Tourist gatherings and competitions. School Tourist Gathering "Autumn Trail Tourist Gatherings

Tour in elementary school. Scenario

Conducting school-wide mass events requires not only serious preparation, but also a large number of people involved. This scenario for holding a tourist rally for elementary school involves the participation of a minimum number of judges at the stages, which allows class teachers to be with their children all the time. The script will be useful for teachers physical education, teachers primary school, teachers-organizers, deputy directors for educational work.

Target: Organization of leisure activities for elementary school students as part of the Health Day.
Tasks: rallying class teams, involving parents as active participants in the educational process, instilling a culture of behavior in nature, developing physical qualities, ingenuity, ingenuity and creativity, the formation of needs for physical development and sports.
Location: woodland (park)
Members: students in grades 2-4, parents, teachers
Inventory and equipment: class labels. "Start", "Finish". Plates with the names of the stages, wolf cub (cord with flags) of a length equal to the length of the entire distance of the tourist strip (from 500 to 1000 m) for marking the route. Tourist rope, log, saw cuts of a log about 5 cm thick (bumps) - 8 pieces, skittles 6 pieces, flags 6 pieces, plastic bottles with a marker attached to a cord and a task for the stages inside. A box with rubber toys, enameled mugs, 0.5 liter bottles of water, newspapers, matchboxes (without matches) according to the number of participating teams. Cards with stages for each team. Darts (magnetic).

Program of the event

Building teams-classes at the school. Submitting a report.
Greetings from the director of the school, the chief judge of the tourist rally.

Movement to the venue.

Breakdown of bivouacs.

Darts competition.
Competition "Autumn sandwich". Rewarding is carried out according to nominations (by the number of teams): the smallest, the largest, the most high-calorie, the most cheerful, the most dietary, etc.

obstacle course

Passing the obstacle course (all classes in order with a gap of 5 minutes). The obstacle course is located in a circle. Start and finish in one place.
At the start, participants must have their own backpack per team. The judge at the start briefly explains what the participants have to do and one puts a mark with red lipstick (at the stage of medicine, the “wound” must be sealed with adhesive tape), at the stages where the participants complete the task on the cards, they take the cards with them and hand them over to the finish line to the judge. Finish for 7 participants.

Stage 1 "Backpacking": there are different items in the box, you need to decide and choose those that you need to put in your backpack during the trip.

Stage 2 "Kochki": You need to move along the conditional bumps placed on the path.

Stage 3 "Flora": get a task out of the bottle, where the plants are listed, cross out those that do not grow in our area.

Stage 4 "Fauna": get the task out of the bottle, where the animals are listed, cross out those that do not live in our area.

Stage 5 "Medicine": complete the task that is written on the bottle: "take a band-aid and seal the" wound "to the victim"

Stage 6 "Sniper": in stage 3 boys and 3 girls throw one pin each at a target a few meters away. On the card, the judge puts the number of penalty seconds for each miss.

Stage 7 "Thoughts": the team performs the task at the stage, for 4 classes a crossword puzzle, for 2-3 classes a riddle.

Stage 8 "Log": walk the whole team along a log lying on the ground holding on to a stretched rope.

Stage 9 "Sharp Eye": a card is taken out of the bottle, on which 9 squares are located. They are drawn in a scatter of 6 objects, you need to remember what is drawn. Before the finish, on a clean card, you need to draw objects in the same location, for each wrong drawing, a penalty of 5 seconds.
At the finish line, the judge checks the contents of the backpack, the presence of a plaster on the “wound”, the task from the stages.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony. Rewarding in the obstacle course is held in each parallel.
At the end of the event, a joint cleaning of the territory is carried out, a check of the place of stay and columns of students are sent to the school.


about a sports and tourist rally for students of groups of a new set (I course) of the Medical College.


A sports and tourist rally for students of the new recruitment groups of the Medical College is held with the aim of promoting physical culture and sports, promoting health, uniting students and acquiring basic tourism skills.
- promotion of physical culture and sports, as essential tool health promotion and physical development of students;
- obtaining basic tourism skills;
- rallying students of groups of a new set.


The sports and tourist rally is organized and conducted by the administration and teachers of the medical college on September 20, 2012.
Venue: forest park area, outside the college. The organizing committee of the rally reserves the right to change the place and time of the event (in case of rainy weather), about which the participants will be notified.


The leadership and conduct of the rally is carried out by the college administration. The judging of the competition is provided by the Main Jury Board from among the teachers and students of the college, approved by the Organizing Committee of the rally.


First-year students take part in the rally.


The team, together with the class teacher, must come to the gathering place at the site in front of the entrance to the college on September 20, 2012 to build at 10.00.


The rally is held on one day according to the plan of the rally (Appendix No. 1).


Participants of the rally should be dressed according to the weather, clothing should not hamper movement, shoes should be broken in and designed for walking along forest paths; you must have the equipment specified in Appendix No. 2 with you.


Responsibility for the life, health and safety of participants, as well as conducting safety briefings at the rally, rests with the class teacher of the group, by order of the college. Medical supervision is provided by the college paramedic.


The sports and tourist gathering includes:

Team Presentation Contest ( team championship);

Orientation on the ground (team championship);

bivouac competition, including a tourist song competition (team championship);
- 1 kilometer cross (individual and team championship);

Kettlebell push competition (team and individual championship);

Competition "kangaroo" (team championship);

Competition "naughty ball" (team championship);

Sports and tourist relay race (team championship);

Comprehensive credit for all types of programs.


Teams that take 1-3 places in certain types of the program are awarded with diplomas. Teams that take 1-3 places in the complex standings are awarded with certificates and prizes. Winners in the individual championship are awarded with diplomas. The award will be held at the student initiation celebration on September 21, 2012.

Organizing committee of the rally

Deputy College Principals - Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the rally

Members of the Organizing Committee : head of physical education, teacher-psychologist, teachers of physical education, college paramedic, student of the medical department, student of the nursing department.

Application No. 1

Plan for a sports and tourist gathering for students of new enrollment groups (I course) of the Medical College

Gathering at the entrance to the Medical College No. 8 at 10.00

Opening of the rally, drawing lots of teams and receiving route tasks

Setting up the camp, organizing a snack, preparing a competitive lunch - 11.00 - 13.30


orientation on the ground - 10.15 - 10.40 (the procedure is in Appendix No. 3)

cross for one kilometer - 11.10 - 12.00 (the procedure is in Appendix No. 4)

competition "naughty ball" - 12.10 - 13.00 (the procedure is in Appendix No. 8)

competition "kangaroo" - 12.20 - 13.10 (the procedure is in Appendix No. 7)

sports and tourist relay race - 13.15 - 14.15 (the procedure is in Appendix No. 9)

kettlebell jerk with one hand – 2.15 pm – 2.30 pm (the procedure is in Appendix No. 6)

bivouac competition - as soon as the teams are ready (conditions are in Appendix No. 5)

Removing the camp. Cleaning of the camp area - 14.30 - 14-45.

General construction, summing up the preliminary results, closing of the rally 14.45–14.50.

Application No. 2

Required Equipment

Personal: sportswear and footwear, personal first aid kit, pen or pencil, spoon and fork, mug. Food for the duration of the event (for a snack).

Command: barbecue and coal (it is FORBIDDEN to make fires), a compass, a guitar, a tent (if possible).

The preparation of the competitive lunch is allotted from 11.30 to 14.00. Those who are not engaged in competitions take part in the preparation. Evaluation is underway panel of judges. Assessing the taste and appearance cooked lunch.

Application №3

Orientation on the ground

Order of conduct.

The full team gathers at the start.

The captain receives a task and a map of the area.

Teams will start according to the draw.

The task of each team is to find the control point marked on the map and answer the question indicated in the task.

The sheet with the answer is handed over by the captain of the team to the chief judge immediately upon the arrival of the team at the place of the bivouac.

To complete the task, the team is given 25 minutes from the moment the team leaves the college territory. If after 25 minutes the control mark is not found, then the team arrives at the bivouac site without a reward point.

If the team that found the checkpoint was unable to answer the question, it also does not receive an encouraging point.

Application No. 4

Cross for 1 kilometer

The composition of the team is 8 people (any number of boys and girls), a team with a smaller number of participants at the start is not allowed

Start common for the whole team (according to the draw)

At the finish line, the result of each participant is recorded and evaluated according to the points table.

The sum of the points of the seven best results of the team is taken into account

The team with the most points wins the competition.

In the individual championship, the winner is determined among boys and girls separately according to the best result shown.

Application No. 5

bivouac competition

Students who are not busy participating in other competitions and competitions participate in the preparation of the bivouac (location of the group).

The bivouac must be organized in accordance with the conditions of safety and comfort in hiking conditions.

Bivouac elements:

Group seating.

Camping table.



The use of ignition fluids is FORBIDDEN.

The evaluation of the bivouac competition is carried out according to the following criteria:

Availability of group seating - 2 points maximum score.

The presence of a tent and its correct installation - 3 points maximum score.

Competitive lunch - must be prepared and decorated on an impromptu camp table. The number of dishes, serving and their taste are evaluated - 5 points maximum score.

Tourist song with guitar - (competition song is sung by the whole group) - 3 points maximum score.

"Sandwich Competition" - 5 points.

Places are determined by the highest number of points.

Application No. 6

Kettlebell push competition with one hand

Only students who do not have medical contraindications (the main medical group) are allowed to participate in the competition

Each group can only be represented by one member.

Competitions are held in one weight class(absolute)

Exercise: kettlebell jerk 16 kg with one hand (any)

Condition for the exercise:

At the moment of fixing the kettlebell in the upper position, the arms, torso and legs should be straightened;

After fixing in the upper position and the count of the judge, the participant lowers the kettlebell to the starting position in an arbitrary way;

The “stop” command is given when lowering the kettlebell from the chest, putting the kettlebell on shoulder joints with a clear stop for rest, going outside the competition area 2x2 m;

2 minutes are given for the approach.

6. The winner is determined by the maximum number of lifts, with equal indicators, by the smallest weight of the participant.

Application No. 7

Competition "Kangaroo"

The composition of the team is 3 people (a boy and two girls, or three girls).

Start, open as soon as the team is ready.

A long jump is performed from a place with a landing on one leg and fixing the length of the jump with a stick.

The length of the jump of all three participants is taken into account.

Each participant is given two attempts.

When landing, it is forbidden to move the foot forward, maintaining balance by touching the ground with a hand or a stick (in case of loss of balance, the attempt is not counted and the participant returns to the starting point).

The winner of the competition is the team that showed the maximum length of the jump according to the sum of the results of the three participants.

In case of a tie, the winner is women's team. If these figures are equal, then the winner is determined by lot.

Application No. 8

Competition "Naughty ball"

Rolling the ball on the ropes.

Required equipment: 2 ropes 5 meters long, basket, ball.

The team consists of 10 people (any number of boys and girls).

The team is divided into pairs. Each pair holds on to the ends of the rope and pulls it tight. The referee places the ball on the stretched surface of the ropes.

The number of ball hits in the basket is recorded.

Each pair has only one attempt.

The winner of the competition is the team with the most hits.

In case of equality of hits, the winner is the team represented by a large number of girls.

Application No. 9

The procedure for conducting a sports and tourist relay race.

The main condition for passing the relay race is the sequence of performing certain tasks at stages (STATIONS). The whole team (10 people, including the captain) takes part in the relay race.

1. Station "Backpack"- 1 person participates. (team captain). Task: to collect a backpack, putting in it the items that are offered to choose from (a total of 10 items are offered). In the backpack should be only those items that are needed for the trip. The captain, having collected a backpack, puts it on himself and goes to the next station. After solving the task at each station, he moves on to the next one without taking off or handing over the backpack, and so on until the very finish line. As a result, he must finish together with the participants of the last (fifth) station.

Penalty - an extra item in the backpack +3 seconds, desired subject outside the backpack + 5 seconds to the control time.

2. Station "Kochki"- the whole team is involved. Task: the whole team passes in turn along the "bumps" located in a certain sequence. Fall from a bump - the return of the participant back.

3. Station "Erudite"- the whole team is involved. The captain receives a task in the form of a crossword puzzle. The crossword consists of 11 questions. It takes two minutes to solve a crossword puzzle. An unguessed word, as well as an incorrectly guessed one + 10 sec. to the time limit for each word.

4. Station "Tent"- the whole team is involved. Participants must set up a tent in the shortest possible time.

5. Station "Carrying the victim." 3 people participate (two young men - rescuers and a girl - the victim). Carrying on the "lock". To form a "lock", each of the two assisting people grabs his left hand at the wrist with his right hand, and with his left hand - right hand partner is also at the brush. A chair is formed, in which the victim is transferred, who with two or one hand holds (grabs) the shoulders or neck of the rescuers. The rest of the team members, together with the captain, run after them, finishing after the last participant. The result of the team in the relay race is determined by the control time (by the stopwatch), taking into account penalty seconds. The team with the least time to complete the relay takes first place.


Physical culture and sports are a vast pedagogical space. For unique opportunities sports activities in the upbringing of a whole, versatile personality, the great Greeks - the philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others - drew attention to them - in whose works the ideal of a person took shape, in which spiritual and physical perfection harmoniously combines. Just as the seven notes in music are the basis of infinite variety, so the seven parts of the body (head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs) are the source of an infinite variety of movements. They determine the posture, gait, to a certain extent - the whole manner of human behavior. They create a unique individuality of appearance, affect the development, performance, efficiency of interaction of all organs and systems of the body.

The family and the teaching staff of the school are called upon to deal with the physical education of school-age children. In the "Gymnasium No. 20" in Mezhdurechensk, an integral system of activities of the teaching staff and parents has developed physical development and upbringing of children. Health-saving technologies in educational activities are organically combined with extracurricular activities of children and adolescents. The most important element of this system is the activity of the teacher of physical culture. The variety of forms of physical education of the younger generation obliges to use them with the greatest possible efficiency. Work on physical education at school is not limited to lessons, but continues in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, which is the most important component of physical education.

The tasks of extracurricular sports activities are:

  • promoting the harmonious physical development of the child;
  • developing skills to use physical exercise, hygienic factors and environmental conditions for health promotion, stress resistance;
  • formation of public and personal ideas about prestige high level health and versatility physical training;
  • acquisition of motor experience through mastering various motor actions and the formation of skills to apply them in conditions of various complexity;
  • reinforcing the need for regular classes physical culture and chosen view sports;
  • the formation of an adequate self-esteem of the individual, moral self-awareness, worldview, collectivism;
  • development of purposefulness, confidence, endurance, self-control.

Our school hosts a number of traditional sports events. This is a competition for athletics, volleyball, pioneer ball, basketball, competitions: “Come on, boys”, “Come on, girls”, “Anthill”.

A special place is occupied by tourism activities and the traditional school-wide tourist rally. These activities contribute to the development of such qualities as personal initiative and mutual assistance, perseverance, willpower and high discipline. Stay on fresh air, sun exposure and dosed physical activity, a variety of impressions normalize the activity of the central nervous system, restore strength, increase efficiency.

Tours in our school are divided into four categories:

  • For elementary school students - a weekend trip "My native land" to the village of Teba, where the children visit the museum, get acquainted with the history of their native land, nature and mineral wealth.
  • For students in grades 4-7, a three-day trip to Celestial Teeth in the Kuznetsk Alatau region, where children acquire the skills of initial tourist training, improve technical skills and general physical training.
  • For students in grades 7-11 with experience, a multi-day hike to the Celestial Teeth in the Kuznetsk Alatau region, where the guys consolidate their skills in tourism activities, carry out environmental activities and get acquainted with the elements of categorical hikes.
  • For students with experience of multi-day trips, categorical trips are conducted.

The annual tourist rally can be called a cult event; both adults and children are looking forward to it. Preparation for it begins long before the start of the rally. Absolutely everyone takes part in it - from the director to the child.

This article gives an approximate plan and methodology for holding a tourist rally in our school. At the request of children and teachers, the competitive program may change: elements of an obstacle course or competitions may be added or replaced. Depending on the characteristics of the school, its geographical location, completeness and availability of material base, it is possible to complicate or simplify the plan of events.

Tourist meeting plan.

  1. At the information and methodological meeting (IMS), the teaching staff approves the plan for holding the Golden Autumn tourist rally, the place and timing of the meeting, and assigns responsibilities.
  2. Based on the results of the IMS, the school principal writes an order for the school to hold a tourist rally, indicating official duties each teacher on the day of the event.
  3. Regulations on the tourist rally "Golden Autumn" are being written.
  4. A physical culture asset and representatives from each class of the rally participant gather, at which they are introduced to the position on the Golden Autumn tourist rally. Recommendations are given for preparing for the rally. Appointed days of training and consultations.
  5. Physical education teachers are preparing equipment and a platform for a tourist rally.
  6. Class teachers organize groups to prepare for the rally (groups of cooks, artists, tourists, etc.), a competitive program and a program of leisure and communication for their class, as well as documentation.
  7. On the appointed day, the children gather at the school. A solemn line is held, after which the children move in an organized column to the competition site.
  8. At the rally clearing, classes receive route sheets indicating the location of the class, the time for passing the competitions and the stages of the rally.
  9. Competitions begin simultaneously at all stages.
  10. At the end of the competition, a line is held, the results are summed up, and the children leave the competition place in an organized manner.

The program of the school tourist rally "Golden Autumn"

Goals and objectives:

  • Promoting tourism as active rest and health promotion tools.
  • Formation of a classroom team through joint activities.
  • Formation of skills for making independent decisions in non-standard situations.
  • Revealing the strongest teams schools.

Gathering participants: Gymnasium students from 4th to 11th grade, teachers of the gymnasium, as well as parents of participants in the tourist rally.

Management of the organization and holding The rally is assigned to the main judicial team headed by the deputy director for educational work.

Conditions for admission of participants: The participants of the rally are accommodated in the territory designated for the placement of teams. The meadow should be large enough. It should have room to accommodate all classes. As well as a territory for outdoor games and competitions. A tourist obstacle course can be installed along the edge of the forest, but in such a way that it is accessible and spectacular for fans. The bivouac, food and leisure activities of the class are independently organized. Breeding a fire is organized taking into account environmental protection measures and safety precautions. Garbage is taken away from the place of residence of the class in plastic bags prepared by the classes in advance.

Flight program:

  1. Tourist obstacle course.
  2. track and field relay"Autumn marathon".
  3. Competitions in throwing the ball at the target "Sharpshooter".
  4. Long jump competition "Super jump".
  5. Competition of local history "My land".
  6. A competition of drawings on asphalt, drawing paper, or a competition of bouquets and handicrafts from improvised materials (depending on the venue - a forest or a park area).
  7. Competition of cooks "Autumn sandwich".
  8. Bivouac competition.
  9. Ring of songs "And I'll sing one more" .

Definition of results:

  • On the tourist obstacle course, the result is determined by the time of passing the distance plus the time of the team's penalties accumulated in the stages. The winner is determined by the shortest total time.
  • IN sports events the winner is determined: Autumn marathon"by the shortest time to cover the distance, in the "Super Jump" by the longest jump, in the "Sharpshooter" by the largest number of hits on the target.
  • In the competitive program for the highest total points scored in each competition.
  • Absolute winner tourist gathering is determined by the smallest amount of places in all types of the program. In case of equal points, preference is given to the team with the best result on the tourist obstacle course.

Rewarding: The winners in each category of the program are awarded certificates of honor. Winners in the absolute championship - certificates and sweet prizes.

Terms and Conditions sports competitions tourist gathering.

To participate in sports students are allowed, for health reasons, admitted to physical education classes.

"Autumn marathon".

The team covers a distance of 10-15 laps (the length of the distance and the number of laps are determined by the judge before the start of the competition, depending on the age of the participants). Several teams start at the same time. Participants of one team are released for a distance in turn, the number of laps run by one participant is unlimited. Each participant can go to the distance twice. The team determines the tactics of overcoming the distance independently. The transfer of the baton of movement to the next participant from the team is carried out by the transfer of the baton. Transfer baton can be anywhere along the route. The winner is determined by the shortest time to complete the distance.

"Super Jump".

Ten participants from one team take turns performing a long jump from a place. The first participant performs a jump from the start line, the second participant performs a jump from the landing point (set along the heel line of the jumping participant) of the first athlete, the third participant jumps from the landing point of the second participant, etc. The winner is determined by the greatest distance from the start line to the last landing point (jump of the 10th participant).

"Accurate shooter".

From the start line, team members make 30 throws at a horizontal target. The team itself determines the order and number of throws of each participant in the game in their team. A team of at least 6 people, of which at least three are girls. The winner is determined by the highest number of ball hits on the target.

"Local History Competition".

The whole class takes part in the competition. Children answer questions in several areas of local history:

  • history of the native land;
  • flora and fauna of the region;
  • famous people our city (region);
  • streets of the native city;
  • sights of the city (district, region), etc.

Answers to questions are evaluated from 1 to 5 points, depending on the correctness and completeness. The team with the most answers and the most points wins.

Asphalt drawing competition.

To fulfill the conditions of the competition, the class brings colored crayons with them. The theme of the drawing on the asphalt is negotiated in advance. Topics can be as follows: “Me and the city”, “Nature is our common home”, “Sport in which I live”, etc. The size of the picture is not less than 1.5x1.5 meters. It is evaluated according to the following scheme:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • composition;
  • drawing (quality of execution);
  • originality.

Competition of cooks "Autumn sandwich".

The team in the field prepares a sandwich from pre-prepared products (ingredients can be agreed in advance). The control time is allotted for the preparation of a sandwich. The size of a sandwich is no more than one loaf of bread.
Evaluated: taste, originality in the combination of products, presentation and design of the sandwich, name.

Tourist obstacle course.

A team of 6 people participates in overcoming the obstacle course.

The stages of the obstacle course can be as follows:

  • Topography. Each participant draws a card with a topographical sign and names this sign. For each incorrect answer, the team receives a penalty point (1 point - 10 seconds).
  • Parallel railings. The team is transported along parallel ropes from one bank to another. You should walk with an added step along the lower rope, holding on to the upper one. Two people cannot be on the rope at the same time.
  • Pendulum. With the help of a pendulum rope to overcome the alleged ravine. From the shore line, the participant, grabbing the knot on the hanging rope, pushes off the shore with his feet, pulls his legs up and flies to the opposite shore. For stepping into the ravine zone with one foot, the participant is penalized with one point of penalty time, for touching with two feet - 2 points, for falling - 3 points (1 point - 30 seconds).
  • Bumps. Cross the bumps from one bank to the other without stepping on the ground. When hitting the ground, the participant returns to the beginning of the stage and passes it again.
  • Setting up a tent. The team sets up a tourist tent for a certain time. The correctness of the installation is controlled by the judge, who awards penalty points for installation errors: a wrinkle on the slope of the tent - 1 point, a general warp of the tent - 3 points, a tent not installed during the control time - 5 points.
  • Kindling a fire. The team for a certain time, from the firewood prepared by the team, kindles a fire without the use of combustible mixtures and materials, paper and birch bark. The flame of the fire must burn the thread above the fire. Failure to comply with the conditions of the stage in the control time is punishable by a fine of 5 points.
  • Medicine. The team provides first aid to the injured (one of the team members). The nature of the injury is determined in advance. Junior schoolchildren - a cut wound of the hand, middle schoolchildren - closed fracture forearms, senior schoolchildren - a fracture of the lower leg and carrying the victim. The sequence of implementation of measures to provide assistance, the correct application of a bandage, transportation, as well as a humane attitude towards the victim are evaluated.

The stages of the obstacle course can be expanded and complicated depending on the preparation of the participants and the natural components.

Koltsovkasongs "And I'll sing another one."

All participants of the competition after passing all stages of the tourist rally gather in a large clearing, organize a circle. Each class takes turns singing a song. If this song is familiar to the participants of the rally, then they begin to sing along. The more participants in the rally sing along to the song, the less points he earns. The goal is to sing a song unknown to most of those present. The number of songs sung by each group depends on the number of participants, the emotional mood and desire of the children. Usually it is 2-3 songs.

7.1. The tourist rally takes place in five stages.

Stage 1 - The visiting card of the team on the topic "We are a single team of Ugra";

Stage 2 - relay race - a strip of tourist obstacles, staging a song and orienteering in the area;

Stage 3 "Agiotage" - completing tasks at different stations

Stage 4 - presentation of dishes "Breakfast of the tourist";

Stage 5 - presentation of the bivouac.

No. p / p The name of the stages of the tourist rally Number of participants Amount of time
1. Business card 30 people The tests will run in parallel, for 8 minutes
2. Relay race Tourist strip 10 people (5 boys; 5 girls.)
Song dramatization 30 people Dramatization of the song - 4 min.
Scout trail 10 people Scout trail - 8 min.
3. hype 20 people (at least 10 girls) All three tests will take place in parallel Agiotage - 60 min.
4. 6 people (3 people from teams of one institute) Tourist Breakfast presentation - 5 min.
5. bivouac presentation 4 people (2 people from teams of one institute) Presentation of the bivouac - 3 min.

7.2. The sequence of performance of teams is determined by the order of registration.

7.3. Business card. At the first stage, the teams present a creative mini-concert on the theme “We are a single team of Ugra”. At least 30 first-year students of the institute take part in the performance. A "business card" should last no more than 10 minutes. The Business Card program should consist of:

Team introduction (team name and motto);

vocal number;

Mass dance;

7.3.1. The stage is evaluated according to the evaluation sheets (Appendix No. 2).

7.3.2. If the "Business Card" exceeds the time limit approved by these Regulations, then penalty points are imposed on the team. 10 seconds - 10 penalty points. The maximum number of points for business card" - 50.

7.4. Relay race. 10 team members (5 girls, 5 boys) take part in the relay race. The order of performance of the teams is preserved. The relay race will be held on time, the team that spent the least time to successfully complete the relay race is awarded first place. The relay race includes three sub-stages:

1 sub stage - Tourist strip;

2 sub stage - Dramatization of the song;

3 under stage - Scout trail.

7.4.1. The tourist strip is represented by 7 stations: Parallel railing - two ropes are fixed between two trees parallel to each other. Participants walk along the lower rope with their feet, and hold on to the upper rope with their hands. (Failure + 5 seconds to the total relay time, fall + 20 seconds to the total relay time). Pendulum - A rope attached to a tree branch. At the end of the rope there are wooden crossbars or other devices that you can grab onto with your hands. The participant, holding the crossbar, flies over the “danger zone” (barrier 50 cm high) with landing on his feet in a certain zone (a bright hoop lies on the ground), directs it to the next participant, who catches it and completes the task. Landing outside the hoop, touching the barrier with the feet is considered a mistake. For each mistake, a penalty of 5 seconds. Swamp ("bog") - (2 touches of the ground + 5 seconds to the total relay time). Log with a pendulum - The participant, holding the rope, walks along the log. Foot touching the ground - 5 seconds penalty, falling - 20 seconds penalty. Butterfly - Two ropes are stretched crosswise - crosswise between two trees. Participants must overcome the obstacle without touching the ground. (Fall + 5 seconds total relay time, fall + 20 seconds total relay time). Setting up and assembling the tent. The tent should be well fixed on the ground, the pegs should be well driven into the ground in one straight line. The pegs should hold the tent well and the guy lines should not come off. For each violation, 10 seconds are added. Packing the backpack - The team captain packs the backpack. His task is to properly put things in a backpack. Ingredients: sleeping bag (or blanket), pair of shoes, sweater (or jacket), cup, spoon, bowl, flask (the team captain must bring two things with him). Time is added if: the sleeping bag is not on the back, solid objects are on the back, solid objects are on the back, a cup, spoon, bowl is not in the pocket of the backpack, changeable shoes are located at the bottom of the backpack. For each violation, 10 seconds are added.

7.4.2. Song staging. The team must stage a military song, a civil-patriotic song or a modern song dedicated to the Russian army. The team from the institute must consist of at least 30 people. The originality of the performance of the song, the quality of the performance, the ability to convey the character and main meaning of the song, the coherence of the performance of the stage action, artistry will be evaluated. The staging should be accompanied by musical instruments, improvised means, beat-box style or a cappella. In case of violation of the rules of passage, penalty points are assigned to the team.

7.4.3. Path of the explorer. Participants must complete the task of the organizing committee. The team from the institute must consist of at least 30 people. The winners in the scout's path are determined by the smallest amount of time and correctness of the execution spent by the teams to complete the task. For violation of the rules of passage, the team is assigned penalty points.

7.5. hype. The task of the "Agiotage" stations is compiled by the members of the Student Council of SurSU under the guidance of the Chairman of the Student Council. This stage involves 20 people from each team. The team must include at least 8 girls.

Rush Rules:

7.5.1. Each team receives three marked raw chicken eggs (hereinafter referred to as the Trophy). The team captain is obliged to keep them intact until the end of the stage, without passing them on to other team members. Resorting to each station, the captain must confirm the safety and present the Trophies to the head of the station. If at least one Trophy crashed, then the captain informs the station manager about it, who, in turn, makes a mark in the team's route sheet - one "Red Circle". If two Trophies crashed - two "Red Circles". At the end of the excitement, before the sound signal, the team captains are required to certify the integrity of the Trophies. One complete Trophy brings the team 50 points, two Trophies - 100 points.

7.5.2. Spread over the territory of the Saimaa, the head of the stations has a sign with a green inscription: “Free” and a red one – “Busy”. If this inscription is green, then the team can approach the station manager for a task.

7.5.3. Exactly one hour is given to pass the stations. After an hour, after a sound signal, route sheets are accepted within one minute. After exactly one minute after the sound signal, route sheets are not accepted.

7.5.4. At each station, the team can complete 3 tasks of different difficulty levels. After completing one task, the team is sent to another station. Before completing each task, teams draw cards with a score for the task from 10 to 100 points (the team may or may not agree to complete the task). If the mission fails, the team can repeat attempts until they are stopped by the station manager, or until the team itself refuses. If the team does not complete the task, then the leader subtracts points in the route sheet and, accordingly, adds points when performing. In the route lists, station managers put their signatures and the number of points earned.

7.5.5. The task of the team is to go through the maximum number of stations, completing the maximum number of points.

7.5.6. Each station manager has at least 3 options for tasks, so the team can choose their strategy: look for as many stations as possible or work with the same station leaders.

7.5.7. "Agiotage" ends after a time specified in advance by the organizers at the beginning of the "Agiotage". If the team does not have time to complete the task by the specified time, it may either refuse to complete the task, losing a certain number of points, or risk not being able to reach the finish line on time, respectively, and drop out of this stage of the competition.

7.6. Tourist Breakfast Presentation(The presentation "Breakfast of a tourist" takes place in accordance with GOST r - 51074-97 together with the presentation of the Bivouac and in parallel with the "Agiotage"). Dishes must be prepared in advance in accordance with the SanPiN of the Russian Federation: you can use any products (vegetables, fruits, soft drinks, meat and fish cuts, bakery and confectionery products). For each of the criteria (Appendix No. 2), a team can receive 10 points. The maximum number of points is 40. The results of the evaluation of all judges are added up, and the average score is displayed, which is given to the team.

The rally is one of the forms of mass tourism work and a way to exchange experiences, agitate and promote tourism. In physical education teams, meetings are held on weekends or holidays, regional, republican meetings - on vacation or vacation time, in accordance with the calendar plan of tourist events.

Table 4

The program of the rally may include not only tourism competitions, but also other mass events - volleyball and badminton meetings, various competitions to interest the majority of participants. For a successful meeting, a clear organization and regulation is necessary. A specially developed provision should indicate the time and place of the rally, the program, the procedure for determining and awarding winners, etc.

Summing up the results of the rally, it is not difficult to determine the winners for individual sections of the program, but it is more difficult to determine the place of the teams in the complex standings. According to the degree of difficulty, the types of competitions and competitions are not the same. Greater physical and mental stress, manifestation of will and perseverance require competition in orienteering, tourist technique, tourist skills. Therefore, when deriving an estimate, it is necessary to apply a coefficient. For example, results in orienteering are evaluated with a coefficient of 1.5, in tourist equipment - 1.5, in volleyball - 0.5, in basketball - 0.5, in camp design - 0.5, etc. This means that the team that takes 3rd place in orienteering gets 4.5 points. The team place is determined by the smallest amount of points.

Preparation for the rally is carried out by the tourist and trade union-Komsomol activists, who are registered at the headquarters. The chief of staff and his deputy appoint a commandant and a secretary, as well as those responsible for holding sports competitions, competitions, a bonfire and an evening, for organizing the exchange of experience and medical care for the rally. In the process of preparing and holding the meeting, the staff members solve a number of issues, such as:

1. Choosing a place and coordinating it with the forestry.

2. Propaganda of the rally (posters, press, radio).

3. Development of the conditions of the competition.

4. Selection of the commandant's group.

5. Material support of the rally.

6. Radiofication.

7. Organization of arrival and departure of participants.

8. Sanitary condition of the meeting place.

9. Ensuring the work of the buffet or catering.

10. Organizing the preparation of firewood for a common fire and for cooking in groups, etc.

It is very important to choose a convenient place for the rally, no more than 6 km away from the railway, bus station or pier. The campground should be placed on a flat, dry clearing, preferably near a river or lake. A source of drinking water, firewood for a large fire, and fires for cooking are needed.

To ensure the rally program, a territory is needed for holding competitions in orienteering and tourist equipment, as well as the official part - the formation of participants, raising the flag, a common fire, etc.

For the gathering of schoolchildren-tourists in the summer, places are chosen near the concentration of pioneer camps. The place of the rally is consistent with the local district and village councils of people's deputies, the forestry, and the sanitary and epidemiological station. Usually the commandant's group goes to the place of the rally a few days before it starts. The tasks of the commandant's group include planning and equipping the meadow and approaches to it, preparing playgrounds, tracks for competitions in tourist equipment, building crossings, and equipping stages of the obstacle course. At the disposal of the commandant's group is the entire household of the rally: flags, tents, ropes, saws, axes, shovels, megaphones, Sports Equipment and others. The commandant's group can perform the entire amount of work only with the help of the rally participants, who help in the preparation of firewood, the equipment of individual sites, the flagpole, the preparation of slogans and posters.

Republican, regional, regional gatherings are held within two to three days. The schedule of events should be drawn up in such a way as to fulfill the program of the rally and at the same time provide rest, entertainment, and timely meals. If all teams arrive in the first half of the day, then in the second half you can hold competitions for the best tourist photo, stand, singing and dancing, friendly matches in volleyball, handball. The second day is usually full of tourist competitions.

An important organizing stage is the official opening of the rally. All further work depends on its clarity. The formation of participants is carried out on a platform prepared and decorated with flags, banners, in the center of which there is a flagpole. Team building is displayed in sportswear, it is desirable for each team to have a plate of belonging to the team. The judge with the participants or the commandant lines up the teams in a column, takes them to the parade site and reports to the chief of staff. The chief of staff, representatives of public organizations address the participants with greetings. Then representatives of the winning teams of previous rallies or the best tourists are called to raise the rally flag. After raising the flag, the chief of staff of the rally declares the solemn part closed and invites the chief judge to start the competition. The entire rally ritual should take no more than 15-20 minutes.

A large gathering bonfire is a place for conversations, meetings, exchange of experience in tourism work. Here music sounds, favorite tourist songs are performed.