Kindergarten for children of the Olympic Games. Summer Olympics in kindergarten

Children's sports holiday
in senior and preparatory groups
"Winter Olympic Games"

Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.
To instill in children a love for sports and physical education, an interest in the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi, sports competitions.
Attach received to physical education classes knowledge and skills.
Develop children's creativity, imagination; encourage children to show initiative.
Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, the ability to control their actions and emotions.

The course of the holiday
Under the "Olympic March" by V. Popov, children go to the sports ground.

Presenter: We are glad to welcome all participants, fans and judges to our Small Winter Olympic Games. Olympic Games is a celebration of sports, friendship and beauty.
youth, beauty.

1 child. Banners fly over the stadium
Joyful songs sound everywhere
Walking in step in a slender column,
We go to the sports parade

2 child. We overtake the winged wind,
We tear the first ribbons in the run,
We kick the ball right into the goal,
We jump smartly and swim fast.

3 child. The sun is shining in the morning
And we prepared ahead of time.
Guys, it's time to start.
Sport competitions.

4 child. We are friends with the sun and water,
We are happy to start...
Celebrate sports
We are in honor of the Olympics!

Leading: We are starting the solemn opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games. Please raise the Olympic flag.
(Solemn music sounds, the Olympic flag rises).

Presenter: Guys, and now we meet the main symbol of the Olympic Games - the Olympic flame (a child runs out, in his hand he has a bowl with a symbolic Olympic fire, he runs in a circle and stands next to the flag, the children clap their hands at this time).

Leading. To start the Olympic Games
The guys should take an oath:
(Children together with the leader pronounce the words of the oath).
Leading: Who can compare with the nimble wind? Children: We are Olympians!
Leading: Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles? Children: We are Olympians!
Leading: Who is proud of the sport of their beloved homeland? Children: We are Olympians!

Leading. We swear to be honest
Strive for victory
high records,
We swear to achieve

Leading. Consider the Small Olympic Games open!
Our Olympians face interesting trials. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile.
And now I ask you to imagine team names and slogans. (groups say their motto).

Instructor. Before you compete
We must loosen up soon.
Do the exercises
Repeat after me.

Children perform exercises of musical and rhythmic composition
to the music of V. Shainsky "It's fun to walk together."

Leading: Great. The workout went well. I ask the teams to go to the stadium and get ready for the competition.
The groups break up in stages:

Stage 1. Hockey. Equipment: 2 clubs, cubes according to the number of children, 2 hoops or baskets, 2 gates (arcs).
In front of each column are pucks in a hoop, the participant in front with a stick. On command, he moves the puck forward, hitting it towards the goal, throws the puck into the goal, runs back and passes the stick to the next, and he himself stands behind.

Stage 2. Biathlon. Equipment: 2 pairs of skis, snowballs according to the number of children, 2 baskets
Biathlon - winter olympic look sport that combines ski race with rifle shooting. Rifle shooting will be replaced by snowballs. In front of you are skis and a basket of snowballs. Your task is to put on your skis, slide to the shooting line, throw a snowball into the basket and slide back. At the finish, pass the skis to the next team member. Use 2 pairs of skis in each team (while the participant completes the task, the next one puts on a ski and takes a snowball). The team that scores the most goals wins.

Stage 3. Puzzles.
Two metal brothers
How they grew together with boots,
Wanted to ride
Top! - on the ice and rushed.
Ah, yes brothers, ah, easy!
What are the brothers' names? … skates.

I put two wooden arrows on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain, Yes, head over heels.
There was laughter, From that dump:
They are on me, And on top of the stick! (Skis)

One hit with a racket -
The shuttle flies over the net.
Seryozha, though he beat hard,
Volanchik hit the net.
Anton won today.
What did they play? IN … badminton.

Tell me the name of the building:
In it - the bowl of the podium and the battlefield? (Stadium).

Vanechka went out on the ice,
He hits the goal with the puck.
Does Vanyushka hit the puck with a stick?
No! Not with a stick. This - … hockey stick.

Remove the snow from the site
Fill the skating rink with water, my friend.
And on these winter days
Shoe not boots, skates.
Hit the puck if you want to play!
Drive her! Where? IN … gates.

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet, kicks,
Like a nail is driven into a gate
Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”.
The ball game is called... football.

In winter on the site
The floor is cold and smooth.
But happy hockey players
Slippery floor, smooth, clean.
He will beat himself a bump,
Who suddenly plops on ... ice.

Stage 4. luge. Equipment: 2 ice cubes, 2 toys.
Each team has a sled with a passenger. Your task is to carry the sled by the rope to the mark and back without dropping the doll, if the doll falls, you need to stop and put it back, only after that continue moving.

Stage 5Relay race "Sacred fire"
At the Olympics, a torch with the Olympic flame is lit, which is passed to each other. Our teams will also pass the Olympic flame to each other.
Children are divided into two teams, lined up in 2 columns in front of the start line. Those in front have “torches” in their hands. On a signal, children with “torches” run to the landmark, go around it and, returning, betray the “torch” to the next player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Stage 6 mobile game(Where we were, we won’t say what we did, we’ll show you, Funny guys, Hunters and hares, Mousetrap)

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. The motto of the ancient Olympic Games was: “The main thing is not to win, but to participate,” so there are no losers in our games, everyone became winners. All of you who took part overcame difficulties and strived for victory. You showed yourself to be real athletes - fast, agile and stubborn. Many thanks to everyone for their participation and support, and now the awarding of the winners.

The song sounds "Goodbye, Olympic bear". Children leave the playground in formation. After passing the stages, the teams are built on the site.

Title: Scenario of a sports festival for senior preschoolers of the preschool educational institution "Winter Olympic Games"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, sports, Senior, preparatory groups

Position: educator
Place of work: MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 43"
Location: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region

Scenario of the sports festival Summer Olympics»

(for children 5-6 years old)

The holiday is held outside.

Target: To form in preschoolers ideas about the Olympic Games of our time as part of a universal culture.

Educational tasks:

To create in children the idea of ​​the Olympic Games as a peaceful competition for the physical improvement of people, in which the peoples of the whole world participate.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the symbols and rituals of the Olympic Games.

Contribute physical development children, their strength, speed, dexterity.

To promote the development of competitive qualities in children, a sense of mutual assistance, support.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Activate children's vocabulary: symbol, emblem, torch.

Educational tasks:

Strengthen positive relationships between children.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading fiction on sports topics.
  2. Examination of reproductions, albums on sports topics.
  3. Conversation about summer views sports
  4. Preparation of medals, production of the Olympic flag.

Equipment: CD player, music records, landmarks, flags, hoops, small balls, 2 baskets, skittles, 2 large balls, 2 hop balls, ties for children, captains' armbands.

Holiday progress:

Children under the march go to the site, are built in one line. Beforehand, they were divided into teams. Each team has ties, red and blue. The captains are in front. They have armbands.

Host: Today we have kindergarten host the Summer Olympics. The Olympic Games are sports that take place once every four years. Athletes from all over the world come to these competitions, they compete in a peaceful wrestling V different types sports. There are Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games. The country and city where the Olympic Games will be held is chosen in advance. Here in 2014 winter Olympics took place in Russia, in the city of Sochi. So today we will compete, we will have a fun sports festival.

The sun is shining in the morning

We are very happy with him!

Guys, it's time to start.

1 child (Borzoi Dima)

We celebrate the holiday of summer

A holiday of sports, a holiday of light.

Sun, sun, brighter gray!

The holiday will be more fun!

2 child (Chernyshov Savely)

We are friends with the sun and water,

We are happy to start

Celebrate sports

We are in honor of the Olympics!

3rd child (Enake Anya)

We are very friendly with sports,

We need it for our health!

Sport is an assistant, sport is a game!

All children: Physical education-hooray-hooray!!!

Host: U Olympic movement have their own symbols and emblems. Before the Olympics, a torch is necessarily lit, the Olympic flame is lit from it, there is also an Olympic flag - 5 rings of different colors are intertwined on a white background. These 5 rings are the symbol of the Olympic movement. And we will also raise the Olympic flag at our Olympics.

A child runs with Olympic flag, runs with him in front of a line of children, the flag is fixed on the flagpole.

Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined among themselves

Like all the athletes in the world

Hold hands tightly!

All of you guys are Junior Olympians. Come on, say in unison: “We are Olympians!”

Children repeat in chorus.

Host: Let's take the Olympic oath.

Who can compete with the nimble wind?

We are Olympians!

Who was born in the heart with a winged dream?

We are Olympians!

Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?

We are Olympians!

Who is proud of the sport of our Fatherland?

We are Olympians!

We swear to be honest, to strive for victory,

We swear to achieve high records!

We swear, we swear, we swear!!!

Moderator: before any sports competitions Athletes must warm up. Here we will do it with you. Let's stand in two columns so that there is free space for performing movements.

We go to the site

Charging starts

Charging is good for everyone

Everyone needs a charger

She saves us from laziness and disease!

(to the music " morning exercises”performed by the Fidget ensemble, a warm-up is being held).

Leading: our competitions will be judged by fair judges (educators of other groups), and the guys from junior groups. And now the teams - to the start!

Teams approach the markings on the site, line up in two columns behind the captains.

In the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports

Long live the children's olympiad,

Leading to new records!


  1. Running on long distances- relay race "Pass the flag" (the whole team plays).
  2. Basketball - to get the ball into the basket, the team that throws more balls into the basket wins (four to five children participate, those who will participate in the competition are selected from the team).
  3. Swimming - running with a hoop (the captain takes the hoop around him, holds it with both hands, runs to the mark, returns, passes the hoop to the next team member).

Host: All the guys are great! They competed heartily. Let's take a break to rest a little. I will guess for you sports riddles. Answer - do not yawn!


green meadow,

One hundred benches around.

From gate to gate

The people run briskly.

On these gates -

Fishing nets.

I twist it with my hand

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist at the waist,

And I don't want to drop.

He happens to be basketball

Volleyball and football.

They play with him in the yard,

It's interesting to play with him.

Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride!

Well, of course it is….

I have no time to get sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What makes me healthy...

Host: And now let's continue the competition! Teams to start!

  1. Football - who will quickly move the ball around the mark with their foot (3-4 children participate)
  2. High jump - jumping on hop balls around the mark.
  3. Relay "Friendship" - the captain runs around the mark, returns to the team, takes the next team member by the hand, etc., the whole team runs without letting go).

7. Captains competition - who will knock down the pins with the ball the most.

The judges sum up the results, the winning team is called. Awards for all participants.

Everyone is great today

We tried very hard!

Boldly and bravely you competed!

And now we will rest, dance and sing!

Children become in a circle together with fans, educators, everyone dances to cheerful children's music - "Chunga-Changa", "Barbariki", "Orange Song".

The script was prepared by the senior teacher Kuznetsova I.A.,

The Olympiad is held over three days.

Tasks: To cultivate love for sports, interest in the results and achievements of athletes. promote cognitive development child through the formation of abilities to perform exercise and games. Contribute to the formation healthy lifestyle life.

Equipment: Flag, tape recorder, 4 stopwatches, 2 landmarks, tape measure, 2 jump ropes, 4 route cards, protocols, press mats, 6 sandbags, 4 landmarks, benches for children.

Dictionary: Olympic games, flag, victory, wreath, century.

First day of the Olympiad. Opening

The sports ground is festively decorated with colorful balloons and flags. The hall is decorated with sports symbols and photographs sports holidays, children's drawings on the plots: “I am in the classroom for physical education"," Together with my mother, together with my dad, I do physical education. Children and adults enter the hall. Children line up in two columns, one against the other.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! We were gathered again today by the country of Sportlandia - the country of the strong and courageous, hardy and dexterous, fast and resourceful. Today we are holding small Olympic games among children of the senior and preparatory groups. Today, the fastest and most dexterous children of our kindergarten have gathered here. It is you who will fight for the title of winner in various types sports.


Flag of Russia, fly up

Arguing with the wind.

All children, like a song

Unites sports!

Leading. Follow the flag! Attention! Raise the competition flag! (The athletes of the group raise the flag.) At ease.

Leading(referring to the head of the kindergarten). Allow me to open small Olympic games among children of the senior and preparatory groups?

Head. I give permission to open small Olympic games among children of the senior and preparatory groups. (The word is given to the head of the kindergarten. The children come out.)

1st child.

In the old days, in the ancient world,

twenty-five centuries ago

I grieve and do not live in the world.

Went to war against brother brother.

And the wisest decided:

Eternal quarrels are terrible,

It is possible in courage and strength

Compete without war.

2nd child.

There was a simple green wreath

from olive branches

More precious than crowns

All warlike kings

Because not a warrior

I received such a wreath,

A worthy winner

And really a hero.

3rd child.

WITH Ancient Greece, from Hellas,

I took an example and a new century,

Resurrected the Olympics

Modern man.

And for those who are in the field, in the hall,

Who was the first in the pool, -

olympic medals,

Olympic podium.

4th child.

Time flies like a bird

And, probably, in a good hour

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.

And in a very ordinary tone

Peers will say about him:

— With an Olympic champion

We live in the same yard!

E. Ilyin

The host introduces the jury, fans (they can be parents of children or younger children).

Leading. And now let me introduce the teams of today's competitions. (Children are pre-divided into senior and preparatory groups, there are only 4 teams for a group of girls and boys.)

Captain of the 1st team. Welcome to the Bubble Team. Our motto is: "We will burst, but we will not give up." (After the greeting, each team shows a rhythmic gymnastics complex. The teams are prepared in advance.)

2nd team captain. Team "Friends". Our motto is "One for all and all for one".

3rd team captain. Athletes team. Our motto is: “Sport, guys, is very necessary. We are very good friends with sports.”

4th Team Captain. Welcome to the Hardened team. Our motto: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!" (Children sing the song “Fizkult-hurray!” (words by 3. Petrova, music by Yu. Chichkov).)

Leading. Competitions will be held in five sports: running 30 meters - 2 attempts, long jump from a place - 3 attempts, jumping rope for 30 seconds - 1 attempt, press from a sitting position for 20 seconds - 1 attempt, throwing an object into the distance - 3 attempts. All competitions will be held tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And now...

Look, love

On perky preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Today they go to kindergarten.

Performances by girls gymnasts, boys, acrobats. Non-amateur performances.

Second day of the Olympiad

The children enter the room. Children are divided into 4 groups - girls of the senior group, boys of the senior group, girls preparatory group, boys of the preparatory group.

Leading. Team captains need to receive route maps, according to which each team will perform the task. (Team captains receive route maps.)

Route maps


Before you compete

We must loosen up soon.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me.

Children stand in a circle, the musical-rhythmic composition “Together it is fun to walk”, music by V. Shainsky is performed.

1 figure.

Chorus: energetic jumps one after another.

Chorus: transition to vigorous walking.

1 phrase - to the words “sing with us”, without stopping, hands to the sides, then: “quail” - hands up, “quail” - hands to the sides and down. 2, 3, 4 phrases - repeat the same movements.

On the words "pe-sen-ka" step in place, hands smoothly through the sides down, at the end turn to the other side.

2 and 3 figures: movements are repeated with a change in direction.

Loss: children move on jumps in all directions, with the end of the loss they stop in a free position.

Chorus: walking on the spot, with the end of the music a clear stop.

Each team performs the movement according to the route maps.

Each stage is festively decorated, there are signs: "Long jump from a place", "Running", "Jumping rope", "Throwing", "Press". Meet the children of the judge, who make all the necessary measurements at their stage. The results are recorded in the protocols. Cheerful music sounds. Children go from stage to stage as a team.

Stage 1. "Standing long jump". The jump is performed in turn, preferably according to the list of children in the protocol, into a sand-filled pit on loosened soil or a gymnastic mat. Each child performs three jumps in a row without intervals. The length of the jump is measured from the repulsion line to the place of landing of the heel with an accuracy of 1 cm. The results of all three attempts are recorded in the protocol, and the best result.

Stage 2. "Running 30 meters". At the command "March!" children from a high start run to the flag, which is placed 2-3 meters further than the finish line. This prevents slowing down before the finish line. The running time is fixed. With the beginning of the movement of the child, the stopwatch is turned on, it is stopped after the child crosses the finish line. All the children take turns running. Then a second attempt is given. The protocol records the running time in each of the attempts. The best result is taken into processing.

Stage 3. "Press". Held in the hall. The child takes the starting position sitting on the floor, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees. One of the adults is holding the child's legs. The child lies on the floor and quickly returns to its original position. The stopwatch starts when the job starts. Turns off after 20 sec. Monitor not only the quantitative indicator, but also the quality of the proposed task (when lowering the body to the floor, touch the floor with two two shoulder blades, do not lower your arms).

Stage 4. "Jumping rope". Rope jumping should be carried out on the asphalt on the site or on the floor in the hall. From the moment of jumping through the rope, the stopwatch starts. Turns off after 30 seconds. The number of jumps is recorded in the protocol. If the child gets lost, he is allowed to jump further, and the score continues from the result where the child stopped.

Stage 5 "Throwing objects away". Throwing objects (a bag of sand - 200 g) should be carried out on an asphalt path, at least 3 m wide and 15-20 m long. The path encourages greater accuracy of the throw in a given direction. Previously, it is marked with chalk with transverse lines every 0.5 m. Ordinal numbers are placed at the ends of the line on both sides of the track, reflecting the number of meters from the throw line. Beforehand, all children need to fully explain the task. The child makes three throws right hand(if children wish, you can throw it with your left hand). The best result is recorded in the protocol.

Sample protocols of small Olympic games

Preparatory group (girls) Standing long jump

The number of lines is according to the number of participants in each team. After passing all the stages, the children gather on the sports ground.


Everyone is great today

Everyone is a jerk today.

You competed with zeal,

We watched with delight.

Now stand in a circle

Let's play together here.

Games are held at the request of children.

Definition of winners. Winners are determined in separate types of the program separately in each group (5-6 years old and 6-7 years old), separately in the group of boys and in the group of girls. From total attempts, the best result counts. If there are identical results, participants are given additional attempts. The winners are determined immediately after the Olympiad.

Third day of the Olympiad. closure

The hall is festively decorated. On the wall are photographs of children participating in the small Olympic Games. To the recording of the song "Fizkult-hurray!" (words by 3. Petrova) children, fans and parents enter the hall. They take places.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we congratulate our children, our stars, our athletes on their victory, their achievements. We meet the participants of the small Olympic Games. (Under the “Sports March” by M. Protasov, the teams enter the hall. They make a circle of honor. They stand in four columns.) We begin the awards. We give the floor to the jury.

Rewarding children who won prizes in certain types. Children who take first, second and third places in separate events are awarded with diplomas and gifts. All other children receive incentive prizes.


We are very proud of you

And sure that you

real athletes

They should definitely become.

Congratulate you

Many want.

Congratulate you

Many are in a hurry.

Children congratulate the head of the kindergarten, parents. The children come out.

1st child.

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!

2nd child.

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

3rd child.

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

4th child.

Teach yourself to order -

Do exercises every day.

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

5th child.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sport is a game, physical education ... cheers!

E. Kurganova


And now for you gymnasts,

And then the acrobats

Yes, but not alone,

They will perform with their parents.

Sports exercises of gymnasts and acrobats with their parents.

Leading. Teams, line up. Follow the flag. Attention. Lower the competition flag.

The flag is lowered by the winners of the small Olympic Games. They make a lap of honor.

Leading. The competition is over. All health, warmth, joy. Until new sports meetings.

Support group performance.