How many days do you need to download the press. Is it worth downloading the press every day

Last update articles: 16.03.2015

One of the most important components of a beautiful and taut figure are the abdominal muscles. It is their presence that significantly improves your physique visually and gives your figure a certain aesthetics. We have already talked many times about. In this article, we will talk and consider in detail the issue that worries a fairly large number of people, namely, how many times a week you need to download the press. Before we get into this question, let's talk a little about the abdominal muscles themselves so you can understand what's what.


So this muscle group consists of several muscles that play an important role in human body movement. They play the role of flexors of the trunk and spinal column and are antagonists of the muscles that extend the spine and trunk.

The role of the flexors is played by the rectus abdominis muscles. If there is a bilateral contraction of the core muscles, the oblique muscles are included in the flexion process. In addition, the oblique muscles, which are located on the sides of the abdominal cavity, are involved in the rotation of the torso. The part in the direction of which the person makes a turn is involved in the work. Also, the core muscles play an important role in respiratory movements. In addition to all of the above, they play an important role in keeping abdominal girdle creating intra-abdominal pressure. That is, if a person has abdominal muscles in good shape, all the internal organs are in their places.


I think we figured out a little about what these muscles are and how they work. Now it's time to talk about our issue, which worries many people. So, first you need to understand that the press is exactly the same muscle as the biceps, triceps and so on. To pump it up, it's not enough just to practice exercise, in addition to this, you need to follow the right diet if you do not want all your work to be in vain.

The problem is that human physiology is designed in such a way that it is in the abdominal region that most of the body fat accumulates. Even if you pump the press 24 hours a day, you simply will not achieve any result in terms of visual improvement of the body. That is, by working physically, you will strengthen the abdominal corset, build up additional muscle mass, however, from the visual side, the result will not be visible. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

The most important point that is key to getting the perfect and embossed press is the percentage subcutaneous fat in the human body. Absolutely every person, without exception, has abdominal muscles. Some people have them tight, some don't, but they are there. The problem, again, is that this muscle group is hidden behind a fat layer, which you need to get rid of if you want to have a relief and nice abs. In essence, the most important point in getting the perfect corset is nutrition, and the exercise and how many times a week you pump the press fade into the background.

While nutrition is the most important factor you should prioritize, exercise should not be forgotten either. Physical activity makes your stomach taut, strong, builds muscle mass, due to which, after drying, it will not be a shame to go to the beach. It just so happened that these core muscles recover quickly enough, and therefore, in order to make your torso fit, training for the abdomen should be quite intense.

In order to work them out with high quality and in the end to receive good result it is enough to enter 2-3 exercises aimed at working out the press in your training diary. You need to train your muscle corset 3-4 times a week. It is advisable to do this on training days, since in a specially equipped room you can diversify your abs workout with a lot of equipment, while having basic knowledge of bodybuilding. If you don’t know which exercise to start with, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the section of our website, where you can find a fairly large number of exercises not only for the press, but also for other muscle groups (go to the exercise technique section).


What conclusions can be drawn based on all of the above in this article? In principle, you can train the press at least every day if you do your workouts at home and do not visit the gym. But if you still spend intensive classes in a specially equipped room, it is best to train the press on the day of training, while the rest of the time free from classes should be devoted to recovery. Eat more, sleep more, in general, stick to the daily routine. And finally, if you want to have a beautiful and sculpted torso, you need to aim for 10% body fat. If you don't know how to measure body fat percentage, read

Handsome and relief press want to have all the men involved sports. But unfortunately these beautiful "cubes" do not appear just like that. Alas, the bulk of athletes use those methods that are completely wrong. Very often, when watching the guys in the gym, you met a person who “did press» countless times, set after set, but there was no significant change. This is basically what happens. Let's figure out how to do it right abs workout.

Abdominal muscles, you should train like everyone else muscle groups, depending on how you want them to look. And do not forget about the right diet.

Whoever says anything abdominal muscles"cooked" in the kitchen. If you want to have inflated press, then 90% of this is due to strict diet and only 10% of it depends on exercise. You can have the best in the world set of exercises but if you have a layer on your stomach fat then no one will notice. Therefore, the first thing you need to realize is that the correct diet this is the single most important factor. There is no other way, unless you are the lucky owner of good genetics that allows you to eat whatever you want and not get fat.

Now let's take a look at all the truth about abdominal muscle training.


One of the frequently asked questions is: ""Some people think that it is necessary to do this every day.

Now ask yourself: When is it really muscles grow and become stronger? Answer: During the holidays.
Therefore, if you force these muscles to work every day, then one of two things happens:

  1. You do not allow the muscles to recover between sessions, which leads to further deterioration of them. general condition and lower results, or
  2. You're not pushing them hard enough, which doesn't prevent them from growing.

Regardless of which of the above problems you have, the situation needs to be corrected. To determine how often to exercise abdominal muscle training, you must also consider your overall goals workouts.

If you are only interested in strength, you should use big weight. In this case, you need more time to recover, therefore, two to three times a week is enough.
If your goal is to strengthen the spine, then the exercises should be performed 3-4 times a week, lifting less weight more times.

Some people think that because abdominal muscles less, then they can also take less time to recover. But this is absolutely not true, in terms of their chemical composition, the abdominal muscles are exactly the same as, say, the muscles of the chest.

The more you work your muscles, the more damage you do, and the more time you need to rest. Therefore, there are no additional benefits daily abdominal muscle training.

Number of repetitions

Now you need to decide on the volume of training and the weight to be lifted. Is it 100 times to lift the torso or is it enough 8-12 times, as is the case with the rest of the exercises?

Here again you need to remember your goals. It must be understood that the weight being lifted and total lifts lead to completely opposite results.

If you want to completely eliminate injuries during training (and, of course, demonstrate to everyone those very notorious “cubes”, which, as we have already determined, mainly depend on your diet), then two to four approaches will be enough.

It must be remembered that abdominal muscles very quickly adapt to the exercises performed, so it is necessary to modify your exercises regularly, especially if you use weight during exercises.

Choose three to four different exercises and do one each week. You can do the same exercise several times in a row, but then move on to another.

On the other hand, if your main goal is to build strength, then a few (3-6) repetitions with a gradual increase to 6-10 are enough. This is quite enough to give the necessary impetus to muscle growth in this area, assuming that between sessions the abdominal muscles will receive the necessary rest.

When to train the abdominal muscles

Another factor to consider when dealing with abdominal muscle training. In this regard, it must be remembered that the abdominal muscles are involved during almost all physical exercises with weights.

And if the muscles are tired during the lifting of the torso (legs) during exercises only for the press, then during other exercises this can lead to injuries, which often happens if you use heavy weights. For the purpose of excluding injuries, do abdominal muscle training at the end of your entire complex.

Choice of exercises

Finally, you need to decide on the types of exercises for training the abdominal muscles.

A common misunderstanding arises because many believe that you need to separately perform exercises for the upper and lower parts press. In fact, it is very difficult to separate these two muscle groups, and when doing exercises for the press, they all interact at the same time.

What you really need to pay attention to (if your goal is to develop strength) is to reduce support during exercises (as much as possible). This will be much more effective in strengthening muscle tissue.

A good choice when determining exercises for abdominal muscles there will be a sports ball, a “clock” exercise (rotation of the legs in a circle while lying on the floor) or work with an assistant with medicine balls.

Among other things, try to choose exercises that provide a large amplitude so that you can strengthen abdominal muscles from all possible angles. Bent over torso raises, weighted leg lifts, and forward bends while holding on to a cable with a suspended weight will do here.

If you can't think of any new abdominal exercises, feel free to approach a trainer.

There is a large number sports simulators, which can be used to improve your workouts, and the trainer can help you with this.
In addition, in order to prevent the muscles from adapting to the exercises, the trainer can simply modify your exercises a little (change the starting position of the body, for example), and your muscles will continue to develop.


Remember these simple basics of abdominal training. This is one of the muscle groups that many people are concerned about.

Do not forget that the lack of results and improvements in this case is mainly caused by incorrect diet, and not physical exercises, so pay attention to the tips above and get the very "cubes" that you dreamed about.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Every year, with the approach of the beach season, many begin to resort to a variety of ways. fast weight loss and the transformation of caterpillar folds in the form of fat eaten during the winter on the sides and a round tummy into a beautiful relief. Girls and guys focus on the press cubes, but they don’t always do it right, because they simply don’t know how much the press needs to be pumped to remove the stomach. Let's figure out how, when, how many approaches to the press you need to do to form a flat, elastic abdomen and a slender, aspen waist.

Is it possible to remove the stomach by pumping the press

In the fight against overweight sports take the lead in efficiency - exercise stress always helps to quickly adjust your body, so most of the ladies who are losing weight prefer to pump the press for weight loss in the abdomen, but not everyone has a satisfactory result. This is because it is impossible to completely get rid of fat folds in the waist area, doing only exercises for the press, without taking other measures to eliminate them at the same time. excess weight. Such exercises can only help strengthen the muscles, tone them, but remove body fat they are unable to.

It would be right to start losing weight in the stomach by adjusting your usual diet, because only with an energy deficit, calories begin to be effectively burned, and at the same time fat cells. However, you should not torture yourself with strict diets - nutrition should always be balanced, and not be detrimental to health in the name of a slender, toned figure. For this reason, it is advisable before removing the stomach and pumping up the press with special exercises, refuse high-calorie foods (sweet, starchy, fatty), strictly control the amount of food consumed.

How much can you pump up the press

No nutritionist or professional trainer cannot unequivocally answer this question. It could be a month or six months. The period for which it will be possible to pump up the press and remove the stomach depends on several important factors. This:

  • the desire to lose weight and adjust the waist;
  • quantity overweight, and not only in the stomach;
  • the severity of gastronomic restrictions;
  • frequency and intensity of training;
  • the regularity of the exercises;
  • timely feasible increase in load;
  • strict adherence to the technique of execution and the desired rhythm.

How many times a week do you need to download the press

The duration of the struggle for a slender waist, an elastic press, and an attractive abdominal relief directly depend on the intensity, clarity, and regularity of training. To make fat folds leave quickly and irrevocably, you need to download the press daily. No need to spend money on expensive classes gym(although with the help of special simulators it will be much easier and faster to lose weight and shape the waist), you can safely work out at home, simply by hooking your toes on the bottom of the sofa. The main thing is to perform the exercises regularly, diligently working through each muscle.

How many times a day do you need to download the press

Professional trainers say that in order to quickly lose fat from the abdomen in order to form relief cubes at the very beginning of the training path, the number of repetitions of exercises for the press in women should be at least 30, and then gradually increase to 50. Men can expand this range, because they have better stamina and physical fitness. To quickly remove fat and pump up the press, you need to regularly pump all the muscles - straight and oblique, and arrange training better in the morning and in the evening.

How many approaches to do on the press

The number of approaches to the press per day is determined strictly individually. No need to exercise through force - such efforts can result in poor health and loss of interest in training. On early stages you can divide the number of approaches up to 10, each time giving the body the opportunity to restore its strength. Classes should not exhaust the body, be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Listen to your body - divide the recommended number of repetitions by as many times as your fitness and health condition allows you.

press table

So that the fat can quickly leave the stomach, and the cherished attractive cubes appear in its place, you need to train according to a well-designed scheme. How to do the press correctly to remove the stomach, a special table of press swing will tell you. It can be developed for a different period depending on the neglect of the press and the desired final result. Such programs exist in different variations - separately for girls, men, for a week, two, even a month. For example, girls who are just starting to correct their waist can train according to the following scheme:

The number of repetitions, broken down into separate approaches

5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5

5 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 10

5 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 10 – 5

5 – 10 – 10 – 10

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 29 2017


The closer the beach season, the more people wondering how much you can pump up the press, tend to quickly remove in the waist area excess fat and achieve cubes on the stomach. Nevertheless, this process requires regularity and dedication, so only purposeful, selfless guys and girls will achieve success.

How long can you pump up the press

The answer to this question depends on physiological features a person and his willpower: one will be able to from scratch, and another year will not be enough. Significant factors to achieve flat stomach are the type of figure and the degree of neglect of the abdominal muscles. If you have a lot of excess weight, you first need to get rid of it, and then proceed to pumping the abdominal muscles. How long can you pump up the press? Systematic training plays a big role in this, and success can be achieved both in the gym and at home.

Is it possible to pump up the press in a month

This is not an easy task, but a feasible one. You can pump up the press in a month if you regularly train oblique, straight, transverse, lower and upper abdominal muscles. At the same time, it is important to follow a strict diet and provide your own body with a cardio load at least 2-3 times a week (jogging, jumping rope, swimming, aerobics are suitable for this). Since it is realistic to pump the press without simulators, shells or weights (weights, dumbbells, expanders), classes can be done at home. Basic rules for fast results:

  • it is better to download the press in the morning (on an empty stomach) - at this time, fat will be burned faster;
  • you can pump up the muscles of the peritoneum only with regular training;
  • to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, it is important to combine classes with a diet, running or other type of cardio;
  • during the exercises, watch your own breathing: twist on the exhale and take the starting position on the inhale;
  • before pumping the press, be sure to warm up by doing a short warm-up, which will contribute to the flow of blood to the muscles being trained and make the subsequent session more effective;
  • periodically you should change the set of exercises in order to work out the abdominal muscles as efficiently as possible;
  • do the exercises smoothly, without jerking, in an unhurried rhythm to avoid injury.

In a month, only a thin person can easily pump up the press, since the embossed cubes on slim body will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks regular workouts. At fat people a layer of fat on the abdomen will make it difficult to visually distinguish the abdominal muscles, so along with training to strengthen them, it is extremely important to take care of weight loss. This will be facilitated by a low-carb diet, water regime, jogging in clean air.

How much to really pump up the press

Before answering this question, you need to understand the structure abdominals. It consists of a group of muscles, among which there are four main ones - oblique external, oblique internal, transverse, straight. Before you start training, you should choose a set of exercises that involve each of the listed muscles. How long does it really take to pump up the press? Since much depends on the level of training of a person and his physique, it is unequivocally impossible to answer the question. Obese women/men need to lose weight first, and how long this will take is unknown.

The intensity of training, as well as their frequency, will also have a big impact on the result. Those who practice 3-4 times a week with a training duration of at least 20 minutes will be able to notice tangible results after 3-5 weeks. Since the female body is different from the male body and increases muscle volume more slowly, girls will have to pump the press longer to achieve cubes.

Down to the cubes

To make the stomach more prominent, the press needs to be pumped regularly, while quickly noticeable result not reach. Beginners should not overdo it, immediately heavily loading the body, otherwise you can injure muscles that are not used to such loads and provide yourself with a general malaise for a couple of days. To pump up the press cubes, it is more important to follow not the number of repetitions, but the intensity of the exercises and the pace of the twists.

How to quickly pump up the press to cubes? The recommended training regimen is to perform 15 repetitions of crunches in 15 seconds, then take a break for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise. It is possible to make the abdominal muscles strong and prominent only if you perform different types movements that will provide a load on all muscle groups. How many days can you pump up the press? A man without excess weight to form cubes should perform 100 body lifts and the same number of leg lifts 2-3 times a week for a month, a woman will have to work more often and longer.


It is more difficult for women to achieve the formation of cubes on the stomach than for men. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female body: protein is absorbed more slowly, as a result of which the process of muscle growth also takes a longer time. How much to download the press for a girl to achieve tangible results? Even in a month, subject to certain rules, you can achieve cubes on your stomach. For this you need:

  • follow the daily routine: go to bed on time, eat at the same time and only healthy food, drink plenty of water, walk daily on fresh air;
  • play sports in the morning to "disperse" your metabolism;
  • before exercising, be sure to stretch and warm up muscle tissues;
  • it is advisable to combine twisting with jogging (first, the last ones, then after a break for 5-8 minutes, do exercises for the abdomen);
  • every week it is worth changing exercises, because the body quickly gets used to the loads and stops responding to them, slowing down progress.

To remove the belly

Even with a regular workout program, you may not make progress. To remove the stomach, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. low carb diet. You can lose weight only if you minimize foods containing fat and fast carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc.) in the menu.
  2. Drinking regime. There will be no weight loss without water, since the liquid is directly involved in the process of splitting fats. For a day, an adult is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
  3. Sleep and stress avoidance. The shape is highly dependent on nervous system: The hormone cortisol, produced during stress, causes the body to store fat. To remove extra centimeters at the waist, you need to get enough sleep and try to remain calm in critical situations.

What exercises to do

Among the wide variety of twists and other exercises for the development of the muscles of the peritoneum, experts identify several of the most effective. So, to pump up the press, experienced trainers advised to include in your program the following exercises for cubes:

  1. Vacuum. This method of strengthening the abdominal muscles is recognized as one of the most effective. At the same time, both external and internal abdominal muscles are worked out. Stand up straight. Slowly take a deep breath, stretching your lungs, then exhale, pulling your stomach inward as much as possible. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then inhale and exhale again, pulling your stomach even more inward, trying to touch your spine with it. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
  2. plank. How to do the exercise correctly? Rest on the floor with your hands and toes, remove the deflection in your back, straining your whole body. Hold this position for 40-90 seconds, while trying to breathe evenly.
  3. Regular twists. It is necessary, lying on the floor, to bend your knees, put your hands behind your head and begin to smoothly lift the body up without jerking. The body should twist, not rise straight.
  4. Leg raises. Put your hands, feet on the floor. Alternately, one leg should be lifted up, then the other.
  5. Bike. You need to sit on the floor, place your hands behind your head, and stretch your legs forward (feet should not touch the floor). Bend your legs in turn and move towards them with opposite elbows, twisting the body diagonally.
  6. Side crunches . Bend your knees, lie on the floor, while arms should be extended forward. twist lateral muscles body to touch the hands of the opposite toes of the feet.

How to eat

Exist important principles compiling a menu for people who want to put their figure in order and pump up the press. The most important of them is to reduce to a minimum the consumption of fats and fast carbohydrates. Fat layer, which is formed due to such food, will interfere with the training process, in addition, it prevents cubes from forming, hiding them. Since fats are still needed by the body, they should be obtained from olive oil, seeds and sea fish. How to eat to pump up the press:

  • a third of your diet should consist of proteins (fish, meat, dairy products), the rest is complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables);
  • to pump up the press cubes, it is better to eat little and often;
  • during a sports diet, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex;
  • between workouts and during exercise it is important to drink water;
  • to remove extra centimeters on the stomach and achieve cubes, completely give up sugar and products containing it.

How many times a week do you need to download the press

The abdominal muscles are no different from others on the human body. To pump up the press, you need not only to regularly perform suitable exercises, but also to follow a diet. This is important because it is physiologically determined that excess body fat often accumulates in the abdomen. How often do you need to download the press to see the result? For a thin person, whose muscles are close to the surface of the skin, 2-3 full-fledged workouts per week are enough, and 4-5 sessions may not be enough for a full person. If your goal is to lose weight, then at least 5 times a week you need to download the press and run for 30 minutes.

per day

The answer depends on the initial data of a particular person: how prepared his body is for training, whether there are health problems, the percentage of excess weight. In addition, the number of repetitions depends on what goal the athlete is pursuing. So, if a man / woman seeks to remove excess fat in the abdomen, but does not have physical training, then you should start with 10-20 repetitions. Gradually increase the load, reaching 50-60 repetitions. How many times a day should a more prepared person pump the press? The total number of twists must be at least 100.

How many approaches to do on the press

Each exercise should be performed at least in 2-3 sets, and the number of repetitions is selected by the trainee, based on their capabilities. A beginner needs to do as many repetitions as they have enough strength, while overloading the body is undesirable (if you feel discomfort in the abdomen, the workout should be completed). Only experienced athletes can do about 4-5 sets on the press, while the number of repetitions can vary: increase or, conversely, decrease with each approach.


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How much can you pump up the press to cubes at home

Those who are actively involved in sports usually want not only to lose weight, but also to gain an attractive relief. This is especially true of the press - the notorious "cubes" are the dream of many. There is a mass effective exercises, which help to pump the upper and lower muscles abdomen, thus creating a beautiful relief. But there are still many questions, the answers to which many are perplexed. For example, not everyone knows whether it is possible to download the press every day. It would seem, why not? After all, the more physical activity, all the better. But in fact, not everything is so simple, and you need to take a closer look at what will happen if you download the press every day.

Athletes-beginners, wanting to achieve a noticeable result, try to do as much and as often as possible. However, for some reason, the expected results never come. And then many begin to ask themselves the question of whether it is necessary to download the press every day. A number of studies have been conducted on this subject, taking into account the opinions of professional athletes and qualified medical specialists. And their conclusions can be reduced to the following:

  • The muscles of the press are no different from the muscles of the back or arms, because the rules for them are the same. If you engage in the same way every day, then the muscles at the cellular level, and their growth will slow down. Every day the effectiveness of the exercises will decrease and decrease.
  • It is also worth knowing that if there is an impressive layer of fat on the stomach, then even its active pumping may not give any results. That is, the muscles can pump up and gain relief, but under a layer of fat they simply will not be visible. Therefore, in the presence of excess weight, you need to download the press along with drying - we get rid of fat and at the same time increase the relief.
  • If you pump the press every day, you can significantly increase the risk of chronic diseases associated with the bone skeleton. Due to too frequent twisting, the vertebral discs may be displaced or the posture deformed.

Thus, too active training does not make sense and may even carry health risks. Yes, you can train the press every day, but if you pump it every day for 3-4 sets, and do the same sets 2-3 times a week, the result will be the same. So isn't it better to devote this time to working out other muscles in order to get complex results.

How often do you need to download the press?

Too often, pumping the press, according to experts, simply does not make sense. It will not help build muscle or lose weight in the abdomen.

You also need to know that there are two methods for performing exercises - for mass and for endurance. In practice, endurance for the abdominal muscles is more important. Such training involves the implementation of a small number of approaches. Most often, it comes down to one approach, but it involves performing the exercise the maximum number of times. In the case of endurance training, the answer to the question of how many times a day you need to download the press will be simple. Only one, but you will have to give it your all.

The second type of training is aimed at increasing the relief, muscle mass in the abdomen. This workout, which can be called "pumping the press" can help us. In this case, it is recommended to perform exercises in sets of 4-6 times 12-15 times. Usually the number of repetitions does not exceed 20. Such a complex is recommended to be performed in one day. The 48 hours that you have in between will be dedicated to muscle recovery.

Many argue that a day is enough for muscles to recover. They are guided by those who, if the muscles do not hurt, then everything is in order. However, the presence of pain in the muscles does not mean that they are growing, and its absence does not mean their full recovery.

Thus, the answer to the question of what will happen if you download the press every day is very simple - everything depends on your goals. So, if you want to train the endurance of the abdominal muscles, then you can pump them daily. But you won’t achieve cubes with this option, and in fact they are the main goal of most involved.

As for working on the mass, the role of the diet is great here, since the muscles are visible only in the absence of a fatty layer. It is recommended to eat often and in small portions, lean on proteins and minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet. You can also use protein shakes.

So, the conclusion is this: you can download the press every day, but it's pointless. Many are wondering if it is possible to lose weight by pumping the press every day. You can lose weight and gain relief, but the results will not be any better than if you exercise 3-4 times a week.

Another interesting question is how many times a day you need to download the press. The number of approaches will depend on what your goals are. Usually, girls for the most part just want to make their tummy more toned, but the guys are working on a serious increase in volume.

  • If the main goal is to build muscle mass in the press area, then the number of approaches should be small - 3-4 , but you need to repeat the exercise as often as possible, do it slowly, and preferably supplementing the press with an additional load. Breaks between sets should be sufficient - keep this in mind when planning how many times a day to download the press. Keep in mind that in order to increase the mass of the “abs”, you must work on other muscles too.
  • If the goal is simply to gain relief, it is better to do 5-7 sets, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. The last approaches should include the maximum number of times, and repetitions must be performed quickly so that a burning sensation appears. If you work only on relief, and do not want to increase the mass and volume of the press, then two sessions are enough in the question of how much you need to pump the press per day - in the morning or in the afternoon and a few hours before bedtime in the evening.

In questions about how many times a day you can download the press, in many others, experts give us the following recommendations:

  • The rate of muscle growth is not so much dependent on the number of repetitions of exercises. The result of 4 sets of 20 repetitions will be the same as 80 repetitions performed continuously, but very exhausting.
  • Be mindful of fat. If it is, it will have to be removed using a special diet.
  • A pleasant burning sensation in the abdomen will testify to the success of the workout. It indicates that the process of muscle growth is running.
  • Exercise technique is important. Only the right approach to them will help to achieve results without harm to health.
  • So that the muscles in the abdominal cavity do not get used to the loads, you need to periodically change the exercises that you perform. It is also important to alternate the work of the oblique muscles of the press and the rectus muscle, work on both the upper and lower press.

To achieve results, you need the right approach to exercises in combination with proper nutrition. Also remember that you need to periodically increase the load - add exercises or approaches, because over time the same program will cease to be effective.

Video with exercises for the press for every day