks are assigned in the regions where the athlete lives, and the titles are awarded by the Ministry of Sports of Russia.

If the achievement is recorded in accordance with all the rules and taking into account the requirements set by the established standards, the coach must submit an application for qualification within 4 months. from the date of the result.

All achievements on the way to success are recorded in a special book, which athletes, as a rule, purchase at their own expense. When filling out the book, please note that, in addition to the rank (or rank), the following should be indicated:

  • competition rating;
  • information about the judges who recorded the achievement;
  • links to the relevant assignment orders.

Good day to all athletes, especially fans of the Olympic sport. In this useful review, we will once again help you learn about new swimming regulations for 2017. We will also tell you why it is useful to engage in swimming and what will give the body a quick swim over the distance.

What is swimming and what is it for?- This olympic look sports such as weightlifting, athletics, where athletes compete in overcoming the set distance in the shortest time. In the Russian lexicon, swimming is water polo, diving, synchronized swimming and other sports. The organization of various international water events is organized by the federation - Fina, established back in 1908.

I think many people are interested in what muscles in a swimmer work when swimming - back muscles, pectorals, legs and even calves. But the main part in the development of muscles during swimming is taken by the back. No wonder all swimmers are broad-shouldered.

Swimming standards 2017 table youth categories

Before looking at the table of standards for 2017, you need to know the conditional reduction:

  • MSMK - master of sports of international class;
  • MS - master of sports;
  • CMS - Candidate Master of Sports.

I- the first category;
II- the second category;
III- the third category;
I(u)- the first youth category;
II(u)- second youth category;
III(u)- the third youth category.

Table of ranks in swimming 2017

Today, swimming is one of the most popular and mass sports - attention is paid to it both as a way of actively improving a person throughout almost the entire history of mankind, and as one of the first and popular types sport at the modern Olympic Games. Swimming can be enjoyed by people of all ages.– the first classes in specialized pools can be attended with parents already infants over 6 months of age. Up to the very middle age men and women come to swim in open water or in various artificial structures (swimming pools).

Of course, an ordinary person almost never thinks about swimming standards - when going to a pool or open water for classes, people think about the possibility of a pleasant pastime or about strengthening their own health, but not about the sport of “high achievements”.

Nevertheless, sport competitions, which take place in their own city or broadcast the largest sports battles (European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games) the vast majority of our contemporaries watch with enthusiasm on TV.

The issue of standards is actively discussed only in the families of athletes - their relatives can really discuss with enthusiasm the qualifications and criteria for awarding swimming categories for children or adults, the policies of national swimming federations in their own country or international organizations.

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History of regulations in swimming ^

Throughout the centuries-old history of mankind, the very concept of "swimming standard" was very relative - it was not possible accurate measurement time intervals, and two or more swimmers, setting off for a swim, in the process of a specific stage of the competition, found out - which of them is faster, who is better than the opponent, mastered the secrets of a certain type of swimming, and got ahead of the rest.

According to this principle, swimmers also competed in Ancient Greece and Rome (at that time warriors were taught swimming, but this sport was not included in the competition program at the Olympic Games of antiquity), and in subsequent eras.

The first documented evidence of swims has a history of almost three and a half thousand years, but the concept of standards in swimming applies only by the second half of the 19th century.

It was at this time that the first indoor swimming pools were built and put into operation in a number of European capitals, which could be used throughout the year.

At that time, these facilities were used for teaching swimming - mainly for future officers who were trained in military schools and academies, and it was the military personnel, for the most part, who were participants in the 1890 first European Championship.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin included swimming in the competitions of the first modern Olympic Games, and water sports sports are present at the Olympics throughout this time.

With its creation, the rules of the competition were streamlined, the conditions for conducting swims in open and closed water were determined.

Until that time, it would be wrong to talk about some standards and categories - there were no rules defining the main modern methods of navigation (and there were no methods specified by the rules as such).

Even competitions in different countries were held mainly on open water, and the distances of the swims were measured in accordance with the metric systems of the country hosting the competition (in meters or yards), so it’s impossible to talk about any common standards for athletes.

Swimming as a sport in the modern world ^

Recognized by everyone sports world and the public standards in swimming refer to the 20s of the last century - it was at this time that such great athletes as A. Charlton and D. Weissmuller appeared on the world sports arena.

It was this swimmer who became a two-time Olympic champion, was able to swim a distance of 100 meters in the pool faster than 1 minute and spend less than 5 minutes on a distance of 400 meters.

The names of these athletes are associated with the improvement in swimming technique adopted by FINA and the national federations - these innovations made it possible to dramatically increase sports results athletes of all levels.

The International Federation has introduced into the practice of competitions the rules for conducting heats and the size of the pools (50 and 100 meters).

Today, results are recorded separately and competitions are held on the swimming lanes of these artificial structures, as well as open water swimming standards.

In modern conditions, stakes are placed on high-speed swimming - this is what pools built over the past 20-25 years are subject to, in which the depth of the bath, the drainage system, special track markers designed to extinguish turbulence(one of the main reasons for the drop in speed), as well as modern equipment for athletes.

Olympic competitions are held in 50 meter pools and open water. World and European Championships, national championships are held separately on the "short" (in pools with a length 25 meters) and on the "long" (in pools with a length 50 meters) water.

At the last Olympic Games, 16 sets of medals were played in swimming among men and women, in addition to this, swimming competitions are included in the program of some other Olympic disciplines (trialon, heptathlon).

A short video of the swimming competition:

From March 17 to March 18, 2012, St. Petersburg for the second time hosted international competitions for the prizes of the All-Russian Swimming Federation - the first major start of the season for Russian athletes, where it was possible to fulfill the qualifying standard for the Olympic Games in London.

Director: Maxim Nikonov

In the 4 x 100m or 4 x 200m medley relay, swimmers cover the distance in the following order: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle.

IN relay races 4 x 100 m or 4 x 200 m freestyle, it is allowed to swim in any way.

IN relay races, the participants of the first stage start at the same time. In subsequent legs, competitors must start so that their legs leave the starting block no earlier than the swimmer finishing the previous leg touches the wall of the pool with his hand. A team that violates the rules is disqualified.


Table 4

Table of norms and conditions for their implementation for assignment sports titles and categories in the sport SWIMMING (men, pool 25 meters)

MEN. POOL 25 meters


on chest)





Table 5

Table of norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport of SWIMMING (women, pool 25 meters)

WOMEN. POOL 25 meters


on chest)





In addition, there are special conditions for awarding the title of Master of Sports (MS) and Master of Sports of International Class (MSMK).

For outstanding achievements, an athlete can be awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia (ZMS).


1. Bulgakova N.Zh. Swimming. - M., Physical culture and sport, 1999. - 184 p., Ill. - (ABC of sports).

2. Vikulov A.D. Swimming: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments.– M.: Vlados-Press, 2004.– 367 p.

3. Water sports: A textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. N.Zh. Bulgakova. - M., Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.- 230 p.

4. Ganchar I.L. Swimming: Theory and Teaching Methods: Textbook.–

Minsk, 1998.– 352 p., ill.

5. Gorlov O.A. Organization and refereeing of swimming competitions / O.F. Gorlov, E.A. Borisov. - St. Petersburg, 1996. - 86 p.

6. Grigoriev V.I. Physical culture of St. Petersburg university students as an object socio-pedagogical research. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

7. Davidenko D.N., Grigoriev V.I. Biological bases physical education and sports: Tutorial.– St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2008.– 103 p.

8. Eremeeva L.F. Teach your child to swim. Swimming program for preschool and toddlers school age: Toolkit.– St. Petersburg: Childhood press, 2005.– 112 p., ill.

9. Kozlov A.V. Fundamentals of swimming technique: Textbook / A.V. Kozlov. - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture im. P.F. Lesgafta, 1997.– 37 ​​p.

10. Kuuz R.V. Recreational swimming with women 18-25 years old in a deep pool: Abstract of the thesis. dis...cand. ped. Sciences / R.V. Kuuz. - SPb., 1999. - 24 p.

11. Litvinov A.A., Ivchenko E.V., Fedchin V.M. The ABC of swimming. - St. Petersburg, "Foliant", 1995. - 108 p., ill.

12. Makarenko L.P. Technique sports swimming: A guide for trainers / L.P. Makarenko. - M .: All-Russian Swimming Federation, 2000. - 136 p., Ill.

13. Menshutkina T.G. Swimming teaching methodology (Fundamentals of swimming teaching methodology. Methods primary education). Part 2. Lecture / T.G. Menshutkin. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 52 p.

14. Menshutkina T.G. Theory and methodology recreational swimming women different ages: Abstract. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences /T.G. Menshutkin.–

SPb., 2000.– 48 p.

15. Menshutkina T.G. Professional and pedagogical skills of a swimming coach-teacher: Textbook / T.G. Menshutkin; SPbGAFK im.P.F. Lesgafta, 2000. - 48 p.

16. Menshutkina T.G., Litvinov A.A., Novoseltsev O.V., Nepochatykh M.G. Swimming. Theory and methodology health-improving and sports technologies of basic sports: Educational and methodological manual / SPbGAFK im. P.F. Lesgafta, 2002.– 117 p.

17. Menshutkina T.G., Litvinov A.A., Orekhova A.V. Technique sports ways swimming, starting and turning. Educational and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg: SPbGAFK them. P.F. Lesgafta, 2004.– 29 p.

18. Menshutkina T.G. Theory and methods of teaching in the health system rovitelno-sports technologies: Teaching aid / T.G. Menshutkina, A.A. Litvinov, O.V. Novoseltsev, M.G. Nepochatykh, A.V. Orekhov; SPbGAFK im. P.F. Lesgafta, 2005.– 122 p.

19. Nepochatykh M.G. The relevance of the use of aqua fitness exercises in swimming lessons with female students of non-athletic universities / Socially innovative model of the economic system: problems and prospects for building in Russia. Scientific session prof.-teacher composition, scientific employees and graduate students based on the results of research in 2007. March-April 2008. General economic fact. Sat. reports. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2008.

20. Nepochatykh M.G. Physical activity students of non-physical education universities / Socio-innovative model of the economic system: problems and prospects for building in Russia. Scientific session prof.-teacher composition, scientific employees and graduate students based on the results of research in 2007. March-April 2008. General economic fact. Sat. reports. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2008.

21. Health-improving, therapeutic and adaptive swimming: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. N.Zh. Bulgakova - M .: Academy, 2005. - 432 p.

22. Orekhova A.V. Differentiated approach in the study of the discipline "Swimming" by students of various sports specializations: Abstract of the thesis. ...candidate of pedagogical sciences / A.V. Orekhova. - St. Petersburg., 2002. - 21 p.

23. Osipov G.V., Leontyuk L.M., Khrapov V.I. Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process in the water polo sports training department at the university: Textbook. - St. Petersburg, SPGUTD., 1997. - 60 p.

24. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Bogina T.L. Swimming lessons in kindergarten: Book. for educators children. garden and parents. - M .: Education, 1991. - 159 p., ill.

25. Swimming: A textbook for ped. fak. Institute of Physics. cult. / Ed. N.Zh. Bulgakova. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1984. - 288 p., ill.

26. Swimming: Guidelines (training program) for coaches youth sports schools and schools of the Olympic reserve.–

M.: VTII, 1993.– 234 p.

27. Sports swimming. Textbook for high schools of physical culture / Ed. prof. N.Zh. Bulgakova.– M.: FON, 1996.– 430 p., ill.

28. Sports and military-applied swimming: Textbook / Ed. prof. O.V. Novoseltsev. - St. Petersburg: VIFK, 2005. - 584 p., ill.

29. Terentyeva L.A. Methods of teaching swimming at the main department at the university: Textbook. - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2003. - 77p.

30. Khorolskaya I.R. Methodology for the use of traditional and non-traditional means in the process of swimming: Abstract of the thesis. dis. …cand. ped. Sciences, I.R. Khorolskaya. - St. Petersburg, 1997. - 25 p.

31. Shibalkina M.G. The use of hydroaerobics in the process of health-improving swimming: Abstract of the thesis. dis. …cand. ped. Sciences, M.G. Shi-

Balkina. - St. Petersburg., 1997. - 25 p.

32. Shibalkina M.G. Hydroaerobics classes with women of mature age: Textbook / M.G. Shibalkina. - St. Petersburg: SPbGAFK im. P.F. Lesgaf-

ta, 1997.– 39 p.

33. Shmeleva L.V., Sidorova T.Yu. Methods of teaching swimming to university students: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 2005. - 122 p.

Educational edition

Nepochatykh Marina Gennadievna Bogdanova Victoria Anatolyevna Labzo Ksenia Sergeevna Nikitina Irina Yurievna Alekseeva Olga Ivanovna Smirnov Alexander Mikhailovich


Editor T.I. Rubtsova

Signed for publication on 16.03.09. Format 60x84 1/16.

Conv. oven l. 4.4. Circulation 200 copies. Order 148. RTP publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Publishing house SPbGUEF. 191023, St. Petersburg, Sadovaya st., 21.

If you have been visiting the pool for a long time and want to reach certain heights in sports - find out what category standards are set by the current table of swimming categories in 2018-2020 and what conditions exist for pools and open water.

Current EVSK standards

The unified all-Russian sports classification was adopted back in 2018, but the current category standards for swimming will be relevant in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

In accordance with Order No. 990 of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2017, innovations are effective from January 1, 2018.

Important! In the new document, the names of some sports disciplines have been changed, so before applying for a title or rank, clarify the basic data. In case of incorrect registration of the application (this also includes the incorrect spelling of the name of the discipline), the category or title will not be awarded.

Regulation tables (pools)

Order No. 990 establishes standards for disciplines:

  • freestyle (50 m / 100 m / 200 m / 400 m / 800 m / 1500 m);
  • breaststroke (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • on the back (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • butterfly (50 m / 100 m / 200 m);
  • integrated swimming (200 m / 400 m).

The following abbreviations apply in the tables below:

Men (25 meters)

Professionals say that in swimming only 30% of success depends on strength, and the remaining 70% on the technique and endurance of the athlete. The shorter the distance, the more attention should be paid to speed, the longer, the more important becomes endurance and the ability to properly distribute forces.

In a 25-meter pool, the athlete can achieve a better result due to more pushes from the side, which slightly reduces the total time. In 2019-2021, in such pools, you should focus on the following standards:

Men (50 meters)

The 50-meter pool was called the Olympic one, because it is in such conditions that the Olympic competitions are held, while 25-meter pools can be used for World or European Championships.

It takes a little longer to overcome the same distances in a 50-meter pool, so the table of swimming standards has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when preparing for competitions in 2018, 2019 or 2020.

Women (25 meters)

Many athletes agree that it is more convenient to train in a 25-meter pool. But at the same time, an increased number of turns and a difference in distance can negatively affect the result. If the training will take place only in short pools, then the performance will be taken into account at a long distance. It is considered optimal to conduct training in different conditions. This will give you confidence and a guarantee of results.

The table of categories in swimming EVSK establishes such standards for women for 25-meter pools for 2018-2020.

Women (50 meters)

In order to overcome the distance in the Olympic 50-meter pool, keeping within the numbers that the new table of swimming standards gives us, athletes will have to train a lot of endurance in 2018-2020. The main problem for some regions is also the small number of sports complexes that they can afford a pool of this size. Nevertheless, if you have to pass the standard in such conditions, take the numbers indicated in this table as the basic norms:

Mandatory conditions

First of all, you should know that there are age restrictions for all categories and titles:

Important! In order to qualify for a category or title, an athlete must reach the specified age in the year they are held.

For those wishing to receive a rank or title, the following rules apply:

  1. youthful II or III p. can assign a competition of any rank to a competition that has fulfilled the norm;
  2. І(u) as well as ІІ and ІІІ sport. ranks are awarded for achievements in competitions with a status not lower than intermunicipal;
  3. I sport. category and CCM require at least the level of official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation and the mandatory presence of an electronic time fixing system (or the presence of at least 3 timekeepers on the road);
  4. MS can be obtained by completing the standard when participating in competitions not lower than the championship of the federal district (subject to the availability of an electronic timing system);
  5. MSMK is assigned to participants of international competitions from the list of EKP.

Open waters

In open water, an athlete can receive swimming categories in 2018-2020 by fulfilling the following standards:

On the way to the top

For most professional athletes, the journey to the top begins in childhood. As you can see, there is a strict hierarchy of ranks and titles that must be obtained on the way to the coveted MSMK.

Important! Youth and sports categories are assigned in the regions where the athlete lives, and titles - by the Ministry of Sports of Russia.

If the achievement is recorded in accordance with all the rules and taking into account the requirements set by the established standards, the coach must submit an application for qualification within 4 months. from the date of the result.

All achievements on the way to success are recorded in a special book, which athletes, as a rule, purchase at their own expense. When filling out the book, please note that, in addition to the rank (or rank), the following should be indicated:

  • competition rating;
  • information about the judges who recorded the achievement;
  • links to the relevant assignment orders.